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tv   Sports Doping The Endless Chase 2016 Ep 1  Al Jazeera  September 11, 2019 4:00am-5:00am +03

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hello i'm down jordan and with a quick reminder of the top stories on al-jazeera one of the most powerful people in the white house is out of a job national security advisor john bolton says he resigned but u.s. president donald trump says he was fired because of disagreements of a foreign policy trump says a new adviser will be appointed next week helen fisher has more now from washington d.c. i think you're going to do a fantastic job and i appreciate that there had been growing divisions between john bolton that his boss but the end was brutal even by the standards of this white house donald trump tweeting i informed john bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the white house i disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions as did others in the administration therefore i asked for his
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resignation which was given to me this morning bolton tweeted not the usual thanks for being able to set but an insistence he quit rather than being fired at a news briefing at the white house which bolton was initially listed to attend to even secretary of state might pompey defended the president's decision the president's entitle to the stance that he wants that at any moment the staff person who works directly for the president states and he should have people they trust and values if there were many times in basketball that i disagree that's to be sure but that's true for lots and lots of people who with whom i interact john bolton was donald trump started national security advisor the longest serving so far but with his stated positions of using military force in iran and north korea he was annoyed fit for a president whose isolationist america 1st policy wanted to reduce the u.s. military footprint. we're told it was against talking to north korea against pulling u.s. troops out of syria and to get. the president's latest idea of inviting afghanistan's
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taliban to peace talks at camp david that seems to have been the breaking point we have seen from this and from every other firing but what he really wants are people that echo what he already wants to do and with bolton's opposition gone there could be obvious changes for example there's a better chance the president will meet with his a really encounter part the president made very clear if appeared to meet with no preconditions before he became president donald trump considered john bolton for the role of secretary of state but ultimately decided against it because he felt he didn't look the part mainly because of his mr bush now after 18 months is the national security adviser john bolton once again finds that his face doesn't fit alan fischer al jazeera at the white house rocket fire has cut short a campaign rally by israel's prime minister just hours after he announced plans to annex the jordan valley and the occupied west bank if he wins next week's general
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election binyamin netanyahu said the trumpet ministrations middle east peace plan would provide an historic opportunity for extending israeli sovereignty over the west bank and other areas. near mosul in filibuster by the united slim i'm asking you to give me the mandate to extend israeli law to all the settlements out of respect for president trump i'm waiting to do this in maximum coordination with his administration but there is one place where did diplomatic circumstances are ripe to do this very soon if i am elected i commit to next the jordan valley and north of the dead sea it is our eastern border our defense wall. and following the rocket fire israel launched a series of asterix on gaza the israeli army says it struck 15 targets in central and northern parts of the territory including what it says was a site for the production of weapons. at least 31 people have died in iraq during
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a stampede at one of shia islam's most sacred sites officials say about 100 others were injured when a walk like collapsed and triggered the stampede in. millions of people to commemorate assura. venezuela is carrying out a series of military drills on its colombian border the military says 150000 troops are involved in the war games expected to continue for several weeks the body of zimbabwe's former president robert mugabe is on its way to his hometown to be buried scaring his body just left a funeral in singapore he died there last week at age 95 and his funeral will be held on sunday well those were the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera after a sports doping the endless chase statement that sort of left. mean
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as i want to run away you into. that but that's the balls are born out of. the knowledge to find out the whole point you cannot then you've. missed some as it was to start us up we had the one which most of the set says there not to do it so disappointing. the double of a cousin to punches a pitch on the bottom. just that almost is that all of.
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its obscenity but the only thing i. just noticed particular to you. as you can get the most at least. the story you want the need to keep. cook with smoke with my new cook means. nothing about small because i want to know that as our store our certain use i sent back still leggett's if you want to have. your boy to take a shining he wanted. but for the better god we're going to. do something man would not want to smoke just like you could see me i have which now point she keyboard.
