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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2018 11:00am-11:34am +03

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isn't the make. the story of succession. the jersey that tells the story of the foundation and the emergence of an empire. the kind of episode one. al-jazeera. when interviewing.
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the russian army says israel is responsible for launching a missile strikes against a military airfield in syria. i'm richelle carey this is al-jazeera life until hot also coming up calls for the u.n. security council to meet to discuss the chemical attack masters which killed dozens of people. and young talk becomes the latest former south korean president to face corruption charges. and others nationalist prime minister viktor orban once a third term in a landslide election victory. russia's has two israeli fighter jets carried out airstrikes on a military base in central syria in which several people were killed israel has not
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responded to that claim of its government previously said the air base was operated by iranian forces who are backing syria's government alongside russia and the war syria's calling this strike an israeli aggression. the presidents of france and the u.s. a chemical weapons were used in syria on saturday more than forty people were killed in the attack on eastern gooden near the capital damascus. donald trump or instructing their teams to increase cooperation in preparation for un security council meeting later on today earlier president trump tweeted that there will be a big price to pay for the gas attack and call the syrian leader bashar al assad an animal and for the first time since assuming office to criticize. russian president vladimir putin and held him and iran responsible syria and russia have denied any role in the attack emraan car has more. entire families babies children adults dead the people who remained in duma thought they could
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shelter from the air strikes in the basements of buildings instead witnesses say they suffocated from a suspected chemical attack they were trying to hide from being in shelters but when the city was hit but looks ago. there was no longer a blister hurt and people became sort of fights scared on pretty. intense air strikes by the syrian government and its allies began on saturday when this is reported barrel bombs with some sort of gas being dropped. it's reported the ambulances the hospital were hit by a strikes and the red crescent can no longer operate leaving a small team of medical professionals with scarce supplies to tend to the injured the familiar cycle of accusations denials and calls for action has begun using language head after losses confirmed chemical attack on ship which killed more than eighty people the syrians and the russians called the allegations farcical and
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staged the russians offered to send their own experts to investigate and disprove the claims because it's. the united states called for an immediate end to the attacks and for the international community to respond it said russia was betraying its commitment to the u.n. and the chemical weapons convention president trump was more specific calling president assad an animal and france has called for a u.n. security council meeting. meanwhile people say life and deal are already difficult after weeks of intense fighting has become miserable and wrong card. so watch it as a spokesman for the syrian white helmets told al jazeera the evidence shows that chemical weapons were used and you mad. no i mean we're not. getting you know we have a lot of videos and photos published by the white helmets and we also published a statement this morning to clarify the details of what's being done in duma the times of fixed consequences and how women and children have been affected we have
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also published videos of the arrival of what how much to the effect to be places to treat the civilians say to her joins us now from beirut so zain let's let's focus on on google right now and this chemical attack what more are we learning there seems to be constant new reaction new information and then also. what is the progress on this evacuation deal. well that is the main town in eastern hutto was the last rebel pocket in this rebel enclave and i say was because a deal was reached late yesterday to racial islam the rebel group in charge of agreeing to surrender their fighters and their families are being bussed out of duma to the north of the country and return they have released a number of prisoners of government to prisoners they're now arriving in government controlled territory now before this deal was reached there was a reported chemical attack activists on the ground as well as the white helmets
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like you mentioned earlier they blamed the syrian government for using chemicals in an attack and the videos emerged really of lifeless bodies women and children who were taking shelter in a basement they were taking shelter from airstrikes and they suffocated to death and the symptoms that they suffered the suffocation the foaming at the mouse all really signs that some sort of a chemical was used now the syrian government and the russian government are denying this they're saying that the opposition is fabricating this news to as an excuse even the iranian government is saying this is being used as an excuse to target to launch some sort of military attack against the syrian government so let's talk about the airstrikes that happened last night in syria is there any connection to these chemical attacks what do we know. well initially syrian state media blamed the united states for the attack that targeted an air base in the central province of homs the t four airbase because everyone was expecting some sort of military response from the united states trump said that the syrian
