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tv   Hard Earned 2015 Ep 1  Al Jazeera  January 14, 2019 9:00am-10:01am +03

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shutdown oil practice starting tomorrow so it didn't meet that the currency's mad well then you know it's it shows that the citizens are right and this huge isn't can't be right in zimbabwe or put into the government a crackdown on fuel theft by mexico's new president is leading to major congestion and ports more than seven million barrels of imported fuel are waiting to be offloaded from ships that's enough to keep mexico going for several days president andres manuel lopez obrador is trying to cut theft of fuel from pipelines by switching distribution from pipelines to trucks loaded with lead to major shortages at the pumps and queues of lorries at ports. still ahead on al-jazeera. general of a rebel leader and indeed a minister kashmir leads to yet more violence. as pressure across on your nations to prepare children for potential disasters.
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from the clear blue sky of the doha mooney. to the french autumn breeze in the city of. hello again it's good to have you back well here across china over the next few days we can expect to see more in terms of clouds and rain in some locations or the next few days you can see right now we're not looking too bad on the satellite image but in terms of the clouds here on monday mostly cloudy conditions from many locations across the central parts down towards hong kong it is going to be a little bit cooler day for you at twenty two degrees but here we go on tuesday more rain across the central regions we do have a developing low rate here you can see the circulation and rain is going to be a problem just to the east of this area as i make our way down here across parts of the south we're going to be seeing some very rainy conditions across much of indonesia over the next you days actually jakarta it is going to be a rainy day if you don't expect to see get out of this rain as we go towards the next twenty four to forty eight hours so rainy conditions there up towards manila
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not looking too bad in terms of the forecast we're going to sing about a thirty degree day for you there with the clouds and you forecast over here to torture men mostly cloudy conditions with rain just towards the south and over towards bangkok we're looking fairly nice for you with a temper there of about thirty three degrees and then very quickly over here across parts of sri lanka more rain in your forecast over the next few days particularly down here across the southeastern coast unfortunately we do expect to see a partly cloudy day a few with a temperature of about twenty nine degrees. there with sponsored by qatar airways. culturally i believe down to muslims how to farm. greater affects all europe than europe the middle east. the crusaders fault for old because they failed to recognize the moment but. not all of it was in the the list. that exploded religion in the name of the cross the crusades an arab perspective
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the final episode liberation this time on the. are watching al-jazeera let's take a look at the top stories right now. saudi arabia for talks with saudi crown prince mohamad and solomon says he will bring up the murder of journalist. earlier he called on gulf nations to unite and in the blockade against qatar. iran's foreign minister has met his counterpart in baghdad and discussed u.s. sanctions against iran and the normalization of relations with syria zimbabwe has more than doubled the price of fuel over night but the move has failed to ease the
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nationwide petrol and diesel shortage. petrol stations in some cases for several days. at a funeral for a single senior rebel commander an indian administered kashmir as government forces try to block mourners from attending or ship ari has the latest. paying their respects thousands defied barriers and roadblocks to gather in the hometown of rebel commanders in actual islam he was one of the two men killed in a gun battle with government troops late on saturday. was a. zenith a list. almost a pious muslim and one of the greatest fighters what compulsion made zenit to pick up arms these young men are taking up arms because of the ongoing oppression from india on the state of jungle in kashmir from one nine hundred forty seven till now it is this oppression that is compelling people to take up arms.
