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tv   Counting the Cost 2019 Ep 42  Al Jazeera  October 22, 2019 8:33am-9:01am +03

8:33 am
hello i'm adrian figure this is counting the cost on al-jazeera a wiki look at the world of business and economics this week the 7 word tweet that proved too much for beijing the n.b.a. counts the cost as china silences critics and access to its 14 trillion dollar economy. a few years back you can rent an oil tanker for less than the price of hiring a ferrari prices though an hour sawing will tell you why. the laziest fish farmers face hefty financial losses as pollution destroys the coastline.
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president donald trump called it a substantial phase one agreement but any talk of a truce of the trade war is pretty wide of the mog washington hasn't removed any tariffs and got a little relief for its famous beijing got crucial access to pork after its pig farmers were decimated by swine flu substantive issues still remain and there's an ongoing economic war in all but name washington slams $28.00 chinese tech companies with sanctions for their part in the repression of weaker muslims meantime beijing is using access to the chinese market as a weapon against those who criticize its policies and handling of hong kong protests the n.b.a. was the latest to step into the chinese quagmire as a serious rob matheson reports from beijing. he sees one of the fastest ways for u.s. basketball to risk losing billions of dollars of chinese investment has been
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a 7 word tweet double money general manager of the houston rockets n.b.a. team voiced his support for hong kong protesters now chinese companies have been suspended sponsorship deals and t.v. coverage from n.b.a. games. no longer watch rockets mashers so i think a lot of rockets fans will be very sad but of course this matter involves a state level issues so we can allow this to happen. the u.s. national basketball association has had a presence in china for more than 30 years it's estimated about 300000000 people in china regularly play basketball still months ago the chinese company 10 cent spend over one and a half $1000000000.00 securing the rights to continue streaming n.b.a. games in china for the next 5 years and that's good news for about $500000000.00 chinese basketball fans who regularly watch those matches in 2018 it's estimated
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that the n.b.a. is market in china was worth $4000000000.00. china sensitivity about the hong kong protests hasn't just affected the n.b.a. a video game or was banned by gaming company activision blizzard for apparently supporting the hong kong demonstrations blizzard has insisted its decision was based on gaming rules and not on its china connections a chief economist at swiss bank has u.b.s. said in a podcast that an outbreak of swine flu in china would only matter to chinese pigs parts of china's financial sector called the comments distasteful and racist other companies including gap clothing marriott hotels and the daimler car group have been forced to apologize to china i think it's different they your mindset. in the western country you said 3 dumb of speech. in china we also have freedom of speach. but some areas. shouldn't it's
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a deeply. bottom line china seems to be saying that for those who rely on its money there are some lines which cannot be crossed joining us now via skype from manchester in the u.k. simon chadwick simon is a professor of sports enterprise itself a business school in manchester good to have you with us simon how do you see all of this playing out i mean the n.b.a. is a pretty big deal in china not only in terms of sport but in terms of jobs i was actually really surprised by this incident because the n.b.a. for best for the 2 decades now has not only invested a lot of money but has also invested a lot of time into their activities in china and this is really helped to not only boost the n.b.a. in china itself but also to bust basketball more generally and so what you'll typically find is as many young chinese people are either active participants in
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basketball or else watch basketball so i think we have some major incident but i do expect it to to die down in the medium to long term i think in the short to medium term they're going to be some turbulence and certainly this week compared to last week it's been rather quiet are. people really and the n.b.a. and china really are so intertwined with one another i think there will be a way for what ultimately for all concerned what does it mean for businesses away from sports who want to tap into this 14 trillion dollar economy i mean you'd have to take some pretty extraordinary measures to restrict the freedom of expression of your employees would you. well it's very interesting because over the last 10 days we have seen some businesses some sponsors commercial partners broadcasters really stepping back from from china from the n.b.a. from the coverage of games that have taken place in china involving n.b.a. teams during that period so i think what it does show and we've seen this in other
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industrial sectors is that sport will now have to confront the reality of if it wishes to do business in china there is a certain way of saying and doing things and i guess is always this is not unusual because if you are operating in cats or if you're operating in great britain the same is true there are local norms local ways of doing things but i think ideologically in china politically it is so highly charged that essentially what we are beginning to see is is is really this clash of ideologies whereby principles of western principles of free speech and open speech are being moderated only curbed by the political necessities of operating in china and as i say it's the n.b.a. this time but i think moving forwards from here will find lots of other organizations in supporting football and more sport than in other areas facing similar issues of what it read you a quote which perhaps sums up what what you were saying it's from been hung from a saloon theory he says that companies need to make
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a choice he says do you want to preserve your authenticity and your brand or do you want to preserve your earnings guidance and share price choose one he says you can't have both. if you're going to do business in china i have to concur with that as somebody who is a regular visitor to china it is very clear that there are certain norms of behavior that you have to comply with. but those norms of behavior very firmly embedded within our in a very strongly political context and it's very clear in in china if you want to operate in china as a business as an organization if you want to succeed if you want to build a fun base if you want to secure financial return make a profit then there are the rules of the game and you have to comply with those rules and if you don't what you will do what you'll find is you slip into the situation that the n.b.a.
