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tv   The Stream 2018 Ep 194  Al Jazeera  December 4, 2018 10:32pm-11:01pm +03

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very much indeed that's finished now with a recap of our breaking story senior sentences in the usa the time has come for the trumpet ministration to condemn saudi arabia for the murder of genesis three congress will act cia chief gina hospital has been briefing senators on capitol hill and she's one of the few western officials to have heard all the recordings from inside the saudi consulate in istanbul where he was killed senators who emerged from that meeting seemed unified in their assessment of what she had to say saudi crown prince mohammed bin solomon they concluded ordered the murder of jamal khashoggi and must be held to account for. our top stories and we'll have more for you in around half an hour that softer the stream thanks very much for watching c.c. . millions
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of people across brazil are facing gaps in their health care as thousands of cuban doctors leave the country it follows a standoff between brazil's president elect and the cuban government so what's next . here in the stream send your thoughts here twitter and here to. it doesn't take office until january but already brazil's president elect wants to renegotiate a major deal with cuba last month diane wilson r.-o. pushed for changes to the mice medicos or more doctors program under which cuban
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doctors provided health care in poor regions of brazil but cuba pulled its doctors out rather than accept wilson arles demands al-jazeera as victoria gave more on the impasse the program was started in twenty thirteen by former president dilma rousseff since then twenty thousand doctors have worked in brazil including in seven hundred districts that had never had a resident doctor but the program is controversial cuban doctors are paid less than that brazilian colleagues brazil pays cuba around three thousand one hundred dollars a month through the pan american health organization for each doctor the doctors themselves receive only about a quarter of that the rest goes back to the cuban government. blamed the collapse of the program on the cuban government's intransigence tweeting we condition the continuation of the program doctors on the completion of skill tests full salary payments to cuban doctors much of which now goes to the dictatorship and the
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possibility for doctors to reunite with their families unfortunately cuba refused. so what does cuba's exit from the more doctor's program mean for brazil and for cuba and joining me today from sao paulo to discuss this is probably know about g. he's a doctor who served as an advisor to cuban doctors working in indigenous regions of brazil are two to lopez levy is an assistant professor of political science at both of us adelphi college he's also a consultant the interim merican dialogue on matters of cuban policy he joins us from st peter minnesota louise psyche me is a primary health care research coordinator at the brazilian association of collective house also known as a brosco he joins us from palo task and southern brazil and in miami we have nor i've got my story is she's a journalist at the miami herald who has reported extensively on human affairs so welcome everyone to the stream i want to start to with a few words from the president elect not even in office yet and he's already
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calling something slave labor that is how he described the arrangement with human doctors saying he couldn't agree to it slave labor louise is that something you can understand where does that come from those are strong words. this is. a great problem and now country i don't know that cuban. we have a lot of. celebrity in brazil influence. is low but this is our cooperation in. months to states and i think that they can respect all the rules. between brasil cuba and the one american health organization. there is a view that would not agree with the president elect of course and as you're saying there we got
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a video coming from one of us people his name is raymond garcia and he is actually one of those doctors is a cuban doctor in brazil and this is what he told the story when i mean on that i mean my name is raymond i'm cuban i have a son who was born here in brazil and the wife my son and wife are precisely in cuba and at this program without considering that i have family here without consideration for the patients here they didn't think about the fun little people here who need health care not for one moment there was no advance warning nothing don't need to see you. i'm sure you heard what he said there give us the view from cuba or if you ben's as you mustn't orals comments and the idea this program in the first place. moloch i've seen the big challenge here is to strike a balance between the human right to kill of entire populations and their right of healthcare professionals to their own careers the position of president bush for
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not a pretty president elect wilson was much similes he leave a space to any area of the negotiation he basically said that on the first day everything was agreed between battle plan american health organization if you want government and the previous brazilian government not only those on the left but even the government of michel turmel the every seeing of these will be and i think they might be already of the patients these health care professionals most of the nice people people that would like to receive the hill care or provide it caught in the political fallout excision. i'm not saying that the q one goldman is completely on the right but. there are tornado of these crises.
