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tv   The Stream 2019 Ep 165  Al Jazeera  October 15, 2019 10:32pm-11:01pm +03

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the government manage to go through the mandate. ringback without that support and the time to function normally so this is huge for the 1st time this country. thank you very much. former member of parliament and lifelong member really mopar see here in mozambique banks here in doha are welcome thank you for that now what's billed as the largest defense industry trade show in northeast asia has just opened in seoul south korea has announced its biggest increase in military spending for 10 years with much of the region seemingly embarked on an arms race macbride as more. the latest in military hardware and the perfect stage for south korea to showcase its new big ticket items. unveiled to the public for the 1st time
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its new fighter the k f x its most ambitious defense project to date. and the even more sophisticated f. 35 lightning purchased from the u.s. i think we've seen a lot of interest in the f. 35 so beyond that i mean that's very good for our business of course by think it's very good for the security of the region south korea's liberal president moon j.n. is overseeing this expansion even as he pursues his policy of reconciliation with north korea which continues to develop its nuclear arsenal. this is the negative outcome of the current administration south korea has already said peace has arrived but this puts south korea in an illogical position because unless north korea denuclearize as they can't be peace on the peninsula. north korea has blamed south korea's military buildup in part for its testing of more sophisticated missiles in recent months and it comes as questions are raised about the long term
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commitment of south korea's traditional ally the united states. the sudden announcement by u.s. president donald trump to pull troops out of syria has alarmed to many here it's reinforced the belief that south korea has to become more self-reliant militarily especially when its neighbors are rapidly expanding their armies. japan under its conservative prime minister shinzo has increased its military spending for 8 consecutive years that's jew in part to the north korean threat but also to the increasing size of china's military. who put in until the root causes north korea's nuclear weapons development and its continued threats to its neighbors that's why south korea and japan have to prepare and there's china's military buildup and its expansionist policies. north east asian neighbors seemingly committed to an arms
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race that no one wants to lose rob mcbride out his era song on south korea hong kong's and battle chief executive will deliver her annual policy address on wednesday mapping out the government's year ahead the controversy or extradition bill will also be formally dumped as the city's parliament resumes after the long summer break the government is expecting protesters to once again target government headquarters 7 o'clock reports from hong kong. barricades around government headquarters and extra police are on patrol on the eve of carrie lamb's annual policy address hong kong remains a city under siege. as protests enter their 5th month. a new law that would have allowed to speak to criminals in hong kong to be sent to the mainland for trial triggered some of the worst violence the city's seen in half a century those demonstrations continue to write july 1st was a turning point the 22nd anniversary of the city's handover from great britain to
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china what started as a peaceful rally and it with protesters storming the city's ledge the council building algiers wind high was inside the chamber the night it was trashed around 2 hours ago they made the decision to storm into the building itself facing really no police resistance at that time 3 and a half months later the building is still under a pair the bill so far around $5000000.00 despite the storming of the lips of council chamber the government refused to dump the extradition bill in august the n.t. government movement changed tactics hoping to cause maximum disruption to the city's transport network and they did forcing one of the world's busiest airports to close out a serious drawback bride was there and this is the airport express the train that runs from the terminal did you know looted hong kong there is a real rush of people here now the bill will be withdrawn in september kerry lamb finally bowed to protesters demands formally dumping the unpopular extradition
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bill. but this movement have morphed into a wider anti-government campaign fanned by fears by asian was stifling freedoms in hong kong that were guaranteed under the one country 2 systems policy part of the $997.00 handover deal on october 1st as china celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the people's republic of china. protesters in. home did their best to up stage the celebration and scott hard luck with it may go by a group of about 100 beijing supporters gathering here with the flag raising ceremony was earlier in the day this is one of several groups who have gone to different locations around hong kong to wave the chinese flag and to sing the anthem. in the last hour we've had probable it's 5 in monk capponi prince edward m.t.f. we've also had petrol bombs trying to one child which is where we are now. with protests showing no signs of abating kerry lamb an act of colonial era emergency
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powers introducing an anti mosque bill hoping to curb social on this too has filed to stop demonstrations in november more than 4000000 people will go to the polls in the city's district election it's a record number of voters have registered but the biggest surge ice between 18 and 35 years of the political awakening of the city's younger generation has reinvigorated the pro-democracy movement the camp my struggle to hold on to their majority in the legislative assembly sarah clarke al-jazeera hong kong. and sports she's next here on al-jazeera has details of a lucky escape to this nascar drive. to strange indeed. you have to show your good all the more we become still fight
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against corruption. this fight news hero heroes like no who are about to be refused a $50000000.00 bribe the achievement of heroes like him to showcase by the international ace award it shines a light on these heroes because the best way to fight a dark used to shine the light let's make the road to a better place nominate your anti corruption near 0. didn't know you were straight for the story let's go say that no child. we bring you the stories in the winter months that unlikely children. want to sponsor you is a fire season. coming. on al-jazeera.