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now finds itself in and so i do agree with the courts i think it's very very difficult to find a middle way there is only one way in china and you either accept it or you don't but coming back to the n.b.a. sports has always been thrust into geo political tensions i mean for you about formula one in bahrain. and the joshua about to fight in saudi arabia why are our sports men and women managers expected to keep storm one we hear from diplomats who many business leaders who manage to get away with with with with you know seeing things that aren't palatable to the countries in which the boonies. well the 1st thing i think i would say is is we're not in in new territory for those of us who are old enough to remember the cold war. and some of us will remember further by the night if you go back to for instance the 936 olympics when at all hitler was in power in germany sport and politics despite their often an
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easy relationship of have always had to co-exist to a greater or lesser extent so we're seeing this playing out again in china with the n.b.a. so i think that that's an important contextual detail to to to to to to mention but i think for individual athletes obviously these people are incredibly high profile and there are people who are constantly in the public spotlights they are not only representatives of themselves of their own brands they are also representatives of their sports but i think to a certain extent to the these these athletes and teams are also representatives of the team of the countries from which they're there from where they where they're located and historically i think there's been this view that football just plays football in a box that just boxes but increasing or we know all this is what they say how they behave it is scrutinized to such a large extent that you are no longer just a racing driver you know you're no longer just
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a football effect of your you are as is your communicating as a message a set of values a strategic position and so increasingly what we're now finding is that there is training for awfully it's this training for people working for teams because there woods potentially can be so highly charged these can cause the kinds of problems that we see with the n.b.a. and again this is why i find what has happened with the n.b.a. over the last 1010 days actually really surprising because historically and typically the n.b.a. is always very measured and very careful in the way that it communicates with the world some of this but really gets to your own culture because professor many thanks indeed. thank you. now here's something that hasn't been widely reported but it has consequences for all of us the cost of shipping crude around the world has shot up to 11 year highs after the united states blacklisted chinese ships more than 40 v.l.
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cc's or very large crude carriers operated by china's cosco shipping energy transportation have been blacklisted for moving sanctioned iranian oil cosco has a total of $1100.00 ships iran's oil tankers estimated to be around 54 of also been sanctioned in total nearly $300.00 tankers have been black with listed including venezuela's that represents about 3 percent of the world's oil tanker fleet according to refer it if i call him that said the cost of hiring a ship from $18000.00 to almost $300000.00 a day to ship crude from the u.s. gulf to asia the longest routes to ship oil now costs around $14000000.00 for add to that sanctions countries are still managing to get crude to customers by offloading at sea and switching off tracking devices who better to pick all this up with than rajat kapoor managing director of oil and gas at a.w.i.
