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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  September 13, 2017 6:00am-6:34am AST

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and. facing a new round of u.n. sanctions a defiant north korea threatens a strong response and ones of great pain for the u.s. . alone down. from doha also coming up the death toll from hurricane hanna rises as
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officials across the caribbean and the u.s. struggle for a full assessment of the storm's damage. heated exchanges between qatar on the blockading nations as the gulf crisis boils over john an arab league meeting in cairo. and an eye on victory iraqi forces whatever what they hope is the last phase of the war against isis. north korea's foreign ministry has denounced the new sanctions approved by the u.n. security council on monday in a statement the ministry says the resolution was fabricated by the us employing all sorts of despicable and vicious means and methods pyongyang holds a promise to redouble efforts to increase its strength to safeguard the country's sovereignty its ambassador to the u.n. is threatening consequences for the u.s. the force coming. by. will make it to us so for the
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creates pain it's never experienced in its history i mean our u.s. president donald trump says the new u.n. sanctions are only a small step towards dealing with pyongyang nuclear program we had a vote yesterday on sanctions we think it's just another very small step. not a big deal rex and i were just discussing not not big i don't know if it has any impact but certainly it was nice to get a fifteen to nothing vote but those sanctions are nothing compared to what ultimately will have to happen well kathy novak joins us live now from the south korean capital seoul so kathy more defiant language coming out of north korea today . indeed here in south korea the unification minister has been commenting on this statement from north korea's foreign ministry trying to play it down a bit saying in effect that at this stage it is just a statement from the foreign ministry but saying that in the past north korea has
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conducted provocations in response to sanctions so the unification ministry here in south korea saying we'll have to in effect wait and see what north korea does next and south korea is urging north korea to step away from the cycle of having a provocation that is followed by sanctions followed by a provocation and so on but that is in fact what we have seen in the past the sanctions are supposed to be designed to punish north korea and also to force it into a position where it returns to the negotiating table but at that negotiating table the objective of the international community is to get north korea to denuclearize and that is not something north korea seems to be willing to do in this statement from the foreign ministry today it is talking about this preserving peace and stability on the korean peninsula by achieving an equilibrium with the united states suggesting perhaps than that it must have nuclear weapons to protect itself against what it sees as a real threat from the united states and catherine we were just listening to president trump he was saying the sanctions are only
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a small step so are they likely to have any effect on the ground. well as we've been discussing they don't seem to have stopped north korea in the past and one thing they didn't do was what the u.s. originally wanted which was to cut off the oil supply to north korea most of that comes from china and as we know china does not want to see a situation where there is instability in north korea to the point that the government is brought down and the regime collapses sending refugees across the border into china and also having perhaps a unified korea on the chinese border with u.s. troops in place there so china was not going to support a resolution that saw the complete cutting off of the oil supply to north korea so the u.s. had to find a compromise that would see a unanimous vote at the u.n. security council so whether these sanctions can have the effect they are intended to sort of remains to be seen but many argue that it is unlikely to do enough to
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stop north korea from conducting its missile launches and its nuclear testing and from the language we see from the north korean foreign ministry today it seems that north korea intends to carry on with that and as it says redouble its efforts thank you fifty five people are now confirmed dead in the united states on the caribbean from hurricane there are fears the death toll could rise further it killed thirty seven people in the caribbean when it barreled through as a category four storm and destroyed much of the infrastructure in its path leading the sixteen million people in the u.s. without power twelve people died in florida as well as four in south carolina and two in georgia has now weakened up tropical depression but it continues to cause havoc with torrential rain and flooding in the united states meanwhile the french president emanuel micro is surveying the damage on st maarten eleven people died in a tour through the caribbean island which is split between the netherlands and from smartphones promising to boost security as people rebuild. that's really. the
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priority and what we're focusing all our efforts on is returning the island to normal life or as normal as possible in terms of public order we have massively deployed police military police and soldiers which will come from this region and from france and from ghana boost the number of security and military personnel by two thousand and that number will rise to three thousand by the end of the week well the island of barbuda has suffered extensive damage most people have been flown to and nearby home and as more. you may be able to see in the oven you go home it's just like any of the other news here on bob you they're completely sort of abandon this really is that there's an island right now there's no water there's little food and there's no inhabitants apart from a couple of ponies or horses and dogs and cats around here the only other things here us and a few people from the government officials that don't just come out just to check