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government and its allies are going to pay a big price for this alleged chemical weapons attack but it is emerging that it could be israel and not the united states united states of course denied the pentagon denying that it carried out air strikes in syria and the israeli government has not officially confirmed it was responsible but the defense minister said that our air force has resumed operations in syria this will be the first time since the israeli jet was shot down in february now the russian defense ministry pointing the finger of blame at israel this is the first time that russia has blamed israel for targeting in syria for targeting an attack in syria and russia demanding an official explanation from the israeli government in the past we have to remember russia has been turning a blind eye it's not the first time israel has targeted syria particularly targets linked to iran. all right so you know her life for us and they were saying thank you iran's president has warned the u.s. against withdrawing from the two thousand and fifteen nuclear deal saying his
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country's response will be quote stronger than imagine he was speaking at an event in tehran u.s. president ronald trump has repeatedly said he will pull out of the deal which was agreed to by iran and major western powers including the u.s. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court says israel in a mosque may have committed war crimes during mass protests in gaza thirty people have been killed by israeli forces sense demonstrations began on march thirtieth more than two thousand have been injured many suffering serious wounds from israeli gunfire israel's defense minister told reporters that all the protesters were linked to hamas heard smith has more from must resign. israel's defense minister abdul lieberman says that all the activists trying to challenge is in gaza a hamas military activist he says that everyone is connected to hamas everyone gets a salary from hamas in gaza or of course not everyone in gaza is connected to hamas but what the defense ministry is trying to do is continue the narrative that israel
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has tried to try israel's government and israel's military that these are hamas led protests that these protesters are trying to breach the fence to invade israel to try and challenge israel's territorial integrity and so it's defending itself against that of course our reporters have seen on the ground from the side from the gaza side that essentially these protests all peaceful but the challenge for israel is that if it excepts the majority of peace people are protesting peacefully then there has to acknowledge the demands those protesters a making the demands for a relaxation of the blockade over gaza a chance to allow exports from gaza a chance to allow people to travel more freely and expound fishing zones these are what people want to try and make life in gaza more barrel former south korean president lee myung bak has been indicted on a host of corruption charges has been a kid said taking bribes corporate tax evasion and best moment and it comes three
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days after a successor part going hey a sentenced to twenty four years in prison for corruption kathy novak has more from seoul. lee myung bak was president between two thousand and eight and two thousand and thirteen and these corruption charges are linked to his time in office he is accused of bribery embezzle meant tax evasion and abuse of power it's alleged he improperly received about ten million dollars from institutions including south korea's spy agency as well as the country's biggest conglomerate samsung he's been in detention since he was arrested last month and in that time has refused to be questioned by prosecutors but in the past he has denied the charges against him saying that his arrest was a politically motivated leak comes from the opposite side of politics to the current liberal president. in the past he has also apologized for causing concern among the south korean public he now becomes the fourth former south korean
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president to face trial over corruption allegations his arrest his indictment comes just days after former president park geun hay was sentenced to twenty four years in her corruption trial accused found guilty rather of abuse of power and bribery amongst other charges. still ahead on al-jazeera or than ireland confronts the legacy of the troubles twenty years after an international international agreement to end the conflict getting hearts and minds a volunteer rest defies the odds to help the homeless in jordan. from the waves of the south. to the contours of the east. hello spring continues that might be a surprise for many in central eastern europe this big hole in the clouds an area
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of high pressure is just allowing the sunshine to work as an obvious difference to the west this massive cloud here is full of moisture and rain that came from the atlantic and you can see it's a cold backing to it's a behind it is quite cold will come to the second but the rain in the next twenty four hours is not just for through it's really much cloud some right through france as well the thames is about fifteen years or so degrees in rome about the same all the way up through western swiss and and towards the british isles but look at this twenty three vienna were in the twenty's quite easily here even up to stockholm with still almost double figures but the marketing treasure into cold air from that point because snow coming back to the baltic states but more especially look what's happening over spain and portugal a massive green nihilism next in madrid this is pretty nasty stuff and it sucks into western france or the big circulation where is ahead of it well yes it's bit cooler in vienna a few showers but the sun's come back out in in italy tickly in right now much of this is happening and i barely have
