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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 24, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm EST

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submitting to a slow death. >> this is al jazeera. hello and welcome to the news hour, i'm martine dennis in doha. these are our top stories. >> so our experts will meet again very soon. in fact we will have a meeting in december. >> no deal but iran and world powers suggest a nuclear agreement can be reached within months. in the middle of the i.s.i.l. crisis, and under pressure, the u.s. defense secretary chuck hagel riens. resigns.
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devastating floods in mor moroc, and more rain coming. paintings hoarded by the son of adolph hitler's soldiers, headed to an art museum. >> no one's walk away just yet from vienna, in fact they all said they have made progress towards an agreement on iran's nuclear program and they have extended the deadline until july the 1st. within the last few minutes, iran's minister hasan rouhani says the sides have gotten closer. the five powers plus germany and
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russia. agree. >> we are not sitting at the table together absent measurable progress. but particularly in the last few days this is not certainly the time to get up and walk away. these issues are enormously complex. they require a lot of tough political decisions. and they require very rigorous technical analysis of concepts. today, iran has halted progress on its nuclear program. and it has rolled it back for the first time in a decade. a year ago, iran had about 200 kilograms of 20% enriched ur uranium in a form that could be enriched into weapons grade.
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now they have zero, none, and they have diluted and converted every ounce they have and suspended all uranium enrichment above 5%. >> let's go to jonah hull, there we saw john kerry outlining the progress that's been made but what are the hurdles that have been made? why haven't they been able to reach the comprehensive deal that is the ultimate aim? >> well, he was almost relentlessly positive in that press conference. why to they need seven more months to nail down a deal? he was asked just how far apart are the parties? give us spiskedz about what is >> he wouldn't do that, latched on to boat sides, and undermine future progress. let's take a look now at quite
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what the sticking points are in these negotiations. at the heart of the standoff with iran is the uranium enrichment. iran says it needs to expand its capacity for plans to build more nuclear power plants. the west wants iran to sharply reduce refining capacity. if iran has its way it could quickly develop nuclear weapons, breakout capability. the west wants to look into allegations that it's been designing a nuclear missile warhead. that's a charge that iran denies. and then there's the issue of sanctions. iran wants them lifted as soon as possible but israel and some u.s. politicians argue that any premature easing of sanctions could let iran carry on developing its nuclear program. those are some of the problems that exist in these
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negotiations. they've got seven more months now martine to sort them out. >> jonah hull live in vienna, thank you. now our other main story today, that of the u.s. defense secretary chail chuck hagel has resigned. he has been pentagon chief for two years. he will remain defense secretary until his successor is nominated. >> let me say chuck is a great friend of mine. i've known him trusted him and relied on him for ten years since i was a green behind the ears senator and we were both on the senate foreign relations committee. if there's one thing i know about chuck is that he does not make this or any decision lightly. this decision does not come easily to him but i consider myself extraordinarily lucky to have him by my side for two
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years and i'm grateful that chuck has decided to stay on until i nominate a successor. he will continue to guide our troops at this time. >> chuck hagel talked about his accomplishments in his time as secretary of defense. >> we have prepared ourselves as the president has noted, our allies and afghan national security forces for successful transition in afghanistan. we have bolstered enduring alliances and strengthened relationships in crises around the world. and we have notereform noted ree challenges that face us in decades to come. i believe we have set not only this department, the department of defense, but the nation, on a stronger course towards security, stability and
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prosperity. >> okay let's go live now to patty culhane, our correspondent at the white house. so that's the end of chuck hagel pretty much although he is going to stay in post until a new secretary of defense is nominated and presumably passed. >> i'm having some trouble but he was basically fired. now behind the scenes administration officials are making it clear that they didn't think hagel was up to the job. hagel is reportedly telling some people he was being mismanaged, micromanages by the white house. so there's a little bit of back and forth blame game going on and part of that could be because the president just had an election and he was powrnded bpowbdedpoundedby republicans. they don't think his strategy
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especially for i.s.i.l. is going to work. but it does appear, i've been talking to a lot of foreign officers and analysts around this town. they don't think this is an indication at all that the president's policy on i.s.i.l. is going to change. >> patty culhane live there at the white house. in washington. another part of washington is j.d. gordon, a pentagon spokesman and a columnist for the washington l times. times. we have seen the end pretty much of the term of chuck hagel as defense secretary. >> hi martine, i agree with patty'ty's seamtion, i thinkty'. i think he was fired. sometimes cabinet members get fired especially controversial ones. i remember i was a pentagon spokesman after the democrats won the senate and the house.