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but a police spokesman described the rebel leader as a terrorist who carried out attacks against security and civilian targets thousands of people marched to his village to offer fuel prayers as the government suspended train services and reportedly blocked internet access in the region. kashmir and muslim majority himalayan region is controlled by india and pakistan in parts and claimed by both in full some kashmiri groups have been fighting for independence from india or for unification with neighboring pakistan dorsetshire pari al jazeera. places adana fired tear gas to disperse hundreds of anti-government protesters and khartoum are calling for president omar al bashir to step down international rights groups say at least forty people have been killed since the unrest began three weeks scale of a rising living costs the government says the number of casualties is twenty four
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morgan has more from cartel. once again we've seen hundreds coming out into the streets and for the tomb protesting against the rule of president ahmed bashir has been rigged running the country for twenty nine years the demonstrators have been chanting slogans like peace justice and freedom and they say that they want president almost here to end his rule and hand over power to an interim independent counsel twenty four people have been killed so far in the protest since his target in december according to the government but human rights watch and amnesty international and other rights groups with a number at least fourteen while activists in sudan who have been tracking the death toll say at least fifty five have been killed now the opposition have also come out some of the opposition groups have lent support to the people who have been demonstrating and say that these people have legitimate reasons to be demanding that the president step down and some people in the national government as well have been questioning the way the government has responded to the people who've been demonstrating and demanding that the president step down. and these we demand an independent transparent comprehensive investigation into the killings because there have been information circulating and people have been saying look we
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don't know who killed these protesters or their militias are they security or the police we need to know who targeted those protesters. now this has been the longest wave of protests in sudan gained independence but the president has been very defiant he said he's going to try to improve the economic situation and he said he was going to try to reduce the inflation rate which is that seventy percent the second highest in the world but the people who have been demonstrating say they've heard these promises over and over again and that the only thing that will convince them and stop them from going out and continuing to process is saying that the president has stepped down and he's handing over power to an interim council something that the president and the ruling party say will not happen until elections next year and the president my run again the ruling party state they want the president to run again but that would require an amendment to the constitution which at the at the moment is the president from a day from running for another term it's not clear how far these protests will go it's not clear where it would end the people are very defiant they say they will not stop demanding that the president step down until they see that power is handed
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over to. in government but the president said he's not going to step down as much as he's going to try to make reforms he is going to hold on to power so right now sudan is a crossroads between the people who are protesting demanding a new government and the current government which is very defiant very keen to hold on to power and to elections next year a left wing italian activist convicted of murder is on his way back to italy after almost forty years on the ride his way batista was arrested and bolivia on saturday as extradition cooperation between right wing political leaders in brazil and italy in our hearts. his story reads like a novel he might have penned himself chesser a but tiste revolutionary convicted murderer and writer finally caught after forty years on the run down theone need. to be thought funny to many is not only the relatives as victims but the entire country were multiplied by governments that were protecting a terrorist like but. it all began in the one nine hundred seventy s.
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when he belonged to an armed leftists group it wanted to bring down the toilet in government and in one nine hundred seventy nine but he was jailed two years later he scaped and was convicted in absentia for the murders of four people including two police officers after living as a fugitive in france he fled to mexico but tiste later became a successful writer of crime novels before heading to brazil in two thousand and four he lived under the radar until he was arrested again in rio de janeiro in two thousand and seven but brazil's then president luis inacio lula da silva freed him granting him asylum three years later. the country's new president gyre balsa not pledged to extradite but he stayed during his campaign by the time judge's order to his extradition last month but tuesday was on the run again this time to bolivia he was caught by interpol on sunday bowl so narrow hill the arrest along with his son eduardo who tweeted brazil is no longer
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a lend of bandits the little gift is. coming. i thank those who make this change possible the new president of the brazilian republic. who took away the protection . at least he's a murderer not a writer not an ideology just writing some newspapers you have the impression he's almost a philosopher a free thinker he was condemned by different italian courts to various life sentences because he personally took the lives of innocents he's a communist murderer that's all for me he will rot in jail for the rest of his life but tiste has always maintained his innocence saying he scape prison in one thousand nine hundred one because he believed he'd be tortured and killed almost four decades on he's now set to return to prison to begin serving a life sentence paltrow dirge on al-jazeera a leader of venezuela's opposition has been released after being briefly detained this is believed to be the moment one was taken by officers on a busy highway on sunday he's the head of the country's opposition led congress and
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his arrest comes a day after the u.s. set it back and asked the country's leader most about reports from caracas. the president of the national assembly one way bill was heading to a protest to an open forum. in the state of biting off about forty five minutes away from the capital caracas when he was detained briefly detained by intelligence officers that apparently belong to a newly created special operations why there was elected as president of the national assembly on january fifth and he's been saying that he's ready to take over as interim president and called for elections since nicole was sworn in for a second term in office the opposition here in venezuela has been saying that they won't recognize him as president because he was elected in a fraudulent election the government is saying that a coup is underway in venezuela an attempt to remove me from office the minister of information has said that this detention was carried out by rogue agents that that
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we're trying to create a media show for the opposition and victimize one while you know what they're saying is that those agents have been detained and right now they're being investigated for conspiracy for the government this shows that there is a fracture within the armed forces from the very beginning they have been appealing to the armed forces asking them to rebel against the government smuggle promising to pass and to protect them but for the government also this situation could give them excuses to become more radical and take measures to control dissent. children's organizations in indonesia are urging the government clear disaster education in the school curriculum and children died during the earthquake last year because they didn't know how to protect themselves reports. a disaster drill at this school in just after earthquakes happen all over him but of the six thousand schools in only one hundred sixty five have been taught how to respond in
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case of an emergency for many children into law aisy disaster drills are too late. so five years are studying intense after the schools collapsed during the seven point five earthquake on september twenty eighth teachers and children say there was panic when the quake struck. that. my mom disappeared into the mud that suddenly appeared around us and then me and my brother to my uncle came in we screamed for help he rescued us and brought us to a safe place it's important to be taught about disasters so we're not confused about what to do and where to go. the earthquake struck at six in the evening this is. the next morning. but i have to be honest when the earthquake struck i was not prepared at all we were all confused we panicked as a teacher even if we face a disaster we need to know how to act i should be better prepared. more than
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eighteen million children and one million teachers in indonesia are at the high risk that their schools will be damaged during an earthquake most schools have yet to be built using earthquake proof materials luckily classes here had already finished when this school started to collapse in just a few moments this is a structure and here is a powerful reminder that this can happen anywhere at any time in indonesia but even after a long history of this most indonesians still don't know how to protect themselves when it happens again. that's why violent. and discuss escape routes with victims who have lived through previous disasters survey done by the national disaster agency shows that seventy seven percent of indonesians say they don't feel that their beer. and ninety percent says disaster education is important still the government had to include this in the national curriculum.
