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tv   The Stream 2019 Ep 163  Al Jazeera  October 11, 2019 5:32pm-6:01pm +03

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and they have all presidents over the years where nato has invested more than $5000000000.00 in military facilities in turkey including important infrastructure such as naval bases radar sites. all of this clearly demonstrates nato's strong commitment to turkish security today we have discussed the fight against terrorism turkey is at the forefront of a very volatile region you know all the nato ally has suffered more ties the tanks no other nato ally is more exposed to the instability and violence and turmoil from the middle east and know all the nato ally hosts so many refugees as turkey does many of them from syria ministers over shoulder and i also discussed
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turkish ongoing operation in no done syria i shared with him my serious concerns about the ongoing operation on the risk of further destabilizing the region escalating tensions and even more human suffering while turkey has legitimate security concerns are expect turkey to act with restraint we have a common enemy darvish a few years ago they controlled significant territory in iraq and in syria working together in the global coalition we have liberated all this territory and millions of people these gains must not be jeopardized. an imminent concern is that captured darvish terrorists must not be allowed to escape in the longer term the international community must find a coordinated and sustainable solution to deal with the foreign fighters held in
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syria we also discussed the turkish purchase of a purchase of russian s. $400.00 system i have repeatedly expressed my concerns about the impact of this decision why it is for turkey to decide which systems to put who to purchase there are real issues related to the lack of interrupt ability with nato systems and the potential risk for allied aircraft i mean is the social glue minute turkey's a great power in this great region and with great power comes great responsibility it is 70 years since nato was founded turkey is an important part of this alliance and we appreciate your contributions to our collective security to our missions and
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operations you are making nato stronger and together turkey and the other nato allies we continue to adopt to keep our people safe strengthening our collective defense stepping up the fight against terrorism and responding to new challenges because to get there we are stronger thank you so much. my question is to secretary-general staunton very i would like to ask have how does nato think about the p y d n y p t and its f alleviation with the p k k in the nato assessment documents and i would like to ask whether the nato has ever assess the p y d n y p g as a terrorist threat to nato or point any of its members thank you.
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nato does not have a public least where we least different organizations terrorist organizations. or national organizations have that kind of list for instance the un or e.u. but nato does not have that kind of public least very least terrorist organizations we fight terrorism in all its forms on all its manifestations and we do that together in nato we do it in the global coalition to defeat the harsh nato all nato allies home in part of the globalisation all the way and that we have made enormous progress in the fight against darvish darkest illiterate darshan's a common enemy and therefore we need to make sure that the gains we have made are not jeopardized you also have to remember that nato is presence in. in countries like afghanistan or iraq is also about fighting terrorism and we strongly believe
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that the best way of fighting terrorism is to train local forces and that water that is what we do in afghanistan and in iraq and again turkey is an important part of that turkey is one of the lead nations in afghanistan and we highly appreciate the contributions from turkey to nato surfers in the fight against terrorism when it comes to the situation northern syria and also why p.g. there is a known fact that there are different views among nato allies nato is not present on the wrong in northern syria but we are part of the global coalition. and we continue to fight terrorism but we are not on the ground in northern syria. is sort of say an. old wish turkey's operation is this peace
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spring there are. there is a black propaganda dark propaganda on the social media what is your assessment of that social media propaganda thank you very much is this dark black propaganda we've seen this before. with the all of branch operation. by y p g and p k k. there they carried out a black propaganda but it wasn't successful again about the greatest shield propaganda we we saw that die as she was doing black propaganda about our all the branch operation i think about humanitarian concerns we are the most trusted because we are hosting the most refugees if you all around the world and you can also see our sensitivity in our previous operations now.
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jaya she is doing black propaganda and you can see on the field. why p.g. is attacking the christian minority in the region and day twist this and then they say that turkey is attacking the christian minority and trying to get attention from the western media and also are drones. also prevented to have any vision because of the black smoke they are releasing and this is also used as a black propaganda on the social media but we are where we are also x. we are explaining everything we do and this is not this is not something that can prevent us doing what we want to do. and while we are fighting against terrorism we are going to tell the truth and we are going to. make sure that we tell the truth against this black propaganda too and our ministry of defense.
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is going to continue to share all the truth with all the could with with the international community not so you know this is my question is to stoltenberg an american congress there is going to be some sanctions. for turkey and what are you live a precaution that nature is taking and what are your polities policies about this. i think it's wrong if i start to speculate about people that tickle situations what i can say is that turkey is an important and strong nato ally and it is important for our collective defense for our different missions in operations including in the fight against terrorism and and for us it is important to have turkey as
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a strong and committed ally because we are all safer when we stand together and we have to remember that the progress for instance you're made in the fight against harsh has been very much supported very much the pendent on the contributions of turkey. turkish forces turkish infrastructure turkish bases has been critical in the progress we have made together in fighting terrorism especially the 4th against . so what i have what is also affected by the fact that this is my 2nd visit to turkey this year and i visited to turkey many times a secular general highlights also the importance of turkey as the alliance as not i in the nato alliance and therefore i. appreciate the many ways turkey can contribute to our collective defense and our. alliance in a.
