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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 15, 2013 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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>> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ hello and welcome to the news hour, i'm live in doha and the top stories, they target mosques in afghanistan and syria as worshippers celebrate the festival of muslim. panic in the philippines after the earthquake hit the popular tourist island and world leaders sit down with iran to discuss the nuclear program and live in
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geneva and china celebrates ten years of space exploration. ♪ we begin the news hour with bombs across several countries on what is supposed to be one of the holyist days in the world and mosques in syria and afghanistan were attacked tuesday when they were attending prayers and a governor was killed on a bomb attack in a mosque in the providence and 20 others were wounded. a governor as we said was killed during the prayers in afghanistan. the attack happened in the logar providence and an official from the governor's office said they were planted in the mosque where governor and 20 other people were injured in the attack. and a bomb blast at a sunni mosque in the northern city of
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kirkuk in iran and 20 people died as a bomb went through worshippers after they left after morning prayers and they attacked a mosque not far from the capitol of damascus and they made a rare public appearance to attend morning prayers and we have people in afghanistan and southern lebanon and we go to jane furring son who is in kabul and tell us more about the attack in the providence today. >> well, as you said, the governor himself had just finished the prayers in the mosque when he was approaching the front of the room to really address people in his speech and the police are saying that the microphone he was speaking into was packed with extremely strong explosives and detonated and he was killed instantly, 20 people are injured. five of those are believed to be critical and everyone who has been injured has now been moves to the capitol of kabul to the
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hospital here. he was a governor of the district and governors are high-profile targets for the taliban and this would have been an opportunity to hit at a symbol of the government here and not just a symbol of the government but close friend and ally of the president karzai. >> is the attack symbolic because of eat? >> well, eat is of course symbolic here. it's a very religious, important day for muslims across afghanistan but this particular attack is an opportunity for them to strike and struck with bomb ings in mosques before by explosive devices and try to hit governors because they are high row profile targets for them outside of the capitol and they move around with huge amounts of security and armored vehicles and behind glass walls and at a
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time like this when they are attending prayers in a mosque it leaves them vulnerable to such an attack because they are surrounded by the public and can't really control the environment as much as they would normally. at this point it doesn't seem to be an attack because of eat but eat given the taliban an opportunity to attack. but it's worth pointing out they have not yet claimed responsibility for this attack but of course the last five attempts on his life in previous years were claimed by the taliban. >> jane, thank you very much, that is jane live in kabul and we will check on events in syria for us in southern lebanon. and several incidents of violence in syria on this first day of eat. >> yes, like you mentioned earlier worshippers coming under attack performing eat prayers and that happened in a neighborhood southwest of the capitol damascus and we understand from opposition activists on the ground is a
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progovernment supporter threw explosives at the mosque during the eat prayers but violence has been reported in other areas of the country during the first day of eat. we know that there was heavy shelling in the rural country side of hama providence and that is where most of these children are from. most of the refugees are from hama and the war is continuing and no seize fire. there was talk or call for a cease fire during the eat holiday but that didn't happen. >> reporter: and so how are the people and the children there where you are celebrating eat? what conditions are they in? >> it's very difficult conditions. if i tell you some of the stories of these children. for example 12-year-old amir has not seen her father in almost a year and comes from the hama country side and when she knew we were doing a live broadcast she called her father so he could see her on television and other people told me stories
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that their grandchildren, they -- these are grandchildren and have not seen them for months. 11-year-old mohamed is a survivor of an air strike. the children are traumatized and scared to go back home and if you ask them if they go home they say no because the war is continuing but they do miss their lives and people are struggling to survive, to make ends meet. the lebanese government is under strain, united nations under strain and they can't help the people and lebanon hosts the largest number of refugees 1.3 million are here and this is really a tiny nation. >> reporter: a difficult time for the children in what is supposed to be a very celebratory moment for them and we are live in southern lebanon. in other world news now at least 73 people have been killed and many more injured in an earthquake in the central philippines and it was a magnitude 7.2 earth quake that
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hit bohol and power has been cut and many buildings have been destroyed. and we have the latest. >> fire crews search for survivors under concrete buildings in the providence and the 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit just before 8:00 in the morning and the force brought down buildings and people were fleeing into open spaces. >> translator: we were caught by surprise. building collapsed as people were coming out. >> reporter: officers and schools were closed for a national holiday and this may have saved lives. >> this is where the church is and it's a huge old spanish church built in the 1600s and it collapsed on both ends but perhaps because it's a holiday today there were no casualties at all there. the mayor of the town came out
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to the command center in a park in front of the church and people gathered under white tents they set up temporarily for people to go to and get information. >> reporter: the earthquake and after shocks cut power and transport links. reports of a number of deaths in part of the fishing port building collapsed. more deaths in another area when the roof of a market came down. earthquakes are frequent region on the pacific rim of fire but this quake was the largest they can remember. the cost both in terms of lives and damage is likely to be substantial. al jazeera. >> reporter: let's get more on the earthquake and speak to richard gordon the chairman of the red cross who joins us now on the line and thank you for taking the time to talk to us. i understand the death toll is up and 85 people reported killed do you expect the numbers to keep going up?
