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tv   Hard Earned 2015 Ep 5  Al Jazeera  February 11, 2019 9:00am-10:01am +03

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crying out for me saying or my father or my father my wife was saying. across the world tribute was paid to his suffering. but more than three years have now passed the ship carrying alan curds name will not leave doc soon because so many governments are mounting legal challenges to their rescue operations the ports of europe are closing the hearts may have been opened by the iconic picture of alan but those hearts on the hardening that every family and every boy like al including who lost his life is one too much and it's not even about how many it's there is even one person having to do this journey and drowning in not getting help then that's already too much abdul-ahad a message for the people of europe i call on them he said to open their doors to these desperate people they are in dire need of help they're not coming here of their own free will they are running for their lives out of war of killing and
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destruction. david chaytor al jazeera majorca. the weather is next to then look at a new door known as pay for play that set to cost palestinians millions of dollars . not playing fair over the next world cup more on the accusations about the campaign against qatar. hello there we've got some rain and snow working its way across the southeastern parts of china at the moment you see here on the satellite picture making its way steadily up towards the northeast still with us as we head through the next couple of days so a fair amount of cloud there are courses central belt as we head through the day on
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monday a few outbreaks of snow are likely and then if that sweeps its way eastwards it's going to begin to intensify as we head into chews day so expect some more in the way of wet weather and a few patches of snow around to to the south about there should be fine for us in hong kong with a maximum temperature of twenty three degrees for the southeastern parts of asia plenty of fine settled weather to be found here at the moment to this just a handful of showers really most of there is in the southern parts of borneo down through jaba and into samoa and that's really where most of the showers are going to be over the next few days further north plenty of dry weather for many of us across thailand through cambodia into vietnam and across towards the philippines as well it should be fine unsettled for us as we head through tuesday to now across towards sri lanka hey we've had some very wet weather over the last day or so you can see the showers on the satellite picture they've been very very active they gradually easing should be less of them as we head through monday and tuesday and further north there should also be some quieter weather for us as well not poor there getting to around twenty nine degrees on monday. which sponsored the time.
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in the front timelines of mesopotamia with the first settlements for. and the cradle of civilization iraqi people who've depended on the tigris and euphrates for centuries can no longer make a living on rivers blighted by womb and pollution outages or world reveals how the manmade decline of one of history's most famed ancient environments is leaving its people struggling to survive iraq's dying rivers.
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welcome back. a reminder of our top stories this hour the u.s. is seeking to force the issue of aid delivery to venezuela using a u.n. security council resolution president maduro has accused the u.s. of using aid as a political tool to destabilize his government. talks to a vast another us government shutdown have stalled disputes between democrats and republicans over immigrant detentions have led to the current impasse. u.s. backed sick rebels in syria have been making advances against eisel and what's being called the final battle to seize the armed groups lost on play of the offensive by the kurdish led syrian democratic forces is focused on the eastern village of. government prosecutors have admitted that a protest a died in custody off to being tortured the school teacher was detained during demonstrations against the government of al bashir mohammad has the story. people in the town of hashmi good but it is time saddam came out like one family
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for the funeral of the school teacher. while being told should by members of the state security after he took part in government demonstrations. he died in custody members of security killed he was in a very good health when he left home. ahmed's friend who was arrested with him said he saw him while being beaten. he lay on me like this off today knocked him down you continue to move sideways from pain and say are are after a while he was completely still the security guy tried to wake him up by tapping his jeans i told him this man is dead he said let all of you die for your revolution but then i uncovered his body and started inspecting his neck but because it was swollen i couldn't tell if it was broken but the marks of torture
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were very clear on that. for several days so then the security forces continued to hide the truth claiming died of an illness. zoe his family were invited to see his body they were sure that no violations were committed and that he had not been tortured. but that the count turned out to be a lie officials conducted an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death. the prosecution has found the death of the person to be the result of several wounds inflicted on him those responsible should face trial according to the law but taking the perpetrators to justice may prove difficult so the security forces usually refused to let their members be tried in civilian courts and the belated confession has not satisfied its family or the protesters is the cost to a public cause and the rallying cry for more protest and anger against the