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for about 400 for you worry i'll step out of our box but it could not you might not tell your boys you used to part of them is a whistle blower heroine of the fight against doping despite the risks she had the courage to report an organized cheating system in russian athletics. causing one of the world's biggest sports scandals questioning the presence of russia in international competitions. and i ask the question about doping in the russian federation. is not on the last world cup level. never in sport has cheating been so prevalent at the highest level. never has the pharmacological range of performance enhancing drugs been so great. it is something to solve and it picked up this issue through spotty. cycling football power sports injury and sports technical schools doping is only present no discipline escapes unscathed but where do these products come from how does this underground activity
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work. till armitage but certainly it's also going to aid in a good many galaxies most of the stick you give as if you have to shift. the styles of high performance schools can spend up to $100000.00 euros a year on state of the out treatments that are often still under development. the extreme growth of the sports business is gendered a lucrative black market in doping with an estimated $30000000000.00 euros a year so in whose interest is it to unmask the cheats and clean up sport to demand for sale it was picked up to measure it given that it was picked at the measure of the vote to succeed. the guess what so the less it guy is on the best of us get on the christmas but even voters that. sponsors and sports federations a partly responsible. for the video poker player where is it where is my eyes up without. some leaders benefit financially from having
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doped athletes and cover up the cheating to ensure participation in international meetings such as organising that's damage stuff that's a bowling push for you on top of a culture it wasn't in a world that values prefer. moments and competition so highly are the proponents of green sports fighting a losing battle. it's rare to find out leads willing to talk about doping. where starting instigation that things parts could i talk to no i'm sorry i have no comment to make nothing to say about that. sorry and only to say
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well ok yes it will happen to me for doping in the open. and she. hunted him out in force but only if she had been a nobody will talk about this please stop calling every day when you can't say anything but. the subject is to boo. about as you said you know better things about me thank you i'm always. up. for. this young man is the 1st to agree to address the subject area but already. a quarter. 22 year old quentin beagle a hammer thrower tested positive from anabolic steroids at the european championships in germany in 2014. time to go when you said it was in the body's own field a little with a long i don't do you'll want to have like equal. video as your point is that if
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you have a look at you are going to look at the responses because i mean on the. mystery tour or does it really sort of her problem wife more for sports gets rafael emerged . from. his coach rafael peel lanty was indicted for inciting doping. this is a. room after all just sentiment in the 6th day or misses the point of forgive for she said while the us to pawtucket off if you don't see it when you're up to put up or you're for the lima. says kids to school do is also not true. at 18 going to big all became junior champion of europe at 19 he was the youngest athlete for the french delegation at the london olympics in a sport where you normally reach the peak of your performance in your early thirties his career seemed to begin well.
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i don't know maybe the earlier. a year early. bearable more. suited me they do want. you know stuff and there are bodies on priscilla system to the more traditional on the order your the new normal dogs are beginning from this unit on time slim and old but all called have also picked up phyllis diller certainly the. door usually good news on the doobie. i'm sure to new york. or just some to. see don't become a year or 2 funded are funded from all the. fitted our founder didn't tell you do this who were. in the eyes at the popular.
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then in 20126 months before the london olympic games quentin injured himself the issue of doping came up for the 1st time so markets were made for making sure that his apostle were right more often oh my you are mentally for. are to me to play 300 percent of schwab to normal physical society sets you up by duty or treacherous crime is also your lot in. the city you are going to do to. put us in a prison lawman during the famine. say that is to steal one pin when the trailer looks. well. go not a trophy and was originally prescribed by doctors to stimulate the secretion of sex hormones athletes use it for its anabolic effects to help increase muscular mass.