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>> richard gordon, can you hear me? >> yes. >> reporter: yes, sorry about that, i was asking you about the death toll and hearing the numbers are going up. >> hello. >> reporter: can you hear me richard gordon? okay, i think we are having difficulty talking to richard gordon. richard gordon can you hear me we will try one more time is he gone, we will try to reach the red cross and richard gordon to tell us more about the earthquake that struck the central philippines today and at least 85 people now reported killed. meanwhile typhoon killed three people and injuring many more and evacuated 180,000 people from costal towns in the path
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and winds up to 130 kilometers per hour and landslides destroyed houses across the region. american officials described him as one of the most wanted terrorists and ten days after captured by u.s. forces in libya abu anas al-liby was taken to the united states and will appear before the court accused of master mining, the emergencies in lebanon in 1998. talks on the iran nuclear program started in geneva and what home and eu foreign chief ashton are sitting down with other world powers and an eu spokesman said iran made a proposal to western powers on the western program. >> we hope that iran will come with constructive and concrete proposals today. we look forward very much to
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seeing their ideas. we are on our side ambitious to move forward quickly and we hope we will is two very productive days. we have come here with a sense of cautious optimism and a great sense of determination because we believe it is really time now for tangible results. >> reporter: let's go live to our diplomateing jane who is in geneva and what has come out of the talks so far? >> well, i think we have known for some considerable time the perimeters of the western position, what we are hearing now is the new iranian position, as you say, the foreign ministers of iran has been laying out that iranian plan, a power point presentation made in english entitled closing the unnecessary crisis, opening new horizons and we still don't have the exact detail of that iranian proposal but let's examine all of this a little bit more with scott peterson who is here and
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also an iran author and expert. first tell me you covered so many of these talks in the past, what changed this time? >> this time we are at a moment after half a dozen of these talks over a year and a half, really the moment when both sides have the opportunity and apparently the political will to prove to the other that they are serious. the iranians on one hand are willing to basically cap and limit their nuclear program and make sure they cannot produce a weapon and the other side we have the importantness and need of the t 5 plus one and the americans to demonstrate they can give sanctions relief to provide an incentive of iran that is worth their while to make the deal and they are in the balance today and for the first time in a year and a half we are going to see both sides demonstrate they are able to maintain the sense of hope that we have now felt diplomatically over the last few months with the president in iran and this energized the process that stalled and people did not see a way out.