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until now it is optional for schools to teach about disasters especially in high risk areas so far we've not thought any further than this but yes we get a lot of pressure from many organizations to make this part of the formal curriculum. the ministers as children have to learn so much already that he does not want to burden them even more to him jack after the disaster drill and sweetest song teaching children what to do in case an earthquake or tsunami happens simple reminders that can make the difference between life or death stuff last one hundred zero. homeless and hungry has become a criminal offense or rounding up and finding people who live on the streets shot a hole reports in the capital. the sleek clean boulevards of budapest this is how
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increasingly all solitary and government wants them to look no refugees or illegal immigrants and no no homeless people either we are just trying to enable our oath or it is to step up against something which we believe is against human nature and human dignity and we would like public spaces to get their meaning back and operate as they were intended it's not a decision the government took lightly a previous attempt was ruled a violation of human dignity by the constitutional court so the government changed the constitution itself all of which is heartbreaking to people like youngish torak youngish lives in a caravan after he lost his home his job even his family when a house fire and no insurance left him with crippling debt. i'm afraid of it i can't say better unafraid it can happen any time i wake up every morning scared that someone may not come i don't say we can take your stuff away go elsewhere the
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government did cysts it's looking after the people being swept off the streets but we take care of them we provide shelter provisions and all the support that is required not a social workers to believe that the shelter system is not going to saw this problem ever and the government still thinks about opening some new shutters but the numbers show that there are more than thirty thousand people leaving homeless and hungry at the moment there are eleven thousand shattered places. cycling's through the city volunteers carrying food and blankets search for those who've not made it to a shelter for the night in a railway station underpass where dozens once slept they find just three people. too many people in this in the shelters so there is a one hundred person and their way is there more than one hundred first in the shadows so it's a too crowded and overcrowding in the shelters so the volunteers means many
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homeless people have gone into hiding making them even more vulnerable to the elements. shelters like these this one is a private facility barely come close to meeting with needs of the homeless on the streets and while it's obviously a good idea to get people off the streets in below zero conditions like this and volunteers are doing what they can that's not the point behind the government's decision to criminalize homelessness in hungary one social worker described it as projecting power over the powerless jonah zero budapest village in macedonia has been celebrating an orthodox saint with a colorful carnival it marks the new year and the old julian calendar. masks and costumes that are designed to shock if your are there idea derives from pagan traditions and is believed to date back at least fourteen centuries.
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headlines on al-jazeera. saudi the saudi capital riyadh on the latest leg of his medal a store by pompei a wall hold talks with saudi crown prince mohammed bin solomon he says he wants accountability over the murder of journalists. because he was killed inside the saudi consulate in istanbul in october eleven saudis are on trial in riyadh earlier pompei left qatar after calling on countries in the gulf to end their dispute saying it's gone on for far too long today in our conversations i stressed the. president. i'm going to spew the region has dragged on too long and the dispute benefits adversaries and harms our mutual interests our nations do important work and we have important work continue to do together in the united states so if the parties involved will see once again the benefits of
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cooperation and taking actions necessary to rebuild unity in their ranks are united you see is essential to the sense of the middle eastern alliance which we hope will include the g.c.c. egypt and jordan place in sudan have fired tear gas to disperse hundreds of anti-government protesters in khartoum are calling for president omar al bashir to step down international rights groups say at least forty people have been killed since the unrest began three weeks ago over rising living costs but the government says the number of casualties is twenty four sim bob why has more than double the price of fuel overnight but the move has failed to ease a nationwide shortage drivers have been queuing outside petrol stations in some cases for several days the fuel shortage began in october in a nation that suffered a severe economic downturn in recent years the leader of venezuela's opposition has been released after being briefly detained take a look here this is believed to be the moment that won quite oh was taken by
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officers on a busy highway on sunday as arrest comes a day after the u.s. said it would back him as the country's leader president nicolas maduro was sworn in for a second term. those are the headlines keep it on al-jazeera much more news to come inside story is up next. an eighteen year old girl flees saudi arabia and is granted asylum in canada she says she feared abuse at home what does this reveal about social reform in the kingdom and will it encourage other women to speak up or get out of the country this is inside story.