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government of president omar bashir. in his hometown ahmed's family is still trying to make sense of the loss silence dominates the school where he was teaching his students are unable to get over the shock. a video was made to remember his life it talks about the value of the school teacher to humanity and denounces as equivalent to the killing of the future of an entire nation. the baton has been passed gyptian president. has become chair of the african union one does president paul kagame he handed it over he spent two years in that position now where has this update from. the outgoing african union chair president paul
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kagame everyone that addressed the opening ceremony he spent the last year trying to push through reforms to make the african union more effective and lina limited success the plan to try and make the african union self funding it's not there yet has been more success in trying to create a free trade area nineteen countries are already on board and it needs three more to take effect. the continent of free trade area was assigned and now. one year later it just stands on a weeks away from entry into force thanks to the ex the rating appears over a fish. president abdel fattah el-sisi of egypt has taken over as chair in his opening speech he referred to many ideals for a few specific goals when buckley at all what. we're still doing our best to
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cement the pillars of peace security and stability to achieve economic cooperation and continental integration among our states and peoples all in an endeavor towards building the human spirit of africa egypt is africa's third largest economy traditionally when africa's more powerful countries take over the chair of the african union are less interested in it being powerful because they've got more influence themselves so in the year ahead it's expected that the african union will focus less on reforms and more on security. israel's prime minister says he intends to implement a controversial new law within a week which is known as pay fists play here's how it'll work the palestinian government currently provides compensation to the families of people convicted by israel of committing attacks under the new law israel would deduct an amount equal to that compensation from taxes that it collects on behalf of the palestinian authority this would cut revenue to the or thirty by about three hundred thirty
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million dollars a year how we force it tells us more from westerly slim. benjamin netanyahu has long argued against and attack the palestinian leadership over what it says is a system of welfare payments to palestinian prisoners and what the israeli government characterizes as a form of incitement to carry out attacks against israelis this is the week though he says that this law will come into effect and that next sunday in the next israeli security cabinet meeting is when the first calculation will be made in terms of withholding some of the money that israel raises in taxes for the palestinian authority and pays to the palestinian authority every month there has been some controversy over this even within israeli circles wide reports that israeli security establishment is worried about the withholding of the money about the effects on potential effects on security cooperation between israeli security services and the palestinian authority in the occupied west bank of course there is
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also being a reaction from the p.a. as well they say that this is nothing short of israeli piracy and is being done in concert with the americans to inflict further pressure on the palestinians ahead of the rollout of the trump peace plan nonetheless we are in election season at a time when benjamin netanyahu is trying to portray himself as the man of the right with a tough line against the palestinians in opposition to the way he's trying to characterize his main rival benny gantz the former israeli army chief who means trying to say is of the weak left and as well is that there have been a series of attacks carried out in recent weeks and even over this weekend there's been an attack in which a palestinian or other an israeli nineteen year old woman was killed by a palestinian man in a forest southwest of jerusalem the suspect was after apprehended in ramallah in the occupied west bank on saturday according to israeli media he has reenacted the crime has admitted to a sexual assault and murder this is
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a crime which is really outraged a huge number of israelis the police are saying they are so. only examining a political motive no direct cooling of this as a terror attack by the israeli prime minister just yet either from hamas in gaza or from the palestinian authority in the west bank either nonetheless there has been a huge reaction to this and for you know to have delayed the imposition of this law at this time will be politically very difficult for him and his trade in political strategist who has worked for britain's conservative party he's being accused of offering to run a campaign to cancel the twenty twenty two cash football world cup london's guardian newspaper says lynton crosby pitched a seven million dollar operation to pressure a fee for to restart the bidding process project board as it was apparently called focused on efforts to deal of the country government by spreading negative news stories crosby as lawyers deny any contracts were signed or finalized the world's
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insects are on the path to extinction posing a catastrophic threat to our ecosystems the global scientific review was published by leading journal called biological conservation its report says that more than forty percent of insect species are in decline while a third are endangered this means the rate of their extinction is eight times faster than mammals the bad and reptiles overall the mass of insects is falling by two point five percent every year meaning they could vanish within a century scientists say this would destroy the way that all ecosystems function. that's more than astounding it's extremely frightening i have personally seen the populations of insects i studied personally go extinct because in large part because of climate change over the last couple of decades well you gotta understand that if the insects disappear we're going to disappear to the whole agricultural
