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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 27, 2019 2:00am-3:01am +03

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land and the people who live here. that you find there al-jazeera california state northwestern brazil last ascending that report daniel took a flight and sent us this update from rome donia ok we're at a small erasure among the outskirts of port the way or the capital of dawn your state in the northwest of brazil where we just have a 2 hour flight over the region the region that this couple of weeks ago was in flames has to be said that most of those flames are now out we did see some centers and smoke what we did see was huge devastation the more recent devastation the great swathes of black in the green of the of the forest and also the more of the older the more developed devastation caused by the massive deforestation that's been going on here over the years they we could see the fell to timber we could see great brown scars through the greed where cattle are being reared and in some
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places where sawyer has been planted it was quite evident how much damage has been done to this region this is a region that president jobs and our wants to see what we what he wants to see further development he wants to see developers come in here and continue to cut the trees and then to stop the fires which clears the vegetation which has been one of the major causes of these fires throughout this amazon region that in the last few days in the meantime the army have moved into this area we have seen planes taking off and landing from the local airport they have been spraying a large many gallagher's of water over some of the affected areas but it has to be said that the soldiers themselves are not yet in action they are being moved to the regions where the fires are still burning but waiting for orders waiting to coordinate what will be the government says the end of the rescue operation. so i had allowed this era a state of emergency has been declared in the city of port sudan after tribal
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fighting leaves 17 people dead served by the state of oklahoma is taking on a pharmaceutical giant accused of creating the u.s. opioids crisis. hellespont the temperatures again because there's not much else to see in the sky these are the few clouds drifting across the northern caucasus in the caspian otherwise you just see hot sunshine now i know summer is coming to an end slowly but it's coming to an end so to see $48.00 in baghdad is to see a rather high temperatures heat wave territory again that's the coast you down to 30 but anywhere in london it's rapidly much hotter that doesn't change very much even come wednesday if you notice that heat is obvious for the science in saudi arabia near the coast is clearly not quite as hot and the increase in humidity is
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telling physically of course at night equally insular i think conceding crease in the south westerly with the cloud of becoming secure in your again just a returning because it's been no much like a tally for the last few days so i think that will return in southern africa we have seen brief he wavin that's gone so what's coming in from the west because that's the arms or the travels from the west to east across the cape and i think we're going to the frontal system coming in 15 degrees increasing cloud in cape town increasing wind as well which will drag rain from the western cape around the corner once again towards durban who sees a temperature drop below average now to a mere 18. think of some of the biggest companies in the world today all of them big tech with algorithms that they call the move that we want out of we put chips we're in the
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midst of a great race for dot and big tech companies around the chase empires are rising on a wealth of information and we have a commodity in the 2nd half of a 5 part series early re-examined where the corporations are colonizing. like 30 and power of pick on. welcome back you're watching out to see a time to recap our headlines now g. 7 closing statements have been dominated by comments about the iran nuclear deal the french president urged on trying to meet with iran's president to diffuse months of tension trump says the conditions must be right for that to happen.
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pakistan's leader says he'll go to any length of the issue of indian administered kashmir new delhi revoked the region's autonomy 3 weeks ago earlier indian prime minister there and that modi said no foreign mediation is needed. g 7 leaders have agreed to help countries affected by fires in the amazon brazil's leader has rejected the offer to send the military to help fight the fires and rondo only a state critics say his government has been too slow to react. now israel is carried out and strikes against iranian backed groups in 3 different countries iraq syria and lebanon over the weekend the latest was an attack. base belonging to a palestinian group in the lebanese town of course iran's ally has is promising to retaliate ron says it supports that so to hold the reports from beirut. hezbollah is burying its dead in its stronghold in southern beirut 2 of its
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fighters were killed in israeli airstrikes in neighboring syria on sunday night the lebanese armed group is promising retaliation it has told israel to be ready for a response its leader has in a stronger also threatened to shoot down any drone that violates lebanon's airspace after what he said was an attack by israeli drones in hezbollah's area of control in the lebanese capital hours earlier. if we remain silent on this breach it will create a very dangerous road for lebanon repeating what is going on in iraq now. in iraq the iranian backed popular mobilization forces are blaming israel for a series of unexplained attacks on their bases and positions in recent weeks the latest was on sunday night close to iraq's border with syria which killed a number of fighters u.s. officials and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu have hinted at possible
