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tv   Indonesias Most Polluted River  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2018 7:32pm-8:01pm +03

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final of the show result of results from the government about the turnout in the coming hours with getting reports of clashes between supporters of the future movement which is the movement of the prime minister saad that heidi and also of hezbollah supporters in the southern suburbs of the. capital beirut this is an indication of the mounting tension that we've been seeing over the last few days here. a bomb blast in afghanistan has killed at least thirteen people the explosion happened at a mosque in the eastern province of horst releases but the mosque might have been targeted because it was being used as a voter registration center for october's parliamentary election elsewhere pakistan's interior minister has survived a suspected assassination attempt a son was shot and wounded while sitting is there shortly after addressing crowds a rally in punjab he's expected to be moved to la hore for further medical treatment. iran's president has warned the u.s.
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it will regret quitting the nuclear deal as the deadline looms for president trump to make a decision has some rouhani says iran has plans to respond if trump holds the u.s. from the pact north korea has denied it was forced to give up nuclear weapons because of american led international sanctions a foreign ministry spokesman says the u.s. is misleading public opinion by claiming the sanctions worked was the top stories i'll have more news for you in about twenty five minutes time after one i want east which starts now. who. for generations millions of
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indonesians have depended on the chip to run river but today the river is poised to . textile factories that supply some of the biggest fashion brands are using it to dump talks the chemicals. on steve on this episode a one on one east we investigate the human cost of the world's most polluted river . on the chin a river fisherman like rudy no longer catch fish they catch cluster analysis but i am beginning to think i had a contact. but they are a well the last like us at all the us. a clue.
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indonesian rivers dump two hundred thousand tonnes of plastic into the sea each year. but for the millions that live along the river there's something worse than plastic talks chemicals. noor has always lived here. every morning she goes to the well which is fed by the children. that is so what if endings how much it's imagined what mandy. the case how you would i'm a lot of i am and i'm now. another man i'm. sure his two children are always sick. she
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blames the river. will see. to the vocal and can't. now. a pipe. that would mean. that in little gold and. keep. each other good. for. today the children have a doctor's appointment. nur takes them twice a month you do her eldest son calls as soon as he finishes his medicine. about the heidi. oh oh oh but the.
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one will all muscle among the. people betty. the guys had to go get the good that i do monday night maybe i'll be ironed every alley. so what could be making them sick. denny responded runs the only environmental group in the region. for seventeen years he has been surveying the chitral in search of evidence of pollution by the textile industry. because for them to. be a mother just was on them but i dubbed them to. russia. dump a bunch of money would go on but what about the want to get me on the good you got to be the brightest not on the full. amount of. i mean. on the
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internet. that are very interested. in him and do. not want to cut the mustard on us. for. three quarters of what is produced along the river is sent abroad mainly to be u.s. and europe. one of the largest exporters in the country is the text group. gives tech produces mainly polyester fabric a synthetic material that requires
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a lot of chemicals. in these buildings one thousand machines operate twenty four hours a day seven days a week. the factory produces three million liters a fabric a month. each of these machines process is the fibers with water filled with chemicals. forty liters of water for every t. shirt. the waste water then flows to the settling tanks. on the fifth. fifth they meet that away and find. that lang and then that is i don't think smith
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that it will work in the form of shooting going to the boys like to thank. the good . when it really. not every day. only five measurements a day international standards require at least thirty one. the body but. yes it is true. i don't think so. but if it's not come home for you maybe you can both still need to be feel that it's on the day but i meant it's ok. you can pass but part of me fishhook on zero is what the tax i think i put in or if i don't get it then good. to find out what the waste water from this global textile
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company contains and we head to the factories one around. thirty meters away and the water is covered with a film of white foam. if. this is what gives tax did not want to show what. we take to leaders for now and since. along the river all rights feel. this is congress's lare.
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little thing with the. other will show for you mark i'm going to be nothing but a new. so that's my next collie that's been a thorn in my neck. to see it because it's a symbol of poverty and in oregon yeah michelin sounds like. i'm going. to them than i can buy a new one so. it's. only it. but the unit. and i'm around not. a little product of mom or can i only my in his crop is surrounded by factories. the water that you were gave his rice field is purple and frog.
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he agrees to let us test his rights. as. we take our samples of rice and water to the institute of the home of. university. writes professor soon already runs the only environmental studies lib oratory in the region up for auction spectrum one tree this is a show for heavy with. measurement this is. mostly chemical chemical spider-man does tell you this i'm going to be canonized as she is. from the rise. and it is and so this is. it isn't water.
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this is the rose from this water here this is the water. from the desert from the waste water. i come back you know we are going to get out i continued and to get here to see you thank you michael. while we wait for the test results we arranged to meet some of the women and children from the village near the factories. we want her to analyze their hair to better understand which pollutants they are exposed to. advise us we've heard price athens are on the line. more for. he is the person to speak to in europe when it comes to researching pollutants with care samples and pens the human bio monitoring unit at the luxembourg health
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institute. on joint. we know not national shortage. of credit i think we should. be doing a lot. more than sort of just you. know not so much trying to be are you. going to come up with. the final good. is going to. get. assistance to them but isn't this. going to continue. to take care from ten children aged from twelve months to fourteen years.