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the question is beyond these sets of talks is there going to be enough hope going forward and/or are we going to see kind of the usual dissolving into unhappiness. >> reporter: try and help our audience with some of the language and i know they will talk about iran's right to enrich uranium and why is this important? >> they have been doing this for ten years and mostly they have been enissuing 3.5 purity and 20% purity. according to the nuclear lexicon they are levels that are only meant to provide nuclear fuel for power plants and 20% purity to basically be used for medical isotopes and basically civilian reasons for this use. 20% enriched uranium is a few technical steps away from 90% which is weapons grade and the
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most sensitive material and this is the primary focus of the negotiators here on the iran side who are insisting they can continue to enrich uranium as the fundamental bottom line of their nuclear program. what they want to demonstrate is this is a peaceful nuclear program and the other side wants to make sure they are only ever capable of enriching up to those lower levels for those peaceful purposes and it can never actually make a quick or secret break to a nuclear bomb if it were to make a decision to do so. >> author and expert, thank you for joining us on al jazeera, there are two days of talks takes place here and no one expecting a final deal and they expect there to be further talks but they are hopeful and cautiously hopeful there will be considerable progress. >> reporter: thank you very much, we are live in geneva. and not everyone is convinced the talks will solve the
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question and they say iran is not to be trusted and we have more from jerusalem. >> reporter: back to work and warning the world of the nuclear program. and prime minister told parliament it was no time to ease sanctions for consent shuns on uranium enrichment which he says is designed to develop a nuclear weapon. >> translator: easing the pressure will note strengthen iran and it will strengthen the stance of the leader and perceived as the victory. >> reporter: of course the geneva talks are at a tricky time and relations with barack obama are strained and recently with the americans sounding optimistic about a nuclear deal with tehran and the predecessor has stepped up his warnings. >> now, i know it doesn't sound
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like that but when it comes to iran's nuclear weapons program, the only difference between them is this: he was a wolf in wolf's clothing and he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. >> reporter: his opponents say he is obsessed with iran and started isolating the country and dismissed the suggestion he would order attacks on iran if it came close to having an atomic bomb. >> the israeli government and nothing the israeli public and this is their main problem. he has to convince not only president obama and not only the western world. he has to do it inside of israel. >> what comes out of the talks in geneva he is unlikely to change his message to the outside world.
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what is not clear is how much room for man ver he has to act alone. >> reporter: there is more ahead on the al jazeera news hour including rounding up migrants in the russian capital and we have the latest on the pubingly ethnic tensions and a fight that dates back to the war years and the dodgers fight their way back in the national league champion series and joe will have the details coming up, in sport. ♪ a human rights group says there is evidence that understand of inmates have been killed in nigeria jails. and international said it happened after security forces cracked down on fighters in june, an army commander told the ngo 950 people connected to the group were either sophisticated,
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starved or executed. now to russia where police rounded up more than 1600 migrants during a raid on a warehouse in moscow and stepped up security following violent demonstrations by the fatal stabbing of a russian man that many blame on a migrant from the caucus region and calling it the city's worth ethnic disturbance in years and a correspondent david has the latest on moscow. >> the police in moscow have issued a photograph of the man they want to question in question with the fatal stabbing which sparks these riots and named him ozan and the police forces in moscow are out now around the mosque because of the celebration of the eat festival and the prayers. many muslims will be attending those mosques today. the police presence also in the southern suburb where these riots actually happened has also been increased. now residents in those areas say the whole question of whether
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the police have been turning a blind eye where they have been taking bribes from illegal immigrants is really what sparked the protests which were originally peaceful and taken over by violent national lists and the question of immigration is one for the moscow authorities. new laws are about to be passed there. tightening restrictions and regulations concerning immigration. but of course russia needs immigrants mainly for the construction industry and the economy and the whole question is a very difficult one. >> reporter: war time law in bangladesh to seize land from enemies of the state is under scrutiny as our correspondent reports and experts say around one million minority families have lost their homes. >> and she is worried it could take decades more to win it back and many of the hindus are part
