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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  October 9, 2019 4:00pm-5:01pm +03

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on a 3 united nations chief says the organization is about to run out of catch. a cuff here imposed in ecuador's capital ever fuel protests as the president moves his office out of the city. and a big day ahead for football fans in iran on thursday for the fast time and decades women will be able to attend the match. now turkey says it will begin its offensive into syria shortly and it might not be doing so alone an aide to the president says check his military will be joining forces with the free syrian army when it crosses the border into syria troops have been gathering on turkey side of the border since monday night he says it wants to create a safe corridor and rid border areas of us back to cut its forces it follows president donald trump's decision to begin withdrawing u.s. troops from syria. well an opinion piece for the washington post
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a turkish presidential aide has called on the international community to support ankara's efforts to bring peace and stability to the region farted out and says turkey has no ambition in northeastern syria except to neutralize a longstanding threat against hackish citizens and to liberate the local population from the yoke of armed thugs regarding the why p.g. them out and calls militants he says if they are genuinely interested in fighting islamic state they can defect without delay or they can listen to their commanders who say that they will fight the turkish forces in which case we will have no choice but to stop them and goes on to say the us has borne the brunt of the counter islamic state campaign for too long turkey which has major 2nd largest army is willing and able to take the lead now and drive it home while our correspondent ali stratford is an article a on turkey's border with syria charles what kind of movements have you been seeing there on the border do we think an incursion is imminent.
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well certainly we've seen over the last 2448 hours these this increase in military hardware being brought down towards the border trip back to the hotel last night very long convoys military convoys bringing a.p.c.'s what we believe ammunition and tanks on flatbed trucks in your intro you spoke about these f.s.a. the free syrian army fight is that of course of being backed by turkey pretty much since the beginning of the revolution in syria we understand they have come in on buses from northern aleppo could well be staying in a military base close to here military analysts saying that those f.s.a. fighters could well be part of a push into northern syria they saying around the monday area which is west affair with an idea of joining up with any kind of ground invasion or ground incursion by
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turkish troops around the position that we're in here behind me is the town of tel aviv which is as controlled as being under their control since 2015 when they took control of eisel from iceland sorry and of course we're hearing gradually boise's of civilians in that town very concerned full day safety as you can imagine consistent with the kind of concerns increasingly that we're hearing across the international community the u.n. for example saying it was very concerned about a humanitarian crisis getting even worse. they say that they're concerned about if there was to be some sort of military action or push by that they concerned about tension hundreds of thousands of civilians who would be forced back forced. south south into syria where obviously needs and provisions can question it's
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questionable whether the sufficient needs and provisions can be supplied. and charlie when it comes to the other side of the border away the standing what options did the kurds have now could we see some unlikely alliance is forming on that side well yeah militarily at least only analysts are saying that unlike as we've seen in recent years the s.d.f. would not have any kind of. support i mean they had a support against isis through the international coalition we understand that they have been and some fairly sophisticated weaponry in recent years but there's not much of it things like antitank systems for example of course the turks have a huge great military a very sophisticated weapons the 2nd biggest military in nato in terms of alliances yes there was an announcement made via twitter yesterday of the s.d.f. by the f.d.a. leadership saying that he was even looking at the options of the kurds reaching out
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to the syrian regime and even the russians showing you you know just how difficult a situation they are in and how those alliances could change we have it simple to say seen that before it was nobody officially really taken on board but we understood that the s.d.f. have used the syrian regime previously when circus force use of going into northern syria interestingly in the last hour or so turkish media. ran an interview with the turkish defense minister mr coo coo lucy carter who said that preparations and deployment go in for some sort of military operation which is interesting i think in terms of it's almost diluting the language that we've heard certainly in the last 24 hours from various people most especially that presidential advisor who was saying that a ground or a military operation was expected shortly. stratfor they're watching the situation
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in the morning very closely for us thank you tony. well as those tensions continue to mount russia is calling for dialogue between the syrian government and the kurds over the situation in northeast syria foreign minister sergey lavrov is currently on a 2 day visit to kazakhstan where he's been speaking to the media he said it's important to reduce tensions in the region on tuesday moscow said it wasn't informed about the u.s. decision to pull out american troops from syria well for more on all of this let's go to step fasten who is live for us now in moscow step until now russia's been relatively quiet since trump announced the u.s. troop withdrawal why is that. yes exactly they have been very quiet here in moscow since sunday sunday's announcement by donald trump that the u.s. wants to pull out the troops from syria and the main reason of course is that that is exactly what russia wants and has been asking for for
