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tv   Inside Story 2019 Ep 286  Al Jazeera  October 14, 2019 10:32am-11:01am +03

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wants to put this dark chapter in its history behind it and the muslim and american man he sucks. and the meticulous and image. of the mother her. human rights watch oh man of the month for the with. al-jazeera to the cia to comment on all of these allegations but they did not reply. there is evidence that it wasn't just the british and american intelligence who colluded with the libyans canada may have also been involved most of a korea a canadian citizen of libyan descent says he was tracked kidnapped and rendered to libyan intelligence he says he was accused of having links with so-called international terrorism but that this has never been proved. the world is more messy to move. can who are. any it am i will marry more.
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of couldn't have the last clause that i'm not a colony and read then and then i am and why you know if you can at. least have that image then i must be would wish them to be made in it or the real along with it in this in order to that they're doing a lot to learn it in a multiple name silly to their less list that has are things going to the fewer than quarter you vote can you read then you know what mini aca the faint illusion about the maverick with the only. candidate in correspondence between libyan intelligence and the canadians is a letter from the libyans saying thank you for the information about the arrest of the canadian citizen most of our mohammad clear otherwise known as father of the ally f.g. in the summer of 2002 we greatly value the information we have received on it and what it has about what it in the future if it was. as the felicity and i couldn't
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bury them obama went and had what they set off for quite a long time and well how would it not for the better to the. well to any techie that would lend us any of. these and look around and do it for a limit of. what occurred when i feel sick if you get a. bucket how early senate thing. larry you are a fool and me you must. be. a loony and they're going to cut come to be. meeting with. the. medical and democratic influence of learning food and learn of learn of with. learn from them. but that journey. military for.
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well how about maybe a modified. according to korea the libyans had information on him that they could only have obtained through collusion with canadian or american intelligence this would again have been at a time when gadhafi was still considered an enemy of the west had in my room a minute mr heel and you coolly she has how to be married. to me she has. many local thought. of the earth and if she. looked at the field of the new to him she heard of the under you for about a no brainer and so had he and i could not as i wish well implement the seal and. the free. food and soft of it on to luck was.
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had a lot of gentlemen and are again with the mets and. you would want that. with a sheet of. should work and should be you can. see you willfully go get this document says that the americans wanted to know whether most of our mohammed clear had any information that might assist the 911 investigation. that mary. had what's that. been gertie you know and put it up that early. why do. the. work which are what the law and most of the music and that the man who what when where and when she'll win just by the unjust but you know lost. and. look at the look at the look at well i'm looking whether or not i
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don't know us but an al-jazeera asked the canadian security intelligence service to comment on most of her kleeneze allegation they replied to say they do not comment publicly on specific cases but they are that our exchanges with foreign agencies are always going to buy a pleasurable law ministerial direction and a robust suite of internal policies all to ensure that c.s.i.s. is not complicit directly or indirectly in the mistreatment of any individual and that everything we do to keep canada safe is consistent with canadian values. al-jazeera came across another case that of abraham we see another libyan opponent of gadhafi this time in our lives. he says he was detained for questioning by the irish authorities before the visit of george w. bush to our. 2004 this led to media stories saying he had links to al
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qaida. but the. death of them well that and we don't have much. oh to him at my heart i took a look at my but. i am. a little bit learned the lesson. from my rock or. doria or the commission on it most of what walk of it he said that he spoke of a. comfiest officious can be in. how many or most or all of the diffusion i had thought that in that it was a little confused down a mini bill america we love the. already
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the only well it may be hard if it was of course on fighting. all boosie is says that none of the charges against him in ireland was ever proved but that he was nevertheless put under house arrest and subject to travel restrictions. on some of the you know they had their ballot. bowl made up and i bet i thought thought i love so far at least all i need to have mac that's my but there's. no executions. kind of telling me that a number 2 i mean we have a. i licked a lot of oil but it was said by really human who looked at it. and the message they were offering i think i'm going to have any other stuff that doesn't fit and you make if i am a prophet adam holy love me could. it help or talk of me out of. the