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nancy pelosi said, i want donald rumsfeld fired. president bush did bring him over after the election and said he was gone. >> chuck hagel himself is a republican and now republicans control congress. and we're already getting signs of the republican controlled congress flexing its muscle and certainly with regards to the iran talks. we've heard from john boehner for instance. so what exactly do you think will happen now, in terms of how policy, national security policy is going to be conducted? >> you know i don't think a lot will change. but what's interesting about chuck hagel being a republican, he was one of the most antidefense senators there was. the only reason he's a republican is he's pro-life,
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from nebraska, strong on social issues. but what does pro-life have to be with being secretary of defense? here is a republican, president obama said i'm bipartisan but a republican who is very soft on iran and very antiisrael. we're better off chuck hagel not being there frankly. >> j.d. gordon, thank you so much indeed, because we're going to go back to our main story, two really big stories today and that of course of the talks ongoing talks as it would now appear, on the nuclear program of iran. so they didn't reach the comprehensive agreement that they wanted but the foreign ministers have basically agreed to a seven month extension. let's talk more about this now with hans blix who is in stockholm, he was the international director of the
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atomic s.a.t, and unts unts ambassadounited nationsambassad. >> from judging from the press it would seem there is very little there to disagree about. the iranians might want to retain 10,000 centrifuges, the u.s. talks about 5,000 centrifuges. i can't imagine this really is the major problem. i think it's rather has to do with how far can accommodate and how far can obama allow himself to be vis-a-vis an iranian position considering the opposition he has in congress. and the sentiment in the u.s. for the lobby. >> sir you talk about the possibility of the obamas are obama administration being
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slightly more accommodating to the iranian demands. what would that entail? the iranians would want all the sanctions lifted immediately. i'm afraid we are having a few technical problems today, aren't we? hans blix, terribly sorry we can't continue that conversation but we'll move on anyway. and kurdish forces say they have managed to retake two towns under i.s.i.l. control in dyala province. the attacked happened northeast syria. imran khan sends this report. >> kurdish forces celebrate the taking of jalalla city. i.s.i.l. fighters have been forced from the area. >> translator: formed to
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liberate from i.s.i.l. forces. our forces managed to enter and free the entire area. >> reporter: first wave of attacks in the early house of sunday in sadia and jalalla, troops looked for hidden explosives. >> now jalalla and sadiya are under complete control. >> there's increasing confidence in iraqi and kurdish peshmergaings forces. peshmerga forces. it's being looked at as a blueprint for future operations. this was a cooperative effort between the iraqi air force kurdish peshmerga forces, may well serve as a blueprint for
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further operations. however where i.s.i.l. have their strength, towards erbil, will be the real test of whether iraq can beat i.s.i.l. back. that fight and in those provinces will be much more difficult than the fights they face against i.s.i.l. so far. imran khan al jazeera baghdad. >> still to come on this al jazeera news hour. the battle for donetsk airport. we have rare access to the conflict on both sides. plus, talking business, the egyptian leader, abdel fattah al-sisi is on his first visit as president. the catch described as one of the best in nfl history. ukraine says the lithuanian
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government has agreed to provide military aid as it continues to battle russian backed separatists in the country. at the airport north of the city of donetsk there's been constant fighting. harry fawcett gained access to both sides of the battle lines. >> this is a village of 2,000 people on the edge of the donetsk airport. now, a battle for a strip of runway. in the village of pishke, we have been told it's been quiet, small arms fire and heavy outgoing artillery as well. the guns are placed throughout the village. the men from volunteer battalions say they switch locations regularly. and keep vigil for any sign of attack. talk is rife in this region of
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any sign of rebel attack. >> at the moment the russians are coming in by the road. if they take the airport they will be able to fly in. we can't suffer this. >> it should be the regular ukrainian army fighting this battle. they won't let us anywhere closer, but this footage showing damage to this $875 million facility. on monday new footage revealed ravage from shelling and close quarters combat. at the other end of the runway, we're with the rebel reconnaissance position checking on pro-ukraine positions. throughout constant shelling, outgoing and in-coming.
