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tv   Counting the Cost 2018 Ep 23  Al Jazeera  June 12, 2018 8:33am-9:01am +03

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president moon was going to go there clearly that has not happened so he made an attempt on monday and some comments today down expectations echoing what donald trump has said saying that this is the start of a process that nothing significant can be agreed to or announced after the first meeting between these two and really it may take one two years maybe longer he said to resolve some of the differences resolve the issues between the two koreas and between north korea and the united states so they want to see a broad statement made today that paves the way for these negotiations to continue in a peaceful fashion and therefore that also enables the working level meetings to continue we've already seen those begin and there's a sort of significant one coming up on thursday this week in fact with high level military talks being held between north and south korea so while all the attention is very much being on this summit in singapore in the lead up to it and of course
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today as well of beneath that here in seoul and in north korea there have been many meetings taking place between the two involving the united states as well many of those meetings happening in the demilitarized zone you mentioned there. the post of investment by the south korean president in what does a successful summit mean for him personally and politically. well certainly as i say it is something that he has always wanted to see it is something he campaigned again on very strongly before that election and at the start of this year it seemed that after all the provocations of the previous year or so that it was a chance for him to really start to push his case forward to grab hold of the situation and lead from the front and certainly since then we have seen the situation
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radically improve so i'm certain that he would like to see this as a bit of a legacy project for him but as far as any praise goes he has certainly in recent weeks really tried to deflect a lot of that when there was talk about donald trump receiving the nobel peace prize many people said well hang on a minute president moon of south korea would deserve one as well if this indeed is a successful summit in singapore and he was quick to dismiss that saying that he did not want the praise for what we are seeing he believes that the u.s. president donald trump deserved to receive a lot of the credit a lot of the praise for the way he has handled the security situation on the korean peninsula or sort of process will involve south korea going forward now. well i guess there's been a lot of focus on denuclearization for one and there's been a lot of focus on an end to the korean war as i say there was speculation that
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president moon may go to singapore fueling more speculation that perhaps that would mean that the three leaders could declare an end to the korean war well that hasn't happened and in effect declaring an end to the korean war as james hinted at before is a very complicated process and may take a lot longer and while we could indeed see the to come up with some sort of broad statement in singapore actually signing a peace treaty between north and south korea is far more detail of south korea as james said didn't sign that armistice agreement it was though signed by north korea china was involved as well so even though we understand that legally china may not necessarily have to be involved in any signing of a new peace deal between these two you would believe that they would desperately want to be involved and the right thing to do between the u.s. and north and south korea would be to involve them it has to involve the united nations as well so it's
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a very complicated complex and potentially long process to bring in into the korean war so very much the focus has been on those two major issues but of importance to south korea and we shouldn't forget japan is well is the issue of human rights with so many citizens from south korea and from japan abducted kidnapped by the north koreans over the decades many people the japanese believe they could be hundreds of japanese still in north korea kidnapped from japanese territory particularly in the seventy's and eighty's so they want those issues resolved in there was a lot of speculation leading up to the summit as to how much human rights would be a part of the discussions between donald trump and kim jong un we don't know whether it was mentioned some was suggesting that it was way to too sensitive. up in any firm fashion in this meeting two sensitive of course for the north koreans all right thanks so much to wayne hey they're watching the situation that we are
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watching we're looking at live pictures coming in from capella hotel on the same tozer island in singapore now we understand the leaders of the united states of america and north korea will emerge we've been told shortly that was though half an hour or so ago and they will sit down on that table and will sign this joint statement that no doubt they both hope will represent a success a breakthrough in relations a turning point in the standoff between north korea and the united states over the issue of north korea's nuclear weapons its nuclear program helps even its missile program to looking where at senior members of the u.s. administration we saw john bolton. might compare u.s. secretary of state entering the room indicative perhaps that this signing is about
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to take place very soon the expectation of course that this statement will have to in some way touch upon some of the really sensitive issues between the united states and north korea without getting bogged down into some of the really. devilish detail that still no doubt will need to be sorted out. so we're shining a very important document. pretty comprehensive document. and we've had a really great term together a great relationship. giving a news conference at two thirty which is in
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a little bit less than two hours and we'll discuss this a great length in the meantime i believe that they'll be handing it out on behalf of chairman kim and myself and we're both very honored to sign the document thank you. to you on this one i want you to humans and you can do you go to. one of individual or not one hundred on account of the other two hundred a good christian who should not have to sit on it not if you don't you know you to the coldest of the time to meet a man and you don't who are good who don't and then. you get people to quit so i was. you know. if you like to say that the new normal looks at the moment. you know the story. you know about the. heralding a new start and this is speaking with the signature of this document. behind
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and we are about to sign the historic document says our they are united believing that the law will say important change. in. today's meeting that was possible thanks to the hard work of president president trump for instance from to make this meeting. thank you thank you. ok. we. are starting that process very quickly very very quickly absolutely