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of the act. >> translator: my grandfather was a landowner and yes he was a minister, yes, he was a key part of the language movement but said he fled to india during the war and he is an enemy. >> vested properties act and research say it eased 1.6 million acres of land from almost a million minority families over the last 50 years. >> translator: any grandfather and uncle died in the struggle to liberate bangladesh and i'm the daughter and my identity and existence is tied to this land. >> the house behind me belongs to an hindu man and he says a political activist took his property to build a factory building and the building collapsed in april killing over 1,000 factory workers and left his home in ruins. minorities who had land seized are locked in long court battles
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and the hindu population is half of what it was when the law was passed in 1965. >> translator: in the past five decades the thousands and thousands of hindu families in bangladesh have been meijered in legal struggles they were forced to give up houses and leave the country entirely. >> the vested properties act was repealed in 2001 but this has not led to the return of the seized properties. with the close election coming up, there is some hope that the ruling of the party which promised to help will come up with a solution. particularly they say they have been disappointed too many times in the past and recognize the hopes may not lead to any solution. al jazeera bangladesh. >> reporter: the death toll from the stampede at a temporal in india has reached 115 and many were crushed to death or
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drown near a temple and survivors accuse police of using excessive force and officials including senior policemen have been suspended. millions of people in india are in need of aid and hundreds of thousands of homes have been completely destroyed by the cyclone and it was the strongest storm in over a decade and let's check on the world weather and do we have any more rain in the forecast for those hard hit parts of india? >> well, i'm afraid we will see a few showers coming into the northeast corner of india but it has quieted down and conditions are better than they have been. there is a cloud across here and pushing into the coastal fridges here and showers will peter out but the problems across the region which will remain in place for days to come or a few weeks if the truth be known. you see we have showers there
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into here and pushing up to a good part of the western side of bangladesh and showers will retreat but the flood waters will remain in place for many days to come. flooding problems across indo china and a cloud of rain and that is typhoon making its way across central parts of the region. pushing across into louse and drive to northern parts of thailand as we go on through the next couple of days and the wind going down and the rain easing down but floods in place and further flooding over the next couple days. could see flooding making its way in japan through the next couple days as typhoon makes it way further north and run up here. i think within 12 hours or so it will make landfall with heavy rain for a good part of wednesday. >> thank you very much indeed. now bosnia sense is expected to give detailed snapshot of the upheaval of the 1992-1995 war,
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during that an estimated 100,000 killed and 2 million forced to leave their homes and the last census was 1991 just before the collapse and it showed the country had a population of 4.4 million people, 43.5% declared themselves muslims. and the surfs were the next largest and croats made 17.4% of the population and joining us to talk about the significance of the census and what to expect from it is journalist who worked in one of the english newspaper during this time and thank you for being on al jazeera. so what do you think, what sort of picture do you think is likely to emerge from the new census in bosnia? >> i would say controversial again. there is a lot of bickering at
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the moment with the census of workers who visit people's home. there is a 97 questions inside the census and it's a huge, huge confusion for those who are supposed to give answers on some of very sensitive questions like ethnicity or religious background. as you know bosnia consists of bosnia surfs and croats and muslims and the group of people that are more kind of in danger see this sense of israelis are mostly muslims. why? because they have been all the time dispersed with the names they were given. this time huge campaign raged around issue of how they ethnicity wise call themselves and they are bosniaqs and the
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croats and surfs know the language and ethnicity and that is the main issue during the campaign. >> reporter: do you think then, sorry, do you think the census is likely to aggravate the ethnic tensions that already exist in the country? >> i would say so particularly in the area of what happened in the 90s in the war in bosnia after the cleansing. the other issue is the long argument if they would be allowed to come back into take part in the census and they came to kind of solutions and in my investigation tells me that huge number of people who live all around the world came back to bosnia to take part in the census. >> reporter: so profound demographic changes you think, this census is required by the eu before bosnia can begin serious talks to join the eu