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and i welcome to the program i'm not clog. up the world's attention for defying a strict social code in saudi arabia she said she feared for her life if she was returned home she don't twitch a campaign from her hotel room in thailand pleading for help the united nations granted her refugee status in canada offered her asylum and you have a case may complicate already strained relations with saudi arabia kind of had previously angered riyadh by calling for the release of women's rights activists from saudi jails my kind has more now from toronto. the long and arduous journey from saudi arabia over the eighteen year old step through the arrival doors accompanied by the canadian foreign minister the size of the media contingent
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a reflection of the massive public interest generated state you know that everyone . else. i'm hearing free media towns really wants needs to leave it seems arrive at a new phone but she's now the theory on and they are hearing and so she would prefer not to take questions today so please don't see therion crazy coming through the box and she is now going to go see her new home then run. through the doors to begin the first phase of her new life her wish to go to college and study architecture. the canadian decision to grant sanctuary is likely to worsen already fractured relations with saudi arabia back in august saudi arabia severed diplomatic ties following to nagin criticism of the kingdon's human rights policy then in october the murder of jamal khashoggi saw an upsurge in demands for
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canada to council a multi-billion arms deal with saudi arabia this deal is now being reviewed the foreign minister though insists that the protection of human rights is more important than diplomatic relations or any trade deal with any c.r. . to. replace. this time if. he were involved in those conversations as. an tentative plan to bring a. suit my friend you see pretty blessed here and on fifty two percent playing. here it was this message from a hotel room in thailand that. couldn't century the power of social media confirmed and an example perhaps for others seeking their freedom mike hanna al-jazeera
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toronto. so before we get into our discussion let's examine what freedoms women actually have in saudi arabia that they can drive go to the cinema and watch football but they still cannot make crucial decisions without the consent of a male guardian so they can have a possible car open a bank account or get divorced without the permission of their father brother uncle or the husband and they can't mix freely with men they can be arrested for eating at restaurants that don't have family areas those public buildings all segregated there are also restrictions in sports when saudi arabia sent female athletes to the olympics for the first time back in london two thousand and twelve and they had to be accompanied by a male guardian and cover their hair and women must wear a full length black or buy a robe in public designed to protect that modesty. all right let's bring in our guest some places say here in the studio is now
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a. visiting fellow at the brookings doha center and from berlin you're initially skype is my mom. a saudi political refugee fled the country in two thousand and thirteen and also via skype from canada where money a professor of political science at the university of waterloo thank you everybody for joining us let's start right here in the studio with no hurry it is an extraordinary story of our times really just kind of played out like a screenplay and almost seems to have ended happily does that what's your reaction to what's happened. well i mean i think that you know this was a very candid as offering of asylum for a woman was a very sort of smart political move on canada's part especially you know following the canadian saudi spat that sort of climaxed last august when sorry because relations with canada for calling for on saudi arabia to release dissidents and activists but canada can now say look we really mean it when we say that we have
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a feminist human rights oriented foreign policy but you know wouldn't it be great if canada then institutionalized this kind of feminist so-called human rights policy and applied it to other women who also you know suffer from domestic abuse sexual harassment who suffer from war and and protect for instance those yemeni women millions of them who continue to you know starve be killed to get amputated in a war that canada has implicitly supported through its continued arms sales to saudi arabia it's a certainly good p.r. move let's get the view from kind of your mommy what's been the reaction to the news over the how it's been unfolding over the. it's been very positive i think you've seen an outpouring of public support for his case here in cannes and it certainly has no one said i have been a very good frankly p.r. move for the trudeau government allows it to say that it's now finally lock of being
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a feminist for and how to have this born policy agenda certainly i agree with his criticism of the trudeau government as well but the challenge i think for our planet or frankly many countries is that we're dealing with the rise of nationalism populism there that made it very difficult for countries like canada to have this normal human rights centric type of foreign policy and so i mean kudos to the meetings for doing this is playing very well here at home and i would say it's probably getting camera the kind of attention and want as a defender of human rights but indeed i think there's so much room to grow and frankly the world just a little crazy so much talk rights violations the frankly you know canada just one small drop in the pond right national politics is of course one thing individual rights quite another you just wonder how bad things have to be for somebody to have
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to flee best family it's something that you did back in two thousand and thirteen tell us more about what goes on in saudi arabia that leads to this kind of thing. it is very important to remind the people that woman so dearly that when they escape in interviews they're not nice keeping an abusive father they're also scathing tribal in a society where women can be subjected to honor killings they're also skipping the government but also in prison women who escape room in a husband and father and this circle often used in certain you know whether women escapes the house she gets to prison and she can only leave the prison if the bill guardian himself comes and pick up and she returns to the news of the nation to begin to be of use of them against just