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what. i'll. be. you'll be seeing everything in just a little while is the letter they were signing is very comprehensive and i think both sides are going to be very impressed with the result. a lot of goodwill went into this a lot of work a lot of preparation i want to thank everybody on both sides secretary peo and all of his counterparts they were absolutely fantastic. if you will. know how and i didn't inhale you did i get it was after you get me down and feel like you have been going i think i know you think with what i think is you taking time to comment
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on kind of thing i even thought it would go down to the number of accuracy on the news and i'm just wondering guys would look at what's going on and you don't. want to get done certain that it is not going to get in those young men and you got it wasn't to get around you're not going to happen to get comes knocking. thank you for your perspective he thought thank you very much i will see a little bit later and we're very proud of what took place today. i think our whole relationship with north korea and the korean peninsula is going to be very much different situation than it has in the past we both want to do something we both are going to do something and we have developed
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a very special bond so. people are going to be very impressed people are going to be very happy and we're going to take care of a very big and very dangerous problem for the world and i want to thank chairman kim. spent a lot of time together today very intensive. and i would actually say that it worked out for both of us far better than anybody could have expected i think far better i watched the various news reports i would say far better than anybody even predicted and this is going to lead to more and more and more and it's an honor to be with you very great honor thank you thank you to all of your representatives very much. so want. to know what you do and it was not well to do it but i'm going to go out there step as people would you know and i think i don't want to you to me aren't going to get it she doesn't that it will be nice and just based. on you get comes out that you look they're not going to win
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their man i mean who do that you can look at bill clinton are you get to look at those woman i mean look i don't you know if you don't feel that you got the upper tom on interviews you can only get it wasn't your numbers in the human thing it comes out. thank you very much everybody thank you my life absolutely. why thank you. with you i thank you if the law. the whole relationship with north korea going forward is going to be very different the words there of the u.s. president donald trump after signing a statement with north korean leader kim jong un in singapore we just saw it live there he called it an important document of comprehensive document he said he was to be signing it he gave thanks to kim jong un and we also heard some positive
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words from kim jong un as well so calling it a historic meeting a new start in relations to bring in our diplomatic editor james bays in singapore and james i know i'm going to ask you the question that probably everyone is once to know in a very difficult one probably few to answer right now what exactly did they sign. we don't know sammy we still don't have a copy they said they'd be handing it out to the press in the room it's a very small press corps of u.s. and north korean journalists who are there in the capello tell but i think let me guess probably under a minute it will start getting information of what's in it and i suspect you'll be popping on our phones in a moment when it's sent to us by the white house and the state department we know it is comprehensive according to the president he described as a letter actually a comprehensive letter we know it is historic according to chairman kim he said we
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had a historic meeting with signing a historic document that signals a new beginning putting the past behind remember the president trump metric for this when he spoke in canada he said it was when we were going to get on with each other he was going to determine that very quickly and he said it was about the touch and the feel just watch the two leaders as they went out the room each touched. each other on the back after they went out of the realm of ice seemed to have got on well together even earlier on after the working lunch as they headed back past the press into the hotel president trump pause for a moment and showed them kim his presidential limousine come in have a look at my car that i think shows there is some chemistry built up here and there is a document signed let's also say what this is not there is not an end to the problems between north korea and the us there is not a final deal between the north korea and the us they'll be
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a long process and people will disagree about how long before they can ever possibly reach a final. deal and quite possibly there will be further problems ahead on this whole new initiative could break down but it is a historic moment because these are two countries technically at war still after the end of the korean war in one nine hundred fifty three no peace treaty has been signed and they are meeting for the first time a president of the united states and the leader of north korea that has never happened since north korea was founded and we nearly coming up to in september the seventieth anniversary of the birth of north korea very important moment but clearly only a beginning it is not final resolution to all those differences as you pointed out james but it is a dramatic turnaround in the rhetoric we saw there how donald trump after signing the agreement sort of patted kim jong on the shoulder and we heard how kim jong un
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heaped praise on donald trump saying this whole meeting is thanks to the hard work of president trying a long way from the days of i will totally annihilate your country. yeah little rocket man and now they seem to be getting on very good terms for the north korean side they sat down as equals beside the table they signed exactly the same document at the same time north korea wanted international recognition it's one of the reasons it has a nuclear capability it has been recognized as a sovereign country and has been recognized as a country that got here because of its nuclear program i think it's worth speculating on what this message sends to other countries around the world we're seeing the two men walking out again i think some more pictures of the two men live at the hotel each of them with the i think the talking sami.
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the or the negotiator. here. who what is your guy i know. you're going to clearly see very talented. take a look this is going to vary with. the movie. theater. but.
