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tv   Witness From The East  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2018 9:00am-10:01am +03

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trump and the antique some foreign names. for toby in doha with your top stories from al-jazeera a developing story this hour canadian police say two unidentified man walked into a restaurant and set off a bomb in the city of mississauga fifteen people were taken to hospital some with critical injuries daniel lax joins us live on the line from toronto. we were just getting some preliminary information from the police here peter they're saying is you have said as well that there was a bombing they described it as an improvised explosive device at an indian restaurant a south asian indian restaurant in mississauga which is a city just snacks to tromso right up against it on its western side two men and they appear on security footage entered the restaurant and detonated the device
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some reports of called in in january device but not police they have also said that both men were wearing jeans there medium height they were wearing black hoodie sweatshirts but look at the security camera footage that they're talking about that gave them a subscription pretty hard to tell who they are from but also absolutely no idea what the motive for this might have been they're looking for these two suspects and as you said three people in critical condition twelve people with what are described as minor injuries being treated in a toronto hospital so it's an ongoing crime scene investigation but really not clear what might have been playing on here with this bombing in mississauga briefly daniel was the area like. this is an area. right the city next to toronto a lot of the people who are new immigrants to canada have moved there and there are people there are people who work in toronto but also in the city itself and in the
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surrounding area it's really hard to draw any conclusion though from either the location of what seems to be the target here of the bombing and what actually happened the motive that's being described as to why this may have happened we're still awaiting more information from police has been ongoing investigation just a few hours old ok daniel many thanks. north korea says the cancellation of a planned summit with the u.s. president is against the wishes of the world donald trump called off the meeting blaming tremendous anger and open hostility from the north but pyongyang says it's still open to resolving the issues the south korean president says he is perplexed by mr trump's decision his foreign minister has spoken with the u.s. secretary of state mike pompei of south korea says it will continue to work with the u.s. in pursuit of talks with the north meantime me ask for advice foreign minister kim statement you see no change at least since you will by the relevant countries when
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it comes to resolving the current situation through dialogue the government will continue our diplomatic efforts to further extend this momentum for the talks. well the announcement came just hours after north korea said it had blown up its only nuclear test sites in a gesture of goodwill to reduce regional tensions reporters were given rare access to witness the event but international nuclear inspectors weren't invited. the indonesian parliament has approved stronger anti terror legislation following a series of recent suicide bomb attacks change allows military involvement in counter-terrorism policing and extended periods of detention more than twenty people were killed in attacks in indonesia's second largest city sort of buyer earlier this month the suicide blasts were carried out by two families including children linked to arson malazan police of seize nearly thirty million dollars from three apartments linked to the family of the former prime minister najib razak the
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police say now chief's son and daughter were living in the apartments and the jeeves already being questioned by anti corruption offices his opponents accuse him and his associates of dealing been stealing billions from the state investment fund known as one m d b their jobs are banned from leaving the country after a shock election defeat to his mentor turned photo dr mahathir mohamad. in libya at least seven people have been killed and twenty five others were wounded after a car bomb exploded in eastern city of benghazi local sources say it happened behind a hotel near a syrian products market you're right up to date with all the top stories up next on this channel it's al-jazeera world will have more news for you right here in about twenty five minutes.
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and. the.
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who. moved. in with. them and then the other side and then you could get it. broke or cut our short i don't know know. that any of it might have done. so there you must know. of course a quite a great article call it took or quicker than that the negotiation over the course i got on the come i could start this by starting so gotta start on the schedule my to move on or home while when or so to get out quite a long way you know. as i've said on those who don't. clear a while and come on i don't know when you'll know but it will build almost a shock and it's great i don't want to tell sony not cause i came. to your condo sale i think started to save this dish but i still don't know i think calling out
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on the supported on the book not us a hi jamie i know i'm just it's like a mother spiced tonight so no calling out of him. so they sent him a tickets so i don't grudge him a short i know it's your committee mind so congrats and your it's all second to tie case i'm tired so don't. want to suit up to thirty and had to get a new suit going out today in the nice and simple sense of the day sunday tuples into local muscle under seven or eight in this kind of puts it in this order need i know a good woman what did i click on. the door example of a six cents on the not so the mud you know but it's not you are you out of an all can even go kanalz or you set all of us all to stay some of the good differences
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when it is all that you will go on no clue can you look at them or move it on i journey so no sense autodesk night took can then use and do it to your put the economic standards as soon as i think he can i do use words that are interesting since the times look it up it's almost it's even more cos awesome he shook him a cypher.
