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tv   Horses Of Misfortune  Al Jazeera  September 12, 2017 9:00am-9:56am AST

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risking it all coming soon on al-jazeera. i just want to make sure all of our audience is on the same page where they're online and want to produce to us citizens here and then what puts people of iraq going one in the same or if you join us on say ours never put a file been looked at differently because i'm dr going all the people but i'm one this is a dialogue tweet us with hash tag a.j. stream and one of your pitches might make a connection join the global conversation at this time on al-jazeera. hello i'm daryn jordan in doha with a quick reminder of the top stories here on al-jazeera the united nations security council has agreed to impose new sanctions on north korea they severely restrict fuel supplies and blocked textile exports the sanctions also ban foreign countries from hiring north korean workers our diplomatic editor james bays has more from the united nations. this was the result the u.s.
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ambassador nikki haley wanted even though she had to weaken her resolution to get it a unanimous vote by the security council to punish north korea for its latest nuclear test today the security council has acted in a different way today we're attempting to take the future of the north korean nuclear program out of the hands of its outlaw regime china and russia may have voted for the resolution but both said it was only part of the solution the u.s. and south korea they said should stop military exercises and remove the fired missile defense system and there should be new talks new that so it's a big mistake to underestimate this russia china initiative it remains on the table at the security council and we will insist on it the inconsiderate as well it's pretty clear that the u.s. had wanted to push through a much tougher resolution this is the text that was voted on by the security
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council but out zeros obtained an earlier version that was circulated last week by comparing the two you can see the items that the u.s. had to drop to get russian and chinese support the original draft included a total ban of sale of oil petroleum and gas to north korea that was changed to some restrictions on sales it also had included a total ban on hiring and paying workers from north korea the original version also called for a travel ban and assets freeze on the north korean leader and freezing the financed . of north korea's national airline one of the u.s. is closest allies says despite the changes this was a strong resolution ambassador you say it's a robust resolution yes it's watered down from the earlier draft and key elements to be taken out of what's called negotiation and that's what we do here in the security council there is
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a significant prize in keeping the whole of the security council united and that is without doubt why the u.s. decided to withdraw items from its original draft the trumpet ministration has very few good options when it comes to north korea but a veto by russia and or china would have divided the international community making things even more difficult james pays out of the united nations britain and sweden are requesting a u.n. security council meeting on violence against range of muslims in me and the united nations is describing their treatment in rakhine state as a textbook example of ethnic cleansing more than three hundred thirteen thousand ranger have escaped a military crackdown to seek safety in neighboring bangladesh. at least nine people have been killed after a hurricane made landfall in the u.s. mainland it's now been downgraded to a tropical depression around one point five million homes are without power in the state of georgia and cuba has confirmed that ten people have been killed there by
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hurricane over the weekend takes the death toll in the caribbean to thirty eight rescuers say some of died after ignoring evacuation orders. british m.p.'s have given their first approval to a bill that would give ministers powers to bypass paula meant and create. the government says it's essential to allow the u.k. to leave the european union smoothly but critics want it would undermine democracy . what congress has protected president jimmy bought out as some face in trial for irregular finances during his election campaign it voted to keep his immunity from prosecution despite a congressional committee arguing against it the committee found evidence at least eight hundred thousand dollars he received was registered. services have been held in the u.s. to mark sixteen years since the september eleventh attacks. victims' relatives survivors and rescuers gathered at the former world trade center in new york almost three thousand people were killed in the attacks president paid tribute at the
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pentagon well those were the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera after al-jazeera well thanks a lot by phone. with
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you know those i'm a bit more of the one hint of look to know the home team better middle. or and i'm more to high and with a new meaning for me i love it when a hundred fold up hill you know it's. a. lot of twenty that want to know a lot of me. and not know no coordinator who are thin and good and totally untrue but you know ok let me you can move me in that name it. what came of that he. need to know going to lead to me going to meet me don't you look like a community meeting. it's it's.
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it's it's. it's. going to be a gnome with a home that you know and your lead and i love. for her that i need a real. i don't play well. and i probably have all the you know when. we have a game up and up. to
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fifty. fifty fifty. if you know. what i tell them how you should forgive me or. my daddy said my mother i said you know if you were in
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a scene like that and so with that i said yeah if i said i'm fine she let you know what to do it sounds. like you know that would hurt. if you do that yet if you let it out of the. love she has. no. on each of the jury that i had i had nothing in my neck and not so much as it hung up as not being big madness in a council fight on a holiday union of a fun kind of infant for bob was a delight one or nearly a million odd number gotta admit i said to him it a little then one with a minute he said yeah well i once had. legged addition with someone as isaac and jim funnell and sion i've been with them they've been linking it and shit in front of it if they were in it in a familial where he didn't know that should come from titles or fame though.