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israeli involvement in those strikes israel it seems has opened a new front. and. really saying they're ready to open war on 3 fronts beirut damascus and back that we can't ignore the political side however which is the upcoming israeli elections the israeli army says its air strikes in syria stopped an attack by iran's revolutionary guards it released surveillance footage of what it said were members of the guards preparing a drone strike against israel israel has repeatedly hit what it says were iranian targets in syria over the years it wants to prevent iran from gaining a foothold and influence across the region but in the past. days it is believed to have operated in 3 neighboring countries lebanon syria and iraq nothing apple did say he gave the security forces a free hand to act in many renos against an enemy state hezbollah says the drone attack which damaged its media office violated the 2006 cease fire and changed the
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rules of engagement but at the same time the group is believed to have given israel a chance not to escalate tensions. the messages to the terror war telling the israelis any war will be costly and we are not alone i think twice. promised to support any action hezbollah takes against israel which doesn't seem to be backing down it is believed to be behind strikes on a position belonging to a palestinian faction allied to a long lebanon supporter with syria early on monday there is a real danger of further attacks by either side could escalate to war. beirut. saudi arabia is denying reports of a drone attack in the capital riyadh the rebels in yemen say the drone crossed the border and attacked a military target on sunday that they fired. missiles towards. brought home for hearts is an associate professor of conflict resolution at the institute
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for graduate studies he says this latest drone attack happened would be a different approach for the. this is not the 1st time we see this kind of conflicting claims between the hooters and saudi arabia but there is one thing we know for sure that the who his ballistic missiles have reached really far areas in saudi arabia actually fear that riyadh because just last week we were there was an attack on the. ne of the borders of the united arab emirates which is again a. place that's further than. riyadh now the new think about this one is that. the horses are talking about targeting military bases which hasn't been the case before because they were targeting like vital places infrastructure. targets airports but this time they're talking about military bases that they have attacked with their ballistic missiles including one that's in large run where the
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saudi soldiers have been preparing for the deployment and for attacks and yemen so this is something you know and yet the who has have to prove that they have the. sudan's new sovereign council has declared a state of emergency in the city of port sudan after fighting between 2 rival communities killed 17 people the council sacked the provincial governor after 3 days of violence more than 100 others have been injured in the dispute between benny ahmet and nuber tribes people morgan it's been following events from khartoum . sudan's sovereign council which was sworn in just last week and which has pledged to prioritize peace in its 1st 6 months of the transitional period has declared a state of emergency in the city of port sudan now this follows days of ethnic clashes between members of the beni army and the new but tribes and we understand from people in port sudan that it started as a verbal quarrel between members of the opposing tribes which eventually turned
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violent the authorities say at least 17 people have been killed and dozens others have been wounded and are now hospitalized and activists are telling us that the tensions are so high that people from opposing tribes cannot be hospitalized in the same hospitals due to concerns of outbreak of war violence sudan suffering council also dismissed the acting state governor who was appointed by the transitional military council following the ousting of longtime president i'm going to be here in april they've also dismissed the head of security council had sent a delegation to try to mediate between the 2 tribes but so far that has been and successful which led to declination of a state of emergency and activists are saying that they are worried that this tribal conflict this ethnic tension which has been going on for a few months now will escalate in the coming weeks if nor solution is provided by the sovereign council 7 months after he took office the president of the democratic republic of congo folks just to name the new government less than
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a 3rd of the 65 member team of been separated from his direction for change parties the rest are from former president joseph kabila as party 3 quarters of those in the power sharing government are serving for the 1st time. the un's expert on religious freedom is criticizing the sri lankan government's response to the east to bomb attacks. the government failed to protect against hate crimes mistreatment by law enforcement almost the ministers have since been forced out of sri lanka's government we spoke to the special repertory earlier. i think the situation requires a long term strategy and some immediate steps as well the immediate steps required include again enforcing the law on everybody equally ensuring that perpetrate doesn't buy that as a whole to hold to account but the long term will develop a discourse a narrative of inclusion rather than focusing on and at the north national identity they were the inclusive identities and then sure and ensure that all communities feel that you could be part of
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a part of sri lanka the same time as addressing intra community tensions which seem to also play a part in some of these issues including where there is extremism in some communities and the failure for the state again to protect everybody in these communities as well so all of all the larger picture is political leaders being able to hold people to account when they're out there while the laws have policies that are inclusive and engage with other communities and make sure they build a future that is inclusive for everybody rather than focusing on one ethno religious divide lines of division. stock markets across asia closed sharply down on monday on fears about the china u.s. trade war tokyo's benchmark nikkei index plunged by more than 2 percent china's currency the yuan dropped to an 11 year low against the dollar both the u.s. and china announce increased tariffs over the weekend. the ethnic ira can people like the rangar have been fighting for recognition and rights in kind states and
