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tv   The Stream 2017 Ep 146  Al Jazeera  September 13, 2017 5:32pm-6:01pm AST

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to call for a more united europe after a bruising couple of years john claude juncker also wants migrants who don't want war and refugee protection to be sent back to their homes an explosion outside the stadium in afghanistan's capital kabul has killed at least three people and injured several others a cricket tournament was under way when the blast happened police say the explosion was caused by a suicide bomb a meeting of the arab league in cairo to settle into a shouting match ministers from the four blockading countries and cassava traded accusations cattery diplomatic using some governments of waging and media campaign against. saudi arabia as rejecting calls for an international investigation into allegations of human rights violations in yemen the country's ambassador to the u.n. human rights council says the time is not right for an inquiry but he's hoping for a compromise the netherlands and canada are backing a resolution calling for an inquiry. come all arab league here with the news
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grid on al-jazeera and a little over twenty five minutes time for those the headlines the news continues and al-jazeera right after the stream next. we've now reached one hundred days since carter was placed on the hundred days of diplomatic social and economic adversity and as the crisis continues we're looking at the battles to influence opinion both on and offline share your views with the hash tag spirit from the heart of the story here in our gulf crisis special on newsgroups. i mean ok i'm willing to be and you're in the stream davis is a wife who spent thirty years in fact treating a white supremacist organization and tell us about it on today's show. come over and join us welcome to the stream where you get settlements i'm going to
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tell our audience a little bit more about you. on usual prochoice to tackling racism he's on a lifelong mission to be a friend of members of the ku klux klan and along the way he says a couple hundred of them have left after making friends with him in our studio scott sheppard a former leader of the clyde who turned his back on the organization partly due to his friendship with dial who he now calls a brother gentleman brother's welcome just in my introduction alone people who don't know you don't know your story of going to be. amazed by it i want to show them a little clip from a film called accidental sees a clip about a documentary about your story and your mission to befriend members of the ku klux klan so i want to talk a little clip of an imperial wizard called frank have a look at this it shows you what dowe does. great.
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i've known frank for a little over three years now i consider trying to be my friend i consider girl to be my friend as well we met through someone was one incident energy syafiq with her for three months even before the interview every day had a lot of conversations with each other like hey this is a my i can relate to that what happened here over the young man as a child that made you want to reach out to not just people from another. group but streaming something of a great from a different community well first of all you know we're all human beings but i had an upbringing unlike most of my american peers my parents were u.s. foreign service so at an early age back in the one nine hundred sixty s. we were assigned to various countries abroad you know you're there for two years come back home for a few months another country for two years of cetera so while i was overseas i can
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the international schools my classes were filled with other kids from nigeria italy france japan germany anybody who had an embassy there all of their kids we are one of the same school that's how i grew up as that's all i knew but when i would come home that here to my own country i would either be in all black schools or black and white schools depending upon whether i was going to the still segregated or the newly integrated school and there was not the amount of diversity in the classroom here that i had overseas so overseas i was literally living twelve to fifteen years into the future because that's an area i have yet to come here so i was already prepared for diversity a multicultural ism and so it was a culture shock for me in my own country where people not accepting somebody for something as ridiculous as their religious beliefs or the color of their skin. there is a difference there between that culture shock and then taking that extra step and
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saying i want to hang out with k.k.k. no not really because there are a lot of people who dress like this who dress like you you know who have that same belief as the people who wear the robes and the hoods you don't know it you may see them every day in their regular clothes or on the job but it's not so much the dress well what's important is that we get to know the person's heart and their mind so it didn't bother me because i was used to all kinds of different robes you know some people are more expressive about their views than others so we just keep it hidden but it enough face me i want to know about those views and say hey look you know i've been around people from all over the world and at the end of the day guess what i found out there are human you know for those of you know those of our viewers who may not know in addition to this work you're also
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a pretty prominent blues musician and you started the show with a little boogie woogie as i want to bring in the suite here this is a black populace and she says darrell davis is a black musician known for deprogramming white supremacists and it's a great example of why cultural appropriation matters i'm struck by how frequently white supremacy is rooted in ignorance about the contributions of nonwhites to well everything so this is a tweet that's been circulated online explain for us what the link is between what you were doing at the top of the show and the work that you do and your off time ok and one of the one of things that was an impetus for this. that style of music that i was playing that is a black style of music we created the first forms of american music the blues rock n roll gospel and even hank williams sr the father of country music learned to play guitar from a black street blues guitar player him under me alabama so at one point i was
