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tv   Sports Doping The Endless Chase 2016 Ep 2  Al Jazeera  January 2, 2018 4:00am-5:01am +03

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how does this radical transformation occur. i mean it no i mean if you want to shedding light on the romanians pressing for change and the unconventional methods to eliminate corruption remain people at this time on colleges in. coming. up. and i'm jane death an end with the top stories on al-jazeera at least fifteen people are reportedly dead in iran off the fifth day of anti-government protests among them is a policeman iranian state media say security forces repelled protests as he tried to take over police stations and military bases pizza shop has the latest.
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the fifth day of protest on the social media blackout imposed by the government has done little to stop the demonstrators out on the street. posting these videos from cities across iran this was big john on monday night gunshots scattering the people on the streets. at shahin shazam buildings on fire the protests showing no sign of losing its momentum i don't take it we cannot predict the time when the protests will come to an end but the protests will shake the people in power who must give priority to people's demands and needs. the state of the economy and rising prices sparked the initial protests on thursday or staring measures after years of sanctions have seen the unemployment rate rise to twelve percent but anger has also shifted to foreign policy protests as
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a critical of the government's support for the syrian government of bashar al assad hezbollah in lebanon and hamas in the occupied palestinian territories oh me oh we . really need. in washington d.c. outside the white house people called for the removal of president hassan rouhani don't trump tweeted that people are getting wise to know how their money and wealth is being stolen and squandered on terrorism. state television quoted iranian president hassan rouhani in reply he said iran's regional accomplishments have infuriated our enemy you expect them not to take revenge you expect them not to provoke a group of people we should have prepared ourselves for this. these are the largest protests in almost a decade and threats by the republican guards to put down the demonstrations have been ignored monday night the calls for the people to continue this protest peter
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shop al jazeera meanwhile iran's president has accused israel of being behind the protests israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu echoed u.s. president donald trump as he gave his reaction it's not only falls it's laughable and a local honey i will not involve the ring and. they deserve better brave uranian supporting into the streets they seek freedom it's a justice they seek the basic liberties that have been denied to them for decades israeli prosecutors have charged a palestinian teenager on twelve separate counts after she was filmed slapping and kicking two israeli soldiers in the occupied west bank sixteen year old i head to mimi remains in detention since her raced off to the videos posted online two weeks ago she could face up to two years in jail. who think a rebel fighters in yemen say at least thirty people have been killed or injured
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and as strikes in the port city of heyday the saudi led coalition planes reportedly targeted two vehicles carrying who thief fighters were to stop at a petrol station in his district local sources told al jazeera a number of civilians were among the dead. south koreans welcomed a new year message from north korea's leader who's raised the possibility of talks kim jong un said he hopes ties with seoul will improve but he also warned washington that he has weapons capable of reaching the u.s. and that the launch button is on his desk thousands of people marched in hong kong to express their frustration at china's tightening grip on the territory they accuse beijing of eroding freedoms which are guaranteed when british colonial rule ended twenty years ago. new rules making it legal to buy marijuana for recreational news have been introduced in the u.s. state of california ninety stores were allowed to start selling cannabis on new
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year's day those are the headlines up next at sports doping the endless chase. a clue. never in sport has cheating been so prevalent at the highest level never has the pharmacological range of performance enhancing drugs been so great something new and this is simply spotty. cycling football power sports injury in sports technical schools doping is only present no discipline escapes unscathed but where do these
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products come from how does this underground activity work where studying instigation of bad things parts could i touch no i have no comment. about that. you know yes the part of russia's eight hundred metres champion in two thousand and eleven unveiled to the wont how russia creates its champions. and the stars of high performance sports can spend up to one hundred thousand euros a year on state of the art treatments that are often still under development the extreme growth of the sports business has gendered and lucrative black market in doping worth an estimated thirty billion euros a year so in whose interest is it to unmask the cheats and clean up sport. sponsors and sports federations a partly responsible for not that way with any car that it.
