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tv   Real Money With Ali Velshi  Al Jazeera  October 28, 2014 2:00am-3:01am EDT

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>> iowa... >> local elections with national impact >> we're visiting with the people making the decisions... >> covering what it all means for you... >> ...the mine shut down, it hurts everything... >> i just keep puttin' one foot in front of the other... >> we're fighting for the future of our state >> for straight forward unbiassed political coverage... stay with al jazeera america ebola in america, new guidelines for monitoring health-care workers returning from west africa, and quarantines are not part of the plan. plus take a breather from the volatility of the past week, but there are signs the volatility isn't over yet. i'm jen rogers in for ali velshi, and this is "real money." ♪
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america's winding in very bumpy road dealing with ebola took another turn today. a nurse quarantined in new jersey headed home to maine. the governor agreed to release kaci hickox who complained loudly and publicly about being isolated in a tent. she said she had never had any symptoms. new york and new jersey have imposed mandatory quarantines on healthcare workers returning from west africa. this is the man who oversaw the initial response to the outbreak. he said none of the soldiers are
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showing symptoms, and the decision to isolate them for 21 days was so make their families comfortable. and late today we got good news, a 5-year-old new york city boy has tested negative for ebola. he recently returned from guinea, and was taken to bellevue. bellevue is the same hospital where dr. craig spencer is in serious but stable condition after testing positive for the virus. also the centers for disease control and prevention reviewed new guidelines for people returning from west africa. libby casey has the latest. >> jen, the new guidelines from the cdc clarify who is deemed to be at highest risk. there are four categories now, ranging from high risk to no risk, and the high risk people are those who have been in contact not just with ebola
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patients but without protective gear on. we're talking about perhaps medical workers who were in a country like guinea, and had a needle stick or glove tear. that does not include medical personnel who are in suited bodiwear, the protective gear. those people are considered to be some risk. this is important because it's a lot more moderate than what the states of new york and new jersey have put forward. there has been a lot of push backes specially after kaci hickox. governor cuomo has sort of modified things now, saying people can stay at home under
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self quarantine and get paid for the time that they miss work. so a lot of people struggling to figure out who is at highest risk and what should be done with them. >> all right. thanks so much. now let's talk money, health, and inequality. in 2012, the united states spent 8,362 dollars annually per person on health. meanwhile the three nations at the epicenter of the ebola crisis spent much less. liberia $49 per person, sierra leone, 107, and guinea $56 per person. these are some of the pourest countries in the world. let's talk with jeffery sachs, he is widely considered to be the world's leading expert on economic development and the fight against poverty. he says this current outbreak calls for rethinking basic
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assumptions about global public health. good evening. >> how are you? >> i'm doing well. following all this news is quite disturbing and i want to talk to you about the idea that income inequality and inequality in terms of wealth that we see around the world is part of this crisis with ebola. >> the basic aspect of this crisis is that there are essentially no health systems in rural guinea, rural liberia, and rural sierra leone. even in the urban areas they are profoundly inefficient. and this ran out of control because the most basic systems are not there, and that's because of poverty exactly as you described it. these countries don't have even what we would consider the -- the crumbs to spend on this. it's unbelievable how little is spent.
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and when you sited $50 per person in the region. that's total spending. if you look at what the public spending is, which in the united states is around $4,000 per person from government, in west africa, it -- maybe 10 or $15 for the full year per person. not enough to run even the most rudimentary health system. >> what do you suggest that high-income nations can do to help solve this current crisis, and the next crisis which will come down the road? what should countries like the united states be doing right now? >> we should be providing resources urgently for the basic control of this epidemic. this is a controllable epidemic. it involves absolutely known procedures identify people who might be infected, test them, if
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they are infected with ebola, transport them safely to a treatment unit where they can be kept in relative isolation and treated to help stay alive. that much is known perfectly, but you need treatment units. you need the facilities. you need the basic logistics, more ambulances, more protective gear. none of it is out of the imagination. but these countries don't have these basics, and we wasted so much time this year from the international side in not positioning those basics in these countries, and that's why you have this chain reaction of -- of an epidemic in which each individual is infecting a number of more individuals, and it's spiralling completely out of control in horrific proportions. with resources, organization and logistics, this can be brought
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under control, and it's the only control. >> resources sounds a lot like money. so how much money are we talking about? what would make a difference? what would you like to see the united states do? and where should it go? >> for the full control of ebola, this is probably probably -- nobody knows because of the fast dynamics, in the end a few billion dollars. the pentagon spends a couple of billion dollars a day just to give a relative proportion. the region of the three highly impacted countries may need 2 or 3 or $4 billion depending on how fast the dynamics -- >> but you feel that would make a difference. >> it would bring it under control.