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up subtleties position of president bush from the. i hear you hear you there being caught in the middle of this politicization i wanted to share a few comments we've gotten from people in brazil who say they've worked with cuban doctors this is he law she says my daughter who is allergic to insect bites was helped immediately by cuban doctor at his home because there were no other doctors in the town he goes on to say he topped last made my daughter laugh offered water and coffee and said he would be available at any time i only had to go there once but everyone who went there was well taken care of you could feel the love for the profession so dr pao you know about want to go to you with this talk to us about why this program was in place in the in the first place why did brazil need cuban expertise. ok i think toobin doctors have great ability to add that to two different health centers and resume they can get easily.
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defeat terrorists and make plans for intervention very quickly. primary care so. they also they could be doctors i was so great to be inks between communities even e.g. indigenous communities are higher reem the community is and suburbs the major c.d.c. very quickly to provide axes so i think for our resume. problem because we we offer good care we proofs and health indicators like x. says he have a point and. refresh so we have a big problem now we doubt cuban doctors resume and i think someone would agree with you the thiago. received several comments from people in brazil and we've
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translated them from portuguese the other says i was serviced by a cuban doctor today one of the few doctors i've seen be really worried about the patient i hope he can stay here the other side of that though we got this comment from yes me with his people complain about my smelly costs and forget that medicine is super elitist and that the people who get this degree they don't want to work in a public hospital with bad infrastructure so he seems to be louie's there pointing to the idea that brazil couldn't find qualified brazilian doctors to work in some of these rural communities. oh yeah this is a good challenge of writing part on engine margot for progress and particularly the cuban doctors play a crucial role in the brazil health system universal health system in brazil improving decolletage a prime health caught our age improving the access to medical consultation
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especially in remote. especially in border as in the full edible the will reduce stay in hospital decision for primary care sensitive conditions. the. ferals to a specialist state the request of medical testers and law. is really. a problem in brazil the president doctors that are going to doctor program. generally are the new really. good doctor or. nearly got great doctors and they are they have the. last experience and part aviation related compared to the cuban doctors
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and this is a really good problem when is doing prove the quality of primary health getting because you. put in a role all. that is related to mar doctor program related to the improving the a med schools improving they are as you've been seeing them scale strategy and especially the technical support of usually. all the days in the prime of health. until that happens though that is the wish list that is pretty long and unfortunately some say not anywhere near happening until that happens we're going to further complicate matters system a little bit take a look at my screen here this from the miami herald cuban doctors who worked in brazil sue international organization alleging force laborers i'll tell you
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a little bit about that now on friday board cuban doctors who defected from brazil to the united states took legal action against the u.n. agency that brokered the more doctors program here's what local media in miami reported and that's why we're going to take them to court and the civil rights organization cuban doctors human rights team filed a federal lawsuit friday morning seeking damages on behalf of cuban doctors who say they were forced to provide health care in brazil the target of the lawsuit an organization affiliated with the united nations called pot of every dollar that brazil pays for their services follow the pan american health organization since eighty percent of that money back to cuba the doctors get less than ten percent in the pan american health organization itself keeps five percent of that money from brazil as a fee for nora he wrote that first piece that i showed on my laptop here from the miami herald talked to us about this lawsuit why is this program so controversial.
