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tv   Sports Doping The Endless Chase 2016 Ep 2  Al Jazeera  September 12, 2019 11:00pm-12:01am +03

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on the. run i'm a lovely one in line you need him to harvest a minute so much the way he's going to be very stiff keep on changing the length of the program is fine it is what he lined in the day he had to fire a stadium that day that. will hit the they are it's been mainly from africa here and in 5 days but he's taken to your own home in zimbabwe to light. in a shuttle they have and they think that the sadness they have right now they don't know when away and he's going to be a great president without a doubt what made great love his wife early in the day to pat the burial family members have been meeting all day and the government issued a statement telling the bonbons not to believe everything that we don't feel should be did they think that they are still in contact with the bombing that me and it trying to find the suitable place for weight and way of life it will be very be
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a god given a try but the burial of the heroes that his name will be in the capital that's when some people who. shouldn't have been buried if he's buried the he'll be buried next to his 1st wife that he who died in 1902 from kidney failure. how do we can see the crowds behind you and obviously we can hear the music in the stadium as well but robert mugabe was a devices what's the mood like there. will in find a handy in the job below people there they want to celebrate some got baseline been right now they've had a chance to walk pos the coffin you see them not out of the state of even the ones you've been able to see his body say the final goodbyes but just go outside that they be able this day to me is in but a talent when the oldest child of the poorest townships in harare people have no jobs housing not 11 dated some have no running water some have no meaning to the navy off. the agri they blame a lot of people rule. what was wrong but. feeling didn't be right out in fact it
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may be an evil thing and they could buy that many many people outside and all over the country right that they could get money. flowing in and one with. me know how you might think i would be here today i think. because my mind. flooded me. right now because of the. things out are. still ahead on al-jazeera 1st and foremost they want to beat on trial next year democratic candidates prepare for another debate to decide the party's candidate in the 2020 elex ins. the happiest place on earth no longer in hong kong protests are turning disneyland into a ghost town. hello
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again welcome back we're here cross east in china things are going to be quite dry over the next few days this is been the trend over the last week or so and you can see here on the satellite image it has been quite clear across much of the area so we're going to be seeing some clear skies anywhere from shanghai all the way down to possibly near hong kong now the clouds will develop here in hong kong as we go from friday as well as into saturday possibly even a few showers there as well up to the north though ruhani your temperatures are finally coming down you were 37 by saturday we do expect you to be down here towards $33.00 degrees there while heavy rain will be a big problem here across parts of central india across some areas across the central states we could be seeing upwards of 500 millimeters of rain over the next 3 days so flooding is going to be on the increase here up towards new delhi though it is going to be rain starting to enter your forecast by the time we get toward saturday down towards the south though it's going to be a little bit drier. for tonight we do expect to see
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a time to there of about $33.00 degrees in colombo rain in your forecast at 30 degrees there and then over here towards parts of doha it is going to start finally start to come down on the winds the relative humidity though is on its way up as we go towards saturday but for friday expect to see a temper there of 40 and for abu dhabi $37.00 degrees as your expected high there. yes.
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we're watching al-jazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour well fast high court has thrown out a case claiming the brags that strategy of bombers johnson's government is not compatible with the 1908 northern ireland peace accord. a u.s. house committee has just voted to adopt a resolution intended to intensify its impeachment probe of republican president donald trump the measure allows the panel to define the rules of an impeachment investigation including calling witnesses the committee voted along party lines. the body of former zimbabwean president robert mugabe is lying in state of the stadium in 3 days to growth as the leader nearly 4 decades ago his final resting
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place is still unknown as his family and zimbabwe's government are at odds over where he should be buried. sudan's new prime minister abdullah from doc is making his 1st state visit to south sudan and his new role juba is hosting talks between the transitional government and several armed groups has made peace making with groups fighting in khartoum one of his main priorities since 2003 thousands of people have been killed in civil wars between sudan's government and groups this includes the conflict in darfur are fighting between armed groups of farmers and government forces as displaced around 2500000 people fighting in the region has subsided over the past 4 years but the armed groups are still active and skirmishes continue to pop up which in peace is a priority for the new transitional government largely because it's a key condition for getting sudan removed from the u.s. sponsors of terrorism list him morgan brings us more from juba. bilateral relations