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quentin b. gore was also taking testosterone proponent injections. meth and die alone orally. and stanozolol the steroid taken by ben johnson in 1980 for 2 years quentin was able to avoid testing positive. jumpers posted in europe small dispense it in it before the apollo once programming was complete shock well when it comes. to all the. you know what. a shock jock but don't want it said you know why it were in hindsight he incriminates his relationship with his trainer. i mean don't phone affair or. sufis just a book. journey type of fairbridge point this was on a limb on that all kind morning busy drew we appreciate more papa bear this rethought of our process at all because. she
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couldn't answer the real. question when he would get up his conservative. second 2nd call well his former coach denies any involvement quentin admits he made a mistake and wants to move on. from cisco yes i mean. it works calls now for your calling. for us. for it so there are thousands of quick responses for it on the visit of a family to. every year worldwide $3000.00 death leads are suspended by their federations. on a global level the fight against doping began fairly recently in 1999 the world anti-doping
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agency wada was created water defines doping in legal terms. you have bad you see a map of drugs also was purchased. here for amnesty but if requested i would also want to pose for what is just part. in 200-5191 states signed unesco's international convention against doping in sport and began to harmonize their legislations but the world anti-doping agency still has no operational role it is the responsibility of the sports federations to find cheaters and therein lies the main problem. or has 2015 beijing hosts the 15th world athletics championships organized by the i.w. and the international association of athletics federations since the 2008 olympic
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games china has excelled at all in izing sporting events for 9 days almost 1900 athletes from 200 make countries more watched by 6000000000 television viewers. through the i w a f organizes the event and sells television rights to broadcasters oddly though they are also responsible for enforcing anti doping regulation. it's a system which makes the federation's both judge and jury i buy any 0. busy point so so-called whole competition but it's true just a political i generally also bob will just move on to the course the question is ill upon the world is on pause when their playoff in charge of sources that i hope i shall apply to all was well. behind the finishing line don't ping inspectors and members of the international federation await the
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athletes selected for testing. i must be tough the posturing done so we are secure in knowing that we don't concede a can of mace any of the athletes that have been selected were required to do so in those cases start off with a fuss in the press leaks. in this accuser own 500 samples are taken no camera can enter when an athlete is present. and then c c c. thank you so essentially basically that's exactly what we did you can see we have. had a very this is now. thank you. to see. so. resounding so i
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can see. to tell you yesterday. there were cases where. athletes were not required to. draw completely so the possibility to hide something with it. they were not only. an example of this was a trick most famously pulled off by boxer mike tyson. who confessed to having deceived testers by using a fake penis filled with clean you're in. an independent laboratory analyzes the samples there are $35.00 in the world that are accredited by the world anti-doping agency each athlete must provide 2 bottles sample a for analysis and sample b. for a 2nd test if required the anonymous samples are separated into several tubes and tested for 400 different chemicals every year the world anti-doping agency
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publishes the list of prohibited substances and methods the athletes take great care to avoid the banned substances. for book all are supposed to do we do call for positive because the cover of all the not exactly. what i said don't fit statistic more than i would have heard. of any more put in water bottles who can't get it through school or simply improve we'll do it here on the world because how we were going to go to school they would put on a computer should always has that. testing during competition is above all about protecting the reputation and credibility of the athletics event in question these urine tests are supplemented by other checks elite athletes are subjected to testing several times a year either at home or at a hotel tests that the federations normally do not allow to be filmed.
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to the downdraft is there she's my college sure how did you get some if this time it's a blood test. images. make sure it. was going to come. up. blood testing allows levels of other substances undetectible in your in to be assessed. the equipment or protocol are the same for all athletes in all countries all blood data is kept on record by the i.w.a. f. for comparison purposes to help identify any suspicious variations this is what is known as a biological passport. i . am the 1st probably seen.