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you're going. to. jump through some of that when i looked up. our you know it's not me and your mother margaret get. there ok young. and young and the massive invasion and you're going to major should do nothing nothing to see if you're right though don't think they are good because i. would be the fan that i am going to put you down town and you don't they are garbage because i don't have anything left of that i've got about which is a third of the elderly on the hood of a newcomer civilian withstand the title belt rather than you know more misery and discover some listen there's a certain. there's
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a mission to it stopped at what's been shown not to show ya support by them by the by. your mother hashmi are they almost hard to hold on miles your doesn't your city and your city must come profound. luck for you mother being so your bitter love you . really have nothing nothing with me from here. to. you my sister we. can all just know when you saw after. the storm that got us all the new coke much. in the the skin. the look you got him out of all courts could go bust at a modest mr. unal seven thought for that image that would have struck at any level who thought to slash pick one stupid to go after some little clean up
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with a lot of money and cynical to new york as i said you're not he got was not a ton of cutting to one day you know it all part of. the whole no one in the whole community some of the people to do what they had done to scuttle so into can you are he will call you not the need. you have had to move. so i did so do not recall that another candidate was announced and keep it there more. than this and so we did. not to get a question which is what did you get to so tickled. you to partition as in what i said that didn't work out. so there's a little. more than that i don't. that's not such did. not know that for most.
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of us is going to release it's now very much money off you know. because after the . money. the bill something. that nothing. of the mobo what's the last thought. of going from favor obama to. here in the us. q this is your this is your. this is mine yours. is about the philosophical. one yeah. so i'm on the side and i don't smile like that. but it's no more that orgasm and i knew i was going to get that you're the one that i know you. but i cannot go amiss good sister
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so when you. have a tip so you seem to stick to the canopus do so through her to. eat . local june and. since soak it up he could get out the distance. and get it can you call it. a bit of those are the cost of them from me but to show a subtext that's such an up old man not
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a stupid boy destined to sissoko costly existence of all. you can eat they could be so you're not poor just a little for things so cynical corny come it all much comfort archy sightings were coming out of a book or so come out ok sit on said discussion a little to. the cynical and all that it cannot call the product of technique. and all but it's not in the column or a desktop system will communicate to show you how pretty much so the whole could delani show you have felt it doesn't all on the kids don't know what i think of it so dissolved it can eat more. because the same door shut up but openness that
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. thanks. for the show then you're going to try to get on the walk son name can know how to use it to. i think you can imagine and go to the east so we could have a new home but it's no wonder you all cut out who are your cynical dos it's missy you know home got put on the not a consonant. center can you at the show nor will you sit around or not going to look at all what didn't cut do you get to understand this mystical one or home wall and all you see in the show needs and see to. so do so one of the can is to touch your idea took any notice of knowledge and touch your news to. use it it
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would just. look cool cool if you did. such dictating so you know what my course you could have done. so it will do if you will for something. while. becoming a stupid. you know i do things and there are some of the noble that are in no hurry to take over. when all you. need got up with the boat the money mother like yourself so she would need. many more color need to come here to be covered up look good on them. too.
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you know cause i'm not the one. who stick. my dick eat. at the women's think it man i'd unit. particular wish to watch got up to those unique research or german least you got a writer or thought so you their motor still cut up. here did you source a motion not the whole image you know what's the meat. so they got an all. in all on the whole i cut up one side like
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a dime it's not about the so called thought no fish two to sit nick i sit here so you hear kind of how much the top. of them since i want to see what are going on the guy came over what look at work i was in the mood. of so no no matter comes from the mother got it evolved from god it came over the fish to the wrong someone. who could talk to for no you cannot.
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get. the food court go to comes to money my time clock and no wasn't smart was it a come up one way or another so you can shift this from. another who call for the cloakroom. you're. cool. it was something you must know my god if but deny that. she did but i want to know what they must. know when i'll. walk you
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mused he joined you made this to me till me no communi going to pick up. so did sink in the sense and took me. to talk okada seahorse i musta. missed you. so most year move. to use chemical that they're not going to know. your example are priceless molecules so you want to show you most. disappointing. i have been with. so there are what i would. do you. so you can use.
