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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  August 1, 2019 8:00am-8:34am +03

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the u.s. had wanted germany to join the u.k. and france in a mission to patrol the crucial shipping link nato secretary-general yen stoltenberg says member states are concerned about the situation in the gulf but confirmed there's been no formal request for support from the military alliance ne dollars are concerned about the situation in the gulf and the freedom of navigation is of course of great importance for all of our nato hours and several nato hours have all the assets in the gulf but there's been no request for a nato mission in the gulf. are doctors in a democratic republic of congo have quarantined 15 people in south kivu province of affairs they've been infected by a bowler all 15 are from the same family more than 1600 people have died in the d r c in the latest outbreak to hit the country since august 28th catherine so i reports from nairobi. this is the clinic in goma where the man sought help before
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he died he fell sick days after returning home from an airborne i infected area where he was working in a mining area the clinic is now closed some clinicians have been vaccinated and health workers are trying to trace people the victim made contact with. more than a 1000000 people live in this city on the border with rwanda. we did not know what was happening we just saw people looking like doctors carrying him away they said they will come back to approximate us. we are free and resident because we have seen how people are dying it would turn burn beni night and day. the 2nd worst outbreak in the country's history was declared a year ago and has since claimed the lives of 1700 people it's 2nd only to the outbreak in west africa that killed 11000 people 5 years ago health workers trying to combat the outbreak are having to deal with militia groups and communities both
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hostile to them as well as poor infrastructure in vast regions where villages are hard to reach. for to mark a humble is an airball a survivor who spends her time taking care of children whose parents are the sick or dead she also talks to people who have believed in the town of benny about the importance of health care some congolese want to know about a new a ball a vaccine they've hired out from other gender but still people are saying the new proposed vaccine isn't good health workers need to seem surprised people so they can understand because this virus needs to go away the proposal by the world health organization to use a vaccine for clinical trials is controversial critics say the drug is experimental and shouldn't be tested on congolese people w.h.o. says vaccination is important for is such experimentation is very clear we need to . clinical trials to get more information on the. effectiveness this is
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a lot of more concrete recommendations are best. because briggs this is a lot. for the search back in go my doctors try to work out how to stop the disease from spreading health workers in goma say the wall prepared to deal with this situation they've set up hand washing points in different parts of the city they say the treatment centers are well equipped and they have enough personnel but they're also warning people to keep vigil avoid unnecessary contact with each other but not to worry but people that we've been speaking to in goma a telling us it's very difficult to keep calm at this moment catherine soy al-jazeera nairobi kenya. as we've been saying it's nearly a year since this latest ebola outbreak began it started in the eastern province of north kivu within weeks it has spread to at least one neighboring province one of them or the outbreak had been declared the worst in the country's history the 2nd
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biggest worldwide violence against health workers in the region disrupted efforts to contain it spread dozens have been killed since january and the world health organization confirmed the 1st cross border cases of ebola in uganda last month then declared the outbreak a global emergency less than 2 weeks ago the congolese health minister resigned over his government's response to the crisis p. criticize what he called outside pressure to roll out a new experimental ebola vaccine trish newport is the deputy program manager for the response for doctors without borders she says it's been a challenge to identify the initial signs of the outbreak. well the situation is extremely concerning to morrow is the one year anniversary of the start of this outbreak and we don't see the situation getting any better more than 2600 cases of ebola have been identified in the past year and more than 1700 people
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have died but it's not just that it's concerning it's the characteristics of these numbers so more than 40 percent of all of the new cases were never identified as people that were risk of developing the disease it means that we have no visibility over the epidemiological situation and that's really concerning because that's how we end up with cases in goma that we weren't expecting it's hell week and up with the cases in uganda that happen in june or the case in any water that was just south of so sudan in june as well it's a really concerning situation this question of trust is the key thing in this outbreak so it's an it's the ball is happening in an area of conflict that has had years of conflict in beni there have been massacres and massed killings for years i asked one of our staff that lives in the area why she thought that there
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wasn't a lot of trust towards the people that were in the bill of response and she told me that her husband had died and benny in one of the massacres and she said no organization came then no one came to help us and then i had 3 children die of malaria no one came and helped us then and made sure that there was access to health care now there's ebola everyone comes because you're going to make money this is your priority ebola is your priority but it's not our priority our priority is security our priority is making sure there's access to health care and clean water and because of this you know when the ball breaks started people came with their emergency response we set up isolation to set up a contact tracing surveillance systems but there wasn't a lot of community engagement. that scene that's being used right now in the brain is made by merck it's also an experimental that seemed to have vaccinated over $170000.00 people and it shown to be very effective. it's but it's complicated because it's not