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2009 they found the group called the ara can. and karim reports there's been a spike in violence over the past several months. at the end of 2018 fighting between ethnic our current army and the meum our army in rakhine state escalated and it's continued this year the latest outbreak earlier this year when it was reported more than 20 people were killed from both sides the ethnic are kaante people are fighting for greater autonomy for me amar central government the region was called our calm before it was renamed rakhine state this in the same state that saw a violent meum army crackdown against the muslim minority 2 years ago prompting a mass exodus across the border into bangladesh they are a kind army is based in trains in neighboring catchin state. the main goal to fight is we want equality and self-determination busy this is
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a starting point policy from our organization we want to be able to our all american states future thousands have fled the violence into neighboring chin state living in camps for the internally displaced over the last 3 years more females have started to join the our kind army ranks after losing family members and land in fighting comedy i've never seen a situation like this before i feel very sad and i want to help as much as i can for the displaced people the our current army deputy commander feels the struggle of his people is overlooked because of the plight of the rangar he refers to them as been gali a term used by the medium our government and army the remainder consider this derogatory as they've lived in may mar for generations. with their program was bengalis iraq and stayed quiet attention and sympathy. for them what about the world please look at what happened to america people feel 1st who were also in the
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same situation like to play the peace process to achieve a cease fire with armed ethnic groups led by the head of mi a mars government and san suu kyi has stalled she faces increased political pressure for progress as the peace talks were a campaign promise when she was elected in 2015 with the recent violence peace appears to still be well out of reach and that could have consequences for the general election early next year. diana carom al jazeera. that is whalen's without a visa no longer able to enter ecuador on the new rules to tighten immigration thousands of venezuelans trying to make it over the border from colombia before the visa restrictions came into effect on monday at least 4000000 fled in recent years escaping the political and economic crisis. of also clamp down on venezuelan migrants a judge in the u.s. state of oklahoma is expected to rule in a trial against
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a major pharmaceutical company over an opiate crisis that's killed thousands johnson and johnson is being sued by the state over its role in the distribution of drugs and the gallacher has more from the city of norman. over the last 2 decades officials in this state say that more than 6000 people have died of opioid overdoses those statistics nationally make for even more startling reading in 2017 alone the center for disease control say that that figure was almost $50000.00 which race was when happening in this courthouse over the last few months extremely important oklahoma's attorney general is accusing johnson and johnson one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world are flooding the market with powerful painkillers and not warning people about their addictive nature for their part johnson and johnson say no laws were broken and they were simply bringing relief to people with chronic pain if the judge sides with the state of oklahoma that could mean that johnson and johnson is forced to pay out billions of dollars in fines
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money that will be used in treatment centers over the next few decades but a decision like that will also set a precedent not unlike the one in the late ninety's where big tobacco paid out almost all the states and it's also important to remember there are still 2000 pending court cases across the united states many pharmaceutical companies settling before the cases even come to court so all eyes will be on the decision made by the judge here in norman oklahoma on monday. let's take you through some of the headlines here in algeria now many world leaders have given closing statements at the g. 7 summit french president emmanuel micron held a joint press conference with the u.s. president donald trump he urged trump to meet with iranian president hassan rouhani and defuse months of tensions if the circumstances were correct toward a raid i would certainly agree to that but in the meantime. they have to be good
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players you understand with me. and they can't do what they were saying they're going to do because if they do that they're going to be met with really very violent force with kevin no choice so i think they're going to be good. g 7 leaders have agreed to help countries affected by fires in the amazon but brazil's leader has rejected the offer jaya of all scenarios sent the military to help fight the fires and on the only state the number of fires is about 85 percent higher than last year stance leader says he'll go to any length of the issue of indian administered kashmir he's made an address to the nation criticizing new delhi's decision to revoke the region's autonomy earlier india's prime minister narendra modi said no foreign relation between india and pakistan is needed so downs new sovereign council has declared
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a state of emergency in the city of port sudan after fighting between 2 rival communities killed 17 people the council sacked the provincial governor after 3 days of violence more than 100 others have been injured in the dispute between the burning and nuber tribes. and saudi arabia is denying reports of a drone attack in the capital riyadh the rebels in yemen say the drone crossed the border and attacked a military target venezuelans without a visa and no longer able to enter i quote on the new rules to tighten immigration thousands of venezuelans tried to make it over the border from colombia before the visa restrictions came into effect on monday at least 4000000 fled in recent years escaping the political and economic crisis. those are the headlines the news continues here on our just after inside story so stay with us.
