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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 17, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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i communicated with doctors by telephone and inquired about the child’s health, but since no violation of the child’s rights was identified, proper conditions were created at home, everything was prepared for the small child, the mother was registered at her place of residence, that is, in a medical institution, i have apparently, the doctors observed the child, there was no more negative information about this family, and accordingly, let’s just say, there were no grounds for any kind of accounting. was not in the information resources of the guardianship and trusteeship department there is no information that the mother was once deprived or limited in relation to children, we have information about one child, that she is the mother of one child, today the clinic where the mother is on the report of the children's clinic characterizes the mother as proper , fulfilling her parental responsibilities and the doctors have no complaints regarding this mother, the doctors say that... that she is not
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treating the child, they should have signaled the guardianship, well, that is, it’s as if everyone didn’t report to each other in time, firstly, there is no smoke without fire, about the couple, they ended up throwing a tantrum, this is typical, i think my colleagues correctly said, this is typical... for people like this who use something or they are doing something evil, and for my part , this is also in the public space, i will join in, and i think that with joint efforts we will be able to prove this or that dependence of these people, and the prosecutor’s office will be able to take a prosecutor’s response in relation to the guardianship authorities, so listen, we have history boils down to one thing, no matter how they live? no matter who
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slept with anyone, they all didn’t sleep, this is the first time we have a program where no one slept with anyone, yes, the question is different: does the child receive treatment or not? the doctors say no, but peka says yes. by the way, i believe that she has a sincere attitude towards her daughter, she simply does not know how to be a mother in an orphanage, she does not teach this, so it is absolutely obvious that if guardianship were real guardianship. this is how i imagine her, they found out that there is such a mother, they understand how serious it is, and four times a day they go to her for a week and check, but this is one story, they could have taught her, at least there would have been a chance, natalya vladimirovna, you don’t even know that the mother of the problem girl, a problem girl herself, had two children before.
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good evening, the big game is live, and i, vyacheslav nikonov. well, the whole world watched the visit of russian president vladimir putin to china. a truly historic visit. it lasted for two days. yesterday we parted because there was a gala concert dedicated to it.
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years, then there was a visit by putin harbin polytechnic university and a speech to students, the president also visited the orthodox church in harbin and presented us with an icon, and then there were very interesting answers from putin to the questions of our journalists during his press approach. we will talk about all this today, but...
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let's start from the end of yesterday , probably with the most important part of the meeting, which, well, so far we know, mainly in terms of personnel, and... according to the ministry of foreign affairs of china, let's listen: chinese president shizen ping held a short meeting with president of the russian federation vladimir putin in chizhunanghai. chizhunanghai in the middle of summer is filled with fresh breeze and sparkling water. xi greeted putin in front of the yingtai bridge. the heads of the two states walked and talked, looked at the pavilions and enjoyed the scenery. they sat by the water, sipped aromatic tea in... on strategic issues of a forced environment, they exchanged opinions of mutual interest. nikolai nikolaevich, just from there, in general, the messages from the ministry of foreign affairs are still interesting, but judging by everything, this is exactly so to speak, the quintessence of what happened in what
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happened, what can be said openly, well, firstly, of course, this meeting , the actual embrace of the two leaders, is what was shown mainly by the media information in the west. this is part of the imperial complex, the central committee of the communist party is located there, as a rule, meetings take place in other places, this is the house of the people's meetings, which at the beginning were official meetings here, the holy of holies, which means our president is admitted, also very an important historical one, well, let’s say, a shell for... for this meeting, 4 hours, that’s not much, it’s a small meeting, of course, 4 hours is a lot, they said it’s small, there are some even longer ones ahead, possibly longer ones meeting, but indeed the range of problems is such that it is hardly possible to discuss everything in 4 hours, but it is obvious that it would be possible to discuss some new