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a license tract scene it's used under research protocol which means you can only that certain people which means people that were in contact with a confirmed case and people that were in contact with those people so it's called a rain strategy what needs to be done is we need to be asking the question what their needs are what their priorities are we need to be listening to them we need to be asking them how they want the ebola response to happen in their communities so if they say we don't have access to health care or we don't have access to water in these are our priorities we need to be listening to those people if they say people in treatment centers are too far away that's why we don't go to them we have to look at a way that they can be tested in isolated within their own community and if we don't do that we're not going to have a change a plenty more ahead on the news our major move on interest rates by america's central bank but president trump is not impressed. 8 years on from one of the world's worst nuclear disaster to pay and says it is shutting down another plant in
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fukushima. sri lanka rediscover their groove after disappointing world cup details later in school. day 2 of the 2nd round of debates between us democratic presidential hopefuls will begin in under an hours time this time around for vice president and current from wanted joe biden will be taking part and many will be washing to see if he stepped up his game after what was considered a lackluster performance in last month's debate john henry reports from detroit. in what purports to be the party of civility the contenders came out swinging you don't know 2nd don't. know i wrote the day a bell. on issue number one publicly funded health care top polling elizabeth warren sought to put rival john delaney's struggling campaign on life
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support why do we got to be the party of taking something away where the democrats we're not about trying to take away health care from anyone that's what the republicans. are saying the republican talking points the revolutionaries of the democratic party warren and bernie sanders dominated the debate clock again and again warren went on the offensive you know i don't understand why anybody does to all the trouble of running for president of the united states just to talk about what we really can't do and should fight for. this round of debates could dramatically narrow the field of candidates for some the race is over 5 candidates failed to qualify for this round of debates and of the 20 who remain less than half are expected to qualify for round 3 and for some who failed to breakthrough in detroit. airport are likely already drying up the
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debates locale in the motor city was a reminder of the democrats' failure in 2016 their supposedly solidly democratic blue wall crumbled in their former strongholds of pennsylvania wisconsin and detroit's parent state michigan what are the candidates have to do they have to spend money here they have to wake up the populace and get them out to vote with another debate to go on wednesday where front runner joe biden will stand directly between his 2 biggest critics coming to harrison cory booker 92 was expected to be at least as combative john hendren is live for us now and to try such on what can we expect then from the candidates at tonight's debate. well as i'm off the stage i think we can expect president trump to be tweeting perhaps tonight more than he did last night he just tweeted a few minutes ago saying very low ratings for the democratic debate last night they're desperate for trump i think by day means the networks and those ratings
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were a little on the stage i think we can expect tonight to be a little feisty joe biden is the front runner he says his campaign says that he's going to focus on donald trump it seems he wants to remain above the fray and that's what frontrunners like to do they don't like to muddy their hands but he's going to be standing between comolli harrison cory booker and they are his strongest critics both of them african-americans both of them have criticized him on civil rights issues so we can expect to see a little fireworks tonight either from them or from $11.00 of the many candidates who are lower down in the polls because they want to break through or they know their campaigns could be over and how will this change the race stand off after these debates. well i think after this debate we are likely to see some people drop out of the campaign after the 1st debates we saw eric swalwell a california congressman drop out of it that is that race that we didn't see
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a lot more we expect more this time and that's because in the 3rd round the rules for qualifying are tighter you have to you have to have more donors you have to have higher poll numbers and that means many people won't qualify and the people who support them either by holding signs or by giving them money are likely to bailout we've we've also seen reports in the staff of some of these candidates want them to drop off so they the field is the likely to winnow we're likely to see people getting out of that race and the top floor right now are joe biden. elizabeth warren bernie sanders and comolli harris their top in the polls and we expect that to remain the same in each of them is going to be jockeying for that number one position that joe biden wants to hold yeah be interested to see what does happen for the moment john hendren live for us in detroit. the u.s. central bank has cut interest rates by a quarter point the 1st reduction in a decade the head of the federal reserve cited signs of
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a global slowdown for the move and also hinted at trade disputes between the u.s. and china as a reason u.s. president donald trump tweeted his disappointment at the rate cuts saying he was expecting a bigger drop the outlook for the u.s. economy remains favorable and this action is designed to support that outlook it is intended to insure against downside risks from weak global growth and trade policy uncertainty to help offset the effects these factors are currently having on the economy and to promote a faster return of inflation to our symmetric 2 percent objective. and she had a chance he has more news from washington. the chairman of the federal reserve cited 3 main factors for the rate cut the weakening global economic outlook the weakening outlook for u.s. trade around the world as a result and weak inflation in the united states his argument seems to be look the u.s. economic indicators are humming along why don't just give them a little bit of a boost with this quarter percent rate cut he denied any political pressure but we