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3 attacks in 3 countries israel is said to have hit targets linked to iran in syria in lebanon and in iraq so why is benjamin netanyahu escalating tension with terror on will iran respond and if so how this is inside story. thanks thanks. thanks thanks. hello i'm
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denis welcome to inside story now israel being blamed for a string of attacks against iranian allied forces in 3 countries over the weekend and that's raised tensions across the middle east early on monday 3 israeli airstrikes reportedly hit a base belonging to a palestinian group in lebanon in the town of khowst saya right on the border with syria now those attacks came a day after 2 israeli drones calls damage in the capital beirut one of them hit a building which howls the media office of the iranian backed hezbollah in the city's southern suburbs another israeli drone explain did in the air in the same area. well israeli forces also carried out drone attacks in iraq and in syria israel did not respond to the accusations that it's a soft killed at least one fighter from iraq's popular mobilisation forces but
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benjamin netanyahu says the operation in damascus which triggered syrian anti-aircraft fire was to prevent a drone attack on israel by iran. if someone rises up to kill you kill him 1st in a complicated operation revealed that iran dispatched a special unit off to syria to kill israelis on the golan heights with explosive drugs i'd like to emphasize this was an initiative of iran and we prevented serious attacks that we will expose any attempt by iran to attack us and any iranian effort to hide behind excuses we will not tolerate aggressions against israel from any country in the region any country that allows its territory to be used for aggression against israel will face the consequences and i repeat the country will face the consequences well israel's actions triggered threats of retaliation from both iran and hezbollah and iranian government spokesman described the attacks as
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shameless violations of sovereignty and said they'll be a response as well as leader calls and a very dangerous development and. enough is enough we will never allow israeli aircraft to attack lebanon or a target in lebanon on the israeli side will never feel safe that israeli drones that are coming to lebanon are not coming here to collect information they are suicidal drones that aim at killing us from now on we will face the israeli drones when they arrive in lebanon skies we will crush them we will drop them. right time to introduce our guest now from tel aviv we have seth france menu's middle east analyst for the jury's. i'm postin terror on mohammad marandi is any iranian political analyst and professor at the university of tehran in london sami hamdi editor in chief of the national interests journal welcome to your theft let me start with you in tel aviv so the frequency of israeli attacks are increasing
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increasing their widening in scope over the weekend without talking about 3 different countries multiple axes of conflict what is benjamin netanyahu up to what's the objective or i think 1st of all we have to be clear that some of these strikes are a legend but israel has taken responsibility for what's happened in syria and i think that obviously israel is trying to show that it's not just hollow rhetoric and mean when israel says that iran cannot threaten israel from syria that it must not intrench there that israel is watching and when iranian forces iranian proxies are staging drones or rockets especially very close to israel's ceasefire lines then they may face some sort of action from israel and i think that's clear and israel has been doing that over the last several years right and this is saying with yousef i mean this is clearly mr security trying to burnish his credentials of
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course he's got an election in just a few weeks in september how does this play with the israeli public do they feel that this increased rebuffs ness if you like using airstrikes makes them safer. i don't think this is playing deeply to the elections i mean israel has admitted that it carried out more than a 1000 air strikes in the last several years so i think that you know netanyahu is the well known in israel would last 10 years he's managed the conflict very well i think for most people's perspective most israelis know him if they object to certain aspects of netanyahu as rule it certainly is not usually the security issues so i think he is trusted and i think especially his kind of size on the world stage in terms of working with the russians and other others like the united states is something that most israelis feel comfortable or certain percentage in terms of the security aspect and also the most of the israeli political parties
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agree on the security aspect they all agree the iran is a threat to israel all right coming to terror on and mohammad marandi mohammed the central allegation by benjamin netanyahu is that this at least some of these strikes were preemptive in nature in that they were to thwart what he says was a planned attack by either iran or its allies on occupied golan heights using drones armed with missiles. well i think it's universally recognized that netanyahu is a very dishonest politician even though many politicians are dishonest but he is exceptional among them this whole claim that the netanyahu constantly makes about attacking iran in positions is nonsense if there have been no iranian soldiers killed in syria the recent strike or any time in the past couple of years there was only one occasion well 2 occasions but one occasion where recently like
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a couple of years ago they struck an airbase where 70 iranians were working were murdered by the israelis and another instance which was before that but i won't get into that but the point is that you cannot hide in iran people's deaths because their friends and family will immediately put them on. on the internet their pictures just like the 2 lebanese hezbollah members who were murdered the other night there their pictures came out immediately there is nothing to hide so when the israelis claim that they're constantly as hiking the iranian positions that's nonsense if they if they have evidence give the names of the people who were killed pictures of the iranian soldiers it's not something very difficult to access but having and the reason why they do this is because that this really these constantly strike syrian government positions but they want to find some sort of justification for these illegal acts these violations of syrian sovereignty in this
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where these are upset they've been supporting isis and al-qaeda on their border we know from the interview given on your own t.v. network by the former head of mossad the relationship that existed with al qaeda on the syrian border we know what this year the israelis were doing right every time the syrian government was pushing back on these groups on the golan on the golan heights the israelis would attack syrian government positions right ok but what we now see is an escalation where. all right let's leave it there and take that to sammy because we've got 2 competing narratives haven't we essentially as ever in the region but one thing that i think most people will be able to agree upon and that is that tension has now ratcheted up significantly there are fears of a wider conflict how far would you say those fears justified. i think 1st of all we have to remember that every time there is an israeli election coming up there is always an uptick in violence whether that's blasting the palestinians with strikes
