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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2018 12:00pm-12:34pm +03

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ammons what has changed in the past seven decades on both sides of this conflict made on al-jazeera. to. raise her. children dream of becoming us to. further from the stars and set the. scene there from your own. health back by society's shocking. second reaching for the star witness documentary on al-jazeera.
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three americans arrive back on u.s. soil after being released from prison by north korea. my proudest achievement and well being this is a part of it but it will be what we need nuclear that entire potential of president trump thanks north korea's leader kim jong un and says he's hopeful of a major breakthrough with pyongyang. hello i'm adrian finnigan this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up israel strikes several targets in syria after accusing iranian forces inside syrian territory of launching attacks on the occupied golan heights. at least thirty eight people are dead many others are missing after a bust in central kenya. three
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americans freed from prison in north korea back on u.s. soil. it's like a dream very very u.s. president donald trump thanks north korea's leader kim jong un as he met the man outside washington d.c. their release comes after secretary of state mike pompei o traveled to north korea to finalize plans for a summit between trump and kim jong un. they're going to. look to get. it. looks like. a really big. wreck at least for now from kimberly hellcats who was at the joint base andrews as the men arrived. there
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was an audible cheer as the three americans disembarked from the medical plane that had transported them to the united states touching down on u.s. soil one of the freed men kim dong cholo raised his arms triumphantly before walking down to the tarmac this is certainly a significant moment for these men who will now go on for further medical treatment there was a bus awaiting to take them there but the significance of this moment beyond the emotion what happens next this is certainly a pivot point for the united states which certainly has is viewing this and viewing this as a goodwill gesture on the poor part of north korea the u.s. president president along with the vice president and the u.s. secretary of state to greet the three men who have recently been freed the president saying as he spoke to reporters that he wanted to thank kim jong good for
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this release saying in fact that it was a great honor to greet these three men and he is grateful for their good condition in the words of the u.s. president bad things could have happened but he says that his proudest achievement is not the release of these three men but what could happen next as he looks toward the upcoming summit with kim jong un the north korean leader he says the goal of the united states is to. two words complete denuclearization. israel's defense minister says that he hopes the latest round of violence with iran inside syria has ended every door lieberman says that israel hit nearly all of iran's infrastructure in its biggest attack since the war began israel says that it was in response to iranian rockets being fired at its positions in the golan heights ballasts reports . air raids sounding in the israeli occupied golan
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heights rockets fired from syria israel says somewhere into sifted. the israeli army is attributing the attack to the quds brigades part of the iranian revolutionary guard. iran is an ally of syrian president bashar al assad and the coalition says it didn't start this fight it says israel fired shells at the golan border town of han on a bay earlier on when stay on choose day blamed israel for this is a strike on a syrian army base south of damascus that killed two people. the syrian military says this video shows a firing missiles in response to israeli attacks on damascus suburbs. some people as. has made a hundred incursion certainly doesn't. including just just. so for a while probably i've been waiting for iranian response. iran has
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increased its military presence in syria and with that increased tensions with neighboring israel it is still a said this week when u.s. president donald trump quit the iran nuclear deal referring to israeli intelligence documents that said iran had been pursuing nuclear weapons for years something iran denies. prime minister binyamin netanyahu has traveled to moscow to meet with assad's ally russian president putin. it sucked. i presented israel's obligation and right to defend itself against iranian aggression from iran from within syrian territory against the state of israel the iranians declare their intention to attack us they are trying to transfer forces and diddly weapons there with the explicit goal of attacking israel as part of their strategy to destroy israel earlier this week the israel army warned of an imminent attack the i.d.f. has detected a regular iranian activity in syria as preparing the civilian population on the
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golan heights accordingly as well as defensive systems any aggression against israel will be mixed with a severe response and now after the golan heights attack israel followed through syrian media broadcasting their air defenses responding to attacks by israel rockets arching from one country to another israelis in the golan heights and syrians urged to find cover hoping the assault doesn't exclaims shallop ballasts out his ear. as you heard that israel says that rockets were fired at its forces in the golan heights which israel captured from syria in one thousand nine hundred sixty seven of those occupied it ever since in a move that's never been recognized by the un occupying the golan heights gives israel a military advantage it's also a source of water that israel's built more than thirty settlements in the territory al-jazeera harry for says is live for us now in the occupied golan heights harry
