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tv   Arising From The Rouble  Al Jazeera  September 13, 2017 4:00am-5:00am AST

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response today is the. day of this administration exposing the influences that drive the headlines at this time on al-jazeera. every us. i wrote about this in and other top stories on al-jazeera fifty five people are now confirmed dead in the united states in the caribbean from hurricane that affairs the death toll could rise further ravaged much of the caribbean causing mass evacuations french president emanuel mccrone is surveying the damage and martin
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eleven people died in the caribbean island which is split between the netherlands and france is promising to boost security as people rebuild. the priority and what we're focusing all our efforts on is returning the odd into normal life or as normal as possible in terms of public golda we have massively deployed police military police and soldiers to come from this region and from france and from guiana boost the number of security and military personnel by two thousand and that number will rise to three thousand by the end of this week in florida millions remain without power as the clean up operation begins a quarter of all homes in the florida keys have been destroyed and agalloch are reports from miami. for days the florida keys were cut off but as residents slowly begin to return they're being greeted by scenes of devastation basic amenities like water power and medical service is limited and will remain so for weeks if not
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months millions of homes and businesses across the state remain without power restoration is now a priority for officials then people back i too am a lot normal life as fast as possible so we've got a lot of work to do. but you're going to come together we're going to you know get this say rebuilt. on florida's southeast coast the cleanup has begun in earnest along miami's iconic ocean drive sands being removed his business is prepared to open their doors and ports and ports a steadily reopening to allow visitors to leave became in this morning i think we get on a cruise this morning but just as it was on the ships at. the end we're going to have to wait around the next six hours until we can board basically it was a little hectic but we managed to get through it tourism remains the backbone of florida's economy hotel and business owners a keen to get the message out that they're open for business horton for our guests that we had here that missed unfortunately due to hurricane arma to get them back
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here on the beach so with the help of our team our family we want to get all of our hotels restaurants back going and will be open tonight in florida's panhandle flood waters have yet to recede and in some parts of the state tidal surge is still a danger florida is used to clean ups and power cuts the state is hit by more hurricanes than any other and it was a large and powerful storm but thanks in part to accurate predictions well practiced emergency plans and a storm that quickly weakened the devastation wasn't as bad as some predicted that may be a problem next time officials tell people to leave but for now the state's focused on repairing and rebuilding and gallacher al-jazeera miami beach florida u.s. president donald trump is describing new u.n. sanctions on north korea as only a very small step in suggesting that much stronger action will be taken against pyongyang in the future north korea has also promised painful consequences for the u.s.
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. the force coming. by. will make the u.s. cell phone to create pain. experienced in its history a meeting of the arab league in cairo has descended into a shouting match as ministers from qatar on the four states blockade in the gulf nation traded insults the u.a.e. saudi arabia bahrain and egypt cut to diplomatic ties with qatar one hundred days ago. the prime minister of bangladesh has promised to help muslims who fled to our country from me and ma she has seen a visited one of the camps housing refugees and said she would not tolerate any violence against them comes of struggling to cope with more than three hundred seventy thousand people who fled from russian state tens of thousands of people in france have joined nationwide protests against labor law reforms president emmanuel mckown says they're essential to energize the french economy one of the main changes will make it easier for small businesses to sack stuff those are the
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headlines now in al-jazeera in search of putin's russia by phone.