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do know the dog trump has been pushing for rate cuts from the fed larger than this one that is because clearly don't trust once the economy to keep on expanding into the 2020 economic cycle drone pilot 1st saying that he didn't see this is a long succession of rate cuts but then he clarified that suggested that there may be more rate cuts to come perhaps all truck will get hit more rate cuts simply because of his economic policy the uncertainty over trade as a result of his trade wars and trade rhetoric but also the economic policy the prioritized enormous cuts for the wealthy and corporations and not sustainable investments into the u.s. economy itself so he may yet get his his rate cuts that he wants so much. all right still ahead on al-jazeera. 6 months after it was at the center of a deadly attack by al-shabaab fighters in a kenyan hotel reopened. israel makes a surprise announcement about palestinian homes in the occupied west bank. and the
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woman who guided the usa to world cup glory is going out on top it's got the details later in school. fairly warm across much of the united states and we'll sing the fairly typical showers and thunderstorms we see this time if you want to just popping up and that's where we'll see most of those often in thunderstorms as we go through thursday it's a warm day into new york 30 degrees celsius no sign of any rain few but we could just have an off and thunderstorm into washington d.c. 30 degrees celsius certainly down into the southeast into atlanta with a high of $32.00 and feeling a bit cooler of course across in san francisco the hive 18 celsius in a massive cloud across the central plains that will sort of linger a bit on friday maybe push
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a bit further towards the southeast kansas city certainly you will see some rain showers with a high of $25.00 degrees celsius and the rain is fairly widespread across much of the caribbean this but a disturbance we watching is just sitting very close to on your yes so really spreading those rains westwards right the way across as you can see into much of cuba so a wet couple of days ahead to much as typically in the low thirty's and then central america on thursday we've got some rain really quite heavy at times into panama that will begin to push further towards the west into course mala as we head into friday and again we could see some rain showers in the southern portions of mexico 24 celsius is the high there few mexico city and 33 in kingston.
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take the worst possible material you radiate the lead into dust comparable power and make a reliable and put it into place where people live is a colossal event. as well and so many people are thinking this is the silent. but doesn't make you feel nice you feel like a murderer we have created an enormous amount of mental disaster. and investigation south africa toxic city on al-jazeera.
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again you're watching it is it a reminder of top stories this the united states has imposed sanctions on iran's foreign minister mohammad. the us he pretty much he says he promotes what he calls the reckless agenda of iran's supreme leader back saying it's all because he's considered a threat to washington's agenda. and doctors in the democratic republic of congo koren team 15 people in south kivu province over fears they've been infected by all the 1600 people that died in the latest outbreak at the country since august 28th. day 2 of the 2nd round of debates between u.s. democratic presidential hopefuls gets underway this hour former vice president and current front runner joe biden and senator. mungo's taking part in detroit.
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protest leaders in sudan have called for a 1000000 man march on tuesday to demand justice for the killing of at least 6 demonstrators earlier in the week rallies have been taking place ever since security forces opened fire on a student. protest in north kordofan on monday hit morgan has more from neighboring ethiopia. for the 3rd successive day students in various parts of sudan raise their voices calling for justice and accountability and trials for the soldiers who opened fire on fellow students on monday at least 6 were killed and dozens injured in north dakota fan as they protested about the cost of living the protesters called for justice i repeated by the african union. i went in they did how do you think the african union cares it directly denounces the killing of students taking person a peaceful process and offer our condolences to the families of those who lost their lives we use the quick arrest of those responsible for the killings and for
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them to stand trial and face punishment according to the laws in this country. monday's shooting happened as high school students complained about the lack of bread and the rising costs of fuel and transport as students took to the streets to mourn and voiced their anger at monday's killings the military council blamed the opposition put to death and ordered the closure of schools nationwide the opposition coalition known as the forces of freedom and change continues to negotiate with the military to form a transitional government oh i it's aimed at replacing the military rule in place since longtime president already bashir was ousted in april the sudanese communist party one of the opposition parties which is part of the coalition and mounts that it wouldn't participate in talks to form a government. and we as a party will not go down that path or play a role in the transitional authority our communist party takes the side of the masses we will escalate the situation in the streets and continue efforts to
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achieve the hopes and aspirations of our people to bring about radical change. most of the protests have been led by the sudanese professional association it says the communist party is refusing to participate in tulsa negotiations and called for more protests to pressure the military to relinquish power. since al bashir was toppled all the parties said they would not participate in any of the levels of the transitional authority so the communist party is no different but that does not mean that those parties will not take part in the future government a civilian government has been the demand of demonstrators ever since they took to the streets in december now they're also demanding justice and accountability for the rising number of protesters being killed while campaigning for change he morgan under their own. at the start of a corruption trial for sudan's former president bashir has been perspiring for 2