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steps in regulating the ukrainian crisis; recently our position in relation to the chinese peace plan has shifted very much, then if we go to her earlier we have now looked closely at... according to, accordingly, according to vladimir putin’s interview in xinhua, we practically recognize this plan, yes, that is, for us it is almost as if it were our own, that is, this shift has occurred, the second important point , that the meeting is taking place against the backdrop of the upcoming, so-called swiss peace conference, which is already beginning to crumble, the leaders of south africa and brazil have already refused to come there, and so on, china, always, when we analyze china, we need to multiply its statement. occupying a peaceful china’s position, i would say a certain caution, and with all this caution , china says that the conference is peaceful, which takes place without russia, it is uninteresting, it is impossible, it will not lead to anything, that is, china openly insists on the participation of both russia and ukraine on equal terms absolutely, that means
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under conditions, not without coercion, and so on in a certain conference, that is, this position has already shifted very strongly towards supporting russia in the ukrainian peace process. after appointment immediately to china such there wasn’t one before either, well, this is a return visit from sidinpin, who arrived in moscow after his appointment, that is, something stronger and more symbolic of some kind of relationship, probably, well, my colleagues probably won’t argue with me, there’s no such thing it happened earlier in the history of international relations that there were mutual visits after appointments to two countries, this is some very interesting...
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flowers to the memorial to soviet soldiers and officers, and i would like to express great gratitude to the residents of harbin, the chinese authorities, who keep the memory of our warriors-liberators of joint pages of military glory, take care of the common historical, spiritual and cultural heritage. building on the glorious traditions of good neighborliness, friendship and cooperation. today we can confidently look forward, take on the most daring projects together , build and implement ambitious plans. the prospect of further development of such close and multifaceted cooperation was just discussed in detail
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at negotiations with the president of the people's republic of china, silpin, last night. i think we're right we can be proud of the russian-chinese results. economic ties, russian-chinese economic cooperation. just a few years ago, bilateral trade was considered a great success. is already in fourth place, the united states is still ahead, but the share
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of the united states is certainly decreasing, as is the share of chinese investments in american treasury bonds, at least in the first quarter of this year alone, the americans lost 53 dollars, which china withdrew from their treasury bonds, and this the amount is constantly... decreasing, indeed, a very important factor is our trade and economic cooperation, and the fact that yesterday in a joint statement in a joint declaration pain points were identified that must be resolved, related to the mutual payment system, with the intersection goods across borders, energy cooperation, the power of siberia 2 was not named, but it was clearly implied when... they talked about ensuring conditions for the unimpeded transportation of energy resources, that’s how successful it was
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to promote economic interaction now, the actual level of goods reached is 240 billion dollars, it really is a record, the figure is important, but i would still draw attention not so much to the figure, but to something else, to the fact that there is a fairly dynamic change in the structure of trade, it is diversifying very much. we are accustomed to the fact that the main components of trade, at least on our part, are, of course, gas, which comes through the power of siberia, there is oil, but you know, maybe i so to speak, with some irony, but in all seriousness, then i will say, according to media reports, on the sidelines of the visit , rosselkhoznadzor signed another agreement on the supply of russian food products. food to china, and there arose such an interesting, rather exotic product as jerusalem artichoke.
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so i formulated for myself such an aphorism , what is this, what do i mean? i think that today both china and russia, they are getting to know each other more and more, and we will see many more different amazing effects like this, yes, new products, new, new agreements of some kind, right now... on the screens that we see here, they show scenes from the exhibition, and there flashes the label chocolate deer, yes, but the interesting thing is that russia began in 23 , increasing, so to speak, the supply of chocolate to china at a very rapid pace, we are not manufacturers, we do not grow cocoa beans, but we produce chocolate, which we supply to china, for a whole range of products , yes, even if we are not in first place in overall volume -
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i’m talking about the fact that we are diversifying our supplies, i don’t seem to put any special emphasis on it, we are expanding this range of goods, which previously would have seemed generally , so to speak, so to speak, well, as if frivolous. relatively speaking, but these multi-billion dollar contracts are made up of them, so it seems to me that in the foreseeable future we will see an even greater increase in turnover volumes, i am ready to support this forecast of this increase, precisely due to the fact that it will expand diversification, and the fact that china in this situation is looking for new, so to speak, points of economic support, is leaving the unjustified ones, as everyone sees it.