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a circle so women really have no choice but to leave the country the saudi government made a statement earlier about the casein this is a family affair this is really not just an immediate if this is an institutional discrimination against women women in saudi they're not only leaving from their families that wasn't even from government that is not in action is it possible to put a figure or a percentage on on the number of women who are dissatisfied with the way things are inside although there are those who are happy to live under the way the regime is. the happy when we were absolutely satisfied with the new good mentionable women who are privileged you know from an absolute last open minded man believe you know we're educated to the city to have an education the country travel around to even an absolute freedom but those who really do not represent the majority the majority
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the average class let's say the public do not have this privilege women who belong to an average family do not have the same computer to meet is that a woman born in concord or or a wall family was adjudicated lucky and did not have the same rights so the the middle guardianship system is really mostly affect in the average saudi woman not to the upper class women and that's why in the media after. her leave the country we see a lot of one minute obviously from the very privileged but i'm criticizing so it is not new again the majority of even you know we are in the in by and forcing women to. follow the strict shillito laws in this kind of laws are really not forced on us for employees and suddenly ok only in-force average.
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no one wonders how this is going down in saudi itself or what the reaction may have been a p.r. truck for. yeah i mean i think as an ira said to the from the saudi site at c.n.n. that the argument is this is this is a family affair it should have been resolved internally i think you'll find not just in saudi arabia but in other muslim countries you'll find some reactions of you know saying well you know perhaps or have should have approached the family courts rather than export this kind of very. domestic matter too to the west and so you know i think that this is another sort of addition to to this long list of ongoing tensions between canada and saudi arabia and of course the you know that quitting chris criticism of the internet from the international community toward saudi arabia but i think that largely will see that the argument as this is this is
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very much an internal affair but it's also extremely sensitive right because i understand you have renounced her islamic faith and so this could also be you know the argument from the saudi perspective and certainly from other muslim countries would probably be you know canada is interfering in our law and our religion and remind us what the law is about what you're not allowed to or to renounce your islamic faith basically it's it's it's it's prohibited right it's prohibited so if i could bring you in what do you think this could lead to simply of commentary on law and about how this is just the tip of the iceberg and we've alluded to that so far but could it lead to more women trying to leave the country is it going to lead to a clamp down within the country or on the on women. i think all of the above remember theater canada court accepted the case because she was seen to be legitimately facing domestic violence not because of her gender that she was allowed in because she was facing domestic violence and of course in the case of saudi arabia when
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your abuser is also your guardian you are in frankly illegal traffic very difficult then for women to proceed for a double whammy for many women and for the country in terms of what this will mean for other women i will remember yours is not the first to attempt to leave the country and i don't think she'll be the last the question will be whether or not there will be others who will try to frankly follow her path and be energized by her stuff i think that's the case but remember here women will have to leave france in saudi arabia to get on a plane and by going to kuwait and then boarding a plane to try for truly a so i think this is going to be very difficult and indeed i think the clampdown may come from the family from no longer use the families or others who feel that their daughter may indeed want to leave the country they need be more fearful about taking a vacation outside of saudi arabia so indeed i think there's going to be many
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a knock on effect from this move by mama you you left the country fled the country what happened off you got how did you get a lot of support from within. no not really but you know strangely i look at the country in numbers that i became a refugee and i have received norma's the e-mails and messages from saudi women one trying to escape the country so we did successfully half way through in dubai in the cart or in the review countries. and you know i spoke also with other side you women who lead the country and didn't reside been instrumental or someone in the u.k. in germany it is really not a new phenomena it's been happening for quite a while and the only difference is that those women have always done that sequence in the you didn't really use the media it was nigger complicity in the risque as much as it happened with the case. but it's has been happening while i've spoken
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with so many women who escaped the contrary for the exact same reasons mostly you know it's not often you want to come in they think just listening to speak there about you know the numbers of saudi women who have fled for their protection i mean i think well it's obviously a good thing that you know they are protected and and no longer facing literally a. danger to their lives i think that this is also bad news in a way for saudi women who don't want to leave the country who want to be protected in their own country right and then of course you know if we could sort of elaborate on this and talk about how women's women's rights activists inside or even other countries in the region are critz criticized for being too western right and so this whole narrative about women's rights as a western thing where you know and and so this is bad news for those women who want to pursue this struggle for women's rights in their own country the other thing i
