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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  October 9, 2019 12:00pm-12:34pm +03

12:00 pm
number of years of new markets knowledge and where you can take stock picks that all of us with. the more modern water fishing moves you move the news there is more that you more typically love in the u.s. in the last couple of glory is the us is that one of the obsessed with the. west malls. all. the other laws like us later both unspoken a school was also. yes was this was one of those wishing always look at the do you
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suppose movie so i was going to be sure shame to. see what you saw it was just me or was it a public good. and your good will and you pull still took a little bit where there is a. choice it will cause a little will just to get in the floor with but you. would. tell him it is a good thing more and more all. that it might. not. get.
12:02 pm
old i don't you're going to get with your daughter ok i got this coming up because it was the world's cruelest. little snowball i would have been seeing one of those look at the glory of bravado like which one of the shortest lived i'm going to. be lame leads. me to assume nothing. new and lead to this. because. he's not. going to run things. you look i'm not born the body of the grandmother he was aware of it thank you listening to me asking. if i think that means do you the nice or
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not that is your. go get this national would do this it was just me myself the brand is new for political special would be something stupid enough. to let us all around because it's more. broadly good. album i am going. to move forward with the a. ringback long long. view of the beginning to lose it is really. thrilling the way the is done. to see me.
12:04 pm
because i'm just going to do all of what we have in the office that most of us know after if either of those new but music were you the drugs and you are with doesn't mean you're going to hear what he said when he said you only have the hope of a bottom in pushing the car that's for sure that you move through were true blessing members of us have our families have each of us hope not someone else still with 6 hours half their lives trying to. pull up the 3 of them was that this really was something that's an even bigger. look at who got us all the devices with us of superbus and money to me accountable to how do. you clean but some reason you must ask is that our. national snow. shoes new. you're.
12:05 pm
that company shared together and misread your comment. can you put all of them. or 3. of those to discipline not a lawyer the police would agree you. knew was more than a but if there. was fear or asked. it's got served by that.
12:06 pm
just easily so there are probably only been that because of the trial which has to assure them going bush i must not show a blizzard. what the border could have got onto this road stinkingly needs it the starvation. down bush will now settle in natural rights. but if you at all my these mean you abuse your boss don't be stupid it always surely shrug. live.
12:07 pm
the best which you simply keep nobody achieving and liable at the venue to court of . nothing of the. state's concert. last night i. think. the. mission. will was.
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hit. the. same none of them said this is shipping still being michael chesty i think it's safe bet a load out of court is just not sincere if you want to see you see anybody. cares because they're. listening to. do you still. but you should you wish you could use the.
12:09 pm
stuff you. seem.
12:10 pm
to be asleep. on your. feet. as opposed to live bush if when you be in that a deal. with the new live though you should leave for sure to believe. it is good to see you can live. in the good. news
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guide which you push to meet. these enormous to achieve that goal than i did the. news is not really needed i'd be. willing to eat it and. if you're not giving you money although you can use it if you want to look you. in. your citizenship if. it's wonderful to get as close to the industry. we will struggle we've got the artist
12:12 pm
was just you know success which. sounds to me like you guys senses of actual action . but what is your most causes for the over small that the government has cause it's much stronger than little solutions with fog of mother to her sleeve the breathing machine to go where you can see if you're slightly more or more used to was moving as well couples 0000 the scene from wisconsin most of your book took your number from most of the press he didn't put on my to move its movement against commercial sure his bill was little troll never. had a pair of shoes that he did they did his search. for the ocean or he's just you know put it in the floorboard. i got this when you push it. essential coping with the good and. kind of the 4. but
12:13 pm
that is the most valuable yes is it time to withdraw all children and children with the right. front guys there were who are you more most seen with this and those leaders as those bottom women at the top of this bill proposes just leeway to sleeping more sociable solutions but on point of the story. where it can still be. spoken speak you would you with a board new problems are sufficiently normal for you that the graphic posters your thoughts look up to motivate you to see mutuals which is the new rule that them suggest possible use come up as moderates really appropriate as if you must go to. this for most of. us working for them as these guys will be sure pollution is just beautiful. you can you must there was
12:14 pm
a book actually has water in the present. books the instanced search for the fall of the cobra was a series of songs of your love for this day issued sometime in the way as it were that way as i'm the one you'd swear he shook up for a live signal to see with other women used to go to write scripts he was going through what his there was plenty of money going to kill the couple good to see the look of the similar to the clue look good you would get through with all the money was still going to give a shit in the money that i might do with it why don't i call them from a couple who have come for the youngest my kids are there to spit a few of his stuff did i want to do this puppet and go what is good for short
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distances a bit is a small shostakovich more to the fishes the more comes as a bit of the business more some more throughout your career to hold the event to give it to took my guts to go with me to sort this question but not have it might. why once again the weather slush aquatic cross the middle east at the moment not too much cloud to speak of if a bit of clouding said that just making its way across turkey heading towards the black sea i would towards the caspian sea as well of towards. georgia see a little bit of that weather possibility here but for the most part as you can see it's generally set fair 41 celsius in baghdad 38 in kuwait city similar temperatures as we go down into the arabian place so maybe
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a high here in doha of around 36 degrees southern end of the red sea chances and showers here on wednesday tended to fade away as we go on into thursday but maybe just around the gulf of aden tools the whole of africa you could see a little bit damp weather from time to time it tells of a little bit of weather to parts of south africa just along the southern and eastern cape or for much of the region is fine and dry all shoshanna was filthy alter in some rather heavy downpours into tanzania over the next day out so even by the time we come to thursday close but see somewhat to weather also just pushing up towards the fall north east of south africa maybe pushing up towards zimbabwe as well most of that well with tropical downpours continue as one would expect anywhere from the ethiopian highlands right into the gulf of guinea. what are you protesting about how does this incarnation where they're on line why
12:17 pm
face many people seeing him directly out of translated slavery or if you join us on segment this is an attack on academic freedom and on our ability to do research and teach freely this is a dialogue myanmar is not making it very welcoming for people to come back everyone has a voice on the truth is real the discussion is real and they aren't here to talk about the solutions on al jazeera october on al-jazeera. as the deadline of october 31st gets closer stay with office for all of the ninety's developments on bricks in. the hot sun will host a new series of interviews with our teachers tackling the big issues about tone mowgli does experts and environmentalist will assemble in iceland to discuss the future of the optic faultlines just by taking a microscope to the most contentious issues facing america and we'll bring you coverage of the announcement of the $29.00 team nobel peace prize winner october
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come out to see. one simple mistake could be friend. fishing as a deep sea diver carries immense risk to the lives of those willing to take the chance but for former north korean soldier feel put unity for a prosperous new life in the south with his family was an even bigger risk to take . a witness documentary on al-jazeera. more turkish forces arrive at the border with syria as concerns rise about eisel
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prisoners held by the kurds. hello i'm a solitary and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up chaos in ecuador's capital as the president refuses to bring back fuel subsidies. old work and already forms on its recess. the united nations chief says the organization is about to run out of cash. and why south africa's universities are suffering what's being called a hidden hunger crisis.


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