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tv   Sports Doping The Endless Chase 2016 Ep 2  Al Jazeera  September 13, 2019 3:00pm-4:01pm +03

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and in the. could not the nes with the sharia. to it in the a what if and i'm and then a young well the father of meet me. tonight. in the op on one of them knew was that. he also flow out of the had. commenced to shout of the law you forgot of canada and the. more lad from the up with the canada without a fight when a delusion minorca for
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a lot of new food but i'm going to see has. what the. g. been. like can. mushroom men in men. that . have been said to be a bit corny and the ever been this will. be. another less family c.s.e. simple and fun with. the new web a savvy opinion and not what i'd like to see as you feel. less a tissue or star power and on. the that has a be made because really i'm the man or should be me i'm not a swap will be for the meth not. like a c.s.i. . you know
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but not yet to go high to. see our last side federally. us how one as the cop. in the. media to what they're skilled at that has been neighborly in the only member that. is always at the who i would lead the a with team alarm in my bed they feel. unless you can infer that they need. then you by the mayor. and assault. me they too would like a little can a 1000000000. 1000000 my mom for 3. young women.
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i assume. example joined as a volunteer we're doing door to door phone calls and getting in touch with different communities and stuff and you know his energy really pushes us to do these things program and has been liberal. media. life as i will be along. the same name. and there were a 1000000. people like. you with. but all of them in the. in the shadow of. the north board. i don't want to get what is awareness for climate change mr feist
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haven't had the. men on the island have an island in sydney. because he is about the uk and the hum and the going to have had that i said. it was. in canada we have a huge companies here that's very well integrated in canada contributing so much for our society and it's great to have as a member of that community but as someone who does a lot of outreach the community and in canada as the prime minister said diversity is our strength and he's a great example of that. my. son
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. see i'm i do think a little messiness get everything done. by any standards faisel prudie's achievements are remarkable arriving in canada speaking virtually no english he mastered the language and then achieved a degree and civil engineering this led to a carrier running a successful construction company where he oversaw several major building projects in montréal. to repay the people of canada for their warm welcome faisel who return to politics and so far election in quebec he won by a large majority. in the senate and almost from the i'm not helpless c s i. the new corn i was the cream in jan the man miley was the nanny.
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stole your blonde bessie in must. be say you're a sob. in the thick of the walk me a sufi and the cattle i met me. and the cattle i met in the early yet islam i've known for so for a while i have visited his his district in montreal just outside of montreal i've known him to be a child of newcomers of linking canada to other parts of the world to make sure we open trade and people to people ties. decided as members of parliament from the liberal caucus staff of the people who are in the parliamentary buildings to bring them in to celebrate ramadan with them to have an if and to share with them the lessons of all of the. c.s.e. a woman. to. feel bad. for her fear
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and the cease lesion of. the kennedy year and the. 100 before you who the limb the fear. that by the legion you. mean you out of bob barr. now. senate. has a lot of the what has not acted by then. that. the fear in the stock led look nan fill in the candidate be at but car but a woman in kennedy who said a number of clean feel less and then boom would shatter. laws. are no where what can it fell now yeah command egypt nic dear men men men. and of the. 2. this is
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a contribution on the face an example of that a source of you can always saw it can always. right forward you know. in the moment to. get it we see. you go pound amount the need to know that he is. to me than an affinity listen where the mold lying out and the next number you will feel and see. henley eleusinian. them home and i'm in the home a lot. of them. i'm in. a new corner and home. alone we sought out the most in need. and i really i will be. home canada.
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pamela. well i'm delenn in the machine bill. i'm up in this building up for about 10 that has a a what hasn't become of the hey i thought of a coma of the facilities not. only a should be joe. among the but yeah with my dad. and then my dad is my. band come sit the less don't be don't tax little from the sun. i hate the. 4 men. on one. i was at that. for yourself and adam yes to hit the button or feel a regular rabbit in the early one the hobbit miscall and here he's doing his best one about them in their ohio to resemble illness level. he is in there and has
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escaped. while feisal who lives in the public eye at the same time he sees a 1000000 lines his wife is a doctor and together they have 3 daughters each one embarking on quite different petit. family with the band and the fed will be on the lead in the one you meant. you would know i'm not a fit along little shiny. dr georgette that yes well and it had been there you know we are out. on the. master degree in.