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can you've got. to get. in a world that values performance and competition so highly other proponents of clean sports fighting at losing battle. i believe it's a food fight but i think an issue. i pop you're going going. as a sport that relies on technique football would seem to be above doping scandals and yet it has been tainted by much wreaking and. corruption of the last. case we had was during nine hundred ninety four when the united states but i don't. in berlin a journalist conducted a lengthy investigation into doping in football because i did a large number of testimonies as we done so much before. that stefan much in august
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borken. was listed as the mid-level chef and also the food water exactly at the first bush beatles milena then but you want to take this can only go to become a devout sport lol at the human there to no ten with liquid if you got it in our third come after it for the terms of the quote if you got to admit it from someone that still in class are talking. opinion football has taken much longer to be exposed. it was found that the german team were taking and thirty means during the one thousand nine hundred six well camp. you venters unknown to given their players blood transfusions and olympic demand say injections before matches were commonplace doping carried out under the supervision of the clubs yet for four quid for me to take the whole school come the thought that i mean clearly there hoped i'd thought to defeat the gangs and that's all and then fall fish short cut and
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then a stiff i work on a ball of steel you can leave out how to me go get it. done stock and i'm done fund in full on often bargain with wooden of a cunt in for i in the third kind hoping for answers you don't get is going to get indecent if i in to sonali it given that this fine stopping come ons are going on and i notice that i'm out in find that funny even if you know none value of improved that's of all info i will look at because putin is outside you ask him live now leads the german team and denies ever having doped the french coaches did he. also played for a club mentioned in a medical manipulation case. it is all football. and the novel there's. going to make. you really. get out there. there must be a lot about you to tell you a lot of support me if. he could only stop. me if he. really
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wants. one of its own. these alternative methods are self era peas intended to allow tendon and ligament injuries to heal quickly. the treatments were forbidden by wada in two thousand and five as they can artificially enhance performance. and yet in mass alone are dr who got practices these therapies on the world's top football players. from the sort of the little more into the me and all the. way he. looked at me and you know some muscular ass protein asked. me a specific asked debian and last like it be in their last. look at. his immediate is let's get the name most recent sang it
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eat with last name or yeah. any that's made them too and i think the young rulers like to run. this place rich plasma is really injected into the wind to speed up healing. that she whom you know not about. oh the. valley or there's the ever see. me was having. found. this stem cell therapy has become indispensable to the clubs in healing their players to the extent that in two thousand and eleven they asked the world
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anti-doping agency to lift the ban. the theme was that this is of that all. gets within the quander senior. and even more school that you know i mean this is where your. friends of you know. so football has used the band method and then still manages to get it validated by the world anti-doping agency the world's most popular sport has rewritten the rules on doping. helmet lead explaining we shall keep you will do all this your career national sport energy to do point three let them bash shots if you could meet again it will be you know to your point be such a vocal. go off it person city get
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a quick. it took about circular of well with what research what he feels he has bought. yet his book. formula. didn't succeed the our corporate model every year but it was on the boat races your points on duties were to go so you go and it's also up to cindy gak jr. that's where most saw this you got me in the composite about don't. let it go you. don't get me no the point was injuriously is courses but i'm sure a lot as it says on the libyan strong cuba. different from amongst them spotless economy and all of that. the team is served by managers were. more neuter poor demonic severity this does a tickle to depeche so called occiput did have them all or just under lexi's and it
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could be usable he's way to happy and all the bad lettuce i saw it in he spend and then i thought still he said if you don't lawyer that i make evil fav evil looking to feel it it's his book perhaps i listen to the. players unions federations and sporting events organizers all have opposing interests to the success of anti doping the tour de france association and the one hundred television channels that cover the event do all they can to maintain the clean image of the sport the race claims of u.s. ship of over three and a half billion p.g.a. year. it's the third largest global sports event after the olympics games and the football world cup. right there with the box office in the us was every decision.