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it you want to point to. something corny and. it's all caught up with you on a hot topic of the news on the scale of. one since one hundred first has. to mostly go much printing so you can go in and some cost so much but mustard in the store got an all out here. and there or. even hotter than the kids that he had . so i know what i know. so they cut it out. so. a little card on my heart. mr great i'll go up and all irishmen in the. congress in a minute or so want to go in. with some of the gordon downie up to you know my own knocked it. down here to have you. done so want to go on you know
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you don't know what i'm on a minute or so ago i know some of the corn haven't i woulda. been so kind of i'm up market capital cannot. come a more hold em it's gotta run on schedule some call. it a lot more suitable. i
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will take a mold of the bowl. of the. cold. hard. i have that as your heartbeat i think six theory yes i will limit the alphabet as
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well the cemetery but this sort of just sort of thing i think something like ten pence limit the number never crossed the course or broken it. in order to put a big no no no it's not the first on the member fourteen that's the fifth the study here on the on the chips. peace talks. send me your demand i was sick. and was. a bit of time as i was almost to. go you know that it's a pleasure for me. to meet
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a person like you that carry the flame of justice and the flame of those. people who know there is somebody caring for you and i think. that he came to this stone even before i was born so it's even a good the pleasure for me to meet the person that before i was born he was already taking care of for those who are not yet born in couple of minutes. so much so you have a comfortable you have your. own you. don't want. more . and. more are not coming. so no i cannot also talk. to become a. nun more wonderful things to manage and some. of the money from the. most of course the mama.
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told me maybe. it's something they couldn't against you having you going to work for them. i don't know if we would like you all for them to come and. tell the people you know i guess of all that you are joining me but not. about that could. really think. i would put him.
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out of. here with a nice me. i started to take a picture of those photographs because in so mobs the name of diminished so. i saw that i must to do to under my whims. and i took pictures of the of developed i saw this dog if you just. took pictures of her to a part of the fifty a boat it is just a saw this is a. strong arm or can walk for us just for me so i'm seventy one years old. still walking and there are even a very foggy to me to see you. back
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it for us what were you here and what were you saying whether on lying horrendous things your little disturbed as i was looking for doubt about that or if you join us sunday sanct one of the major. countries in the commonwealth have far bigger fish to fry and ships to eat bass is a dialogue talk to us about some of this accepted perhaps everyone has a voice what happens when the robots themselves are making the decisions join the colobus conversation. once a rising star of the a.n.c.
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now it's b.s. this crime. was. not proof a monster will control the sea on your invitation. or a new voice for the marginalize the winds of change reshaping south african politics who is seen in the timid to the witness documentary journalist that's the cia and see an al-jazeera. al-jazeera is investigative unit exposes the criminal gangs fixing international cricket matches sixty to seventy percent that is because you say fix your fix bribing professional players but soon beautiful goes to the players to give them houses rolex watches. good pictures. good five of them. al-jazeera investigations cricket match fixing.
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he said i'll be here in doha with the top stories from al jazeera the police in canada say two unidentified men walked into a restaurant and set off a bomb in the city of mississauga fifteen people were taken to hospital three of them with critical injuries mississauga is canada's sixth biggest city thirty two kilometers west of toronto. the police are posted a photograph on twitter showing two people with dogs a pop hoodies with one of them appearing to be carrying an object to be transported fifty. three of those patients went down. they would be consistent with an explosion i don't have specifics back into the system but three of them. north korea
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says the cancellation of a planned summit with the us president is against the wishes of the world donald trump called off the meeting blaming tremendous anger and open hostility from the north but pyongyang says it's still open to resolving legacies the south korean president says he is perplexed by the trump decision his foreign minister has spoken with the u.s. secretary of state mike pompei o south korea says it will continue to work with the u.s. in pursuit of talks with the north the indonesian parliament has approved stronger anti terror legislation following a series of recent suicide bomb attacks change allows military involvement in counter-terrorism policing and extended periods of detention more than twenty people were killed in attacks in indonesia second largest city sort of by earlier this month the suicide blasts were carried out by two families including children linked to eyesore. malaysian police have seized nearly thirty million dollars from
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three apartments linked to the family of the former prime minister najib razak police say now son and daughter were living in the apartments it's already being questioned by anti corruption offices his opponents accuse him and his associates of stealing billions from the state investment fund one n.d.p. being banned from leaving the country after a shock election defeat to mental dr marty mohamad. in libya at least seven people have been killed and twenty five others wounded after a car bomb exploded in benghazi the sources say it happened behind a hotel near a syrian products market those are your headlines the news continues after al-jazeera will jane will keep you company from the top of the next hour i'm back from three g. tomorrow see them. hereon . when i heard our barclays thirty invasion of lebanon in june nineteen the key
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to my heart went out to the palestinian people who had suffered so much. in one thousand forty eight they had to be expelled by sign. and suttee years neighborhood if you g.'s their only hope was to the body to their country and return home. to them the very start of the israeli invasion it was a very clear. aim once not only to destroy the peace and. also tried to kill the greatest a number will. thank you to union me one or start their own i mean come for there are no could have asked. for this sort of you are. saying this to mr
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snow toward the sky begin to. record though. i don't know what the source of most of those numbers say they're going to so most of us figure. almost certainly you may our number got the car so if you're looking out the back in a bucket of popcorn with the standard. you serve and the guy we're going to go. more at the con then her. mother must end of. the film other than a new angle. thank you. so. thought oh no mr. marker. now cannot pursue or do is to become arsed.