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want to add is rather have wraps cases an individual case and she's also i mean of course she has you know as we know we've seen she has suffered. unspeakable abuse and so on in her and her family and her country but she had she was fortunate enough to be able to escape if that if if i can say what she is you had a phone she could sing at her plane ticket and she she she was fortunate enough to know about twitter she was fortunate enough to tweet and have those tweets on change on holiday to us and she was on holiday in kuwait millions literally millions of women don't have those privileges of that's what we can call them and yet they are also suffering multiple forms of oppression and so going back to my earlier point i think this is an it's high time for canada to really show how serious it is about institutionalizing sort of introducing more programs to help protect women from other parts of the world right now within society itself we have seen some reforms from the crown prince but that list that i read out of the start
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of the show it goes to show that there's a lot more that needs to be done. absolutely and i think you know it too hard to point out that life for the average woman is so your view is getting better relatively speaking and there have been reforms and i think we need to sort of commend those reforms but the challenge is that it's just not at the pace fast enough for where so many women want to be aware study women deserve i mean you know i appreciate the. point about you know this is not the case for also you women certainly are the class that i mentioned but let's not forget you're so you're you know women are increasingly very educated they're becoming far more i think hyper connected to the world they do travel many of them do travel and so you know this is just not keeping in keeping with you know in modern twenty first century the snotty and south who know that and i think that this is become you know a an important issue for the saudi government responding to recognize that it wants
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to achieve the dreams it has of the so-called vision twenty thirty and other ambitious you know social economic reforms that need to start recognizing that it needs to allow women to be both that is in the for the law one hundred percent and not not the case of guardianship laws and i would add that you know in this ambitious twenty thirty vision plan you know it's a book creating an innovative creative society and if you want to do that you need to start recognizing that women are a part of that you cannot have society that is dancing that is progressing that simply is just not there in terms of countries are able to make all the high indicators of sex success the economic social and other life without the full equality of women and so this is i think a national imperative and i hope that the saudi government takes on this there's not another p.r. bad yarmouk or that somehow this is just another stain on its reputation high need to just heal but instead say well this is about high congress to do something about
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this domestically and very encouraged by the fact that not just women but men in saudi arabia are. once it seems this is not working for a modern family or a modern man and woman author well it's just not the case and so i think there's just room but we're chatting here and study a bit i hope that the government finally takes up one and a month or is that something that you think is likely to happen the way things are going. well look at the history of saudi arabia the ball was introduced to change into a new only gradually back in the sixty's when the saudi government finally and love women voted even to go to schools and pursue education a lot of them with interests you know. religious groups protested in saudi arabia against that so i believe specially after what's happened also in the eighty's surely i think the saudi arabian government do want to make a change in the sea society they do want to open up
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a little bit and give women freedom but they're also afraid of the reaction of the religious sects prayed that they might create another woods he mad like movement. in my create some sort of religious revolutionary movement even a lot of religious people would be very upset if women became in even very dependent and especially in this society like saudi arabia very tribal very conservative especially in the central part in places like the eastern province and the western provinces you know eastern saudi women and women will have in the western part of say we've been really you know let's say a more open society and they have a lot more privileges and we live in or live in a scene or. i think i'm i haven't but maybe this case of might have shaken up the saudi government a little bit but i don't see that. right away they're probably going to be against
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little changes like that in the bone which one of them has this is a change that has got to come from within or what role does the international community. well i think we've seen the role of the international community with the case of her her firm she knows she she drew attention from the u.n. and the u.n. it even h.c.r. stepped in and you know this was actually quite an easy case for the u.n. it was an individual case it wasn't you know millions of political asylum seekers and canada very willingly accepted roughs case i think that the international the international community needs to push governments even more than they already have been pushing to standardise or sort of institutionalize again this human rights oriented. policy but in particular to draw attention to those women and men who don't get as near as near as much attention as the syrians for example or the