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system the pens among other things on the insects that are most vulnerable to extinction to control the other insects which compete with us for our crops so this is a brilliant paper but at the same time one that scares the pants off of any biologist who understands how the world works and of course it's an overly optimistic paper because it mentions the things that we should be doing in order to avoid the extinction of the insects and it's very reminiscent of the things we should be doing to avoid climate disruption and avoid the food problems we now face and the point is we're not doing any of them in the united states on the issues that you have to deal with on the insect extinction we have a government that's determinedly doing everything it possibly can to push the insects and the other organisms to extinction as fast as possible the bracks it situation in europe the breakdown of the european union is another thing that is
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going to prevent the kind of international effort that we need to save our life support system so i'm afraid i can't be extremely optimistic. big events are planned in iran on monday to mark forty years since the islamic revolution anger and frustration had been building up for years culminating in the downfall of the shah andrew simmons met one of the men who fought for change in one nine hundred seventy nine. mohammed raise attack sheikh is one of iran's many revolutionaries he reflects on life changing events forty years ago with the style during pride. well before. many took power the hem of the razor defected from the shazam e joining the revolution. he went on to fight in iran iraq war of the nineteen eighties hundreds of thousands were killed and among them mohammed raises
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a younger brother how many that raised. our belief in personal sacrifice for the revolution is for our spiritual leaders we are the victorious ones because our enemies cannot put pressure on us militarily they are doing it economically and culturally. mohammad reza says he's against moderates in government and believes foreign influence is to blame for economic problems outside of a city festooned with the cobbles of the islamic republic of iran many people now speak openly about economic hardship. but forty taxi driver. is as old as the revolution he says he can't pay his bills. no matter how much they cut back on my spending i can make both ends meet i'm distraught i've got two children aged eight and thirteen for decades since the revolution of
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a population of more than eighty million and there's a bigger gap than ever between the rich and the poor the economic situation getting worse and. made much more critical by the u.s. sanctions has led to high youth unemployment and inflation increasing by the day that's leading to subdued anger in many parts of iran. it's likely to get worse for the people before it gets better reimposed u.s. sanctions are now forcing more countries to stop importing oil from iran its main driver for growth we spoke to some iranians who say people have to show resilience . the issue has to be so we should all have the same goal we should protect our revolution from being. before he finishes speaking a bystander interrupts with her view of the revolution i don't know about but here
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it has driven us to dismiss very poor or t. people are poor and they have nothing left. young people in this crowded setting talk of leaving iran once they've graduated from university this twenty year old plans to move to canada to work as a nurse i don't see my future here i don't think i can find a good job most stuff a rainy and winds you. integrate. the divide between an often stoic older generation and younger people has undoubtedly grown since mama razor and others brought down a monarchy but he insists nothing can break the spirit of iran's revolution andrew simmons al-jazeera. and these are the top stories the u.s.
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is trying to get its aid into venezuela through a u.n. security council resolution tons of food and medicine are stuck on the colombian border president maduro refuses to take it saying the aid is part of efforts to force him from power as rival one says efforts to keep out the aid almost genocidal . look yeah i understand that they want to block the aid because that's what the victimizer does it makes them seem almost genocidal by their actions they're killing venezuelans killing children who are protesting killing fernando abandon opposition lawmaker i understand that they would want to deny this and not allowing the humanitarian aid the regime should know it this is a crime against humanity gentlemen of the armed forces kurdish led forces backed by the united states are trying to push eisel from its last pocket of territory in eastern syria the offensive by the syrian democratic forces is focused on the village of bugaboos near the border with iraq twenty thousand civilians have been
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evacuated from the area held by the armed group israel's prime minister says he intends to introduce a new law within a week that could cut the palestinian authority's revenue by millions of dollars a year the p.a. pays compensation to the families of those arrested by israel under the new law israel would deduct an amount equal to that compensation from taxes it collects for the palestinians and a stray in political strategist who's worked for britain's conservative party is being accused of offering to run a campaign to cancel the twenty twenty two football wild cup london's guardian newspaper says lynton crosby pitched a seven million dollar operation to pressure fee for to restart the bidding process crosby's lawyers deny any contracts were signed. the wilds insects are on the path to extinction posing a catastrophic threat to our ecosystems that's according to the latest report published by leading channel called a biological conservation it warns of forty percent of insect species in decline
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that's eight times faster than mammals and reptiles that means all insects could vanish within a century join me for more news here to inside story. african leaders are in ethiopia for the annual african union summit in this year's theme as refugees and displaced people of the continent faces challenges including conflict and poverty so will the aid you find and cannot reform itself this is inside story.