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by the director more or less from source. we do well it says if. of it of a movie or the mask of saga sold in. kenya naaman over let in most double agent of the year last. year as well pleased. this is the value of various work your typical titles will it will show on the downward dog as any of us will disappear. in beijing 450000 euros to spend on the drive to unmask don't has but only 2 kenyan athletes tested positive samples can be reanalyzed for a period of up to 10 years. so i started to do the persia a lot afterward to show. the case that that was fairly does attitude. because for us all these are what i when they said the poses had to be democrats
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went through the desert let polyfill fish other for. these retroactive tests can shatter the podiums years after competitions since the london games russians are a poorer was stripped of her gold medal in the 3000 meter steeplechase. the u.s. relay team lost their 4 silver medals and turned out to keane returned her gold medal for the 1500 meters via his left us better than me and i last sees me is one boy's them as what their sexual means their boys are mourning in their own but i. don't mean to infer that being your me s. or the boys you there is the drugs no he will sign do is me leaving safe nozzles the hail me usage going on here but. nowadays any athlete is seen as capable of don't bring.
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them up on. suddenly the same cincinnatus. the contents to his mind that has been on the neck of the wood he. wanted to. kill me dog for sale ice. sheets and chose to stay here myself this kind of last night you don't flip out on the stump. this is not my. place is going to spy on me. it was see the seashell got. no deal oh. my
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bowels and they. form a killing for his. voice i want. it all to. be and a. voice in. the face of. you same voice. i spoke at a sick come joy leave my face you see the. i'm in the entire history of the 100 meters i fled 6 blue ribbon sprint event only 10 men and run the distance in this the 9.8 seconds using bones is the only one to have never been accused of doping. was it was it was the jamaican is the 1st sprinter to have been proved $100.00 metres world record 3 times some of these records were achieved during
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a period when no blood testing was carried out on jamaican athletes. yes you do do poem classy point to make evident. you know. it by tab you give it back pocket i'm the best short. of it is that let the time and the law. because the day are bad you don't. tend to get the full immersion. if the law says that lead to. that leap. from that it isn't. made in the demo not to. sit in on and they don't devalue up the money carol better looking for it possible here live it up is possible. in theory every country needs a national anti-doping agency able to independently organize the testing of its athletes however in many countries due to the interference of national sporting
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federations of the state the agencies do not carry out anti doping tests thus in 2012 there were no urine tests in jamaica during the 6 month period that preceded the london olympics where using bolt made off with 3 gold medals. they didn't go. because i know that there's more. football when. they say look they're so young for a saturday and they got the. i don't know if. you saying balls great american rival justin gatlin has been suspended twice after testing positive for amphetamines and testosterone he returned at the age of 32 even
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stronger and faster than he was when he tested positive for his performances judy raised eyebrows. am was. big storms generate thousands of headlines it seems that much the media is still struggling with how to deal with it with different angles from different perspectives and you hold to account separate the spin from the facts. the misinformation from the journalism how careful must you and your words but some tough stuff has to be said so some critics have to be made the listening post on al-jazeera. jr zia. the spark that ignited the arab spring elects a new president what does the political scene look like after the arrest of one of the main candidates in the presidential race joining us for
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a special coverage. on al-jazeera. a new political sitcom after 27 years of dictatorship in the disk problem that we have can we overcome it can challenge is era looks at the new democracy in ethiopia is fast changing political landscape through the stories of 4 divests ethiopians simply this is my studio where i shoot the sitcom. my ethiopia on al-jazeera.