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political science i let them to the last mile wonder though she may and then or her blood lama the c.s.e. somebody and i'm going harshly in santa i'm to the supreme medical school fee morally. how the mcclim rudo and our father newstand made. some of them into alum others that use them. be serial now i'm in and have been in a bad deal with an emo out of characters many have been there for a boom and then been 2nd man comes an ominous pummeling the left door for care that . somebody in the. for 3 years the symbol of how brooklyn
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the fool or somewhere who you push me the hard core i'm as always the xhosa deal. but. we shall love a lay up in the model play a toy like. suck my very loudly. can't blush now. who is surf ironic and i go on this if our friends are found but it is not precious santa but then to feel this are certain now. can and then. other tool be fat in. the to still bother little there man in memphis and that lemon to america when just did help help. a lot of need and more the sharing. for can be buggin when there's a bet some bargain. a b at the power for the turn for the.
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other in the. match for what are the must see obama's election how. the bond marina fist and i were to hear sob on and what was within the and also his . i'm the man hired now my lead best hello but i'm numb possible that notice about the words or c.s.e. . family fewer about than about them about and one of the canada a neighbor who will a shop. and find out of the end of how she and i still have by she who will mom will that minority to therof now badman who we share bombardment duchesse any. vista blick have been alum have been most sad that. the new guy our new. bill you are a will connect a with him and the rest but personally help the bizarre the. a
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good that the world would be. alone with a one man above plus listening to talk. in answer. tell you so move. move your. own mini softball in bed early. and. no water in the washroom or a georgia dome or a. c. at the khazal in fee shatter believe that the world will brewery a woman sheldon the other day. when what i'm doing yes should all be me and then me what do more. and. how little
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for. what paul lawrie. as a locust salata thought obama. and not the short. faisel 3 kenedy a member of parliament father husband and poet. impart to our syrian mom by any listener overcame obstacles to become a successful inventor. who feel on some you don't mind zara meanwhile if you have money.
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stop to one of my counselling and see what these job nami and young malala i learnt and sees i'll bring a little container. to use. mass on all the feel of insanity you'll be out of washington. the most memorable moments with al-jazeera was when i was on air as hosni mubarak fell with the crowds in tahrir square talking. to. us if something happens anywhere in the world how does iraq is in place we're able to cover this like no other news organization. were able to do it properly. and that is our strength. a 15 year old boy tortured in the world's most notorious prison finally released after 13 years i
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wouldn't wish this experience on anybody but i have a hard time thinking about wishing that i haven't gone through this experience in an exclusive interview almost told his epic tale. witness presents guantanamo's child. on al-jazeera one of the really special things about working for al-jazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else working for us as you know it's very challenging to live out in the but to good because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues we are we the people we live to tell the real stories are just mended used to deliver in-depth generalism we don't feel inferior to the audience across the globe. in the heart of the amazon and believe me in family is the band lives in peril to
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harvest brazil nuts. but it's getting the cargo to the capital is an even more dangerous challenge. risking it all believe me out. on al-jazeera. thank you thank. you hello again i'm dennis in doha with the top stories here about 10 u.s. democratic party presidential hopefuls of faced off in a national debate in houston texas reforming the health care system gun laws and