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they work in shiforts sleeping ishifts sleeping ina pitch blac. when i ask how long they have been here they simply say a long time. >> translator: we are tired, they are tired. the civilians are tired because they are suffering from this. are. >> reporter: both sides say they do not target civilian areas. but 12 are injured over the weekend, according to rebels. both say they will fight on. harry fawcett, al jazeera, donetsk. costing its economy around $40 billion a year but more damage is being done by falling oil prices. rory challenge has more from moscow. >> of the two main crises currently buffeting the russian
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economy, clear in his assessment which he thinks is the more costly. russia is losing more than twice as much from the low price of oil than it is from western sanctions. wait nervously for the price to go back up again. analysts say reducing supply and therefore increasing the cross cost is not really an option for russia. just stopping pumping oil in russia's harsh winter climate means that some of the wells are likely to freeze over. and russia doesn't really have the storage capacity to keep oil off the market. and the crux of all this is that russia's current budget can only really be balanced with oil at about $100 per barrel. now with oil at around $80 per barrel as it is at the moment russia is facing some very tough choices. does it cut spending? does it run a deficit?
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or does it raid federal reserves? what moscow is most likely to do is try and find the least painful combination of these three options. >> all right, we're going to try ogo back to stockholm and talk to hans blix. director general of the international atomic agency and directoambassador himself. let's see if we can beat the technical gremlins. you were saying you thought it was possible that the americans could lead the way in trying the accommodate iran's position. >> i was saying that the question is whether obama dares to antagonize many of his enemies in congress and the u.s. to be a little more accommodating to iran. but on the other hand, same problem, how far can they go to accommodate american wishes
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without being accused by a lot of people in iran ofs bending or swallowing pride. i think that's the crux of the problem. >> to negotiate one self around and yet an extension of seven months is that more potentially risky then? >> i think there's a big risk. they have certainly come a long way in the tox they've had in the last six months. i don't think there's much disagreement about how much transparency, i think the level of enrichment up to 5% was agreed already last year and the problem of the research reactor, there is a lot of things that have been sold. i think raise the sanctions and how far will the iranians go in reducing the enrichment capacity. which seems too big for what they need for their peaceful
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needs. >> so within seven months do you think that a comprehensive deal regarding tehran's nuclear program can be achieved? >> well, maybe they would need to try it even faster than that. because after the 1st of yap, january, congress will be even less friendly to obama than it is now. i think that israel and arab states, saudi arabia and egypt and other states they wanted perhaps sanctions to remain. and they don't like the possibility that iran would acquire nuclear weapons at some time in the future but they also would not be happy of seeing a economic strength nine of iran. so maybe that's something that needs them to support positions by sanctions would continue. >> okay, hans blix thank you very much indeed for bearing with us. we did finally overcome the technical problems, thank you. >> thank you.