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give us a sense of where you are and what happened over night. well we're just here on a rise looking out over what is now the borderline between israeli occupied territory and syria we've just seen as you were talking about the history of nine hundred sixty seven a military vehicle carrying what looked like anti missile battery passed by israel says that it either shot down or the of the twenty rockets that were fired in this direction from syrian territory they either fell inside syrian territory or they were intercepted by those sorts of batteries israel says that it carried out an enormous. response to this the numbers of targets in the dozens of iranian military facilities they said of all sorts from logistics facilities to intelligence to weapons ammo. in the damascus international airport
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this was an entirely different order of israeli air strike in syria the kind of which we've seen many times over the last seven years during the israeli syrian civil war but not anything like this scale so obviously the calculation that the israelis are making with this very carefully planned very carefully calibrated response is one to try to deter any further iranian action and use this opportunity to try and do as much damage to what benjamin netanyahu the prime minister of israel says is an extremely high level of threat in terms of iranian military encampments and missiles inside syria the defense minister avigdor lieberman is cautioning against celebrating this too much saying that the media and pundits should not do so israel is not looking for an escalation towards war it has though escalated the kind of strike that is prepared to do the question is now what effect that will have you took about israel's response being
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a deterrent it's this is all about israel lying and putting out a red line isn't it on a border area that was until relatively recently relatively peaceful. i think i heard you asking about the effects in terms of the the atmosphere in the level of tension here the israelis are trying to get back to a level of what they call normalcy as soon as possible they say that the strikes that they've carried out the army says it is hit almost every iranian installation inside syria and that it will take some time for iran to reestablish that infrastructure should it wish to do so now it's saying that this is over it's telling residents here to get on with life as normal despite what has been an extremely high level of alert overnight saying that schools should operate as normal that large gatherings of people should continue as normal as well so the message to israelis is we've done what we needed to go back to your daily lives the
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question is to what extent there is any appetite for any further response to what has happened from the iranian side terry many thanks i'm serious terry force of their lives in the golan heights a search and rescue operation is underway after a dam burst in central kenya police say they've recovered at least thirty eight bodies there are reports that several others remain unaccounted for heavy rain caused the patel dam in the crew county to break its banks sweeping away hundreds of homes flash floods have already killed at least one hundred people across kenya and destroyed thousands of hectares of farmland. malaysia's former prime minister mahathir mohamad says that there's an urgency to form a new government the one thousand two year old who governed bill asia in the one nine hundred eighty s. and ninety's live an opposition alliance to its first election victory in sixteen years he should replace his former protege who was tainted by
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a government corruption scandal rocked mcbride has the latest from column. as this remarkable upset was happening late into the night on wednesday through into the early hours of thursday morning most people in malaysia would have gone to bed fully expecting to wake up the next morning to the same party being in power as they parents and their grandparents did in malaysia's thirteen previous general elections so it's been up to the later editions of the morning's papers to break the news for many people it's a public holiday here they have a full day to fully absorb this news and they will probably need it given this upset though the a lot of the papers are remarkably subdued that's because a lot of the titles are either government controlled or closely aligned with the government the new straits times has pakistan the opposition claims victory it seems to be hedging its bets about whether indeed it did win although the star concedes the doctor matter here is to be sworn in as prime minister and also giving
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the magic number in this first past the post electoral system of one hundred twelve seats which gives the opposition coalition the majority in parliament it's up to some of the non english titles to be a little more emphatic the people tsunami says this chinese title meanwhile in behalf of my lay the local language the same headline people tsunamis the nami rock yet with a smiling picture of dr mad here who is expected to be the next prime minister he was of course prime minister for twenty two years the grand old. ninety two no one here is expecting him to be in the position for very long there's a lot of talk now about where they're at the new prime minister very soon will be and why abraham had tears former deputy who is languishing in prison and who may very well be looking at the same titles in his prison cell also
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a lot of talk about what happens to the outgoing prime minister najib given all the allegations against him but that is all for coverage in future editions of the papers here as they say a remarkable story unfolds we'll get a weather update next just here at ten. facing a challenge from the street thousands of nicaraguans the president steps down following violent protests. hello the weather does look a little quieter across southeast asia but the usual seasonal showers a rumbling away some wet weather once again there into thailand she was never too far away now it is a little further north it was cambodia still some lovely shows there across a good part of in china as a bangkok show was never too far away here thirty celsius with that wet weather