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on the part of unfriendly countries, well , indeed, payments are carried out mainly in friendly currencies, but if we look at the dynamics of russian export revenues or our payments for imports, we will see that now we mainly pay in rubles, the ruble has already reached first place, and the currencies of unfriendly countries begin to give
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way to trade, at least with asia exactly the currencies of friendly states - this is mainly, of course, the yuan, this is payment for exports, if we look at the calculations of import calculations, then we will see the same picture, there, basically, the ruble is already dominant and the currencies of unfriendly countries are clearly falling, 28 % of the total now falls on all currencies of all unfriendly countries, 13% on friendly countries, and if we look at the trades -
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the best results in one direction or another, but unfortunately, the world today is structured in such a way that sometimes situations arise related to unfair competition, well, that’s how the americans recently imposed sanctions on electric transport, on electric cars, to china, why for what? but because chinese cars
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have become better, for this, there is no other reason, this is an example. i think that today this is precisely the most important point that is happening today in the system of world international economic relations. the united states of america is increasingly resorting to a system of truly unfair competition, and unfair competition in almost all level of economic wars, while both china and... russia are interested in predictable rules or predictable methods of conducting trade and economic transactions, in order to ensure their uninterrupted operation, reliability, and most importantly, to have a certain kind of perspective, at this point, today we can say that the united states of america, in the eyes of china, perhaps in the eyes of many other
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counterparties on the world economic arena, has lost its reputation completely. partner, it’s not even a matter of position namely the dollar, precisely in the fact that the country is changing the rules of its economic activity, one might say, on the fly, interrupting, that’s what we want, that’s what we do, what things, what sanctions we introduce, what we consider necessary, this moment is certainly the most important today a factor, i think, in the development of international economic relations, because today it is especially the brix countries, and in general the rest of the countries indeed. are interested in not having this discriminatory law act against them regime, because you see, this discrimination, it is already beginning to develop somewhere from economic to political, because they are considered all the more so because these are countries, well, not exactly second-class, well, in general, some kind of countries , which
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should be treated somehow like this, well, i would say, quite like this... freely, without considering them as full-fledged, i would say, partners or full participants in international economic processes, this is also a very important aspect, which is really good vladimir vladimirovich mentioned very much, indeed, our cooperation, it now practically has no borders, we don’t know everything, we can’t talk about russian-chinese military-technical cooperation there now, because it’s clear that it exists, but we... don’t talk about it for obvious reasons, but putin paid a lot of attention to scientific and technical cooperation, which naturally has a serious military dimension and...
