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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2019 12:00am-1:01am +03

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shelling forced evacuation of the city's university on thursday schools and residential neighborhoods in the town of considerably were hit in what the u.n. described as the worst barrel bombing campaign in fifteen months in libya's designated a deescalation zone under an agreement between russia and turkey let's bring in a hike of women in beirut he's the project director for iraq syria and lebanon with the international crisis group. at the assad regime backed by russia is clearly escalating its military operations across northwest syria in places like it was the reason why we're seeing these increased strikes by the russians well i mean this has been going on for a couple of days now an escalation probably has started way back. we've seen that from both sides we've seen some of the media radical factions and. actually launching missiles at russian air bases mainly him so it's coming from both sides it's. quite difficult to tell if this is sort of
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a self ignite escalation or if there's a larger plan behind my this out this is the latest violation of an eight month old truce brokered by russia and turkey that's supposed to protect residents of the deescalation zone so where do we stand with that deal. so basically we still stand where that deal happened for them most of that deal that was concluded in september in sochi have not changed and attack any and any major offensive on egypt would cause the. refugee crisis for turkey in particular and that's why the turks have made it very clear to russia that they don't want that to happen in many circumstances and there have been been some progress in terms of having share patrols or a coordinated patrols along the cease fire line took the russian controls but it's
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not enough it's clearly not enough progress and it is missiles that have been shot recently showing now the facts show it needs to improve occasions do happen and the civilians of bear the brunt of it so we are still without whereas a fire. still with the same situation but clearly more has to be done to step in here and the u.n. estimates that around two hundred sixty thousand people have been displaced in northern hama and southern italy because of the escalation are we likely to see this result in a new humanitarian crisis in the region. if there is a real offensive there's a real attack and really i mean an attack that is aimed at penetrating ms eventually or that. the central parts of it clipped like lips town itself come on and others then we going to have an enormous
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crisis and then we're talking about two hundred thousand but up to a million of people who probably will be on the rules right now i'm still hopeful that is not going to happen i'm still hopeful it is will be contained ok food out of confrontation will cease fire line let me squeeze in a final question for you what sort of wider message is russia sending with these increased and strikes is this about letting everyone know that when it comes to northwest syria that moscow is in charge moscow calls the shots well that we know already what message they want to send now specifically is that hard to tell they may want to tell a joke is that it has more they may want to tell turkey that it shouldn't get too friendly with the united states for the east talks there have been positive recently it may terrible to extent they really should buy this one good or kind of all kinds of messages might be wrapped into that and i think it's also telling that
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you have these in india if you are attacked us with your missile. you pay the price hike of them and thank you very much for talking to us you know where it was we're . now he's nine soldiers have been killed in an attack on a training camp for forces loyal to the libyan war not only for have tom hougaard blaming the attack on ethnic taboo forces aligned with the un recognized government in tripoli mahmoud up there why because more now from the libyan capital. now have to his forces in the south of libya say that they are calling on their simple command of have to us was in the east of libya to send more troops to sustain and maintain security in the sales of libya we know that the city of. forces loyal to the world have since february but this has been all was unstable especially since help for those forces should civil campaigns and the
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there are civil military groups in the cells who are opponent of the warlord have especially fighters and also fighters from. minority in the south of libya some of the armed groups in the south of of libya which are opponent to have to some of them are allied with the under recognized government and others are allied with their own tribal affiliations some of the tribes and the toward tribes generally speaking of libya there are civil airports and also oil fields or who have been taken control of by have to recently but the situation now remains very on a stable spatially after most of the troops have put have troops that have been
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controlling and securing the airport in the cells have moved to the north to take part in the offensive line should they have to his forces to take control of the capital tripoli. our loss also to come here on the news hour including the morning what the u.s. president has to say about north korea firing rockets from its east coast and how turkey's economy is expected to be hit by u.s. sanctions on iran. and a long wait for a winner in the n.b.a. playoffs go into overtime for the first time the middle sixty jillion haven't gotten this in. the u.s. president says he'll eventually get a denuclearization agreement with north korea despite more apparent weapons tests donald trump tweeted that kim jong un doesn't want to break the promise he's made to him and that a deal will happen weapons experts are analyzing several launches detected on saturday by south korea's defense ministry john hendren joins us live now from
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washington d.c. john so what do these launches say about north korea's motivations and what do you make of trump's response that. well there and it's clearly a deliberate provocation by the north korea but whether it's an act of desperation or a show of force is a matter of interpretation kim jong il was embarrassed in hanoi when he met with president trump in february embarrassed that he walked away without the sanctions relief that he had sought so that's when he walked out of that meeting and this is a signal back to the u.s. that his patience is not unlimited and it's a threat essentially to donald trump that he could unravel what trump views as his signature accomplishment on the korean peninsula and that is a moratorium on i.c.b.m. and nuclear testing these were short range missiles not i.c.b.m.'s would they were according to south korean and american military officials capable of reaching south korean and u.s.