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a very little spilling over so there has been cloud spilling out of tunisia and libya we want to show us what's to come in morocco is relatively mild. the weather sponsored by cats on race. what makes this movement this era we're live in for the show you need to know this is really an attack on truth itself is a lot of misunderstanding the distortion is one of what free speech is supposed to be about the context is hugely important level wise to publish if you have a do you choose to be offensive will provoke it's all about it as people do setting the stage for a serious debate. up front at this time on al-jazeera. or
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watching al-jazeera let's recap the top stories for you russia and syria say two israeli fighter jets carried out an air strike on a military air base and central syria several people are believed to have been killed at the tie a space and homes israel hasn't responded to previously said the site is controlled by iranian forces. the presidents of france and the u.s. a chemical weapons were used in an attack in syria on saturday or than forty people were killed in eastern gooda at the u.n. security council state to discuss the attack later on monday. former south korean president lee myung bok has been indicted on corruption charges is accused of taking bribes corporate tax evasion and embezzlement last week a successor parco day was sentenced to prison and a separate russians handle. prime minister viktor orban has won a third consecutive term in
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a landslide victory has said as party secured almost fifty percent of the vote in what he called a decisive victory the result paves the way for him to press ahead with this hardline policies on immigration. the past things could hardly have gone better for prime minister viktor orban. the queues of voters that stretched long and late into the night were not a sign of an opposition fight back as some had hoped it stayed the ruling few days party picked up strong support in rural areas cementing another big majority win and a third consecutive term for mr all banned. in the past or byrne has used his majority to alter the constitution changing the electoral system to favor a victory for and curbing media freedoms some fear he wants to go further now threatening the independence of the judiciary and trouble is likely to beckon for those who worked against him he promised some kind of retaliation towards the
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opposition parties and especially n.g.o.s i think what we will see is going to new day on these n.g.o.s especially the left wing and liberal n.g.o.s that operate in hungary and i think that to be the first reaction after the results because they will blame these n.g.o.s for haidar now the. centerpiece of the balance of power in parliament is largely unchanged many hungary and will be bitterly disappointed according to the opinion polls there is probably a majority of people who oppose or ban and his brand of populist rightwing nationalism amplified by xenophobia and even and to semitism but their efforts to unite a divided opposition to draw large numbers of people to the polls and to vote tactically have clearly failed. these are worrying times not just for liberal minded hungry and concerned about this country's pariah status in europe but put the leaders of the e.u. as well and seem powerless to do anything about it jonah how al-jazeera budapest
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rocks and costly as a nonresident senior fellow at the atlantic council's her racist sentiment he attributes or bonds victory to anti you sentiment that is shared by many eastern european leaders this election isn't worth it as an indicator of its continuing strength of nationalist conservative political leaders and movements in eastern europe and poland slovakia and the czech republic and hungary you have polluted leaders that are trying to cast their lot against brussels and against t.v. while maintaining their country's position so many what is again as a referendum that anti-christian conservative movements are not going anywhere or actually let you get the trash for many years in eastern europe until liberal opposition to start together until things change and of course hungary is an example because or autumn is one of the strongest leaders in history is one of these leaders
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a stood up to brussels and also in many cases is where the question how you should approach russia or want has been more divisive and supported president now and said that hungary is not germany and it's not a threat does not just force the fluence in the e.u. so despite congress opposition to sanctions say on russia it's not been able to stop the derivatives and so we have to look at the wider role it plays it's an important samples and process and concern about talking about hungry does not have itto say over of the e.u. russia and of course the crown it's very active the result of that. and the first batch of six hundred afghan refugees to be deported from turkey has left the country ankara says the move follows a major influx of refugees crossing over from iran rights groups have criticized turkey for deporting them to countries where there is conflict saying it's putting lives at risk restaurant and japan's jordan's capital pardon me amman which has
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been providing thousands of free meals to homeless people is so successful it's now expanding what started as an idea to help one man has transformed an entire community. from amman. mahmoud noble seen wanted to find a way to help the poor mobilize jordan's youth and support rural women but when he shared his ideas with others they were dismissive he decided to press on anyway he founded what he calls a social solidarity restaurant in amman offering free meals to those who can't afford one it's called as whitey and means my support system in arabic events the idea of where we can support the social fabric within. the restaurant is run solely by volunteers most are young women and college students paying customers purchase what's called an invite write