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a long time they have been pressuring the united states to go out and in fact in his 1st official statement after this sunday announcement has actually said again that the united states' presence in syria is violating u.n. security council agreements and it's also of violating the territorial territorial integrity of syria and he even called the united states and i quote contradictory steps dangerous game that could stare up problems not only in syria but in the whole region and now he is asking for a dialogue between all the groups not only to the courts and the syrian army and syrian government but also with turkey this is what he had to say. we have announced our situation regarding what is ongoing in northeast syria and on the turkish border with syria our situation is based on sorting out this issue only for a dialogue between the former government and the representatives of the kurdish community living there we have been in contact with turkey and the other parties
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participating in a standard to convince them all to start a dialogue for solving this problem in this part of syria so step what role does russia now want to play it seems it wants to be some kind of peacemaker here. well yeah i think for one russia want to show that it is a much more reliable partner than the united states. and also of course wants to have this more influence in the middle east and as some commentators have described the u.s. move as a present to russia basically with the u.s. pulling out and possibly the crew works and the syrian government making this unlikely alliance this is all beneficial for russia will definitely increase its influence in the region and yesterday minister a lot for was actually meeting the iraqi government and also bringing in some representatives of important russian oil companies not only showing their military influence in this region but also their strong economic interest that they have
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fear steadfast in their lives for us in moscow thank you step now we've just received reports that iran is conducting unannounced military drills along its northwestern border with turkey iran's president has said turkey has every right to be concerned about its borders and the military drills in iran began began just as techie announced its troops are preparing for this military offensive in syria. on to other news now and iraq's parliament has officially recognized those killed in recent nationwide protests as martyrs it means the families of more than $110.00 people killed in the unrest will be eligible for compensation the government also unveiled a more social reforms as it tries to quell the demonstrations that are now entering their 2nd week. of our distinguished casualties of the protests will be recognized as marchers and therefore their families will be compensated we will follow investigation procedures to uncover the
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events that have affected the protesters. while u.s. secretary of state mike compare has iraq's prime minister to exercise maximum restraint and to address the protest his grievances are also in jordan has more from washington. the statement about the iraqi protests from the u.s. state department is the 1st official comment from washington about these demonstrations it's a readout of the phone call which the secretary of state mike pompei o had with the iraqi prime minister and it's pretty tough in the statement pompei o apparently told the prime minister that he condemned the violence that those who may have committed human rights violations need to be held fully accountable for their behavior and that the iraqi government needs to do much more to address the complaints and concerns of the protesters from baghdad to nasiriya to other parts across iraq the statement says that the government needs to do
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a much better job of respecting people's right to protest as well as the right of the press to carry out their work and mr pompei o said that much more needs to be done to provide iraqis especially young population more access to jobs to more reliable utilities and food and to basically make it so that it's a place where they want to continue to live and not simply see their country go the way of others that have concentrated power in the hands of a very few now the united nations is suffering a cash crisis and is warning it may not be able to pay stuff at the end of the month a fed of its member states haven't paid their share of the costs and secretary general antonio terrorist says he went operations around the wilds could be compromised out of a magic as a james bays reports. if the un hadn't already made severe cuts to its budget it
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wouldn't have had enough money to stage the high level week of the u.n. general assembly when world leaders visited new york last month secretary-general antonio good terrorists said the organization is confronting its worst financial situation in a decade the organization is facing a c.v. here financial crisis to be more specific as severe liquidity crisis the equation is simple without cash the budget cannot be properly implemented our work and already forms are at risk. the secretary general was very clear about the dire problems the u.n. is facing but at the point that he lists the countries that are causing it by not paying what they owe surely you've got a big problem here in units named the people responsible for this 193 member states 129 have paid up for the balance that's not of those who haven't paid to us which has the largest g.d.p.
