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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  September 13, 2017 5:00pm-5:33pm AST

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frank does your language help bring but as well it to table yes or no yes it does blunt is what is so strong what can we do this is too hard let's go find a unicorn equal rights before the law regardless of one's religion should never be presented as a unicorn and up front. by iran you know very cleverly deflect away from with matthew has at this time on al-jazeera do you see the double standard. decides not to attend the u.n. general assembly she comes out of fierce criticism over the handling of the hinge a crisis. hello again i'm adrian finighan this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up the president's time to be the more you know the story the more you will put.
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the president of the e.u. commission lays out his vision for the block urging countries to take advantage of the briggs's and the economic upswing plus. tension over the gulf crisis spills over at a meeting of the arab league in cairo. and we meet the nigerians whose lives have been blighted by boko haram violence but a determined to move forward. in mass leader aung san suu kyi will not attend this year's un general assembly meeting she has been widely criticized around the world since violence against muslims in rakhine state escalated last month since then more than three hundred seventy thousand people have crossed into bangladesh to escape the conflict but as florence slowly reports now many in myanmar have rallied behind the government and
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the military. the sign reads collecting donations for the displaced in rakhine state this charity drive is being run by a ministry in yangon six hundred kilometers from the fighting in northern rakhine state but it's mainly for the rakhine the ethnic majority in the state who are mostly buddhists some thirty thousand of whom have been displaced. if there was fighting here among who runs into a mosque would be killed but a monastery will save all who shelter their our religion forbids us from killing but i'm not afraid to walk past a monastery a church or a hindu or sikh temple but i'm scared of walking past a mosque. there are a few in myanmar who will speak out publicly in support of the. the muslim minority with main stateless and are largely regarded as illegal migrants from bangladesh the military crackdown which has been condemned for its brutality around the world hasn't drawn the same sort of criticism from people here but. yes they should carry
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out a security operation to eradicate terrorism if not they'll be no peace so that's why we support the military but the operation should only target terrorists not the whole muslim community. i support the military operation because terrorism is not good it's good to fight terrorism everyone should have within the law. the military and the government say the operation is a legitimate exercise targeting what it considers a terrorist organization the crisis in rakhine and the exodus of ranger refugees into bangladesh are being widely covered by the international media and yet here they don't get much attention in the local press and when they do there's usually a government in this article for example promote a press release that people in northern because i have started to go back home because people stability have started to return to the area. but there's no mention of the hundreds of thousands who fled to bangladesh in under three weeks who now
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face in uncertain future and a daily struggle for survival. al-jazeera yangon. the wind is back in europe's sales that was the message from e.u. commission president. in his annual state of the union address he told the european parliament that there was now a window of opportunity to build a more united union after a bruising couple of years he urged the block to move beyond brags it had to forge new trade deals and he called for a stronger migrant policy to ensure that those who don't warrant refugee protection are sent back drug also criticized turkey for arresting journalists and accusing e.u. leaders of being fascists. in future the european union will have more than twenty seven members in the case of all of sessional countries of the rule of law justice and fundamental values have a top priority in the negotiations and that rules out e.u. membership for turkey in the foreseeable future for some considerable time turkey has been moving away from the european union in leaps and bounds journalists belong
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in editorial offices amidst the hated debate and not in prison. in paris. a wide ranging speech from the president of the european commission junko juncker it's his annual state of the e.u. speech and you would expect as he said that europe to admit that europe had been battered and bruised a year ago but he gave a very optimistic version of how he sees the outlook for europe that unemployment for example is now at a nine year low that europe had seen five successive years of economic growth and that eight million new jobs have been created during the time that he has been the president of the european commission as far as the outlook goes he said bill are many proposals that he would like to see to streamline decision making to have for example qualified majority voting on foreign policy issues and also to see that the way that the european union allows infrastructure to be owned should also be