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was on the agenda in the meeting between 1000 as president salva kiir mayardit and sudan's prime minister abdullah 1000 and his 1st foreign visit since he was appointed to his position last month the minister the prime minister came with some delegation of ministers to talk to their counterparts here in south sudan and discuss the issues of trade border security and the country's economic relationship but that was not the what was on top of the agenda the prime minister upon his appointment said that peace would be the top priority in his transitional government and that he would be reaching out to the armed groups coalition who have been fighting the sudanese government for decades on wednesday south sudan mediated between the sudanese armed group coalition and the sudanese revolutionary front and the sudanese government who are represented by the sovereign council and a pretty good station principal was fine 2 people further talks next month the prime minister is due to meet with members of the armed coalition to listen to their demands and try to pave way for what he says would be the biggest achievement
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of his transitional period should be armed groups put down their guns and join the government to find peace and stability in sudan hundreds of protesters have taken to the streets or cross sudan demonstrators say sudan's legal system is still dominated by members of former president omar bashir is regime months after he was removed from office they want the country's new ruling coalition to purge the judiciary of all bush years and they're calling on all former members who brought to justice. top u.s. democratic party candidates hoping to replace donald trump and next year's election facing each other later on thursday 10 candidates will share the stage 10 others have been excluded rob reynolds reports from houston. it's a showdown in euston with the leading democratic candidates all together on stage for the 1st time former vice president joe biden is the front runner followed by senators bernie sanders elizabeth warren and kaamelott harris trailing in the polls
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are south bend indiana mayor. senator cory booker former cabinet secretary who leon castro former congressman bait to o'rorke senator amy clue which are and businessman andrew yang viewers can expect spirited discussion of democratic priorities expanding health care reducing gun violence and overhauling the immigration system but polls show democratic voters have one overriding priority 1st and foremost they want to beat donald trump next year and while they may not always articulate electability quote unquote as a major concern in polling the unifying theme is fight and be trump the candidate who can you know show competence in doing that i think is likely to attract a lot of support so far that has benefited biden who's seen as best able to reach out to voters in rust belt states like michigan and wisconsin where trump narrowly
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won in 2016 but the choice of texas as the venue for this debate is also significant for decades democrats have dreamed of moving this state into the democratic column analysts believe this could be the election in which that happens texas is a dynamic and changing state we've got urban professional suburban professionals from around the country moving and we've also got a large multicultural power. elation coming of age and beginning to vote those the combination of those factors is changing the state's politics and a massive and rapid way a lot of the president's rhetoric against immigrants the policies in these detention centers around the border most of which are in texas by the way that combination of factors has begun to galvanize latino's in a way in this state that they haven't been previously if texas went democratic the republicans would have virtually no chance of winning the white house just before the debate the democrats got some good news
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a new poll came out showing that the top 4 candidates biden sanders warren and harris all running ahead of president trump by significant margins but it's still more than $400.00 days until the election robert oulds al jazeera houston a saudi princess has been given a 10 month suspended prison sentence by a french court after being found to be complicit in beating up a workman prosecutors said accused princess costs have been selling on the daughter of the king of saudi arabia of ordering a bodyguard to beat up a workman in a luxury flat in paris the man told police the bodyguard bound his hands punched and kicked him and forced him to kiss the princess's feet after she accused him of filming her on his cell phone. u.s. president donald trump says he's delaying an increase in tower of some $250000000000.00 worth of chinese exports by 2 weeks trump says the decision was
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made at the request of the chinese and as a gesture of goodwill china has reciprocated by announcing it would exempt some u.s. products from taliban creases in the lead up to talks settled for next month the u.s. tariffs were due to rise from 25 percent to 30 percent on top of the 1st. and the trade wars also impacting hong kong's economy that's suffering the fallout of the ongoing antigovernment unrest the city was one of the world's most visited in 2018 but after months of demonstrations key industries like tourism are suffering asian brown reports on the downturn that looks set to get worse. burned performs in an almost deserted theme park this is disneyland normally one of hong kong's most popular tourist attractions but there are no queues for the rides and other attractions today. on average $18000.00 people visit each day many of them from mainland china. but the unrest that began on june the 9th has made it
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harder for hong kong to sell itself as a fun destination. the neighborhood of manchaca has seen some of the worst violence the bravo clothes boutique unprincipled road regularly has to close early but always opens the following morning only the graffiti hinting at what had happened a few hours earlier. the shop faces monk police station a frequent target for demonstrators since mid june businesses fall and by 80 percent yet the solitary sales assistant says she supports the protests because she says they want what she wants. of course freedom freedom since i'm not just an employee. i think freedom is more important but my boss would think business is more important. at the nearby noodle 11 restaurant customers are