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a message and it's posted on this board of kindness noble see says it's intended to preserve the dignity of those getting the free meals and also make a connection. the people here treat us well there is a respect between the clients and the customers. in the last three years thousands of people have been able to enjoy good food for free but especially with what's going on in jordan and syria with having to support so many refugees and that dream is great and it's nice when you come to pace and you're able to support the community and all the food is sourced locally and bought from women in rural areas. volunteers say they love giving back and are also learning about entrepreneurship bushra says no one cares that she's a syrian refugee. that's a problem with my nationality i work with the french companies they treated me kind
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of in that. way so i would love to be with people they accepted me as i am as what he has been such a success it's expanding later this month the doors were open here at a second restaurant it's about an hour's drive outside of the capital in a town that's struggling the founder not only wants to keep growing across jordan but in other countries as well as as what he has thrived suit to has the surrounding area once dilapidated this is now a colorful stretch of small businesses and perhaps most importantly with people from diverse segments of jordanian society natasha to name a month pakistan has some of the u.s. ambassador to lodge a formal complaint after the death of a motorcyclist in a crash with an embassy car police released security camera video showing the moment of impact and an intersection showing a red light that is not being confirmed at the diplomat was driving the car he has
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diplomatic immunity so he hasn't been arrested in the u.s. embassy says his cooperation with investigators. families of victims in the decades on conflict and northern ireland are still fighting to ensure their relatives get justice which in the late one nine hundred sixty s. and one nine hundred ninety s. about thirty five hundred people were killed society was generally divided along political and religious lines with most catholics opposing british rule in northern ireland and protestants wanting it to continue a political resolution to the conflict known as the troubles was reached in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight with the signing of the good friday agreement but twenty years later the pain of those who lost people in the conflict that remains your correspondent philip supports from the rural county or from ana. in small farming towns in gentle valleys and quiet country lanes they remember dark days we came along after action and just as we're torn in the end here they were on
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the other side of the bank there knows her old they opened up on us here just. three gone it was thirty two bullet holes in the tour so if you can imagine what it's like it was just after eight o'clock on a sunday morning in one thousand nine hundred seventy two richard and his brother robin protestants and part time soldiers of the british army and their father drove into their farm and an ira ambush robin died richard has lost hope the men who killed his brother will ever be caught not off to snuff but hey i'm no don't think . it's quite possible the man overboard or either very old man or a bad. one most a point but no one monitored you. know it's. no time to oversee. anybody doing time for. something awful overthrust almost all of the violence of the troubles was here in northern islands part of the
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united kingdom but just occasionally it would spread to the south of the republic which you can see the other side of that water. geraldine o'reilly a catholic was fifteen years old just two months off to robin was killed so was she by a bomb planted by pro british paramilitaries she was buying chips on the high street but not a passing boy also killed antony is geraldine's brother he survived the ball berea his wife he's struggled not to let his last define his life put through ever sort of let go of a no because i don't think anyone's ever going to be brought to justice no you know what or we can do know is that the peace agreement to take this is a lot different. but these are what i hope for the of them never have been a good dirty word and so. it's good to try to stay like that it's happened at the moment in the north you know where there is no god for
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a start you know but i do know that the people want peace and we want peace here as well to families justice has eluded them both and yet they cherish this peace even as they fear it's fertility. fun to be phillip's al-jazeera county for mama told on . this woman in the u.k. have rallied against a transition deal struck between london and the e.u. over brock's it about fifty boats fired off flares and fireworks as part of a nationwide protest during the referendum campaign those who wanted to leave the e.u. have promised to take back control of u.k. waters on march twenty ninth the next year the day the u.k. formally leaves for you but the government later renegotiated that brics a transition period and that means london will only be able to take full control of its territorial waters and twenty twenty one australia's prime minister is coming under fresh political pressure turmel has failed to top thirty successive opinion polls a milestone he used to oust his predecessor answered thomas reports from sydney.