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bases in the region this suggests that north korea is increasingly pessimistic about those talks with the u.s. but president trumps response suggest that he is persistently optimistic i'll read a little more that tweet that you mentioned just a moment ago he said to anything in this very interesting world is possible but i believe that kim jong un fully realizes the great economic potential of north korea and will do nothing to interfere or end it he knows that i am with him and does not want to break his promise to me deal will happen trump says and that has to be enormously frustrating for kim jong who wants not optimism but action from the american president all right john so where does this go from here then what happens next. well more nuclear brinksmanship i'm afraid is likely to be what comes next the south korean president moves in says there is serious concern that kim jong il is in violation of the spirit of an agreement the north and south korea came to in september to halt hostile activities that kim is also speaking here to
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a domestic audience he hasn't come away with the sanctions relief that he wants and this may be an effort to show his own people that he is still a strong leader while he's awaiting getting what he wants here now in speaking to president putin of russia in light of awestruck last week he said the americans were acting in bad faith and he plans to give them until the end of the year to offer a better deal that he knows that trump knows that that is his view because trump has spoken to putin if trump does nothing south korea could go ahead and resume tests in the message to trump here is that debate door to diplomacy will not remain open forever aaron jump thank you. now iran's president has called on his country to resist and unite against the u.s. after washington tighten restrictions on terror on's nuclear program the u.s. did not renew two key sanctions way as they were in place to allow some countries
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to do business with iran well iran will now be in violation of the curbs if it continues to ship surplus heavy water made in the nuclear process to oman the u.s. has also made it harder for iran to dispose of any enriched uranium on its renewed some sanctions waivers that allow russia china the u.k. and france to work with iran on civilian nuclear projects but president hassan rouhani says the u.s. is trying to sow division among iranians. as the united states is violating international laws and pressuring companies to prevent them cooperating with iran and seeking to weaken our currency and the independence of our country there are huge conspiracies against our country and the american administration is waging a political and psychological war against us a decision to change the regime in iran washington aims to spread division in the country and the iranians must unite to face this war. where is the director of the gulf studies center at qatar university he says the u.s. is still fixated with iran's oil industry. american administration and the trump
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they wanted to basically blocked iran exporting even one millimeter of its plans. so that is the core of the business and the other way it is there's not actually affect the whole concept the united states now want to make sure the iran cannot import any bottle from second of me and that basically will lead that iran will lose the main source of revenue for its own actually budget which means more economy problems more pressure on the regime which basically put the regime in the corner that is the main thing that what is all of those waivers they speak about i think the tried to show that they are actually taken into consideration the interest of other countries especially u.k. germany other countries basically none of the eight countries now they are saying we are actually committing ourselves with what the trump wants so they are keeping silent now because. we will wait
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a few weeks before the impact of this. decision on their economy so none of those countries now is actually saying that you know we are against this however it seems that all of these countries are waiting who will be ringing the bell first and saying actually no our economy would be a real trouble if we actually accept this kind of pressure from the united states on the oil sector of iran. turkey's economy is expected to continue to slump as the u.s. imposes further sanctions on iran's oil industry so it is a major iranian customer that is having to look elsewhere for its energy supplies so when costello reports now from istanbul. iran is the second largest oil supplier to turkey after russia turkey has energy rich neighbors but nor reserves of its own so is dependent on oil and gas imports that leaves the turkish call me one or both to rises in energy prices the value of the turkish lira has fallen at least forty
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percent in the past year and could fall further because of concerns about all supply to keep the troubled economy running. human you have many troubles just like the israeli lobby before the twenty twenty a lick should sound like he gave golan heights and jerusalem told him otherwise it has nothing to do with national security around complies with the nuclear deal but they want to contain iran for israel safety if turkey can't buy oil from iran sourcing alternative supplies from the united arab emirates or saudi arabia is difficult the turkish government is a leading saudi quit it following the killing of journalist jamal khashoggi in the kingdom sconce late in a stumble last year and relations with the u.a.e. are strained since turkish police arrested two a rabs who confessed to be spying for their murat is as a stopgap the turkish government is negotiating with iraq to buy oil only to kick only to wild turkey is trying to make itself understood by its western friends who