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we send them straight to professor appen cellar in luxembourg. as we are leaving the village we receive a call from environmental activists alerting us to night time we stumping from effect. three. parts ok. it's part of the pennies a group one of the largest subcontractors in the indonesian textile industry. that we're going to. so what is this. about a. year. old. close to the water it smells so toxic we need mess.
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thank you. thank you thank. you for that. i don't know who knows. what. it will. ok. ok it is well. thank you so much thank you. should. we send these samples to a lib or tory in france that specializes in environmental study.
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in the meantime dr sonority has finished his analysis of the waste water and writes he can't believe what he found he wants to see the rice fields form so one thing. from chromium content and by the plants we found very high twenty. eight point zero four milligrams because we found. a lead. concentration on the body plans is much higher than. the limits. on twenty nine point zero three maybe milligram or a kilogram where the standard only zero point. zero one times they're. going to. lead this very dangerous.
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lead. and therefore system central of any process so. if the children exposed to the lead then they will have like intellectual disabilities and. worse. i believe that the men. from the. textile industries. this rice the growth along which is sold throughout indonesia. he also found the water from the good stocks parent tree had lead levels one point five times the international limits for industrial waste water. there is more bad news when we receive the results for the pan asia factory where we took the water samples at night and. at the home of environmental activist danny responded we contact professor bernard. the french
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chemist who analyzed the pan asia waste water. usually. it. could be different. it's dark but. does a lot. not believe that she did does it mean to leave me alone who could do or better. i will of course are sure. to do what we call them by. the norm of your not. just for the betterment of the whole. un not to release all of the so long is it long john the lucy. pushing
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this is the new the c.n.n. . oh. no i'm going to have or could just not. issue. isn't. really a little closer each so if you look at the section. we want to know what major clothing brands do the polluting factories supplying. we see if through dozens of globes. their labels show which ones are sourced from indonesia. we find a baby gap there just made in indonesia. h n m sweater made in indonesia. adidas made in indonesia. we then get the lists of indonesian subcontractors
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from these big brands. the factories from which we took the waste water appear on the lists including. the company is registered as one of his subcontractors it also works with other brands like unicorn. it was in the pan asia water that we found high levels of non ill for a powerful hormone disruptor. the guest x. plant and its waste with high lead levels is also subcontracted by the unique lobe rare. h n m has an office in the indonesian capital jakarta. and changes from and she. began posting. yeah thank you. to the
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director of h. and m. indonesia agrees to see us and so we made some promises. interesting specially that. ocean in the nation if i would like my sis in the. morning. looking at. her. and you know the world is not perfect this is of course not what we would like to see. three weeks after this interview. writes to us saying. we are sincerely concerned by the subject of your report. as the scale and ambition to lead the change towards a truly sustainable fashion industry. they
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claim independent audit of companies like. there are no levels that exceeded limits in their wastewater. also responded saying they consulted. they would investigate further with independent experts. two hundred fifty to. work with indonesian subcontractors who dumped waste water into. the big fashion groups here are all gathered in the same association. the textile industry lobby in indonesia. a key sector with a twelve billion dollar turnover. e.g.
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is there representative. call it. or go utilization or someone to take the environment is good for business. do you think the word that comes out of the research here do you think it can be used for drinking for irrigation we think it can be used within from us we presenting our analysis of rice and water which show the presence of industrial pollutants of textile factories including hormonal disruptors and neural toxic or carcinogen make molecules would you drink this water this is this comes from an asia for this is one of your members we do this whether you use it for you irrigation if i only forget it i guess that. even if you sold all of the opponents
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we're not just for your country we're looking for the environment when you see that we do not. when you talk a little bit in them and then cut the orders and the both of those simple so the grounds of your power yes but the blame and there's still money and clothes. and then you miss. as a father what does that make you feel just today children living around factories something like this if so many of us and i think maybe next fifty years we have no more. but this man you know well i'm ex-pat. and that's. fifty who think of the i'm no. mr oh you're cool oh you're following us thank you for taking some time thinking at
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the ministry of environment the person in charge of pollution control agrees to meet us because he reads our analysis and seems surprised. by the. consists of i would. say this is good information. i thing i will ask for what purpose and on the total. and. this number we are going to. meet. and we also know if you. like what the industry. that would be good news but it may be too late for the residents along the river.
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professor appenzeller from the luxembourg health institute has the results of the hair analysis to school with. us on o.c.a. this issue of the death on the news you. just do what you're not going to. got to go to. the go sound does are going to bond off in those tunnels he does he says it's easier than others to think for petitioner just for the biology to. see it all took siege is so weak it difficult. for just accept. that he should make sure he goes through a box the need to start the next set and then finish it cannot talk.
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to me mobile demand textile production in indonesia is expected to increase by seventy five percent by twenty thirty. major clothing brands can no longer look away. too many victims are paid a heavy price. once a strategy of war now the conflict is long over but the abductions continue one on one east investigates why so many sri lankans disappeared without a trace on al-jazeera.
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al jazeera is investigative units reveals tactics used by anti muslim organizations to instigate a fear of is not on the radar universities terror the guy on the way over where they're recruiting this stuff is toxic he's a poison salesman we saw a number of attacks against women and men across the country completely skyrocket guys in front of the courts owning a gun and if they are not there's blood flowing all over my leg al jazeera investigations islamophobia incorporated.


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