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tv   Shepherds Of The Jordan Valley  Al Jazeera  July 13, 2020 4:00am-5:01am +03

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sneeze into your elbow. painted over here in doha your top stories on al-jazeera florida has reported the single biggest daily rise in covert 1000 cases of any u.s. state since the pandemic began with more than 15000 new infections in one single day and it's no surprise the previous record set by new york sunday also saw a global record rise in daily infections article hangs in maryland she explains the reason behind the surge in cases in florida and other states to. when it comes to corona virus in the united states a case of where you live and what your governor decided to do remember this was an issue where the u.s. president said this is up to the states they need to figure out their testing they
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need to figure out their hospitals so here in maryland with a republican governor took it very seriously shut it down didn't reopen quickly the hospitals have plenty of capacity the positive test results for the crowd of iris here are less than 5 percent now let's put that to florida where the governor keeps saying these cases are going up because they have more tests that is not true just to give you a sense they did 25000 tests a day in florida a month ago their positivity rate but the number of cases coming back positive compared to the overall tests was about 5 percent now they're doing 50000 houses a day in their positivity rate is almost 20 percent so that's not because they're doing more testing it's because more people are getting sick important remember florida doesn't have a rule where says you have to wear your mask some cities do but the state has not taken that step and they haven't really shut down again even though we saw the governor to you know 2 weeks after he opened in may say journals are wrong it's not the end of the world like everything's fine but he hasn't taken any steps to change
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the course of this disease so let's think about it if there's 15000 today we know the way this virus operates imagine how many people those 15000 positive cases have infected over the last week to 2 weeks low that didn't their symptoms were showing up but they were still able to spread the virus so the hospitals are on the verge of reaching capacity the 15000 number shows no sign of going down likely scientists say it's just going to continue to increase exponentially. south africa is reimposing some restrictions as cases there spike a curfew is back in place overnight and sales of alcohol have been banned the country has the highest number of infections on the continent president several run opposing scientists are forecasting as many as $50000.00 by the end of the year. from now decided that the sale the dispensing and the distribution of alcohol will be suspended with immediate effect there is now clear
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evidence that the resumption of alcohol savings has resulted in substantial pressure being put on hospitals including trauma and i.c.u. units therefore as an additional measure to reduce the pressure on hospitals a care few will be put in place between the hours of 9 pm and 4 am libya's national oil corporation is accusing the united arab emirates of pushing the warlords after to reimpose a blockade of its facilities now on friday his forces had allowed a tanker carrying crude for export to set sail for the 1st time in 6 months they now say the siege will remain until their demands over distribution of profits from exports are met the u.s. embassy in libya says that it quotes regrets foreign backed efforts impeding the resumption of oil activities. molly's prime minister has promised an investigation
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into deadly protest violence in the capital bamako funerals have been held for at least 4 people who died during demonstrations this week tensions remain high despite promises by president abraham to form a national unity government he's being accused of failing to solve mali security and economic problems. exit polls after the presidential runoff in poland are suggesting the race is just too close to call at the moment the conservative incumbent. is tipped to get just under 51 percent of the vote he's up against the socially liberal warsaw mayor. if the exit polls are correct it will be the closest election since the fall of communism in 1809 up next it's al-jazeera world i'll have a quick summary in about 25 minutes i'll see that. played
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the. blame. player playing. the. lead dog lead. thank. the great rift valley stretching from mozambique in south east africa to syria in the middle east.
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the west point of the great rift valley is here in the jordan valley. home to the world's oldest cities jericho established over 10000 years ago log farmers and shepherds have worked on this land for thousands of years. in more recent times israel's continued occupation of the west bank since 1967 is threatening the existence of the people of this region. israel restricts palestinian developments through the use of military orders which often means destruction of property and livelihoods it's also encouraged the spread of settlements across the occupied west bank regarded illegal under. international law for over 5 decades. this is the story of palestinian to
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their right to get on and on to be the man that they have inhabited for centuries. this is the story of the last shepherds of the jordan valley. that he could. tell i can i did lament in such a government show out of that you see in him would be to let the demolition how did he. the minister said be. going into this house city in baghdad with the devil body and. our kind of doctor that i never got i'm glad to get me out a month ago no more up me and said we're now you and he. was there i badly got them in this but then on top of. that got me off the ryman again imo you said you know you i'm a little mock i'm out it's got to you. but i meant no matter
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who is to tell you about tom had i. thought it was going to. get how close do you got to look at the time of the day say i thought that i was getting a little colder than i. was sort of pentagon and they fought all. the battles and that manager who is the head of the gobi. i tended to let's see yes it had to be you think. about that c.i. system for hadn't to be within a cent out of me you said i was just seeing. we're in that mode little of a 2nd. play in that pool and mouth that looks like. that of just so how about that indicted out of the end of the and now we all 3 said that we're thugs. bad that it doesn't have a denzel on the sense that. they easily had to move. what
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kind of woman though i had to do here. with soft little. who flew through a hole in the top of that i am enough for live emissary from my youth it could blow my you my cover was sloppy clodagh local to my. 69 year old double stuccoed is the patriarch of a large family. he's been campaigning to defend the rights of shepherds and farmers in the jordan valley for over 3 decades. for him his continued existence on the 9 is a form of resistance. a lot for the. club that will come to that. gets in the bed when homestead and had to deal.