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are protecting its national interest but to put an end to its independence it should focus on renewable energy in the long term turkey try to torpedo their reimposition of u.s. sanctions through a gold for all a strategy with iran basically using clear and golden payments to buy a turkey's state bank hot bank another turkish initiative was a crisis while they are between iran and russia last year and that's bypassing the u.s. financial system but it fails to stall turkey's all supply problem turkey's relations with the us are strange two of the major problems are u.s. support for the kurdish fighters in syria would turkey calls terrorists and the us stopping deliveries of f. the device that's what plays because turkey refuses to cancel a deal to buy air rushing the missile defense system and with the domestic issues such as weak currency and troubled economy it seems difficult for the turkish government to stand against u.s. sanctions on neighboring iran see now because all of al-jazeera
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a stumble at least twelve people have been killed in bangladesh after saigon for me hit early on saturday. more than two million people are being moved to higher ground the storm has now weakened blew in from india where at least sixteen people were killed. thanks. to structure and along india's eastern coast. winds of around two hundred kilometers per hour have devastated odisha state cycling phony ripped apart homes toppled power lines and left up to the trees on the streets. welcoming to one quarter i was really afraid when the storm hit us we were lucky that we were all downstairs if my children were up stairs they wouldn't have survived all our belongings our money everything is gone. the storm has weakened to since making landfall on friday but now neighboring bangladesh is bracing itself nearly two million people have been moved to shelters
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. we have ninety nine cycle shelters in this area each one can accommodate about five hundred people which means we can give shelter to about fifty thousand people the government is doing everything it can to help. the extent of the flooding in the city of puri is clear with damaged crops and infrastructure india's navy air force and disaster response teams are on standby. but there are teams go to each and every site we get reports from we've been working since morning our teams have been out there since the cycle and calm down. despite the destruction and told the indian government says the situation could have been worse about one million people were evacuated in additional state airports and schools were closed before the storm. a different outcome from one thousand nine hundred ninety nine when a super cycling killed more than ten thousand people across the state. now emergency crews are trying to clear the wreckage but many roads are blocked and
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some villages completely closed off. the coast of the dishes. date is vulnerable to slight wealth and tsunamis over the years embankments in shelters were built but for now the focus is on now will recover from the storm can feel of history gone now it is here to official break here not as iraq when we come back. down and out and disillusion why some south africans are out on the streets ahead of the coming election. i want all the support all the buildup to the world title showdown between canelo and jacobs bought up students. how and welcome to another look at the international forecast that we got some
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clouds spilling in across the eastern side of the mets right now pushing us through the levant easing across iraq over towards the caspian sea possibilities some wet weather coming in here then as we go on through the next day as a northern parts of iran could see some more showers longer spells of fry further east i cloud that stretches way into afghanistan but it should be largely dry couple of about twenty seven celsius for the south all sunshine for karate at thirty six degrees celsius a little colder as we go on into monday but still plenty hot enough that cloud does make its way further east west of a few showers around the southern end of the caspian fine and dry fall all about by this day twenty nine celsius in beirut also still in jerusalem in all it's a stale across syrian peninsula here in doha we getting up to thirty five celsius little bit of cloud it's essential there of the saudi arabia could produce a few spots of fray thirty seven thirty eight degrees there for riyadh and we're not too far off that there in that with a high of thirty seven on monday afternoon some a temperature is starting to ramp up and meanwhile across southern africa it's lost
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a fine and dry looking pretty sefl for most are still a few showers close to the northern parts of most. but the wetter weather north of the border towns in the. main edition every weekly news cycle brings a series of breaking stories and then of course there's donald trump told through the eyes of the world's janel that's right out of a hamas script that calls for the annihilation of israel that is not what that phrase means at all. as we turn the cameras on the media and focus on how they were caught on the story that matter the most embed use a free palestine. on al-jazeera. becoming a living legend to the young age was simply not enough. he transformed his influence on the pitch into political clout the book peace to the ivory coast.