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basin pieces a piece of the day showers to across much of malaysia largely dry for indonesia to carter at around thirty three celsius over the next couple days notice as we go through saturday the shot just getting a little further south with for a time now for southern parts of australia we've got quite a change on the way some very very a wet weather and windy weather swirling down across the southeastern corner could even see some snow over the high ground a cold front coming in here so that cold air really setting in the across melbourne and also into adelaide temperatures fourteen celsius in melbourne just fifteen degrees there for adelaide we'll see temperatures around twenty one for brisbane the heat well that is on over towards the west perth at around twenty seven degrees will the sunshine here then so looking pretty good that wet and windy weather will continue to swirl its way around the southeastern corner just easing a little further research as we go through saturday temperatures starting to pick up in melbourne a top temperature then of sixteen. jail
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should never be a country club and anyone who spent time in our facilities will tell you we are the furthest thing from a country club and we know our approach is working in concert righted and at the mercy of a sheriff's controversial approach to punishment and reform. holding the problem out of power and are allowed for the jails in the way that they see it and we see a lot of abuses american sheriff on al-jazeera. a chef who took me to go to jail. hello again this is al jazeera our top stories this hour three americans freed from
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prison in north korea are back in the u.s. president donald trump called it a great honor to welcome the men to an air base outside washington d.c. their release comes after secretary of state mike pompei a travel to north korea to finalize plans for a summit between trump and kim jong il. israel's defense minister says that his military has destroyed nearly all iranian bases inside syria i believe him and says that more than a dozen targets were hit in response to a radiant rockets fired at israeli positions in the occupied golan heights russia is calling for restraint on all sides but a search and rescue operations underway after a dam burst in kenya as the crew county police say they've recovered at least thirty eight bodies heavy rain caused the patel down to break its banks destroying hundreds of us let's return to our top story now the release of those three americans from north korea aden forced to cost is an honorary senior research
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fellow in sociology and modern career at leeds university he joins us now via skype from exeter in the u.k. good to have you with us. what's your reaction then to those remarkable scenes we saw overnight of these three men being greeted at the andrews joint base by not just the president and his wife but to the to the vice president and the secretary of state. indeed forgive me but to me robert on remarkable news i mean north korea is often described as unpredictable but if there was one thing that's been absolutely certain ever since the admittedly startling idea of a kim jong un and donald trump summit this bridge it was that that to go ahead and discuss the you know the ultimately much bigger issues of denuclearization these three americans who have been languishing in north korea's jails probably for not having done anything at all that would certainly be released i mean none of this is a game north korea plays i mean it took these people really as poor ones and that's
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there's been troll of a time and most of them with the exception of one would remember of course a woman who came back going to coma last year but mostly and they get treated lot better than most prince and president and david actually come out when north korea wants something so it makes me sound incredibly cynical i'm very glad these people are home obviously but we knew this was going to happen it had been north korea so have several japanese thousands of former south koreans of course no more americans it doesn't really have any pocketing balkany chips and any more with other legs got him anytime they want the pyongyang university of science and technology are wonderful in its way laudable balti on the university set up by christian korean americans such as the ones to the ones who just released what that they had they are doing things in north korea for the goodness of their hock which most people wouldn't unless they had say some religious motivation i regret to say that among other things you can argue about whether it's a good or bad thing to be that but they are up there up a pool of pasta dish the whole time and any time kim jong un wants to of us he
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won't do it right now so grab another one choice makes you sound really cynical today tonight i got that believe that's the case all right i've been to what i've taught extended this this prisoner release have to take place in order for the that the summit between president trump and and kim jong un to go ahead. i think is an absolute precondition i mean the summit is already controversial and. so the policy circles in the u.s. not the president trump has to listen to those well i guess everybody's got that we're at we're past the tensions of last year is for the moment you know my buttons bigger than your button all of that nonetheless i mean a summit would always have been conceived and should have been conceived as the end of a very long process a reward to north korea for doing something giving something but donald trump a lame takes pride in tearing up the rule book he does things differently he's going straight to the meeting and we don't really know the only important thing of what's going to be in it denuclearization he's playing to his home audience and for sure he didn't want people to say well look how on earth can you be talking to this