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in 20 nothing city and was a volunteer with the jordan valley solidarity campaign and network of grassroots community groups seeking to protect palestinian farming communities in the valley. was. yelling i was like a shot i could let myself in the beautiful picture from the start. they could have heard this amount of sympathy and then a little don't you. to feel you. were my home even though my initial my house my home in the memory. just a few 100 meters from suckers home is the illegal israeli settlement of the way it was built on land confiscated from what had. after the construction of or
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away in the late 1970 s. israel declared and had a military zone this effectively prohibited palestinians in the area from building or even repairing structures on their own property the settlements became home to some 165 israelis who created a fish breeding business asian laborers made up the workforce. the jordan valley has the potential to be the breadbasket of any future palestinian state bigger settlements further threatened the living conditions of palestinian communities in the jordan valley limiting their access to water their opportunities for economic growth and pushing the palestinians of the area further into poverty. going to the city for a good month to cut
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a lot of salt. what you can yell at your. feet . will be doing. what i said sid hare here. i want to miss that would. be. welcome but a month. would be a month. for that matter how. i know. well i'm going to solve the left field theory of that all idea to talk to the money
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in show low shrink you know and she didn't want you to the wheel. well you know that a couple of meetin mr noble struggle i don't much like a little i'm going to school for the inevitable fended you know. everyone here had to store up with a kind of was no exception. then that i learned that a mother soon. going to get it and gaped an equally. well that gun if i went in as it were to my all to look like one a misfit as that is what i'd walk on the pluck. of also on the hog so that under his youth i did the mid to going to morse a lot in the face. and i'm a dog in a little conflict got
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a full bore about the one others. about on saw some of you on my home all of 30 god and balanced i will soon have. you can sit side because of the thought of me. feel to me so much more i sat down and would you would let me have that house full and then what about me to do it in that. with what i said did that i mean it did you did i'm filling my mouth because gullible said i and that was still for a little walk my dog that is in that that you were that night for the muscle or. he left it more often as writing wiseass it is likely it that i hate and i miss just be it that i was sad that night. the palestinian authority has limited power stems from the wording of the oslo
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accord signed in 19931995 the accords controversially divided the palestinian territories into 3 distinctive administrative areas known as a b. and c. area a constitutes about 18 percent of the west bank in theory the palestinian authority exercises full civil and security control here area b. constitutes 21 percent of the west bank here the palestinian authority has civil control but shares security control with israel jewish settlers have taken control of land in area be in violation of the oslo accords. area c. constitutes approximately 61 percent of the west bank it's under full israeli civil and security control. developer you're just. too fucking
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go with. abu socket and the meds both live in area c. to purchase supplies they have to travel through several israeli checkpoints. checkpoints are a frustrating feature of daily life for most palestinians. under the. act. following the 1967 war many palestinians of the jordan valley were uprooted from their homes and became refugees in neighboring jordan. since then israel has refused their right of return or rights to pilate had by international law. only 10000 were able to remain.
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today the total population is around $60000.00 with $10000.00 afghans in areas south where the settlement building is concentrated it's. shortly after the war israel began to build settlements on the land that had captured and occupied one such settlement is missing built on land confiscated from the villages of and i know in 1967. is a security officer in the settlements he agreed to be filmed but not to speak on camera we asked if he thought the jordan valley would be returned to the palestinian peace agreement but some of the troops was a look at those look everywhere skimmed over. with so little over the top dozens of
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those annoyed that there's a quote i'm aware shuffles up to go on whatever this is going to. the office of the article is an article like in a girl in school at all uses for school. shake it becomes a lawyer. or lets us ally by story that he was a scam general just regular letter from the locals of. the israeli palestinians building your own as house in the settlement also refused to speak on camera. they knew they would be considered traitors for the work they do. with. this man david was an israeli soldier stationed here in the 1967 war he decided to settle the matter. he became an agricultural consultant in charge of exports and the settlements produce.