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has taught the sport no he's lived thank you stan well the head of bulgaria and football bora slop may hall of has been forced to resign by the country's prime minister after england players were racially abused in a european qualifier some bulgaria fans were calling england's black players monkey along with doing the nazi salute some held up shirts mocking you a physicist specked campaign to end racism in football the game was stopped twice and loudspeaker announcements warned of the game being abandoned if it didn't stop parts of the stadium were already closed with ball garia serving a punishment for racist abuse in previous games. well gary is captain evelyn a pop off did not go to the dressing room at half time as he pleaded with fans to stop the racist abuse things improved in the 2nd half an england ended up winning 6
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nil in the press conference afterwards gary as coach said he was unaware of any problems. and didn't involve much or i was totally concentrated on the games and i didn't actually have anything but i just talked to the english press offices and i told them that if it is proven to be true she then we will have to be ashamed and apologize for it but once again firstly it has to be proven to be true if a captain spoke to the friends it's probably because the fans were unhappy with the way the team was before which was you way for president alexander friend it says that they want to work with governments to quote wage a war on the racist match officials have a 3 point protocol to deal with racists and students but as our sports correspondent lee wellings explains there is growing pressure for tougher sanctions . if the racism had continued to an extent they would have seen a situation where and this is very where we'd have had
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a much abandonment of course the voices and did continue it just wasn't as prominent as it was in the 1st half so you wonder if the officials were actually just trying to find a way to get the much british the england play is despite this vile racist abuse i just wanted to get the much finished i wanted to win it in front of you on the pitch install and not rely on your wife for taking action in that why but surely it has come to the time where you wife how to be stronger the fines on not working their paltry sum times that was $20000.00 that's what macedonia were fined for rices and against england in the year the stadium closures don't work the kind of our action they need to look towards is to be in a position to cite a national associations legally we will kick you out of competitions if you want to repeat offenders and as we constantly say there are a lot of repeat offenders out there will turkey as players risky way for action
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after performing a military salute to the fans after their qualifier with france the team are already being investigated for salutes made during friday's match with albania the gesture it gesture is in support of turkish forces in syria you a for does not allow political statements in stadiums now history is being made into asian world cup qualifiers on tuesday saudi arabia are playing their 1st ever match in palestine previously games were held in neutral countries in line with a decade long boycott of israel and on the other side north korea and south korea they met in pyongyang for the 1st time in 29 years the match ended in a goal a straw and was played in front of an empty stadium there a turn qualifier between the sides takes place in june. well the countdown to the red meat world cup quarter finals continues in japan new zealand's quest for a 3rd title in a row takes them up against ireland on saturday but in the build up to this match the all blacks players were also expressing their admiration for host japan
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reaching the knockout stages for the 1st time it was more than a game for the. books even if in the week in. years it was interceded so you see the whole country team behind him on the streets that it's good to see. it's not the routine can have an impact new zealand have only lost 6 times since the last world cup and 2 of those defeats were against ireland the irish have never reached the semifinal stage at the tournament well bron james said the general manager for the houston rockets acted selfishly when he tweeted in support of the hong kong protest maurice tweet cause a backlash from n.b.a. fans and broadcasters in china. you're misinformed or you're not the educated about something the man just talk about you know that sweet is so you know you never know what a reputation 2nd i think. you know we all see what they do not only do for leaks before this is
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a very good for people. in china as well and sometimes you have to think through the things that you say that may cause harm not only for yourself before the storm for the majority of people the washington nationals are one win away from playing and baseball's world series for the 1st time in 86 years they leave the national league championship series with st louis cardinals 3 nil after a sounding 81 victory on monday night stephen strasburg striking out 12 batters and victor rubbles a home run wrapped up to win game 4 takes place later on tuesday. and there was a lucky escape for nascar driver brendan gauguin on monday during the race in alabama he was in a car crash where his car completely flipped over he was going 320 kilometers an hour and still managed to land his car on its wheels unbelievably gone wasn't hurt and even made fun of himself afterwards. it was ok it was just one easy quick flip and put down the only thing you want to do something that you know that's what you
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don't want that's word for the fear comes in but other net i'm fine and like you said some people you know if i have anything up there to her. well that's all yours for 3 we'll have more for you later back to you one easy flip yeah that's it for me for this news hour be back in a month with board of the dice. it's crazy business. to strengthen the good you have to shore do good all the more with your gum still fight against corruption. use for new chiro change heroes like new who are bad or who refuse to $15000000.00 brian the achievement of heroes like him to showcase by the international ace award it shines a light on these heroes because the best way to fight a darker use to shine
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a light let's make a rule to bed to bleach nominate your anti corruption mirror. for you protesting about how does this in question whether on line life face mental thing comes directly out of trance like it's playful or if you join us on sand this is an attack on academic freedom at on our ability to do research and teach freely this is a dialogue myanmar is not making it very welcoming for people to come about everyone has a voice climate change is real the discussion is real and i'm here to talk about the solutions on al-jazeera. we understand the differences and the similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter where you call home al-jazeera will bring in the news and current affairs that matter to you. al-jazeera. the bolivian salt flats.