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hello and welcome to the program on elizabeth piron i'm the african union was created to harness a sense of unity and to tackle common problems but it's face criticism that it doesn't do enough to protect its citizens from conflict and corruption the age has declared twenty nine t. in the year of refugees return these and internally displaced persons with the goal of finding what it calls do you have all solutions to the vast problem so with that in mind leaders from fifty five countries across the continent are in the ethiopian capital for their annual summit on sunday egypt's president of the feather and c.c. will take over as chairman and the city international warns that has tenure could undermine the use commitments to protecting human rights we'll bring in our guests in a moment but first malcolm websites up on discussion from addus ababa. here at the
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african union in ethiopia's capital addis ababa african leaders they do to discuss the plight of refugees and displaced people across the continent the more than twenty million people in africa who've been forced from their homes that includes and lee displaced people and also refugees those who've crossed borders into neighboring countries while some are able to set up new lives many more are stuck in camps where conditions are squalid they depend on humanitarian aid often there's a shortage of food in many cases people aren't free to move around their host countries also some of those camps are very safe people are at risk from armed groups or from the security agents of the governments involved in the conflicts from where they fled as the states are meant to talk about if that was the theme for the year ahead here at the african union is not likely to result in any kind of binding agreement africa's displaced people probably aren't going to get anything concrete out of this summit anytime soon african union doesn't have
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a particularly strong track record in preventing or intervening in the conflict and the political crises that cause people to flee their homes in the first place but among the other things that are expected to be discussed by leaders here are the recent disputed elections in the democratic republic of congo and also the implementation of the october peace agreement for south sudan between rebels and the government malcolm webb inside story. well let's take a look at some of the numbers from the u.n. now africa has more than twenty six percent of the world's refugee population it had an estimated six point three million refugees and fourteen point five million internally displaced people of the end of twenty seventeen that number increased last year with one hundred seventy thousand new refugees and more than two million newly displaced people there are more refugees from south sudan than anywhere else in africa and uganda sudan and ethiopia are among the top ten refugee hosting
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countries in the world it's thank. you. well over to the panel now joining us from nairobi is a k n a executive director of the pan african citizens network joining us on skype from cape town as researcher at the institute for global dialogue that's a south african think tank and in london we have michael are more visiting fellow at the fellows largely center for africa at the london school of economics a very warm welcome to all of you miss. it is the theme of this year's african union summit so how serious is the african union about looking after refugees i don't think the african union is a serious as it could be about looking after refugees we have had refugee political since the sixty's and yet over the years rather than improve refugee protection.
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to protection seems to have gotten worse there was a time where there was a pride in hosting. africa's refugees there was a prize there was a pride in hosting people who had to flee from their countries it was considered as a call after x. or an african ism but lately refugees are kept stranded in camps for tens of years you know how decayed and this is just unacceptable there is no move by. african countries to integrate refugees and to ensure that they are able to live lives of dignity less ninety what do you think about that has protection for refugees actually decreased in the previous decades and is this summit with the same of refugees and internally displaced people a good start. to address that i think what my colleague nairobi has pointed out
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is definitely an acute sense of the problem i think the challenge for the african union in terms of trying to move forward on what has become a critical policy issue for the continent in terms of protection of refugee rights protection of internally displaced persons as well as individuals who are fleeing for for a variety of reasons i think that haven't been managed to keep a kind of a sense of trying to keep having a balance with it because i think what has happened over the years is that the protection of refugees and the so-called individuals who are fleeing because of a variety of systemic risk that they feel in their home countries i think they feel more vulnerable as well in refugee camps or internally displaced persons camps and so forth and i think on that in that context what happens is that there hasn't been a kind of balance with regard to where the you want to see policy and what is the
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implementation of strategy at the national level by sovereign states and i think the challenge for the a you in going forward is trying to have a continental policy that can be implemented by member states which hasn't necessarily been taken up so we do have for example i think. the idea of putting it onto the agenda making it the theme of the summit really interesting important however i think the challenge with you is that. the way in which this has been playing out in the continent hasn't necessarily kept up to see. in whole national governments have reports have actually implement this and i think it also creates another dilemma for the you and that is what is the absorptive capacity of the host countries like uganda and so forth and i think that's the bigger challenge and then the final point i want to make is that you know you can't separate the questions around with reforming and moving the humanitarian part of good out of the political