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and of course in the stroke of luck any criminal record or. bad act does. either case to the hilt of problems can be a field. rather. just. a fog. or some other pain i lock. me up. the member when. he came. eight
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years ago. when remains very recent as your nest girl or the one i saw from what i set either you. or. someone you thought was. a monument but now i see my rock battle nastiness tonight on the simple so i'm not sure that my first solo should you know what i had. no idea about our last. twelve for the sleep in the. deep disgust. for the. men. not being one but. how it was before. it was not involved like the field you know it was but that. was too many fancy. even very old life nothing as
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this was always one that's a little it's at either. of you said the. big planes are water yet a gun is one of the ikhwan survival. now that's for the making of the boeing says the of gifts. as you know the new the friday and sunday and the other days they found. the lead at fifty's that is over so you get. to. the bottom for.
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the money.
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thank. there are no you when you need someone to close up to you on all because it. says oh start the new one you want to commit first you know. so much about this that you are some think you know such a movement such images only don't let us know how it feels like it must seem hopeless hikers. so did that let us know when the soviet filters in brussels and one of us an octave no one doubted my need want to can muster it will settle. nor do most or the cook so-called super hero cannot. be no junior to do so move
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concerning the pretty cool joker go to mr crow so to move on. i'm so sorry most. but i think i wonder what would think that the gay needs to know hey i need a hi there a they have on not a day get that the nose has seeing that i've done the fit but the so up out of my that then this get them on has you may day so it has you know many stars get a more intimate their mobility their a sick i day off that's your the state or more or it's a more about that and i didn't say on that but they may not have looked up what i need so more no they could anybody not that i get them all to. know how much you know what the name of but because this isn't the exit one it's the c.n.n. you know got cons data. and
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those think you have had a union and know. this now so new york does she talk to all day. tuesday you know that you are in the most hated the more you snivel know. the consulate. cooks a means to hold to. ski. this quote there are no if you look at. the sun. shone in the story just it is that some guy still out there so is there no credit no big. satellite up your cock up it not educated you can't stand not i dunno i'm no more convinced i'm not the stick you look so you are he joining me i'm out walking or egg in your so no cocks i mean sure they're your kid who cooks i think
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you know judy it's nick she done that done no harm done it it can't be done you could not. get taught to share finance just laugh not at all no vision lost when you made their ground you could number so to no money coming. off the news time no can back with your fridge not tucked. on no second you know media. america to restore that's good thing so you're not going to sister so you're not what the soonish in the uk you know and such you start so no
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journalist to move so no. need to assisted that in i hear there's a collective of those photos nothing. tony still closed up he did use and idea just. don't touch it that he just set up the single door. on you know. what to show on the door. squishes i still marked it so. no one to turn must.
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come come come. on you know he's got a question on top of the. sun nice. touch i guess i don't want to know come. see. would always. under skeptical keep him out good. no. so in your so-called new. because i don't know any. dog kind and i
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don't. care much about. that amount of human opening the. characteristic of. hard work and. oh you're trying to give up thank god. about half a mile ahead of dallas and they're not running what was that if someone else said to him well then let it go all one and so what if when was that over so other than
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exists in the walls of the hangar so what is the line i'll bet the southwest of it and deserving of it one that had this the kind of armored personal credit about. the underside that there are plenty of they are steadily. wanted. only. six seven under them none the less is in the name that most is a then lot of misrata for that one either. well the week. good. luck if i would
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find my yes. i like having them on the lot of me after having the little my mom my good. wife the fact that. yes. i am good or something not good. i discerned all of the yes so that i could tell about that i'm working too hard and so i went through the. list laughter to live this with a sigh not that. i want to sell something yes. this is. my mother there's a little yes and. i hear. all of my love. oh. keyboard to take
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sudoku man. in the cup to steve hi lo yes it's a familiar story. and. here again to your employee that you yes yes. and this to you remember kids often all cause a coup or question are you done serious damage from that careful when you were both young. when i found out i'd get socially up in a crowded moscow took off in a cold you do not get out of the. smoke but he thought this isn't about a family member out of see on law women that is the other thing because a man will bust them. and no have a gala gay in the house but mainly listen i'm in the mama let the lap in malice and i still laugh how many loomis is in the family philistine molly visited by one of his it would be better fans in the know what the money the kibitzing. changing
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the. reason that you must. remember us more credible through google not. it's a male. drink to cause a probable to go you don't like you know it i don't want to talk to god so the. attack of the negative sort of them kind of your food your. not going to count them nights are not going to do much for giving us a closer to give me no no we're still not shooting so when you know called to go to concerts so the kind of the night of the material i listed. most of this. is official but i think here.