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a place like no other. for generations formed by the sun later. but the discovery of precious lithium below the salt threatens to change their way of life forever. witness. are now just era. the city of man bush becomes a potential flashpoint between turkish and syrian forces but russia says it's working to prevent any direct confrontation.
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i'm stan grant this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up another trial delay in south africa president jacob zuma appeals for a permanent stay from prosecution in a corruption case the e use lead breaks it negotiated says it is possible to reach a deal with the u.k. this week but the chances of very slim. the international monetary fund warns global growth this year will be the weakest since the 2008 financial crisis blaming conflicts from trade to the middle east. it's the latest sign that a potential new flashpoint is emerging in the turkish offensive in northern syria turkey says 2 of its soldiers now were killed in an attack near man because it happened just as the u.s. completed its withdrawal from the city a small unit of syrian government soldiers is now inside man bitch their presence
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sets up a potential class from turkish forces and this syrian rebel allies who are on the outskirts of the city russia says it's patrolling the dividing line between turkish and syrian government forces to prevent that confrontation the kremlin is on board to syria confirm that kurdish forces ceded territory to the syrian government as part of a deal brokered by moscow and the un's human rights office has expressed concern it's called on turkey to launch an independent investigation into possible war crimes it's gathering information about videos that appear to show summary executions. now we have our correspondents covering the latest developments from washington d.c. and moscow but 1st we're going to go to zain who's inserts near the turkish syrian border and zeina so much concern about the potential of a clash between syrian forces and turkish forces as well.
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well the battle for members at least for the time being seems to be over because if turkey the turkish military and their local syrian allies advance towards the city center there could be the possibility of direct confrontation with the russian military you mentioned that the russian military police now patrolling the front line that is separating the turkish army from the syrian army russia basically laying claim to this city saying that the syrian army of course russia is backs the syrian army and toured the city so russia laying claim and there is quite concerned because this is a very strategic city its location on a highway the international highway that connects the east to the west of syria in the northern part of the country now for turkey it's vital that they take control of this city because if it is to create the safe zone it wants in the east of the euphrates it needs to be able to link the area it needs this bridge to link the
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area to other areas under the control of their local allies west of the euphrates or else that safe zone will be an isolated pocket so a very strategic city now russia laying claim and what is interesting is what is going to happen to the relationship between turkey and russia 2 countries that have been working closely together in syria just yesterday the president president or the gun hinting that he had some sort of a green light from the russians who he was talking about coordination saying that the he thinks there will not be a problem if turkey is backed rebels will take control of members as well as bonnie and then now we hear from the russian defense ministry saying no there is no such deal ankara and moscow have no agreement on turkey's military operation in northern syria so turkey coming under a lot of pressure from the european union from the united states and from russia a country it has been working with in syria but the question is russia also needs turkey because without turkey it cannot push forward the political settlement in
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syria so a very complicated situation. thank you we're going to go to vesa now who's live in moscow to answer some of those questions about what russia's role exactly easy in stepson many pieces in play and russia is critical to all of them how's he going to balance that relationship with turkey and also keep those 2 sides the turkish forces and the syrian government forces about. yes and it's already being called a balancing act that russia is so trying to perform in syria and the defense ministry here and also the special envoy for syria alex on the left a left off and play of so he has actually stressed that russia is in control and that there is this hotline that he is describing between the turkish forces and the russian forces also the russian military has been seen in members on the on the ground showing that there is that kind of control but as you say it is
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a very complicated balancing act to keep turkey which is a very important ally to russia and especially to one and put in a very good friends there and they have to close relationship on the other hand of course russia has been backing syria in the war in the last couple of years so russia is trying to put this all together and interesting lee today also they managed they said that they didn't approve of the turkish operation that it was unacceptable and that russia was never never gave any green light didn't clear this operation so basically this is the 1st time that russia is condemning the turkish operation in the in the 1st few days of the operation so russia was kind of silence it also said it understood that turkey had this concerns on the border sort of indorsing the operation probably playing a wait and see role there but now they're kind of worried it seems that turkey is