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there are 1 billion in the high-income world, so that means 3 or $4 from each person in the high-income world. one or two cups of coffee at your favorite coffee shop, and that is the kind of resource level that's needed. >> what about the pharmaceutical companies? i love the analogy of the coffee cup, giving that up. but trying to get the pharmaceutical industry involved as well. do you think that's an important piece of the puzzle? >> well, the pharmaceutical industry needs to be involved in working very rapidly to help identify potential treatments and also potential vaccines, so we do need the pharmaceutical companies in this, and fortunately a number are getting involved, but what we need right now is some basic supplies,
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logistics, ambulances, smartphones in the hands of health workers, tents to set up facilities so there are facilities in each of any heavily impacted districts, of each of the heavily impacted countries, so nobody is turned away at the door of an overflow clinic, so that the basic -- intervenous bottles, it's the gambit, but it's not the most sophisticated things in the world. it's basics. plus, a few testing machines so that one can test and confirm that somebody is in fact infected. and we should position these materials with full urgency, building the tent facilities. training health workers, providing protective gear as fast as possible. telling these countries there is no
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budget constraint right now. spending as fast as possible so you can get ahead. >> thanks so much for joining us jeffery sachs. up next, a pause in the sharp swings in the stock market. a chance to catch your breath. but there are signs that maybe the wild ride isn't over yet. and it turns out many homeowners are closing the door on their troubles. tell us what is on your mind by tweeting us and join us on facebook. keep it here. ♪ >> america votes 2014 midterms it's all come down to this... >> you are going to determine whether i'm going to be the next senator from iowa >> the candidates last chance to convince voters they're the one... they will stop at nothing to get your vote >> david young, how are you? >> run for congress >> it's important to be out here talking to voters >> director aj schnack's
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unprecedented series concludes >> it's certainly something that doesn't exist in politics on television >> america votes 2014 midterms only on al jazeera america
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anyone who has tried to get a moragelately can tell you how difficult is it. the number of americans signing contracts to buy homes ticked up only slightly in september. the group says tight credit and price increases have limited activity. about 15% of the realtors surveyed said they couldn't close a deal because the buyer was unable to obtain a mortgage.
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a 1 to 2-month lag usually exists between a contract and completed sale. years after they lost their homes to foreclosure, thousands of americans are now facing a new nightmare. homeowners finally digging out of their financial hole are being pulled back in to a quagmire they never saw coming. mary snow has more. >> reporter: since the recession, over 4 million people have made the difficult decision to give up their homes, believing they were also walking away from their debt. years later they were shocked to learn they could be responsible for tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars still owed on their former house, as well as fees, including penalties, accrued interest. >> in addition their credit is adversely affected. it's very, very devastating indeed.
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>> reporter: lenders hit with more than $1 trillion of foreclosed loans are looking to recoup some of their loss through a legal process known as a deficiency judgment. >> that's when someone loses their home. their home is still foreclosed, but there is still money owed. and in many states, if that money is still owed, the homeowner may still be debt. >> reporter: among the leading lenders are government mortgage giants freddie mac and fannie mae. fannie mae referred close to $300,000 of its thousands of foreclosures to debt checktors. fanly may declined our request to appear on camera, but did provide a statement saying we have a responsibility to pursue these cases on behalf of the
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taxpayer, most people who go into foreclosure do so because they have some hardships. everyone we pursue we believe to be strategic defalters. but consumer advocates say lenders are also targeting borrowers who had no choice but to lose their home. >> the deficiency judgments we're seeing is really having a terrible impact, particularly on low and moderate income communities. >> strategic defaults are really the minority of the situations we encounter in our practice. these are good people who had a bad circumstance. >> mary snow, al jazeera. >> one of the reasons courts have been flooded with new lawsuits lately is that some states have recently enacted laws reducing the amount of time lenders can sue. florida attorney chip parker is representing 10,000 borrowers in
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a class action suit against a texas company. and he joins me now from jacksonville. we want to get into our case, but first, everybody remembers jingle mail, you just put your keys in the mailbox, send them off and go on your marry way. is this a huge surprise to people you are dealing with? >> it is a shock. in florida they date back to foreclosure sales that were nearly five years ago. so you are talking about at the bottom of the real estate market five years ago, the value of the home was as low as it has probably been in any time in recent memory in florida, so the credit given to the -- the defendants in these cases is absolutely the minimal amount of credit towards that total foreclosure judgment, and yeah, they are pretty shocked when