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still coming the business is 30 percent down from a month ago and while the owner remains confident from kong's economy will recover he still worried. it's hard to sustain the business had to pay the rent and the staff in more prosperous districts sale start out number customers in some luxury boutiques visitors from the chinese mainland are still arriving but they're spending less time here and list money some appear indifferent to the unrest once i got here it seemed fine it's not as hard as i imagined even before the protests began on june the 9th it had not been a good year for hong kong's economy it's been feeding the effects of the trade war between china and the united states as well as the slowdown in china's economy and all of that argue some economists could be enough to push hong kong into recession . this is a city where divisions in society are deepening and no matter how it all ends many
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people on both sides agree on one thing hong kong is unlikely to be the same again adrian brown al-jazeera hong kong. singing has become hong kong's new act of resistance and their campaign for democratic freedom. from. the. protests assange glory to hong kong and a hard shopping mall adopting it as their new and some the singalongs have designed as a new way to get demonstrate his message heard by the authorities. cuba's president says his country will soon be acutely short of fuel unless emergency measures are taken. says cuba is feeling the effects of the united states blocking of oil shipments to the country cuba has imposed a stabber to measure since 2015 when oil supply from its ally venezuela started declining scientists doctors and political leaders are meeting in brussels at a global vaccination summit the conference takes place at
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a time when countries around the world are facing outbreaks of preventable diseases due to a lack of adequate vaccination now many nations including malaysia are considering making immunization compulsory for children learn slowly reports from quantum import this is a government clinic in malaysia where vaccinations are given free for 12 preventable major childhood diseases including measles diphtheria and immunization coverage has reached 95 percent but the program isn't mandatory and mohamed north korea a father of 2 has chosen not to vaccinate his children i don't believe that though . i do believe the measles is not a deadly disease because if we look at the older generation how did they deal with it somehow which reading all these diseases that have existed for a long time something that is so deadly and i believe that with good sanitation good hygiene good nutrition and existing information you can treat me at least from my child that's my personal stand but i don't go around telling parents not to
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vaccinate their kids. reasons cited by other parents for not vaccinating include concerns about possible adverse side effects and religious grounds this debate is taking place not only in malaysia but globally the world health organization has blamed vaccine misinformation as a major threat to global health saying it could reverse progress made in tackling preventable diseases one example is measles provisional data from the w.h.o. indicates the have been more measles cases reported worldwide in the 1st half of this year than in any year since 2006 the rise in measles cases is driven by poverty in some places but in more developed countries it's due to a growing wave of people who refuse immunization for their children in malaysia the health ministry says the number of anti vaccines as they're known is small but the government is considering a proposal to make certain vaccinations compulsory for children we all agree that
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our children must not be exposed to such unnecessary release especially when there is vaccination available and it's free for the children in malaysia a mere hour of me and his wife expecting their 1st child next month and they've decided that they'll follow the national immunization shed you know in desperate not protecting your child it's about protecting others as well because if we can ensure that every child can that be vaccinated. we might prevent all this. spreadable he says to deny that to any child would be irresponsible. and this is all just here these are the top stories belfast high court has thrown out a case claiming the briggs's tried to jury of voters johnson's government is not compatible
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with the 1908 northern ireland peace accord also prime minister about his johnson has refuted claims that he lied to the queen in order to suspend parliament. did you lie to the queen when you advised her to provoke to suspend parliament absolutely not. and indeed as a i say that the high court in england plainly agrees with us but the supremes court will have to decide we need a queen's between to get on and do all sorts of things and u.s. house committee has just voted to adopt a resolution intended to intensify its impeachment investigation into president donald trump the measure allows the panel to define the rules of an impeachment probe including calling witnesses the committee voted along party lines this could be any gauge gauge that will allow us to determine whether to recommend articles of impeachment with respect to president. that is what we are doing so call this
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crisis quite so. this to gauge is the legal difference between these troops to look at care to argue about the. body of farmers and bob boilen president robert mugabe is lying in state at the stadium and what are you willing to call for as the leader nearly 4 decades ago his final resting place is still unknown as his family and zimbabwe's government are at odds over where he should be brilliant. 3 afghan soldiers have been killed in a suicide bombing near an army base in kabul the afghan minister of defense confirmed the attack 4 other soldiers were injured the taliban has claimed responsibility hundreds of protesters have taken to the streets across the done demonstrators say sudan's legal system is still dominated by members of former president omar al bashir is regime months after he was ousted from office and those are the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera in about half an hour after
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the stream live from. let's say that. we bring you the stories and developments that. come to. a recent wave of seeing if i think attacks in south africa has spotlight also across the continent. and today we'll discuss what's fueling those attacks and what's being done to stop them to join the conversation you know what to do you can tweet us at a.j. stream or leave a comment in our live chat and you too can be in the string. is very tough anonymous caller i'm a lawyer social justice and activist i mean you are in the street.