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al-jazeera. where every. hello i'm daryn jordan in doha with a quick reminder of the top stories on al-jazeera u.s. president donald trump says he's fired his 3rd national security adviser john bolton says he resigned in a tweet from said he had several policy disagreements with bolton u.s. secretary of state mike pompei had defended the president's decision. the president's intitled to the staff that he wants that at any moment this is the person who works directly for the present united states and he should have people they trust and values and whose efforts and judgments benefit him and delivering american foreign policy that's what as a cabinet member secretary should i try to do each and every day and when the president makes a decision like this is well within his rights to do so you're going to rocket fire
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has cut short a campaign rally by israel's prime minister just hours after he announced plans to annex the jordan valley in the occupied west bank should he win next week's general election binyamin netanyahu said the trumpet ministrations middle east peace plan would provide an historic opportunity for extending his 20 sovereignty over the west bank and other areas. from a bunch of the mountain saloon i'm asking you to give me the mandate to extend israeli law to all the settlements out of respect for president trump i'm waiting to do this in maximum coordination with his administration but there is one place where the diplomatic circumstances are ripe to do this very soon if i'm elected i commit to the next the jordan valley and north of the death see it is our eastern border our defense wall and following that rocket fire is rendered to a series of mass trikes on gaza the israeli army says it struck 15 targets in central and northern parts of the territory tooting what it says was
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a site for the production of weapons. in iraq at least 31 people have died during a stampede at one of shia islam's most sacred sites officials say about 100 others were injured when a walkway collapsed and triggered the stampede in karbala millions of people are there to commemorate assura which marks the death of mohammed's grandson. the body of zimbabwe's former president robert mugabe has left singapore to be buried in his hometown he died in the city last week aged 95 mcgarvie led zimbabwe for almost 40 years before being ousted in a military takeover in 2017 his funeral will be on sunday well those are the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera after sports doping the endless chase stage of them so much of that enough. in the entire history of the $100.00 metres sprint event only 10 men of run the distance in less than 9.8 seconds using bolt is the only one to have never been
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accused of doping. the jamaican is the 1st sprinter to have improved to 100 meters world record 3 times some of these recalls were achieved during a period when no blood testing was carried out on jamaican athletes using bowls great american rival justin gatlin has been suspended twice after testing positive for amphetamines and testosterone he returned at the age of 32 even stronger and faster than he was when he tested positive for his performances judy raised eyebrows scientists suspect that doping may indeed have long term effects. it came or could be oh yeah and they're back to do it only one law suit. and. then it key softly year. the whole defamation effective law connected to moot if he sued if they put it up oh.
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yes compliments of the crypt. considering your analogies performance this present is this remind you is this part is life tragedy he wrote that your job is to go out there and give. give the news to the world but have a biased opinion so i think you don't do a good job of being the reporters can meet later and discuss more about it and all of that. despite 4 years of suspension justin gatlin signed another contract with nike the world's largest sports equipment manufacturer is sending out mixed messages. it's sure not the way. within that that there was a good one i keep one of them brought in with a nigga. let's back up or about there on the market you're on the opposite they want him better they got your say he. so your money in
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there is going to cheat and then from the 1st. job a runner up at the end of this resort let us call mario and young justin gatlin mike domingo thought that was going the opposite they were going to show us in the box with an all for nike is told only they are they never more than one. then you don't do believe you need most is the sheeple who frequent romel and mirthless hall snort that couldn't be the core of the explorer picnic spot in the office your tsunamis this could go on there. but will seek a new cell for tomorrow yancey meet up on the critical spot in the form of b. and d. but that you are short of and they're almost.