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they get served nearly five years later. >> so dike o'neal has not returned our calls, and fannie mae spoke with us, and their spokesperson said all of these cases they pursue are with borrowers that they believe had the ability to keep paying their mortgages but foreclosed anyway. is that what you are seeing? this >> first i find fannie mae so disingenuous, because if you think about to the foreclosure judgments entered nearly five years ago, that was during the times when we were having problems with something known as robo signing. florida alone received $12 billion to settle these cases, including many, many fannie mae cases where foreclosures were entered based on fraudulent affidavits entered
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by fannie mae's lawyers at the time. so they got away with really fraudulently submitting altered documents to the court, and now to throw salt on the wound, they're going to come back five years later and say we're going to go after the strategic defalters. how do they know? a lot of these people i have talked to have opted to file bankruptcy, because they have got nothing. >> when this comes out, the people that are being gone after right now, you are saying that what you are seeing, is they really didn't have the money to do it, so is the only option for them joining a lawsuit or filing for bankruptcy? >> first of all the class action lawsuit is going after dike o'neal and their attorneys for illegally suing out of state defendants in the state of florida, which is a violation of
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federal collection laws. that class action lawsuit doesn't help to defend the actual state court case that is being served upon these 10,000 defendants throughout the state of florida. these people need to defend that state foreclosure case. what we're trying to do in federal court is cease the activity all together. but i guarantee you that dike o'neal's lawyers will continue money. >> so what is the long game here? and is there a long game? because we're hearing that they are pulling back on the statute of limitations on these. will this continue to pop up? >> i think you are going to start seeing many of these mortgage foreclosure -- or
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mortgage companies filing deficiency lawsuits within the one-year statute of limitations. so i would think new foreclosure judgments being entered today within the year, you are going to see a lot of these collectors coming back and suing on the deficiencies pretty quickly. but the number of foreclosures overall is far lower than it was back in 2008 and 2009 which is when a lot of these deficiency lawsuits originated. >> all right. thanks so much. home may be where the heart is, but increasingly it is not where middle income families are. we'll look into that more. >> every saturday, al jazeera america brings you controversial... >> both parties are owned by the
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corporations. >> ..entertaining >> it's fun to play with ideas. >> ...thought provoking >> get your damn education. >> ...surprising >> oh, absolutely! >> ...exclusive one-on-one interviews with the most interesting people of our time. >> you're listening because you want to see what's going to happen. >> i want to know what works what do you know works? >> conversations you won't find anywhere else. >> talk to al jazeera. >> only on al jazeera america. >> oh my!
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>> an american votes 2014 special report kansas >> in our state, government is broken >> a republican governor has made drastic changes >> the highlight of this is... eventually doing away with income taxes... >> the democratic challenger says, these policies aren't working >> we are trailing the states in our region >> can governor brownback win again? >> i think you spend your money
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better than the government spends it.. >> america votes 2014 battle for kansas only on al jazeera america this month boston mayor announced an ambitious initiative for his city, the building of 53,000 housing units with more than one third designated for middle income earners, household incomes between 50,000 and 120,000. a significant segment of that group finds homeownership unaffordable in boston. i spoke to the mayor to discuss why the thinks the city is facing an unprecedented and homeowners. >> really what is happening in boston and a lot of urban cities, that people are being priced out of urban areas. we have a growing population.
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in boston we have young talent that graduate here, they get two or three people in an apartment, they can't afford to buy their own home. the cost of housing is going up, and what we have in boston is really a shortage of housing, and really to keep up with the economy and the growth of the economy, we're proposing building 56,000 housing units. and it's really about keeping up with the growing economy we have in the city. and there's a scope of folks that earn between $50,000 and $120,000 a year, that they are having a hard time making everything meet in buying a home here. so we're also looking at creating a supply of housing by moving -- we have a lot of college students in the city of boston that live off campus in neighborhoods. we're looking at trying to create opportunities for colleges and universities to build more dormitories.