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in a phobia you are trying to have killed at least 12 people the latest incident happened on sunday and johannesburg leaving one person dead and 5 wounded most of the violence which began in late august takes place and johannesburg where large immigrant populations live news of the attacks has prompted reprisals in zambia major area and the democratic republic of the congo as protesters targeted south african businesses and diplomatic offices joining us to discuss they seem victoria 4 was involved way in the way she's the a.n.c. chairperson for the international relations committee and south africa. he's the founder of the people's coalition against a phobia. journalist chika it is good to have you everybody i wish it was over a better circumstance but india wait let me show you
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a couple of headlines i'm sure you've been reading them yourself i'm just curious about your riyadh. here we have from africa news dina phobia hobb mozambique blasts south africa to repatriate citizens another headline here $649.00 gerry and signed up to take free flights over south africa after xena phobic attacks on foreigners it's that word seen a phobia zenith do you associate that with south africa that would that attitudes. we. meet that we. see images that show. this is something that we very proud as a nation is a country it is something that we believe we need to do it in. and to deal with the number and we deal with it so many legal pointers you deal with it so main gate agent can really. deal with it so in gay teaching is in the countries
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that who i know i'm making a statement making right now and i'm very happy to actually have say. against all the things that they can people that we need to know as a country to visit but we need to and this is. what is the cornerstone and i'm doing deep that it is something that we can to do no one can but as a. government we need to take responsibility with insensitivity nice with us i think our community would be very happy to hear you say that especially because there are members of that community who don't believe this is in a phobia so i want to share with you a few tweets from people this is for chris says it's not been a phobia it's just criminal acts using xenophobia as an excuse another person says acts of criminality 8 zina phobia i don't pick that
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a few more times and it brought him here sums us up saying how can we stop as in a phobic attacks when the leaders of south africa don't agree in the 1st place that it is zina phobia and so people are hearing mixed messages there so they all give us one team you what is your take on what people seem to be saying. well i mean the kid is a few big otherwise wouldn't have. to do it of migrants we have been the main victims and looting and rioting that have been perpetrated in the past few. i want to bring in check ahead chicken i was reading your twitter feed week and i read this my 1st experiences in a phobia in south africa and then you tell a story that got so many likes and people really empathized with your story and your conclusion from the real story is quite damning for south africans tell us the story festival. well basically i had gone to south africa on october 26th team to
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attend to journalism events one was a c.n.n. african journalist award and one was a conference to engage civic data journalist and at the international airport in cape town i was approached by a very hostile man who claimed to have been an official at the airport he was not wearing a uniform therefore i was very wary of him and he approached me right after i had gone through immigration and just right off the bat his entire demeanor was belligerent it was hostile it was suspicion and it was just barry alarming there me off guard and he was just demanding to know what are you doing here what are you doing here what are you doing here and i told him several times that i'm here as a journalist to attend a media event and he was very skeptical and had a lot of doubt on his face and it was just very uncomfortable i had people in the airport watching me he wouldn't let me move any time i tried to go to baggage claim
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or go to the restroom he would physically stand in front of my my person just blocking my movement so it went on about 45 minutes until another airport official finally came to rescue me. that we've all had bad experiences at the f one how do you know i just was grumpy why you say you know phobic right right well i kept saying that i was a journalist and he wants my passport i showed him my passport which was and i during passport and that's when i saw a lot of just. he just didn't like the fact that i was traveling with a nigerian passport i saw it on his face was like oh you're nigerian and just from there that the questions that he was answered that he was asking me again right you here and i think me traveling as a female by myself with a nigerian passport he didn't like it and this was also expressed by the airport official who did actually come to rescue me see this was a bad experience for you a point space a point spencer south africa but why would you then go on to say. south africans
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enos i think from that experience because i've heard so many other similar experiences spammy i mean this is a reoccurring issue but you know this is not new this is not happening out of the blue or out of this out of a sudden and i've spoken to so many other african nationals and they express similar experiences at the airports where if you for example your physical features don't appear to be south african you're people comment come come after you also a taxi driver told me but if i were nigerian he would have whopped me he didn't know i was nigerian because i don't speak with a nigerian accent so you hear statements like this and you hear this over and over again and of course you just come to understand that there is not we always feel welcomed as african nationals we don't always feel welcome coming into south africa a very outspoken politician to this malema had something to say about these recent attacks and he framed them somewhat differently have a listen i said dad the time between all the buses let's put all these
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nigerians and zimbabweans in buses let's take them back and let's see if you get it implemented. it to me is the most stupid thing to think of you. just defying cry and you give it nice knaves all to the north will be a phobia it's kind it must be dead with this such see they what jason and i said that resonates of a lot of people lots of people around the continent of the world as well is that your take on hal some africans are behaving like now. i think the. government coming in. yeah but i think you know that you have to deny that it is my grand who are sitting with tiger that hands you know you're trying to collect tries it anyhow but as you know phobic things up by denying that you know