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odious tyrant to whom can you go because ari trump himself has been a possible to notice tyrant when he's still got three americans locked up said they have to be out and they are always good to talk to right many thanks indeed for being with us ivan fost acosta thank you. south korea's president jay in his book in his first year in office having improved diplomatic relations with north korea is now enjoying record approval ratings as kathy novak reports from seoul. monday and came to power following months of angry public protests his predecessor pocketing hay was impeached and ultimately imprisoned over a corruption scandal campaigned on a liberal platform promising change after a year in the job with an approval rating of more than eighty percent moon is the most popular president since public polling began when the country transition to democracy in the one nine hundred eighty s. polls show many south koreans even those who consider themselves conservatives like
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moon personally we're going to get to the two groups pulling a moon's approval rating on that people who are satisfied by his unconventional openness and the people who believe moon is doing a great job to us with enter korean relations. someone to long to an exhibition celebrating the highlights of moon's first year. long as i really like his way of openly communicating with the public in many ways especially compared to how disconnected other presidents were i have great expectations and i hope to see real cooperation and reconciliation with north korea. if you would have predicted these scenes a year ago moon shifted from parkes hardline policy towards pyongyang to one of engagement even as the president of south korea's ally the united states was threatening to totally destroy north korea moon's vision for a peaceful lympics was realized when north korea sent
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a delegation to the winter games in pyongyang chung and the two koreas marched under a unified flag at the opening ceremony and since donald trump unexpectedly accepted an invitation for a summit with north korean leader kim jong un meetings not missile launches have become the new reality on the korean peninsula moon has found himself in the diplomatic driver's seat. while moon has been in the spotlight for his engagement with north korea some south koreans would prefer to see the president focus on domestic issues during the campaign he promised to tackle challenges such as the youth unemployment rate which recently hit a two year high of eleven point six percent. the issue that is perceived by the public as the most significant is the economy if these issues are not improved the president's approval rating can sink at any single moment before last year's election most south koreans said the economy and jobs not into korean relations should be the next president's top priority something analysts say moon may want to
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keep in mind as he begins his second year in office kathy novak al jazeera soul. police in indonesia say that a hostage crisis at a high security jail has ended after nearly all the prisoners surrendered five police officers born inmate died in a riot at the prison which holds a large number of i saw the suspects another officer was taken hostage at the jail here the capital jakarta but was later released on a serious step burson reports from jakarta. a serious stand of thirty six hours at a high secure prison in the south of that has and it without further bloodshed police have said that hundred forty five friends prisoners surrendered early this morning and the ten who still were resisting have also surrendered police went in with tear gas and then the whole hostage situation and stand of was finished some very serious shocking details have emerged from the scene when police have
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described the prisoners have taken hold of a store room inside the prison compound full of explosives and weapons that basically were confiscated by police during terrorism operations of course many questions will be asked why and how it is possible that police is keeping all these weapons next to this high security prison compound has also said that they apologize for all the distress that this has caused the nation and also to the families of the victims the five policemen that were killed they said were killed in a very sadistic way there were a lot of stop will and the prisoners also managed to get hold of knives of course this is going to raise a lot of questions about the security at the prison not only to produce prison about a lot of prisons in indonesia are known to be very overcrowded and also their security is also being questioned very often mobile phones laptops are still being found inside the prison and also terrorist operations or attacks in indonesia are often
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planned from inside prison so a lot of questions will be raised about how this could happen and. what could be happen next to secure this prison for really in iraq security forces have are casting their votes two days before the parliamentary election on saturday in which everyone else can vote as a solid and jabbered reports now its young voters are expected to play an important part in this election. iraq's second largest university remains scarred reminders of the fight against isis are everywhere in mosul but the bombed out rooms and charred corridors don't prevent young people in mosul from seeking a better future there are a cross-section of iraq's diverse society from all communities including certainly share in christian. as in most parts of iraq opinion about whether to vote is divided other whatever i want and encourage people to think outside the books and