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back in september twenty fifth one of the reasons malcolm turnbull gave for overthrowing his predecessor tony abbott was that abbott had lost thirty opinion polls in a row that means that thirty times in a row the opinion polls had shown that the government would lose an election to labor one held the next day. said that that was unsustainable it showed that the government at the time was on track to lose the next election will now malcolm turnbull has failed his own test he has reached that milestone thirty times in a row opinion polls have shown that he and his government are on track to lose the one thing though that prevents a leadership challenge is that there is no clear successor to malcolm turnbull no one of those in his party can agree who should take over from him and also at the same opinion polls show that the australian public does not want another new prime minister there were four changes of prime minister in the five years to twenty
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fifteen the australian public has had enough of that so for now malcolm turnbull looks like the shipping industry which ferries everything from food to gadgets one of the world's biggest polluters and has largely escaped tighter emissions regulations but that may change very soon clark has more. from computers to close to children's toys it's estimated that nine out of ten consumer items filling the shelves of the world's shops get there by ship but ships use some of the lowest grade most polluting fuel there is emitting not just c o two but poisonous gases like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide indeed if the shipping industry was a nation it would be the sixth largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world well this week nations are meeting at the international maritime organization to try and draw up a strategy to eliminate carbon pollution there are proposals to cut emissions at least fifty percent by twenty fifty by this fall short of the seventy to one
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hundred percent reductions of its european and pacific island states say is needed and that figure is strongly opposed by nations like brazil india and saudi arabia who have raised economic concerns and then what alternatives are there well ocean going ships only powered by renewable energy may be some way off yet but all electric ferries are even now at sea in scandinavia the future is already here and the longest river in asia has become one of the world's most polluted plastic from the yangtze river is the only killing marine life in east china sea and beyond it's got highly reports from shanghai. three generations of new ijaz family are out cleaning up plastic along the mouth of the gang's the river one of the worst spots in the world for plastic pollution. but. i'm here to protect the ocean there's a lot of trash on the beach we saw a video where turtle inhaled
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a straw and it bled a lot when people try to help get the straw out of its nose littering endangered species. one of the biggest plastic consumers in the world china's numbers are staggering for instance package delivery services in two thousand and sixteen used fourteen billion the plastic bags and with the rapid increase of food delivery options it's estimated that sixty million plastic containers are used each day many cannot be recycled. one campaigner at the environmental group that organizes these volunteer cleanup outings says people seeing the pollution drives the message home alone. i think we can look beyond the numbers when we're talking about the marine waste to public statistics of their abstract it's easier to bring them here to see with their own eyes and participate in activities like this that's a more direct way to make the public realize the severity of the problem according
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to an environmental journal the yangtze river and its tributaries here carries one point five million tons of plastics into the sea each year of a passage through some of china's biggest cities the last one here in shanghai before it meets the east china sea and then the plastic makes its way to the pacific ocean nature magazine recently reported that what's known as the great pacific garbage patch is much larger than previously thought twice the size of france and containing seventy nine thousand tons of plastic. china's environmental protection ministry admits there's a big problem and recently announced that a restructuring plan is in the works. to plan will create better conditions for fighting the battles against pollution and improving ecological environment we're obliged responsible and have every reason to do a better job in coming days. and the pace of that job needs to quicken as scientists predict that if the flow of plastic into the oceans is not slowed by
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twenty fifty the amount of plastic in the oceans will outweigh the fish it's got to al jazeera shanghai. and these are the headlines on al-jazeera russia syria say two israeli fighter jets carried out an air strike on a military air base in central syria several people are believed to have been killed at the. homes israel hasn't responded it's previously said that that site is controlled by iranian forces which backed the government in the war. or has more from beirut and neighboring lebanon if indeed this was conducted by the israeli military it will be the first time since the israeli jet was shot down over syrian airspace in february so it will be the first time since that the downing of the israeli jet now this air base in the central province of homes as it's believed to
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be an iranian base because there are a lot of iranian fighters in this base this is their main base in central the central province of homs and as we know the israelis have been targeting iranians in syria. other presidents of france in the us a chemical weapons were used in an attack in syria on saturday more than forty people were killed in eastern due to the un security council to discuss that attack later on monday iran's president has warned the us against withdrawing from the two thousand and fifteen nuclear deal saying as countries response will be stronger than imagined. speaking at an event in tehran as president donald trump has repeatedly said he will pull out of the deal which was agreed to by iran and major western powers including the us former south korean president lee myung bok has been indicted on corruption charges he's accused of taking bribes corporate tax evasion and embezzlement last week
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a successor part was sentenced to prison in a separate corruption scandal i'm greece prime minister viktor orban has won a third consecutive term his fifth as party won almost fifty percent of the vote and what he called a decisive victory for the sultan and press ahead with hardline policies on immigration the first batch of six hundred afghan refugees to be deported from turkey has left the country ankara says the move follows a major employer of refugees crossing over from iran rights groups say it is dangerous so the headlines keep it here is next. why the gender pay gap my focus is the u.k. names the companies where men the paid women the new blood diamonds found that electric cars and small phones while facebook c.e.o. gets ready to answer some big question. counting the cost although. it's been more than six months since iraq could so they wanted to go their own.


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