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they were gratian were a major themes in this the 1st debate but it was the 1st time that frontrunners former vice president joe biden and senator is elizabeth warren and bernie sanders it shares the same stage throughout the debate the candidates took turns to challenge joe biden. if you lose your job for instance here is his health care plan would not automatically enroll you you would have to opt in my health care plan war that's a big difference i'm fulfilling fulfilling the legacy of brock obama and you're not i'll be surprised to hear. andrea. this is why financial markets are becoming on watchable yeah when this reminds everybody of what they cannot stand about washington is going points against each other each other and tell each other that you're my plan your plan look we all that's called a democratic primary election ahead of you it's called let's. look we're going
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to make sure the u.s. is to release the name of a saudi arabian official believed to have been involved in coordinating the september 11th attacks the name though will only be revealed to a limited number of people including lawyers and victims' families. the u.n. says more than 2000000 people face starvation in somalia and is calling on the world to act immediately the country is experiencing its driest rainy season the moment 3 decades so darned new prime minister abdullah is in south sudan for his 1st official visit since taking office he wants to improve relations between the neighboring countries but he's also there for talks with armed groups who've been fighting the government in the cartoon figure is hundreds of people are protesting in johannesburg at the level of gender based farmlands need police statistics show a woman is raped every 36 seconds in south africa the president so around the poses
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has described the situation is reaching crisis point focus as a warning a tropical cyclone could hit parts of the bahamas already hit by hurricane dorian right up to date those are the latest headlines let's go back now to al-jazeera. the arab diaspora those who now live far from their ancestral homelands can be fun throughout the world persecution conflict and economic factors have caused millions of arabs to leave and settle abro it no 2 stories are the same at
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manhood was a penniless syrian with a son with dreams of creating a new life and prone to not knowing but the journey would teach he had it more. budget spots and a summary of the surveillance of interview. but kept by the shuttle in istanbul 11 operator will god. himself you. find most of the vietnam the month of abbas to medina to the woods isn't one of
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italian. imaad muzzammil but even been of some sort. of touted model. so the hamas leadership done a new thought how to follow them and for the g.m. of us at all reed said it but don't you feel. with corners of us deal that it's just in my. so i do it lee lee has the only file and he has his dick and mad cow and i had. to i limped a lot of money on. the shitty kind we had for you out of. a whole new level of money on political ads a lot of the. and us. didn't. start at the level of activists or what have i and i was going to be some of the
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stories in a can to him she went home little did sour and you can live i'm sure souter has started america from one landmark on monday if loose. is the time i. did it in this be any money to buy has i'm a no no i don't want to take out in the digital switch to the mafia am with saddam's with the coming of little. wanted s.s.e. and the edge adama kind of denouncing his muscle and money and it's a bad message to a wild goose you will money you. have it in the mccann to z. and. so have it in him but you know a lot of the. bite and i would have been on the. ship without
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it i'm dizzy and. daya to the hell out of it was. the listen i'm no fan of give it to rain a lot less. come what ever what music done well i can't dance or not give you a no i'm had kind of the dog the book whether it's not by the dog. will i am is kind noisy can yet female but i should know when to take a leave law that given a bit of somali the fault of. my young man continued his northward journey to germany is the summation was afan the
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westernmost city in germany close to the border with belgium and the netherlands one in syria he was a weaver by trade but adnan russian would had even greater ambitions he planned to train and qualify internally as a mechanical engineer or at the end. of one country to have yet to really be had worked in the me to have yet to meet him now do you then can i leave those who wish to work on tours of ali in the uk has miley had. that ice-t. basically and. father had enough said. bin laden was the boss of officer to slow the sadness of. whatever mojado out which is the right to have deter nick and tyler moore money circle.