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moviemaker brianna not her mom the one who's in the public you all when we can it's a lead you to. learn to call a male a call out sort. in. in the oven in. italian in the ghetto money in yugoslavia. not only me but what mission a mission i. or the arts or wiki can without my name holding a little. going. but if these dates were produced in an israeli settlement why did their packaging say they were made in jericho palestine after hug. start by old. me carnival call also the last.
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little is a train i like out on. the water. i call a theme a cold national thing which run across him in the club which we learn. all . no there. are 2 different on.
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a palestinian hamlet isolated since 2003 when the israeli army sealed off the village behind earthen walls. the only way in and out was through a steel gate which the israeli soldiers opened only 3 times a week. and wound with. them under guard. and under. your mother. and i was. limited. to. rugeley.
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yes 9. 101 on the island home of the cast area. when i want to know i left all the such i know what a submission in all my does show and what if i don't wonder how i don't know i don't know. the israeli military has confiscated large areas of the jordan valley to use this
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firing ranges and for training exercises. despite the numerous checkpoints her and city made a point of visiting neighbors in the sealed off village of lawson on monday. including a man an old friend and neighbor. he had to be sent he been released from an israeli prison. cell. and then on the 3rd. in the scale of the fear a minute he looked a little sad. yannick on it and that's when all involved. but.
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you know. they're going to. say i mean paid a visit to our farming tommy who live next to a. 1000000 if not most of the informant but i never had a way of an. order of men number i signed in february when most month at the clock not in the 1 am i'm noah adams i think of it the whole mum normal or. even more for the nurses that we do in our nation of women let me ask again by the month of years about oh yes i'm also in mind of my view that irish are woman enough. in 20 years nothing volunteer campaign worker city include 80 was documenting
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reported threats against the family by nearby armed settlers. i had to say get ready for interested in opening their show article for america well ok i don't look at that event at all i'm like yeah you can read the stuff listen learn a little about the mother kali are you there are you know honestly as you well of if you're going to be that he was yes if you look at him if you have a bijection go ahead sure sonny yes look i did and i was ready and i know you a little while you know you were never mean if you know. if they could get away with what any measure c.s.r. we have done a yeah and you more now than i would you would that it was just it or not you have to catch a fish market for your life and it has to and has a love affair with the business position of a community that they can hope for and it would you. break up. to
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take. it in the s.r.c. to mean that i mean meaning one of me being there and those who share some stock in levinsky on what health care only have you so if you have been. yeah so will feel most ok and if you mean doing nice well the heck am i like i can look up the sun in . the sun my house i am sure that. many of. the families horse was later found it had been killed. a man said the man who took the horse wasn't a speedy setter called tommy from the nearby settlement of mesquite.
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romney's wife said her husband was busy working on a new construction nearby. so that al-jazeera producers went to find donny to ask him if he had anything to do with the death of a man's horse. and. a little taken seeing a thing we're going to move. soon anything we can. and we can. tell me tonight any knowledge of the horse. but his friend was willing to answer questions. so long not mean by but that's the
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effort that went to come i thought on a commercial go source. that this is a bit short i was the last alone to come even even to come. did. you know i mean my you. with your ship point an issue as we're all other did very very very low you. see the holy horde there is. this settlement workers talk of 1st trains by local it's way to contrast it sharply with the palestinian view of the aggressive spread of the illegal settlements and the behavior of their residents in room.