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blog but it has been political and controversial. do you think it is going to delay the eu session talks? >> not only the issue of census would delay controversial bosnia situation at the moment. it's so many other issues which are very linked to the daily life in bosnia but the census is the main one. the other is, for example, j and bg, unique in the identification number for the newborn children. we witnessed a huge protest around that issue because newborn children were not allowed to be given that unique number. the issue of so called the case and finsy is a bosnia you have
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about the right to be part of the presidency. so many other things. nothing in bosnia is unique. everything is so divided and dysfunctional that many blame the peace agreement. >> reporter: thank you so much for speaking to us. and a former war reporter joining us live from london, thank you. still ahead on this program why the price of egypt is giving celebrations an uncertain flavor and in sports england will be hoping history doesn't repeat itself as they try to qualify for next year's world cup. stay with us. my name's nicole deford and i'm
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♪ welcome back, you are watching the news hour on al jazeera with me, a reminder of our main stories. there are bomb ings across the middle east on one of the holyist days in the world, afghanistan a governor in the east was killed in a bomb attack during eat prayers and it happened in the providence of logar and attacks in northern iran and a mosque south of damascus was targeted. at least 85 people have now been killed and many more injured after an earthquake in the philippines and 7.2 hit the island of bohol and power is cut and buildings destroyed. talks on iran disputed nuclear program are underway in geneva and they say they are holding
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talks with other world powers. and more on the earthquake in the central philippines and we have the chairman of the red cross and thank you for being with us. i know we tried to get you earlier. first tell us about the situation right now in bohol and we see the death toll is rising. do you expect the number of dead to go up even more? >> yes. well, the red cross says 35 dead and right now we expect the death toll to rise. and right now there are many, many lifelines that have been blocked like roads and bridges and power and we are beginning to get the messages in right now. and the people need the reports. but in the meantime we have a lot of problems in terms of, you know, 400--year-old churches collapsing or, you know, we lost
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a belfry which is a wonderful church. a lot of the people and a lot of things are happening and many of the dead came from falling debris, not from collapsed structures and we are not in the position of rescuing anybody because there is no collapsed structure where people remain, it happened on a holiday so we are okay on that one. but still too many deaths still from this devastating scenario. >> reporter: right, and the people who have survived, who managed to escape, what is being done to assist them and help them? they are of course here are the after shocks and they cannot go to their homes immediately and an is being done to help them? >> they are in an evacuation center. and while they are going to be given hot meals of course and a lot of psycho social support right now because that
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earthquake really jarred this out of everybody and that is why we are putting in people already who will be giving psycho social support. those people who lost their homes, we would have to take a look at that and see if we can help them right away with temporary shelter and more food and water in case they need that. really the basic thing right now is for example in this area and poor provinces so they can operate especially here in the darkness. reporter: thank you so much mr. gordon for taking the time to talk to us, chairman of the red cross with the latest on the earth quake that struck the philippines this tuesday. now a controversial fence is being built by turkey along parts of the border with syria. the tushish government said it will make it safer but as omar reports the mainly ethnic kurds living there say it will isolate
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them. >> looks like many others, the bashed wire and fences stretch for kilometers and military watch towers with soldiers on alert. this is the turkey frontier, the biggest kurdish city. excavators started construction work here and digging along days along this border and work now has stopped, it's not clear why or if it will resume again. but people here accuse the turkish government of trying to isolate them by building a wall and they deny it even though the military dug the foundations for it and tushish say they are improving syria to curb illegal crossings and smuggling but people in the kurd town simply don't trust the government. >> translator: we are all