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never mind, let him immediately know what you look like in the post, they’re already sending you hearts, the most unexpected thing was i really like that movie
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i liked it, but there was some kind of prejudice, and i suddenly realized that orthodoxy is stylish. i believe that if you sincerely do not believe, then this is better than believing somehow falsely. according to statistics, 65% of russians consider themselves orthodox. excuse me, please, but i haven’t risen yet, you don’t know, such a discovery for me was that at easter. anyone can ring the bell, but you really went to learn how to ring a bell, it’s absolutely true what you got yourself into, there is duty, family and traditions, there is love, and there are rules, yes they are contradict each other, depending on what kind of love, look at what rules, what rules, well, in my situation it contradicts, but this is in your situation, you mean in life, yes, but this is my problem, as if i think that this should not happen , podcastast lap, today on the first. a few years ago we came across a seven-string guitar from the 19th century, after a successful reconstruction we decided to try to make our own, you make it all, yes, these are homemade ones,
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from small to large, also balalaikas, almost all of our instruments are made by hand, every master puts his soul into this instrument. when we developed our coconut milk, we did over 100 tests. you came into this field because your daughter was lactose intolerant. yes, it was very important for me to see as clearly as possible. composition, your portrait is a portrait of your colleague, yes, the co-founder, it turns out that you are responsible with your face for the quality of the product, the first reaction often happens, wow, what a bright, what an unusual shape, a woman can see a bag and not say: i can’t sleep, i can't eat, sell for any money, that's all hand-painted, yes, yes, by our artists, our everything, premiere, tomorrow on the first, i’ve been writing poetry all my life, starting work. i have a lot of relatives living with me, there is no creative zone, this is your living room and bedroom, and
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it would also be desirable for it to be an office, here we need something lyrical, romantic, light-weight, some kind of accent wallpaper, we i need a throne, a chair with flowers, admiration, it goes very beautifully with gray and gold. have you ever seen a bed that has a crown, about comfort, premiere, tomorrow on the first, we are in a unique place, clearly in the middle, between the north pole and the equator, friends, we are in stavropolis, you squat a little, yeah, like in boxing, from the shoulder, from the shoulder, so, guys, kick,
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they will tell funny stories and the oddities that happened to them, you will forgive me, i have famous favorite artists who accidentally broke this new vase, don’t worry, it’s not like that, it’s new, it’s only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, you have to play uterus, i think, but it will be some kind of piece dedicated to honey, i’m coming, that means the next day, in the remains, with the whole make-up suit on, one of the women brings me such a large velvet circle.
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she died, but how was this cry produced? herman, bent over, with a fork in his hands, comes up to nina ruslanova at that very moment, sticks this fork in her ass, she does it, and stop sounds, cut off. ruslanova just rubs it, she says, i didn’t know that this is how directors work with actors. and as zapashny told me, a long time ago the soviet circus, the tiger grabbed his father, he quietly tells them: skolt, now take a stick and all. strength on the head, and now a tiger, tomorrow after the program time. shchyra, i’m taking you to the cultural capital of belarus in vitsebsk. how old is this city? in 2024 we celebrate our 1,050th anniversary. vitebsk entered the history of world art together with marc chagall. this is the house in which he actually lived. the family moved to this house when the boy was 7 years old. oh, i
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already have. i'm ready to start preparing my culinary masterpiece and i'm ready, let's go to the premiere of the chef on wheels on sunday on the first. big game live: were times when in america they joked, what is an american university? this is a place where russian professors teach chinese students, but in fact, in relation to mathematics, natural sciences, this is how it was. and so they finished the joke. china now has three times as many scientists as the united
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states. and the quality of scientific developments in china is extremely high, our scientific base is still considered one of the best in the world, if not the best, and it is no coincidence that putin spoke a lot today about our scientific and technical cooperation, let’s listen, it’s important, that active contacts are maintained not only between educational institutions of the two countries, but also between our scientists who lead from research to... the forefront of technical progress, and in a variety of fields, in medicine, in biology, the creation of innovative materials, space exploration in microelectronics. harbin university is a source of personnel for the nuclear industry of the people's republic of china; by the way, its graduates are actively involved in the implementation of rosatom projects for the construction of power units of russian design on the territory of the people's republic of china.