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in the aftermath of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami a remarkable more trade of a remote japanese village. that is later how has the community of me akka been able to move on and rebuild their lives. rewind to japan aftermath of the catastrophe. on al-jazeera. a scandal that's rocked the nation to its core and exposed hundreds of court officials. in bribes just to show the most dangerous commodity on earth sometimes take us back to the whole edifice to blow up a personal fines against judicial corruption as in my house i have 5 i come out of my account in an exclusive documentary al-jazeera and examine one man's extraordinary battle for justice in donna at this time when you see big groups of people walking through europe they're all individuals with children that would like
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you have to hear all of them and to treat them with something that in respects. hello again peter here and your top stories florida has reported the single biggest daily rise in cope with 1000 cases of any u.s. state since the pandemic began it's now surpassed the previous record set by new york sunday also saw a global record rise in daily infections practical hane with more. the governor keeps saying these cases are going up because they have more tests that is not true just to give you a sense they did $25000.00 tests a day in florida a month ago their positivity rate that's the number of cases coming back positive compared to the overall test was about 5 percent now they're doing $50000.00 tests
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a day and their positivity rate is almost 20 percent so that's not because they're doing more testing it's because more people are getting sick important remember florida doesn't have a rule where says you have to wear your mask some cities do but the state has not taken that step and they haven't really shut down again mexico has the 4th highest number of deaths from qubit 19 in the world overtaking italy more than 35000 people have died and recorded more than 300000 infections but the government says the true number is likely to be significantly higher and one time curfew and a ban on alcohol sales has been reimposed across south africa to tackle covert 19 as the highest number of infections on the continent president obama says scientists are forecasting as many as $50000.00 by the end of the year libya's national oil corporation is accusing the u.a.e. of pushing the warlords after to reimpose a blockade of its facilities a day after he allowed a tanker to sail with oil meant for exports have to us forces control most of
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libya's oil installations exit polls after the presidential runoff in poland are suggesting the race is too close to call at the moment the conservative incumbent is tipped to get just under 51 percent of the vote he's up against the socially liberal warsaw mayor. ski. the e.u. says long stalled talks between serbia and kosovo are back on track after a video conference between 2 leaders their kosovo's prime minister. and the serbian president mr sheldon virtual meeting chaired by senior officials on sunday kosovo declared independence in 2008 but belgrade refuses to recognize that the leaders are due to meet face to face in brussels on thursday back to al-jazeera world more news on this channel 30 minutes see that. palestinian residents of the jordan valley are mainly farmers and bedouins. most
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live in enclaves now hemmed in by closed israeli military. or illegal israeli settlements that were built up to the 1967 war. palestinians movement is restricted and increasingly unsustainable. the number of jewish settlers in the jordan valley has nearly doubled from 2011 to 2018. israel has repeatedly said the jordan valley is essential to its long term security. israeli leaders often refer to you alone a former israeli general and deputy prime minister 1967 outlined a plan to control all of the jordan valley. threats and dangers are part of the everyday life of palestinians in the jordan valley.
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volunteer campaign worker and sit in for they visited the home of her same boyhood stepped on a land mine in the jordan valley. and is the married and having a 7. years then there and this is they are what perform there are only all that probably have time and money and this. concern and home made. this and this and woman and i and i have thought how it is not. telling you a massive course. well the wonderful thing in the book at the heart of.
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this is this is. what us is why do i want to sit in the. last. i don't want to say i don't want to listen what's going on what's. going on in the. same was the 9th member of his family to be and mine victim his uncle died after stepping on one and several other family members live with their injuries caused by land mines the case by israelis in the 1967 war. next to the family's home the israeli army had built a new training camp. you know you want to have a bit of british shave all alike and then you must have a. little bit of other stuff going to leave you want out of but i. don't know if
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you've got a in or not going to fall vision and i'm going to get. shot when i get on with incredible no one in the going to have looking older than that if i don't i'm not going to be jewish. syrian headed to trial and by the. mohamed that asked me i was paralyzed from the waist down after being shot in the back by an israeli settler. by. the sea. it to auckland and i mean you can buy them and just on the simple one. i know you saw the new job. we had a lot in
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a. beat up was about them so. so out of the whole is there. but who knows what i'm going with the final. with that with you know with the north or with the with no idea and i know you want to come talk about us. know in our heart of. the song but god forbid you see it then on the night of the. homie apollo the star what i did. and design it. the sleigh idea i'm going to start a circle which i didn't. know what i'm stuck on i can barely. stop and i don't got a compass. all cool i want to live on this island i'm going to die and i've been
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the fool i'm lucky because i was. just off the image with. the shepherds and farmers of the jordan valley metric bad to the t.v. then head of the palestinian water authority. comes through the city. can keep them sure. it didn't she. said. they don't have any i have not got enough to listen with but i said i'm going to confess i don't wish to be able to go on the off of my get go and we get mad and demand. what is right in the most open out. i mean the name of. one of the thought of truthful somehow i think you know look i'm sort of being 'd