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i am from my question. minister. one of the i order of turkey is on its southern border we are losing civilians but at the same time despite this is. an institution that we are a member of which is nato and now we've got the secretary here in england u.k. france and belgium and germany they made a statement and said that the same. article in nato. they dismissed 50 article. which is. which is that if one nato members attack that means the whole nato is attacked but they missed they
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dismissed this article how do you how do you comment on this controversy don't you feel this is heartbreaking thank you very much yes least statements. not only from the 6 countries from the e.u. . they could have a they couldn't have a decision in the security council but some of the nato members also have statements like this. i am redefining it hard to understand that all in all they all know that why p.g. and p k k are the same and in every statements they make. they also state that turkey security concerns are legitimate if our concerns are legitimate. then and the reasons for this concern.
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which is the terror organizations to fight with these terrorist organizations is also legitimate. we don't have a responsibility to explain this but we already we already did. we. also mentioned which are a solution of united nations and which are is illusion. is. applying the situation. so you say this is illegitimate and at the same time you are going to be against operation little gratian use it against it is against the ets herr organization you could have some sort of corporation on the field with this terror organization but this is not my problem this is your problem you gave arms to the stairs organization and this is your hypocrisy i'm talking about the countries who supported them at one hand you are fighting terror fighting terror and on the other
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hand you are supporting terrorist organizations. we are. all right we're going to leave the turkish foreign minister and the sexy general of nato and talk to our correspondent who's there at the amazing jamal i was shy out and the world really waiting to hear exactly the kind of position that nato was going to take on this current operation being undertaken by turkish forces in northeastern syria what sort of position did. tell us about what is nato has position on it. was a very diplomatic 1st conference delivered by the nato secretary general the one hand he made sure that he highlighted the significance and importance of turkey not just as the 2nd largest member of nato in terms of its military size but also the
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significant role that he pointed out starkly paid with regards the fight against the so-called islamic states or adarsh as they refer to it in that press conference considering that nato and the international coalition to fight used. airspace as well as a basis across the country here to launch those attacks or ensure the teeth on for size turkey's significant role you also untrue that you spoke of the need. the appreciation of turkey had the need to defend its national security interests but also on the other hand highlighted the what's several other countries had expressed which was a desire or an urge to wards turkey that they ensure that there was no civilian casualties and there wasn't an increased destabilization in what is the stabilized region as it is a city express but those are all generic statements really martin what people are
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trying to figure out here and as we heard in several one of those questions is there seems to be a contradiction in at least nato member states a stance on the one hand they are members of this alliance and this alliance stipulates that if one country is attacked or has a security threat or not is a threat posed against all of those members but on the other hand you have countries that are either opposed to turkey taking action against that person if threats or in some cities cases even supports the elements namely the kurdish separatist fighters and their affiliates within syria support them either logistically or militarily against turkey or not is something that has angered banker and it is why the foreign minister has been accusing those countries of what he called hypocrisy. shall live in istanbul thanks for that jim i was just telling us then about that meeting between secretary general of nato and level of assuming
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of course the turkish foreign minister you can see that they are still talking but we are going to move on because we are going to be going live to also play where we are awaiting the announcement of the recipients of 2019 for the nobel peace prize that's the scene right now and then she probably are aware the nobel committee is usually spot on time and so we're expecting that announcement to take place in about a minute also from now that's the same who keep you right up. to date with that it's actually happening now so i think i'll be quiet and let's listen to the ceremony.
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then the weeds. nobel committee has decided to award the nobel peace prize 429002 ethiopian prime minister are being asked mode of being for his efforts to achieve peace and international corporation and in particular for his decisive initiative to restore of the border conflict with neighboring every tree on. the price is also meant to recognize the stakeholders working for peace and reconciliation in f e o and in the east and north east african regions.