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out at this stage what exactly the scale of the disaster is and if we pan a little bit to our left you can get some sort of idea going past a call that just someone left there you see is an area of concrete that was. shot a shoe shop a clothing shop before you see it not just damaged it's actually just completely gone well you've got there is the concrete floor we've seen other things and it's just the same in the other not everything is not damaged we've also seen houses just got the fronts ripped off of them like the old house and other structures are relatively ok but the government says that about ninety percent of the island has suffered severe structural damage here and of course it's not just about buildings that's people's homes and their lives as well time things in homes like malta log watches that have just gotten clothes toys that have had to be abandoned the whole population about one thousand six hundred people have been evacuated to the island
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next door. and they're just waiting really to see how many months it's going to be before things go back to something approaching normality here so they can resume their lives we talking to some people from the government here and they just said listen this is too big for us to get hold of class cells we're going to need international aid there are some countries that apparently pitching in already venezuela which has close ties to the caribbean islands which have formed the sort of bastion of support for them as apparently all been already been pitching in for help and they're looking for help from other sources the governments put a price tag on everything that has to be done through coup. the island of bob you are about two hundred million dollars it's not just the things that we already talked about there's also the electricity the telephone systems are down while they're saying is that we want to try to remake this island but also remake it better so the next hurricane that comes along with more prepared to deal with it may not in florida millions remain without power as the cleanup operation begins
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a quarter of all homes in the florida keys have been destroyed and again i can report from miami. for days the florida keys were cut off but as residents slowly begin to return they're being greeted by scenes of devastation basic amenities like water power and medical services unlimited and will remain so for weeks if not months millions of homes and businesses across the state remain without power restoration is now a priority for officials in people back i too am a lot normal life as fast as possible so we've got a lot of work to do. but you're going to come together we're going to you know get this say rebuilt. on florida's southeast coast the cleanup has begun in earnest along miami's iconic ocean drive sands being removed his business is prepared to open their doors at ports and ports a steadily reopening to allow visitors to leave because i mean this morning i think we get on a cruise this morning but just as it was on the ships at the. back so that by the
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end we're going to have to wait around the next six hours until we can board basically it was a little hectic but we managed to get through it tourism remains the backbone of florida's economy hotel and business owners a keen to get the message out that they're open for business horton for our guests that we had here that missed unfortunately due to hurricane arma to get them back here on the beach so with the help of our team our family were able to get all of our hotels restaurants back going and will be open tonight in florida's panhandle flood waters have yet to recede and in some parts of the state tidal surge is still a danger florida is used to clean ups and power cuts this state is hit by more hurricanes than any other and it was a large and powerful storm but thanks in part to accurate predictions well practiced emergency plans and a storm that quickly weakened the devastation wasn't as bad as some predicted that may be a problem next time officials tell people to leave but for now the state's focused on repairing and rebuilding and gallacher al-jazeera miami beach florida
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a meeting of the arab league in cairo has descended into a shouting match as ministers from qatar. the four states blockade in the gulf nation traded insults. foreign minister said the blockade by his country saudi arabia bahrain and egypt will stay in place until qatar stops interfering in other nations qatar's minister for state affairs said no evidence has been presented for the claims it supports terrorist organizations and called the embargo an assault on its sovereignty but round on live television comes the crisis enters its one hundredth day on wednesday meanwhile president trump has spoken to the crown prince of the u.s. in an effort to resolve the ongoing dispute he underscored the importance of unity among u.s. partners in the region saying all countries need to do more to defeat terrorism but to what he called us is from the tucker institute for middle east politics he says the dispute seems to have reached an uncomfortable stalemate. there's been a lot of harsh things said before this from both parties it seems like it's it
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there hasn't really been much movement in either direction in terms of finding any sort of way to do to bring this this crisis to an end. and i mean the thing is all parties involved. you know engage in behavior that's problematic in reality and even the people who are accusing concer of supporting unsavory groups have themselves done so and it's serve their purposes and this is obviously this is a political dispute in which saudi is trying to exercise its regional dominance and and in their view i think the culture in its place in qatar is resisting that understandably and there hasn't been a lot of clarity on where this where we can go to bring this to an end at the same time on the part of the saudis i don't think the picture shown that they really planned out all the implications or consequences of this action before it started which is kind of typical of what we've seen in this in this particular monarchy as
