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tv   Virus Lockdown In Beijing  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2020 2:32am-3:01am +03

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have been reported in italy and on tuesday the number of deaths from corona virus in the u.k. rose by 27 percent but has confirmed its 1st cut on the virus death on tuesday and now has more than $150.00 cases of the country's president is taking a relaxed approach to contain the spread alexander lukashenko suggested his fellow citizens should drink vodka to ward off the virus regular trips outdoors on to the sauna were also among his suggestions boss remain open. a funeral is being held in kenya for the 13 year old boy allegedly shot by police in forcing a virus locked on the boy's father hussein moyo says his family was standing on their balkany at the beginning of the nighttime curfew on monday when police opened fire his son died after being shot in the stomach police are investigating and those are the headlines coming next on al-jazeera it's one the one east by far not . as the world battles the caret a virus pandemic will bring you the latest developments from around the outs. with
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updates about travel restrictions and how to protect yourself. coronavirus pandemic special coverage on al-jazeera. in the midst of a chronic virus pended china is in the. beijing capital of the world's most populous nation stands to the. millions of residents of forced to stay behind closed doors in moves now being replicated in countries across the globe. this episode of one and 18th we report from inside the quarantine capital of beijing. it's been months since there's been a real reason to get up in beijing. other than to see the
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latest infection right from the epidemic. can you. imagine there. i came to china as a journalist in 2007 i'm married lulu a beijing go we have one son and leave in an apartment building in the north of beijing i often travel around china for my work but there's no moving now and the niagara. around the cities barrie is have sprung up everywhere. in the provinces across neighborhoods and around age apartment block where i live many new uniform chick everyone going in and out. the communist party security apparatus is in full force
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neighborhood committees which usually monitor the political or social behavior of residents have now been turned into virus watchdogs with temperature checks mandatory quarantine if you leave the city and mandatory muffed the people of beijing have gradually disappeared from the. force to stay at home by both the government and fear. so this is the only kind of report possible a story of confinement our days seem empty but i hope many questions for the future of china. and the world. this one pace of the. family unity has never been so strong. i even managed to get my son to give me a hand for just you know. the tap water isn't drinkable so buffel water has to be
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delivered almost every day since our neighborhood is closed off to outsiders we have to go and pick up the water. my son is lucky the barrier that blocks off the entrance to our building isn't hawr. since the epidemic began lou and i must take new precautions each time before going out we put on our mosques. since the quarantine began we can't go anywhere without one. on the wise will be arrested. this is what the last of the 4 entrances to our area looks like a checkpoint. to late we've been given exit cards. checked every time we go through.
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looking at these beijing streets you think it's 5 o'clock on a sunday morning instead it's mid afternoon on a friday. normally on a friday day she looks like this. it's nice to have more breathing room for a change but it does start to feel a bit more. to make this tense situation worse at temperature is checked every 300 matches with. the for. the shopping mall is empty is the straits. luckily the basketball court still open to liven things up. i'm surprised they
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still allowed to play without masks. we can still find some hand sanitizer but who knows for how long. there's another temperature check at the supermarket at least there are a few more people here. since we've been quarantined we do a lot more kooky. it's a relief to see 4 shelves in the supermarket. everyone in beijing saw the peaches on social media of the empty stores in wu han the situation in the epicenter of the epidemic with tame of the thousands of people infected is on everyone's mind. but the situation here is nowhere near as severe as woo han. nevertheless the city is in lockdown.
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i'm a genius lee my translator in beijing subway. the temperature is checked as she enters the station all the entrances and now a quick with the imaging system. if your temperature is above the threshold of 37.3 degrees you kept behind this barrier before being sent to hospital. in every train a guard ensures that everyone is wearing a mask. there are many people to check. the problem is there's a shortage of slots. mislay and a going to try and find some. young iraqi. man the man i call for out of stock. i know you go down there.