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make your program disappear and i think the point in that i think is quite accurate in a point and you know it in the argument of my lemon is precisely were making that the has to something a phobia is you know located in the deepening crisis in the economy where we've been losing millions of jobs particularly since the economic crisis of 2 dozen in 2009 over to me doing jobs were lost in the crisis this isn't it hasn't gotten better if anything it has gotten worse today unemployment is sitting at over 10000000 that is about. you know. about 40 percent i think according to some estimations and i mean the levels of poverty over 50 percent approximately 50 percent of the population in this country i live in poverty and i'm one of the black african that is you know much more west at and
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at the region of about $64.00 or more percent now it is this deepening level of poverty that is a hoot cause of this crisis by pretty measure in such an indication because of the we can close and the poor is depending and there is no solution on the basis of the existing the micro economy of this government none of the petitions that you know of been raising their concerns with this have offered any viable solution and we think it is only a pig with the new deal but it was 32 choruses of this kept us government that we can begin to make in roots in solving the fundamental problems of unemployment of housing of love of us. collapsing public services and all of these programs that are these countries. where clinton and of course events
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in the past say that i'm glad you mentioned poverty levels and unemployment because i'm seeing that online as well so this is julie us on twitter who says a party it created inequality south african leaders failed to address inequality in post apartheid south africa and instead some told people that the problem is having foreigners in the country the result is in a phobia i want to go on to this point picking up on that this is a director at human rights watch who says it's absolutely frightening and its rear its ugly head again in johannesburg i spoke about it on the radio and a very hostile caller threatened me scary and very little action from the police now this is the one who sent us a big comment elaborating on his thoughts on what it's been like have a listen the police. of africa this is something that can be brought under control the. property is primarily or african foreign nationals can be stalked if the policing sort of. political
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leaders in so the. insides of the phobia with no accountability. for the leaders of the good to acknowledge that what is. just criminality each is in the phobic and they must then implement the existing national action plan to come back to the phobia in other forms of intolerances then they way i'll give this one to you i see you writing notes they are thinking of things to respond to it and of course a lot of people had this question say you're the best person to talk about it with but he says it politicians police aren't doing enough and in fact they're stoking the fires. well i can the police will let me start with the political and media let's start with the president himself and i think that everyone has led him saying it's calling it exactly that it isn't
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a phobia and we've had other needers including the minister of police and there's one other thing we need to do is not to be walks into one live in a team and understanding the challenges that we have when we talk about the clinic settings and that is set when we talk about an economy that's are doing that when they say it when you talk about people are looking for jobs and you talk about unemployment when you talk about inequality those are all set but 6 on the other hand is that doesn't mean everything that it can under the circumstances to make sure that we implement our plan and we not only have an is the development plan that keeps on being updated and changing in order for it to adapt to the current situation the bottom line is that it is not as you are in a situation where there is a nation that is going through a very difficult situation which is compounded by the past which is talking to us
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into digital groupings find a way. even make people think that letter that's against it and let us against it in china we belong to the african continent that is why from the very beginning when they spoke and said this is easy just a south african problem it's easy problem for all of us as leaders of the african continent as communities as individuals so it isn't for most all the african countries we need to grow our economies we need to build democracy we need to appreciate that with only take care of our citizens but our citizens also need to take themselves and not on when i was having the conversation i said i was asked. if you jeanne my sense i know what it is to wake up in the morning and get your bags and go to a country you don't know we must simply allow a situation where people have to do that because they are sourced by circumstances in their own country but once they are in our country in south africa we need to
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take responsibility who's got to make sure that there's no end or was going to make sure that people are properly documented it was good to make sure that people and we're going to be a little made sure that people are not engaging in things which are illegal and thoughtful foreign estates listen and see kids getting long journey that we have to live in it's 25 years of democracy and by the way immediately after 994 we had a lot borders almost completely open a lot of people coming in any way not even getting that meet up one in vegas we went to people signed it and said something like this so it simply means letter stand in our institutions of democracy and this is speculation died or so at the same time because that people in south africa why began one look to be anything illegal but of the other hand that people are that's it our what the media and doing illegal things and the issue of their crime it is
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a set why is it that people who go to bed. so you see it's not easy it's limited it's a complicated situation do you really do it is one of the issues that's being discussed here we have to eat the beardless here because it's. really a limited time when there are let me just ask you. bring in zimbabwe right now some of the let me just say the vernacular for our zimbabweans in south africa is not very complimentary and also the vacuum for nigerian. human lives i mean it is not very complimentary i was wondering how people are responding to you chicka can you explain what the vernacular is about how nigerians are sometimes referred to in zimbabwe and sometimes referred to in south africa. oh from what i understand the word is quite adequate air and i've heard different