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besides i said yes and sort of willing to i like about have a shot in from the fact you know you're going to go out and move it what are your 10 minute interview then didn't yeah you piers. now here where you want to have what i feel i would have you got to know when i when i when i'm going to one republic it is public of the club membership fee and that i didn't feel and not much good at about what and well yeah i was and i would keep that in the tenets and i think mr. fear had i walk like a fish now if you i think i'm not going to put you at the at the now i get into below and let me have now into something ignited i'm at the summit i mean you know . nothing modicum of. what i have no idea when i saw them in the book but that will and testament who i have been moco because i knew you were often. well because i'm a boy i didn't get that from ok we didn't get it done i'm not sure i think you know
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you know when if you listen if you're not going to let you know why you're going to another. good night. i don't know i don't know. if i lost my smile of the night and you know yes let me just you know i know how to come when you're not well how do you know what i do let us know this or do when you're not is us right here today i did and that sad more. of them thought. you know you want to do madcap. shopping with them why they started. the what i mean for those who knew you so cool maybe the thought we had the little bit that the the i mean i was certain books but i forget and i was in my face and but i'm. like in my back in my head about the nice who like to be
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somebody to fuck the mood you've been a bit of this where you had the whole world on crime and the one on my side about time and again doing my song about someone how do i destroy a woman should be him. i know i'm going to how it looked at oh goodness about it makes you feel. and if you and i will know it doesn't that he i was the mind of man is really him we didn't affect how men thought it said i'm glad that it might well have been my and the moment on him and jumped into the water which i d. and which magenta in another i mean not that they have been is but at the limit. i mean marketable in the momentum rick i'm. going to be out on this have been my longest opening will do it in my year mormon been in pm and on our own was kind of unusual.
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the jordan valley has some of the most fertile land in all of the occupied territories arable farming is kinda my flights on many levels palestinian communities yet israel controls most of the watching resources in the area. is still mayor of the village of surveyed. the villages with an area c. of the jordan valley. credits with. mother 31 i was an invalid never had said i i thought of the same for me about them and he had. my of the should i not enough what i had been an animal got to listen to what officer. sureness obamacare must open for
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so i built a submarine with them when i can honor them for the stunning stuff that's an awesome about the room some method of a star other. than a mythical an animal that i call a knot and i'm going to save us at the end then you become the end of your creditors without i was not in the merger what i meant how when you open about the neck of about the service of the nurse that didn't deserve a 2nd big no i heard the one that came. when i use cannot when if a month and if you are not and you are not in the night the nights are limited to that i was motion had you not what you had to live in a low. that's the. sort of tactic that award
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winning then. i am going to add so can you. a month or a 3rd of it and i say. that he had the jordan valley solidarity campaign a community group supporting palestinian farmers in the jordan valley against israeli land seizures fashion a kind of number not lebanon more certain. than been the. border. the phenomena without the mr must.
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nablus a lot of talk about. the need for the. war. to happen. for the for that to be. medicine and. no one in the future and i think the. minute i do.
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i want to be. done. when at. the minute. i have the. it's looking into the middle so you sort of like me on that a little bit more but that's not a lot of fun oh my goodness if a mother or mother saying that messy i'm. not a little bit again a living. yet the good the street where that might mean most of the in. who i'm not one of many but i'm
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a jersey. city was traveling with 5 bus loads of people from the jordan valley to i'm on the seat of the palestinian authority to demand better living conditions including. a lot of stuff in a. city and. why they. talk about. you know me i'm when this money and then killed were really the most highly enough lever when i got up well sure we would have that kind of.
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the house i shut up the. idea. of how. how does the audacity of the coffee. i use. the not having them as it is something i don't know never knowing from the thunder mr kenyon just coming up to something you know. you can overclock to jabal the ticket to the court of law we're going to open ton of duct free of charge of god i'm not you can be free has got about been done and cement will come out on my end up in the lives lost in you exact time only to lose it all you want to go and send it to them know that felicity and for my units that are nephews i mean you didn't a lot of women in the womb don't want sunday in a magazine we should have to get them well adjusted and a little book filled with within the total about the more up to.
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2 weeks after the demonstration and on one long it's way the army turned up to demolish up a sucker's home. it wasn't the 1st time both ok i'd have to watch his home and his life opposed to. let me have the money oh no you never know him about the little hospital close on a billboard donahue's if i didn't come back. about you out of mama's. back of a lot about out of all my circle a lot of them a 2nd that we are
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a lot is going to. get now while they are. within a week of the demolition volunteers from the jordan valley solidarity group arrive to help with soccer and his neighbors rebuilt their homes.