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thank you three thousand one hundred fifty nine kilometers nine mountain ranges four different altitudes of course with twenty one stages and any to rest days according to some this route could certainly encourage doping. was. i. was going was. that he was going. for the head of the tour doping belongs in the past. on these other. have i i however some traces of
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the past are always present i respond surface stina and team coach fetus remind everyone of significant doping cases. star athletes that used to dope have returned such as alexander vinokourov who's now the head of team a stana. others have gone on to become consultants on televisions like lucia and beyond. in spite of the sixteen year in re tests that proved negative in the tour de france two thousand and fifteen edition christopher froome the winner of the tour could not escape a suspicious public. posture. numerics wanted to do more to come to a duty so we should just i'm asking him. what we did we can do for rising
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almost using home version our boys will give you a cd for their new boat show for them this autumn. is the reason why there's memory to be. so how effective are the tests carried out for the told from us. who. was a puppet took. over. a courier delivers the samples to one of the french anti doping agency's analytical abara trees near paris the winner of each stage and where of the yellow jersey attested every day. in the sectors of. the curator don't. have a kind that is it on any body image of god i want that box as the supply goes to no
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i never used it tickle tickle you and then you do either all see it all or see if they all said you're visually dave you look at him and then if there is another. critter fuck up about just manual look at it all and if it does talk to the fossil . out of three hundred sixty five you're in tests there was only one positive in two thousand and fifteen cyclists are doping less than they used to or better so favorite. if. the sick list want to couple told. and to see. the sun. doesn't cost. a penny stock to. miami in. the dope the athletes are far ahead of the game the bara trees have never uncovered
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significant doping cases labs look for products that the athletes do not take anymore. meanwhile athletes take products that the labs do not know about so for ten years cyclists football is another athletes have used don't bring mechanisms without being detected. a simple customs check caused a scandal in one thousand nine hundred eighty in the car of the medical agent for team festina two hundred thirty five miles of doping substances and dozens of other products were found though no athletes had tested positive. while the nine hundred eighty eight christophe persona was a part of the team festina when it was disqualified from the tour. at the time he was the only one to denounce doping in cycling an early whistleblower. when. he left the professional the main still continues to contest the v t v france elite
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championship at the age of forty. christopher song has not forgotten the race for substances between the tour de france competitors. know that there are still positive. points so it will last us in the all out. of place as. long. the shopkeeper got the army to stand. up to raise it up with will put you where you can only tell you know it is one on one solution of release by you or your ability in you to sell you it is you keep committed and when you look if it's you know when you do nearly came your way in when you are in the media bridgenorth even your own quarter you came up and he's going computer isn't for the robot you'll see when you're out exudes even your own say is all you could get him for the don't see even you can avoid compare it to any one part of this would you keep
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of humility the more you can i want to put you in as you got everything you've given in a canoe all in one unit that when you send it to the who want it in a system no longer and one more quick to move into a city. i. know you go to the arm of the valley poke with the diversity due to your normal or normative in your idea line almost this will be the divinest of possible please don't go well here it will but not multi shoes with a pot i'm up before you do can cry to me don't you know scar on you mongers up on the ruby on the cross it is for sale on post gave how to put them to to define straight up because you know with how did you feel please the choice of you was in a poor. city. can neither come from either file
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a pocket or. you know by this wave it has a fit on one. thousand nine hundred ninety nine because of the song denounced his first tour de france a year after the festina scandal he was the only one to maintain doping was still prevalent. support of the event thank god i did he did do but he delivered it he don't. need to bodily harm or the loss of form of so in my view what they should be going to perform and then do to. continually make a new just to clear. the press calls him mr clean but in reality he's perceived as the black sheep of the cycling world he carries on thanks to the help of his wife. so you like long preamble since you don't bash satyr say take us leave your. country if you simply really need to stick around your way so idea. of
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the cock down of thoughts that i think will stick at christmas but what will tell to the no having to present a hundred. dear thought on people for. that year lance armstrong was preparing to win his first tour de france the start of a long series of wins this would never have been possible if the international cycling union u.c.i. had acquired the proper tools for dope testing. biologists general diem had proposed that the cyclist be given an enhanced biological passport. because your age if i need a gram of demeanor of struggle i deserve a laugh what do you think two more see keep out wolf is
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a good cheesy sit up so little the fortunes of those social coup leaders are going to talk to the dollar falls who crane ye group are no toy cars they will meet you obviously that they've hit all the falls see they do jussi all to god why these we do mean others for more at the immediate more free speech the doctor during a mountain stage christophe challenge the american attack. attack of us on. auk. anything fiscus of us here choking on is about. what other one was in this recess while arkansas was hit by the ball. in we go to ski my dear we feel you model seeking a critically g.n.a.t. probably we could be seeking a sympathize with you seeking nuclear power for exhaustion more our presence i mean you and i mean our. bicycle and cooper
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family folk are. rejected by the group of persona brings down but the twelve stage he quits the tool he understood that there would be no change lance armstrong would take thirteen years to admit the truth. did you ever take banned substances to enhance your cycling performant yes and then we do the guys some form of we're off it's a dopey believe. in regime. that's why it was something thirty years ago. when one features on one tooth i was it is ample for them all syria has almost had tickets for the. back on what she described as her last week not some artistic tomato system and getting. money the core of the con for putting someone. up of his own to contrary put it if you were to visit a potter one you want to meet up with there is some of us in
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a system which it is the period you two is one trillion sharma and you go over those exit one in i mean as anthony by some of the opposition as a plucky and then you question of one or two more than you know. their programs wrong on as your body was better but we have got some good will. soon before our casket mozzie exit they are being. sick up and i am going to tell you what bomb a little boy was prosecuted by empty quicker on. a prison. wash she by the way. sure. she does objective she is indeed what. they were miss all of. the support shipping once or for me appearing here sure. but pushing. someone.