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weeks she was due to appear in court on wednesday he's charged with corruption and possessing foreign currency illegally or she has are withdrawn and arrested in the military coup in april after months of protests against his room. a turkey's defense minister says his country will set up a so-called safe zone in northern syria with or without the u.s. the nato allies will resume talks in an effort to reach an agreement but is in a huddle reports from gaziantep in southeastern turkey divisions between the run the. more soldiers arrived at already heavily fortified positions the show of force coinciding with turkey repeatedly warning it might carry out a possible cross border operation its military wants a safe zone inside the y.p. g. controlled area in northeast syria it considers the syrian kurdish armed group a threat to its national security but it is also an ally of the united states which has warned turkey against taking any unilateral military action we know that there
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are officially $2500.00 u.s. soldiers and nearly $220.00 u.s. military facilities in the region so in case of a military operation there is a risk to metalized not all militaries to come face to face there has been a marked increase in u.s. army patrols close to the border with turkey in what seems to be a message to its nato ally they have deep disagreements despite months of discussions over the creation of the zone turkey does not just want to wipe e.g. to disarm and withdraw from the border area it wants control of the zone that's at least 30 kilometers deep and would stretch from the syrian town of girard loss to the iraq border that would include why peachey controlled cities and towns like cold bonnie tell commission. as well as members. turkey says the u.s. needs to end its support to the why p.g. which it considers an offshoot of the outlawed kurdistan workers' party or the p.k.
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kate it is also not satisfied with the buffer zone solutions proposed by the united states those proposals reportedly involve a zone with a depth of 10 kilometers that x. . glutes the main population centers along the border. right e.g. supporters have helped protests against a possible turkish takeover saying they'll only accept an internationally enforced zone in turkey and the syrian opposition say areas under y p g control are historically ours and the proposed zones means millions of refugees can return to syria in turkey in the pendant to. the u. s. or russia so. say that me it is hard to make a prediction about. steppes. cooperation with russia has allowed turkey to clear the y. peachey from at least 2000 square kilometers along its border since 2016 but russia
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doesn't seem to want turkey to increase its influence in syria it says any safe still needs the consent of the authorities in damascus for now it is under u.s. control but if u.s. policy shifts how long that will remain the case is unclear jennifer there because . israel's security cabinet has approved permits for the construction of 700 palestinian homes in the occupied west bank it's a rare announcement for a visit to israel this week by senior white house advisor jared kushner is expected to push both sides to join talks at camp david in the lead up to israeli elections in september herefore said has the latest from western. well just days after carrying out an extremely controversial series of demolitions of palestinian homes in occupied east jerusalem the israeli government is now sanctioning the construction of some $700.00 palestinian homes in the part of the occupied west bank which it controls known as area c. at the same time notably talking about the approvals of some $6000.00 units in
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illegal israeli settlements as well all of this coming at the same time as a tour of the region by president donald trump's son in law jared cushion or and his chief envoy to the region jason green blatt be visiting both jordan israel qatar saudi arabia and the united arab emirates at a time when the israeli press is reporting that the u.s. intends to host a summit at camp david the presidential retreat for arab leaders to brief them on the details or at least the broad outlines of the trump peace plan now according to the reporting president trump intends to talk about in hard seeing palestinian autonomy but stopping well short of palestinian statehood and that is a message that his ambassador to israel david friedman has also been putting out an interview on c.n.n. he said that autonomy would only be enhanced or increased up to the point that it does not affect israeli security so stopping well short of
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a palestinian state the palestinians of course will be entirely opposed to that in fact there has been reaction from the p.a. foreign ministry saying that this is all it intended to achieve 3 things to increase netanyahu is chance as prime minister netanyahu has chances in the israeli elections coming up in september also to consolidate normalization between israel and other arab states before the resolution of the israeli palestinian conflict and thirdly to try to achieve peace with the exclusion of the palestinians something which of course the palestinians will resolutely oppose. now it is the most contentious part of the brags it would draw a deal between the u.k. and the e.u. worries of the so-called irish backstop dominated bars johnson's 1st visit to northern ireland as prime minister has vowed to overhaul the deal despite the e.u. repeatedly turning him down there are reports from belfast. 7 grabbing the attention of the prime minister or trying to these belfast shipyard
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workers are set to lose their jobs their predicament just one of the challenges northern ireland's devolved government here at stormont could be addressing if it were up and running. for its johnson promise to spare no effort to make that happen it's great to be to be here in northern ireland and. clearly the people know that out of the thing without a government without stormont for 2 years and 6 months so my problem focus this morning is to do everything i can to help that get up and running again the 5 political parties here have been talking since may about how to get the northern irish assembly back in business it was set up in 1980 as part of a peace deal that gave this part of the u.k. a degree of autonomy but issues including irish language rights and access to abortion remain divisive on top of that politicians have wildly differing views on brics it and specifically boris johnson's insistence that the e.u. scraps the so-called irish backstop keeping the whole of the u.k. closely aligned with the u.