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endless will see the revolution. to stop cheating many athletes are demanding more severe penalties. and almost. has been running so it's a clear clinton. held open eyes saying it's about the last thing on socialists in london it's a cousin and so. on they can from the olympics and you know i think this year seen the stakes. late in 2000 couples have tim said and we've all seen. this in this theater so few of us here on this book speak to me welcome to couldn't
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comment on the athlete and i'm so and i'm talking weekend went to meet on a lot and his meeting his son he says needs to say oh mommy says eat. this is to college who missed us is me fuck and those fish have a complaint in laos and south of him east. he's been at them i don't know said leighton to get up top and but in a baby's looseness of inflated have to be stuff that i missed and. then i know the small dog being all those they leaked behind the recent. the month even the stuffed. dog they stayed in on their plates and. it seemed as mystifying style to folk to them the stuff we say took
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a family skin done of it this is to a mouse this is he going to want to. pios it but it is one of the few journalists specializing in dumping since 2006 he's been conducting a study on cheating in spain china and kenya in 2015 he brought the lies and corruption at the highest level of the i w f to light. this is a comment. that inventors read about as. they gather in very. blue to get a fresh start or season for me and track and spit. the massive doping has worked to try to take away ya invective eason's and most these are the results of blood tests for 5000 athletes taken between 20012012 amongst them 800
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a suspected of doping for example this value of this blood sample should not exceed 143 sometimes we find samples valuing 145155 or even 156. norton versions of a get off talking kind of person i know a lot interesting a bit of the talking of going to a vet to happen often a tradition was a hands off of your insanity i don't know annoyances. dropping middle of the norm and we're talking way toward. the federation the us knew that many of their athletes with doping notably the long distance and medium distance runners but they allowed this to happen even worse the directors of the i.w.a. f allowed athletes who tested positive to compete in exchange for money according to the newspapers le monde and l'express mean diac the president of the idea of up until 2015 admitted to french prosecutors to having him penciled 1500000 euros the
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money would have been used to fund the election of the senegalese president in 2012 his son. back former marketing consultant supposedly targeted athletes such as the russian marathon runner. from whom he allegedly demanded 450000 euros so that she can still compete racketeering money was moved to a company in singapore black tidings when investigated by interpol he denied all involvement gabriel de lay the head doctor of the federation is suspected of having received nearly 200000 euros for having concealed the doping but see this is obviously just. stopped at about a bush community drop of a culture clothes and get it for blunt and i stuck to it as i said comforting talking at the forefront in the fight against doping and one internets and argue about it see or touch these after bad and i cannot escape in total not out don't go if now to just good stand out is obama supporter we're talking to americans and he comes i'm. disgusted by these practices athletes decided to take matters into their
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own hands dear i don't we cannot trust you anymore you damage our sport we have to. this is what we have to see. you put money. i want to run against clean athletes not months those. are the integrity. passion. some athletes went even further yes the plan of russia's 800 metres champion in 2011 along with her husband vitali unveiled to the world how russia creates its champions for 5 years yulia rubbed shoulders with the world's best athletes the tally is an advisor to the director of the russian anti-doping agency this is him at the side of the sports minister in 2009. in
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2014 the couple decided to reveal the systematic doping of russian athletes doping organized by the country's medical and sporting bodies and covered up by the state there revelations caused a scandal. it's tearing apart undoes being in atlantic city size russia faces standing karateka a lot so that at the start of the civilities it's all take i'm going to get the ball to do but it could be sourced not from the one i think is below us was just that s.p.l. isn't a little small deal to do push the ball shook it passes it it gets your. if. forced to react to the i.w.a. after suspended $4000.00 russian athletes it was the biggest collective punishment in the history of sport. vladimir putin was forced to reassure the world. your program will produce just for your thoughts to win their booty not us here and you. see every species somewhere i couldn't shoot
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a pitcher and a group of young millionaire stuck to each mission not only me and you don't know the story. 2 months later 2 directors of the anti-doping agency died under suspicious circumstances vyacheslav seen have a new key to come out of their deaths took place just as they were preparing to make public disclosures according to the sunday times considered traitors of their homeland the whistleblower couple exiled themselves to berlin. resist. the best right now so mr. testing is known as this year's. the story began the day that usually a med surg a pro to gun off the head of the athletics federations medical department prescribe to a doping program. to go after getting claridge. that
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upset that the doctor wasn't that's because it's cathartic but if it spits me and i've got a lot of insubordination. to find out um you for all but about the need a lot of us to. this point in time in that this can lead to stage a whole new. class that's just what them the covert. how do. you know it you know go there bill stuart you know. that the storm new governor your own go ideal stonecipher in the world of what it's must see that zone go justin's that he bore you little. 2 of the gold medal winners of the london olympic games if you athletes tested positive it was because the anti doping agency in moscow were themselves corrupt. and that resignation
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a. bit about us as well as unmoved it is just an instant don't embarrass us year after mission you must give them you got help the goal of only because. i guess it's about look with them about they still are on your door when you go in you boys at the you process they also which. student yeah but um to be with the blanket was of an accord on the piece a moment probably didn't use a mascot name or probably but so i guess that's just based popcorn that what they've seen as a place where you are yeah i'm disallowing them or probably get any snatched up with i guess most probably no names competed of any. did you do while competing yulia met retired her future husband on their 2nd date she broached the issue of doping. it's. this. because are you. but.