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hosted by eric cantona football rebels begins with a look at the life of to talk about the football of them succeeded with politicians not. deviate on the ibori and civil war on al-jazeera. welcome back to come out of our top story this hour israeli air strikes of gaza after palestinian fighters fahd rockets into israel the ministry of health in the city says one palestinians been killed twenty minutes of them out of seven hundred fifty rockets were fired from gaza injuring two restraints. u.s. president has taken to social media to say he's confident can eventually get
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a deal with north korea's leader over pyongyang's nuclear program comes to south korea says it detected. to pull rocket launches from the east coast of the korean peninsula. aside from phony has stormed into these twelve people and forced to seek shelter it's weakened since devastating communities along the east coast of india. sixty. thousand africans will vote on wednesday the general election is the sixth time they had to the polls since the end of apartheid in one thousand nine hundred four the african national congress is what every vote but its popularity has declined many are fed up with the poverty gap and unemployment. report. i went to five years after south africa became a democracy these people are tired of having no jobs no land and poor housing these kinds of process happen every week even more say with an election coming. this one
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last month in a township in johannesburg. has lived in a shack for thirteen years politicians have always promised better housing but she says they don't even organize trash collection. we don't have enough space we need . i'm not going to avoid they took two waves. not the same for everyone south africa's the most on equal country in the world since apartheid most white people remain relatively wealthy economically things improved to some black people. but not in the shanty towns each one of these toilets is shared by dozens of families they smell bad they're only emptied about once a week across south africa there are millions of people living in similar conditions in informal settlements and the only way to get out is to find
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a job that pays enough to be able to afford to live in a better area more than a quarter of workers are on employed and there's been economic stagnation for about a decade. president cyril ramaphosa is promising change his party the african national congress has been in power ever since he was credited with ending white minority rule he's expected to win again but with a smaller majority than ever before. some economists think poses leadership good for economic growth good in his latter alone won't fix a broken model as long as the i'm not imagining economy models which are broadly inclusive and exploring new. economic space to make sure that the broader increasing population. at least can transition from the students to the middle
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class then that is. potential full serious conflict in the future that is based on . victory is certain is the continuation of protests this one was in pretoria two weeks ago many people want change this election's on likely to bring it malcolm webb al-jazeera johannesburg south africa. the king of thailand has been crowned in a coronation ceremony full of buddhist and hindu tradition he succeeds his father who died in twenty sixteen after waiting for seventy years when a reporter in bangkok. after more than two years on the throne along corn was crowned king of thailand by wearing the great crown of victory the sixty six year old formally became the tenth king in the czech read in a. radio two i shall continue preserve and build upon the royal legacy and shall reign with righteousness for the benefit of the happiness of the people
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forever. he was crowned at the start of a three day ceremony steeped in buddhist and hindu rituals. became king in two thousand and sixteen after the death of his father king a do new day he reigned for seventy years meaning this was the first royal coronation most thais have known large screens were wrecked around the city but few showed up to watch the ceremony which was held inside the grand palace no official reason was given for the two year wait for the coronation but during that time the new king has been consolidating his position before this coronation the king began to make his mark he took full control of the palace fortune making him one of the richest monarchs in the world and to give them greater power he changed a military drafted constitution after it had passed a public referendum. but there are strict laws designed to protect the monarchy and
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its reputation and breaking them can lead to a long jail sentence many critics have fled thailand particularly since a two thousand and fourteen coup by the military which is charged with protecting the palace among them was syria chuy's said dan an opponent of the monarchy who disappeared from neighboring laos his wife believes he's dead and in my has been wanted to see grew ethar democracy because everyone would get their share of resources and go through and far too met with their fair share is who are in power to get a benefit and ignore people suffering. during the coronation thailand's new queen also received her royal title queen. the palace had only announced two days earlier that the king had married the former flight attendant and deputy head of his body guard unit his fourth marriage on sunday march which you are long gone will be paraded around the old part of the capital giving thais their first chance to see
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their newly crowned king wayne hay al-jazeera bangkok. and japanese people are greeted then you emperor on his public debut. there he pledged to work for the development of japan and cooperate with other countries for world peace he succeeded his father one wednesday after eighty five year old akihito became the first emperor in two hundred years to abdicate for health reasons. temporary camps in the lake chad region in nigeria have become a permanent home for hundreds of thousands of people and increase in boko haram attacks means they may be a long wait before they can return to their homeland. has this latest in our series a life displaced from the city of magically. at the height of the crisis she. met a group of people fleeing attacks in two thousand and thirteen when. they were out in the streets of my degree hungry and exposed to the elements there so temporary
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shelter on his property before moving to displaced people's camps. i know you know this place was my main source of income but they sent all tenants away to make room for the displaced currently there are three children displaced people here i haven't anything since their right one. six years or the refugees sure more signs of leaving most if i can maybe is one of them he says he's going to wait out this crisis and this camp no matter how long it takes yeah yeah yeah only a few days ago people. were killed and if you others escape you have to think about your safety first. the united nations estimates that more than six million people in the lake chad region have been affected by boko haram violence two and