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well i mean this four doctors are still in open house or pa in english their primary in health organization which is an un agency because they believe that they're going to say asian traffic it in human labor and benefited from who are what they deem is in a scheme a force labeled the problem is and this is the most controversial issue here is. according to official documents the receipt of the government was paying four thousand dollars to the cuban government for each doctors but from dad the doctors would only get our one thousand dollars but then they even get the complete amount they will get a part in brazil an employer would be returning cuba and they would get access to that money only if they returned to the island so basically they're saying that they were and been paid what they wrestled in government was paying doctors from
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other nationalities that were part of the program and also they were complaining that they were care field that they were on their civilians by cuban agents that they could not travel three really and we heard sounded testimony as in in that press conference of doctors one of the doctors said. the government was hard outing her because she couldn't get his terse son to live with her in brazil all the time despite the fact that the brazilian government issue a visa for our her son so i afterwards the q after she the fact from the or abandon that the man at the program the cuban government retaliated against her family and a big her family from a house she belts with her money still there are many issues which are really controversial but specifically i've been put in this question to the cuban
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government several times. if day i agreed to be more transparent say more about why that. great difference between what they get and what they paid to doctors and i haven't being successful they don't want to talk to me. and of course that is exactly what everyone else who wants to talk about god had after monica i seen that it's important to put this in context because although i will not dispute any of the arguments the has been made by mrs gummidge i think that it will be helpful if even in this program but also in her newspaper we make sound references this intuition of the hill cared of the global level. they don't wish all in two thousand and ten. even house to sign it bloomed thirty called about the international recruitment of health personnel and that is
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a reality that if you looked out if you were in it's your article contacts in the context of the caribbean three quarters of all the nurses dug it i'll wait at the university of west indies that provide health care for six millions only under a form caribbean three quarters of these nurses and we get eight tall what i recruited they on they did not use any get it they're recruited by the united kingdom the united states and canada so the reality is that in my view there are song evidence that are clear that the cuban government relations with these doctors has been betty a c. medical and some are useless it looks that happen at the same time you cannot look at this issue of the contacts and the. type of agreement with the public without taking into account the critical problem that her. care
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providers at the lower level will feel are facing could be because it was just like the one in the democratic republic of congo because home owner seeing all the things it is is that him and just brain drain from developing countries to leave eloquent this conflict is important and the international may be difficult is will not doubt it but expressed the ethics of our old health care provision in there will be realities that the cuban doctors in brazil when they are us part over kentucky these an insult to call the sleep illegal sure if i may just get rid of the comparison medical we got we got a question so i hear you there listen i tend to respond here give her recommendation of what should be in her article that her paper got her a doctor gammas our daughter mrs gammons but anyway so i think
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no one is dowdy first the quality of the cuban doctors and also you know like the international needs to provide health care i think they each show here and that's what the cuban government needs to to answer and particularly why it was keeping almost eighty percent of what depressed syrian government was paying the cuban doctors the other question that they would need to us it's where the money goes they have said that part of the money goes to the cuban health system which is public but then there's no really oversight on the fiscal budget in cuba so it's it's doing hard to find out if they're really investing that sort of money on the island and the territorial and nora etc before you go back and i just wanted to share with our audience that the the the binary that we find you to in this is also online because nasa can hear brings up
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a point that you raise are turo not. one says human doctors and cuba's health care happen to be the envy of most developed nations another person writes in on you tube coming to us live they say that they've done amazing work throughout latin america and even here in portugal we have many cuban doctors working here in private hospitals but on the flip side of that coin you have people like a e.g. who says it's still an example slave labor yes we understand that they have to be taxed back in cuba which is fine but not seventy percent the new brazilian government should block that deal and read one more absolute zero as the goal here says this is a way for the cuban regime to use for and resources the government pays almost nothing to the doctors that go abroad but it charges a price for first world services and it's not free or photo. well i think that dr graham is i didn't mean any pay your at the stern when i call him mrs gummidge but see i will call her the witch once i think the doctor gramma's is right when she