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because it's because it's the problem of him that his concern for the sanctity of the last of silk is a condition. for the last 6 percent. sleen ashurst richard and that's what he has recorded over so there's no need for for most of the shop or for a great deal for those i think i started with that to the sunni that the boy. in the me of us what they all you promote. the man who said nothing was we are just love scene of one of the 2 directors who died under suspicious circumstances. but what were the russian athletes doing to escape jackson brought. us. that we said come on and said no i'm no. dog.
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he's not john my design is good neither he's done was damned. good said the brigade a someone wanted plentiful he said no i knew you know that the detection methods are always changing and the dates how long. some substances can be detected always getting shorter but again usually the directors of the labs are the 1st ones to receive this information so that they in the country like pressure they they have to share this information because the main goal is not to catch their peers the main goal is to help people in gold medals. the russian anti-doping agency disputes the accusations. vitali he has refused to cooperate with us. on this note. and for us it's
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a pity if you want to fight against doping in sport you should not only give these bold statements publicly it's not enough just to you know appear in the screen and say everyone is corrupted facts and presumptions that what need we need to have in order to establish an unspoken rule is. the evidence was collected by hi oh. yes if you have a as a tradition yesterday in your phone we told you just up an offer to the guy in titan and video and audio from the. olympia is a given to not made one in not on titles and swerve. in. your view as am is so good to see it as he. did up i know don was of the times to this economic heart. beleaguer. just
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dropping and it was his night of the cop tired. of many tina does $100.00 and was dusty's as and sustained imminent as problem there's always are spots to minister to was invited to. visit us on the phone please because he's from the hamas militants legit to want. to model this rubbish image from were up about me that i you see but i'm going to cause even more books ability i'm all for them and that the rest of the. crew only should be most of the fishies that makes it alls. leave it that it is a soft spot. poor contre know not to touch on the school can't get a look better make it look i'm not going to mean that. following vitaly unions revelations what it began investigating in russia.
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meanwhile julia hopes to rediscover her best form. because i didn't want to go to guests at worse nor so different understanding that though this is me about your heart all she does. i suggest she is nice to you on each when you put in my i gave you good at least 3 up and you might still. stick to your post it seems that all of those that are here sport and sports and i don't know do you think that they take me yet. i couldn't win them but. if. you have. to take part in international competition she 1st needs to find a host country to accept into their team. book out the blessing it was to buy it's
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a cocoon fix that annoying interest and get that from my store. and yet to the covert status to bring up to the hype you have to get the question. which country would be dead if i russia and adopt yulia. russia however does not have the monopoly on doping every year worldwide $3000.00 athletes test positive for doping among the sports in which cheating has been found to be the most prevalent in recent years our bodybuilding athletics baseball american football weightlifting boxing wrestling cycling ice hockey rugby swimming and basketball power and insurance sports are not the only concerns. only on their vote is a specific nick prove if you did. so that it. would board put it in his pool and it's all of it is. more all now but the movies are that it's an exposure that he
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needs me all could do that in his 6 it all but. much of skittishness of all don't do it thank him said look they stood it to me not. explain what that. was a sport that relies on technique football would seem to be above doping scandals and yet it has been tainted by much rigging and corruption. you. know during the 2014 world cup in brazil $736.00 players were tested as shown in this fee for promotional video. once again the tests are financed and carried out by the federation that organizes the event do you think that those of the like in other words or what is your opinion is my beef with informal. just moved around just move pool of our young brand in balance also
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a little luck this quarter was. no footballer tested positive in rio a satisfactory result for free for. the last. case we had was during the $994.00 world cup in the united states. there is a very clear commitment to make the fifa completely shots free. despite this show of toughness to the leaders of world football really provide the necessary means to catch cheats in 1954 had all the samples destroyed after the world cup thus avoiding any subsequent unmasking of drug cheats in 2006 no blood samples were taken in 2014 the laboratory that tested the samples was in no zone over 12 hours away from rio after 12 hours tiny doses of a no longer detectable in urine samples so is the myth of clean football to be
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believed retired player right world champion 1904 is skeptical. so. just to be open. to all in my article being vital to those. sports working to control the strain and strain of the of he used to look at as a future boy as he would inject went into that in the. badge movement with my i was there with my shorty there was that the may perceive him as massive amounts of muscle spasms of them being. ripped out of some fused and. if we witness the news that fact. of the mention. world of what other witnesses peter was when most of it. i mean.