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>> now egyptian president abdel fattah al-sisi has met pope francis at the vatican for the first time since he became president. the pope asked sisi to continue on the path of interreligious dialogue and to promote peace in the region. during his four day tour of the vatican sisi will also meet french and italian leadership. mohamed ado, the message from pope francis seemed to be one of interfaith dialogue and encouragement along the path of transition. >> reporter: indeed, yes, martine. he said that he was supportive of the transition that is going on in egypt and said that he hoped the authorities there would protect minorities and
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there would be interreligious dialogue to continue bringing people of different faiths closer. >> and mo, then he goes on to meet the italian leadership. we know he's meeting the italian prime minister before he goes on to france and that is essentially about business and trade. >> reporter: indeed, that is basically about strayed and just outside the venue where the meeting of president abdel fattah al-sisi and the italian prime minister martino renzi is going on. they immediate about 15 minutes ago and are still meeting. president sisi is here hunting for more trade volumes for egypt and also investment in the country so that egypt's economy which has been shuttered by the disturbances and the political upheavals can be brought back onto straight. now italy is the second largest
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trade partner in the world that egypt has. and just in 2014 2013, the trade volume between egypt and italy has stood at $4.7 billion, an increase of 6% from what it was in 2012. he's here looking for more investment and more cash to inject into the ailing egyptian economy. >> then he moves on the france, on to paris presumably. >> yes, he would be, and there he's expected to meet president francois hollande. the issue of libya, in which both france and egypt are concerned that the highout for drugs and arms traffic and people smugglers, also something a concern for the government here in italy and they want to come up with a common strategy
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in terms of dealing with the situation in libya and they believe both egypt and france believe that the issue of libya musting dealt with with the same urgency as iraq and syria. >> mohamed ado there live in rome. now more storms are forecast for morocco, after torrential rains caused flash flood. kim vanel report. >> holholding on for their live. battling the current alone. swept away by powerful or the ents witpowerful torrents,authot help where it's needed. >> rescue operations that are
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underway since yesterday night, sunday night, when all this has happened. it's mobilizing the gendarmery, and there is a lot of evacuation that has been happening from remote villages, evacuated by the royal gendarmery, regions that are in the area. >> the south last suffered from drought for the past 30 years so heavy rain means an increased risk of flash flooding. infrastructure in the south is lacking and it's feared the worst may be yet to come. >> the national weather forecast through today is also, has issued another alert saying that more storms are coming to that region, and even maybe going to be reaching casablanca. >> civil defense teams are
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warning moroccoans. >> wood is become scarce, winter is coming. plus what does it look under the icy arctic waters, scientists are sending this robot to find out. and in sport, why the driving is over and the talk is getting started for the new formula 1 driving champion. >> we're following stories of people who died in the desert. >> the borderland marathon. >> no one's prepared for this journey. >> experience al jazeera america's critically acclaimed original series from the beginning. >> experiencing it has changed me completely. >> follow the journey as six americans face the immigration debate up close and personal. >> it's heartbreaking. >> i'm the enemy. >> i'm really pissed off. >> all of these people shouldn't
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be dead. >> it's insane. >> the borderland thanksgiving day marathon. on al jazeera america. a a a
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so you don't just stay on top of the news, go deeper and get more perspectives on every issue. al jazeera america. >> i'm ali velshi, the news has become this thing where you talk to experts about people, and al jazeera has really tried to talk to people, about their stories. we are not meant to be your first choice for entertainment. we are ment to be your first choice for the news. >> all right let's catch up on the top stories here at al jazeera. the u.s. defense secretary chuck hagel has resigned. has been pentagon chief since early last year. he will remain on post until his successor has been nominated. during first european trip since becoming president, abdel
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fattah al-sisi has met pope francis. he'll also meet french and italian leaders. u.s. secretary of state john kerry says all parties involved over iran's nuclear program will continue to work towards a deal. western powers, china, russia and iran have extended a deadline for agreement until july the 1st. now the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has promised to push through a proposed law as to the religious status of the country even without the support of coalition partners. a parliamentary vote on the controversial jewish state bill is due to happen next week. if it's passed the law would define israel as belonging to jewish people. critics say the move is racial. emtiaz tayeb has the story. >> exams to study for but finding it hard to focus she's
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ps distracted by the diswro jew. >> the policies related to this law are not new. we as arab palestinians who are the natives here, we have always been streeted as second-class citizens. >> reporter: the proposed law which still requires parliamentary approval would change the definition of what israel is as a nation. according to the 1948 declaration of independence, the country is defined as a jewish and democratic state. the new measure would redefine it as the national home land of the jewish people. a move marshud a palestinian muslim with israeli citizenship is against. >> giving it legitimacy enshrines more racist policies and more racist rules. >> reporter: if approved by parliament the law would become part of israel's basic laws a