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go and vote decisions must be based on integrity and not on sectarian or ethnic lines while others disagree. it is better if we boycotted the elections the main reason for boycotting is that i have not found anyone to fit for office for leaving iraq young people in the capital baghdad also have mixed opinions about whether the election will bring change almost sixty percent of iraq's population is under twenty seven years old and many a lack of opportunity and limited prospects but in a country where opinion seems to be divided there seems to be consensus among the youth that there needs to be change at the top. in the run up to the election the government has been discussions on politics in all public universities but opinions can't be silenced and then i thought i hope that we can have a bit a situation in the now and i hope whoever is elected can bring change to improve things that's why we have to vote. there are no service since no security and
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iraqis have a status in the world bank to change the constitution and change the government and we have to get one president not multiple ones not everyone gets the opportunity for higher education but many of those who do cannot find jobs. a model a.b. graduated from baghdad university five years ago despite his frustration with iraqi politics he hasn't lost hope. to mystic that the situation of the elections will be very different. but there will be a small change and that's a step in the right direction. and with that cautious optimism young iraqis get ready to elect another government hoping politicians will rise above sectarian divisions and corruption to work towards a better iraq some of the job we'd al-jazeera back that tens of thousands of nicaraguans that are mounting the president daniel ortega stepped down following violent protests last month in which more than forty people were killed. and human
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reports now from the capital. was nicaraguans from all walks of life from students to farmers to businessmen filled the streets of money and yet another unprecedented challenge to the supremacy of president daniel ortega and his unpopular wife the vice president of a lull in will be employing the military we were afraid for too long from too much injustice in her pressure but managua has it working with riza whole country is now what. was it i'm a farmer and i'm here because the killing of all those people is an acceptable we've had enough of your technique he's an assassin. in the last three weeks forty two people have been killed and at least four hundred injured by riot police and pro-government gangs protesters are rejecting a truth and justice commission announced on sunday by the pro ortega national assembly there demanding that the killings and disappearances of students as well as a journalist be investigated by international rights organizations. ortega
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has been widely used of remaining in power for the last eleven years through fraudulent means he controls the electoral council the supreme court and much of the media now he is calling for peace and dialogue under the auspices of the catholic church but everyone we've spoken to here says they don't trust or take. back the president to set a date for convening the negotiations are just simply seems to be willing to discuss what. it is to go there. but not was influential catholic church is one of the advocates that we think one of the objectives of the dialogue should also be to review the political system to achieve democracy. this latest demonstration transpired peacefully with tens of thousands of nicaraguans blowing horns. in
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a deafening. coitus to make their message heard. many here say nothing short of ortega's resignation will do others insist early elections with a new electoral body are the answer but the priority they agree is to bring the victims of nicaragua's worst political violence since the end of its civil war to justice. sian human al-jazeera. it is good to have you with us hello adrian for going to the top stories on al-jazeera three americans freed from prison in north korea back in the u.s. president donald trump called it a great so welcome the men to an air base outside washington d.c. their release comes after secretary of state mike pompei of travel to north korea to finalize plans for a summit between president trump and kim jong un. really
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. israel's defense minister says his military has destroyed nearly all iranian bases inside syria avigdor lieberman says that more than a dozen targets were hit in response to iranian rockets fired at israeli positions in the occupied golan heights mahathir mohamad says that he expects to be sworn in as malaysia's prime minister following his surprise election when the ninety two year old government malaysia in the one nine hundred eighty s. and ninety's led an opposition alliance to their first election victory in sixty years he replaced who was tainted by a corruption scandal. a search and rescue operation is underway after a down bust in central kenya police say they've recovered at least thirty eight
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bodies and there are reports that many others remain unaccounted for heavy rain caused the patel dam in the kourou county to break its banks destroying hundreds of homes military personnel are casting early votes ahead of iraq's parliamentary elections the poll officially opens on saturday the fourth election since the two thousand and three us led invasion many parties are emphasizing unification is the political landscape is fragmented by shia sunni and kurdish thinks it's what is on al-jazeera of the fault lines next. u.s. president donald trump has said he will slap new tariffs on imports of steel and. for a five gene would mean the data to about ten times thoughts and fourteen we bring you the stories of the shaping the economic world we live in counting the cost of this time.


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