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a half million of them i need of shelter and medicines before the final crisis maiduguri was a city of one million two hundred thousand people today the population has doubled to two and a half million a few hundred thousand just place persons who live in towns around the city but the majority live in the larger community the recent escalation of violence that has forced many returning is to flee back to these camps again the regional forces in the lake chad region have recently stepped up their air and ground operations against boko haram targets they say they want to clear the area of fighters so that people can return home and that they are on course trichy of their objectives. is also. in terms of. manage. to approach. the site
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until then the displaced continue to wait in places like these a temporary solution but increasingly becoming a prominent feature in the region. al-jazeera. and in the next part of our series we look at how one decision could force a quarter of afghanistan's population to pay tax for that temporary fix. calm has been restored to the largest city in between following two days of riots sparked by election results at least two people were killed in cotonou as police force supporters of opposition parties which are barred from last sunday's election palm tree seeds were won by tea parties and the president at least along. uganda's opposition politician bobby weiner's told al-jazeera that he is willing to sit down with president you were seventy to discuss challenges facing the country the popular musician turned politician was released after three days in custody for taking part in what the authorities called unlawful protests reports. this
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was the moment for the wire townhome and fasting after three days in cassidy for leading protests against a social media tax many of his supporters like young john to his music and political views most have grown up with president yoweri in the seventies in charge has been in power for more than three decades and so was the parliament that wind told al jazeera he supporters relate to him because of his fight against social injustice we are lucky that we are living in a generation where our mouth is can not be shut we shall speak the truth and we shall continue using the law as it does do stand for our rights and has a president ever reached out to you talk about political issues to talk about how to move the country forward and things like that. no he has not reached out to me and would you be willing to sit down with him to talk about what's ailing the country and what perhaps can be done better because he is the head of state i would
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be very glad i'm very honored to sit with the president and tell him exactly what i am saying now i will honorably attending that mr president we need to respect the law. in another neighborhood eyes i quote we restore expresses his political stand on a good day he'll make about five dollars selling the street food but after expenses and home bills he's left with very little to save his business in gun would you say will be mutual they should reduce the price of wheat the city council should also treat us well stop harassing and overtaxing us. like war weary a majority of ugandans are young we talked to said they don't have to jobs poor and frustrated the compiler is considered an opposition stronghold and bobby wine is very popular on
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a lease if you go to all areas president yoweri museveni is still family in control this one of the people who say they're struggling to make plans maids and just want a better life government ministers say their colonies performing well but not growing as fast as the population who have. one of the highest rates of population growth so in terms of figures we are adding more and more ugandans either because of this. new growth. some over the achievements which you read just. back at the foot store where we are safe he wants to move to a much bigger one and maybe one day a proper restaurant and he tells us if things remain the same politically he does not say he's a constant is changing catherine saw al-jazeera compiler an airliner carrying u.s. marines as crash landed into a river in florida the boeing seven three seven charter flight slid off the runway as it landed in jacksonville all hundred forty three passengers and crew managed to
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scramble to safety from the shallow water about two dozen suffered minor injuries the jet was flying military personnel home from guantanamo bay base in cuba. scientists are hoping the world's deepest lake is harboring something which could help us all new types of antibiotics have been found in crustaceans lurking in the depths of lake baikal in russia but a step vast and reports more research needs to be done before patients can benefit . it's more than twenty five million years old six hundred kilometers long and holds a rich history of information about a changing climate and species this is siberia as lake baikal scientists recently found that one creature living here with extreme survival skills might be crucial to the discovery of new antibiotics the amphipod a clue station often mistaken for a shrimp produces bacteria that can be used to cure infections in humans. from
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a sort of course it's very significant for humanity would we do here because we're now facing increasing resistance to existing interviewer ticks meaning that they're used to work are less effective. before these new antibiotics can be used on humans a lot more research needs to be done some pharmaceutical companies have already shown interest it usually takes ten years before a newly discovered antibiotics are produced the institute is also using the crustaceans to study the effects of climate change and other and via mental changes under even creatures by injecting micro sensors into tiny bodies by observing different kinds of crustaceans living in different depths of the lake they hope to obtain information about how humans can adapt as well scientists believe that this immense lake not only holds the cure to diseases but also the answer to and fire mental challenges our planet is facing but this league is still largely unexplored and to reveal its secrets some say the government should change its strategy and
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change the lake into an international high tech research project so far lake baikal is mostly used as a tourist attraction and source for drinking water scientists say the world's. just fresh water reservoir can be better protected if it's turned into a center for biotechnological research instead we're just limited to more than twenty five scientists. a lot of questions which can be studied but twenty five thousand scientists and bike of. unpatched resource of new. technology and biotech for well well nobody really knows about and via mentalist say they support the idea gonski. i believe this is a gigantic nature a library which can be source of information for an endless number of years can be part of our research for certain means of adaptation to life on this planet if we learn how to use this bank then this can contribute to our lives and the habit of
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the lake can be protected the government didn't respond to our request to comment on the plan one of the obstacles to attract scientists to lake baikal could be the extreme weather conditions in siberia but while temperatures can reach minus thirty celsius in winter deep inside the lake the temperature has stayed the same for millions of years there are stations who can live up to twenty years and could hold the answer to the secret of a long life at least that is what scientists are eager to find out step fastened al-jazeera lake baikal russia. time for dollar short break here al-jazeera when we come back. we'll hear from the men pick cheats on what he thinks of the cost us and your buddy that's coming up with going to school why not start. with the story of one of the most successful p.r. campaigns in the u.s.