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commission into the social economic commission of the e.u. doesn't address the problem i think it's much more systemic and much more systematic sure and before we talk you know more about the systematic reasons for internally displaced people and for refugees i do want to bring michael imo and now on the points that both of you have been making mr elmore do you think that this summit can achieve this pan african you know continental policy towards refugees and internally displaced people and get the fifty five nations to adopt whatever it is they come up with that's lot of unity required. i think that the most important thing to do is to try and address what tackle the key course or the fundamental cause of conflicts and for the market displacement in the first place. the main cause of conflict and displacement on the continent is to
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do if heads of state stay in there for longer than necessary and so long as you've got heads of state extending the presidential term limits and being there for a long time conflicts will not cease and displacement will not cease and i think that the moment of the african union is considering the e.u. reform only situation or reform it will be a key time to perhaps look at ways and means of been able to tackle this for example i mean generally most heads of state would not want to be sanctioned on that so you probably are thinking of getting the consent of or heads of state and government to erect a new superstructure body over and above head office heads of state that would have monday tree powers to do with extensions to presidential limits yeah and i think that new superstruct a body may be able to sort this out i can see both miss i can and miss neither
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wanting to come in on this. kind of what would you like to say i mean how realistic is it to implement sort of presidential term limits on national governments from an international body in a continent where as mr armey said extending presidential rule is very common and is one of the key reasons for conflicts on the continent. i agree that this is important but i don't think we need necessarily a super structure i think the african union already has the tools with which it can use to bring a country back into. the real name of democracy and governance the african chatter on democracy elections and governance gives a very good. blueprint which the african union should be able to use for
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countries that engage in what is called unconstitutional change of government and that requires that any country that changes or doesn't change its. leadership. in a manner that respects a culture of democracy should have functions well and then again. have in the past is that blueprint working and if it's not how much of a reason is that all the conflicts that we're seeing across the continent and then the displacement of people the internally displaced people and refugees. well the blueprint works when they wanted to work i mean we saw very well when you tried to extend his term limit despite the fact that he lost elections we saw echo us which is the which has primacy in terms of dealing with situations of peace and security on the country and in the west african region we saw echo us take
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a very firm stand particularly president marcus out and he thought endorsement of his actions by the african union and the u.n. and he successfully managed to stop. me from continuing to to to to hold power unconstitutionally but then we look at the other side of the continent and we see burundi and that is that again community completely failing to be able to sort out the crisis the political crisis in burundi and so i think it works when they wanted to work it doesn't work when the there just don't have the commitment to making it work miss neither what do you make of what mr armor said you know how much of a problem behind you know the cause of refugees and internally displaced people is the president's actually staying on for too long on the continent and if a superstructure is not the answer then you know then what is to address the underlying issues which cause internally displaced people and refugees. i mean i
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think you got to understand and i agree with my colleagues that you've got to understand what are the root causes i mean causation of why the conflicts take place and there's a number of reasons for this it's political it's political that that that leads to social economic it's basically power struggles and i think we can also ignore the fact that climate change has a particular. effect as well in terms of how it impacts on people but i think the first to be the political the social and the economic and of course you know linked into that is different just different issues around culture religion as well i think you can ignore that now the challenge for the african union as my colleague in nairobi had rightly pointed out as well in london is that how do you deal with this is it is it another superstructure i don't think is another superstructure but what is what is being picked on here what needs to be developed in terms of how to go forward is the regional economic bodies the regional economic communities equal
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has played a critical role as my colleague said in the context of yeah i met i think said it played didn't play such a role in the context of what happened in the the r c a a you came in and tried to say that there was some challenge to be election results there but of course that kind of went into a difference a different spin and i think this is the critical that mention for the you cannot achieve this in a unilateral way can't go out and say i'm going to do this i'm going to do that it has to get the regional economic bodies to work and if the reason economic bodies can adopt a particular kind of blueprint around the african charter on democracy elections human rights etc and integrate that into their protocols get that to be something that's critically adopted and utilize that as a kind of alignment to the process i think we'll start to see much more around that and african philosophy come into effect you're talking about democracy and human rights so i want to actually talk about the incoming chairman of the african union
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on sunday egyptian. hadn't been fattah el-sisi is going to chair the summit and rights group amnesty international says it's worried about the potential impact on the independence of human rights groups it's highlighted what it calls catastrophic declines and rights and freedoms in egypt on the presidency sees leadership saying that mass killings of protesters folks disappearances and unfair trials have increased in recent he is the african union suspended egypt's membership for a year in two thousand and thirteen after a c.c. led a military coup against the democratically elected president mohamed morsi let me bring in michael more now on the man that's going to be you know chairing the african union as off sunday is he the person to chair the african union given his record of human rights violations. well first of all the main reason why president c.c.