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in the world owes by far the most are some of over $1000000000.00 and $55000000.00 that's more than all the other $63.00 countries on the list of those who haven't paid put together the u.s. also owes well over $2000000000.00 to the separate u.n. peacekeeping budget james plays out 0 but the united nations where the next that still ahead on al-jazeera the white house calls congress isn't pietschmann inquiry into just on that and says it won't cooperate. and there are plenty of rain showers and some thunderstorms across much of indonesia some bright has a cloud in the last few hours and more rain certainly of the next couple of days the cloud increasing as while we can see here some of the heaviest spells of rain
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the dark a coloring across northern western sections of borneo and again that rain spreading across much of northern and central somalia and in particular on friday will be pushing across into the mill a pencil now down into australia we've got some coastal showers which is some good news as we head into the next couple of days but what we haven't seen of course is rain further through the interior and unfortunately this is the result this is actually tend to fail which is about 270 kilometers to the south and west of brisbane and about 30 homes have been destroyed because of these fires now there is some good news amongst all this if there is any and that. is there is actually some rain in the forecast but of course it is very dry across much of queensland new south wales in fact there are as many as 40 bush fires still burning this is the situation and the rain chiles will actually work their way up the east coast what they weigh as well is a bit further inland so wet conditions in sydney on friday 18 degrees celsius and you can see that rain travelling its way through busy been and really working its
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way down that eastern side of the queensland coast. when you're from a neighborhood known as a hotbed of radicalism. you have to fight to defy stereotypes. i don't think. the story. told by the people who live. along.
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you know again i missed your take and top stories this hour. turkey's says it will begin its offensive into syria shortly and it might not be doing so alone an aide to the president says techie's military will be joining forces with the free syrian army when it crosses the border into syria. iraq's parliament has recognized those killed and recent nationwide protests as mountains means the families of more than 110 people killed in the on rest will be eligible for compensation. and the united nations is suffering a cash crisis and is warning it may not be able to pay stuff at the end of this month secretary general antonio terrace says u.n. operations around the wild could be compromised. government is bracing for more unrest of austerity measures with the nation will a nationwide strike planned for wednesday it follows an overnight curfew in the
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capital after thousands of protesters fought with security forces during a 6th day of violent demonstrations in america at a center seen human reports from keita. indigenous ecuadorians continue converging on the capital to give their president in ultimatum either repeal highly unpopular austerity measures or get out they say it's up to them as we're dealing with come from the middle of ecuador to reject this unpopular government that's taken measures dictated by the i.m.f. . president lynn in what in a says he's open to dialogue but insists he can't back out of his commitment to reduce the fiscal deficit by eliminating fuel subsidies something he vowed never to do when he took office was the demonstrators were further angered when they found out the president would it all had moved the executive branch overnight to the coastal city of by a key. for hours and well into the night protesters tried without success to
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overcome riot police. in an attempt to surround the presidential palace and national assembly was some of the indigenous leaders are asking them to. put their lives at risk and to mark store another part of the city but they're angry they say they are not going to budge that they haven't so far to turn back now. the leader of the national confederation of indigenous people told al-jazeera there would be no dialogue until president would enter with turns to keep door and repeals the decree. if modern a doesn't want to administer this country with this social chaos where there is no social justice no freedom of the country for ever to join that of the fugitive from justice ex-president coram they can live together. mourinho says the worst unrest in more than a decade in this country is being orchestrated by his former boss and now his were standing me former president rafael correa who lives in self-imposed exile in
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brussels. denies he's pulling the strings but he doesn't hide his political ambitions including the possibility of returning home. would you run for vice president or either morena resign or he asks for early elections which would be the constitutional and democratic way to overcome disk grave situation. that scenario may be premature despite the mounting social unrest and political intrigue here. but then again ecuador has a very long history of presidents being forced out before their trip is up you see in human i'll just keep them. they have been passionate scenes outside colombia supreme court by supporters and opponents of former president. he testified on tuesday as part of a deeply divisive investigation into whether he participated in witness tampering bribery it's the 1st time a former president has been called before
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a court on allegations that could lead to criminal charges and reports from bogota i surrounded by bodyguards and political allies former colombian president alvaro de berry climbed the stairs of the supreme court on tuesday with the country collectively holding its breath. for the 1st time a former colombian president could be facing criminal charges as supporters and opponents of the still popular right wing leader confronted each other in front of the tribune. the protesters calling him a criminal and he would be beast as as his supporters are known trying to silence them with horns. it was god we came here today to finally demand justice from our system alberto urrea is an assassin who belongs in jail this hearing is just the tip of the iceberg of all the crimes he has come as it. would have been 8 years in office were beset by corruption in serious human rights abuses but for many