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we're looking to have them build about 1600 new beds, that frees up about 5,000 units of housing in boston. and our seniors won't have a place to live within independent living, so we're looking at creating more senior housing. and one other piece is low-income housing. the federal government is cutting back on money to housing programs, and we have to make sure that people that don't have the ability to pay that moderate income housing, that they have a place to live, and by creating more opportunities for low-income housing it help keep our city moving. >> obviously here in new york city, we feel it as well, and it is something you hear politicians talk about a lot. how do we actually get something to change on it? how will you be able to get this pushed through? because it is something that everyone is trying to do? >> brooklyn has done some
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incredible things, you are building buildings over there that is adding middle class housing to the market. we're looking at the ability to use city-owned land and publicly owned land for the costs to be low. we have identified about 400 vacant lots. and also looking at tax incentives to create, and really, what we have to do is create a market for the housing, and if we create a market, we'll get developers that want to build it. we really have to have density and not be afraid of height, and create a market so that we can really find a way to build more housing, and work with the banks so the banks will free up some money for this type of housing. there are people that leave our city that can't afford to live here. so if we want to be competitive in the future, we have to find a
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way to build this type of housing. and we talk about different opportunities and different ways to structure and pay for the housing, but it really is going to come down to having willing developers with the banks, and also ability to use resources in the city to create housing. >> trying to get construction unions to lower their rates, is that possible? have you had any good conversations on that? >> yeah, we have had great conversations with the building trades in boston. i used to run the building trades here in boston, so i have a great relationship with the men and women. oftentimes people say the cost of labor is going up at a higher rate than any profit margin. but really what is going up is the cost of material. so we have saturday down -- and the head of the building trades here in boston had a seat at table, and they helped us craft this plan, so that's certainly something they want to do too,
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and it goes back to creating a market, if you are building enough housing anything can happen. if you are building 3 or 4 or 500 housing across the city over a period of time, there's really not a market for it. so we have to get to pint where we're creating many units at one time. >> he says it will expected to generate $21 million in new housing, and create 53,000 construction jobs. it's a dead heat in wisconsin's race for governor. scott walker faces a tough challenge from mary burke over the central issue of jobs. as diane eastabrook reports, burke accuses walker of breaking a vow to turn around the economy. >> reporter: on a chilly milwaukee morning, the line for a job fair wraps around this banquet hall.
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cynthia davis joins the back of the line. she and 2,000 other job seekers file in, press the flesh,ing hand over resumes, and hope to land one of the 1700 jobs employer here are trying to fill. the recession hit workers here hard. more than 160,000 lost jobs between 2008 and 2010. about 120,000 jobs have been added back, but that's about half of what walker promised when elected. his opponent argue the governor's tax cuts and working. >> we have people that are young and they know the cnc training -- >> but this factory owner says they are. he employs 48 workers now, he wants to double his work force
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from 48 employees. >> there has been a cooperation from our government officials to get out into businesses, learn what is out here for -- for families -- with life-sustaining type of jobs. >> reporter: cynthia tries to state upbeat. she admits it's hard not to get discouraged. up next, energy economics, when oil prices fall, so do prices at the pump, but this time, gas are prices are lagging behind the plummeting prices in oil. i'll look at why when we come back. >> a brutal drug war >> this here were the remains of 31 people that were found... >> thousands disappearing >> the cost of kidnapping and killing a human being is almost zero
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>> fault lines, al jazeera america's hard hitting... >> today they will be arrested... >> ground breaking... they're firing canisters of gas at us... emmy award winning investigative series... new episode the disappeared only on al jazeera america
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oil prices dipped today, and prices may fall even further. goldman sachs cut its 2015 market to $75 a barrel. the bank says the world is awash in oil. there's week demand and opec can't decide how to control prices. another benefit is supposed to be cheaper gas prices, willing up the tank has been easier on the wallet lately. real money's duarte geraldino explains why there is a lag between the price of crude oil and what you are paying at the pump. >> reporter: it's a good time to own a retail gas station. oil price information service data shows profit margins have been fattening for months now.