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rules until there's a trade deal in place and it's very clear that the end is the backstop that has caused all of the difficulties with the winter olympics and therefore that needs to be the subject of focus negotiation and therefore we will support. other parties say the backstop is essential to prevent a hard border they're worried what they call the prime minister's hardline strategy will backfire and see the u.k. leave the e.u. without a deal that in their view would inevitably lead to physical checks at the border between northern ireland and the republic of ireland. and christian faith in the main nationalist party it could even be to push for a referendum on uniting north and south we've made it clear to him that the extensive planning that he tells us he is carrying i was in respect of a potential crash ranks as has to include the constitutional question and the issue of a border poll here in ireland. sinn fein's ultimate aim is and always has been achieving a united ireland and
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a clear warning to the prime minister is the way he's going about brics it could make that prospect a great deal more likely. for now the action at stormont is outside the parliament not in sight even if the assembly does against all expectations resume its work in the near future the challenge of protecting the good friday agreement that created it could make delivering any kind of breaks it an uphill struggle barbara al-jazeera belfast. a more than $100.00 migrants stranded at sea are now allowed to come ashore after italy and the e.u. reached a deal last week deputy prime minister material salvini blocked the italian coast guard vessel. from docking until european nations agreed to take in the asylum seekers so he says germany france portugal luxembourg and island will take them in . in northern japan all nuclear reactors in the region devastated by the earthquake and tsunami a years ago are to be shut down tokyo electric power company will switch off the 4
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reactors still operating in the fukushima prefecture they are near the daiichi plant where 3 reactors melted down in the tsunami disaster nearly 20000 people died in the tidal wave destruction 160000 were forced to leave their contaminated homes and many haven't returned it means japan is left with $33.00 reactors to generate electricity nationwide compared with $54.00 before the disaster and the estimated cost for dismantling and decontamination is more than $2.00 and a half $1000000000.00 and it's expected to take 40 years but jonathan karl is a senior analyst for the world nuclear association which represents the global industry he says nuclear power should be part of the drive towards low carbon elektra's to. it's correct that since the fukushima accident it was important for the industry to look at why that reactor those 3 reactors have by accident and to
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take measures in order to make sure that doesn't happen again so of course we should look at the way in which current reactors are being operated and make sure they're safe and that has already been done but there is a need because the world's energy demand is increasing and electricity in particular that we are going to need a new electricity generation and because of the need for low carbon generation and a reliable form of generation nuclear needs to be part of that mix i think people now are looking at what is actually happening in germany so they did decide to phase out the reactors by 2022 but in doing so they have had to keep open coal stations that should have closed and so those coast asians may not close until the mid twenty's thirty's much later than many other countries in europe are managing to achieve and by keeping those co plants open germany is doing much more harm in terms of air pollution and increasing greenhouse gas emissions so even though they have invested in renewables they're wasting that effort by keeping co plants going
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instead of using all their low carbon generation. a kenyan hotel has reopened 6 months after was attacked by al shabaab fighters 21 people were killed when 4 gunmen in a suicide bomber stormed the facility local web reports from nairobi i'm to do city to hotel in kenya's capital nairobi wants the world to know it's open for business once again and. it was a different picture 6 months ago. from the somali armed group al-shabaab attacked it says it wants kenya's army to leave neighboring somalia. one of them detonated a suicide bomb i just saw something like that. tracy one saw it all i saw like an explosion from here so i saw that i don't know whether it was a hand overeaters a leg. so he.


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