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or whether it is blasting another common threat netanyahu survives because he tells the israelis that there is a common threat and he's not too far from the truth this is the language of the occupier at the end of the day that we took people's land and they will want it back so we have to make sure that we stick together in order to push them away over the iranians are a threat what i think is this is not new this is not the beginning this is the beginning this is part of the war that is ongoing under the covers while trump and the iranians have this staring match over who blinks 1st over the sanctions so because the reason trump doesn't want to go to war with the iranians is because he's aware that the iranians have proxies in syria iraq lebanon they are misled me and he's aware that if he goes to let me interrupt you and ask you then do you believe that what we're witnessing then is a manifestation of the big conflict if you like and that potentially between the united states and iran with the white house offering almost complete support for benjamin netanyahu and his campaign for reelection. a statement he supported the
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air strikes i do believe this is part of the bigger picture the u.a.e. and the israelis met not too long ago i think last week where they were discussing it's well known that the u.a.e. and the saudis are very worried that trump is not hesitating to go to war with iran and the reason he's hesitating is because the iranians have power cards the iranians have militias in iraq they have militias in syria they have militias in lebanon or who are ready to fight for the sake of the iranian cause for the israelis and the u.a.e. to convince trying to go to war with the iranians they need to we can these particular proxies and this is why i believe that israelis bombing these particular targets is a bid in which to try to weaken those iranian proxies and give trump that appetite a war that he is actually losing because he is really see iran as a threat as do you eat as to the saudis by the way i'm not talking a more perspective i'm not saying one is right or one is wrong we're talking about an occupier on one side and a sectarian nationalist agenda on the other side. the u.a.e. and saudi and israel believe that iran is one of the biggest threats and iran has outplayed the americans in iraq and outplayed the americans in the other areas and
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the like so israel with the election coming up with netanyahu is suffering with political damage domestically corruption allegations and the like he wants to unite israel as a common threat and the u.a.e. wants to convince trump to go to war with iran and we've decided to do that by targeting iran all right mohammed coming back to you central to everybody who opposes iran at the moment central to their accusations against terror on is the desire to spread the revolution which was clearly stated in 1979 and furthermore. dollars statement that the iranian government is seeking to establish what he called a crescent of shear influence throughout the middle east i mean isn't that the core problem which is why tehran is facing so many issues confronting its neighbors and of course united states. no i think that's the narrative that they and like to create after all the central cause in our region is the palestinian issue
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palestinians are almost universally sunny and that have the iranians have been a post of our tide in palestine since the since before the revolution so it's not sectarian or for example in the case of bosnia when the boss is were being massacred and decimated the only country that really went to the aid of the pot boson's and helped save the country with the iranians in bosnia was a sunny country or when isis attacked at a b. in the kurdish part of iraq even though iran was not happy with mr bott as ani but iran immediately sent troops in to protect the city and for vented from falling it was about to fall there sunny kurdish. so i think that this is a narrative that the saudis this really is the americans have a vested interested interest in promoting the reason why iran is powerful is not
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because it has proxies across the region but because it has allies across the region whether in iraq or syria these are not mercenaries or in lebanon or yemen or elsewhere these are not mercenaries these are people who are treated as iran's allies whereas what the united states and the saudis do is they give checks they give out money to their people they don't have any they don't support any particular causes they support saudi arabia the emirates which are both on the decline in both have failed in mine and are declining regimes in my opinion so the united states the problem that the united states has is that it is defending its israel to the hilt and netanyahu like trump is the worst possible face. of the israeli regime because he is he is so explicitly racist that even mainstream democratic candidates in the united states her write in races
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ok all right so you know for the united sleds go to tell of eve now and seth is it your understanding then the benjamin netanyahu. a would like a direct conflict with iran or b. does he understand the riskiness of the gamble that he's taking insofar as to tensions are now so increased and it also increases the risk of miscalculation. i don't thing that anyone in israel wants another conflict i mean israelis have lived with conflict for 70 years and they are aware for instance of hezbollah's rocket threats of more than 100000 rockets the says can reach all of israel i don't think that iran wants a conflict the americans on a conflict either the region has been through many years a vicious conflict against isis and the genocide it carried out so no one really wants a conflict but i think that you know israel has its national security interests and
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he has said that he doesn't want well his stick missiles being transferred to his bolo or precision guidance or draw i think israel's been quite clear on that so i don't think israel if you look at netanyahu is record since he came to power in fact there have not been large numbers of conflict and the main interest of the government of israel is to protect its civility serve the country's economically successful right sammy we've heard from the leader of hezbollah following the 2 drones that a claim to have come from israel that there will be retaliate. has another rather claimed that the cease fire arrangement set out in the u.n. security council resolution that actually put an end to the 2006 conflict is now being broke and he said that this cannot be tolerated again do you expect hezbollah or at least to mount some sort of retaliation that could take the region closer to all out conflict. i think surface right when he says that nobody actually wants