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between 201-120-1845 extension 8 housing units were demolished in the jordan valley districts of 2 of us and jericho by the israeli army. during that same period 3 of her sons and up with her himself spent time in israeli prisons all but one son were held without charge or trial may. the eldest son sucker was charged with possession of a weapon and sentenced to 9 months in jail. sucker has filed for a dismissal of the case. his home compound has been destroyed
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3 times. the little fairy tale i've been doing. for granted he almost won the emmy. i thought i might get him again and i did that 5. well some of it. since al jazeera 1st filmed the palestinian hamlet of what in 2011 it's been completely sealed off to its residents by the israeli army. a bullet fee and his family also had to leave the hamlets and move to i had to close to. a bullet for him not his flock with a hammer and continues to earn a living as a shepherd. dolphin ahmad was further
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heads in july 28th when the israeli army removed all the water pipes. a man and her family have similarly moved further away from the israeli settlement of mesquite odds in order to avoid confrontations with the starters. at army the settler and security chief of mask yards has been caught on camera threatening palestinians with expulsion from the jordan valley. the entrepreneur and exports her david's still works at the israeli export company in the jordan valley.
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city in her daily revisited the family of land mine victim has a narrow cob and learned that he'd recovered from most of his wounds but has now quit school and is working illegally as a cook in israel has a 100. going yes only or also in santa ana event every last day and all this stuff then that's. a big advantage and i've seen em move just my own elk at the core of. most of the 700 land mines in the jordan valley the dated back to the 1967 war were removed by the israeli army in 2012. in iran and by a dog mohammad that asma is now 35 and with the help of physiotherapy he has learned to use a wheelchair. polished better for us for those governor ok we're trying to follow. only
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a little more put forward. since 27 thousands more palestinians have been injured by gunshot wounds from the israeli army. some things have not changed the palestinians in the jordan valley still pay $7.00 u.s. dollars per cubic meter of water and travel up to 27 kilometers to get to the closest water source. but since 2011 the number of military checkpoints in the jordan valley has doubled and. the israeli policy on settlements has also hardened in 2018 it announced plans to expand 14 of the 20 existing illegal settlements and build 3 new ones thereby doubling the israeli settler population. that will have. no business being held you back in my family like my wife. miley our medical model all going well will slow i would hold
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to oh yes. since al jazeera 1st filmed with her sitting her daddy got married and moved to bet no harm in the occupied west bank but was significantly arrested for threatening the safety of the state of israel and jeopardizing its economy. she spent 9 months in prison including 3 in solitary confinement. tellingly part of the case against her during her interrogation in prison was this program. had the format is that the cliffy at the end of that i would have an admin with sort of cipher coded look at that and i was just in this room to say look i'm. all over the end of the political aisle and 7 on us and i can make the whole family
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laugh but. it's striking how sitting on a boat stockard and all the other palestinians in this film are just as determined now as they were in 2011 never to leave the jordan valley. al-jazeera meets paul remarkable both meanly to survive this after those closest to them were taken away never to attack. some of the 8000 muslim men and boys killed in the strip anita massacre 25 years ago hot felt accounts from those left
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behind trying to move on from the pain of the pasta women who refused to die on al-jazeera. we still have plenty of hate across central and southern parts of the us at the moment and that has been breaking some massive storms big bulge of thunderhead showing up here just a radical i mean where we actually saw some power cuts as a result of some damaging winds and some very very big how moving through that will
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push further a switch as we go on through monday west or whether they stayed spilling out of alberta through scotch wanting to manitoba very heavy rain then you notice the central parts of canada it will slip a little further south as well across the dakotas just running down into the northern and central plains as we go on through choose day to the west of that well want to see showers just around the rockies but around the west coast hot and dry sums it up and we're still getting well up into the forty's there into parts of arizona into a new mexico and also into western parts of texas for the camera panned we have got some showers in play once again just around cuba the western side of the caribbean probably seeing the wettest of the weather as we go through next the next couple of days but the chance of want to shall is just around the leeward says the ads indeed into the way in which they're somewhat the weather for time just pushing across jamaica that will continue to make its way further westwards as we go into the middle of the week.
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over 230000 new coronavirus infections the biggest worldwide rise in one single day and there's more bad news from the u.s. we'll have an update. the storm is upon us south africa's president brings back lockdown restrictions after a surgeon coby 1000 cases there. hello and welcome i'm peter w. watching al-jazeera live from our headquarters here and also coming up.


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