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south oh i hope a mythical overthrow of the new senate but very clearly has said look i don't know if i can help and not the offer can move the. al-jazeera asked the irish authorities to comment on mr al brasier statement the justice ministry replied to say that they do not comment on individual cases they went on to say that given the international threat from jihad this type of terrorism the authorities here work closely on an ongoing basis with their international counterparts in identifying and managing threats in this area. different vein there's a dish best served cold in the 40 years of the hockey. meanwhile back in
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the u.k. the. just as had been turning in the case of the hakim. on the 10th of may 28th there was a dramatic development. the head of the british government prime minister to resign may sent a letter of apology to bell harsh and his wife fatima and in the british parliament the senior lawyer the attorney general made an announcement. on behalf of her majesty's government i apologize reservedly we are profoundly sorry for the ordeal that you both suffered and our role in. the house had been waiting 14 years for this moment so his response was direct you are the one that if only you. and i feel if you were to very her. be would be there was a t. and no one would have any if it is the fact that you had the visual. fighting and
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their lawyers showed the prime minister's letter of apology to the assembled journalists. the u.k. lost its way when it got mixed up in the rendition of an innocent pregnant woman and then to get off a dissident but today i think it stood on the right side of history by recognizing its mistakes and by apologizing. it's important to note that although the british government apologize for rendering the baha g.'s to libya former foreign minister jack straw and former head of counterintelligence today my 6 so mark allen have not admitted personal responsibility or any wrongdoing in the case of bob. and fatima bush. furthermore in october 20th the former head of libyan intelligence. publicly denied any complicity in the torture of political detainee. 996.
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massacre at abu salim prison. al-jazeera spoke to corey krieger after the british government apology for me the most important moment when the british government apologised and bay was the part of the prime minister's letter where she essentially says we believe you. abdullah came in fact and i had to relive the absolute bottom the worst moments of their lives for 6 and a half years to fight this case and we know how survivors of torture and abuse like theirs are often silenced and disbelieved so for the prime minister of the united kingdom to say in her apology we believe what you have said we believe that the cia and the libyans tortured you that for me it was the most powerful moment i don't think that the apology does totally close the rendition issue altogether for under the human fatuma it does it ends the chapter it ends the case they are satisfied that's the end of it but this isn't just a historical issue anymore is it so for example we know that gina has somebody who
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is at the very heart of the american torture and rendition program has been promoted to be director of the cia now and we also know that all around the world there are still security agencies with which the u.s. and the u.k. cooperate every day who torture prisoners so right now as we speak in yemen the united arab emirates is running black sites in which detainees are tortured and which rape is used as a technique of torture and these are people within the u.s. and the u.k. is in coalition and so i think that there's a real moral ethical and legal question for the security services in the u.s. and the u.k. about how closely they're going to fly to abusive security agencies and what the line in the sand is really going to be. the prime minister's apology may have restored the british government's reputation showing it was willing to try to right previous wrong. about how did not to be for the tenacity of human rights lawyers it may never have been achieved and the same cannot be said of m i 6 and the cia
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8 years old from the death of gadhafi it's worth remembering that not every opponent of the gadhafi regime and victim of unlawful rendition by western telegin sages has joined the say come. one of the really special things about working for al-jazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else working for a charity liberally particularly because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues we are we the people we live to tell the real stories are just mandate is to deliver in-depth journalism we don't feel inferior to the audience across the globe.
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i know that the snow is continuing to blow across those northern plains across and united states also eastern areas of canada but as we go through the next few hours this storm will actually clear away from the northern plains the upper midwest pushing back up into canada and you'll notice here we've got some snow beginning to push down on the backside of this system so much cold air coming back in play no doubt though monday across the eastern seaboard $24.00 in washington $22.00 celsius in los angeles those santa ana winds beginning to ease but the time which is also coming up on tuesday $27.00 degrees celsius cloud pushing into the pacific northwest and then that same system pushing into eastern canada now feeding the
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snow back again into minnesota such as we head off into tuesday and then down towards the camera been some fairly widespread showers here and some rather heavy amounts of rain sun across into these northern sections of south america and in particular through central america panama. and these coastal areas of the pacific seeing some heavy rain as well it really throughout much of monday and tuesday not as bad across into southern sections of mexico but i choose to take i'm could see a few. a little bit unsettled and banks the city 24 is the high temperature that i mean one across into cuba it's mostly dry i want to scottish have on it with a high for she will.