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of late and so we're in the situation where we kind of have an uncomfortable stalemate that's creating more tension in a region that frankly doesn't need it. yes also to come here not just there including the bangladeshi prime minister promises to help bring those minorities that fled to his country but calls on me a mob to take them back. and apple unveils its new i phone but does not stand for extraordinary or expensive or that. hello there the remains of a still showing up very clearly on the satellite picture it's this massive cloud here but as it works its way towards the north and spreads its way west with as well it is breaking up and so the rain is becoming less intense there's not a great deal left to it as we head through the day on wednesday just a few showers
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a few bits and pieces of cloud around that continues to break up as we head through on thursday as well meanwhile for the west and generally find it settle for most of it a little bit messy there over parts of the rockies calgary only getting to around eighty degrees at best a bit further towards the south and this mass of cloud here this is jose it is just swirling around now are not causing a great deal of problem at all it's still going to be with us over the next few days but gradually it's filling and it's losing its intensity elsewhere showers around quite a few of them particularly over parts of haiti and unfortunately over parts of cuba as well for rather wait here and also rather intense rains in the far western parts of mexico thanks to another developing system and that gradually should pull away in the next day or so but further towards the south and force here it's hot again force in asuncion thirty four degrees but the systems working its way towards us and it will make things a little bit cooler for thursday. in
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the next episode of science in a golden age exploring the contributions made by scholars during the medieval islamic period in the field of chemistry they transformed the superstition of alchemy into the science of chemistry. many of his coming of those which may still be used today. all while. science in a golden age with professor jim miller at this time. welcome back a quick reminder the top stories this hour north korea has rejected the latest
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round of sanctions that is threatening painful consequences for the u.s. the sanctions aimed at reigning in pyongyang's nuclear program include restrictions on field supplies and a ban on textile exports president trump says the new sanctions are small step and one strong action will be taken against. fifty five people are now confirmed dead in the u.s. and the caribbean from hurricane it's now we can do a drop of depression and continues to cause havoc with torrential rain and flooding in the u.s. . and a meeting of the arab league in cairo descended into a shouting match as ministers from cats on the four states blockade in the gulf nation traded insults. saudi arabia bahrain and egypt diplomatic ties with one hundred days ago. now the prime minister of bangladesh has promised to help or hinder muslims who are fleeing violence in myanmar shake a scene or visited one of the camps housing refugees in her country and they're struggling to cope with more than three hundred seventy thousand people who fled
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from rakhine state who joins us live now from young gone in me and florence the bangladeshi prime minister says that me and mark should take their nationals back but is that likely to happen well it really depends on how you or how well how the government government answers this if it's about national citizens then yes that's the position of the myanmar government it will take their nationals back do they consider they who fled into bangladesh in the last three weeks nationals well the answer is no so are we likely to see the range of refugees now in standing at about three hundred seventy thousand being allowed back into the country that's highly unlikely and we spoke to the myanmar government spokesman and we asked him what the myanmar government's position is with regard to the prime bangladesh prime minister's remarks and he said well we're going to have to check their documents first if the documents are in order the papers are in order then they will be allowed back in but the the ranger are already not considered citizens
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and nationals they don't have national identity cards so if that's what he means by documents well then they're not going to be allowed back in instead they have verification cards and that's that gives them a completely different status and don't forget these people fled trying to save their lives their homes and their villages were raised to the ground what's the likelihood that they would have these documents on them and the myanmar government's position is essentially the hinges and they don't even call them the rangers they refer to them as been gollies to imply their migrants from bangladesh the member government's position is they don't belong in this country and for once you understand that some aid is starting to trickle in now for the written job have you been hearing the. that's right now we checked with a few people in the camps in fits way now and there are camps for the displays to hinge and sits where the largest number of displaced people who had to leave their homes during the into communal riots of two thousand and twelve and that about
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ninety thousand ranger living in camps are on such way now we thought they said aid is slowly starting to trickle in and one camp a health and sanitation worker was at the camp just a the day before so. that's forward to look at mt nutrition children but it's still not back to the level where it was before the violence erupted on august twenty fifth and another camp that they hadn't received their food rations yet but they've been told by community leaders that they can expect to receive those in the next one or two days so they're hoping that the aid world slowly go back to the two of them how it was like i just want make it clear that these are for real hinge people it's not but it's not just this ethnic minority who are receiving aid in rakhine state because violence has disrupted aid to people in the state the rakhine are also depend while some are kind communities also receive aid but they have other