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legal framework which works as israel's constitution. would not only recognize israel's jewish character, it would institutionalize the law for any future legislation. the bill has sparked a bitter debate that could bring down preements benjamiprime ministern netanyahu's shaky government. it not only directs its character it's also racist. >> current tourism minister disagrees. >> it's a natural basic law that is saying what is clear to every country. that israel is you yo jewish and democratic. >> the controversy of the bill comes at a moment of heightened tensions across israel and the proposed law will do little to help calm the situation, few believe it will pass parliament in its current form. whatever the case, prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu has bought himself some type to get more support for the deeply controversial bill. a bill had a the has raised questions from israelis of all backgrounds about how their state should be defined. emtiaz tayeb, jerusalem. some sort of comprehensive deal regarding iran's nuclear programs. there are pressures on all parties involved. there are groups so-called hard liners on all sides who don't want these talks to succeed or very skeptical. senior republican senator john comaib saimccained, we have alry given away the store by allowing them the right to enrich and not putting into effect the means to deliver them. then the israeli government they're also deeply owned to an agreement with iran.
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the prime minister saying on sunday no deal would be prervelg preferable to a bad deal, that threatens the middle east and all of humanity. meanwhile can, the supreme leader, of iran, al ali khomein, reiterated on his website last month that iran's enrichment capacity must be expanded by up to 20 times its current level. he added the work of nuclear scientists should in no way be stopped or slowed. here is what the u.s. secretary of state john kerry had to say. >> so our experts will meet again very soon. in fact we will have a meeting in december, as soon as possible, in order to continue this work and to drive this process as hard as we can. and as the parties continue to negotiate, all of the current restraints on the nuclear program in iran will remain in
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place. now, let me make it clear: our goal in these negotiations is not a mystery. it is not a political goal. it is not an ideologic goal. it is a practical goal. >> now, a delegation from the syrian government is visiting russia on tuesday, including foreign minister and spokesman. meanwhile the winter is closing in on syria and there isn't enough firewood available. nicole johnston has the story. >> winter has arrived on beuj. and firewood is necessary. >> none of the not far away troops are positioned in the
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military cracked. it is one of their largest strong holds, every day is a struggle to survive. >> translator: we have not used this old care seen burner for more than 40 years. now we're forced to use it. we use this burner to prepare a hot meal for our children. >> reporter: aleppo is one city where the u.n. would like to see this conflict frozen. u.n. special en foy for syria stefan de mastura is proposing different, break in the fighting would begin u.n. chance to get in aid supplies. syrian president bashar al-assad says he'll study the plan. meanwhile there's a heavy battle underway east of aleppo. between government troops and reckless frorebels from the nus. however it's hard to imagine a
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free force here. others special envoys have tried and failed. two rounds between the government and opposition have achieved nothing. it's war as usual in syria. nicole johnston, al jazeera. >> now the world bank is warning that severe weather changes could put the lives of millions of people at risk. the temperature rise of 1.5 degrees centigrade is already locked into the earth's atmosphere. in latin america and the caribbean, extreme weather patterns are affecting agricultural productivity. increased strain on scarce water resources of the middle east and north africa. increased rainfall, increased torrential flooding, and eastern part of the country, severe
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drought is expected to have a bad effect on the agriculture. a robot is going to the depths of the see to try to understand the global weather change. >> reporter: powering through in the name of science. a british antarctic ice breaker itself, its mission to measure the thickness of the sea ice in antarctica. in the context of climate change. the so-called sea bed robot is deployed, weighing in at 200 kilos and nearly 200 meters long, it's being designed by the wood's hole ocean dprask complex in the u.s. motion oceanographic, upward
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facing sonar, enabling it to perform detailed mapping underneath ice. >> when we look at it from the surface we see all these jumble of blocks. but it's pretty hard to see what i.t. looks like underneath and how thick it is. that's why it is so hard to drill through this. it's going to look from the bottom it's going to give us a 2d map. >> the robot's imagery is crunched with satellite data to give 3d imagery about the undersite of this ice. about the structure and how it's changing. >> even though this isn't save we see the area of sea ice is shrinking rapidly, can a compared to other areas of sea ice. we don't know why this area is reducing. >> so far only a small area has been mapped, about the size of
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100 football pictures. the scientists say this is an port step in making the kind of routine measurements to understand the large scaling change that are happening in antarctica. nick clark, al jazeera. >> the football he once guided to its greatest triumph.
