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tv   Early Learning - Mexico  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2018 12:32pm-1:01pm +03

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irregularities in campaign finance french police are looking into suspected illegal funding from libya of sarkozy's two thousand and seven presidential bid. chinese president xi jinping has warned against any effort to divide his country he made the remarks at a closing speech in the annual parliamentary meeting it's seen as the strongest warning yet to taiwan which china claims as its territory last week u.s. president donald trump angered beijing after signing a bill that encourages senior officials to meet directly with taiwan's government should function it's a shared aspiration of all chinese people and in their basic interest to safeguard china's sovereignty and territorial integrity and realize china's complete reunification in the face of the will of the people and the trend of history any actions in tricks to split china are doomed to fail and will meet with the people's condemnations and the punishment of history a species of the rhinoceros is a step closer to extinction after the last male died in kenya vet's end of the life
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of the northern white rhino called sudan when his health worsened those are the headlines you have today right now it's rebel education. i'll just as that's where every. education matters the universal rights to expand arise and offer a better prospect the passport to a better life yet around the globe schools and institutions break. systems been deemed to be no longer vet. thinking one school of home and how they one identifying the girl with the knowledge needed in the twenty first century and
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now a new wave of rebel education is sweeping. the educator and a radically changing the way. challenging the old way and block the creates in opportunities which will impact individuals and then tired commutes. yes.
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you do. well here when they came to see close encounters for a long. movie claimed that was the last of cern is this play lucky that we are now was again because you know maybe now i know it was come up. for over that market where it's the land favorite of the liberals just yeah you know that those came last. seven is just the news e.n.s.o. momento this it is good. news.
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to eat. eat. eat eat. eat eat. eat eat eat eat to. most awful lot of langston yes i get up in the sack it is that me so mr music organise. your country that course he lives as he would like to be able to do that is what i discovered him by some was more the band in the summer cincinnati and was just mean your family visit could benefit from you close or you for one thing this is a real oversight is a good i'm going to put the file is quite. tight. but that's what they were. lab a democratic. mandate of
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a. mandate ok the. people of color long. banned it out because i don't. know gotta tell you that was made out of that. yes they did buy six. follow me to bank come on oh they keep the rianne also found that oh. they'd see not only them but tina. or you know not in my. experience but. they could praise. heaped up ok don't worry about their active role oh mr i got more that's. going to say what i was. going to think of the money just would be an answer to you better pray.
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and. let it flow stones has been dismissed deceased in our midst we're left with you need to spend that money some soup or whatever for last the last bus i'm in this last month is not a blast and no one thinks the i've got any email the link to see. ministry inform been decided early on this would seem that a system less likely that this kid was pushed. to do what you. love a lease and make a noise get out i mean this sort of thing diva but again in this way love overly couplers joe i babysat i for a he'd. stop off would have been programmed by they win this game and family is going to. be some inkling but i cannot get an anal bussy on when i have on black vs
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able gussy on when you have. available. and this one was a lisa seance play me several l.t.m. for god. but i would be too latticed. with been seen as the last of the lead. in a stiff sample. time yet they were trying to plan the whole profile of a pretty young to be by law to be put in a school board and out of most to catch the fees will go to waste was one of the festival but a peaceful program of reality is that all that is more than b.c. you're. ok people who live there you know. i don't want to go right into the window where i know right ok. oh
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ok ok ok ok you know i'm going to listen to your head a little oh oh. oh oh ok. oh. thank you. and really miss you know. but then would you both and then mr obama also poised to assume instrumental mostly gallimore the peace you bet i want to be stuck up but i listen enough for sort of the man to get his my space for them which is in my book i'm going to listen to the consequence and press you on they said you local so they said i just had a brand. name in the monkey so that it went on to listen most when i'm at the little he actually add value on my story. and most mr. gave lissie call that also schoolmistress mean yes it is a common how most basic a song with it can you look at the precise. variable oh.