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avenues to fall back on because they can rely on local officials private donors and the monastery's to step up but it is the ranger who are largely dependent on aid especially those who live in camps because they aren't able to travel outside so there's really no chance of finding employment they aren't able to go outside and seek medical attention they rely on clinics run by international and local n.g.o.s staffed with doctors nurses or health workers and because of the fighting they haven't been able to receive travel authority to leave the camps to seek medical care or even to or even to to they don't even dare to leave the camps because the situation is so tense in rakhine state at the moment so that's a situation for the or hinder in other parts of rakhine state but what we are hearing is aid is slowly starting to reach them thank you. now the lower house of the philippine congress has approved an annual budget of just twenty dollars for
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the national human rights commission its twenty seventeen budget was maybe fifteen million the rights party has repeatedly criticized president reagan to terror to his violent crackdown on drug crime thousands of people have been killed by police over the past year the new budget requires one more vote on approval by the senate before it becomes final and the philippine army continues to fight and i still think the group which had besieged the city of marjah we are on the southern island of mindanao martial law was imposed in may from now jim allen dugan takes a look at the economic impact of the conflict. doesn't allow we would says these are the worst times has been the wood carver all his life pieces like this one take at least six months to make in the past he was easily able to sell his carvings not anymore. my children don't know how to make these and there are very few of us who can do it. and nobody buys the city of merari less than an
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hour by road from here remains under siege the philippine army continues to battle it out against the local armed group called them out fighters inspired by ice so who are battling to set up an islamic state in the southern philippines more than three hundred filipinos have been killed and at least two hundred thousand have been forced from their homes we isn't the only place on the island of mindanao be affected by the conflict guy is a town along soon on the most with modern art named after a tree that can only be found here to gaia is in the northern part of the province . you know school recognized as the home for culture and heritage in mindanao the people of are also suffering more than ninety percent of the villagers here are dependent on trading in their i wait for their livelihood and since the same began
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they have lost their income and they're now entirely dependent on aid the mayor to go yes says president of the go to churches imposition of martial law is making life even more difficult. for so many workshops like this one are and team orders have stopped. this mosque was designed and built by villagers in the one nine hundred fifty s. it's a symbol of what's known here as. an art depicting the identity of med analysis they say their home may be safe from the bombs to continue to fall on morale but they remain worried. the fighting there isn't only obliterate buildings it can also raise the debt of the people. you know until sore something.
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iraqi government forces up apparently what they hope is the final phase of their battle against isis fighters are surrounded in their last remaining stronghold the town of how we judge morale in the iraqi army is high following recent victories but some in iraq is a worried i saw as ideology will remain a threat long after it's defeated him and com reports. this is the image the popular mobilization of forces in iraq want you to see. in control and ready to fight the shell of militias are surrounding the last remaining eisel stronghold of whole region p.m.s. command is a confident the next battle will be swift and decisive. we shall retake how we judge just like we took mosul in tal afar we are now waiting for the orders to advance to who we are in the process of reinforcing our positions and fortifying our defense lines and i feel rats will be squashed soon by how. well confidence is
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high the military operation to recapture who ija is expected to be a complicated one there are two main front lines for what we here at west of the town and a at southwest. both battle fronts are linked by a series of watch towers and trenches. soldiers are clearing the surrounding desert by burning bush is to make it easier for them to move in their armored vehicles the battle won't just be fought by militias providing support will be the iraqi army counterterrorism forces and the federal police the kurdish peshmerga will also be involved but given tensions in nearby could cook which the kurds claim the government leaders in baghdad say is federal iraqi territory corp it will be complicated. there are mountain tension and sinker cook might call. by the sectarian dimension that is making it boil and might lead to the deterioration of security situation leading to a standoff among the different forces. despite the potential takeover the last
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remaining eisen stronghold in iraq the group's ideology will not be completely wiped out and it will remain a challenge. the problem is not with eisel alone it is by the oppression of the sunni communities even if i still is the fee to incur cooke's how we for example the oppression of the sunni community continues by the shia led government then we may see another wave of violence maybe worse than i saw the ideology of i still would still resonate among the people combating the group's ideology is a concern for many both here and abroad many iraqis say that the root causes for the rise of a group like i still haven't been addressed and there's also the issue of what to do with the fighters and their family members after all they are some of them iraqi citizens now there's no concrete plan from the kurdish or the iraqi authorities for rehabilitation or even imprisonment leaving many to wonder if there is