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>> now a leading antivirus
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software maker, has uncovered a type of software, regin, discovered the bug likely developed by a nation state . allows for persistent and long term surveillance. around 28% of its targets, whilst the other victims came from the energy airline and research sectors. we can talk now to jeff bardin, chief intelligence officer and cyber security expert. thank you for talking to us jeff. >> my pleasure. >> in simple terms explain to us why this is so powerful. >> well it's an amazing tool. it takes into account kind of traditional trade craft and how it approaches in facin in infecr
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machine. it sends information back to whoever created it, sharing some information about your pc. it then sends some more information -- >> this is being used since 2008. why has it taken so long then to discover it? >> i think it's actually even earlier than that, potentially 2006. i think it's difficult to discover because they've been encrypting and hiding their pay loads, pay loads meaning exactly what malwear has been done to your machine. they take great lengths to hide it and obscure it and make it look like any other traffic or software on your pc. >> why is it thought that this virulent piece of malwear is work conducted bid a government? >> it looks a lot like past mall wear, iranian nuclear facilities, duku is one of them,
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similar characteristics how it's modularized. hateit has the feel of this. when it sends information back to whomever created it, it requires manual intervention to retarget and send more information down to the pc, it's not something that an individual can do. there's an awful lot of code and it does have the earmarks of a nation-state. >> it all sounds very ominous doesn't it? jeff, thank you very much indeed, thank you. >> libya's only functional airport has come under attack by air. a low flying jet fired two missiles in the eastern suburb of tripoli. it's unclear who was behind the tack but the area is controlled by faja libya. following an attack on a shia
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mosque earlier this month, killed 17 people injured three others, killed in a firefight. saudi arabia also shut down a private television channel accused of foementing sectarian tensions. >> hundreds of many people in yemen, the scene of fighting between shia rebels and houthi tribes, the u.n. thinks there's more than 300,000 people displaced from their homes and that's a situation they think is going to get worse. hashem ahelbarra has the story. >> lucky ones managed to bring
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their valued possessions to the capital sanaa. >> we left our village because of the ongoing problems. we've suffered a lot. our houses are destroyed. i came under fire many times. >> mohamed is helpings to go to school in the capital. he has no relatives here, his only judge hope is a charity that looks after him and his poor family. >> translator: i could no longer go to the shops to buy candy or go to my school. my parents couldn't get out of the house to buy food for us. >> there are thousands of internally displaced families in yemen. international aid agents haven't been able to deploy in the central province. >> it's not easy to reach the people. in fact this mission we sent in the district faced difficulties because the s some of the
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villages they want to visit were again affected by conflict the day they were there so they have to withdraw. so the work is not over. >> here in harat in the border by fighting in sada province more than a year ago. some of these families have spent i 70 days here in challenging conditions. they have lost faith, to return home at any time soon. violence, forcing thousands of families to flee, but in a country with so many ratification, some orefugees,so. ha shech ahelbarra, al jazeera.