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and the cut out. the only mask he has left cost $45.00 he's happy to recommend. contraband my. hands are. desperate they will say yes to the tramp for sure you will sell them. $100.00 will be all the harder maybe on their home. and he will. take it up. to g. money under my door run it under the law for a colonel one interlude allen here. you know who are killing the milkman jaylen unclear. down them their names and the last time and if you know i'm don. lemon banal a new line of how. you are not on our land among the new york on the. anti that hate that. you know national gamblers are. many of them in go around to learn now that i found them until now. i don't read in june you know don't you know
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you'll do the loser. and i'm. going. i'm going. we keep looking and try another pharmacy a few blocks further on but it's even more discouraging. in this walk. and. how you might love. will watch the stuff even open the door and my heart when we try to ask them anything. after several attempts one pharmacist finally agrees to come talk to us now i'm a can have a natural. how can we expect them before without mom. the situation does explain why everyone is
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at home. i had to tiananmen square to see what it's like in the heart of the season the footpath to being closed off so the only solution is to go around the square by by. to the north of the enemy is the beaten city there are police everywhere keeping people out. the city is never be sorry for being. a fuming says further on is john high the government headquarters. its leaders work and live behind the store confined by the fear of the bars. it's impossible to stop anywhere near.
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and lastly is the most impressive view to lodge a square in the world full of history with mal's muscling him right in the center lately deserted and on a plus $39.00 man company would have been standing here. with such tight restrictions at my apartment building and in the city center i'm curious to see how it is in beijing poorest neighborhoods as he accompanies house they work in small one room or. mr cheney is a taxi driver who was hired him for the day to show me around. they
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had to wait and hear what are you going there for you and yeah yeah when the highways are going to destroy them are going to. happen but. it's impossible to enter without the necessary pos we try using mr chen. who i know been the one here who gathered around her the woman from the little shit i mean i was truly down there with me so you know that. we're not the only ones wife no one escapes the right of the neighborhood committees these workers along with local communist party branches manage the quarantine procedures and they're going the summer they not only grant entry and exit passes but report people with a fever all those who go outside without a mosque everyone is checked even this couple who have lived here for the possible near us all know that it was the are you know. really you aren't sick and don't
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like the place you think and they are here they shout that they are not money not your fault you're not. with them you're never forgive me i felt. now that you can you cannot have. we refused entry without the necessary pass so we tried another entrance. with. all nonsense and you can't have a 101 meeting but you can handle living with her or you could be. living in beijing these days means spending a. all of your time at checkpoints our driver is getting worried about being able
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to return hard. we try one what interests. me and if. i think of the next i mean. since the crisis began the number of local committee workers has risen volunteers as they call themselves a swelling the ranks in the nation's bid to fuck the bar. in reality opined by the state to ensure that everyone a base the route. the summaries the less he. can but i don't watch i would tell you. that i would i translate. like everywhere else the streets the desert. it's hard to find anyone to talk to. except that this man who is outside for the 1st time in days. to mother.
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read her. book here. would you know if we went to a matter well the fire was a bunch. if. that if. we stopped at another checkpoint this time in the middle of the road. i want to imagine what their time and their home but when i. gets up to. it as well as i do what you have to feel and. then you're. a driver that. didn't go off on a. mission and i think.