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lloyd thanks for being with us roger so what needs to happen to bring tanker prices down should we be concerned here who's shouldering the cost. obviously a big effect on the tanker prices and the way it is and where they are today has got to do with the gun sanctions that the u.s. administration has put on iranian crude in order to prevent offloading often included in the high seas in order to stop at least do it to the bare minimum export of group to china the u.s. as you know last month inboard to sanctions on the tanker subsidiaries of costco which is a china shipping line and in the largest shipping line in the world so. once you have the sanctions coming in from the u.s. on these entities on these particular tankers they suddenly become part kicks nobody wants to touch these tankers and this these wounds are then taken out the international trade and that's that's that's a substantial piece of hardware that goes out and obviously supply to. the places
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shoot up we've also got to laze that it's not just the china connection there are there are other aspects to the increase in tanker trade as well as you know the venezuelan sanctions are also in place similar to a union coup bankers handling venezuelan crude are all sort of under the lens but that puts away another piece of get out of circulation and as you know that i am more 2020 said to kick in in the next 3 months which basically means that the ships need to adhere to or rather stricter level of pollution control so a good number of ships have actually in the docks and they're going in blob grid scrubbers and things like that so all these things things put together is what is currently impacting the rise in the tank afflicts is that cost of that increase in cost being passed on to the likes of you and i obviously the crude transporter or are those that are finer that is taking the crude once he's got to pay an additional cost to ship his crude he's going to mark his products the final end
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product that comes out of the refinery the gasoline the petrol the l.p.g. at a higher cost which you and i have to be unfortunately iran has always said that it has the means to get oil on the market in spite of the sanctions there is a lot of sanctions busting going on here how is that happening. you're going to realize i mean even if you look back 304050 years in in history the informal trade. the informal crude sales whether it was a barter system or totally off market sale of crude has always existed in iran from the times of the shah in the seventy's when iran was producing at its peak about 6000000 barrels of crude there were always barrels that were available off the coast of iran north of the coastline of the arabian gulf states where crew was sold informally of course that was and that has continued to list
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a i mean if you were to stand on any any one of the gulf states along the coastline and with a high powered by knockers you you could even today see these small barges having 203040000 barrels of crude which was obviously iranian in origin and it was being sold at high seas so iran has always found a way to get its crude to sell its crude of way from the eyes of the former market as it were of course this this group was either bill ford was either. siphoned off given the seepage is in the iran supply chain but now what we're seeing is surface if not sponsored state sanctioned sale of iranian crude. from the prying eyes ok of. this happening by means of high seas. things like that help me understand this then then
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the sanctions are concerned iran is still able to trade with any anyone it wants in terms of oil it's just that the payment can't be in dollars is that how the sanctions work so it's ok for them to come offshore and offload from one tanker to another as long as the payment isn't in dollars the most kind of strange and aspect of the sanctions that came in early early last year was section 1245 of the n d 8 the national defense authorization act which actually imposes penalties on financial institutions which are in any way connected with it in united including that includes banks financial institutions lenders and government treasuries as well so whilst iran has the crude and whilst there is a huge appetite at least amongst consumers to take that group very few people are reluctant to get that crude into their refined into their inventor easy to find reason because it's difficult to pay for it how do people. for the longest time
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never accepted dollars they had benchmark in yours of long as peter any even when the sanctions were not there and i.o.c. and i.d.c. always dealt in your voting dollars today even that is difficult iran is today selling it's good it's down from 3 and a half 1000000 barrels for millions battles a day it was about 3000000 barrels a day earlier this year even today by most estimates they are still selling pour 100000 odd buttons of every day are a lot of that is is money that is it augured away from international banking tons. some amount of it is done in barter system. white boards i pads. i phones washing machine the likes and it is a good amount of code that is currently being stored on credit by the iranian government in the hope that when the sanctions go they'll be able to engage that
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iou fascinating project many thanks david being with us really good to talk to you i'm counting the cost thank you agent good to be here after years the u.s. has complained that the e.u. has illegally subsidized airbus putting the american plane manufacturer boeing at a financial disadvantage now the world trade organization agrees and it says the u.s. can impose $7500000000.00 in tariffs on a wide range of european products in response those tariffs which have just kicked in at a drop in all of the prices of putting spain's all of industry under enormous pressure and zeroes charlie angela looks at the repercussions of those tariffs on the families that the penned on olive oil exports for their livelihood. harvest time in spain should be a time for celebration on of this year it's a time of anxiety as they shake down the trees the u.s. is imposing a new 25 percent import tax on that olive oil tax to decimate this 5th generation
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family business unable to compete with cheap imports. good enough. the vessels that are carrying spanish olive oil to the states haven't even reached their destination so what's going to happen they were sold before these tariffs were a threat so pushing a 25 percent margin on top of this will kill our competitiveness. spain is the world's largest producer of all of oil exports to the us a worth $440000000.00 but those working in the fields have not had it easy lately last year's record harvest all of oils purchase price to plummet by 34 percent and more and more countries are planting their own articles joining the market piling the tariffs on top of this could lead to collapse i am last week thousands of out of workers took to the streets of madrid demanding the e.u. push back on the new terrace and prop up the industry and say they don't understand