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tianwan nuclear power plant and nuclear power plant. with the participation of russia , an experimental facility on fast neutrons was created, on which joint fundamental research is carried out. in the immediate plans of russian-chinese applied scientific cooperation, the implementation of other peer-to-peer megascience projects, which in scale are beyond the power of any country in the world alone, together by joining forces, we can certainly do a lot. well, the largest megascience projects. of course, the exploration of the moon, yesterday they also agreed on how to do this to do together in the near future, our nuclear power plant is already being prepared there, the americans are still going to build a railway there on the moon out of wooden sleepers, of course i can guess, but really this synergy of russian and chinese scientific schools, scientific and technical schools, it is absolutely invincible, including, by the way, in the creation of the latest
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weapons systems. you know, for the united states and europe, now, and this is evident from the discussion, cooperation, russia and china, in general, everyone aspects, some aspects are very clearly visible, this is, first of all, exactly what we are talking about, science and military-technical cooperation, things are interconnected, firstly, and secondly, if you trace the evolution of relations between the ussr and china, then russia and china, in terms of military-technical cooperation. we have now reached the absolute pinnacle of relations, and this applies only to military technologies, everything related to various, to put it simply , military hardware, armored vehicles, naval equipment, aviation, in fact, china has already in its developments it has reached parity with the united states and the russian federation, but military technology, a very important point should be noted here, even
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a special military operation, it’s not for nothing that... china has such an interest in it, it just gave such a serious impetus to the development of military technologies in our country, which is completely understandable, that china has a desire to get ahead of the times a little. our cooperation is, one way or another, it also acquires a territorial character, and the moon, and look, in the military exercises, naval exercises in the area of ​​southern africa, south african ships, chinese and ours are participating there, and this is happening in other
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parts of the world, the americans look at this with horror, they understand that they can’t do anything about it, so of course, mutual support between china and russia in the development of military technologies, china has something to offer. this is certainly true, certainly true, but you noted correctly, and we have the same scientific school that is still, well, probably no country can bridge the gap between our scientific school and its own, another 20 years, probably, and in 20 years we will go even further, this is understandable, so the chinese, we know the chinese well, everyone present here, especially nikolai nikolaevich, and we know how much they think about the future and... how much they they see well the prospect of military-technical scientific cooperation with russia, even with the condition that the problem with the americans has not gone away, the americans present this problem
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as follows: we are also a more high-tech nation in military terms, so you cannot resist us, but now they see , that two high-tech, scientifically, militarily nations. well, who can resist them? well, for now they somehow cannot resist us technologically, they themselves admit that they are clearly behind now in the military-technological field both quantitatively and qualitatively, which is probably happening for the first time in all time, but at the end of his visit to china, putin held meeting with our journalists, it was a press approach, very informative and here is the general assessment that putin gave his visit about the role of... russia and china in multipolar world. that's what the president said. in general, the negotiations were very meaningful, intense, and this is for real, sort of like the status of an official visit there or some kind of state visit, but
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this is purely a working trip, without any doubt, from morning to evening, we spent almost the whole day together, with the chairman, with his colleagues, a lot of topics were raised for discussion. and the fact that the future depends on russia and china is partly, only partly, because the future of humanity depends on everything humanity, but of course, both china and russia are important components of modern civilization, we have our own opinion on how we should develop, and our development will certainly influence the development of all partners on the planet. and development, we believe, should be constructive, should be peaceful, without any doubt, it should take into account not only our interests, but also the interests of all participants in international
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communication, and of course, we need to strengthen the emerging multipolar world, the fact that it is now on our eyes takes shape, and the world is becoming multipolar, stood, i think that given the large-scale assistance that china has provided to the russian military-industrial complex since '22, this is already without a doubt the case, these are machine tools, these are microelectronics, these are materials, components, perhaps, perhaps, about this we
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cannot talk about things related to direct military purposes, but this is through third countries and so on, it is obvious that he provided this assistance for a reason and not just for money, right? because china's arms exports themselves are falling because they are accumulating military reserves for a future geopolitical confrontation and conflict, that is , initially china back on february 4 , 22...