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if you don't want it is not their home business it is compared to tone that are so pro media t. i support him or to do cash you pointed us on t v there are more no sure bottle you pointed it exploitive certain costs in form of the things he was and calls on the panels on the seat is a concern the law community this positive looks at a very stressful life in a horse it communities and their power their back to santa here to histo see put it her loose books sell the liberal arts who are are in poverty kicky else it was her this was a book society the in a society that boasts of. competition and continuous need to itself more and more people are interested in dumping techniques. how much is mimicking athletes boost to performance an effort in constant growth the sports nutrition center has become very competitive. you know it's
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a good fortune to appears on vulcan father didn't you just spoke to you but i was busy time enough for you but i was interested in you need but you are just so dumb to put us here that would seem to think it's only been with us it's each of us says film which you had a good dead people but only to school just to fill up the subject. but you've shown your devotion to the sense of before you notice it like the need to do so tell me this don't mean you are going to move on. to dawlish i'm also to carry out those that for your public good to see what people must be don't want to see you colby says see they do all the stuff and if it's good to. you are making very pointed remarks where on line the main u.s.
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response to drug use and the drug trade over the last fifty years has been decriminalized or if you join us on say no evil person just wakes up of it in the morning in the saying i want to cover the world in darkness this is a dialogue and that could be what's leading to some of the confusion on line about people saying they don't actually know what's going on join the colobus conversation at this time on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. where every. unbelievable if sounds like an agreement between criminal bosses slide trading in
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stolen goods that have been taken by the place if anyone ever comes to ask the question then sort of throw their hands up in the air and say i don't know i was just nominee director we're doing a investigation into. ukraine did you pay bribes you've been corrupt are out and i've been told corrupt i did just what the president say al-jazeera investigation is the only goal at this time. well i'm jane doesn't and with a quick reminder of the top stories on al-jazeera at least fifteen people are reportedly dead in iran after a first step to govern protests among them is a policeman iranian state media say security forces repelled protesters who tried to take of a police stations and military bases meanwhile iran's president is accused israel
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of being behind the protests israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu echoed u.s. president donald trump as he gave his reaction it's not only falls it's laughable and i like who i will not insult. they deserve better brave iranians are pouring into the streets they seek freedom justice they seek the basic liberties that have been the mark to them for decades israeli prosecutors have charged a palestinian teenager on twelve separate counts soft as she was filmed slapping and kicking two israeli soldiers in the occupied west bank sixteen year old i had to me was arrested two weeks ago after the video was posted online and remains in detention she could face up to two years in jail charges have also been filed against a mother and cousin who think rebel fighters in yemen say at least thirty people
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have been killed or injured in as strikes in the port city of data saudi led coalition planes reportedly targeted two vehicles carrying hooty fighters which had stopped at a petrol station in the district local sources told there are a number of civilians were among the dead south korea's welcome to new year message from north korea's leader who's raised the possibility of talks kim jong un said he hopes ties the soul will improve but he also warned washington that he has weapons capable of reaching the u.s. and that the launch button is on his desk. thousands of people who march in hong kong to express their frustration at china's tightening grip on the economy they accuse beijing of eroding freedoms which were guaranteed when british colonial rule ended twenty years ago. i since become the first country in the world to legalize equal pay between men and women the nation is ranked by the world economic forum as
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the most gender equal country as the headlines let's get you back to sports doping the endless chase. after having fought for clean cycling former cyclist christophe muscle hopes to encourage decent practices so much damage has become an international anti doping adviser in the southwest of france supported by the police and customs officers he says the tests. on. those. speed. this year are some additional. would be punished on the bunch of the league this year though.