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when are we are most became prime minister in april 28th teen he made it clear that he wished to resume peace talks with a retreat are. in close cooperation with a sigh yes after bad again the president of every tree on our behalf quickly worked out the principles for 04 and then for a peace agreement to end the long no peace no war stalemate between the 2 countries. these principles are set out in the declaration that prime minister are being an interested and after time in the us mara. in. july and september. an important premise for the breakthrough was our be an optimist unconditional willingness to accept the arbitration ruling of an
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internationally international boundary commission in 2002. now peace does not ever eyes from the actions of one party alone when prime is prime minister reached out his hand president after grasped it and hill to formalize. the peace process between the 2 countries the new we've nobel committee hopes the peace agreement will and will help to bring about positive change for the entire populations of ethiopia and eritrea. in ethiopia even if much work remains be our has initiated important reforms that give many citizens home for a better life and the brighter future. he spent his 1st 100 days as prime
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minister lifting the country's state of emergency granting amnesty to thousands of political prisoners discontinuing media censorship. legalizing outlaw opposition groups dismissing military and civilian leaders who were suspected of corruption. significantly increasing the influence. women in. political community life. he has also pledged to strengthen democracy by holding free and fair elections. in the wake of the peace process with every trade our prime minister our behinds engaged in other peace and reconciliation processes in the east and north east africa into temper 2018
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he and his government contributed actively to the normalization of diplomatic relations between every tree and tree bootie after many years of political hostility. additionally they are merged has sought to mediate between kenya and somalia in their protracted conflict over right to a disputed marine area this there is now home for a resolution to this conflict and in sudan the military regime and the opposition have returned to the negotiating table and on 17th of august they released a joint draft of a new constitution intended to secure a peaceful transition to civil who in the country. prime minister are being
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played a key role in the process that led to the agreement. if yo is a country of many different languages some people. lately old ethnic rivalries have flared up according to international observers up to 3000000 ethiopians may be internally displaced this is in addition to the 1000000 or so refugees and asylum seekers from neighboring countries. at. the prime minister mentions sought to promote reconsider the nation solidarity and social justice. however many challenges remain resolved ethnic strife continues to escalate and we have seen troubling examples of this in recent weeks and
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months. no doubt some people would think this year's prize is being awarded to live. in the weeds nobel committee believes it is now that lobby our. efforts this recognition in the encouragement. in the region nobel committee hopes that the nobel prize will strengthen prime minister. in his important work for peace and reconciliation. is c.e.o. is africa's 2nd most populous country and east africa's largest economy. a peaceful stable and successful will have many positive side effects and will kill to
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strengthen fraternity among nations and peoples in this region. with the provision of alfred nobel's will firmly in mind the norwegian nobel committee sees our med as the person who in the preceding year has done the most to serve the nobel peace prize for $29.00 teams. thank you very much for your attention. right now. the perhaps the most eagerly awaited award from the nobel committee is the peace prize it has gone to the prime minister $28.00 teams when he came to power and the nobel chairman there outlining that the award has been bestowed upon him primarily because of his efforts towards
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peace making peace with eritrea neighboring eritrea we can speak to our correspondent now robyn kriel who is in the capital addis ababa he's ever since he burst onto the scene robyn his name was immediately put in the frame as being a possible recipient of the nobel peace prize and now is garcia any kind of reaction as yet. it will surprise but not shock i think a lot of if the europeans really you see primus med's picture in the backs of taxicabs you see a lot more at the national flags he really has brought that nationalistic that inclusive which the nobel peace prize laureates talked about was important for this it was important for this prize he really has brought that feeling of inclusive itsy to a number of ethiopians but they did mention the challenges as well and i'll get into that but just to go through some of the to to wrap martine some of the things
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that he has done the releasing of political prisoners the allowing back all of people that were seeking amnesty for their opposition politics or journalism in other countries he's a lot of love the lot of them back the opening up of prisons this real transparency that he has been trying to even just yesterday with the opening up of unity pock here in athens of about which did have a notorious prison link back to many of the past regimes he really has been trying to open up the landscape as well as included in a very nationalistic way for all its europeans not just one sort of ethnicity however it will be a mixed bag of emotions speaking to some of his critics from for example the liberation front they said that really if he did win the prize and this was before the nobel peace prize was announced if he does win the prize it will really put a lot of pressure on them to make sure that he has free and fair elections those
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elections martina coming up in may next year absolutely robin and when you talk about the rumors of course that is. the group of which of ghouls is a member himself and there are all those in the who are questioning. he has gone too far so we we can look at some of the challenges now ahead of him whether he's gone too far because he's almost as if. he took power. so there was all this. if you like of these of these ethnic tensions that have been pretty much tamp down by the previous regime and they have now come to the fore and he's struggling to deal with the misogyny people also point to the fact that there's not been a national census which of course needs to be carried out before there could be a free and fair election. well exactly martine and this has been a larger criticism however there is also pushback on that census every single day
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we're hearing that it will be held and then of course we're hearing perhaps the elections will be postponed as well which from one hand could be a good thing because it would allow them to be more prepared but on the other hand it doesn't send a good message at all but you spoke about those ethnic tensions i mean almost every day we hear of killings or alleged killings happening across the country amongst different ethnicities as well as you we spoke earlier and in fact it was mentioned by the nobel peace prize committee those 3000002900000 people that were displaced in 2018 largely as a result of ethnic violence. ok robyn kriel correspondent. in the ethiopian capital this right let's go over to the un u.n. headquarters in new york james peyser diplomatic editor and james every year you you interviewed the recipient.


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