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examined and of investment screening and he was at pains to say that rex it will be a matter of regret for europe but he said it would probably be a bigger regret for the brits in his estimation and the way that the e.u. plans to go forward after two thousand and nineteen when britain formally leaves is to get even stronger he wants a summit in romania basically on the day that britain leaves with the intention that the twenty seven should draw closer together on migration he said that there was no desire to turn europe into a kind of fortress had been seven hundred twenty thousand successful asylum applications he said to europe in the last couple of years and although the number of irregular migrants had dropped from a million back in twenty fifteen to less than one hundred thirty thousand this year he said that those who deserved asylum and were fleeing genuinely war should be granted safety that said there were concerns about the number of those who do not qualify for asylum how many of those who have been sent back to their country at
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the moment it's around thirty six percent and they want to see a big improvement in the numbers of those who fail in the asylum applications being put out. out of europe sent back to where they came from an explosion outside a stadium in afghanistan's capital kabul has killed at least three people and injured several others a cricket tournament was under way when the blast went off police say the explosion was caused by a suicide bomber. it's been one hundred days since four arab states cut ties with qatar sparking the worst diplomatic crisis to hit the region in decades an arab league meeting in cairo descended into a shouting match as ministers from qatar the four states blockading the gulf nation traded insults. a cattery diplomat raised the boycott in his opening speech even though it wasn't on the agenda that led to a fiery exchange among the group with saudi arabia and qatar is representative telling each other to be quiet. forgot to
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mention that in one thousand nine hundred three together with saudi arabia and bahrain wanted to invade qatar and overthrew their regime. by saudi arabia. one. oh no i'm up to backing them up a good deal. and. no . mr president along with the speaker will force us to respond to what he has to say opening the floor again will mean the poor countries will respond and if you want to stay here until the morning i don't mind . the blockading countries accused caspar of sponsoring terrorism in charge of the strongly denies the crisis has had a big impact on young people who've been studying in universities across the gulf
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one cattery student we spoke to was just a way away day away rather from finishing his degree when the gulf crisis began caroline malone reports from the. him used to fall solder is on a mission to save his education he studied for a bachelor's then a master's degree in law for more than six years at sharjah university in the us. he had an interview booked for his thesis on june sixth a day after the gulf crisis began and all catteries were ordered out of bahrain egypt saudi arabia and the u.a.e. you know i don't have any. in the country because you know. more than six years. or so should be. thinking about you know i think should be studying with any country. i can't get a stick at he needs from the u.a.e. to prove he's finished his studies he's unrolled
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a cash university in the hope that he'll still qualify however assessing these students without academic records is difficult the total number so far more than thirty three students in the four countries. saudi arabia then that is the equivalency to make the course that the student already finished and that one of these country equipment to make it quicker to their one of the university you must compare the topics the content katter's human rights committee says they've heard from thousands of students who say their education has been disrupted by the crisis at least seven hundred bahrain is a mirage he's in saudis have had to leave cattle university and they were ordered to return home by their governments at score that in baghdad it will be in the minds of the new janelle ration that it's certainly been bought off that regardless of which. country you are and this is something that it is not easily been
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going to be you know reduced when the political decision you know of those pocket country will change. universities have reopened after the summer holidays and just like last year will include students from all over the region and other parts of the world. students are registering here for the new academic year and cattle university among them is students from the countries who decide to stay on the register despite the restrictions and there are categories being kicked out of other regional institutions that have to come back home to doha to continue their degrees. student such as grateful for the opportunity to secure an education despite the political arguments caroline malone al-jazeera. saudi arabia is rejecting calls for an international investigation into allegations of human rights violations in yemen the country's ambassador to the un human rights council says the time is not right for an inquiry and that he's hoping for
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a compromise the netherlands and canada backing a resolution calling for an inquiry the council says it had verified over five thousand civilian deaths in the war mainly due to airstrikes by the saudi led coalition members of the european parliament voted for an e.u. wide arms embargo against saudi arabia but the vote is a symbolic one the e.u. has no power to implement the cells but individual states do vote was used to send a political message to the saudis over their bombing campaign in yemen we're going to weather update next year i'll just zero then casualties of war look at how fighting on the philippines island of mindanao is taking a toll on a place that's known for its culture and driverless cars are facing a roadblock in the u.s. we'll tell you why.