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france's bodybuilding championship an amateur and allegedly aesthetic sport which consists of developing muscle mass. oh. somebody builders use banned products. but. she devoted. to good as he leads me to. the sunset for me to come along. on a sudden thrust or something like you are going. to post articles a pimple. is going to be done. some to destroy a force on your. t.v. take control he's not. only will most of the. year but. it works a lot easier than last week. result nearly a quarter
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a positive. if you have it it's also known this as on that wouldn't let me thank you no no the lord. i'm bored. we'll see you get along to a few was any. good after one that. told a lot of them do some on the phone then know. that you can afford to do it. the police and customs officers regularly seize banned products from the homes of sellers it's a flourishing black market estimated to be worth over thirty billion euros a year worldwide. less risky than prostitution and narcotics this illegal trade is in the hands of large criminal organizations.
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you should be in your kitchen quickly sean yes it is. going to show you don't get to see all of them in the norm we already. about the mushy. body the rest of this and your strong views on this is the opposite on that. so where are these don't bring products manufactured. the republic of moldova near ukraine. right in the center of the capital is balkan pharmaceuticals. a laboratory employing a staff of eighty into pollock uses it of illegally selling dope and products all over the world. maybe coming here to disperse them with cardiovascular fortuna still it is still
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a. whole lot of if was it to put ourselves in the county if that is your thought. just for thought for that's what this allows for but if i think. the manufacture of such products is perfectly legal in moldova sportsmen though use many of them for purposes other than those intended. clomid or clomid a drug usually prescribed to sterile women is used by bodybuilders after testosterone treatment. likewise side to made or thyra nine sodium a thyroid hormone used to supplement steroids and pyrrus a town psychostimulant that works on the central nervous system is used by athletes to in. proved their ability to concentrate. on much of the something a bit of it much much co-publisher a lot of money coming to do you teach this medication falls into public domain and many major pharmaceutical laboratories have stopped manufacturing it some of them
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have been banned from being sold in europe such as claimed buter of the drug intended for race horses what is it just i just might think but what about the top dogs. in reality it is mostly used by athletes to melt away excess fat. they something. you do want to chill. not licensed yet their products are sold on various specialist websites in a range of languages. these illegal sales financed the construction of this new law bar a treat if cost of which was twenty six million euros far higher than waters annual budget.
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doping products sometimes cause irreversible damage so there trivialization is worrying for doctors. zoe to inland is a five time weightlifting champion for china for the forty eight kilos category she retired from the sport in one thousand nine hundred three. and there was abuse that they were not if you know what you. just stand there now is what you get when you. to achieve this she took masculine hormones. they did kill the other woman can make a cd and this was out in someone's yard and years ago my son got.
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this medication consisted of steroids used for in home sing muscle mass many of the other athletes in her team suffered side effects. then you. have a fight injury. or leaders and. yet your this is. what you do when you hope you have opened up why any hole. in the eyes of. your heart at any. time as well as the way so i have had are so and they always are they say they are high this year not only on our dollars. dollars for here are.
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also available online on state of the art undetectible doping products these products are unavailable on the market and are very dangerous products such as the growth hormone d.m.p. the new trophy no extremely toxic. it was identified by interpol who raised the alarm after several people using it died of hypothermia the orders a delivered by mail often escaping customs checks. growth hormones and t.v. five hundred a miracle molecule used by cyclists once paid for into an account in thailand then dispatch from china via hong kong. these thought roid hormones were paid for by bank transfer to an account in slovakia and dispatched from poland. even do need to feel used for rapid weight loss and fatal at four times the recommended dose
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ordered from a website based in panama it was dispatched from the u.k. . even more amazing is this molecule sent from china known as f g four five one two pharmaceutical the bar trees are still testing its effectiveness against certain forms of anemia so does around four hundred euros a gram one month course of treatment for elite athletes would cost almost three thousand euro news. these products a proof of worldwide trafficking a parallel market with the barra trees websites and deal is spread out all over the world a global market which athletes willingly use. anybody knew what the priest or your mom put you to go always had been admitted you were nestle narrative a poor opinion it will be the birds that. you know it's
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a pump you know or so you would do best with mochi when you were done sean bell species one time when you point me to order was it is almost sophisticated because of the pull you must go up and moments you meet go some you know all city cops in my own drugstore lonesome song was a real hoot lee if you fall asleep so has to get a record to reporters john must be jesus only county needed if he's going there people because he's got them both of them on your presence in iraq one can give us a nail he just wouldn't give us the scene to do better be go with him go on an image was on your bar rocking out again even when you want to. learn some strong matter going to feel good about yourself but hip with the one attitude that. you would also you know this does. not. signal armitage but to start trucking. i least most of all to aid you nicky
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medicare or let you more sophisticated. needed support to be us only little nader i always ask. because it emits saki swampy gig e.q. what act is going to. seek those. leave or evil show from continue sure don't i am living and it that do that are. they that because short look at who showed the oval office and could walk you through. presume they are diminishing me when do you think of those. among the accomplices implicated it is michele ferrari lance armstrong's dope a physician who helped him. secretly for one million dollars given a life banned by the italian cycling federation in two thousand and two he continues to work discreetly with athletes.