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explanations as to what that actually means i think it's supposed to be from one explanation kind of a way to make fun of the way language is in that part of the world sound especially language isn't zimbabwe so it's what they make fun of the way it sounds other words i mean you kind of scenes in a popular and pop culture and africa i have to say for example of a 2011 doing look i do think we should go that route because this is essentially i. mean the end there was many names each and i knew there was an influence going to this was an influence it wasn't big there was an influence to see these guys made also their sleep we do not want to. keep the site they can see people doing their way. i'm just curious as to your reception in zimbabwe now in the middle c. programs of africa have you noticed your you change your name has
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a reputation been tarnished by the last couple of weeks of it i mean i'm not a little nap and. the speeches and the like this year in the city just announced the twenty's. we had the meeting the team is in the midst of actually kids who want to see us so that you can we need to deal with what seems nice to do something about it make sure you see make sure that you have been diligent make sure you have the things done which is a sin and the decency to them if they're not you going to. the sound is should and shouldn't you denying that that you're playing i think that there is an attempt to deny the role of the inappropriate playing you know we heard the police minister say last week that this is going to analyse this is a breach of law and order when president obama polls that came to nigeria just recently he also sat there thinking that this is not about the an opiate this is again when our little. and when the economic. and all of the men are making
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allegations he said that nigerians in south africa are engaged in human trafficking . these are broad strokes my listeners wrote larry. you know my sister for us the earliest. knowledge what it is a living room this is my system this is to use roots it's not just use lids it's certainly there's a beginning we just keep understanding ease each need to change it easy and yet we have said that this is going to sit in neat uncertain terms the statements of the sit in e. consistent and what i disagreed with is to begin not to 36 years we've not yet the weeds we can't see right now we are still in this just because we are one of those countries that has been either forefront in supporting peace democracy in the us we can't let in our time in gauging anger when if it
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appears that i'm seeing is looking actually is he pledged to make sure that he sends out to get as he can the way i hear you we're saying that i want to bring in our community off of the back of what you're saying this is coming on live on you tube right now that has said it says attacking innocent poor immigrants will not solve people's problems get rid of corruption and make the government accountable for its corruption that is leading your economy fight corruption not immigrants so keeping kids i know i know you do it to the i read it out and someone else agrees i want to bring in the opposition because the opposition would agree with that comment in particular as well so have a listen to a member of the da. government is able to manage the economy they're able to manage the public sector they've got the totally wrong approach and so therefore all that will happen is that we have got a concern constantly have people who turn on each other because they've got no
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opportunity they don't feel like they've got any hope. and we're making a case to say that your entire economic policy is wrong and therefore it is leading us to this dismal situation which we find ourselves in and we ultimately finding ourselves in a more police more militarized states with these more brute force and you're relying on police to resolve the key economic problems. we haven't heard your voice in a minute i want to give this one to you economic policy in changing that is that enough to make it so that we don't see attacks like this happen in future. i mean let's be careful that. it is precisely the police is that this government has pursued in the past 25 years that has brought us where we are that didn't dream of a nuclear bomb between 2 dozen one in 2008 we actually had a 1st social policy issue that was predicated on attacks through you know
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through to a little bit of distraction that has cancer that has many workers into precarious forms of imprisonment that is if you lose wages as a share of the news that income and then when the economic catches heat it does when the pieces of it come through that is that you know if they trust on to twitter to quote society in the water with it you could should of. it not be just one of the bases that when you needn't of jobs have been lost and it didn't affect that this very quickly this video government that it is that it puts in a let me let me just ask and we can understand it is pushing let me just push you to ask because when the last few minutes of the shell i don't need to fall off the edge of app. people's coalition advancing a 5 a you want a 1000 of that rather than developing on the pos what is possible what are you able to in the back of your shot can you read what that board says behind. let's assign
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some to high numbers then let's we'll be here yes yes yes all right how do we get there i want to get well is a lesson a phobia. i think for us what we need of the programs of unemployment of green public 2 of collapsing public services in our view is that you need to be able to have the most public works program that can ensure that we did it was to our kids it's a hospital and a public infrastructure but for the not quite at the end but as you know of the country that it's been they did but the case is by the crest of the past 10 years but also what the newly built up portis is that have you know along with the money to there's no cooperation but i really didn't know what industry through takeovers that it destroyed from wasn't in tens of thousands of jobs in the past few years and so and for that up we did believe you must newsnight lives the commanding