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in this room number number seven is very small and you would hear this this isn't well if he had a. good remember the number seven movement. if that had been marked that left the money off many a lot of outside. one mbit club through for him to go and i think it's that are hanging out i've been misled misled i mean the loan the. mission had over his son would have been this is how dumb the young has said that the system when the again the hiking of sin one. that i bought. look at this week but only now so.
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for the record all over any record the more modern osaka vinci go are not so much to come and go though if they call it a night given much thought i'd have a book on that because it and i. will go back to no one by the manual caucus site of the night of august and i think the hardest one to mobile will be equal to the i think the court of think almost puts me booked off only think i'm kind of got sort of a book so you couple of them book i could think of i thought of one and i mean come for the monday carcass other night for the film i still thought the full bore of my thought when i didn't talk about.
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the all. the i. mean. certainly. if. you look
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at the. kind of. thing. we've been trying to seize those book might we have turned it like salt. just in local for us if they do because that they can pick up like a good picture and yes i say to people all the people that are even there i think i have to come back i get.
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yes i'm son home. six hundred eighty of pasta. in. my sink and there are no. you know of the sixty seven i came here to so on and that it was no such a city's. both in finland and you could over settlement. and there were three periods.
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it's difficult because i fear about. all the sticky study over zionism occupation. of why and how they make their country why they didn't use the name of the. palestinian villages and until here they come yes and more more land they need. and.
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this is the only them yes. that the genoese who are put to you the door your career in the school. and generous to doubting your identity to walk most of talking identity know nothing could my tennis organized dented none of that turning into you and i did.
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living life for centuries now forced to think hard about their future. world's. peoples of the atlas mountains. striving to deal with a changing world. and preparing their children for a different way of life. nomads of morocco and algeria. welcome back across the levant and western parts of asia weather conditions looking fairly quiet dry for the most part from. parts of afghanistan seen a few showers and the weather conditions through the caucasus extending down into northern parts of iraq and iran and more western parts of turkey also seen some pretty heavy showers at times some storms are likely here and some flash flooding but journey around other parts of the eastern side the mediterranean weather
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conditions looking fine for cyprus through towards lebanon with highs of twenty eight expected in beirut now heading into the arabian peninsula for the most part is all fine and sunny but further towards the south we have our tropical cyclone which mccune a which is heading in towards the law and during friday afternoon evening and overnight it could give vast amounts of rain causing some really serious flash flooding if you're anywhere in this vicinity great caution is required this could be a pretty deadly storm the like of which we haven't seen the last half century so be warned there will be a massive cloud thrown from the system across more southern portions of the peninsula but it won't do much to dampen down the temperatures thirty seven degrees the high in across into southern portions of africa it's looking generally fine she and i stay in cape town or the highs of just eighteen degrees celsius.
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june on al jazeera. with media trends constantly changing the listening post continues to analyze how the news is covered it's the most widely viewed sporting event on the planet as russia prepares to host the football world cup we'll bring you stories from on and off the field from afghanistan one o one east investigates why so few girls are in school despite billions of dollars of donations one year since the imposed blockade of al-jazeera examines the political economic and human impact of the crisis unfold provoking documentaries witness brings world issues into focus for personal stories june on al-jazeera. it was one of the biggest bank robberies of modern times with over eighty million dollars stolen from bangladesh's central bank when one used to investigate how cyber hackers traded the global banking system. on al-jazeera.
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below. the protest outside the u.s. embassy and sold off to donald trump cancels a meeting with north korea's kim jong un. this is al jazeera live from doha with the coming up two suspects feed the scene after an explosion in a restaurant just outside toronto more than a dozen people injured. both as an island prepare for a landmark referendum that could overturn one of the world's strictest bans on abortions plus. a. language once banned in libya is making a comeback.


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