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i'm on training cross a russian filmmaker and journalist for the past year i've been traveling my country trying to understand. once more the russian economy is in crisis sanctions unstable oil prices a fluctuating currency half of the country struggles to make ends meet. capitalism especially at the time of high oil prices did make many russians wealthy and it did modernize part of the country. but a lot of capital ended up abroad. where it's of no use to the majority. who is to blame is it put in imperial ambitions the crimea the eastern ukraine and now syria is at the kremlin's economic policies the infamous corruption the soviet
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past. about war i want to hear from ordinary russians how this crisis affects the way they live and work. walking the streets of russia's major cities on a sunny day you might ask yourself what crisis. russians do talk a lot about sanctions the punishment for their countries intervention in the ukraine but how does sanctions really affect ordinary people. what they notice ironically are the. come to sanction putin's ban on foreign food in retaliation to the western ban on sales of technology to russia. yet as far as i can see
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the food import ban has not affected the quantity or quality of food at least as far as the tastes of the majority are concerned. while shopping in st petersburg i look at the range of available products and take stock of shoppers mood. cheese the defaults a biggie come on bag and sting. they're not supposed to be here under these sanctions. so they're still your post on the sort of jewels one u.s. is no locals to. you obviously is going to step out of the movie but this book will pull. a traditional russian drink cross the drive barefoot but it's not a call. this is something very russian pickle carrots well actually it's korean but for some reason russians love it. or you know who part of the
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bargain hunters name part of your world before you love them not only used to show government no one not only you for one jewelry you unusual one but you were able to get one in your jeep to get my hair which it does i put down my book it was a leftist it's good and you know want to fit the mold don't need to do that when you have what you want to put out of the window but you know you went. through as you did there on the draw more than your article. by say about. fifty seven rubles which is on the one u.s. dollar. came up to both books a different kind of book. the umbrella. fifty eight who will sixty nine of those one us dollar and then.
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of course western sanctions are not supposed to target teachers but the companies and individuals implicated in infringing ukrainian sovereignty. in addition to military related acknowledges the european union has provided exports of equipment that is used in the exploration of natural resources for example in the arctic. this gives the west a serious economic advantage in the competition with russia i wonder what punishing russia for its actions in the ukraine has to do with the scramble for arctic oil. as for the immediate future the sanctions may even be beneficial to some russian industrial companies. i found one in the ural region bordering on siberian.
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paranoia to mushroom on produces machinery for sophisticated modern drilling methods suited to difficult russian conditions for hard to access oil field. what sergei sylvana the company's boss told me was a mix of a success story and a tale of struggle which seems typical of doing business here. a father for the natural would you shouldn't but. programmable. but the most fearful of wisdom a good teacher through the thought of going to this is jim we must run and i be certain about it but i should. prefer to think i was on the bridge of pursuit of the choosing from which is putting up a little problem i know most of which is crucial and i wasn't the only and then you tell your doctor yes then you could gather with reese here loosely i'm.
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not going to argue that your son's. the walk in your skull that you're sunset or she's going to show up at the most traditional bhushan lookup of yours just going to be problems that doesn't make a good when your show bores sure it does programme the bitchiness way to take them some of the stringy initially reported but emotion or. neoprene which is the cleanest the prettiest you could use bush probably is that if you're pretty you to get to just pull it wish you didn't cookie because to burn to doesn't belong says really why do you my dad says yeah he's going to share me a little bit of the good up of business you have to get to but have come to me out of the. least bit of barnacles he took us off to come in the room and sure you thought it was nickel to push the problem would be for you if you should come to the roof with the wishful news recently particularly what they're doing for the truth you must get what you are the issue. most of yesterday just a little problem for. this project has been especially the
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quality of my. new group. at the portsmouth back. the. last ten years. and is now also just more scarred and thus new thrown the ball more time is not things like to your mind you just. when you are still nowhere near enough for you it's. not a constant was kind of problem say at the some of the spin you. of noise think you. use or the most likely boom is that a c.p.u. moves the. whole musical should you at the music there is a bit unusual to lose eyes a bit in each water a look for something isn't the question. would be more couple of years ago as to what the carnival device where does your sums that comes from goma they still going
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to start every border cut in a while you are not you were going to store their dishes movement across the norway which accompanies us and get the visa in the us hope. my ability to pull a gun over this is the. news that's coming as maybe no it's the foreigners are not minding your business is your. host on the lawn. this selection of. this company has no end of order it's a perfect example of a company that conforms to the government's vision of ridding russia of its dependence on people yet the firm struggles without bank loans or the help that the state has pledged for made in russia businesses. for better or worse many companies
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are now being forced to end their dependence on imports. in kaliningrad a slice of russian territory situated outside the main russian federation borders surrounded by poland and lithuania a food company is cutting off its trade with europe. productive be tiny and makes various products chicken nuggets for example out of poultry meat it used to import from europe. the import of real meat has been. a friend of mine so she guy is a manager at this company in charge of development. he's building in new integrated poultry farm that will provide the food processing factories with raw materials. for food if you both of. them are not they know that you are. just for
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certain for i have. sasha and his wife invited me to their home where they painted a revealing and which a picture of how russian business functions. you see even with movies and. you know what i see. and i wanted to follow you to make sure you don't does this mean there was. a war business going to slightly better or does mean that after. this is all the touring you've got to really stay you. could you could have been doing more with that you don't put much of that i would read them down the subsidy misfires mostly. because supplies would form in the body as much. in the.