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called for more transparency on the accounts of the q one goldman and i personally believe that as i said before the agreement it's very significant but not this does what president bush when i will say is a hundred percent of the salary on the first date on his integration especially if this is not a symmetrical order in fact it's more of the medical than twenty percent or thirty percent and seventy one hundred percent i seem it is it is difficult to argue that and in reality we need to take into account they mean immigration in brazil and when it will take into account the conception by wish those doctors were sent to receive in order to have a will for the state in cuba the media has been deteriorating and i would like to see more transpired in a standard to keep not the least mantlepiece will for the state it is the reality is that you do need to export someone of these services and with them only that you
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receive from doubt at all why song help for those who remain at home and they are the ones that are making this a nominal morning or in fact list amount of money than the nurses in jamaica or the north has in all it is of the caribbean that in a situation of an open market where you have this invisible hand that the libertarian people try to promote their reality is that three quarters of these nurses left the country well you're going to see that we need to take into account the professional and the rights of the health care providers for sure but at the same time i found that they call with ash of the miami herald and many other. you two should go over to use your. genitals. i hear you there and i do want us to redirect
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a little bit because of course this is not a discussion about to my miami herald's work or any journalist work and i will say also that we reached out to pa who the u.n. agency in charge of this program and we asked for a statement and they did not respond but of course the temptation is still open i want to move here those are community and what their same says we got this week just now from jake who says the brazilian government isn't doing much to tackle the situation and if these doctors leave what's next so i will refer you to this tweet from the president elect again both the naro who says that almost a hundred percent of vacancies have already been filled by brazilians that number has been revised a bit this just came out today december fourth from the ministry of health and brazil thirty percent of physicians and rolled in the program have actually started their activities so louise i will give this one to you do you see these roles these vacancies actually being filled and filled long term not just as
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a stopgap solution. yeah. it seems very difficult that all the vacuum is will be filled by a president doctors especially quickly. all the. vatican says that. got about ninety seven percent also inscriptions but the generally brazilian doctors run through descriptions and that they're sometimes they don't present to the lord this is the evidence that we have collected from genesis two thousand and thirteen. and now nowadays up the does not seven percent of description about the damn percent or even less are still. doctors are working today in the. family help to start their youth teams are the ones to bali just
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what they are located then it seems that is very difficult that. there's a feel all devout consist in a quick way and in perform in i would warp the related. challenges regarding the activities that they need to do in each ministry polythene vulnerable population. indigenous that is and the ways that you're talking i could see apollo trying to get in one if you want to add. yes yes' a second says probably won't be she'll buy brazilian doctors at the moment just seven percent off econd says. feel it by brazilian doctors just seeing big c.d.'s the major c.d.'s you remote area xeni news system of health repairing our area and tells us the season we don't
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have doctors in displaces presidents to restart their words so i'm very cautious or news because a brazilian government putting on the beat yeah and a prayer so he we do effect and says he's completely it to buy a ninety thousand percent off doctors present but there be a reality it's not just seven percent off years ago doctors go to this east village and then when you see that east to it starts to work so we need another all this is true to result this problem off ment and fixation will follow her style i bash what i carry there and looking forward to a solution of course we will continue to keep our eye on both story that's all the time we happened today that the so please keep your comments coming to twitter you
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tube now they're on dot com board flashed the three by. we've had many proud moments around the world in the sky now starting from october twenty ninth church ish airlines will be taking off from the new the
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aviation center of the world for a new church. ever since i was a little boy in india my dream was to me or you would trips so five years ago i decided i was finally going to do it one man's quest to realize a lifelong ambition the studio choose to lose by one village and it's transformation going behind the lens that's gone from seeing brings his personal story to life. al-jazeera correspondent my own private bali. the lights are on. and there's nowhere to hide isn't the easiest way to solve this to allow u.n. observers who you invited into the country earlier this year to finish their job i haven't said it's a right wing conspiracy or anybody's conspiracy straight talking debate do you think we're going to see some kind of sea change in the u.s. relationship with saudi arabia we have an obligation there's a journalistic integrity and then in this case it was betrayed totally up from its
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own al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera live from london where we're following a major development in the u.s. on the jamal khashoggi case senior senators have now been. briefed by cia chief gina housefull on capitol hill she's one of the few western officials to have heard order recordings from inside the saudi consulate in istanbul where she was killed senators emerged from that meeting unified in their assessment of what they'd heard and all coming to a similar conclusion that the saudi crown prince mohammed bin solomon all.


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