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hello there we've got two storms with us in asia at the moment and they're both showing up very clearly on the satellite picture the first one well this is the most intense one and it's gradually going to run its way towards the northwest and then baku backgrounds and head away towards the east it will give us a glancing blow therefore to the eastern parts of china and here we will see torrentially heavy downpours the other system that's in the southern parts of arm up gradually that's working its way towards the west is already given us a lot of flooding in the philippines now is edging its way towards viet-nam but both of these systems moving fairly slowly so if i run through the charts over the next few days you can see the rain gradually increasing force in vietnam and the rain also increasing force along the east coast of china as well as we head across towards india in the central belt we've got most of the wet weather currently to see plenty of cloud on the satellite picture at the moment there are plenty more rain as we head through the next few days as well so some again will be very heavy
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but also we've got a system developing just to the southwest and that will ensure that western coast does see a fair amount of heavy rain over the next few days to the northwest of all of that though it's fine and settle for most of us here karate around thirty three degrees here in doha the winds will be picking up over the next few days but still from the east so it's still going to stay a few mid. i just want to make sure all of our audience is on the same page when they're online and want to do us citizens here and what puts people of iraq by one in the same joining us i was never put a file then looked at differently because i'm darker than all the people. is a dialogue tweet us with hash tag a stream and one of your pitches might make a connection join the global conversation. this time on al-jazeera.
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the top stories here on al-jazeera myanmar's leader aung san suu kyi has canceled plans to attend the un general assembly later this month she's been criticized for failing to condemn violence against muslim or hindu in rakhine state. the president of the commission used his annual state of the union address to call for a more united europe after a bruising couple of years he also wants migrants who don't want refugee protection to be sent back to their homes at a meeting of the arab league in cairo descended into a shouting match ministers from the four blockading countries and traded accusations a cattery diplomatic used some governments of waging
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a media campaign against. that but angry scenes outside a courthouse in tokyo after north korean students lost a lawsuit against the government's decision to withhold school subsidies it's the third such case to be heard in japan and only one lawsuit in a soccer has been successful craig gleason. this is no ordinary school in japan it's north korea. established a year after the second world war six hundred korean students study here almost half of them are of north korean descent. when japan colonized just young more than seventy years ago the people there migrated to japan and some were forced to move into excruciating work at coal mines and installing railways high school tuition fees here cost around three hundred twenty dollars a month for each student while north korea distributes money to help offset these fees it leaves a shortfall in twenty tain japan's democratic party began
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a chew ition subsidy scheme but in that same year north korea launched and up tillery attack on a south korean island and the application process for korean schools in japan was temporarily suspended. two years later the government. placed a total ban on north korean schools receiving the subsidies that led sixty two former students of the pro pyongyang school to suit the japanese government but the take your district court has ruled against the students. i am outraged and sad it was an unforgivable ruling that was made because of political pressure and it encourages discrimination rather than. the children's right to education should be guaranteed that's why this ruling is unjust and bringing in diplomacy all together made this ruling unfair the government told the court it excluded the north korean schools from the jewish n y biscayne because of
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the schools close relationships with north korea and because the schools couldn't provide enough evidence that they were being operated correctly if you ultimately supported by the tokyo district court. many blame the recent crisis for the judgement that the japanese we spoke to support subsidies for the north koreans if ethnic korean residents in japan are going to live in japan for their lifetime i think the government should guarantee or support their educational fees but if they're going back to north korea or if their nationality is north korean i don't think japan needs to do it lawsuits have been filed in five courts across japan in july a court in hiroshima ruled for the government but two weeks later in a saka the students won two cases still to be heard the students in tokyo say they will launch an appeal against the ruling craig leeson al-jazeera tokyo. singapore has named its first female president but the public didn't get
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a vote on the matter. is a former speaker of parliament from the mill a minority of singapore ians was supposed to go to the polls next week but yak up was the only candidates who qualified in the race for the first time the constitution was changed to ensure that only a candidate from the malaya minority was eligible to become president the philippine army continues to fight an ice a linked group which besieged the city of what are we on the southern island of mindanao where martial law was imposed in may from that german island dog and takes a look at the economic impact of the conflict. doesn't allow we would says these are the worst times has been the wood carver all his life pieces like this one take at least six months to make in the past he was easily able to sell his carvings not anymore. my children don't know how to make these and there are very few of us
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who can do it. and nobody buys the city of merari less than an hour by road from here remains under siege the philippine army continues to battle it out against a local armed group called the multi fighters inspired by eisold who are battling to set up an islamic state in the southern philippines more than three hundred filipinos have been killed and at least two hundred thousand have been forced from their homes we isn't the only place on the island of mindanao be affected by the conflict guy is a town along synonymous with modern art named after a tree that can only be found here to gaia is in the northern part of the law no those are province. you know school recognized as the home for culture and heritage in mindanao the people of are also suffering more than ninety percent of the villagers here are dependent on trading in my way for their livelihood and since
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the same began they have lost their income and they're now entirely dependent on aid the mayor of today are says president rodrigo to tear does imposition of martial law is making life even more difficult. for so many workshops like this one are and team orders have stopped this mosque was designed and built by villagers indian one nine hundred fifty. it's a symbol of what's known here as. art depicting the identity of men and now it's they see their whole maybe see from the bombs to continue to for america but they remain. the fighting doesn't only obliterate buildings it can also raise the identity of the people similarly al-jazeera.