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colombians he remains the country's savior the president who fought colombia's rebel fighters bring the country back from the brink of becoming a failed state now. now he's being investigated for witness tampering in a case dealing with his alleged connections to paramilitary groups. and supporters who questions the court's independence he's simply the victim of a conspiracy. that he has persecuted this country as criminals can realize drug traffickers he demobilized paramilitary that's why he's the victim of a plot against him it's a conspirators in the political left trying to take over the country they will feel . the judges of the supreme court have been preparing this hearing for over a year and said they have a least a 100 questions for only a bit to answer. this is the 1st day of closed door court proceedings and it's highly unlikely that decision will be released before at least another couple of
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days of questioning leaving the country in suspense about the fate of this trial leaving is a person who raises passions both from supporters and detractors alike and so i think that regardless of what happens nobody's going to be per perfectly content with the court's decision but we need to stand by it and stand by our institutions was leaving office would remain popular and divisive equally hated and glorified whatever tribunals decision it risks further depicting divisions in the country i listen then just eat up all the time. and u.s. house speaker nancy pelosi says president donald trump will be held to account despite the white house declining to cooperate with an ongoing impeachment inquiry the white house calls the probability estimates that democrats of wanted that any stern warning would be viewed as obstruction of justice like having hazell.
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ambassador sunderland had flown back from brussels and was eager to appear agreement for the deposition had been reached at the state department but then at half past midnight a voicemail was left on someone's lawyers phone saying the trumpet ministration would not allow him to give evidence the failure to produce this witness. the failure to produce these documents. we consider yet additional strong evidence of structuring of the constitutional functions of congress a co-equal branch of government republican committee members all back to the white house move what we see in this impeachment is a kangaroo court and chairman shift is acting like a malicious captain kangaroo there was no pressure whatsoever coincidentally or not a phrase very similar to that used to buy the president an hour earlier unfortunately he would be testifying before
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a totally compromised kangaroo court treated president trump where republicans rights have been taken away and true facts are not allowed out for the public to see republican members of the house committees insist democrats have been selective in what evidence to make public particularly of that provided last week by u.s. representative to ukraine could focus which made clear u.s. diplomats had been discussing the preconditions for a meeting between president trump and his ukraine counterpart this has to be a fair process and when you have a press release being drafted by our democrat colleagues cheery picking text messages when the full text of ambassador bowker's testimony last week would have exonerated this president let's release it ambassador sunland was mentioned repeatedly in the testimony made public his text and e-mails indicating he was in direct communication with the white house throughout the discussions about ukraine
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his evidence is regarded this critical in terms of understanding the motive behind the trumpet ministrations engagement with the president of ukraine and the house committees are insistent he must testify a formal subpoena has now been issued calling on ambassador sunderland to appear with all these documents mike hanna al-jazeera washington. has is the executive director of the revolving door projects at the center for economic and policy resets and he says despite the white house's intimidating behavior more whistleblowers well likely come forward. it's contested right now to see how many whistleblowers would be willing to come forward it's clear that there is an effort by the white house to discourage whistle blowing and it's clear that to the extent to which the name of any was or borkum you come public that individual should expect torrent of abuse and that is awful you cannot really have
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a lawful society in which people who are bringing forth evidence of abuses by superior officials feel threatened but that is what's going on and so i don't know how many whistleblowers going to be willing to come forward despite the directives from the trumpet ministration but i suspect some more will they're ready is evidence of that but it's not entirely clear and i do think it is something that congress can do is to impeach on this basis it is an obstruction of the clear constitutional rights and responsibilities of congress to investigate the executive branch congress is interested it's the only organ of the government that has the clear right to remove a high official including the president and if its ability to do that is being impeded by the president if their ability to investigate potential misconduct by the president and his team is being impeded by the president that is clearly in and of itself impeachable behavior now it is parliament has overwhelmingly voted to