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next krypton as here you're full of is a level isn't i love you so most of the formula does and you'll stumble get the guy in so he figures out corny but you get what i think he can buy you could probably get ten years but it's christine thank you do you think that was. my you know when what is called sistani's parents international used to know more and more says to me it seems in the months the. ship the crew. we're going to brussels copes with the kids tommy probably plans to michigan and no cops in europe and morrow is this is just i mean you can book you write you can sign your design area to music little cannot sell your repeatedly or buy only because i think i suppose there are but i thought i must go said i should dismiss an amish. cult this just in the mobile isn't the way it starts at the top. he's just an awesome on a new model. that isn't the first thing you'd think. that you for the.
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first six months look at post-war. multiparty system may be beneficial for russia as such a says but even before it's in place business that corruption leads to inefficiency . and the little just in the way i was. leaving it is the bill is lots of pick up tory. shills throw those there with his meals that was that seriously but he's eighty there's a musician you will. be their lives i suppose he was the neighbor that so before and using your view here if you were it would maybe comedians to get out so well that he studied you know there's no place that he said he was mr wood says jim there's millions i think shippey with the stories are showing a little bit of the first responders of the physical arts or substance of the business at the. years here for the better.
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even if business has adapted to the system that certainly congress set of all citizens. tens of thousands of middle class fully employed people have found themselves in total financial ruin because of the kind of mortgages they take now. they say they were fooled by the banks poorly regulated by the government. the trick was that mortgages were denominated in foreign currency. when the russian ruble which had been stable for many years of pushing through fell sharply people who earned rubles ended up owing fortunes to the banks with that with him. for coming in. just insist that you disagree with who we are but i would love enormous resources from this movie up or deal with some of that
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was a real that would put the bush group we want. to go to simply doing the. ninety's and i was to build some i said i'm going to vote. for a group of borrowers have gathered in front of the president's office to seek protection against their banks. and get them to just move on to. deal. with you know. larisa multiverse a construction engineer is delivering a letter to putin asking for help in dealing with what she sees as how banks financial scams. were superseded will be. but you. know. i would.
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only the hold up. put the most money to the national bank of the good. good is the good news at the end of the year but the most of. them with. leukemia could utilize it exceed a one dollar. much as it is considers looked into them giving him cover to getting gifts of your book that is peace and i bring up this and you will end up like you must have a bit of oxen a book. of the good of the mountains not. the supposed to the needs you the hazards of the cost was not the more it. is not a new thing is now watching bush a good deal. and if they kill visit us get this one. on here you know in spain. just to also continue to wonder.
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so why don't. you get them to come in. on the course and asked on their window to publishing you know not students that i stumble coast it's a good to get it's wasn't that big you know. even though it's a. new me behave around new language that there shouldn't. be sitting down. on the beach. suggesting we can do much about this it. sounds a little but you. failed mortgages they're not iniki russian problem of course are widespread calamity in this country. i've heard of
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a family friend ending in a situation similar to that of larissa. i visit tinier and her temporary residence in the country where she moved with her daughter from the mortgage city flat she committed longer for. the rest of the work to my company right now why don't. you tell. me. more. than i want to yes. and i was. but you know. with the get on that system there isn't as mitchell said as what needed to. let you know even. this is just. some of the moment at the cultural baggage book. that's above come.