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saudis i mean i think saudi arabia right now is you know it's it's it's it's the state that everyone is talking about because of you know everything that has happened in the last few years but it's really important to remember that there are so many people so many other women in rough situation and worse who are not getting anywhere near enough attention as she has and of course a lot of nations out very close ties with saudi arabia and huge financial dealings with billions of dollars not least the arms trade i mean i think this should also be a wakeup call for countries such as saudi arabia to think about you know do we want our citizens to flee and and you know continue to call us out from from the west and causes this headache or is it better to treat them better and and have them stay in the country and and contribute to the country i think this is also a wake up call for reforming the legal system in these countries ensuring that there is legal protection legal redress for women and other oppressed people and in those countries that you want to come in the. you know i mean i agree completely i
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think there are many issues here that need to be pointing out i mean one thing remember here is not the vast majority of society suddenly being under the age of thirty and yes there is a religious establishment in clerics who will want to push against these kinds of reform but they're just simply not the majority in one so i think if muhammad and so man going to really i think energize the base of young people as he tries to do the great need to recognize that this is actually going to be a popular. young saudis and i think you know the dinosaurs the religious dinosaurs just need to deal with it they're just simply frankly not the future of saudi arabia that's one thing the second thing i think is not you know the international community is they were frankly kind of feels like a mogul a talking about human rights i mean you know we're talking about the twitter. that our board minister pointed out last summer that cause us to be frankly ostracized
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by the international community including many western countries who you know professed to have you know liberal human rights agenda they were absolutely silent and quiet when it came to canada as a proposal with the saudis and i think it's because of the economic weight that saudi arabia as saudi arabia still the largest and. biggest importer of weapons in the world that means the worth of big business and so there is this county now the pressure because of the economic stakes play here but i think you know time it took a very brave move it may cost us some financial relations with the saudis but i would say that most meetings are frankly quite willing to pay those costs to be on the right side of history and i can't say that's the case for many countries around the world well it's been a pleasure talking to all of you we've run out of time but to great to get your perspectives on this important story thanks very much indeed thank you to our guests. here in the studio business my money and my job thank
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you too for watching you can see. see the program again any time by visiting our website al-jazeera dot com for further discussion go to our facebook page that's facebook dot com ford slash a.j. inside story and of course you can also take the conversation on twitter handle is a.j. inside story from enid clark and the whole team here by fire. russian filmmaker andre neck rosol travels across his homeland to discover what life is like on to putin the russian economy is in crisis sanctions unstable oil prices
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fluctuating cards half of the country struggles to make ends meet in soviet times doctors were in charge now economists calculate everything we don't want to think what will happen when the bank takes away our flags. in search of putin's russia on al-jazeera. the latest news as it breaks in a poll just out sixty five percent of the faithful says that they think it will do a great or a good job with details coverage is the second time this year doctors walked out on strike the governess funded by a single suspension. from the around the well to the increased warning level columns as a blow to the thousands of people displaced by the tsunami of wanting to return home. and inspiration. personal stories of people who
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live keeping the spirit of freedom alive. by car a just me defending their rights to be heard. as discipline but to be good to. al-jazeera selects. we understand the differences. and the similarities of cultures that cry. the world so no matter how you take it al-jazeera will bring you the news and current affairs that much. else is iraq. i'm richelle carey in doha these are the top stories on al-jazeera their state has arrived in riyadh on the latest leg of his middle east tour by pompei will be
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holding talks with saudi crown prince mohammed bin salma and they're expected to include the murder of journalists. earlier pompei obvious to qatar and calls on gulf countries to end their dispute saying it's gone on for too long awesome help are a has more. mike bomb paling qatar with a message to the gulf countries and their dispute the west political crisis in decades for the gulf cooperation council president and i both believe the ongoing dispute in the region has dragged on too long and the dispute benefits adversaries and harms our mutual interests the emir of qatar shaved i mean been hammered out than he greeted bomb peo after discussions with qatar's foreign minister said mohammed bin al the fannie both countries say they are keen to consolidate trade and military cooperation that includes expanding the largest u.s. military base in the middle east dade near the capital doha is home to the forward
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operating base of u.s. central command. and then we have discussed all the issues of interest for our countries regional issues starting with the gulf cooperation council and the peace process in the middle east as well as the reconsolidation in afghanistan as well as other issues such as syria and counter-terrorism. landed in qatar from the united arab emirates after visiting egyptian and behave in his flying to sandy arabia which have all imposed their eighteen month long land and sea blockade on qatar the accused the title funding extremism allegations strongly dismissed by a qatari leader as america's top diplomat has also visited jordan and is due in a man and kuwait on his middle east tour it's being seen as an attempt to rally support among key players in the region to counterbalance the growing influence of