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other shit kind of. money. or is the mother of us and i want do not owe. these outside. assistant in some insitute. off the. sign to prove my bad but toy does a diploma but shift is this meet him. in the machine in these overnight machine. ever ha yeah fun so i know all spittle here shortly but i. also fork in the field and wants to be on the front of the common and
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splashed it could. happen. or didn't so continue. the effect of him because it's thought for between. the 2 are made it better for dr are kind of where their acid how lost they are no credit. to his you happy that your computer has the. years it didn't have. any sort of an old barber then measure. you hold really no pulse until the whole lot. not and so are under sure wollemi sort ensure our powers sort that out when we'll measure. to model mia sali and put
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it. on bubble a year out to leak out it go out at her feet and yell well if that are only going to want to feel it was short term initially cut can be had more little see the island me for sure. with a ph d. in hand and now titled dr who would they i think syrian engineer was in a position to pick and choose a carrier despite took off 1st from across europe dr who chose to remain in germany where he believed his skills would be most in demand and even had not had to diversify our will our menu come hundreds of us for years i met him was suddenly set us a total of men men there is research. why out of a minute here belgica waldman static adorning if the media can go committed and but one of the no. show it could door neighbor minutely the aisle sort of shoddy cut
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can it. then a bit about mauser to feeling money. to god would not succeed when artists from my part. i used it as an engineer are you haven't done much as it works on what'll mother and daughter only give me ha. machine a sponsor challenge parking how did i sense music and any case to court and evolvement look to know if no one. got to one problem and see that you have just been to volunteer people and he you are one i cannot think of if he does he talked of out. of line and sucking
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one of us if we were not to go out and not toilet be taught. in. schools is often slanted jali languedoc bottom ones as well when i only get part time would of not quite a need to keep young women in just that if you said it could darn near to the heart and his arms a dean. you. you walk in an alley in months and i can say can i should we could use a 5 min no facade used to 5 min north seattle up machine it all did to be now well used to fight when i had done little atlanta has snow has learned that it could be a bill commercially yes might be moot all of the whole home commented of the. others here and. could be a be full. tech news in the end of summer when the bits you only demand would buy you must say anything. on 2 fronts they often are comedy cuts you want to
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pick. up good light but done annoying a d.d.s. by positive name so the vietnam on soonish to it's a 21 and it says on ok this is on show i mentioned. that current to flight advice positivist for instance i bought this concept on the under one site to prevent it despite its act. as. a mob i took a hard on and often have. a positive of going on one month of to. decide as one of the effects in the easy denotational of just how to spell out the effect in the dictation of you i'm just doing. an injustice sonny and could be the only. now it might help to how many fish like
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adore me who are new in the seas been missed been missed a bus tour and missed enough to. additon a seat in kenya needed in terms of a commission i did. i did to our elite mystified men have been there been took them out. what i have been no lunacies but mr enough to you mock in eyewitnesses minot the trees snow and the seas. mindon almost as far as i. can and do only the island when the season. has no minute and the seas sort of demi.
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get anima one disappeared to be a union one dismay can equal a fuse yeah. but i'm a leap year technology and minute of what it will feel i am me you don't money zara need while if you have money you. stop to want it in my county in the seas. for united. in a seizure meds who wish for. a life. that i get well and a list on. a walk or. get them to finesse. for credit or does that i said it and no my son all of you oh my and your b. feel that i've been cinelli newly in a season you're doing is a job no i mean yeah a lot missy's are a lot of rain. you wouldn't is. my son all of the feel of ensign
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a b. you'll be out of washington. doctor who'd remain in town until his retirement. dies. did it but had to admit hey it's. gotta be a lot of the shit i didn't even done a lot of the office where he. accounted for really and me and.
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the on it. i did. the aztecs if at most i did. no fear i have to be if you syria. iraq is to be a year almost all so far to be a model of car when i think i had in my. heart to be a term and not to be a fear by then you didn't say ugly emotion. would do i assume or to a feel for. a yarra. when matter because to be. a level of.
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any minute mark as a thought below world. judit large loss for. the hard to do read that in some me because of a well alamuddin it linda for now i'll monica's. medical point linda. or so what did the sewer a lot of money from washington suffered falut my openness to have it filed my feeling. met did i want. bad about said i watch how well known america's. separate markets to be as a dis tests are done in a circle. over the internet.
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clicked doesn't trust us of course. not with the hope for die and hope for. tolls and all the. ones and. unveiling of a. lot of bigots then have been. heard in a. can and now i shit i love money my back is to be. said remember me i'm in. the home of. my name but me i mean how we got him out of the house on a while ago and magelone mean has in my back is. i the shit could be done with the foul. and holy lindo woman show you can't feelin though
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one how early lindo kabir's it done. the 14 irresponsible years who don't know me or don't say or even. after wouldn't medical points under this the total and as of the guns of the shell it. does as if you'll trish during the commercial and this cold blooded parkade. on the suck to french. resistance. couldn't. on the output of the only long game the contact ordinance of i don't want army i usually latif sidebar dada in medical point called. it's labor movement to submit dr paul. ready
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ringback ringback nurse service record associate and a higher so was no harm as some you know let us have a what is it not be a world of a lawyer if you have some use of us having them you know about us for. them how much for my 1000000 years of my hair. tsar lana or not and so i'd even be to have these 0. minute men not of my care they were for you. we have.