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you see a we should have this issue at 1st i want to know. who the was only you can move to the minimum is more. yeah well we've history got it or wars and you're closer to it was a. it was the video of it you know what in my arm i saw my eyes fickling to my eyes my eyes up without the ha ha ha ha ha oh. i mean yes it was part but i think the mission. you want to get. i pop your finger on. ah i don't feel each of abuse by doc i think i wanted to work at all still could not dothraki. these parts and sweet. little budget i'd stick a dixie or for boat call i really had better be explaining. the key places so maybe
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you'll see israel could nationalise mortality do it but do you plan to do that they must shut you feel cool because it will be going to your cult did you ever take banned substances to enhance your cycling performance yes he just wouldn't do as the people seem to be by the beagle with you on the human what's on your ball kinetic and even when you don't do so without much but to start. i used. to waiting to get medicare out of all it's the most sophisticated is the official welcome to geneva for the special one the independent commission press conference that we have found to cover up speed film destruction of samples in the courtroom payments of money in order to conceal the doping test so it's worse than we thought . harley is a food fight for their football fans who don't think about doping really had that
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lead explaining when real madrid a club worth 500000000 euros expresses a position on something where the world anti-doping agency has to take notice it will be known to you. in part 2 of this series al-jazeera continues to explore the widespread use of performance enhancing drugs sports doping the endless chase on al-jazeera. i know that the heat is on across the south of the united states to the north as another sway the cloud bringing with it some fairly extensive rain really spreading
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across much of southern canada i'm beginning to sink south was as we go through wednesday into northern sections of the united states but across the south it stays warm it stays dry maybe a scout a and in fact we will see the next couple days as temperatures on the rise out across the west so 30 celsius in l.a. as we head into thursday but across the us look at this rain in place it could lead to some localized flooding and it doesn't sing very false if you got high pressure in the south and that's blocking this rain from pushing down so very warm 35 in atlanta on thursday 34 celsius up in washington d.c. and across into the cabin in central america we have got the usual thunderstorms really very widespread particular cause much of cuba we could see. into freeport in the bahamas and then you'll see elsewhere the rains really lining all the way from southern section the mexico right the way on towards panama and of course the next couple of months in panama of the wettest months of the year so it's 30 celsius as
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a day and again that comes with rain and thunderstorms but a better they generally across into cuba maybe just a scottish across into a with a high of 32. might start with my space you can access your bank account with your voice you need algorithmic measurements of costs that are prevalent and i think the process. of identification the biometrics are far from perfect convenience and seeming infallibility comes at a cop's most crucially our privacy and the 4th of a 5 part series on the radio addresses the appropriation obama's personal characteristics all hail the algorithm on the jersey of.
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al-jazeera where every. this is al-jazeera. well i'm darn jordan this is the al-jazeera news live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes john bolton is out president trump files as national security adviser saying they disagreed on many issues for. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu draws international condemnation pledging to a mix of the occupied west bank.


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