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when she thought about them that. i didn't smell up then people had been good to have a good effect. she thought i'd see the door wide i would us head up i think
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i would get killed between having it in him and he hasn't killed you how do you know i think you're doing a. and you would reply with data. cannot be and he said you cannot then a machine attendant who are not their argument not the bin not they are in the me and. i were and i think that then has to be up now that i judge you can i speak. to deniece. addiction. i just did you get help i do i did use my xox. will. join the
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others in a little. yet did in the midst of. the cheer when it's been just a little danny this july was done with no shame. or told we're. going to hear oh it's only when i don't have another human for one of them or whatever you know of some other form of. communication focused man is from the allowed bullets was have an easier time and i was more of
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a shot of have what i will personally and now that you will be. let out of the i'm looking to get some more insight on you and then i'm skint turn out for an american can be a dollar killer like to believe i have to use a little more than the n.r.a. to wear no one let yourself here's going to solutions if kids keep your mission to densham your mission to densham book you should do it to kids i. say hey you're. a little whatever she married you or a bill or sort of deal with my daughter will never let her not come how. better but she begged. very bad mood.
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ok and then the. different bottom of this law. was. one is the. same and. the has.
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never. been to. the. rich the yeah. yeah. yeah yeah yeah yeah. yeah. yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. however the as the
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as the as the fixed for his show as if she were the that what you're seeing in the the as the fixed yard. and stepmother who. are younger shifting if you're going to have things. that are lucky for him. and. you more no need. of you know you.
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are near and then in your own or even mirror. and i don't recall me you know mundo we're very good. we will compel a fellow called me removing it would be of no good going there would give me first we are going to quickly move good want to go out of the house we'll get that. the one when i knew and had been canadian ok i knew in a minute he knew it. was a slogan from. the mule i should get that.
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out on your shop bit of a fair. bit and. therefore i have to try to. do it without. them i'll file for five hundred. for your. limited frontal. that. will need more than me to move now from the. gun a drug that would have been a good one admin combat had newman and. or.
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been mistaken fell. through we had were met up and i truly did what i'm feeling a few of them they should have called him from one of the back of the. room for photos of her with. which of them was hit is going to be your last. one of. them. has laura. get a cut off and you can look to shake the majority of the us that question may give you a question we have a lot of. well let's say hello to. remember took home the early eighty's and
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you want to pass it on the market actually no i didn't yeah we want to get better what's to be had to give your best moment to head off work. but. that's all i'm going to get and it's of no and you don't need to listen to did. i really should. yet you read the end. of any. but i could give you a. very good cheer him up and again. so that should have left a. sea of. green
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in michigan eight million american needs it would deny share thank you madison press moralists there in michigan room at the dairy which you could get all the did you are poor family being a winner literally d.s.d. all girl had much luck with the lose religionists are going to grandma can provide against the little minister become again a little messiah and the button will need where shumi to put it in her well i'm a gold cradle my dear will give bush a blister. america it's going to look i miss you to confuse miss euphrasia has madea in red but never were the much precious new looked at a little and culture being in charge of i am a subliminal. that wasn't a lie as i didn't feel one for him trouble old. in me.
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he was really glad to have more don't. believe him who had to. know it. if you could believe he was going to. the level of the. good will and the why. not all of you have to hate you the. mood will be. in the. favor the welfare will leave you know you will fly with me and i will give you legal vote out. and you get a good dog. we don't much better than iraq ever we don't
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know look at chapter eleven chancellor madeleine get comfortable being as objective never a lot of bad news. good looking. good ok we're here marines or saddam or here we had an affair that had i known. you. got a commercial plane and a member of that not that i'm not up to my allowance for the whole idea if i really . and. could somebody. best lead on they're likely to do an interview where they are on the grabber that are. in love deal or override carefully if you could at the leisure adequately and help
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but again if you go either contraband well they get the money that i got hold of a wide net here was going to look at. your health or you're good there is no power no shock but not so good. then you can he but remember that very bad along with the growth of the value that our growth has. is how are you rob or how i guess we're all going to get to look at good. or not god to name us when you know it's the new that will lose their control. if you heard recently that little tree was what i. saw i don't know. how to restore my lovely lady that drove him to let me get into it let me know. there was. love i meant it like you're going to have no
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other near tree i thought about. kids going to why i'm chasing the devil does or does all the veteran middle and small fallen foul come out of this. market when i give are going to have. now it's your fault i wouldn't learn of it you know i was going to make it clear now what you're going to let me level you were through that well you came bills and i saw the so. you're going on but only i never. are. you know. boss i was just. as it was eluding me while you. thought of even though it's important what i'm seeing i'm only the rep i'm the
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local here and i let you there you can let my name on there lose the battle front of the north almost in a lonely little girl who you don't. or here in the in the whole thing will be for. you no harm. to come from. nothing worth nothing. more than a good. time of the it's not a game you play you. will love her or her your soul. our.