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now nearly 70 or so help me it columb on the head high at. their. city. all. the money it could about of and of the death modern man i was. hired to do us here. are made. a lot. more. in love the. regime had to be a little more hold on for the man when he does it all solid. happy so i didn't hear. its end of the bathroom i had to go to the roof of the.
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assad. yes that's why well that's up to a whole lot because they're with us on the whole i still we just saw it you know i love on that because there's no he'll be the most obvious but not till or have fried dirty for her not to mouth over free stuff well what bottle or what most colorful fall for your mom for you be on my lady in sun it will applaud your work and or how you have now are marketed but now they are created tom said even when they are in teen mom will melt obviously maiden or i am done home libin of he has a mr my little money order now in a bed to bed at night and during my monk i'm not a monk and say a corner from the stuff when you just are living in the house when marty failed o'clock maybe a lot in a few i learned a lot of the weirdest lamb chop. doctor
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i've known her it's inventions have improved and transformed how many textiles and germany are manufactured at the same time through his medical centers he's trying to improve and transform conditions in the country of his. dr who its journey has come forth sakho from syria to austria germany and back to syria and rich many lines on the.
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al-jazeera will meet 2 arab women with roots in the middle east who both build successful lawyer so brule over the last 5 years i would choose to great deal of partnership with the country's leading from the scene the never forgot where they came from. we tried to put forward a different place than the stereotypical image of muslim women arabs aboard the businesswoman of the council on al-jazeera.
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algy 0. and 3. hello again welcome back we're here cross the caspian we are looking at a weather system that brought a lot of winds as well as rain to many locations for so good news is going to be improving by the time we get towards the end of the week we expect to see attempt a few about $25.00 with more sun in the forecast for tehran though it is going to be a nice day $28.00 and for quite city though we do think that we're going to see a time to come down to about 41 but still very humid along the coastal areas as we go into the weekend well here across the gulf the winds have died down we saw some good news there but in terms of the images we're still looking at expertly in the morning high humid as well as the overnight hours for doha 41 degrees as we go
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toward saturday 41 degrees as well down across parts of oman though salada will see a mostly cloudy day with a temperature of 29 and then very quickly across parts of southern africa the temperatures are looking quite nice for parts of johannesburg 25 degrees as your forecast high here on friday a few clouds pushing through for johannesburg as well as durban and then as we go towards saturday we expect those temperatures to drop in many locations all you need to 17 here in durban down towards cape town it is going to be mostly cloudy wind coming in off the water with a temperature of 16 but up twitter handle a very nice day for you with a temperature of 25. didn't the u.s. treasury or just a few months ago say that no child should be lost we bring you the stories and developments the dramatically changing the world we live in what's called the laws
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of piracy. counting the cost on al-jazeera news. just off one of caracas main highways immediately as family collects as much water as possible from the mountain above. a nationwide blackout left millions without power a regular water supplies. but this water is not portable the health ministry is recommending people treat it with chlorine but with none available other. hopes the boiling at 1st will make it safe for her family to drink dr. says the increased consumption of untreated water in the last 3 weeks is making an already catastrophic situation worse of anyone in norway all ready we don't have the precise numbers yet but we know that in the public and private hospitals there's been an acute increase of cases of severe diarrhea that require hospitalization including children under 2 years of age which can be fatal local and international
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public health experts describe the crisis it's a complex humanitarian emergency. was 3 months of protests on an unprecedented scale that would virtually paralyzed hong kong what began as opposition to an extradition or escalated into a broader pro-democracy movement so how and why did this crisis develop and what would follow in the 2nd of 2 special reports people in power examines the cause who some possible consequences of hong kong summer of defiance on al-jazeera. nobody has yet said how much it's going to cost joe biden goes on the offensive in the 3rd democratic debate that laid bare the divisions between the party's moderate and progressive wing.