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al-jazeera. kyra shall carry this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes turkish forces take more ground in northern syria as the kurds strike
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a deal with the assad regime for help. and celebrations in tunisia as law professor chi side claims victory in the presidential election. or testers defy a curfew in ecuador's capital as the government holds mediation talks with indigenous groups. some of the most pristine beaches in the northeastern brazil have been covered by crude oil it's been washing up on the beaches nobody knows exactly where this is coming from and gabriel is on doing a logo is brazil that story coming up. on so again in syria where government forces have struck a deal with the kurdish led syrian democratic forces which will see the syrian army deploy along the border with turkey your game comes in the face of a turkish offensive in northern syria that's led to heavy fighting in places the
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s.d.f. says the deployment of syrian troops will help them liberate areas under the control of turkish forces so they enter northern syria on wednesday and are advancing south turkish forces and their syrian allies have seized control of a main highway known as the m 4 key border towns of tal and. lie along this road both are now supposedly under turkish control so the m 4 it runs east to west through s.t.l. territory from the iraqi border seen heard reports from near turkey's border with syria. well the map is changing in north eastern syria turkey and its syrian allies are moving into what were kurdish controlled towns. and the syrian democratic forces are pushed from a 120 kilometer stretch of territory along the turkish syria border and 30 kilometers south that is where turkish led forces now control an important supply
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line the m 4 highway that connects western syria to iraq it seems phase one of turkey's air and ground operation to eliminate what it considers and national security threat on its border has been completed. we will divide the terror corridor 490 kilometers down the middle we will advance 30 to 35 kilometers into syrian territory according to the state's own map which we have declared before. that means there is likely a phase 2 of the military operation that would involve more fighting with the s. the f. who were abandoned when u.s. president donald trump effectively gave turkey a green light to launch the operation a few days ago now the u.s. administration which long called the s.d.f. partners unexpectedly announced of american troops from the north east leaving this corner of syria up for grabs. we are facing genocide so all options are open we are
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ready for negotiations with damascus the arab league the european union and even iran who have a complainer role to stop the invasion. the population of this corner of syria is fearful of what comes next arabs and kurds live here they have a long history of animosity syria's war has deepened old wards little trust between them means there is a dangerous fault line there are reports of a russian brokered deal to allow syrian government troops to enter kurdish controlled towns of bonnie and that would prevent turkey from including those towns in a so-called safe zone that it wants to create in northern syria how turkey reacts is not clear but it may try to prevent that from happening because it would disrupt its plans to create what it calls a peace accord or a long most of its border turkey's syrian allies are already heading to the front lines in following an announcement by the syrian army that it was sending troops to
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the north of the country new front lines are emerging the new landscape may be drawn militarily or by back door deals but there seems to be a likely outcome this may be the beginning of the end of kurdish rule in north eastern syria. on the turkey syria border and later. filed this update. fast moving developments tonight and states is decision to leave northeastern syria effectively created a vacuum there are many players in the syrian conflict and all of them would like a stake in this corner of syria it is a strategic corner it is where oil fields are located it is the ag it's the bread basket of syria for the damascus government is cash strapped it would it would definitely want to regain control of this area the s.d.f. the kurdish lead as the had little choice because 1st of all it was abandoned by
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its allies the united states and it is coming under attack and the turkish army along with their local allies the opposition syrian national army they have been launching an operation against a group they consider a terrorist organization because according to turkey the. backbone of the s t f is the syrian kurdish armed group the white p.g. which is linked to the outlawed p k k so the s.d.f. had little choice it struck a deal with damascus a russian brokered deal that agreed to hand over the territories that remain under their control to the government now the question is will will they be able to do that because the opposition is making clear that they will fight back they will prevent this from happening especially in the town of members when the rebel forces have already sent reinforcements to the front lines the syrian army at the same time saying that they're sending troops to the north of the country to face what they're calling a turkish invasion so that the risk of conflict is real especially if these players
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cannot negotiate a coordinated withdrawal or an agreement of who takes what in what area a funeral has been held for a kurdish leader who was killed in an ambush on saturday. the secretary general of the future syria party was returning from a meeting when her car was attacked allegedly by a turkey backed fighters her driver and they were also killed syrian observatory for human rights says armed groups supported by turkey have killed 9 civilians in one area all of this is happening turkey's president has to miss claims that i still prisoners have escaped from detention centers and northeast syria at follows report that an unconfirmed number of people fled from a center and i nice after it was shelled by turkish forces the s.d.f. says another prison camp in commission he was shelled by turkey on friday or one says his forces will take responsibility for thousands of eisel fighters and their families and northern syria earlier on sunday the u.s.