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playing in a country band back in the eighty's and i was and i was in an all white place the band was all white i was just the only black person in the place and on the break a gentleman came over to me and expressed how much he enjoyed the news wellsprings that same style opened up with and then he made the remark that this was the first time he'd ever heard a black man play piano like jerry lee lewis which speaks to what he says and i had to educate him on the origin of jerry lee lewis is music the guy did not believe me and i told him you know jerry lewis is a very good friend of mine he's told me himself where he learned to play but didn't buy it but he want to buy me a drink and so i don't drink alcohol but he got me a cranberry juice and he takes his glass the clinks my glass and chairs me and then he makes another announcement he says this is the first time he'd ever sat down with a black man and had a drink and i was naive i wasn't sure where this was going you know why how how is
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that possible you know i sat down with thousands of people all in the race and i asked him why i had a proud him and then finally he says i'm a member of the ku klux klan and a first i did not believe him so but it turned out that he was a member he put out his card and it to me and i stop laughing but we struck up a relationship he was fascinated how a black guy could play what he thought was white music and and i was fascinated as to how he never said out of black eyes so that's how it started i'm shouting a couple of pictures here at his. carol all right and then it rock and roll right there i think lewis might recognize this ex-president but back here that are all what from your music background do you channel in order to talk to people who are k.k.k. white supremacy racists what are you using what are you drawing on well you know
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everybody likes music so that's a as a common ground you know people may have different political beliefs or different you know other kinds of leanings but everybody likes music so that's a common ground but also in musical terms as a band leader on the stage it's my job to take the different instruments whether they're vocals or piano saxophone guitar bass drums and blend them in a harmony to have a good sound so i just carry that job when i'm off stage as well i try to blend people in society and get along scott i want to honestly cowley that very first time that you came across darrell and what you thought about him first time that came across. first up i had heard about. you know many years ago when i was in the klein. be honest i thought he's a nut case what do you what do you heard well i just started to read the things he
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was going to talk klansman and i was in a case because. approaching klansmen the way you did because you know there's some pretty dangerous people out there all right and then and then course. no ward or june think about darrell for a long time and the years later i came across a discovery channel program and contacted our laughter. and we struck up a conversation and decided you know music music played a big part in it because i came from a town in mississippi indianola mississippi which is also the home of b.b. king and it kind of gave us the conversation i have in it and it didn't build from that. so scott you of course have your own pretty fascinating backstory and we have a couple of tweets on on you also relationship these would be how you were brought up so this is a tweet from sarah she says are people who are members of the k.k.k.
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brought up at a young age to fear other races or to be experienced something to make them fearful and give a part true to that is another person who says what was the common theme in the reason why people are you in this case join the k.k.k. well i think basically of course the reason our joining i think it's pretty much has a common is a common denominator with in denominator with other people that joined and of course i grew up in a very dysfunctional family and you know with our colleague father but i must say i take full responsibility for what i did in a bad decisions i've made and i'm not blaming anyone but myself but there were some contributors are that you know sent me off in the wrong direction i had low self-esteem i didn't like myself i didn't like the new one i just i was looking for place to belong in fitting in and course been from the area of the country and mississippi where i was from during those years you know there was you know the
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integration in the marchers going down and. right into you know their beliefs you know after a certain you know and i searched them out because of living place to go along and and they're not the only ones you know i didn't even check them out there but i was so naive you know i didn't know you had the italian to get in the head or. like what i'm doing to ensure language right again not k.k. they're accessible. school i'm just wondering what qualities. the dow has because when we showed that little clip of frank the imperial wizard it looks so bizarre to see the two of you sitting next to each other what is it that donald jobs that makes k.k.k. people even listen to have i think he's honest i think basically it's a zionist thing and any any say it's a sincere sincere desire to you know the friends would even though the claims
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mentoring friends with a young man and sit down and get to know that he spent a lot of time studying the k.k.k. and. to the extent where you're actually teaching some k.k.k. members. about their own organization let me give you an example of this and show you a little clip of darul explaining one of the ropes he has why does he have a robot i will tell us in just a moment have a look is a robe of an imperial wizard the top guy this is a white cotton robe with blue adornments blue stripes blue sash and blue cape and of course you see the klan emblem the mio the red blood drop in the center signifies that they will shed their blood to preserve the white race if you look along the white cross look at that that black line right there and these two