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a concrete plan for post eisel iraq and al jazeera how to build. the dominican republic has invited delegates from venezuela's government and opposition to see if they can resume talks to end the political crisis around one hundred thirty people have died in anti-government protests since april. demonstrators blame president nicolas maduro for the high inflation and a shortage of basic goods. tens of thousands of people in france have joined nationwide protests against labor law reforms president in one year old michael says they're essential to energize the french economy. critics say they'll wipe out hard won protections for workers one of the main changes includes making it easier for medium and small businesses send their stuff. apple's unveiled a new line of products on tuesday that has technology lovers buzzing the i found ten comes with new features and a hefty price tag. reports from new. yes
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i phone yeah and annual event for apple with billions of dollars of future sales on the line. front and center stage was a device called i phone ten the new one is that i phone x. apple probably hopes consumers interpret the x as stand in for extraordinary and not expensive every time you. text your face it does come with new face scanning technology that allows the user to unlock the phone and introduces what they're calling an emotion it can turn one's facial expressions into emotion by many people facial muscles in real time it was all unveiled at apple's new state of the art headquarters which reportedly cost five billion dollars to build someone has to pay for that the price of the new phone might help the new i phone is the most expensive phone apple has ever released more than double the price of the first i
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phone released more than a decade ago leaving many to wonder if this new phone is nothing more than an expensive toy for those fortunate enough to be able to buy it in many countries the monthly median income doesn't even come close to the price tag of the new phone for example in brazil households make just six hundred twenty seven dollars a month in china it's five hundred fifteen dollars meaning a household would need to work two months to afford the phone and in nigeria at two hundred twenty two dollars the average family makes only a fourth of what one new i phone ten costs i think they stick the stick to their core principles of design first and excellence and they price it but those things in mind i don't think they deliberately tried to come up with an economy model of things but yeah they have their target market and they stick to it on the streets of new york there were mixed. actions to the steep price of the new found.
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a lot of money i mean. if you could do magic tricks. future of the smart phone apple once again showing it's a company that can dazzle its fans with innovative technology but now more than ever it comes at a steep price. new york all the latest news on our web site there it is on your screen the address on to syria dot com. era. of the top stories north korea has rejected the latest round of u.n. sanctions and is threatening painful consequences for the u.s. the measures aimed at reigning in pyongyang's nuclear program include restrictions on fuel supplies and a ban on textile exports president donald trump is warning of stronger action in
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the future fifty five people now confirmed dead in the united states and across the caribbean from hurricane. there are fears the death toll could rise further it's now we can to a tropical depression continues to cause havoc with torrential rain and flooding in the united states french president emanuel surveying the damage on st maarten eleven people died on the caribbean island which is split between the netherlands and france. promising to do security as people rebuild. the priority and what we're focusing all our efforts on is returning the island to normal life or as normal as possible in terms of public order we have massively deployed police military police and soldiers which will come from this region and from france and from ghana this will boost the number of security and military personnel by two thousand and that number will rise to three thousand by the end of
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the week. i mean of the arab league in cairo has descended into a shouting match as ministers from qatar in the four states blockade in the gulf nation traded insults the u.a.e. saudi arabia bahrain and egypt all cut diplomatic ties with qatar one hundred days ago. the prime minister of bangladesh has promised to help arrange a muslims who are fleeing violence in me and shake a scene of visited one of the camps housing refugees in her country bangladesh is struggling to cope with more than three hundred seventy thousand people who fled in the past three weeks the lower house of the philippine congress has approved an annual budget of just twenty dollars for the national human rights commission it's twenty seven thousand budget was only fifteen million the rights body has repeatedly criticized president regurgitate his violent crackdown on drug crime thousands of people have been killed by police over the past year the new budget requires one more vote and approval by the senate before it becomes final.
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well those are the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera a science and a golden age stage and that's what it. we've now reached one hundred days since carter was placed on the one hundred days of diplomatic social and economic adversity and as the crisis continues we're looking at the battles to influence opinion both on and offline share your views with the hash tag aging is straight from the heart of the story here in doha gulf crisis special on newsgroups between the eighth and fourteenth centuries there was a golden age of science when scholars from the islamic world introduced the rigorous experimental approach that laid the foundations of the modern scientific method they transformed the superstition of alchemy into the science of chemistry the chemical industry has of course reshaped the modern world giving us new fuel drugs and new materials but the methodology and principles of chemistry go back over.


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