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tv   Super 30 2018 Ep 1  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2019 12:33pm-1:01pm +03

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talking about a political dimension where the spoils of wool are smuggled and sold to auction houses and private collectors banging for selling an artifact is worth finances to be headaches and must use in the middle east don't say. that's one quick solution trafficking al-jazeera.
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the homes in northern india beautiful impoverished overwhelmingly rural. ninety expectancy is the newest in india only half the population can read and write. people who flee the hardship of the countryside for opiate unity in the capital. kutner a city of three million is a magnet for those seeking to escape the limitations of that. the. this is the story of the soup but.
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these people are almost all backgrounds what they share is a talent for mathematics today they're sitting the first round of an exam that could change the entire course of their lives. for thousand have made their way here from all over bihar only two hundred will go through to the second round they're competing to get into an elite class known as the super thirty its creator is. this record i really think is my project force here but it's because. he's a mathematician who set up the soup with the to help gifted children who come in from poor families. ten.
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or. more. all toward gabled but if there. are. those who get into soup with the will be coached for another more grueling ordeal the entrance exam for the indian institutes of technology or i. it's india's most prestigious university the applicants for soup with the know that if they do make it to iowa they'll be set up for life. this seven were intended to produce an elite of engineers and technologists today many of the computer science graduates end up as silicon valley software millionaire. danny i.i. t's head of computer science. the people who.
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see yours of major corporations banking finance. or the tick is the fact that they can handle stress. what did you question stands for is essential in very high quality instruction tremendous demands being made on stored in terms of. activity product activity competition and deadlines days are extraordinary every year the. five thousand students from all over india fifty or sixty candidates compete for each of the coveted places against this anon success rate is amazing in two thousand and six twenty eight of his super thirty got into i.t. not many are go in bihar then education is still seen as less important than boys. and they're going with it because on the. plus one fathers who got.
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really benefited the war on women love. me i do. sighed the school anxious relatives wait for the three hour exam to finish. at the end of the day four thousand exam papers are collected for mocking most of the candidates will say only one in twenty through to the second round. incredibly stupid thirty exam scripts taken away under.
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five weeks later round two of the entrance exam the super thirty will be chosen from these two hundred candidates. made it through. a paper. i can but. the general who could pick lower for. coming in for the subject. has to go but you just like to continue to. speak here. at. this investment just to pick successful. brother is the manager of soup with the competition for the school is so intense
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that the candidates bring photo i.d.'s embossed as have been known to sit the exam . for the old local senators here are going to be working with very few people near there with a. we're going to meet with the. if you want to know all of the mothers. i know long or if even number to put all they can do well know the scope of their financial background they feel a. little finalist when. ignoring them could be a problem but here you do swimming you. really have to. try to get a million when he entered my room you know you can but again i'm not going to make them think you. found them they do.
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i'll be reading. these are you not last words masculists i ask you mean do i have to keep thank you for not putting. in the indian capital. some of last year's super and now at. the trial. for. the forty remains the fifty. six but it should be revealed to. the sellers probably i read the report worth out of here but. although ha. ha. ha you said something i even. if you told me i'm pretty dumb or google it
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that. the reality is. that. don't get me going. this is somebody of this person that. has almost legend there. status some coaching schools even advertise their students' rankings in the entrance exams and everyone's cashing in except. because the students who make it into super thirty say nothing for their tuition. it's highly subsidized by other project. school of mathematics. that. we. have got. some five to seven. mathematics.
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be this what i'm talking america here. but. i'm going to get. all that it's got to do it from i know it's a. demand is high and the classes are huge seven hundred or more yet the fees. are nuns an unwelcome competitor for some of the other schools opt out. of the of course. but the. fact that a. clear. or
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he ever had to up the hard to get in this other. guy is going to fall going to go scott. guthrie or. unknown kumar has received so many death threats that these days he never goes anywhere without his bodyguards. such is the reality of life in bihar. the village of deal coming two hours drive from but now even today the harsh countryside is home to nine tenths of its people such under oppressed adds singh has lived here all his life mark on her marriage in the supply line he said i'm going out about as i behave but without a good gentleman. or him
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a canada. so. but at the back there back there. you get up with abo heard about her sat by the radisson mattel's barked about the whole. the family is divided. as here with his mother his wife lives mostly in her own village her family's better off. often struggles to survive but is the thing i'm here to talk about a car you have but i had a child hannah had that i had died out by the. party. we're interrupting programming to take you live to khartoum where the sudanese military council is addressing the media let's listen so what is going on want to happen so
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the they went and they started hyping up the situation. look. if we are saying what we are saying is just for last we look at the events. ok ok then leary six people were a motos and others in jail. burned in properties. and. burning places by force burning cars property is burnin in the blue an oil burning cars and vehicles in charred area three people injured in.