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by the minute video with the new good. movie you can get. that good old listen at the moment the good. will. speak to you with no script but thank you in this. line you. miss every team and does business from the look of your beloved what. do you think you're the one that at the school. when you question you how she respects you or any statements to be taken seriously and see what you can use nice when you're supposed to do the first. do is just too much to believe. that bill is. that serious that part they approach a. plea deal.
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i don't know what that national force where you can get them i give you. with final impression the way one wants to believe life. is these beliefs if you can imagine. what star sign in front of this nation most if. not this pretty work if this were able to persuade. that's the reason that you have been you. know people. who use this method if they just come to me. through their plot the book in the school. i mean you know my. i mean you just got. a student loan just not speedboats you're the most advanced i'm getting of that not just those that get in the nuts and bolts goes without a job that. moves or that you are your thoughts that go with you it's just crashed
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on your back you could look great just because the down was because i'm used to but it's all good because you don't really think that ignore. studies that show you that. well they should just for. the rich you know. the. you know. when you. get in that. got the thank. you.
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thank. you our. thanks.
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in the next episode of science in a golden age i'll be exploring the contributions made by scholars during the medieval islam of the period in the field of chemistry they transformed the superstition of alchemy into the science of chemistry. many of his come to see just all those which may still be used today. all while. science in a golden age with professor jim miller at this time on al-jazeera. we have a news gathering team here that is second to their all over the world and i do a fantastic job and information is coming in very quickly all at once you've got to be able to react to all of the changes and al-jazeera we adapt to that.
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my job is is to break it all down and we held a view on the stand and make sense of it. a survivor of the genocide there were people who beg me to kill them to end their suffering but i didn't have the heart to do who's dedicated his life to searching the woods for bones of the victims of the srebrenica massacre. you know in the here is the draw of. you know hope of finally laying the past to rest and giving peace to the victims' families because if i could just find a finger i could bury him bone hunter at this time on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. where every.
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i'm right about this in doha the top stories on al-jazeera fifty five people are now confirmed dead in the united states in the caribbean from hurricane that affairs the death toll could rise further ravaged much of the caribbean causing mass evacuations french president emanuel is surveying the damage on eleven people died in the caribbean island which is split between the netherlands and france like hong is promising to boost security as people rebuild. the priority and what we're focusing all our efforts on is returning the island to normal life or it's normal as possible in terms of public older we have massively deployed police military police and soldiers which will come from this region and from france and from. the number of security and military personnel by two thousand
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and that number will rise to three thousand by the end of the. year as president donald trump is describing new u.n. sanctions on north korea as only a very small step he suggesting that much stronger action will be taken against pyongyang in the future north korea has also promised painful consequences for the u.s. . meeting of the arab league in cairo has descended into a shouting match as ministers from around the four states located in the dolphin nation traded insults the u.a.e. saudi arabia bahrain and egypt cut to diplomatic ties with qatar one hundred days ago delegations from both venezuela's government and its opposition are to try to see of talks can be held to end the political crisis that follows an invitation from the dominican republic president nicolas maduro has faced months of protests urging him to resign clashes with security forces have left around one hundred thirty people dead since april. the prime minister of bangladesh has promised to
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help. who fled to her country from me and mine. visited one of the camps housing refugees and said she would not tolerate any violence against them struggling to cope with more than three hundred seventy thousand people who fled from iraq and state tens of thousands of people in france have joined a nationwide protests against labor reforms one of the main changes will make it easier for medium and small businesses to stuff those are the headline things news continues here on al-jazeera in search of putin's russia by for now. to understand contradictions in the russian economy and finances and i see cardinal victor get a shotgun. he was once a member of the communist elite and head of the soviet central bank and then in one
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thousand nine thousand president yeltsin resurrected him the same role after capitalist reforms ended in a financial crash. made of stone as good as might and we believe that in the mid-east source the mills number one that known as cheese dejan of dany who had old computer store room really young you probably mean you never know when you stuff them one of the world will be disturbed and the computer has to be open and therefore be amelia but i was wrong and i east supreme really take it going is absolutely adorable is where you would be a shill for you see a sport of evolution in each other but a dog for a dog that easy death has a bunch of dust duds include you did resort once were only that i will get a manly german any of that style by bonior doohickey you she's delusional but you'll see that explosion resupplied yours number once approached him with the red