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relatives and brothers and this wall will separate us. and people need to eat. what else can they do? . >> translator: they are building the wall to isolate the area and i believe everyone here thinks the same. >> the mayor is a member of the peace and democracy and they say they are trying to fence them off on both sides of the border. >> translator: this wall is a shame for us. it's totally unacceptable. we are in the 21st century and can't build it, on other side is the union party and fighters and no problem with turkey and al-qaeda is going there from turkey. >> they say they are not letting them cross to fight the kurds but they are worried the civil war next door could easily spread and it's also concerned about the democrat party of
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running this near the border and pyd has links with the syrian government and the group is part of the workers party to pkk and for the moment it looks as though turkey plans to tighten security in its own backyard regardless of what kurds here think, al jazeera. >> reporter: in egypt hundreds of supporters of muslim brotherhood came out for prayers and use the occasion to voice discontent with the government. and the unrest in egypt is damping celebrations for families for eat or sacrifice, traditionally the demand for lamb is high during this time but once again so are the prices and dominique is here. >> reporter: these fields are outside alexandria and the land belongs to this man and he has come to check on his sheep before eat. this family has farmed here for
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50 years. rearing livestock for the meat trade. background in the farm yard he has a thousand sheep to sell. the quality of the lamb is renown across alexandria and despite the upheavals in the country for him business is good. >> translator: our sheep are really high quality because we give them special food so when someone eats our lamb they always come back for more. >> reporter: the animals being fed here have been marked for sale at meat markets in alexandria. traditionally consumer demand for lamb during eat is high. but this year so too are the prices. each animal on ali's farm is worth more than $200 but once it's slaughtered and reachers the butchers it's worth more than double that, increasing prices, rising inflation, and a shortage of supply mean that
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egypt's butchers are feeling the pinch. butchers here he runs the shop in cairo. he says business is down and the political situation does not help. >> translator: they are selling less meat than in years gone by because of the increase in prices and higher cost of living. >> reporter: which means people like the ashur family are eating less meat. and they try to make due on whatever money her husband, a street vendor, can earn. she is preparing lamb for her family to mark eat. but this is a special treat. normally they can afford meat only two or three times a month. >> translator: eat is a lot different for us this year. last year prices were affordable and now meat has become very expensive, i hope the government can reduce the prices a little. >> reporter: eat is an important time for muslims everywhere. when families come together in
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celebration. but this year in egypt political uncertainty and rising prices have given it an uncertain flavor. dominique cane al jazeera cairo. >> reporter: u.s. politicians said they made progress to reaching a deal on the national debt and trying to agree on whether to raise the u.s. debt ceiling and end the two-week old government shut down. the white house postponed a scheduled meeting to give senate leaders more time to find a solution to the shut down and we have counting the costs and looks at how the u.s. balances its books and where the actual fiscal problems are stemming from. >> so the united states is getting closer and closer to the debt ceiling and thursday is the point where congress needs to raise the limit or else the u.s. will start to exceed what it is allowed to borrow for its bills. so what we want to do is break
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it down and look at how the u.s. government does pay its bills and whether it balances up or not. so let's open up the checkbook to last thursday when the u.s. took in $110 billion through taxes and loan repayment and custom fees and those things. however government outgoings on the same day were $143 billion. now, it takes simple math to show the u.s. was over spending last thursday to the tune of $33 billion. and that is just one day. the entire credit limit or debt ceiling as we call it has a lot more zeros on it. have a look. 16.699 trillion dollars is that debt limit. and if congress doesn't raise it the government won't be able to pay all of its bills. that could have a huge impact on the economy, the value of the dollar would dive, with it would go the value of exports as well, stocks and bonds would probably drop too. it could amount to an acute
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shock for a country struggling through economic malaise. >> reporter: the latest chapter in a multi legal billion battle is heading for a u.s. courtroom. the trial beginning in new york involves a long running dispute over contamination by texaco which chevron brought in 2001 and chevron said they cleaned up the pollution and said the villages and u.s. attorney committed fraud and bribery to win the $18 billion judgment. chevron said it's grounds to stop the pay out. and we are reporting from the ecuador and amazon. >> he is an activist who gives so called toxic tours. he digs a small well outside a house in the amazon and shows us the waste of oil drilling.