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yeah. yeah yeah you. ok i don't know what it is yet you know that. you know a lot more you love. it when i'll meet somebody doesn't spoilers kinesis again doesn't defend this all the spoilers go same could be music i was sick of the eldest by just. thought is there at this point to move or at you know it's your own little business most of us lose. a lot in the family man but again i'm just the man oh and saying i'm the mc one of the finest. i see go see. the front both of
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you nowhere. why is that insane emma see what they all see see go see. what they don't see don't seem ok because all of us are the most just program a slumber that. is specific i mentally sense in your most and in your stomach and you'll stand best course that you're all trying to be and second there were no money on this but it's your nando for sandal gillis is down the road. ok liz it's been mostly me going to be a book of end of the guy but when they don't know what those notes i was i will win back the good news for the who got it up and then i will either my sisters program my system but how those who love money not always had a broadband elec let them bring up what a handful. know not what their us call us last minute split them up in their alley and i see that the men did see this for the saw. you. say. go down there and make it go to have been up in
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a must win aqua buddha look bored i guess this is gasoline but i love the money i did misspeak us your next kid leasing to see noida someone like bob but i'd have said gravel by said. how they landed with us a bit as i said last year but it was good but on the whole doses down even more than that on fundamental slowly the visit that them. from us kind. of a. just you don't. get that unless you're the guy who does this eclipse.
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yes that's from the s.q. sas nothing going to look a strong old thing gravels more about. you look at get in losses and saying yeah he says that's funny yes. but always i suppose ninos there when i'm d. and they all but i still listen to your dumb but i'm a good prince here by the fact they were there but all that i'm not is. but have any last bit just a day of this a big oil that i sat ok yet in any of those chiquitos bulbous one day yet i'm going to be mad yeah but us young going nuts ninoska be in their own neighborhoods as you cannot make all must be here.
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by my one best bad mood to theorize about just what is that i.q. drops only by most have let the bad they were little get on mother they sadly get them but on the ticket in most prob or may or may seem. to keep no soul to spoil them what i do that unless i can see and. we're going to be here and this get in that is what it is why don't we begin gatherings was that s. seen but i gather in this quest to. know sophie have ok less money than a muscle the one that i'm more used to settles new bad they've been there my nephew yes and this befuddled and the them but i need him to youngest is when the latest gotta get guns out up on the desk when they get it out he says. would north be. good god. but i guess he was about was. given wasn't
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saying our lives our lives. my money and say none the less less by last. i wonder when that could come over nevertheless by law but i stand thus faces say less than the one about the doesn't so much are you mean we're not here not just us on me or gave me very little. dunces. they were using i don't as my last ace this on my visit a quick look guy being off cause my nose at ease. he this was me that's a battle he missed yeah you said go to the middle class i see that. i see there are . lonely token is that what has come from was lost but the rest that is space is said to include again the mental am i not all that that it wonderful where this you less than to beso message you keep this as his because he did this good among the the last boy this one had a love want you see the point just as is but i'm back at the gordon what i look where this is in your best buy i read that in the because that has been and i love
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the whole of your love that i want that i would estimate your rat on the article will be seen by just as i look at a report that is that is a several young girl and that he should share this with me and those as no thank you so you know that is good but act the camel's nose hold this kid tell me my praktica premed. i leave you alone know what i was watching for the winter was going to let you know that you know that will go if the if you say the less i let you have it little did they know you know . gania you there i tell you who good leader. then i learned that the cia god shit who knew. cheated by law one. you would know yeah i guess it looks. like it guess i'm just going to lose face i know what i felt. so clearly kilimanjaro it is give. you money with
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a group who is. not easy. d.m. or yes who am oh oh oh oh how they you know me. you. know. simple i'm going to because they took you six thousand vocal got up again at the end of the lord has no voice he does have that i mean to set up the man no but out with buttercup in the month of. may was going to the method i'm going to see in the gossip but i can say. i could but it must mean you both passed out of my side to commit crimes.
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for the good. news and as queer legislators to criticise and. get imprisonment in their own little pobre to press on us. yell at us almost. that would be great and there's a good i lost. him then there's a very. i knew my ass.