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go move for him you would issue a bargain. call and he did it and called it a deal was it real if you dropped and every time i doubt very far though i missed another gamble as bill and c.e.o. only when i was or if you would call was there as you are doing now which of the wards of the company in one hundred year old it's got an old push or accumulation the collaboration eighty city it's certainly will make the sister a bulldozer of about. you know when she had to do field city but that your original barnsley been trained in him sound financiers where unitless would. be a bit of stone wish reopening is a good deal i'm with him at the store but i only read about it indeed yankees you know the bill is sure you don't teach and ground zero because it is a team is great but absent of well you wouldn't be released by the tournament style
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leg where you ledge year is played your authority was great britain provided now you're not a long day's been misty for your banking if you were after a moment legion said orange unaids covered the boys would do was laudable and were . no no no i'm not going on you doug neil and bringing me near you i would do is. go with sincerely seeds beans but good lord because restored in war with new few bro in the till coalition lease boys would surely be rescheduled could potentially world quite old to add to the equivalent. so as a result of massive corruption and poor investment of public funds but also low oil prices and western sanctions banks don't have enough money to lend to productive businesses and when credit is available it's too expensive. an
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extraordinary court case has caught my attention the russian central bank has charged a farmer with the illegal introduction of a substitute currency because named after his village apparently it's a threat to the russian ruble. everything the guy starts are doing which will when they're still going to. get in the way protesters. most of the ten year old services the birth of so or was the only one i've been there so i've got to have my. you know a brazilian news follows a one somewhere in this world are going to go broke or news where most of them in the gaza were told it was will it come or make a new cd in your lives so you're good with us it's good for you heard the birth of the last load the other day and i don't know a lot of fights when you think you're over no matter how difficult or even guy
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method might seem and not could we have found the right course that you can use to get the best pitching you know how to not salerno alone one need not such a chain on with the door should mourad him koku no clear one and it would just be good to do one of the look above to find out why the sum is there because i must have been a relatively. new one with no additional. the cult hearing is inconclusive the case is a. coyote will go on fighting for the right to use his currency.
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we've taken the local minivan shuttle to his village. some hundred miles east of moscow. where you know it was a job where you have five years of liberal corrupt border blue or even a monument but you modeled who tries to do this but you're more who was blocked at the lower the bridge would up there with a double border but you wouldn't be able to of that would be your book of no when you use of it or you don't you could have. what you thought you mean yeah what do you have fulfilled my book. georgia but yes i hope it's not or will. the order of the world will get the good old us with our little muddled up of world would do that. not a good look at is the word yes or the vehicle if you have a look for a book who would yell at you and you wish god would you knew it so that. you
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don't like them. because. it is. a cartoon and you can learn enough is a good use of different thirty and ones we. can come watch for. wow. for the fun. is not changing with it he did. at the blue shirts a. level to. be. what he's given to the brits about their money to give you the questionable taste of gus obviously not the book but so the article was not that it was. by the government just water. but on the political form or. do you just mean you're blood on. your resume. yeah you
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know what i should put as a reader's ability to just shouldn't be put through this because of the young adult of this piece can find it can google can find you going to look you want to read me a duty a little bit so you can read it you know that you will be perceived as appropriate idea yes a person just because but for the good to have come to of course though most of you look at what's good it could be one of the more took because it must be like i'm going to die because i doubled uniform and got to school so that would say yeah it's similar go to that would you want to take a class i took money he was a young couple who produced to. be but just get it got to hurt a bit but yes the bank of i was just a little bit you could be the key to a budget it was you just. so glad you got to do it per cent of school can you put it you know to give people just you know you don't you think would you but you had to do. maybe you just need to deal with the. bulk of your doesn't but since you
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don't i will do what you. need to deal. with it but. because. of the ammonium. i mean. more than just other compounds or. more story or what do you mean.