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three men from qatar have accused ten officials from the u.a.e. of torturing and illegally imprisoning them their u.k. based lawyers given london's metropolitan police details of the allegations under british law u.k. police can investigate and arrest foreign nationals entering the country if they're suspected of war crimes torture or hostage taking anywhere in the world we spoke to the lawyer rodney dixon who says the men confessed to their alleged crimes after being tortured they make very clear that they're only made those confessions of they've been tortured they've been beaten they were hung upside down electrocuted and then they were promised that if they made these confessions that were scripted for them which they had to read out in front of a camera they would be released of course they weren't released after those confessions were in fact used against them and two of them were convicted and it's
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as a result of the fact that those were then made public that they wanted to make it absolutely clear that they were not given of their own free will there were tortured out of them the confessions concerned them having to admit to being spies and being enemies of the us and looking to take steps to undermine security and they were used in documentaries in the u.a.e. to try and justify the actions that were then being taken in june of this year against qatar which continue no. the islands of the caribbean took the brunt of her fury on the island of barbuda the government estimates that ninety five percent of buildings and damaged officer was john home and is that. roger has a right back home this move caribbean island of devastated by hurricane needham and he's heading to his house to find out if it survived i think. there's nothing you
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know that i know. god. is like. with a population of one thousand six hundred everyone seems to know each other here it makes the scars of destruction we see as we pass even more painful for roger you know it's kind of hard to see this as my friends. didn't really think about. this scene it makes me feel like. holmes she it open like those houses inside the remnants of lives interrupted a stopped will to look watch clothes and toys tossed around dishes still waiting to be put away there's no knowing when those lives will be resumed everyone's been evacuated to nearby antigua until further notice there's worries about these eases
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from the stagnant floodwater. rhodes is only allowed to visit a tool because he works on the ferry between the two islands right now the only permanent residence of the animals left behind it's not just people's homes that are gone it's also their livelihoods so many fishermen and their badly damaged strewn across the coast. even when people come back the government says it will take months of work and more than two hundred million dollars to repair buildings and restore electricity and phone lines it's counting on international aid. meanwhile. shelters a relative's home. the mood is cheerful stoic but impatient to return some of these three of them i wouldn't want to. i'm looking forward to put my part in it . after seeing his devastated hometown we arrive at raja's house and find it's one of the few still intact it's
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a small piece of good news on this small struggling island john home and. attacks by the armed group boko haram left a trail of destruction throughout the northeast of nigeria and adam our steaks fighters were forced out by the army three years ago now with government control restored families are beginning to return home only to find their villages and towns destroyed al-jazeera catherine sawyer reports now on how people are trying to rebuild their lives their town of me as a reminder of when boko haram controlled this area for several months around two years ago charges were destroyed so banks entire neighborhoods where we do used to rubble. or government strikes. government offices that wind this compound i just beginning to be rebuilt my dears who had fled coming back and the town is starting to thrive again. after the town was taken
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back by the government we returned but found nothing we had lost so much but now some of us are getting back our. fire do you know sir and has seven children returned two months ago this is what remains of the home she shared with her husband who she says was killed by. her neighbors helped her resettle in a new home and. we had nowhere to stay so neighbors house that has for a while then they contributed money to help my family and i many people who were displaced from towns and villages madama state eager to get on with their lives but several thousand who remain in camps in the state capital yola aren't so sure this is one of the few remaining camps in. the nigerian military has taken back most of the areas controlled by a few years back and now the government wants people to go back home but those here say their villages are still unsafe most of those areas are in neighboring borno