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announced it was pulling out all remaining american troops from northern syria u.s. presidents been accused of abandoning the kurds as secretary defense has been on the sunday talk shows to defend donald trump's position also in jordan reports. days into the turkish military operation in northern syria the u.s. military is pulling about a 1000 soldiers out of the combat zone we find ourselves as we have american forces likely caught between 2 opposing advancing armies and it's a very untenable situation for the kurds have been very good partners in the d.a.'s campaign they were very good fighters on the battlefield we obviously enabled that as well but at the same time we didn't sign up to fight the turks on their behalf the u.s. administration would rather keep the focus on turkish president received tayyip erdogan who may accuse of planning to attack syrian kurds no matter what on twitter president donald trump said will be held accountable dealing with lindsey graham and many members of congress including democrats about imposing powerful sanctions
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on turkey treasury is ready to go additional legislation may be sought there is great consensus on this turkey has asked that it not be done stay tuned. but trump's withdrawal order has critics accusing him of abandoning the kurds even those democrats now drafting a sanctions bill against turkey for god's sakes what are they waiting for right people are being killed right now our syrian kurdish allies are being killed right now it looks like many of the isis detainees there about $10000.00 fighters are now possibly going to be able to escape there are reports this morning that isis sympathizers have already escaped thousands of them and here you have secretary newton saying oh well we'll think about it maybe we'll do something president trump tweeting that he's going to destroy their economy and they will they look ridiculous right now and those republicans who normally support trump's foreign
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policy to see this yet again in a leaving an ally behind abandoning people that we frankly told that we were going to be with is disheartening depressing frankly it's weak and i don't see how it follows through on the president's promises biggest from this in the campaign to defeat isis because i think it is going to research conflicting priorities in a war zone with no clear idea where the u.s. troop withdrawal will lead rosalyn jordan al-jazeera washington national landis's director at the center for middle east studies at the university of oklahoma explains why that's it the deal is beneficial for both sides well it's an important deal it means that syria is going to sweep up north to meet the turkish troops this is a scramble for northeast syria at the same sort of scramble for land and resources that we saw happen when the isis cayle if it collapsed and both syria the united states raced to get oilfields and border territory. it's an important
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deal because the kurds and the assad regime in damascus both have the same enemies they have turkey as their enemy number one and the islamist rebel groups as their enemy number 2 this is a long standing. you know in a sense. i would say partnership but it's an uneasy partnership that they've had damascus cannot rule northeast syria without the kurds on the other hand damascus is not going to allow the kurds the kind of autonomy independence or use of their own school system in kurdish that they that they will power what does that mean for this this semi autonomous situation that the kurds have had. you know i think the kurds will be able to continue with that semi autonomous rule for some time because
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the damascus military is weak but over time damascus as damascus centralizes and reestablish itself it's going to eat away at that autonomy no doubt about it damascus has made it very clear that they do not want the kind of situation that you that kurds in iraq enjoy where almost no kurds speak arabic any longer the s.d.f. what has been very clear that you know that they need help that that they'll ally what with who and they've said russia iran what does this mean for the influence of countries like that in the region now that the u.s. seems to be such a shrinking factor it's a big boost for russia it's a big boost for us what he needs that money america's policy was to beggar side to make him as poor as possible thinking that they could carry out regime change if they impoverish damascus by bike by grabbing most of the oil resources agriculture and of course top down and euphrates water all of which now will fall under
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damascus is control so that's a big boost it also means that poke that putin stock goes way up we're going to see to morrow he's going to be in the gulf and.


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