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>> right now retailers are having a fantastic time. >> reporter: they are doing so well because the price of crude oil has dropped more than 25% since june, dragged down by increases in global supply and diminished demand that seem to have taken producers by surprise. >> we're in a pretty unprecedented situation. we haven't seen prices drop this fast and this much in quite sometime. we'd probably have to go back to 2008. >> reporter: goldman sachs now expects the west texas intermediate to fall to $75 a barrel, and brent to hit $85 a barrel in 2015. >> prices haven't been this low in years. >> reporter: the average price of gasoline, which is an oil product, is down only 15%. the top reason for the lag is that crude oil only makes up
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around two-thirds of the cost of retail gas. the other portion is driven by transportation costs, the competitiveness in the area, and the rent operators pay. which explains the wide differences across the country. on october 27th, the average national price of unleaded was a little more than $3 a gal loon, but as low as $2.78 n south hawaii. >> the average gross margin at the gas pump is about $0.18 a gallon. you throw in expenses which are primarily credit card fees and operating expenses, most retailers make about $0.30 on a fill-up. >> reporter: but because retail prices lag behind wholesale prices by as much as two weeks sometimes, prices at the pump holidays.
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>> they could drop another 15, thanksgiving. >> some consumers are paying more at the pump than they should be. that's the true of senior petroleum analyst with i feel like i'm getting a pretty good deal right now, i drive around, i see prices around $3, i'm feeling good. i'm not getting a good deal? >> well, stations are certainly milking the profits, and at times like these, the difference between the lowest and highest prices is spread even more. customers don't shop around, they say my local station is $0.10 lower, i'll just fill up here. where down the street the price
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has dropped 20 or $0.30. >> so basically i'm getting lazy. so what are you thinking about gas prices falling? >> typically prices bottom out in mid-december. we could see prices bottom out as early as thanksgiving, but this could last even longer. this is something we haven't seen since 2008. last year prices bottomed out around december 15th, but these prices could stick around perhaps until christmas. >> could you put a number on the bottoming out? >> well, that's a best guess. prices dropped to under $80 before recovering. i think we could see $2.95.
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>> could you quantify how much americans are actually saving by this drop? we talk about how this is really good for consumers, that we are going to be able to spend more on christmas gifts and little treats for ourselves, but is that true? >> it's huge. versus last year, the prices were falling last year at this time. this year versus last year, every single day motorists across the country saving $110 million. >> so we're saving that much, but we could be saving more, because it seems like it takes so long for gas prices to actually come down, even though we're reporting what is happening wind with crude, but why don't i see that, like, right away when i'm driving home that gas is also lower today? but it goes up so much faster. >> of course. stations are very reluctant to pass along decreases as quickly, because that's when they are
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making their profit. one station may drop prices $0.10 a gallon in the week, and then prices could shoot right back up after that. and that's why it is so important for consumers to keep shopping around, even though prices are falling. >> what kind of retailer should you be looking for when you are shopping around? >> areas with high competition. some of the larger chains. their strategies are to bring customers through the doors with lower prices. wholesale clubs like costco, they make very thin margins so attract people into their clubs. >> are there anyplaces in the u.s. where you see prices will rise or fall faster? >> great point. refineries tend to use the autumn, which is a lower-defined season for maintenance.
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and now we're seeing areas of the plains states may see some big increases. in fact just in the last week, minnesota's state average is up $0.17 a gallon, unexpected issues. it will be temporary, so motorists in the plains states will see prices falling. >> all right. patrick thajs a lot. general motors workers could see lower bonuses. on monday the ceo said heavy recall costs could affect how much auto workers receive next year in profit-sharing checks. so far this year, gm has spent $2.7 billion on its recall of 30 million cars. the auto maker is also handling a victim's compensation fund. she said the company would be able to evaluate just how much it will effect bonus checks
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thing the end of the year. up next, apple launched its apple pay service with great fanfare. but major retailers are telling apple they won't accept it. minutes. ♪ >> start with one issue ad guests on all sides of the debate. and a host willing to ask the tough questions and you'll get... the inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5pm et / 2pm pt only on al jazeera america >> america votes 2014 on al jazeera america focusing on what matters to you >> what are the issues that americans need to know about? >> everybody needs healthcare... >> lower taxes... >> job opportunities... >> reporting from the battle ground states... >> alaska... >> kentucky... >> iowa... >> local elections with national impact >> we're visiting with the people making the decisions... >> covering what it all means for you... >> ...the mine shut down, it hurts everything... >> i just keep puttin' one foot in front of the other... >> we're fighting for the future of our state