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is now the chair is actually because the chair repeats regionally and it's the title of north africa well if you look at not africa. libya is in trouble at the moment the president of to mr east ninety three years old or syrian president is terminally ill and merkel has only just been brought back into the e.u. and that leaves egypt as the most likely. head of state to take it out and maybe that explains why cissy is now the chair that said there you have to try a choice a system whereby all those. presidents if you the chair you have the pinout to make. the incumbent and the incoming chair all acting together presidency is not going to be left on the zone to go of time then to do something strange is going to be managed carefully by their gender which congress has left behind which really is about the continental trade system about peace and security
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and basically toeing the line as to where the e.u. wants to go so we are aware that presidency has a very bad human rights record ok but he's logan were left on his own to go of president to do anything about a strange ok well we talk a lot now about. what needs to be done policy wise and also the causes of conflict on the continent but i do want to focus more on the refugees now and the internally displaced people and this i can let me bring you in because whereas we do focus a lot on refugees and rightly so and there are actually many more as we mentioned internally displaced people than there are refugees and they internally displaced people are actually the groups who are most at risk why is that. well because they tend to be forgotten i think. they're more they tend to be
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more invisible they are. within a country and the you have a. outdated policy of respecting the borders of a particular country and respecting the countries of rain ity and that sometimes names that when there's conflict within that country and that there are people who are playing their own governments they get forgotten they get lost in the politics of of rain ity if you'll allow me elizabeth a little quicker knock around egypt chairperson ship oh and the african union i think it is something that will be of concern to all of us from civil society you have rightly pointed out the concerns around egypt's human rights record but we have seen egypt also make threats against the african human rights system and lead threats to the african commission on human and people's rights and that is worrying
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and that is what we're going to see more of in this year of egypt's leadership. i think it's something. the troika system is near and it is a cause for concern if the chairperson of the african union is not a country or a government that it has to the coppens of poles of the african union and why it was established including issues of human rights and government went to the issue of internally displaced persons and why they are most vulnerable. i think also another reason could be that the refugee convention has been around a lot longer i.d.p. one is recent and many countries not only haven't ratified it but also haven't domesticated the provisions all. the i.d.p. convention so a lot of countries do not have concrete macan isms we're dealing with i.d.p.'s they
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don't have the structures and they don't have the resources as they do with with refugees there's a system called who am. accepting refugees for accepting people who seek asylum is a process sometimes mikey but a lot of times there's a clear procedure to which. refugees are registered and and become visible and are known and right was a guy was international just all as they had life and. people can't of course do that i'd like to bring in on that very good point again you know refugees cross international borders internally displaced people don't and does the african union does it have a legal framework to address that very specific issue. i'm not hundred percent sure on the legal framework side but i do think that there are protocols and there procedures need to be our need to incorporate that so in the context of you know defining
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a refugee and then defining and i d p i think what happens generally is that people that are internally displaced i think they are in a more acute situation than refugees you find that the refugees are able to claim asylum and so forth but at the institute there are structures that we that we need that the e.u. needs to strengthen it particularly in terms of data collection and how data collection is done in the context of the legal framework as well as the policy and other instruments that it needs to implement and key and align to its framework around the refugee i.d.p.'s and return it's because i think data that that comes from countries is very limited there's a lot of dearth and a weakness of data from different countries and of course morocco when it rejoined the e.u. you know if it was one of the countries are put forward or has the proposal or has the platform ok the african observatory for migration and i think that is about
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collecting data there's also the regional office there's also other instruments and other. so-called frameworks that need to question want to basically ally in and correlate with each other and i think that's the key driver for the e.u. as well is if it has the information then you can actually start using it instruments in a much more productive in a much more pressure on and so on the issue of egypt i just want to make this point i think show been very kind of a little i don't have long left in the program and i would like to give mr elmore one last question. all of egypt i think it's going to be a very contested chairmanship i think you're going to have egypt that as much as you want to look and see how it aligns to the philosophy of a renewed a you and you around the issues of human rights except it's going to be a very difficult one to achieve but i think egypt is also about regaining its position in africa versus the arab microbe union and how it wants to position