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i want. three misoprostol. would you. give me sort of a little we should give you. something . you should. put on either of them. but you'll do so. on. your part of you with. me i mean. the making of the bondage community for them food imma do we know your boy feel. with. them. for the most when you're just.
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going astray. this is a beautiful vehicle they're beautiful. what did you shop for modem your stores and your school. what was stored in a field where the emotional part of this dancer was from please you thought of the vocal you. are the biggest killer you're using because you give it your cool but needs and. the. congress of syria because you know the twelve thirty. three muggers you know. you know the beauty. of. twenty thirty years i mean the abundance of.
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the unassuming beauty of the central russian plane fills me with taking no income and. there are fewer and fewer people here. and those who are still around feel completely abandoned by their state. their creative attempts to tackle russia's economic problems get no support and even meet resistance. the healthy economy protects those who contributed to it in the past but can't work anymore the problem is especially acute in a country where people work for token pay hundred communism and therefore have no savings. dr vishnu called from their death region and sent to russia is
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struggling to balance the books in a hospital where there are not enough beds for former workers of collective farms. to take here to stay on year before the four week at war started in order for fourth quarter it's a sort of the longer i want more with more going in the world will go i won't go i fall down if you don't get on the. floor. well i think more will of. this move are sure to sum up how this feels for you just to go business is difficult so you're screwed you know we're here i know you're going to. caught in
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this part or is as though it's just positioning their work around and devotion and stuff and usually you can have missed a cut or a natural session now since she first got exploited to berlusconi story pretty onerous shirts quick story. it's just that someone who could be smart did not look it's just not possible just another thing that's going to continue those who did not rise to shoot him want you to see it is different but not a mutant conditioning at a time that i believe in the long in the brain what it is must make other people migrate on there's a good many doing it by mark i mean you're the brush a little bit i says if the money combines you are great at the way to put it but i will start your t.v. discussion. yet nothing in the back of the bus are going to continue to do with. this we're dealing of course but in the us and so here i will post but it's
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that simple chance that there's a i don't buy the answer but i think that seemed to. be tricky because frankly it was weird when you. hear the governor will give you a foot in his foot it would sure. to put forward the good point of discussion it's a good. question anyone a good serious community is going to get the tough work to convert times are good kilometers i think i mean for his gift card to pay for the. first. couple but i thought it was a pretty good deal it still is good my share. of your summer got a culture because i'm going to work to do it i just go to sports a little afterwards is really good but you get used for me shipboard to put in might go other birds just to get my it's some. some luck or we're tired of the
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horse. question or doorstep. i'd like to just. put a notice to work etc for some. football. most religion is just desserts the style of bush really that it must have allowed the. producers of over there with the like to be repetitious and most important it's i think i think you know i think it's an item that has been a little you know people want to speak or a kid. i just did a google search to see of what she did equally wasn't just right. then but most think you don't lump in your look up yes is that sun out of circulation in the top drawer joystick on your post on your sperm or. there's a little chilly look on your mobile first incident is it sort of susie's to reduce his use of course cause a value to to really physically to do so is given i knew my going to produce reds
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when i should burn it's. busy. and you. just. knew you presumably did it's just that a certain. years you were just really bored you doing with. most exhausting usually got his. start the door of. the storm. is going to be the death of realization. subsidies or one ensure your. doctor viciously coughs beat is equal in size to the touch of luxemburg and he is alive. i can only call his word he read but and that is not to let him in russian.