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conflict in the region the reason being is this at the end of the day israelis don't want to fight with their own forces against the iranians like i said earlier i think this is part of trying to get trump to do the fighting instead trying doesn't want to do the fighting so he doesn't want to do the fighting you either don't want to do the fighting the iranians are happy they're expanding all of this chaos and the like helps them to continue expanding once upon a time they were only within their borders then they oh and 980 they had the war with saddam and since then they've been pushing forward backing groups with their cultural offices and the like in iraq in syria in lebanon and yemen in other words the status quo suits them they don't want to go to war either so no party actually wants to go to war or rather no party wants to use their own troops to go to war everybody wants to cause the u.s. to do the fighting and trance policy is clear the u.s. troops will not do the fighting so i don't think lebanon or hezbollah will necessarily retaliate i think they would allow to know to use the rhetoric has been a slow use the rhetoric all to boost their own particular support but it's
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important to understand something here we should not talk about israel or indeed the uranian agendas in the region as if they are legitimate agendas when israel is talking about preserving its security it's doing so at the expense of an entire population this is not israel innocently sitting by and saying you know what guys we came here very nicely we're living and we're all want to be friends and therefore the u.k.'s israel took an entire populations that had one justice to one less than the right israel took some of the population and is trying to defend it this is the reality of what's taken is defending an illegitimate occupation and this is why it is always under threat right now we are in a situation where we know that iran is struggling it's struggling it's under this campaign of maximum pressure where it is being starved of any access to revenue iran really can't even contemplate can it entering into another costly kind of conflict wouldn't it be advisable therefore for the iranian authorities to perhaps
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dial down to perhaps withdraw to parts ask its allies and its proxies to be a good little bit quiet right now given the harsh reality on the ground. well the harsh reality on the ground is that the saudis and them are ati's with american support carrying out genocide in yemen the harsh reality is the israeli regime is bombing iraq he's bombing the syrians and they've attempted an assassin the assassination yesterday in lebanon so it's not as if things are quiet is this really regime that is carrying out aggression and the reason why so many people in this region see you iran as a friend is because they see no one else supporting their cars like the palestinians in gaza like the people in yemen and lebanon and in the case of iraq when we see that thousands of american troops are in the country yet they allowed drones to strike iranian iraqi forces iraqi forces that fought isis then obviously
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the sentiment in iraq is going to turn further against the united states of western think tanks in western media constantly pro-trade the united states and israel as a for that protect in this in this story and they somehow think that the rest of the world automatically assumes the same whereas the people who are on the ground see things as they exactly opposite so as long as israeli regime carries out strikes then it has to expect a response and i believe that say it has nasser alone will definitely retaliate against israelis because he said he will do so the only thing that prevents israeli rid the regime in israel from aggression is the fear of retaliation if the israeli regime concludes that they can strike with impunity then they will do so but i think that it's very important to keep in mind the what your previous said
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correctly and that is that the united states does not want to war in iran doesn't want to war in iran of course has seen the failure of the maximum pressure campaign despite the hardship that the americans have been trying to impose on ordinary iranians and they have made life difficult for women and children and i think the man. probably proud of their actions like they are and you live year in syria and yemen and venezuela and everywhere else in iraq and afghanistan where they've created so much devastation but in the case of iran it's failed the currency has stabilized actually strengthened in the past few months the economy has leveled out or i think the merican tower failed and that's why they began a new campaign for try to begin taking tankers but the iranians do not want to initiate conflict the americans know that the iranians do not want to do so but the you run into will not allow the americans to carry out an attack on the country without thinking ok when all right our top point do so all right israelis want to learn the hard way they will seth coming back to you then. what we've heard is
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that all players to this potential conflicts are unwilling to enter into a conflict nobody really wants a fight but i can't help but think that this is it an exceedingly risky. policy to pursue on the part of benjamin netanyahu as i said earlier the risk of there being a miscalculation mohamed is of the impression that hezbollah will indeed retaliate is this something that the israeli public before they get they get ready to vote because i understand he's netanyahu is running neck and neck in this particular race as well is this something that is going to secure him the votes that he needs to have a significant victory in the election i don't thing it relates their election because i think that the main competitor against that you know the former chief of staff when he gets in his generals or share the same consensus in terms of israel's
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national security and all the more aware some of them probably for against groups like hezbollah or. of these groups that are supported by iran they know exactly where the threat is and look last year for instance in february in may there was an iranian. drone flown from syria into israeli air space there was rockets fired near the golan so this isn't a question of retaliation this is an ongoing kind of simmering conflict and you're right in there could be for instance a miscalculation by one side or another they could spiral out of control hopefully that will not happen and certainly iran hopefully will understand the message in terms of its allies in terms of taking israel's seriously or i've got to give the final word to you sami if you can be really brief please because we are running out of time but give us a just what you think is the significance of the fact that these are weapons depp is in iraq have now been targeted in many saying that these have been struck by
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israeli airstrikes i don't think it affects iran's capabilities much iran doesn't just rely on the fact i mean 100 made a very valid point when he says that iran governs by ideology has an arsenal of believes in iran's ideology headed amitie believes in iran's ideology it's not like checks coming out of any of they give it to islam or whoever and then they betray them later on and this is the issue here iran is it promotes the grassroots movement i'm not saying this is a good thing but this is the reason that they have been able to dominate this is why the americans launched the hearts and minds because they realize that no matter how much they batter the share populations in iraq or indeed in in syria or the like it just seemed to make iran stronger because iran seemed to be that resistance in the face of american aggression the reality is you have 2 very competing good genders in the region israel and iran both are detrimental to the region and both are now trying to fight each other under a simmering conflict without it going into an all out war none of them want to all out war everybody wants the u.s. to do the fighting where the u.s.