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>> celebrating at his victory, earlier this season mercedes put contract negotiations on honored until this championship decided. >> definitely a feeling wake up fresh and definitely very grateful for my surroundings and all the different people this have been involved in my career for the 21 days. lu. >> luis is a superimportant member of that group. we want to keep it together. we have discussed it a couple of times, started those discussions a couple of months ago and then we agreed to stop for a while and restart after abu dhabi. >> now beckham is ur usually a e
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associated with kicking footballs but now another beckham is now associated with catching one. >> how in the world! oh my goodness! >> new york giants rookie oh del beckham. catching this with three fingers. he finished with ten receptions for 146 touchdowns up, still ended up on the losing team. amazing amazing pictures there. now roberto de mateo says fired as chelsea manager, just five months after winning the champions league in 2012. three points behind chelsea, the
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italian said he won't be viewing a win in this game as a personal victory. >> i would mean that we get three points and this we would be in a very good position in the group, that's what it would mean. nothing else. i have no sentiment of prevention or anything like that. i enjoyed a wonderful time with many people and that's it. >> now, 17-year-old has collected the biggest ever payday in the history of women's golf. lydia coe has won the lpga tournament in florida. a further $1 million for finishing as the season's leading point-scorer. youngest millionaire in tour history and the first to win 5 professional tournaments before
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the age of 18. she was actually born in the first year tiger woods won his first major. >> when i saw that million dollars in the boxive thought wow, i wonder who the winner of that will be. it's so amazing. i haven't ever seen as much cash in one place before. rookie of the year, it's wonderful for me being here in this position and looking forward to what's coming up next. >> victor tigernoff coached the loimple team to olympic goals. miracle on ice, the 1990 are semi finals, against the heavily favored russians.
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ancient art form is enjoying a resurgence in the art form. >> it was one disguised as a folk dance through the precolonial spanish pictured, hundreds of thousands of years ago. but the rise of martial arts in the 1970s, helped gain the respect for filipinos. an people are like. we put a lot of emphasis on training people in the ways of the martial arts. >> they say learning the sport is one wade for filipinos to appreciate their culture. korea has t tai quan do.
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whether these are blades, knives or fighting sticks. despite the government's directive to include the martial art in the country's physical education curriculum, bbl remains the most popular sport mere, with many gray it is far more easy to sphwors this deeply, filipinos. ftc. >> it's a mixture of the technologies of two cultures. now, what the european has is a very severe, straightforward action. what the filipino has is a graceful flowing rhythmic well timed movement. that is able to deliver the techniques of the europeans, in the signature way of the ballet.
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>> reporter: it is also an efficient self defense mechanism. more than just the discipline the sport brings something else to the country with athletes saying filipinos now have a sport they can finally identify with. jamal are allen do-gan on our website. >> you can check that out, nor there on lieu itsing hamilton's section roirnlt. beings they look like getting to sign another newings lodge term contract, being >> andrew thank you very much. a museum has decided to accept a collection of a man. nick spike e-spicer from berlin.
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>> masterpieces from matisse, chchagal and picasso. a billion dollar hoard with a dark past. about a third of the artworks may have been taking from juice facing nazi persecution. left his entire inheritance to the bernee museum. a legacy the museum took six months to accept. >> the the decision ladies and gentlemen was far from easy for the board of trustees. there was no feeling of tr triu. >> a special german panel is deciding which works like this one a $20 million matisse, properly belonged to jewish owners. but only decided on three of some 500 suspect works in the last six months.
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cultural minister said shedding light on the provenance, the german government can begin returning stolen works. >> the agreement is good step in the right direction. because it is the first steps to go to restitution. however, it is pretty general and there are complete questions for survivors and harris. for example to whom should they go to in order to get back the loot ied art? should it go to berne berne or e german government? >> doesn't put an end to th to e gerlitz sag. saga. the collection is rightfully hers. nick spicer, al jazeera, berlin. >> that's it today. do stay here because barbara serra is here to take you
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through the next couple of hours. stay with us at al jazeera.
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>> no deal yet over iran's nuclear program but president reufn sayrouhani excess many gae been eliminated. hello there i'm barbara serra, you're watching al jazeera live from london. also coming up from the program. >> this decision does not come easily to him but i consider myself extraordinarily lucky to have him by my side for two years. >> pressure over the i.s.i.l. crisis. u.s. secretary of defense chuck hagel announces he's resigning. the victims of sundas