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history with what he must do for a precious unless you keep the ship question from. what was the. thing. the grandson of a famous writer and himself a successful photographer. has chosen to try and tackle some of russia's problems through philanthropy. is the web site but just what skills you have the didn't see a dog but doesn't want to buy much of the ocean. but the most about we're still respect your. girl. you know militias would buy this don't buy this is the full of should be that's going to be the voice of the most of the. media doesn't like his organization to be called a charity it raises funds but it also invests he says information and human
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resources. didn't. exhibit this. pollution you don't. break it. me producing the station is a plex missile cut off which to me need don't cut my game you don't see what i'm doing in the form of the problem because i'm or licinius his temper my security must do those digital put something to put before the market can clear them all at number two local so reading in the issue of. the mainstream which there's a new pro missed those still sort of the new knowledge in you but no it don't come with spending in place to but it's you can upload of richie for the bottom and change them up which in your fantasy just seems to post most of the stars the most of the book at the sort of thing initiating at the moment much what i was there
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with so it is this much of questioning as it got me here when you go to a store but the doctor we do it is pretty katie does me shed nuclear from cigs that's not contact ver sternness rise with a chimney well for a dozen resi move up she needs there was a possible start to push monetary deal with the by me to become way. though it's a process of my heart much just doesn't but that's what not to move it near complete him call my gramps is my supposedly did mr adams should be put off but it was not the bootylicious before i use that is new myself but seeing him duty it was the thought of me as they were close to a motor motor doesn't damage meter we heard of shoes nice to run he's not he. could you nine o'clock as each year still has a job so it would look good measure to the holder would hold the whole with
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a cheater who are here at the instrument most lists of them never meant is that i mean this literally it. new system we formed. the twenty first he. care because it's. the old. more system you're. right you're the one you must. be good news but only for a minute to do the correction the best any second they have shows to understand you if i have to get that a lot of people here some. of them were from gives one i didn't know then the fellow was somewhere mining could tell you so did the. symbol of. you know if you were that it was a job. you want to get electricity but. then you have mislaid
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using them in the long run to get to the overflow what are you going to do something to do with the. story of which some of the stuff to be at the store store. with the beach where you should cook repeat the dinner. was the will of been brought something seemed to serve that you can see when you. void just you don't want us to want to see what you post about almost a yes no field course because he stinks. they're going to look. it up the worst or not to be. if there isn't too much at the. most of. the brothers the boss the work of the.
4:55 am
millionaire dead beat. them. up just gotta have my support some of us to buy your stuff cause it all your poor. you know the family but if you push your shit on down here in here i would rather. you didn't like. the mama done all of the modern. cars because was used. up in a muse moment as someone has and there's
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a misunderstanding now did you hear all the words rush a lot harder than until. it got to be shouting got to be shouting you haven't even gotten to that. question about. the. good will go with you she was the first to come of the day he took the teacher didn't think is the best so one just eight who posted the statement with a stilly to do it. to you would be the way to the best use of us with your joy your first. home. to. watch the storm.
4:57 am
there seems to be a lot of goodwill and some money around. but is this the best way to pay for hospital building wealth the project and even dr sally boys to . die. it makes me wonder whether russia's quest for conflicts outside her borders is the right focus for our wrenches but this so much to do at home. tomorrow.
4:58 am
hello there the remains of a still showing up very clearly on the satellite picture it's this massive cloud here but as it works its way towards the north and spreads its way west with as well it is breaking up and so the rain is becoming less intense there's not a great deal left to it as we head through the day on wednesday just a few showers a few bits and pieces of cloud around that continues to break up as we head through on thursday as well meanwhile for the west and generally find it settle for most of us a little bit messy there over parts of the rockies calgary only getting to around eighty degrees at best a bit further towards the south and this mass of cloud here this is jose it is just swirling around now are not causing
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a great deal of problem at all is still going to be with us over the next few days but gradually it's filling and it's losing its intensity elsewhere showers around quite a few of them particularly over parts of haiti and unfortunately over parts of cuba as well for rather wait here and also rather intense rains in the far western parts of mexico thanks to another developing system and that gradually should pull away in the next day or so but further towards the south and force here it's hot again force in asuncion thirty four degrees but the systems working its way towards us and it will make things a little bit cooler for thursday. the philippines is asia's largest catholic nation priests are treated like gone but the church has a dark secret one on one east investigate sexual misconduct inside the most powerful institution in the philippines at this time on al-jazeera.
5:00 am
this is al jazeera. hello i'm rob matheson this is the news our live from coming up in the next sixty minutes very sing a new round of u.n. sanctions north korea warning.


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