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state and asked around it by boko haram in their fight for an islamic state the displaced receive help from nonprofit organizations such as the civil society qualification for poverty eradication one of the things we are also advocating for government at all levels both at state and on the national level is to say this is first our citizens of this country regardless of what i did was all indigenous of this world i mean or whatever states all they find themselves first and foremost and i'm julian's gives them the right and privilege to do well in any location wherever they choose to stay in this country the government says the bill to repair the war damage in the northeast is nine billion dollars he is confident that she will soon rebuild her home and her life but some scars such as the killing of her husband will never heal catherine sorry al-jazeera adamawa state in north nigeria. finally to a standoff in the u.s. over driverless cars congress and the trumpet ministration want to get more of them
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on the road and quickly but a federal safety agency is warning that more regulation is needed before that can happen diane estabrook reports. u.s. transportation secretary elaine chao released voluntary guidelines on driverless vehicles that give auto companies more flexibility in developing them our goal at the department of transportation is to help usher in this new era of transportation innovation and safety ensuring that our country remains a global leader and autonomous technology the new guidelines are scaled back from the ones the obama administration announced last year they're also at odds with the recommendations the national highway traffic safety administration rolled out on the same day it wants a more active role in regulating driverless vehicles by making car companies install more safeguards the agency made the recommendation after finding that an
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inattentive drivers over reliance on an automated system contributed to a fatal crash last year silk driving cars are an evolving technology and manufacturers are racing to mass produce them mr speaker i rise in support of this bill h.r. thirty three eighty eight the shelf drive act last week the house of representatives passed legislation that could get them on highways more quickly by blocking individual states regulations automakers including ford and general motors are applauding that legislation and the new transportation department guidelines but consumer groups are urging caution hoping regulators can provide a safe roadmap before they roll out of dealerships dian us to brooke al-jazeera. it is good to have you with us adrian finnegan here in doha the headlines and i was
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here a man was leader aung san suu kyi has canceled plans to attend the u.n. general assembly later this month she's been criticized for failing to condemn violence against muslim or hinge on rakhine states for africa. lawrence louis in the end of. a foreign ministry spokesman has told al-jazeera that aung san suu kyi the country's leader will not be attending the united nations general assembly in new york later this week because she has to stay back in the country while the president is abroad for medical treatment and she's staying behind to deal with the situation in rakhine state there have been suggestions that she may not be attending the meeting even though she attended the one last year because she doesn't want to face criticism and she has been coming under fire a lot of fire lately not only for the way her government has been handling the situation in northern rakhine but for her silence about the plight of the rue hinges the president of the e.u. commission used his annual state of the union address to call for a more united europe after a bruising couple of years john claude juncker also wants migrants who don't want
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war and refugee protection to be sent back to their homes an explosion outside the stadium in afghanistan's capital kabul has killed at least three people and injured several others a cricket tournament was under way when the blast happened police say the explosion was caused by a suicide bomber a meeting of the arab league in cairo to settle into a shouting match ministers from the four blockading countries and cassava traded accusations the country diplomatic using some governments of waging a media campaign against. saudi arabia as rejecting calls for an international investigation into allegations of human rights violations in yemen the country's ambassador to the u.n. human rights council says the time is not right for an inquiry but he's hoping for a compromise the netherlands and canada are backing a resolution calling for an inquiry. come all here with the news grid on al-jazeera a little over twenty five minutes time but those are the headlines that use
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continues on al-jazeera right after the stream next. we've now reached one hundred days since culture was placed on the ball kind of hundred days of diplomatic social and economic adversity and as the crisis continues we're looking at the battles to influence opinion both on and offline share your views with the hash tag news for it from the heart of the story here in doha the gulf crisis special on newsgroups. i mean ok i really could be out and you're in the stream davis in somewhat uneasy should he spent thirteen years infiltrating a white supremacist organization tell us about it on today's show. come over and join us welcome to the stream.


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