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athletes such as alex watson the two thousand and eight fifty kilometers walk a limp dick champion who tested positive for e.p.o. four years later. such a bleed to feed on saturday carlina caused that a auto uptick you know vanished suv it was also the less well that only by the weak digit comp unit they look at you to go along your good luck because. john mulcahy winter olympiad the on the prima play on the game isn't the wallboard tempore lot the boy i mean the me or sponsor or the other or. just that one of us or not of the chick least look at the failure song or some lost to thaw missing contact all the little fella can i mean this a bit of ok. in a few childhood but k. . they were mine only not only call me soul and i thought the ball on the moon all
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was put there for a quintile. your op i got the. cash . if you are. in we. need to. keep. you know has been so. long but we. are not done to solve the year. long you know for to all catch up dog or at least for that song when they were done . it but they will. pay. denounces the impunity of those who cover up doping the coaches and the officials who are really punished interviewed by the prosecutors once a declared that his national federation knew full well that he was using
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performance enhancing drugs and allowed him to do certain. key being key to far are. funny and they want to say they will not bug out a comment by the by we'll. look in on the ritual domicile school and they will provide care or none of the music. ok. we need a paid job in quick hazily of what a bad job but they want all of it and kill over last in seventy. four years after a suspension alex has returned to competition to put a stop to suspicions he now trains with some drug on r.t. one of doping is most celebrated opponents. yes the big i mean. your for this yes it is for got around to building don't look at the be they are a guy. she's young you can't r.t.
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it when you're the. studies system are you going to all off. yeah you got to see that larry you've got a good me young kid you got to go get david could be there in a decent odds if we do your job don't mean to me jimmy said a wall to wall got to mean talking about the grandiose. onix now undergoes strict and you don't ping tests. he's been tested more than forty times in one year compared to an average of two to five times for other athletes his blood parameters are scrutinized more than is usual for the regular biological passport. of the.
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decade only five full bore on the line came along all in st paul space. at all and they were finding the cause and you. can see i mean on day one i got and . many athletes are now demanding increased drug testing independent of athletics associations. confronted by repeated doping scandals the world anti-doping agency tried to clean house they conducted an investigation on the cheating done in russia water delivered its conclusions in the presence of hio suppose the german journalist who was the first to report on the russian don't bring scandal. ladies and gentlemen members of the media welcome to geneva for this special one to independent commission press conference we've coverups we found destruction of samples in the border troops we've payments of money in order to conceal up
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interest among others so it's. it's worse than we thought all of this could not have happened and continue to happen without the knowledge of and either actual or implied consent of the state authorities so i mean their lab is gone they're in there they're national and you go up a variation is gone we've recommended that the russian athletics federation be suspended they're gone. in banning russia from the global sport soon the agency revealed that they'd come to the same conclusions as the german journalist one year after his initial revelations. avoiding talk just as guns as the stimulus dollars or it would often for to hear from the president about conceiving is this a clutch or is this off i go for this because i'm too which is what history doesn't come in the eye does or doesn't come is what always common had let's at least you
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know shouting from the ones who went over to albert when we told him to step on off switch that. they all would use that in the world would go to extra to look at his thinking and not recognized. as the fees they would you had to put in mr goodere description now to. give you a business glance all the middle class your days was it said the local sex wasn't about the concern is the flies out would use sugar to steam all system of damage find you or me cheater yes i was there were reports of floods i mean cheater disgorge and we didn't know was there for those in his condo about that as good also welcome crises got me out of spots meant a bit when you were listed on the way your motion which is either a new crises go on to book and go against the president when you teachers go but will be a chef. and committee that was the point of it is possible you get an ounce get well done then pharmacy shows that cause it was stored in the chaps a sense of pride being useable as got bought out with boys when you're asking us