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reduce the number of its members seats in the house will be cut from 632400 they'll now be $200.00 senators instead of $315.00 the government says the move will streamline parliament and save millions of dollars in salaries and expenses but critics say the changes could weaken democracy. while women are about to make history in tehran with thousands expected to attend iran's wild qualify with cambodia on says day it will be the 1st time that women will attend a match in decades have sent a delegation to ensure that women can enter and watch safely the decision to allow women into stadiums came off to a female fan on fire after she was denied entry that. has moved from the capital. cost of law is one of the most popular football clubs in iran and the team's been in the international spotlight ever since
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a female fan committed suicide wanting to watch her favorite team play cyrus for the army decided to try to enter a stadium dressed like a man and when police caught her they charged her with violating public order laws as well as assaulting an officer faced with a prospect of jail time and reportedly already in a fragile mental state she set herself on fire outside of tehran court the incident put into sharp focus the frustration many female fans feel trying to overturn the country's ban on women entering stadiums to watch football games just of last team captain himself. was one of the people who went online and spoke warmly about saw her after the tragedy. and sunny it is everyone's duty to consider equal rights for women and men either inside or outside stadiums this is our humanitarian duty we should work for equality for women and i feel it's not just in football i hope good things happen for my people especially for the country's women she came to be known as the blue girl for the mystical old team colors that she wore so proudly despite
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the fact that this is a controversial issue for iran's government and public figures are discouraged from speaking openly about things of this nature before republic we were a t. shirt on or entering a stadium for a local game now even though it's those low officials and before he himself deny this ahead of iran a qualifier against cambodia on thursday before his fans took to social media and. said that it wasn't a case that the used to load captain was not fit enough to play in the game but that he was outspoken about his support for women entering stadiums to watch football games that cost him a spot on iran's national team. i am. hello this is al jazeera and these are the headlines turkey says it will begin its offensive into syria shortly and it might not be doing so alone an aide to the president says turkey's military will be joining forces with the free syrian army
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when it crosses the border into syria troops have been gathering on techie side of the border since monday night taki says it wants to create a safe corridor and rid border areas of u.s. backed kaddish forces and follows president donald trump's decision to begin withdrawing u.s. troops from syria meanwhile russia is calling for a dialogue between the syrian government and the kurds over the situation in northeast syria foreign minister sergey lavrov is on a 2 day visit to kazakhstan where he's been speaking to the media there and he says it's important to reduce tensions in the region on tuesday moscow said it was not informed about the u.s. decision to pull out american troops from syria. we have announced our situation regarding what is ongoing in northeast syria and on the turkish border with syria our situation is based on sorting out this issue only fire dialogue between the former government and the representatives of the kurdish community living there we have been in contact with turkey and the other parties participating in a standard to convince them all to start
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a dialogue for solving this problem in this part of syria iraq's parliament has officially recognized those killed in recent nationwide protests as losses it means the families of more than 110 people killed in the on rest while the other general for compensation the government also unveiled more social reforms as it tries to quell the demonstrations that are now entering its 2nd week the situation on the streets has calmed in recent days that the government is still under pressure to deliver. the distinguished casualties of the protesters will be recognized as marchers and therefore their families will be compensated we will follow the investigation procedures to uncover the events that have affected the protesters i could or in president lennon renner has ordered a curfew in areas close to government buildings this comes after thousands of protesters fought with security forces in the country's capital kiev so during a 6 day of violent demonstrations many are angry about haas economic reforms all
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those the headlines the news continues here after this is europe some of the books stay with us. with a record number of nominations the world waits to see who wins 29000 nobel peace prize the nobel committee when announced the winner on friday al-jazeera has been awarded exclusive international rights to interview the winner of the award ceremony in december the nobel prize on ounces era. europe as a moment of the slum she continues are. using something
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called yes books because from the bottom books. social media such as. if enough us following closely as it helps explain it. to mr duncan. is to comment much to say that much of a story i sure don't think i'd say. 6 they're cheap and that's enough to. let them know that isn't. that 10 this is just. it's over and chuckle oh no they're the new longer they're in the hundreds washed
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up in this one place in asia. let me just. say i'm comical about a shelter not kirshner private companies have lots of room at. 00. 00. 000-0000. 00. on good made with your games. that's it but not enough. to move. the polls bob all our books. are of one week which i'm like which. has been about one vote and you're just me one was
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so. she took all that into it and to move. move this is all really man. she met her like a coach it john.


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