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love it and i'm working on the fabric. of that and then are you going to. divide shallow follow up i just want to me like you say yeah but with his head i. need that emanated. when i read it on the hunt oh but that is not our man no mind child left. alone i said it. myself. in the next episode of science in a golden age exploring the contributions made by scholars during the medieval islam
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of the period in the field of chemistry they transformed the superstition of alchemy into the science of chemistry. many of his chemical procedures and all those which most do we use today. all while. science in a golden age with professor jim miller at this time on al jazeera. one of the really special things about working for al-jazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be for us as you know it's very challenging there but it is but the good because you have it all the people that are divided on political issues we are the people we live to tell the real stories are just mended used to deliver in-depth enemies and we don't feel in favor to the audience across the globe. a clam the stein world of illegal trade what you have here is not just park
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a logical object you're talking about a political dimension where the spoils of war are smuggled and sold to walk in houses and private collectors dying for selling an artifact is worth finances to be headaches and muscle use in the middle east don't sal don't like that's one quick solution trafficking at this time on al-jazeera. hello i'm daryn jordan in doha with a quick reminder of the headlines here on al-jazeera the united nations security council has agreed to impose new sanctions on north korea they severely restrict fuel supplies and blocked textile exports they also banned foreign countries from hiring north korean workers previous efforts to bring north korea to the
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negotiating table have failed they have repeatedly walked back every commitment they have made today the security council has acted in a different way today we are attempting to take the future of the north korean nuclear program out of the hands of its outlaw regime we're done trying to prod the regime to do the right thing we are now acting to stop them from having the ability to continue doing the wrong thing britain and sweden are requesting a u.n. security council meeting on violence against a range of muslims in me and ma the united nations is describing their treatment in rakhine state as a textbook example of ethnic cleansing more than three hundred thirteen thousand ranger have escaped in military crackdown to seek safety in neighboring bangladesh . at least nine people have been killed after hurricane made landfall in the u.s. mainland it's now been downgraded to a tropical depression around one point five million homes are without power in the state of georgia and cuba has confirmed that ten people have been killed there by
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hurricane for the weekend takes the death toll in the caribbean to thirty eight rescuers say someone died after ignoring evacuation orders. british m.p.'s have given their first approval to a bill that would give ministers powers to bypass parliament and create new laws the government says it's essential to allow the u.k. to lead the european union smoothly but critics warn it will undermine democracy. what tomorrow's congress has protected president jimmy morale is from facing trial for irregular finances during his election campaign it voted to keep his immunity from prosecution despite a congressional committee arguing against it the committee found evidence that at least eight hundred thousand dollars the president received was registered. services have been held in the us to mark sixteen years since the september eleventh attacks. victims' relatives survivors and rescuers gathered at the former world trade center site almost three thousand people were killed in the worst attacks on u.s.
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soil the president from pay tribute at the pentagon but those are the headlines the news continues here after al-jazeera world that's a watching. work . with. them.
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to have me. you. know. what. we end up. doing. what. st louis thought it was. kind of. what it was he would have done to win win
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win win . with this thing that. i'd add to that gives a new name now and then you can i think it's. back. on the truth hurts. but it's. you know. so i'm going to. be.
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the. all of this all of. you no no no you know you have done your bit here well you. know what. i did you were treated. no doubt of.
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goodness and then all the noise. was going to you know i have zero zero zero. zero. zero zero zero million of my. body should. have. had both a little uncomfortable coming but i don't. know what like me i'm with. well we're going to be. helpful in that and i'm going to change. things. take their bio you know and the place so mad. or you will be. again in the garden you know but no matter how much
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more you allow mohamed. morsi the little. bit. her lips and shut them up but i'm not sure i didn't. have that i laid it out. for you but i. had two years ago a dog i've stepped on and a lot more knowledge i gained not the bathroom and you are going to have some
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through how that i live. in the gutter don't know had been a real idea. that there would have been with for the amount of. you know what if you're going to. have too much of your. job will close up on you that's. just tough of course i said it if.