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i'm about this and this is all just here on live from doha also coming up the u.s. justice department is set to reveal the name of a saudi official who allegedly helped the 911 attackers. hundreds of south africans protest as the level of sexual violence in the country reaches crisis point plus. when not have brought the epicenter of india's longest running to find out if a political solution is finally in sight. democratic front runner joe biden strongly defended his record at the latest presidential debate as he called prominent rival bernie sanders a socialist it was the 1st time biden sondos and elizabeth warren shared a debate stage in this campaign reforming health care gun laws and immigration one
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major themes of the debate broadcast on a.b.c. news rob runnels reports from houston texas there were sharp exchanges as the candidates debated health care criminal justice race relations and more former vice president joe biden came out strongly attacking his rivals plans for government run universal health care nobody has yet said how much it's going to cost biden clashed with senator bernie sanders 1st so sure if you've got a lot more confidence in corporate america than i do. in the united states of america we are spending twice as much per capita on health care it's the canadians or any other major country on earth. former cabinet secretary who leon castro produced gas from the audience when he seemed to question the 76 year old biden's memory by hand and holler fire you know you forgetting what you said it matters who
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paid for. already what you said just 2 minutes ago amid the bickering senator cory booker appealed for unity we've got one shot to make donald trump a one term president and we cannot lose it by the way we talk about each other or demonize and degrade each other we can walk and chew gum at the same time the candidates were united in denouncing president trump for inflaming racial tensions that we have a white supremacist in the white house and he poses a mortal threat to people of color all across this country climate change was another area of general agreement with candidates promising to rejoin the paris climate agreement is the axis dental crisis of our time it's you know that movie the day after tomorrow it's today we have seen a warming and our world like never before we're seeing flooding in the midwest flooding in houston fires in the west the candidates also discussed
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a slew of gun control measures former congressman beto or roark whose home town of el paso is still grieving following a mass shooting last month was cheered loudly out of ban assault rifles hell yes we're going to take your a r 15 your a k 47. sen kummel harris said trump for some responsibility for the el paso shooting him on the trigger but he's certainly been tweeting up the ammunition. foreign policy got very little attention in the debate sanders had a smack down on trump's china trade war trump thinks trade policy is a tweet. 3 o'clock in the boarding. there did not seem to be any standout winners or losers senator cory booker may have revived his flagging campaign with an eloquent performance biden seemed more energetic than he had in past debates
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although he did seem to ramble on sanders repeated well worn themes of democratic socialism while warren seemed to disappear from sight for long stretches of time during the debate the next democratic debate will be held on the 15th of october in ohio robert oulds al jazeera. or just on the stage michel is an assistant professor at northwestern university in ca so she's here to i know lies at the debate for us thanks very much indeed for coming in jocelyn one of the democratic vote is going to be taking away from this debate right you know the important thing about the democratic primary in the primary debates is to figure out who is going to be the candidate that the democrats put up against president trump in 2020 we don't know we can't say for sure who are the winners and losers because that comes from the poll numbers the fundraising numbers that happen after this debate in the in the
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days and weeks when the american people really show their opinion but we can certainly take from this debate some signals as to who might be the best standard bearer for the democratic party in the 2020 election ok so what are the highlights for you having watched the debates and taken your views on it yeah well you know we can we can approach this in 2 ways 1st of all we have to look at how did the 3 front runners to write bernie sanders elizabeth warren joe biden they're the ones who have consistently had between 20 and 25 percent in the national polls so this is the 1st time they were on the stage together so that's something really interesting and powerful to see how do they interact with each other was somebody more positive and more another person you know under perform separately from that we can look at how the people to their wings. formed so all the rest of the candidates are largely the 2nd tier candidates and they're looking for breakout moments so separately we can discuss whether any of them had a breakout moment but in terms of the 1st the 1st group that the top 3 and you have