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study after study has demonstrated that israeli perspective dominated american media coverage what part of this case you get through your thick head is hamas a terrorist organization the only thing that you're going to say is what we want you to see and if you don't say it when i go at you speak it would be very hard for ordinary americans to know that they're being deceived the occupation of the american mind on al-jazeera. the latest news as it breaks he just did not have time to see just how long. the payments and the burnings started bringing to the truth details coverage of protests last month to the cost was obviously meant as a significant those tough in the days of this place from around the last few days and that is where the water is once more rushing down the river it's an unwelcome thing for community leaders barely begun to make up.
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for the medical support now his job daryn thank you means national and that committee is to offer advice to sports federations on the implications of the caste system and your ruling by the court of arbitration for sport south africa's double olympic champion secured an emphatic diamond league victory in the eight hundred meters in doha just two days after she lost her case against. new testosterone rules in athletics sonya says she'll fight on i would not take medication to reduce her to levels. i can't be forced speech in a race and she's a race when i want to see traces so no man can tell me what to do so like i said i'm here but when that was if i want to see events i see stuff but if somebody
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wants me to see shit down does their own problems not mine i saw myself on the palagi that can run from hundred because the five k. so i can run in unless i want a president owes bach confirmed the i.o.c. is formation of a working advisory group during his visit to sydney on saturday he says he sympathizes with so many a situation but he accepts there are no easy solutions he does not only scientific it's not only ethical it's not only sports city it's all are also highly emotional and. i am afraid it will be for for these experts it will be very difficult to to find. a situation with a solution which finally gets together all the all these arguments in in the in the balanced way champions league semifinalists tottenham of fail to make certain of their place in next year's competition they lost almost so still
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not guaranteed a top four finish in england if a four can go top later if they beat newcastle otherwise so hand the initiative in the title race to munch city who play on monday celtic are the scottish champions for the eighth season in a row arsenate was wrapping up a three know when it aberdeen on saturday if celtic the hearts in the scottish cup final later this month will complete the treble for a third successive season. the final of the african champions league will be between moroccan side with dad in esperance of tunis here the second legs of both semifinals on saturday finished goalless as bronze beating t.p. mazembe a one nil on aggregates with dad clinching their tie to one against mamelodi sundowns . the n.b.a. playoffs went to court drupal overtime for the first time in sixty six years as the portland trail blazers and denver nuggets went toe to toe on friday night c.j. mccullum much to his best playoff total with forty one points portland edging ahead
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in the third overtime period but denver forced yet another hour of the time when leading with twenty seconds left to hold what we could came to the rescue for the places who keep bucs beat the celtics in light of the game. in the n.h.l. playoffs the carolina hearkens us through to the eastern conference finals they got there without too much trouble beating the new islanders five two on friday erupts of the for nothing series when carolina is going to be stanley cup champions for a second time. the dallas stars are one win away from reaching the finals in the west on friday evening snooze blues two one dallas now lead the series three two. australian rugby player israel folau has attended the first day of his code of conduct hearing over his social media posts for allow his an ultra conservative christian said hell awaited homosexuals as well as drunks and adulterers he's already had his contract with super rugby team new south wales were tossed terminated the hearing will last two days with
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a verdict suspected early next week. it's kentucky derby day in the united states as fans of horse racing prepare for one of the biggest events in sport but spike in whole steps has overshadowed the ses and as reports from los angeles the hi-fi tell us he writes it's cause they know mike has to take the reins. on the eve of the kentucky derby the biggest race day of the year the u.s. horseracing industry is in a crisis there is a public outcry over the deaths of twenty three horses since late december at santa anita racetrack near los angeles if horses are continuing to die at such a high rate and there is a problem with horse racing in the future nobody wants to go to horse racing and think about horses dropping like flies you know every every few days i believe that if there isn't serious changes and these death stopped that this will be
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the beginning of the end of the horse racing industry in california no one has determined exactly what caused the fatal injuries but animal rights advocates point to overmedication of horses including the use of a powerful anti bleeding drug called lasix those drugs are highly restricted for resources in the rest of the world they're used to mask the injuries and so that's what you see with these horses breaking down on the tracks is that they match them for pain and a inflammatory somewhat not and they still race the los angeles county prosecutor has launched an investigation into the deaths well the controversy over resource deaths wages here in california some members of congress in washington d.c. want to see stricter rules imposed nationwide legislation to clean up the sport has bipartisan support in congress it would ban same day in the six so we would be in
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compliance with the standards of the rest of the world it would. have a federal course racing board that would look at the other drugs that are administered and to make a determination as to whether there should be restrictions on those as well california animal welfare activists want to put the issue of the future of horse racing to the voters in a ballot measure we did some polling and what the polling shows is two thirds of californians either want it shut down a ban or raise the standards horse racing is a multibillion dollar sport but the animals too often pay the ultimate price robert oulds al-jazeera los angeles. mexico's canelo alvarez will take on american kids in a title fight in las vegas later on saturday the way in nearly became rule as