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why an agreement the politicians had with us should penalize their products. we think it's very unfair because the agricultural sector acts like a monetary exchange for other industries that have nothing to do with the sector in this case is the aeronautical industry which has nothing to do with us what other producers are already feeling the squeeze around $845000000.00 worth of spain's agricultural exports will face us tariffs the e.u. warns it will retaliate with its own import taxes if they win that parallel case against the us next year it will have the makings of a texas trade war. fish farmers in northern malaysia are calling on the government to tackle the issue of marine pollution they say the poor quality of seawater of course the huge financial losses al-jazeera florus louis reports the state of. there have been fish farms here at the mouth of the korean river in penang northern
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malaysia for more than 40 years but owners say the quality of the seawater is degrading and they believe that is causing their fish to die and they blame a nearby landfill for polluting the water. we depend on the sea for living if all fish can survive we are going to have to shut the farm. fish in the waters will be out of job its role on the northern shores of penang island. says his caged fish have been dying as well he too blames the water quality the state government says the polluting of sea water may be caused by runoffs from an illegal quarry operated by marine researches say the increase in jellyfish off the coast of penang is an indicator that the sea water is becoming more polluted but say their studies suggest that that's not enough to cause fish to die as the same
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basic know is difficult for us to actually pinpoint on one factor the ocean is a very dynamic environment. is a ball and. effect as well as. the climate change that causes course the pollution it's not just those in the fishing and aquaculture industries who are affected waterfall operators as well as hoteliers tell us that on some days the pollution from this river is so bad that a foul smell hangs in the air and the water turns into a dark almost black color on those days they tell customers to avoid swimming in the sea. the local government says residents have to do their part and if so cross illegally into the releases them the people does not do good or for duration there's a point to the swish of them and to call the whole system but the people here tell
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us they don't think enough is being done to ensure there's proper environmentalists monitoring nor tackle coastal pollution in bangladesh steel prices are soaring and it's mainly because of the trade war between the us and china it's having a knock on effect on the rest of the economy with house prices skyrocketing and construction taking his town there choudhry has more now from the time of tong a. small home builders are the hardest hit the shop owner lives with his extended family next door to where his future home should be taking shape been done . building a roof needs a lot of rugs if the prices were like before it would be done by now but with steel prices shooting up work on building our home a lifelong dream has stalled now we wait for the prices to go down. bangladesh relies on importing scrap metal from the us to make steel rods which are the backbone of the new buildings but they have become more expensive to build because
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they import costs have risen. president trans trade war with china is impacting bangladesh a still industry which imports a significant amount of scrap iron from the united states protectionist measures taken by the us administration is reducing supply and increasing prices and so the cost of constructions have gone up in bangladesh the capital dhaka is the heart of the still drug market still traders say business is bad and on accomplished. is an impact coming to a halt people who are planning to build a home in a very cautious now if they have to borrow money while the market is volatile. some still traders are stockpiling stocks betting prices will rise when or if the trade war eventually ends yes the price is changed. why are writing more on speculation and when it went up sharply precedent
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costing poorer countries as well as rome and china there's been a construction boom in bangladesh over the past 20 years or so but the high price of construction materials such as steel are threatening to start a recent economic growth. show for this week if you'd like to comment on anything you've seen you can tweet me a figure on twitter please use the hash tag a j c t c when you do or you can drop us a line counting the cost that is our e-mail address as always there's more for you on line at al-jazeera dot com slash. that takes you straight to our page and there you'll find individual reports links even and time for you to catch up. but that's it for this edition of counting the costs a major. and for the good for the whole team here in doha thanks for being with us the news hour al-jazeera is next.
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the publisher wrote in telling him he is increasing the movie pregnancies a woman puts itself a crisco a mic and rebel introducing the family planning into a patriarchal culture is a challenging task than a fire resistance question to come from men when a woman can decide for him one day and how many children she wants it should be in policy but one woman's perseverance is transforming her community women make change on al-jazeera. every week a new cycle brings a series of breaking stories joined the listening post as we turn the cameras on the media when the intelligence services control much of egyptian media it becomes an extension of the arm of the president and focus on how they report on the stories that matter the most getting an accurate informative story out of there is not a yes they pose a too late we already have the information they're listening post on al-jazeera.
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hello adrian fenty get here in doha with the top stories on out 0 protesters in lebanon say that economic reforms approved by the government are not enough many want the entire cabinet to step down prime minister saad haveby announced the measures on monday in an attempt to defuse the country's biggest demonstrations in years president donald trump has defended his decision to withdraw u.s. troops from northern syria he says he never agreed to protect syrian could forever a ceasefire between turkey and the kurdish led forces expires late on tuesday the u.s. secretary of state has indicated that washington is prepared to take military action in the region if required where we see american interest at stake or fundamental
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norms around the world that need to be enforced will use all the powers that we have you suggested the economic powers that we've used will certainly use them we'll use our diplomatic powers as well those are our preference weeper for peace to war but in the event that kinetic action or military action is needed you should know the present trump is fully prepared to undertake that action they've been angry angry protests in bolivia where some are accusing the president of trying to manipulate sunday's election results when all is appears to have a 10 percent lead over his main rival carlos messa is refusing to accept the results john holeman was one of the protests and. there is a lot going around those days been sort of running street protests and police.


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