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itself around those geopolitical damages as well mr elmore both miss i can and must do more skeptical of the egyptian leadership of the african union the egyptian chairmanship rather of the african union we have about one minute left in the program and i would like to give you the last word how can the age you do better now in protecting refugees and internally displaced people despite having abdel fattah el-sisi as the chairman. our friends our brings us to the point about what sort of situation a structure can actually do with heads of state who are behaving and it is quite important to have some sort of higher level superstructure i am sure they'll be able to address the early warning systems of science arts displacements and such as extended presidencies or at mr elmore thank you very much for that and i want to thank all of our guests for this very interesting discussion that is i ching in
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nairobi solution i do in cape town and michael in london and thank you too for watching you can see the program again any time by visiting our website al-jazeera dot com and for further discussion do go to our facebook page that's facebook dot com forward slash a.j. inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter i handle it at a.j. inside story from elizabeth random and the entire team here in doha thank you very much for watching and bye for now.
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take the worst possible material. god lead into dust comparable to flour and make a whole lot of it and put it into place where people live think is a cause colossal event i do as well and so many people a few clear this is the file in cuba but doesn't make you feel nice you feel like a murderer we have created an enormous the mental disaster. and investigation south africa toxic city on al-jazeera africa's largest democracy goes to the polls to elect a president parliament and governess corruption insecurity and economic uncertainty that dominate nigeria politics remain widespread al-jazeera brings you coverage of the issues the candidates and voters nigeria hopes. the two thousand mile trip across europe seems impossible. as the boat comes root begins to close for refugee it has become
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a race against time for one syrian family. it's a perilous journey from greece to germany but there's no turning back to the ravages of war left at home. sky and grant a witness documentary on al-jazeera. on the streets of greece anti immigrant violence is on the rise there or you have to go for. that this is all fun plus ism and increasingly migrant farm workers of victims a vicious beatings. is helping the pakistani community to find a voice the stories we don't often hear told by the people who live them undocumented and under attack this is zero on al-jazeera. running six continents across the globe. al-jazeera is corresponding sleeping
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during the stories they tell you that this was. a good news for the both of the letters. were at the mercy of the russian camp for palestinian refugees al-jazeera fluent in world news and this was different whether someone is going for someone's favorite. trick i think it's how you approach an official and as it is a certain way of doing it you can just inject a story and guy out. hello i'm to start with the top stories on al-jazeera the u.s. is seeking to force the issue of aid delivery to venezuela using a u.n. security council resolution tons of u.s. aid remains stuck on the colombian border president with dura has accused the u.s.
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of using aid as a political tool to destabilize his government rival who says efforts to block food and medicine from entering the country genocidal. i understand that they want to block the aid because that's what the victimizer does it makes them seem almost genocidal by their actions they're killing venezuelans killing children who are protesting killing fernando abandon opposition lawmaker i understand that they would want to deny this and not allowing the humanitarian aid the regime should know it this is a crime against humanity gentlemen of the armed forces to reason has more from caracas. one where you go on members of your position are getting ready for a week of what expected to be intense protests they're already calling for some groups to demonstrate on monday a massive demonstration in krakow for the other parts of the country on tuesday other protests on wednesday the idea is to pressure the government to allow them to
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get aid into the country we already know that some aid is arriving medicines and food to the border between venezuela and some type of other aid is also expected to try to enter the country between the border on brazil and venezuela and why the effect today also that some aid could be i gather it out some caribbean island with the help of the motherland but it's not clear we china is going to take place what we know is that many in venezuela are in desperate need there are shortages of food because of the prices mostly people cannot afford some of the basic items because of hyperinflation changing prices are changing from one minute to be other there's also an enormous forty off of medicines were in a hospital a few days ago where babies are dying because of lack of proper medicine to treat. for example so the situation is dire here but the government is saying that valid aid of being used politically by the opposition who's demanding that the press and