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he says it was dumped in a pit by texico without proper safety measures. >> why didn't they put the residue in metal tanks like they did back in the united states? >> he lives in one of the homes. our health has been affected, my family is sick, i'm sick, my bones ache and my sons are ill. >> reporter: and another 30,000 people filed a class action suit against taxico now owned by chevron and he took the oil giant to court and won and the company was told to pay $18 billion by an ecuador court. but chevron appealed and is now accusing this team of mass fraud. >> translator: crude oil spilled on the roads and people affected and children with leukemia and all these are chevron's problems now and the
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trial is a show so they don't see the crimes committed here in the amazon. >> reporter: chevron did not respond to al jazeera's interview request. but the company denied wrongdoing in ecuador and claims the area was properly cleaned up. people hearsay the new trial means they may not get the money they want and damages. there are 880 waste pits scattered through the jungle and the crude over the years formed these pools of sludge. we are on top of an oil reservoir and it's solid and pretty deep and it's three meters or so and as you can see it wasn't cleaned up properly. there is oil everywhere. and the smell is really strong and the whole place it's like this. >> reporter: while the community awaits the verdict they say the damage is done and hopes they ban drilling in the amazon rain
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forest once and for all al jazeera in the ecuador and amazon. >> reporter: still to come on the program, they say love is blind but does it have borders? and south korea's new plans to stop cross cultural marriages from running into trouble and a hero of afghan football dies after a battle with cancer and we will have the details in sports coming up. ♪
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♪ welcome back, china is marking ten years since it first sent a
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human in space and sent people on other missions and landing a chinese citizen on the moon and launching a moon rover and a permanent space station the rapid development program is in star contrast to the united states where we are cutting back on research and we have more from hong kong. >> reporter: china's first space man or tykonaut as they are known in china and orbiting ten times and there have been ten and two of them women and for the whole country the space program is a source of national pride. evidence of a country bringing itself out of poverty and the technological advancement. comparisons are obviously made with the russian and american space programs which preceded it. the consensus among the experts seems to be so far so good.
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>> china wants success and don't want to move quickly and could have moved faster given what the experience is of the russians and americans have done. but they preferred to do it steadily. and just to avoid possible problems or errors and so i think that is a good thing. >> reporter: plans are now already well advanced for putting the first chinese man or woman on the surface of the moon. talk of such moon shots is distinctly old fashion coming so far behind the space endeavors of the russians and americans when those two countries celebrated the 10th anniversaries of their first manned missions the vietnam war was still raging and the beetles broke up and the first mission ten years ago made it the third nation on the planet to independently put a human being into space and observers in china would point out right now,
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while their space program is forging ahead nasa is largely grounded on account of the u.s. government shut down. south korea is introducing new rules for citizens who want to marry foreigners and tackle some programs that come from cross cultural marriages and we report from seoul. >> and she came to south korea from the philippines with the husband she met twice and 14 years later there is one of 270,000 multi cultural families and it will triple by 2020 and the marriages often run into trouble over language, money, gaps in age and culture. >> for me it's very hard and very difficult because of the tradition. because the traditions are very different. and korean they said man is heaven and then woman is land. >> reporter: after early difficulties she said she is a
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translator south of seoul where foreign wives go through a two-year program of cultural adjustment and much tailored to help them meet expectations of husband's and in laws and next year the government is bringing in new rules and the foreign spouse will have to be able to speak a minimum level of korean and the korean spouse will have to have a minimum income before they are granted a marriage visa. and the organization that helps foreign spouses says that won't address the issue of marriage brokers who don't care about the futures of the couples they set up. >> translator: the government thinks that such strict regulations would prevent brokers from arranging marriages but as well as officially registered brokers are many individuals who do it and they will continue the business and it's difficult for the government to control them. >> reporter: the wide challenge is tackling discrimination against multi cultural couples and children and found in the probasketball league where koreans like tony aikens has to