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but to me the pressure on the part of the new stoner cooks line you don't know is what it is it's even on but who do you see need another and said look can go against. rush's sanction is a bittersweet victory for whistleblower usually is the part of a who was suspended from all competition along with four thousand russian athletes . it's just that i asked them what you manuscript it's literally i don't know which new things i put it but my gutsy but it's didn't go get us to the overtime to call it it only said that. having taken refuge in the usa thousands of miles from moscow out of work and unable to compete whistleblowers yulia and vitali feel abandoned by the world
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sporting institutions in return for doing all of that. she got sanctioned and neither i.o.c. wider or either by f.a. is. ready to address this issue as of now because i guess they have bigger issues to deal with they have to reinstate russia and they can't worry about the small athlete from russia the kind of political. i call it. i don't call it politics. who really has it in their interest to end cheating in sports athletes doctors and sports federations enrich themselves through doping countries circumvent the international convention against doping in sport the world anti-doping agency's efforts to protect the integrity of sports competitions if doping is unstoppable what will the world of sports look like tomorrow.
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according to sports experts most records will no longer be able to be beaten starting in two thousand and thirty humankind will reach their physiological limit but some are already dreaming up ways that athletes can improve further through biotechnology and prostheses restore do it that bad example because you want to do that cul de sac of his goalkeeper debit card so said the preview of the magic. while we're there we told you folder or said your pleasure there was it take skill for the game with the ship bob or a little talk from korea or revision if at the toys it is used today are because it is the voice is their shock since it was with it all it's called missions devalue she screws it or strategically they are busy devoting your every given
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order all the way up of the i would as president of the us. i will fall for the edition is who actually ve made me decide god is with us of course the day could you do a bust bob why leave only sure it didn't associate the. however
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the weather remains basically cold across much of north america new york having this case second coldest new year's eve on record that and that cold air is set to stay you can see how we call this weather system just a little way down across the deep south asti and beyond that that's where we got the very cold air in place say temperatures struggling to get to minus three in the heat of the day that for dallas incredibly cold weather many of these places a good ten degrees below average temperature in new york of minus seven minus ninety the high end off when it's not looking too much better as we go on into
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choose daedalus with a high then of minus one degree celsius the must twelve years and also for all to where the molle average for the west getting up to around twenty three degrees here is dry but a fair bit of play out there to clouts into the southeast and cold in that cloud if anything will thicken up as we go on through the next dial test by wednesday everyone coming back into florida that eventually push its way up the east coast with that cold air in place we are looking at a family to snow for many east and parts of the u.s. east of positive canada too as we go on through this week with blizzard conditions certainly a possibility meanwhile we got the usual case of sunshine and showers across the caribbean easterly winds pushing the heaviest shower as i have it towards central america.
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witness documentaries that open your eyes at this time on al-jazeera. in the worst mass shooting in united states in modern times the gunman owned forty seven guns and had twenty three of those firearms with him at the time of the shooting. united states of america has a. excessive attraction and love for guns in a way that other countries just don't have and that's why she helped put together an exhibit at one church to help raise awareness to gun violence through art and in this piece tissues on each piece of tissue a name and age of someone killed by gun violence in the area. the arctic zip it is
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called loving arms of course it's a play on words arms being what we used to hug or pray somebody but also arms being weapons as well a message here in this world needs more love and less violence. jeffery . rashi's musical pioneer. uses to be silent in spite of the endless cycles of violence. through his school for young girls none crocked of music and the moments of emancipation. news in. a witness documentary this time on al-jazeera.
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all dizzy are explores prominent figures of the twentieth century and how why bill rees influence the course of history beginning with the giants of the struggle for civil rights. just. over. who oppress people. can continue to keep the negroes. and martin luther king preached to fix at this time on al jazeera. this is al jazeera. and i'm jane death and this is the news. coming up in the next sixty minutes antigovernment protests in iran grow despite the.


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