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>> for straight forward unbiassed political coverage... stay with al jazeera america >> consider this: the news of the day plus so much more. >> we begin with the growing controversy. >> answers to the questions no one else will ask. >> why did so many of these people choose to risk their lives? >> antonio mora, award winning and hard hitting. >> people are dying because of this policy... >> there's no status quo, just the bottom line. >> but what is the administration doing behind the
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scenes? >> real perspective, consider this on al jazeera america amazon is fighting google with a stick. the online retailer introduced a device called a streaming media stick that plugs into a tv and lets users watch video transmitted over the internet. the fire stick will be a direct competitor to google's chrome cast. and cost $39 and give users access to online content. amazon is counting on the stick to increase subscription to amazon prime. shares of twitter took a big dive tonight. twitter has yet to turn a profit and lost about $175 million in the three months that ended in september. but that's not what upset investors. they are reacting to slower
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growth and the number of users% log into twitter. twitter's revenue forecast for the fourth quarter also disapping pointed investors. well, more retailers are saying no thanks to apple's new payment system. they disabled the apple pay service this weekend. the week-old service allows customers to pay for purchases using iphone smartphones. it is not available at big retailers like wall mart and target. cvs and right aid did not give reasons for their decision. but analysts say it has to do with a rival group being developed by cvs and right aid. that service is expected to be available next year. so for everyone that is sick of
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carrying their wallet and phone around, when will these payments become a reality? this is just the start of the eminent battle over mobile payment. so a battle? >> sure. >> what is it all after? >> right. so this is basically battle because on one hand apple is not bypassing the trade cut system. we need to work with these players. retailers are tired of paying commissions on transaction costs for years to credit card companies, and they have been thinking about how they can bypass the system. so they are saying we'll allow consumers to link their debit cards directly with our apps to make purchases. and then they can use that
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money to protect themselves from fraud liability, so a lot of the times that money is used to protect credit card companies. >> and security seems to be a really big thing with mobile payments and that's one thing where apple pay was doing so well. wouldn't the stores like that. that. >> yeah, apple uses a system that basically does not let the retailer get access to the credit card number. and that's the premise on which apple is pushing its system, that we will protect your data. consumers are saying we'll give you more convenience and added security. now for consumers this is great. for retailers this is not so great, because they have always mined the data to create a profile. >> right.
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that's why i get a million long receipt from cvs. >> right. with apple pay they can't do that anymore. >> the real thing is -- it's interesting from a business and marketing area, but as a consumer -- as somebody that really doesn't want to carry these things around, when will mobile payments be a reality? >> for for example, if you think about communication, this is basically saying, we will let the consumers take credit. this system is saying let's forget about credit, let's only use what you have in your account right now. >> that's the wal-marts -- >> right. but most consumers like credit, so i can see the fact that apple pay will be a big player. >> so you don't think that this is some misstep for apple? >> no, i think it's a brilliant timing on their part.
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>> oh, really? >> part of this is -- basically credit card companies have given th compatible -- they have given them until 2015. at this point they are saying should we go with apple pay or mcx. if apple hadn't timed it correctly, all retailers may have gone down the mcx path. iphone six is only going to increase. apple is going to share revenues with credit card companies. >> yeah, i think it would be hard for me to get rid of trying to get miles. >> right. >> i cannot wait to get rid of
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combination. >> it's coming. coming up tomorrow, robert schiller on the stock markets recent gyrations, and whether the u.s. economy could survive a recession in europe. that's tomorrow at 7:00 eastern, 4:00 pacific, warren buffet had millions. his philosophy has made a lot of people a lot of money. if you walk into your favorite store and see a bunch of shirts that you like that are 50% off, you don't wait until the sale is over to buy. yet a new government survey finds that the wealthiest families got in on the sale, while the rest of the stockholders sold at deep discounts. fear was rampant in 2008 and 2009.
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a decade of market gains were wiped out. yet while that held for everyone in america, the bounce back up again has only been enjoyed by the wealthiest families. that widening inequality is do to the number of folks that got spooked. the market recovered and the wealth gap widens. don't try to time the market, not when buying, not when selling, not ever. the market drops won't last, and neither will the gains, but if more than a century of the market shows, the market will rise and rise. that's our show for today. i'm jen rogers in for ali velshi. thanks for joining us. ♪ >
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syria's refugee crisis back in focus. top diplomats meet in berlin after an urgent call for action by the u.n. hello, welcome to al jazeera, live from our headquarters in doha. also ahead - calls for perspective in the u.s. over the ebola outbreak. the media accused of whipping up hysteria. >> americans are far more likely to get the flu this year than ebola the case aga