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we're going to be really good thank you very much. a worthy negotiator talented man he loves his country very much james some of the words there the more praise the dollars from just he there on kim jong un the north korean leader the chemistry continues then i guess james. yes i think it's worth bringing in the fact that this he's talking about a man who leads a country which is recognized by human rights organizations and the united nations as one of the worst human rights abusing nations on earth where thousands and thousands of political prisoners are held in appalling conditions in gulags a man who in his six years in power has led a country which. assassinated his own half brother. airports
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and a country that also assassinated his own uncle this is the man that president trump is praising i was speaking earlier on on al-jazeera to a senior official from human rights watch that official said they will be watching very closely to see whether in this declaration which we still have not seen there is mention of human rights well whether there is mention of human rights in the declaration or not certainly there's no mention of human rights from president trump and in fact there was no caviar to talk everything the president said was positive there was none of this the you might hear well we still have some differences but there was none of that in the comments from the president it was very typically trumpy and he says one thing and he backs it up and there is no buts there's new and no new ones on it and that is the president trying right now on
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north korea but we've seen what he was saying about north korea a year ago if this changes the course he could change back a very positive take on kim jong on that north korea right now. kind of contrast with a quite negative ending to that g. seven summit in canada and relations with traditional u.s. allies right. i've seen on social media already a lot. people tweeting pictures comparing pictures between trump sitting down with his allies and trump and kim beaming at the cat the cameras together a very different picture and interesting i think it shows the very different foreign policy of this president the very different way of dealing with people that is president trump's way this is a man who has got this where it is in part because of his bombast because of his
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bellicose language i wonder what lesson president truck will be taking from the fact that he's managed to sit down and have this meeting and that we are all using the word historic will it mean that he wants to be even tougher in his relationships with other countries i have to say what message will this send to some other countries particularly those that aren't friends of president trump because you look at other countries that have thought about nuclear weapons you look at iran you go back and you look at some saddam hussein in iraq you look at gadhafi in libya the last example gadhafi decided to give up his nuclear weapons and ended up being toppled kim proceeded with his nuclear program and got nuclear capability and now he's being lauded by the u.s. president it suggests that maybe the lesson is you need to actually get working nuclear weapons that's ted chile a dangerous message to be sending perhaps james the the reason we're we're seeing
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a meeting this it's being portrayed so positively we're seeing quite satisfied donald trump there is is this not a situation in which the u.s. president presented as a success a success a personal success of him of his administration something to take back to the american public's eye at a time of course where a lot of the disk. says about modern accusations of misdeeds with russia and so on and so forth. yes i think that is true i think that president trump has had problems on the domestic stage he's constantly dogged by questions about the election the moller inquiry and his relationship with russia it's interesting that he's been on the international stage for the last few days and although many people are saying that the meeting with the g. seven was disastrous in terms of relations those longstanding ties with america's
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closeness allies toys that are really been the center of the western alliance and the multinational natural system since the second world war i'm not entirely sure that president trump wouldn't also consider the g. seven summits a success as he will consider this a success because again he will be saying it shows president trump being tough on the world stage putting america first a message that both from here in singapore and from quebec will resonate i think with his base he's also hoping i think and it's not all about domestic politics and of course but you must remember that in november there are other rather important midterm elections congressional elections of course president trump is not on the ballot but he's a republican president and it will matter in his remaining two years in the white house of this term whether he continues to keep control of the house and the senate
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so those elections really matter this now is something he could present to the electorate as a victory clearly though we know from watching this and examine this this is just an opening phase an opening declaration but for now the white house can say look at the great process i've set up and it doesn't really matter. in terms of the electoral calculations in the u.s. what happens to that process as long as he gets past. how does this strengthened kim jong un's position as well going forward not only with the west and with the united states but visit the china visit the russia how much harder would it be for any one to talk about reimposing or strengthening sanctions if things don't go according to plan. well you know interesting you mention china i mean china will be watching this and officially welcoming aids. we had a statement from the chinese foreign minister who said that we hope that both north
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korea in the u.s. will suppress interference build wilcher truck mutual trust overcome obstacles and reach a consensus on promoting and realizing the dean intro's ation of the korean peninsula and make substantive steps chinese definitely whiny that was the foreign minister welcoming this declaration that we've had we still haven't read we are still waiting to get the text of it but i think they'll be a little bit wary in beijing i think they like their position on the u.n. security council they like things to be done on an international level i think that a little wary when things are done like this country to country and particularly country to country leaving out china because china is the closest trading partner and the neighbor of north korea some speculation remember china got kim here in a natural jet that came through some speculation that maybe kim won't
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go straight back to pyongyang maybe he'll go to beijing now i don't know if you're seeing the live pictures sammy right now coming over the bridge from sentosa island but kim is on his way we think that's a short until i see the pictures a little closely were at skidmore trump but the delegations on their way from sentosa which is niland off singapore part of the city state back to the main part of the city we think going to the sentry just hotel in singapore which is where kim has been staying an interesting fact about that hotel is we believe it was a regular haunt of kim's half brother a man who died a year ago we think assassinated certainly murdered by someone. using vieques in kuala lumpur but most people think that was the work of the north koreans and ordered by kim himself giving you again a little bit of
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a measure of the man that has been standing with the u.s. president and praised as a competent man and a great negotiator. we are indeed looking at those pictures james and let me just bring viewers up to speed with what we are looking at we understand that is the motorcade of kim jong un the north korean leader. they are running a little bit behind schedule i think at this point but they can john was scheduled to be leaving singapore and perhaps that is what we are looking at right now him on his way out of capella hotel we we think. we are still awaiting confirmation though of what exactly he has signed soon as we get that of course we'll be able to talk a little bit more about that we did see the two leaders short while ago don trump and kim jong un sitting in that room and signed together a document which both of them praised with donald trump calling it and poor thing to comprehend.


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