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heights of the economy. the money the bend the heart the democratic contender and then to look us showed that he could have explained. the way the voice of the union is coming out loud and clear check at the place of the tracks to late because when i think up and she appreciates rap and indeed a way found him i felt that with only a study to have the chance think that banks just need. to leave the pitch yes. i do i see they kick out thank you for your time this is such an important discussion and seem to have on the stream our and around the african continent and south africa of course many cat it is a long journey this is all hairy on twitter who says government officials need to have the political will to secure lives no matter the nationality as life is sacred wanted to bear things our stream community for pitching the show thank you gas
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tylenol can i will always. at. what at. a new political sitcom after 27 years of dictatorship and the balloon this problem that we have can we overcome it can be challenges here in looks at the new democracy in ethiopia is fos changing political landscape through the stories of 4 divests ethiopians simply this is my studio where i shoot the sitcom. my ethiopia on al-jazeera. in the heart of the amazon 1000000000 family is that their lives in peril to
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harvest brazil nuts. it's getting the congo to the capital is an even more dangerous challenge. risking it all libya. on al-jazeera. and this law is the most incredible stories are often true. and cheering go on experiences. makes the unfamiliar for me. in this life diversity makes a difference understanding the importance of being part of something great of their soul and this law is what i want to use as freedom of expression. the right to mortgage. sean and
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a lot into the golf course. because you're destroying the design and. makes us human. and the human condition is universal. this is al jazeera. hello from doha everyone i'm on maria and this is the news hour from al-jazeera. this is a worst case scenario which civil servants obviously caught. to prepare for the. u.k. prime minister barak johnson downplayed his own government's report on the possible
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chaos of leaving the e.u. without a deal. also in the news a u.s. house judicial committee approves a vote that could ramp up impeachment efforts against president don't trump the push for peace new prime minister meets groups to try to end the violence in the country's south i mean look at some of the misconceptions about vaccines as a summit in brussels highlights the benefits. for one of the all time greats of women's tennis is coming out of retirement for the 2nd time let's come back. see you in 2020. years is returning to the pro game at the age of $36.00. so the british parliament might be suspended but that doesn't mean there's any let up in the countdown to briggs it yes there has been some relief for the prime minister in the form of northern ireland's hylas highest court dismissing
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a challenge to boris johnson's brags that strategy the court threw out a claim which argued a no deal breakers it would undermine the 1998 peace process however boris johnson still faces mounting pressure after a scottish court declared his suspension of parliament to be unlawful critics now accuse him of misleading the queen on the matter. did you lie to the queen when you advised her to provoke to suspend parliament absolutely not. and indeed i say that the high court in england plainly agrees with us but the supremes court will have to decide we need a queen's between to get on and do all sorts of things johnson and his cabinet ministers are also downplaying the government's report on a no deal bragg's that scenario that's predicted food and medicine shortages and after a meeting with the european parliament president on thursday the chief negotiator michel said he was ready to discuss any legally workable proposals from the e.u. from the u.k. i should say but he hasn't got me yet ok following developments from london for us
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on this one hi jonah explain to us then if this is a well is this a big win for boris johnson today given the scottish court ruled how it did yesterday now we have this court in belfast in his favor. ah i'm not sure it's a big win per se but i think the government will be relieved about this decision by the judges in northern ireland but they more or less followed the reasoning of the judges in the english high court who'd been asked to rule on or a similar idea whether the predication of parliament was lawful or not and they declined to say that it was unlawful that's not the same as saying that the government did nothing wrong the basis upon which they decided was the separation of powers they basically said that it is not competent for the courts to rule on what was basically a political decision. as against that the scottish judges of course decided
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quite the contrary and they were very happy to rule that it was unlawful to probe parliament also unlawful to have given the queen the advice or as johnson did asking her to probe parliament because it was not the purpose that he said it was for which was as he has insisted perfectly standard complementary procedure to bring a close to one session of parliament and to open a brand new one with a new set of government priorities instead this was done with quote the improper purpose of trying to stymie parliament or muzzle it rendered an able to scrutinise the brakes a plan so on the sort of legal balance sheet $2.00 to $1.00 in favor of the government broadly speaking but there's really only one arbiter that comes next week it's the supreme court court it will decide in the end and it's decision will be final and of course if that goes against boris johnson they'll have no comeback of government from that that could be very difficult indeed and the other development journalists report this worst case scenario apparently and again bars
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johnson trying to say well yes of course we have to plan for it it can you give us an idea of how bad the scenario is potentially look at. what i think the fallout from this operation yellow hammer released on wednesday night has been somewhat tempered by the fact that it was all leaked most of it was leaked. a british newspaper in august so this sort of bold fact stated there are assumptions stated there have been released to the media already but of course the context is different now than it was in august this is a government very much on the back foot a government minority an election is coming this is all manner to the opposition have been able to again lay all sorts of charges at the government's door dishonest irresponsible you need to recall parliament immediately and to be able to say with an election coming look this is an illustration of where this government would like this country to end up if it doesn't get a deal rather than do everything in its power to avoid no deal this is a government that says it's happy to plan for no deal the government for its part