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is refusing right to do the fighting and this is why we have skirmishes all right sami hamdi in london thank you very much indeed mohammad marandi in tehran thank you and seth front's been in tel aviv thank you all very much indeed and as ever thank you. for watching the show you can see it again any time you like by going to the web site al jazeera dot com should you want more discussion you can go to our facebook page at facebook dot com forward slash a.j. inside story and there's always the twitter sphere i handle is at a.j. inside story i'm at my dentist for me and the whole team here in doha is by far the .
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year award. a new perspective can change your world. for one chin is ian what began as a hobby has grown into a passion the way of life. in the next generation to strive for a higher level. and in soul installing in his country a sense of freedom and strength. hides my chin is here on al-jazeera. the story of a friendship between a filmmaker and a 7 year old girl but this it would mean. giving to her a future being the syrian war. in the face of deep rooted tension between the lebanese and the refugees. my syrian
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friends. on al-jazeera new yorkers are very receptive to al-jazeera because it is such an international city they're very interested in that global perspective that al-jazeera provides. this al-jazeera. hello and welcome to the news i'm lauren taylor nandan with a top story from europe the g. 7 wraps up in france with president emanuel mccall saying he's hopeful about breakthrough meeting between the united states and iran. and i'm sorry i'm in dog
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hall so coming up august dawns leader says he'll go to any length for the region of kashmir india's prime. rejects fallen mediation. tightens its immigration roles here more difficult for thousands of venezuelans fleeing hardship. and the forests versus farming debates we go to a part of the amazon where trees have made way for animals. the g. 7 summit has just wrapped up in france after 3 days of talks between the leaders of 7 of the world's richest and most influential nations and there's at least the hope of a breakthrough on relations between the united states and iran u.s. president on the tram said he would meet iran's president under the right circumstances to diffuse months of tensions between the 2 countries but about to wraps up what's been happening on the 3rd and final day of the g.
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7 the prospect of a meeting between the u.s. no rainy and president's was an unlikely outcome with the g. 7 in berates but as the summit came to an end its host the french president suggested talks between donald trump and hassan rouhani were possible. at some point there has to be a meeting between the iranian president and the us president i hope that in the next few weeks this meeting will take place france plays a role along with the other partners who signed the iran deal trump who pulled the u.s. out of the 2015 iran nuclear deal last year and imposed sanctions said he was open to diplomacy we're looking for nuclear weapons globalist missiles and a longer period of time very simple we can have it done in a very short period of time. and i really believe that iran can be a great nation i'd like to see that happen the development came one day after the
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unexpected arrival of the iranian foreign minister in berates just odds are reef was invited by the french president who'd been asked by some g 7 leaders to mediate in the crisis. trumps conciliatory tone was also extended to trade he said beijing and washington could begin talks to resolve the tariffs dispute going into this summit a man or mackerel said he wanted to use it to make progress on deescalating tensions over iran and trade help tackle the amazon rain forest fires and kill divisions using multilateral cooperation at the end of the 3 day meeting it seems the french president has succeeded on several fronts they were unresolved issues though the u.k.'s prime minister boris johnson received only a vague promise of a future trade accord with the u.s. and was no nearer to a deal on breaks it with the european union i think it's the job of everybody in parliament to get this thing done that is what the people want i also think by the
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way it's what our friends and partners on the other side of the channel what they want they want this thing done they want they want it over last year trump refused to sign the final g 7 statement this year has scrapped it replacing it with a one page summary of the meeting so with no commitments in writing the challenge will be to. compel leaders to act on the focal promises they have made especially popular al-jazeera spirits and diplomatic editor james bays joins us now from the summit in beirut so james the president saying that he would be open to meeting with president rouhani of iran there are circumstances where right just doesn't signal any real change of the position. i think this is a diplomatic window printing and perhaps for the 1st time since we've heard president trump in power but i think we also ought not to get ahead of ourselves remember iran after years and years of negotiations did that 2015 deal there's no
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indication that iran is prepared to give any more and remember president trump said that an awful deal of very bad deal barbara in the strait and their part. of course if there was a meeting between president trump president rouhani for the 1st meeting since the $979.00 revolution between a u.s. leader and or a nearly the iranian the saying there's a 2 month window for diplomacy the french saying that there could be a meeting in the next few weeks that's makes me look potentially towards the u.n. general assembly because both leaders will be in new york along with leaders from the world for the annual event takes place in about a month's time president trump was asked directly would he sit down with president rouhani but. if the circumstances were correct toward the road i would certainly agree to that but in the meantime. they have to be good players you understand with