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diagonal lines the form a k. so you see four k.'s centrally and that's stands for knights of the ku klux klan makes sometimes the klan members wives make them there was a mennonite woman couple hours from here who was making them for the clan they have a row making division up and i was shelton connecticut. why do you have so much memorabilia in your house for the k.k.k. i don't keep it all in my house to keep most of it locked up on a site far away from my house but i have the. paraphernalia and memorabilia regalia because one day i'm going to open up a museum it's part of american history you know in any country and america is no exception we have the good the bad and the shameful and it's all a part of our history no history should be destroyed preserved so people can learn from it you have to look at it so we get the sense you know people are watching this and some good and says this sounds so idealistic it won't work be friending
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them would imply approving their ideology bad strategy and of course let me mention the documentaries that help with the show and one of the parts of the documentary actually opens with an i don't want to spoiler alert but just a slight this might be a piece for people to go watch and it opens with you explaining a phone call you had with a member of the k.k.k. and they needed a bus and so you came in handy just at the right moment and this person is asking the friending them and whether or not they just feed into their ideology what's your take on that. you know. when two enemies are talking they're not fighting they may be yelling and screaming and beating their fists on the table disagreeing but at least they're talking they're not fighting and it's when the talking ceases that the ground becomes fertile for violence and the you know if you spend five minutes so you want to keep the conversation going if you spend five minutes with
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your worst enemy you will find something you haven't been and if you feed that commonality. you begin to build a relationship if you feed that relationship you begin to build a friendship no matter how different you are when you're sitting across from somebody like you and i are right now and we find something in common we're beginning to bond. and we may disagree on certain things but the more we find in common the less things like this begin to matter and when they give up their robes and hoods there done that is their uniform that is their badge of honor would have done me out of the k.k.k. ok you're not a racist what is done done done means they are done promoting racism and subscribing to that belief because that blood drop that i just explained in that video on that cross means they will shed their blood for that belief that's why it's called the blood drop emblem i as an oath that they take and they have
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forsaken that oath and when you give a black man your nemesis your top nemesis your robin hood you are done i'm going to take some video from charlottesville this is from a couple of weeks ago in the genuine united states where white supremacy is neo nazis went to virginia they cashed with protest is complaining about them being there some going to show you this and then when you see that what do you make of that what exactly because i will tell you what the media won't go on first of all the stated reason why they were there in charlottesville was to preserve the robert e. lee statue they wanted to protest the taking down of the statue that's the official
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reason that is not the reason they were there and i can prove that to you a couple points here a. they were there because they wanted to start the first steps of a race war it was all about hate it had nothing to do with the statue history will tell you in this country there were blacks and there were jews who also fought on the side of the confederacy during the civil war so whites jews and blacks fought to gather in the civil war to uphold the confederacy right now would it not add more weight to their cause to preserve the statue to have some blacks and jews also marching with them saying hey that's our heritage too because there are a blast and jewish descendants here today in fact i know some personally who have joined confederate organizations such as sons of the confederacy who want to
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preserve the confederacy because they are their great great great ancestors for on that side but no these people excluded their black and jewish counterparts and they kind of they are the descendants of of the confederacy and instead what they did was they marched down the streets and threw the uva campus shouting anti-semitic and anti-black epithets so it wasn't about the statue it was about hate as number one number. out as the hate and secondly the these people never knew their great great ancestors who fought in the confederacy but they do know their fathers their grandfathers past with their great grandfathers who fought in world war two against the nazis so you're going to honor your great aunts your great great ancestors and disgrace your closer in ancestors by marching down the streets of people when swastikas the same people our fathers and grandfathers fought against and profit lost their lives against. there are going to be people
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a many people i've seen a critique on your philosophy and it's quite sharp in that you're spending so much time working with. white racists and not enough time working with the african-american community in the united states and in the documentary accidental courage to say there is a moment that is very tense and this moment is when some activists from black life matter in baltimore had a conversation with dial have a look at what happened if a trade in a clan a friend your people i disagree. i don't see how what about going to i don't even jail before when you kill some like that so what you're going to. do on educated about the reality of most of the people that look like you every day our young black men and women are being kidnapped off the streets they're ruining people's lives right now do you bother taking them send them right back in the same