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these things tend to. the three major well titles will be on the line on saturday. all right that is all useful for now will have will feel a to darren joe thank you very much david that's it for me down in jordan for this news hour but don't go away i'll be back in a moment with much more of the day's news statement on so much. on causing the cost this week trump gambles the world economy all shutting down iran's ability to sell oil at an indestructible phone screen of chinese tech giants
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at the f.b.i. state. talk to the inventor who suspects his technology was stolen counting the cost of al-jazeera. in a country beset by poverty and lack of infrastructure. sometimes we risk our lives in taking these roads with cattle saving lives is it a dangerous job it's a vaccine so it's on a good twenty four hours there are patients waiting for these medicines who must be in pain life's worth risking their lives a really could go one of the gang stops some vehicles on the road at that can do it with weapons risking it all guinea at this time on al jazeera. we understand the differences and the similarities of cultures across the wound. so no matter where you call home al-jazeera international bringing the news and current of friends that matter to you. al jazeera. in
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a two part series. observes the lives of two children. over twenty years. where insights into circumstances that shaped lives. in a rapidly changing world. twenty years of mean starts with blood and land you will do stories on how to zero. rockets are launched from gaza into israel and israeli warplanes fired back killing at least two palestinians. in jordan the live from doha also coming up venezuela's president nicolas maduro
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shows he still has military support and calls from the opposition leader for the army to back him instead. it's like unfunny weakens after battering india and crosses into bangladesh or at least twelve people in. thailand crowns its new king two years after he inherited the. israeli airstrikes have hit gaza after palestinian fighters fahd rockets into israel the ministry of health in gaza says at least two palestinians have been killed including a fourteen month old baby israeli military commanders say at least two hundred rockets were fired from gaza injuring two israelis but israel says palestinian rockets targeted at least a dozen areas some reaching as far as the town of big got him around twenty kilometers from gaza to israeli casualties have been reported israeli commanders responded by ordering warplanes to attack
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a palestinian territory including gaza city the han eunice and beit hanoun who are a force that joins us live now from west jerusalem married so we understand more rockets have been fired just bring us up to date with the latest situation on the ground eric. as i will yes our colleagues inside gaza are telling us that the strikes are continuing even as we speak and the most recent news from the gaza health ministry is as you mentioned in that introduction the death of a one year old baby the health ministry in gaza saying that the baby was killed in an israeli drone strike on the east of gaza city and that three other members of the same family were also injured so that is another casualty and the first civilian president civilian casualty that we've heard about so far in these israeli airstrikes on gaza there was a confirmation that a member of hamas is fighting faction of the brigades was killed in an
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early israeli airstrike earlier today on the israeli side of the fence there have been as you say scores of rockets being fired outside or out from gaza and several of the making it through the iron dome anti-missile system and falling into residential areas around the gaza strip one israeli woman was reported seriously injured in a rocket which fell in carry out go and an israeli man injured by a rocket which struck ashkelon the city north of the gaza strip so this is another major military escalation we have been here several times already in recent months but we are in the midst of another one and palestinian islamic jihad one of the fighting factions within gaza says that it stands ready to extend the range of its rocket fire to the far north of israel to haifa to ben-gurion airport near tel
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aviv and also to the un acknowledged nuclear reactor in dimona in southern israel and how it is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been meeting his security advisers in tel aviv can expect anything from that meeting. well certainly no official announcement coming out from that meeting so far the only messaging we've been getting so far has been coming from the israeli military the the air force and the army but it does seem that israel is in in mind for a fairly major response to what's been going on there have been strikes going on throughout the day quite often israel would wait until night time to carry out raids such as this but given that this started quite early this morning following an israeli drone strike on a vehicle which local media reported was carrying a palestinian islamic jihad senior commander injuring three people inside that
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vehicle that's when this major rocket barrage began and fairly soon after the israeli strikes followed this is a sensitive period for the israeli government which has yet to be formed really after the israeli election the coalition talks are ongoing ahead both of the israeli independence day which comes next week the marking of that and also the year of asians on contest in tel aviv on may the eighteenth there is a fair bit of analysis suggesting that israel does not want a full escalation towards a full conflict at such a sensitive time and perhaps that is why hamas and islamic jihad are trying to pressure israel after the failure really in their eyes of israel to make good on commitments made after the last escalation in april commitments which were reported such as allowing forty million dollars qatari money to come in to gaza every month as opposed to fifteen making various easing of the siege around gaza the only thing