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is saying look we took into account these assumptions in all this when they were presented to us we've since spent of cash $10000000000.00 on mitigation for these consequences we're about to release a new report that will include all these new assumptions and show everybody that we're now absolutely prepared for no deal even if we weren't 2 months ago as you rightly said there they're sort of playing the whole thing down jonah hill in london thank you for all of that moving to other news and lawmakers in the us are voted to move forward with investigative procedures that could lead to the impeachment of president donald trump now the committee voted along party lines it was approved unanimous republican opposition and it will allow the enhanced questioning of witnesses this is the 1st step in a very lengthy process that could eventually lead to an impeachment trial this could be is it a gauge to gauge that will allow us to determine whether to recommend articles of
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impeachment back to president drop that is what we are doing so call this crisis choir so. there's the geishas there's no legal difference between these terms care to argue about the. here's mike hanna in washington to explain a little more and i do need a bit more context i guess from you on this one might because you know democrat leader nancy pelosi has been very clear that she didn't want to go down the impeachment but here puff but here we see the 1st very sort of tentative baby steps towards the oh of this is a consequence of the division among democrats about whether or not to label this ongoing investigation into the trump administration and the campaign that led to his election as an impeachment process a number of democrats are saying no that would be politically damaging so the committee has not attempting to reconcile these divisions in effect now ruling that yes there are certain investigative procedures that can be followed as you
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mentioned this of voted along party lines 24 to 17 so that it just mention what these procedures off the committee is able to appoint secret hearings it's able to appoint subcommittees that can deal with various aspects it's a lot of stuff has to conduct questioning for an hour off to members of the committee have finished questioning witnesses now has the point that republicans are making on the committee the chairman of the committee the democratic chairman had all these powers before all why then the republicans arguing was it necessary to hold this hearing labeling it an impeachment process the republicans insisting that this is pure political grandstanding an attempt to keep the impeachment in the public discourse what would be the next step mike if it does go further. well the next step would be ongoing investigations by the judiciary committee
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either as a whole or in its subcommittees now that would eventually or could eventually lead to the decision that yes it is sufficient evidence to draw up articles of impeachment the committee would then send that recommendation to the house the house would then vote and it needs a 2 thirds vote whether or not to proceed with those articles of impeachment in the unlikely case that it did that would go to the senate which would then effectively conduct a trial a trial that would be decided by 2 thirds once again now at this particular stage and many democrats arguing this the sheer number in both the house and senate means that this process would not go forward they would only be political fallout and investigations into president trump would be shopper and the mind so this is an ongoing debate but what will happen in the immediate future is ongoing investigations not only by the judiciary committee but by a number of other house bodies that all continuing investigating actions by
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president trump that they hope may give them enough evidence at some stage to begin discussions about drawing up articles of impeachment it's a law as before is present just thinking about a very long road ahead thank you mike hanna in washington d.c. . here is what's coming up for you on this news hour the less than known victims of the war in yemen we will meet the fisherman battling for survival. people are praying and you try somebody says farewell to the founding leader who polarize the country in life and it seems in death and in sport the former heavyweight boxing champion preparing for the next step in his bid to retain the title. hundreds of protesters of the streets across sudan demanding reform demonstrators say sudan's legal system is still dominated by members of former president on up
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issues regime months after he was removed from office they want the country's new ruling coalition to remove the judges loyal to bush's allies and they're calling for all former members to face justice and sudan's new prime minister abdullah is making his 1st state visit to south sudan in his new role juba is hosting talks between the transitional government and several armed groups that made peace has made peacekeeping i'm sorry has made peacemaking with groups fighting khartoum one of his main priorities go right back to 2003 thousands of people have been killed in civil wars between sudan's government and groups this includes the conflict in darfur where fighting between armed groups of farmers and government forces displaced around 2 and a half 1000000 people fighting in the region has subsided over the past 4 years but the armed groups are still there is still active and skirmishes continue to pop up reaching pace is a priority for this new transitional government largely because it's
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a key condition for getting sudan removed from the u.s. sponsors of terrorism lists his habit morgan in juba with more. it's the sudanese prime minister's 1st foreign visit since he was appointed last month and it's scheduled to last for 2 days now the prime minister will be meeting with the head of state of south sudan salva kiir mayardit who is also at the moment the mediator of the peace talks between the sudanese government and the armed group called the sudanese revolutionary front and the sudan people's liberation movement north the prime minister is also scheduled to meet with the heads of these armed groups because he says that when he was appointed he made a pledge that his transitional government will prioritize peace over anything else and we'll try to achieve it within the 1st 6 months of the 39 months transitional period the prime minister has also said that sudan will be an open space and will build its foreign relations based on common interests and interests between south sudan and sudan 2 countries that were one to one go very deep the 2.


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