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neighborhoods that are really screwed up anyway so when you say oh well we need to be right about something but some might most of them are not some i see a lot right now they're sixteen years old is never may see the light of day again just because they look like muscular or canister or your skin for that matter. of course that exchange was interesting because it happened shortly after the death of freddie gray this tweet i want to show here this is just a little bit of news from the exceeded prosper aching as of a few minutes ago the u.s. justice department won't charge six baltimore officers involved in freddie gray's arrest and custody death and that's what led to the uprising somewhat college those protests you saw in the streets and to why those activists were there so that moment of course is sparked a lot of conversation online this is read out this is what she thinks of it she says i have zero respect for darrell davis his exchanges black lives matter was pathetic what is dinner with the k.k.k. going to do for my people just one more before i let you respond don't read the
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comment says i'm not against errol's methods from an individual standpoint but when black americans are tasked with changing the minds of bigots that's a problem so a lot of criticism there what do you how do you respond to that i responded by saying. don't criticize someone until you've walked in their shoes been the places they've never been to and possibly may never go to you know we spend too much time in echo chambers agreeing with one another if you and me and i are all in agreement about racism and we form a group and we meet every other wednesday to talk about how racism is what we accomplish and we're accomplishing nothing until we invite let's see if he was still a racist and so we invited him to our table to explain why he feels this way what his fears are we can explain to him why we feel the way. we feel about his oppression and insulting us that's how we resolve issues by talking to the to the
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other party and that's what a lot of those people don't do or won't do that's what i do. scott what's your take on that. you know he basically sounded or sit down and talk with these people and. loving tom and what. the background i think has a lot to do with it came from a very racist. and course i wasn't racism by my parents or anything but i got involved in it for personal reasons and personal problems but. i was raised by a black lady and really. had a conflict with the show he's living proof that it works talking to people here today because of that that when you have a philosophy and it's widely known anyone who knows you you say how can you how can
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you hate me when you don't even know me what's the answer you get back we regularly . regularly over a period of time many of these people decide they can't hate me and that's why they leave the organization that's why scott is out of the organization and many others i think it's something that joe here might agree with he's on twitter he sent us this just a few minutes ago he says well if the oppressed won't do it as in talk to people who will but he got a response from somalia who writes then you have a lot of strength to do this work but it should not be the responsibility of the oppressed to educate the oppressor. i disagree it is it is use what ability of all of us with any amount of knowledge to share that knowledge with not that i'm tired of hearing i'm not my brother's keeper i am my brother's keeper we all are brothers all right let me share this view for him and today antony says on twitter being
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a smooth talking blues man out talking out behaving a club of grumpy simpletons and amateur geneticists a good strong method if you're intrigued by scott if you're intrigued by dayrell i recommend you look at this documentary accidental courtesy dow davis race and america is available on i tunes and also netflix dow david thanks for being with us players out of the strain.
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yes. my most memorable moments with al jazeera was when i was on air as hosni
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mubarak fell with the crowds in tahrir square talking. as. if something happens anywhere in the world al-jazeera is in place we were able to cover the news like no other news organizations. were able to do it properly. and that is our strength. story breaks with the traveling blanket coverage follows experts and politicians often have to choose and soundbites strong and stable leadership trying to play the media and shape the message in an age of simplistic narratives the listening post critiques the mainstream response today and the two hundredth day of this administration exposing the influences that drive the headlines at this time on al-jazeera. the latest news as it breaks many of the people here came to this camp
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with injuries and illnesses already with detailed coverage of the border between china and north korea stretches for more than fourteen hundred kilometers unlike the demilitarized zone the obvious fear here is very relaxed from around the world the water that comes in the trucks relist water from the shallow holes in the is full of sediment and of course the high risk of disease. well again it is fifteen hundred hours g.m.t. i'm adrian for the get in just before today's special gulf crisis edition of news grid here's a round up of other global headlines be on mars leader aung san suu kyi has canceled plans to attend the u.n. general assembly later this month she's been criticized for failing to condemn
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violence against muslims in rakhine state.


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