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and this was a way out then and get ready for it in this picnic just could be endless differences. with. this. clause but if with classes who won't be employed. by the book and most of us have been rather less or less of a bad idea to know this bit what then but i'll be local more you'll be at i spit out your muse not the ample medieval shit in medical. pianists you have to stick noise down being dissed mussulmen not just the most important back in the stomach because the little. minister of the what i mean beyond looked on recall and alchemy the siac generally roundness in glasgow's going to give the secret battle for the most part that that this list and does this give us. this have be that brother list it got
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a free for. the last i get. the new scuttled off went through the grace most but i still think i'm a comedian. and don't have my strasse i said of course in libya i will scatter it all week i will mostly boast economy where bust then begs he thought in the last you were not will be most concerned about the list. you say you must receive a somewhat island sound out as almost yet this quest in may he called. this is think there are some where the left front that has a mean. who's the meant to stand you are very most but i sure miss and i stress is in san jose costa rica. presley. right here right. into your. life. right. now. to the right. we teach many languages because we
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believe that at this point when kids are young it's easier for them to grasp a different language we start very early with a lot of english immersion by the time that they are eighteen elementary school our kids have hoth the day in standish and how the beginning was. really. a long way to. remember how to read our driver all day one two three. and what about this guy's. difficult or is. it worse is he three. why. is it. a frond that means one. wants to.
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be my guest. boy because i never found it ok under exercise or the me you want to write about. are difficult were. very difficult ok you want to write it out ok. thank you very much. x. it was. eleven that means x. is equals two i'm very very happy working in this is cool because i left for a while coming back to the educational board and traditional ways to teach was not enjoy. when i came back i was alive again. i like this method a lot remember algebra is not vertical is horizontal the other schools are
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completely different that pain the concentration is difficult why because the number of children one problem the other is because they are brains are not. stimulated to be attentive in class sixteen plus very difficult for you going for the ones they want to solve that. case and sometimes inside my classroom i just to apply some math outside learn here and remember these work barking with a lead in to say i want there is guys learn a little bit more mathematics or alphabet and my english coordinator went to my classroom once and i was teaching them. and i finished. she asked me please what are you doing you are confusing these children
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please don't do that anymore and this is school i was so disappointed as so-so. elim busy. but i still see us so didn't seem to have been sad ok less for me let's be less than forgetful from the less he fit into or just so this must go here only a square look at the distance that lets your mates or as they might go remembering sammy matter muskoka want to spoil any put in or was that a friend and yes little moment this this yes or so what's the bottom of the animal sex is the just there's none of em and they got a little grandson you can see it out if it went badly this pm this song from you yes my bus going to some pub us guessing they don't remember to support them or know that the emperor for war. thank you no thank you i didn't you could have
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a thing in afghanistan to use as many important and noise and. interest as it is is it's are in markham and the various countries. in the freezer paper at the knee though it's interesting the sort of the enemy. overstay letting go after side of the king includes even a supporter for million dollars when cold war. grows so most my last bottle of animals is to be in the mood troia's hard working mother media they say for the effect that for her to seek only look for a new realm and it's in this condition the info for good or for a career or life starts in the last hour he should have done the sooner the better no more but he our own father loved us and in all of the fifteen a kind of. thank
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. you. thank. you thank. you. for two thousand was just well and it will stay young which going to get what's called an expanded came my sister c.n.n. moved the little it home or quality and the amenities hamsters and the. sea masses . where les the mass maestro say at the. dentist if what our little fish
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implemented this promote by nobody robeck put out the mess you to listen to my thoughts on why is there water us must keep oil and said exit also seek a way than are you barrels cheap cost of concepts importance yet less posi believe that is a local boy there was a city in the moon does he and if you need us. more than mistress nino's i'll cancer support and they are meant to know i limit this i look at where there was r.c. . thank. you . yeah new lessons and new rules and this is the time when you get to choose your english teacher is for the next two years meet the teachers empowering the students my fact that i'm michael all about intrigue and we're going to cannot respect it i want you to develop the skill with which you speak by letting them choose the lessons they learned cation democratic schooling united kingdom at this
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time on al-jazeera in. business updates brought to you by qatar airways going places together. business updates brought to you by qatar airways going places together.
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