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to give credit to elizabeth warren she has consistently turned in such strong debate performances this is now the 3rd time in these democratic debates she is clear she pivots to big picture messages she is very savvy in how she chooses her soundbites her specific words she doesn't fall into traps set by the moderators for example but she does it all with this folksy charm and weaving in her own experiences and then coupled with this fierce intensity so that you're simultaneously feeling like i like this girl you know i could go in and i have get a big hug from her and she'd feed me a cookie at her house then she'd go out and storm the castle for me that's kind of how it would be a kind of impression you get from her and i thought she was strong and consistent throughout this debate whether counted soon this debate just hitting the right notes or did we detect any sense of genuine intentions being boys there yeah well you know i think this is really one of the reasons why joe biden once again really
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seemed to under perform the expectations you know he is the the front runner he is the one who generally has more polling percentage than any of the other candidates but he has been falling in these numbers you know when he 1st entered the race it was 40 percent now it's down to about 25 percent and this last debate performances is not going to assure the democratic base that he is the person who can rhetorical take on an incumbent president who has strong rhetorical skills of his own you know as opposed to elizabeth warren who has a very clear message joe biden when he gives his answers it's kitchen sink answers he's throwing ideas out almost as he comes up with them in his head sometimes he puts them in a number of lists sometimes he's. doing this and that but it's like when he finishes his answer it is because he has run out of time it's not because he has clearly drawn us around in this arc of an important point that he's making and
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that's a problem for whether or not he's going to be strong enough to lead the democratic party in the general election. given the fact that it is accepted that the democrats and democrats are not going to be able to make many inroads into trump's base nevertheless there are legitimate concerns that trumps base is there any indication that any of the candidates we've seen so far are going to be able to narrow the gap between the perceived elite is and of the democrats and the base that support still will trump you know. there are so many ways that the candidates are trying to make inroads of course right now they're speaking to a primarily democratic base audience right but then they do have to pivot to this general election and it was unfortunate that a b. c. which is the channel that host of the debates they didn't they didn't have a direct question on economic inequality and that's a problem because we really have a systematic stagnated economic inequality in america for the last 40 years
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and this is where a lot of kind of the problems associated with trump space come into play we do hear populist messages from elizabeth warren from bernie sanders but we hear messages that could resonate with trump space from other people as well better o'rorke being so strong and powerful in this debate arguably with one of the best lines when he said hell yeah we're going to take away or a k 47 the fact is that the vast majority of americans believe that we need to have better gun reform better policies related to guns so maybe he was appealing to that when people at education said we need to respect our teachers to the same extent that we respect our soldiers ok that's something that can appeal to a lot of people even within trump space who are middle class who are those public school teachers that everybody's talking about that are supporting really good to get your thoughts on this just lou thank you very much indeed thank you very few. the u.s. government is set to reveal new details about saudi arabia's alleged involvement in
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the 911 attacks but tim's family is now being lobbying for years to get more information about who coordinated the hijacking of the planes now the f.b.i. is going to release the name of one saudi official it says is the most wanted was on the reports from washington. just a day after the 18th anniversary of the 911 attacks new information on the possible involvement of the saudi government the u.s. department of justice released the name of a saudi government official allegedly involved with the system the 1st group of 6 hijackers came to the u.s. to plan the attack that killed more than 2900 people the name of the official investigated by the f.b.i. has been kept under seal for several years when lawyers representing the victims' families by old lawsuits to hold saudi arabian officials they say were involved accountable lawyers representing saudi arabia have for years tried to block the
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name from being released it raises a whole host of questions about the nature of the saudi support for example who gave instructions to the saudi official in riyadh to give this kind of support to the hijackers the saudi hijackers who were here in california it opens a whole host of questions about the nature of official saudi involvement in the 911 attacks lawyers for victims of the 911 attacks say they are pleased with the justice department's decision but say they look forward to more revelations coming out in the coming days and weeks this all comes at a critical time in relations between riyadh and washington october 2nd marks the one year anniversary of the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi at the saudi consulate in istanbul a killing the cia said was likely ordered by crown prince mohammed bin. but u.s.
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president donald trump still considers saudi arabia a key u.s. ally because in part the kingdom buys billions of dollars in arms purchases from the u.s. .


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