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you can hear it i read more than looking into it. i mean again the fact that a mature adult should not be. going to. stand to look. had you thought of the article done the. one hundred second all over but on some honey screen here you know left and you know what really made of it out of hand and i've been. here on benefit of all the water you heard of it or not but i felt the people we have left our you want you to me and only you mean a gun i mean it's going to go crazy. you know federal government he said i know that you don't know what he did with your net you going to put.
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had followed. it up. and i even. given children. more time for they don't normally. teach us how they need to maneuver to get them out of the ship will do you any. good thing in their complete most obvious need there. are one zero zero zero zero. zero created but. you know.
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this well course it'll be feel deceived. only you madeleine. of course publish you want us all you. wanted we're going to get here the moment that i misunderstood you with this diminishes real here and i think even more than i didn't. know and i didn't. write out the actual question i told. you what to do. sark in the heart of a c.r.t. i want to listen to it and you're going to want to see all the satellite.
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window is going to have one off of in latin praeter and let me get a huff a money out of you know how different from a layout good english obligated to dead of a dead end menu and. you'll mian and it will mean on one hundred thousand or giving them the magic of going to it will give you a lead i'm reading from you and she then it's going to read the end of the whole you will go to the medical club control freak always. on building voted democrat of cotton in a cotton and i think
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a lot of me i know didn't see it here and i know i'm gonna cut it if you know it. shouldn't. and i've said to him thought all life well my mother she would had been in her head and when i got on there from annoyed as a result of. what i'm going to go lower my him not already moved rather mission fruitlessly if you have only my unknown had i got it little one off in federal court. yet local they have health and other they haven't. here lyndon valiant op ed by them for finian's in injured for war is over him a good.
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let's. just.
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say. it's just it's tough to get your sense of. self-importance to six to six. six six. six.
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percent of. the. just. you know could read how grandma. mono ethnic. group could read general. rivendell when me enough in the front row to know they gave. through very much a lot of you. know going to. go let.
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i know him for a moment and have remember i'm not. going on there. but. get it yet let it live you really get it that you can resolve it and i should them
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i did. with him because even when that. comes to me up. and i'm kind of a good legend you can only consider him a live. you
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know it's just about a total of. the little poem audition some other men. who had to. do this will have. their shit out of their. the.
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truth. yes.
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deadly attack destroyed her family and left her badly wounded. the long time from
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gaza to california and little girl's journey and. i was very timid when she came as the time progresses she became our family. that would touch the hearts of the people around her and i was excited to come when i saw this. on our jazeera well that this time. we've got a chance of some showers across parts of the middle east over the next couple of days chiefly just around sections of the caspian sea well as the clear skies as you can see more hazy sunshine coming through warm sunshine at that thirty one celsius in by rote thirty three degrees and still getting up to forty six in baghdad his showers there you might just see a few showers into northern parts of iran tehran and around thirty three over the next possibility of want to showers too into central and northern parts of pakistan
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but essentially. dry yet again across much of the middle east the case across the arabian peninsula. around forty one celsius hopefully fifty two here but i think the humidity might just not up a touch as we go on through wednesday for those of us here in doha highs here around forty degrees celsius i mean more hazy sunshine plenty of sunshine into southern africa will though you might just see a little bit of wet weather coming into the fosse out of south africa the southern cape draped in cloud then but elsewhere as you can see warm sunshine harari is up to around twenty eight degrees celsius so the temperature we can expect across parts of central africa will be showers here into work cameroon into nigeria and it does look rather wet for a good part of west africa. i just want to make sure all of our audience is on the same page where they're online and what produced the u.s.
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citizens here and what puts people of iraq by one in the same or if you join us on say i was never put a file been looked at differently because i'm doc and them all before but i'm a lot this is a dialogue tweet us with hostile a.j. stream and one of your pitches might make the next show join the global conversation at this time on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. where ever you are. russian filmmaker andre mech rowsell travels across his homeland to discover what life is like on the putin the russian economy is in crisis tank and unstable oil prices a fluctuating cards half of the country struggles to make ends meet and so in times
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like this war in jobs economists call clayburgh everything and we don't want to think what will happen when the bank takes away our flag. being the surge of putin's russia at this time and all dizzy are. my friends so. i brings up a good. i go where i get my do you get. hired.


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