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move team every three years for one team getting an unfair advantage. >> when they first told me about it i was definitely bothered and upset because me being half black, half korean i have been through a lot of prejudice on both ends and i fear for me son, not fear, i hope the best for him being here where it's a culture that doesn't know much about other nationalitys and stuff. >> it's a hope that a growing number of families share and in a country whose racial makeup is changing the attitudes will keep pace and harry with al jazeera and seoul. >> time for sport and here is joe. >> thank you very much. we start with major league baseball and the la dodgers cut the st. louis cards league in the series and they take 3-0 lead and 7 scoreless innings made sure that didn't happen. the batters did their jobs too as la ran out 3-0 and then an
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rbi single to round off the scoring and la trails the series 2-1 and can level things on tuesday in game four. >> so the significance for us has been able to get on the board, grab a little momentum on our side of the field, they are up 2-1 on us but it puts a win, you know, on our side of the board. if we can go play well tomorrow night and continue to pitch the way we have, put some runs up and then it just keeps coming our way then and really once you get the momentum you want to hold on to it. >> reporter: fans are preparing for what could be a night of drama as automatic qualifying for next year's world reaches is climax. >> in 1973 england was denied a world cup place by poland and on
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tuesday they could go to brazil off course. if the team fails to win, ukraine will take the top spot in group h as they host the joint worst team in the world santorum marino and playoffs for england. >> i still feel the tension and feel the focus of this is a game we want to win. i don't know that i should be particularly satisfied if we don't win and know that we have got playoffs. >> reporter: and capallo led the last world cup and doing the same for russia in group f and if russia loses, port should go to a 7 goal difference with a win against luxenberg. >> translator: it's too early to relax because there is a little left and then we can celebrate. >> reporter: bosnia could reach the finals for the very first time. they head into the last group g
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game and joint top with greece on 22 points. but they have an advantage of 17 and goal difference over the greeks who host liptenstine. >> translator: we will be positive like always but we have to be ready for the circumstances. in some cases playing offensively like that we let in a goal before we score one. >> reporter: france have complaints of fee about the playoff seed ings knowing it's unlikely that world champion spain will lose to georgia. france are three points behind spain in group i and hosts finland and france and rich with al jazeera. >> that england, poland game is much about reaching the world cup as fans bragging rights as lee reports from wimbly. >> 90,000 full house here for the world cup h qualifier and talk in the game is how many of
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the tickets will be for supporters. there is a large polish community in england and many want to see the game and the allocation is 9,000 tickets and it's doubled to 18,000. and the reason they started to do that is for security reasons and meaning there is less chance in their view of supporters getting in the english sections of the crowd but the game matters more to england because they can qualify and if they win they are through and anything less than that it opens them to open and finish top of the ground and meaning england would go in playoff. 40 years ago when the opponent came and 1-1 draw with inspired performance and england failed to reach the 1974 world cup finals and poland did go to finals and finished third in the tournament and this time around they only play to be the spoilers for england's party.
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>> reporter: with argentina and columbia qualified for the south american groups two teams can qualify automatically and a fifth will go to a playoff and third place ecuador is going to chilly and the draw could be enough to see them qualify for next year's finals and uragway is looking for the playoff spot and could steal a place but have to beat argentina by unlikely four or more goals and hope chile and ecuador is a low scoring game. usa has a world place in the cup in the north and caribbean qualifying group and there is one automatic place for grabs and honduras is in the match with jamaica and mexico is fourth and still decided and if they beat costa rica they can go to finals otherwise the playoffs will beacon.
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egypt will look to maintain 100% record in african qualifying as they take on gana and hope the break this and they scored 13 goals at home and conceded once during the first round of qualifiers and unclear if the return will be played in cairo and authorities having requested the match be moved because of security concerns. and the former football coach who led the team to the 2002 world cup quarter finals had days. the 59-year-old had been battling cancer as stepping down from the team and that is going to fame when they beat france in the opening game of the 2002 world cup and went on to reach the last 8 of the tournament for the first time in their history. pakistan and south africa are in day two of the first test and south africa opening batting and
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scored 249 and reaching a century and baba took three and pakistan made a good start to the first inning and know 155-1. and that is all sport for now. >> reporter: thank you, joe, as we have been reporting celebrations for eat are being held across the world this tuesday. many indonesia muslims sacrificed animals and share the meat among family and friends and the feast of the sacrifice marks the end of the annual pilgrim and it was among many mosques as well and refugees have prayers in the camp having spent another eat away from home. and many palestinians held morning prayers and visited the mosque in jerusalem and thousands of russian muslims prayed outside moscow's main mosque and we will leave you
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