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iran and i don't think that the administration plans for dealing with iran by virtue of trying to organize a larger coalition are going to work simply because most states do not agree with us in our policies canceling the joint comprehensive plan of action that would have prevented iran if implemented from ever obtaining a nuclear weapon. the u.s. is due to host a confidence in poland next month to discuss ways to iran's activities in the region and ensure middle east stability the us is key to building a regional ally used to what it considers to be a growing iranian influence in the gulf but that's may be possible as long as the diplomatic crisis in the g.c.c. continues. doha and u.s. president onil trump has apparently warned turkey not to attack kurdish forces in syria after the u.s. withdraws this is what he said on twitter starting the long overdue pullout from
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syria while hitting the little remaining isis territorial caliphate hard and from any directions will attack again from existing nearby base if it reforms or devastate turkey economically if they hit the kurds create twenty mile safe zone trip follows a mobilization of the syrian army around monday the government is preparing for a threatened offensive by turkish forces against kurdish fighters syria's government has to point soldiers artillery and tanks to the northwest suburbs of the city as u.s. forces prepare to leave place in sudan have fired tear gas to disperse hundreds of anti-government protesters in khartoum demonstrations began three weeks ago over rising living costs human rights groups say at least forty people have been killed but the government says the number of casualties is twenty four the leader of venezuela's opposition has been briefly detained why would god oh challenge the legitimacy and dickless ventura after he was sworn in for a second term as president on thursday
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a left wing italian activist convicted of murder is on us way back to italy as a rabid tiste was extradited from bolivia after cooperation between new right wing governments and brazil italy as are the headlines keep it on al-jazeera there chris say that an era perspective is that next. in the history of conflicts between east and west. the mightiest battle between cristiana to slam. a holy war in the name of religion.
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for the first time. the story of the crusades. from an arab perspective. the crusades began with the goal of capturing the holy land for christiana. over the years it evolved into something entirely different. in a sense one last thought is india. and the relevant is that he has a you must win the war and the man that. has it let alone in the power see what russell. was that he had by all means a has a whole mess is that what went up must suck up and standing.
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once more the holy city of jerusalem would fall to the crusaders but this time through the conclusion of an infamous treaty. many one mile. well and if it has mattered. slowly we let the toppled bubble. well i'm talking a couple of them in washington with the solemnity and when i became an issue. but off the two hundred years of bloodshed the crusader presence in the east was brought to its ultimate and. i'm with all the money. in the fourth and final episode of the series. the story of the muslim liberation of the holy land from the crusades.
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the year eleven mikey three. damascus the capital of the u. but state. the dentist the founded by salaam had diem in a you'll be known in the west. a solid in. the kurdish officer had risen to become the ruler of a powerful and united muslim front against the crusades. six years earlier. he had crushed the christian forces at the bottom of a team. and opened the way to the liberation of jerusalem.
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but in the spring of eleven ninety three off. a brief illness so long had dean died leaving the mighty muslim states in the hands of lesser men. full of us alive again . must sham we elaborate. we can all fashion. my suspicion. of a nomad as a muscle i had. been and only mean and then me mature on my feet the found innocent problems on the mean leg willing to live he lives he has withdrawn its value why them and well done while others in. the
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first crusade a century earlier had succeeded in establishing four christian enclaves in the levant and above all in the capture of jerusalem. the second and third crusades each led by powerful and famous european model. of ended in abject failure. by the end of the twelfth century. after a hundred years of muslim fight. the territory under crusader control was reduced to a tiny coastal strip to deliver its. will. the crusaders were forced to adapt and revise their targets. and the more we
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saw him until which was. what other kind of how to move. in and. we for on. when you have let. me. but at the foot could be started. where hey at this roof but what about what sucks about where you are innocent that they'll. be able. now you are men of god above all at the sub even and the bubble will get a lot sucks yeah i'm a little slow to be a bit buttercup well you know why i go but wolf wrong. where number of men but no baba wealthy enough to walk in the. money can. in addition to carry one guy down while the creative have to leave the. fresh air.
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and then as your family. feel full sure i'll go sailing at. the main. hired at the venetian and told her to ship them to the east. they couldn't afford to pay for the new it's the fee that they'd agree. with the minimum to clear the hakken family and doesn't force out what happens when the . woman is in a stop to be dead man in zeal to share what i'll be from stealing the mushroom was there have a can it will get i lost. jenna jenna had a bond with the realities and i had a lot do you know yet jenna had beheaded hamelin our cost onto me.


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