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there's a surprise waiting for me when i get back home. and. this is the 1st time i've seen an ambulance at my building where there's been no confirmed cases. we're now able to check almost in real time if anyone is ill in the building special ops allow us to locate those who was sick. no. one bruce. seen one fit. the man. today offered for the young man like he is a. real 57 if. each red dot means a case of infection in chinese society where everyone shopping habits movements and
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faces a monitored it's impossible to go unnoticed. cleek. thank you no 2 in my land yeah i'm not god on the 40 and i got the beastly car. truck you know meant the one my just. how that it hockey washed down. of a killer did not mind in 2000 would take me. but he come when i need to rely on. me. most of the cases picked up by the op i hear in the city center. wangfujing street is does a. it's usually crowded with shoppers outside the big department store. today
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instead of showing advertisement screens get out warning this is for preventing the spread of the virus. in the middle of the street the market is closed behind a barrier with a message and now it's an upcoming renovations but no one knows when. the day's along for shopkeepers. mrs owns a cafe the only one that's open around here today i'm her only customer oh gosh just. cheers how gung ho on a. high heart that out of the water oil out of oil has got for her you have a. whole. other it's a woman play 200 ashur of flesh for the shoes and i think you can judge about that
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. else how to make. out how to play. shop shit and coming ashore to. the seas asleep we feeling really cooped up at home these days any little asing is very welcome. since no one can visit us from the outside and everything's close we decide to go visit and my back. we don't know him that well but we always say hi when we meet in the compound. there are those out. there fighting hard on i was there. gary lives with his wife in caps usually sell 2nd hand cars but now like everyone else he's been cooped up in the more than
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a month at heart to james closed restaurants closed and the barber shop closed so there's no coming here so. i try my best to do everything everything that's interesting in my home i play a game i do the work of if it is really a bar it is rated r. because of war. diaries allowed to go out but he doesn't day he's too worried. every day i woke up. the 1st emerged always to check that death toll. yeah every day because it's so i'm really concerning concern about this since the quarantine began he hasn't missed any of the government news broadcasts. really but your wonderful line of home insomnia national faith involve others are all what a national standard and they are strong and you know. the drill down minimal cost.
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a hostile work and. on the trying to be don't get me wrong k'naan pummel. remember always doing so the other social media don't they don't take on those here . and. then you go to war going to church. means and ends our freedom of others rebellious for us and wanting the truth i want all not sure what you're mocking the. whole thought only go to them and saying that it isn't a condo or your i mean there were some of us on the whole or 1000 without any that are for example for. transparency or not the news gary watches is enough to keep him locked inside. every night the government channel shows images of the crisis. inside hospitals sick people and how doctors really are
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a coordinates and. they show you images from out of the see here. showing the governments with official response. and the prime minister is sitting an example if you want to convey that the situation is under control. with aids passing down beijing becomes more in the streets usually awash with cars and paper . now there's nothing but it definitely sign. back at harbor. our entrance is not only closed but now it's a highway beds has been put on. every day life is
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a steady stream of deliverymen. of handing us provisions over the fence. here. it's a big move would to get out a lot of folks. with feeling more trapped every diet. we can't bear being indoors anymore so we try to venture outside. the monitoring situation changed 2 days ago now we have to go through this military to . the color of a card does change depending on how many cases are around us now we like grain but we don't know what that means. outside the streets are more deserted than ever.
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the only people we see either have red on bands or take out temperature and other such. only the. even the boss coldplay is a go on the course he's off limits into further north. london one and you. cannot another plan for that. he will little 1000000 mailman mail move. along one of.
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my own but we have. one of those you hockey dad loves. we only have 2 cars for a family of 3 now there was there's no way of knowing if it's a good or bad phone but we conquer why some families only have one and are only allowed outside once every 2 or 3 die. in this fight to kick the virus out of the barricades a getting higher and now it's a challenge not only confronting china but one taking place across the world.
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and for me to the poles good kids are renowned for their courage on a fine. one i want to east finds out what it tikes to join the elite brigade. on al-jazeera. overthrow and exiled their point and say if you all thought this race to me she knew an intimate film about the struggle of the elected leader of
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madagascar to return to his country and reinstate his presidency you know is that the truth was forged by and we. know today think is that all the longing for change this return of a president on al-jazeera when diplomacy fails and fear sweep then our borders are wide open wide open to drugs terrorists we've proven the barriers are built to impose division and its will to sixty's instead of being an obstacle or tornado wastes into became another obstacle to peace in a 4 part series al-jazeera revisits the reasons for divisions in different parts of the world and the impact they have on both sides walls of shame on al-jazeera. how much is the coronavirus on the stock market calles affecting the rights to the white house will it be joined by open soundest to secure the democratic nomination
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awfully weak and beat down trump follow all the developments in the u.s. election campaign on al-jazeera. new york's central park becomes a giant field hospital and donald trump talks of very tough days ahead i made predictions of up to 240000 coronavirus debts in the u.s. . i'm about to sin and this is all just 0 live from doha also coming up. italy remembers its thousands of dead the highest virus toll in the.


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