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maybe going further than. expected or maybe even has been agreed on so russia is now trying to stay in the middle and make sure that these 2 forces the syrian force on one side and the turkish force on the other side are not going to directly clash with each other step thank you our white house correspondent kimberly halted joins us now live from washington d.c. and kimberly you know just listening to that report on the ground from you know from what we're seeing on the border and also misting to the situation from russia it's incredibly food because all this happened because donald trump made that decision to pull back from that area with russia now a key player what's the view from washington. well there is a lot of concern on capitol hill was a federal holiday in the united states yesterday congress returning today expected to hit the ground running on those efforts to try and undo what the president did what they allege essential was a a green light for turkey would to advance in terms of its military operation with
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the pulling back of u.s. troops now the u.s. has said for its part the white house specifically saying that it is just patching the vice president mike pence to the region a high level delegation believing that it has the gravitas to try and bring about a stability and a peaceful situation but there is not a lot of confidence in the u.s. congress so we have unlikely bedfellows working on legislation to go much further in terms of sanctions than we saw from the white house on monday will the white house put in place sanctions on former and current turkish officials halting discussions on a trade deal deal valued at $100000000000.00 and even putting back in place some sanctions or rather some steel tariffs back up to 50 percent what the congress wants to do is much more stringent essentially halting weapon sales to turkey it would also if they put in place this put the u.s.
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president on notice he would have to sign this legislation because this is an effort to try and undo what he has done and what they believe that he has done is really harmed u.s. strategic interests namely allowed eisel to regroup and grow after the defeat by the white house that has claimed so this is an effort that's under way we're watching it very closely and also in the midst of this one other big question very quickly that is whether or not there will still be a meeting with the turkish leader and the u.s. president that is scheduled for november 13th right right now the white house says yes that meeting is still taking place to believe thank you so much for that will turkish military offensive has prompted volkswagen to delay a. decision on whether to build a car factory in the country it made the announcement following international criticism of the operation in syria and concerns over the potential for repeat fall out volkswagen established a subsidiary in western turkey earlier this month but says negotiations are ongoing
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and a final decision has yet to be made the european union says reaching a break sit deal this week remains possible but the chances of becoming increasingly slim lead negotiator michaud bonnie and made the assessment during a meeting of e.u. ministers in luxembourg on tuesday politicians in the u.k. and in brussels are trying to reach a deal by the end of the week as the october 31st deadline approaches e.u. leaders be meeting for a 2 day summit from thursday. reaching an agreement. to the stupid question boom obviously any agreement must work for anyone to all. of the united kingdom come to hold of the european union. or. time. to turn good intentions in their legal protection. global economic growth this year is now predicted to be at 3 percent that's the
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lowest since the 2008 financial crisis the international monetary fund says trade disputes are largely to blame for its light is downgrade it's also warning of trouble next year saying there is no room for policy mistakes were china wants to hold more talks to hammer out the details of phase one of the tri deo touted by donald trump the u.s. has delayed tariff increases that was to come into effect on tuesday but after months of losses and uncertainty businesses in china are still under pressure to branch out to new markets rob matheson reports from shanghai. this electrical socket factory opened in shanghai and 19 years ago since then 95 percent of its products have been exploited to the u.s. but the owner general shang says the latest round in the u.s. china trade war is hitting his business hard. because our sales about 35 percent due to the trade all we have to work that we try our best to
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keep most of them the u.s. has been threatening to increase talbot's to 30 percent on 200 $50000000000.00 worth of goods imported from china like many other chinese business owners chan is now trying to find alternative markets at home and abroad but adapting his products for china and europe takes time and money in the 2nd quarter of 2019 china's economy started to slow down for the 1st time in 27 years president ceding playing knows the success of his leadership is going to be judged at least in part on how his government sustains the economy the presidency also knows that he has to be seen to come away with a good deal for china. u.s. president donald trump is also under pressure he's facing an impeachment inquiry in the u.s. and he too wants a win in trade talks with china ahead of the 2020 u.s.
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presidential election but relations have become more strained the u.s. has put some chinese companies on a trade restrictions list and banned v. .


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