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me. and they can do what they were saying they're going to do because if they do that they're going to be met with really very violent force with kevin no choice so i think they're going to be good. and james any progress on global trade. right. yes there has been some developments that are important now with regard to war with china i think you have to treat it a little bit like iran gratian it looks like talks again but doesn't mean any of the fundamental problems have been solved at this point but president trump is certainly saying that the chinese have been in touch and say they're prepared to sit down again says it's because their economy is now suffering. when you say do you think they want to maybe they want to and maybe they don't but i think they want to make a deal i'm not sure they have a choice and i don't say that as a threat i don't think they have a choice in the meantime the united states which is never collected $0.10 from
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china will in a fairly short period of time be over $100000000000.00 in tariffs so i think they want to make a deal. very badly. also on trade some other positive and in fact more concrete developments a new trade deal between the u.s. and japan and remember at the start of this summit we had that spat between france and the u.s. we've had this idea of a digital services tax which would be focusing on the u.s. high tech firms and president trump before he got here said he might retaliate with taxes high taxes on imports of french wine to the u.s. well behind the scenes they've been working very hard on this it looks like they've come up with the bones of a deal not one they've signed yet between france and the u.s. and they're talking adventure of expanding this deal to make it either
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a g 7 or even a global deal on digital services and james at this summit saying just wrapping up their already talking about plans for the next one. absolutely of the summit i think here given the divisions that we've had and given how badly the end of last year's summit went in canada i think will be seen as a success for president mackerel he hands the reins to guess who president trump because the u.s. will be holding the next. president trump has confirmed that he wants that to take place in miami that sounds all good now the controversial bit he's floating the idea and he seems pretty convinced it's the right place to hold it to have it in the resorts in miami it's a resort called the derived resorts the problem with that for some i think will be the fact that the owner of that resort is donald trump he's already been saying how good it would be to have it in his own resources talked about the different
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villages where the delegations could stay talked about at the convenience very close to the airport he's busy even said there's a great deal of parking and apparently i don't know how this is going to be a draw for g 7 leaders there's also. bolling apparently. thanks very much until 18 days. when i was their senior political analyst joins me now and to come back to some of the topics like iran and china in a minute this was all the parking and money now the. but the the the big battle when this all started was that was the amazon and the fires there any progress was on that sort of headline issue that they were going to talk about you know it was it was breathtaking it was quite disturbing of course it's as if mother earth was trying to tell us what to till the g 7 leaders something about the state of the world we live in about climate change and so on so forth because the way the wildfires or fires i should say thousands of them were going out all over them as on was certainly a message but was anyone listening certainly the brazilian president also not
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a was not listening he dismissed the whole thing in the criticism as nonsense and the american president clearly from the summit he did not attend the climate change session that also discussed them as on so in a way what we see here is that at best the g 7 leaders would donate $20000000.00 to aid in putting off the fires but really in terms of what is the world or what are the g 7 leaders doing about a major issue such as climate change not much but more importantly climate change is becoming or dealing with climate change is becoming a symptom of a greater problems because the failure to deal with climate change or the division and the disagreement over did in the climate change is reflective it presents if you will a wider disagreement a symptom of why did this cord over many other issues around the world so on on one
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of those for instance the iran u.s. relationship and michael has come to say here he would go along with a ship with a short term line of credit or loan to iran secured by. all in the context of talking about potentially a meeting and potentially some changes what would that mean what would that how would that change things it to i think it simply means that if agrees to meet with the american president to say sometime in september at the end of september on the sideline of the united nations meeting some at the very end. the american president will freeze the secondary. sanctions against iran allowing europeans and others to trade with iran while there is an ongoing discussion negotiations if you will between the one and washington the question is will this be serious or will this be. successful in terms of. reaching
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a new deal with iran and forcing iran to abandon its ballistic missiles program and stop what they call its disruptive behavior in the region and allow here just one quick line so who's the nuclear state in the middle east that's a just a fact within one week iraq syria lebanon and palestine it's not iran it's israel was is an address that the dishes 7 know what what was addressed iran that is not the nuclear state and that has not aggressed for other countries just briefly on china do you think we've had now trump is talking about the president being somebody he can deal with the in memory to go he was an enemy what what what do we think about that's change looks we've heard over the last several months since the beginning of the year so many statements from the american presidents on china including some that said within a week within 10 days this month soon enough the chinese want a deal they cannot but have a deal with her and it.


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