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that they saw from that so far was extending the fishing zone and that has been reduced right back to zero again along with the crossings being shut in the midst of this current escalation or to have a force in the west coast i'm sorry thank you. venezuela's opposition leader has made another bid for the support of the country's military in his attempt to take over as president one soldiers to break ranks with president maduro military commanders have remained loyal to my dear oh so far or tories are both joins us now from caracas to reason so first of all just bring us up to date with what's happening today. well we're hearing now. where people have gathered in order to respond to why those calls to go to the headquarters of the military of the police and other security forces in this country and try to convince the members of the military to carry out what they say is join their fight against what is one way the refers to as
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a dictatorship they've been that we see not lots of people on the street today but most of them were carrying the flights that the one i have here which basically is what people have been distributing to members of the military which is talking about the amnesty law that one way though has been speaking about for the past few months where it gives some guarantees to those members of the military or security forces in general that joining in the fight the past few days have been very very tense in venezuela today seems to be calmer but we saw a very strong deployment of security forces scattered all around the capital here people in a way in a way a message from security forces to those who were hoping to go over there and warning them not to try to get close to those of many fairy installations on the other hand we also saw a president who are carrying out and joining the military exercises carrying out by troops he's been basically talking there about the importance of loyalty what he
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said is that that a few bunch of traitors that joined one way though cannot change the prestigious of the organization until the winds that the most of the armed forces continue to remain loyal to nicolas maduro. what he had seen until now are small groups of members of the military of the police that have either left the country towards colombia brazil we saw also what happened on tuesday that around seventy members of security forces armed forces. guard also joined a long while you know in an attempt to take over a military base here in qatar but there's a very very small group so we also know that thousands have been detained or imprisoned by the government of nicole and i don't know the cuban intelligence is aiding the government of the tool in a way to try to find traitors within their ranks but it's also not only the
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persecution and control of carried out by the administration but also some type of loyalty that prevails we've been in the military that loyalty can be traced back to the times of although chavez when he created the body very and national guard the military holds a very very important role in what they call a civic military alliance they control the economy of the military among other groups but what this people are saying is that the have the middle ranks and the lawyer ranks are suffering from the enormous economic crisis that most of us who are suffering today with shortages of medicines and food among other things go as are the people that this people are hoping will listen to the message that they've been trying to send oratory is a bow their in ca talk us through the thank you no weapons experts are trying to confirm the latest suspected rocket launches from north korea u.s. president donald trump has tweeted saying he's confident the north korean leader one break his promise of finding a solution to denuclearization south korea's defense ministry says it detected
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several launches from the east coast of the korean peninsula the ministry says they weren't ballistic missiles from a bride is the latest from the capital so. this is turning out to be potentially one of the most provocative military gestures by north korea in more than a year and certainly not in keeping with the spirit of current moves at reconciliation between north korea and the u.s. and north korea and south korea in the south korean government has said as much there has been a top level meeting of the security and military officials which they've issued a statement saying that this test was inconsistent with the military agreement between north korea and south korea at the summit in pyongyang last september and calling on the north koreans to make every effort to actively participate and restart dialogue towards denuclearization so this very much seems to be placing at least some of the blame for the current stalemate on north korea's position the
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started a flurry of diplomatic activity. the foreign minister of south korea has been in conversation with mike pompei o of the united states and also the japanese foreign minister trying to coordinate a response on the watchword seems to be one of caution saying that they will respond but prudently everybody conscious and being wary not to escalate tensions any further john hendren is following developments in washington d.c. . the launch of a series of projectiles from north korea marked a major provocation but whether that is a show of force or a show of desperation remains a matter of interpretation the north korean leader kim jong un walked away from a meeting with president trump in hanoi in february frustrated frustrated because he did not get the sanctions relief that he wanted now he has launched the most major provocation since november of two thousand and seventeen when north korea
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launched a series of intercontinental ballistic missiles the missiles that were launched recently were short range projectiles capable of reaching south korea or american bases in that region it suggests that north korea is pessimistic about its negotiations with the u.s. but in a tweet president trump appeared persistently optimistic and he said anything in this very interesting world is possible but i believe that kim jong un fully realizes the great economic potential of north korea and will do nothing to enter fear or to end it he also knows that i am with him and does not want to break his promise to me deal will happen this has to be enormously frustrating to the north korean leader who wants to hear action not optimism from the american president. this is because some breaking news now out of algeria we're getting reports that the youngest brother of the former president abilities beautiful has been arrested to.


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