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thirty two citizens. in jail he and in months for and mondesir in. attack in the. southern communities interfering with their ports and stopping people from trouble and these are all citizens at the airport that wanted trouble. attacking citizens. thefts in. isolated places attacking citizens. also. houses at mosques areas like their sunday it was. receiving
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a second that. on people that were students. learn in the koran. the market of soup and shops at the security. but it then tops. and many are also. stealing thirteen million are pounds in and also stop in trains and broken. bridges to stop the food stuffs and provisions. shipped to citizen. threatening the regular of forces so for example if the general is going through a bridge he had to be stopped and searched so if he goes through
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a breach he would have to be searched this is after looting and stealing and burgle learn. using drugs on the streets today and targeting. young people and attacking and burglar in houses. their minds and asking about and talk to many people working for for a different company is. illegitimately and without resorting to legal means. the emergence of. groups that are breaking the law attacking shops and people without any legitimate reasons. now which is another list there are attempts.
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to block bridges and close khartoum. in its entirety. some of those no break people to block and close down the presidential palace this order was published attacking. officials. and attacking. and. ration groups and aid groups. in. port. well. ok this is very important we asked. them. to midyear we spoke in good faith and. you need anything just said no we don't
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want your magician. was sent ok we form. a council of independent people they said no. they didn't agree to this the university. would like to explain just clarify points we're not complaining just clarifying. end. zone known as a place called is unknown. yet when he when he came to speak at the airport they. shut down the microphone we said why they say this is
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a people's conference. so was it a popular conference or is it national conference they say this is a popular conference is not. ok now we are in the military council we want sudanese revolution that is. national and petry or take people who are not politicized or without any hidden agenda. it is the way you want the citizen to act in a way that receives satisfactory agreement that is agreeable to all the sudanese people. ok this is not a threat there are things you have to say we are responsible and we have to take the responsibility as
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a transitional military council we have to protect the citizens the people the property and protect the law will not accept any chaos or attack on civilians or and their properties and all the. properties of the state and we would deal with this firmly in accordance with the law in accordance with the law. this is what we wanted to clarify. to the sudanese people we do not want to. add insult to injury. we do not want to escalate the situation we there are lots of
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information banded about. and there you lot lots of talks there is a lot of controversy sedition going on. they have of course moved the street we don't deny there stay out of control in the streets but . we. if we all want to work the way they do where will tell the should the need is. so. there you wanted we want a mandate from the people we have to have mandate from the sudanese people we are committed we are committed to a negotiation however after today the rubin no chaotic scenes no chaotic scenes not after today.
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in the name for. this be upon you greeting. and respect to all of you. the military. forces. bless this great revolution which gave hope to all the sudanese people to have a democratic modern democratic state that is respected by all neighbors neighboring countries and the international community we agreed at the first meeting with the negotiating brothers in the declaration of free
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and change of freedom and change. that. we are. working in partnership in order to go through a literate transitional period to start a democratic. country that discipline and democratic system and we were never on this basis and lookin into the means to achieve this aim the. people of the three the men change their aims are as follows that and bashir and here is a regime to. resign immediately which they did and hopefully this will be a forever for my new transitional government from all sects
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of the. peoples we agreed with them on this basis and look at competent individual. people who are independent to in order to carry out the necessary tasks. to go through the a transitional period which of their agreed with us on. the government would obviously a work to stop the war to look into the economy and with course we will support them into this and also to make sure that the security. situation is under control and we will help them and support them in this respect to rebuild. the country and the third. demand was to stop all
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laws that restrict and free them in the country this was their statement and we end the military. in the in the in the military forces would you accept this statement but what is the problem the problem we are in the military council during the. negotiations. we agreed that three from the civilian side and seven from the military side so that we achieve the independence and impartiality that is required to go through the. transitional period we do have one hundred seventy. days of movement parties and so on. hundred and eighteen of them they said they wanted the military. council to stay thirty two wanted civilians because
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they are the real. motive behind the revolution and the power that moves the people so we wanted to move with the evolution from the victory stage into a rebuild and stage where i said impartiality. is important but when you have hundred seventy one people they say this national. congress is outside this transitional period because they ruled the country for thirty thirty one years. we have to participate in our engagement to. sort of past this period but they agreed with us and they acknowledged that they would participate with us particularly the legislature council and we agreed
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with them that. we met at the last meeting so that we see whether it would be eight against two or seven three seven military and three civilians or not so we have discussed a vision that that is a complete vision that they had and we discussed it and agreed with them in order to reform the country with the. freedom and change forces they said they would come today before one o'clock they said yes we would discuss this and consider it and we will consult with other forces. except the national congress there is no disagreement.


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