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president calls for free and general elections for now precedent that elections are won't be happening in venezuela anytime soon kurdish led forces backed by the united states are trying to push myself from its last pocket of territory in eastern syria the offensive by the syrian democratic forces is focused on the village of bug who is near the border with iraq twenty thousand civilians have been evacuated from the area held by the armed group hundreds are still thought to be inside. the baton has been passed to gyptian president abdul fattah el-sisi who's become chair of the african union rwanda's president spent two years in the position this marks the end of poor reformist tenure at the helm of the organization the ceremonial role of chairperson of the a you rotates annually between the five regions of the continent israel's prime minister says he intends to introduce a new nor within a week that could cut the palestinian authority's revenue by millions of dollars
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a year the p.a. pays compensation to the families of those arrested by israel under the new law israel would deduct an amount equal to that compensation from tax funds it raises for the palestinians. and israeli and political strategist at the heart of multiple conservative election wins in the u.k. is being accused of offering to stage a campaign to cancel the twenty twenty two cast of football world cup the u.k.'s guardian newspaper says lynton crosby pitched a seven million dollar operation to pressure fifa to restart the bidding process project ball as it was apparently called focused on efforts to deal with just my eyes the cattery government by spreading negative news stories crosby's lawyers deny any contracts was signed or finalized the world's insects are on the path to extinction posing a catastrophic threat to our ecosystems that's according to the latest report published by leading journal called biological conservation it warns that forty
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percent of insect species are in decline at a rate eight times faster than mammals and reptiles those are the headlines the news continues here to al-jazeera wild. dawn on the banks of the river tigris in the iraqi capital baghdad.
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the river source is in turkey and it flows southeast through the capital until it eventually meets the euphrates. for centuries since the first urban settlements grew up in ancient mesopotamia thousands of years before the common era fishing has been a lifeline running in families for generations. this is the story of the fishermen and women living now in the land often known as the cradle of civilization. college lives and works on the river in baghdad. they get. only on el into lebanon. and while you watch on. idea.
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in that. first race where i don't have to limit. the euphrates flows from turkey through syria and iraq and is the longest and one of the most historically significant rivers in asia. the vast ancient mesopotamia and marsh lands sits where the tigris and euphrates meet in southern iraq. tens of thousands of iraqis live in marshes like these in chad. like a bull hide and his wife who rely almost entirely on fishing to make their meager living. i leased allas. i don't live as i must on the. why then why that why.
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the tigris and euphrates meet in basra province in the south of iraq where they form the shut the waterway. fishes on one of the trawlers. and outside of the that way we think this fellow. said that and i would tell. you that you know when i don't want to get a god who had a real good novel about that about how to get out of a fight. with. this bass channel flowing into the arabian gulf is iraq's only source of marine fish on which the country's once thriving fishing industry was built. near here and it is a foul and iraqi port on the borders with kuwait and iran and the center for
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landing and auctioning marine fish for many decades. this is a region steeped in ancient history and its relationship with water the rivers and the scene goes back thousands of years. the tigris and the euphrates made ancient mesopotamia part of what was called the fertile crescent where agriculture and. earliest human settlements grew up. fishing continued to develop in mesopotamia while it was part of the ottoman empire
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and then under british rule in the twentieth century. the country became one kingdom under king faisal of iraq in one nine hundred twenty two then gained independence ten years later. fishermen sold their catch in the baghdad fish market to merchants from other iraqi provinces as well as to the citizens of baghdad. now when baghdad and in the marshes of the south and on the shuttle a lot of waterway whole ways of life are under threat as outside forces and manmade pollution are damaging the tigris and euphrates in reversible ways for all his commitment to a life on the tigris. days as a fisherman may be numbered all of those while they are all had.
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well just off. on a sour hurt when there was sadness off of the soft tissue that. but. for the better. the better machine want to own model and if. she. does have a she was just how she was. on this of it and she got a launch into to go. daddy dot. com it's phishing is very small scale especially compared with.
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there are fewer boots on the tigris compared with when he started out with his father. making a living here is tougher now than after. both died has been through appalling people in the past three decades and that has affected the river environment as much as the land. a layer. of whatever. you know i'm going. to lodge with one essential at. all out of hand and with. you know what i know. i like i want be here when i'm strong. as the capital baghdad has been the focus of the outside attacks and internal turmoil that have.


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