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did not refuse, i just said, this
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is not a joke, i didn’t come up with anything, as soon as the troops withdrew the westerners immediately told ukraine, don’t sign, fight, they took the reprimand, they are fulfilling it, we were immediately told, well , now we will fight to the last, that’s what we were told, there will be no more negotiations, now they see that it’s not working out, until the last, maybe it will work out, but but not it turns out to inflict a strategic defeat. russia sees this, now it means that they have baked it, let’s go there, urgently, a conference, please, russia will participate, we are ready to participate in peace negotiations, but we don’t invite you, well, those movies, hello, have arrived, and russia is accused of that we don’t want to take part, so they don’t invite us, and you ask on what conditions, well, what am i going to put forward now and ask for conditions...
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and china’s position has been many times already that we need to end this conflict because it indeed today stands in the way of further development or further obstacles to the formation of a new world order, this is an important statement, the question here is, in fact, who is being isolated, in any case, just today it was symbolic that two important statements were made about who is not will take part in this swiss conference, this is the head of south africa romaphosa.
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it will be, yes, there is no need for this peace conference, another thing is that china is playing its own game, it is playing, just like russia’s enemies often say, china is playing its own game in relation to russia, but not only in relation to russia, in relation to the whole world.
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matters, because if the conversation comes, it will come to signing some documents, of course we must sign documents of such a fateful area with the legitimate authorities, this is an obvious fact, it’s actually interesting and the statement that, well , ukraine has already
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signed the istanbul agreements, they initialed the agreements there, now zelensky’s formula differs from what they signed. diametrically, but it is clear that the istanbul agreements will not be allowed to be discussed now, that is, the west itself will be against this, then really, who will sign it on the ukrainian side, if the president, it turns out, is already beyond his constitutional term, well, you know, i honestly a little differently, well , if not differently, i seem to hear a little different, yes, so to speak, in these words, in fact , the question is with whom... are we signing agreements with whom are we negotiating, because recently who can we trust today, with whom? almost all the so-called
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unfriendly countries with which we deal, they have simply exposed themselves so much in terms of trust, so to speak, and, after all, international relations. president of the united states, who, not to mention, softened the position of trump, whom everyone in america doesn’t like, but he strengthened it in relation to china. let’s remember the situation with the world trade organization, which we somehow stopped talking about, but there
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the arbitration court, which actually should to resolve disputes, why is the only country that does not allow the election of a representative from the united states of america, let's look at the situation in... the un general assembly at the security council, so to speak, when all countries are in favor of including palestine, so to speak, in the un, the only country against, with whom to sign, so this is a question, yes, this is a question of the legitimacy of the ukrainian leader, but in fact it is a question of trust in the entire company that stands behind him, so this is a very serious, very long-term question, yes the question of the other side’s ability to negotiate is one of the most pressing issues right now, well, i think that... since the country is not capable of agreement, it is unlikely that it will be possible to agree on anything with it, this is, of course, my opinion. putin, answering questions from journalists, spoke, of course, of a special military operation, and answered the question: are we going to take kharkov today? well, we’ll discuss this after the commercial, together with yuri ivanovich podalyaka, who will also be in
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our studio. family is love, first of all, it is support, it is support, these are the people who they will be able to support you at any moment, our mothers, wives, daughters, these are the most beloved, every week we go with the whole family to some restaurant, cafe and just spend time together, being parents is great, it’s good, but in general it’s very, very fascinatingly. yes, this is just an attraction, i wish mothers that they always win some games, mom, we love you, yes, oh, motherland, you are my second mother, i am dear to you. i’m ready to give my whole life, my family, my loved ones, my friends, this is my homeland, and i want it every day smiled along with her residents, listen,
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you are somehow strange today, nothing happened to you, i declare you husband and wife, anxiety, excuse me, i’ll only be here for an hour, an hour and a half maximum. so what happened? an intruder's plane crossed the border, he was shot down, but somehow it didn't happen. francis, i know you are not a coward, but you must know the whole truth. they can still get you. target locked. the target is in the launch zone. do you realize the moment? still would. the ring fell. the omen is bad. seryozha, fourth. answer third. something happened? i'm really sorry, interrupted flight of harry powers, tomorrow on
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the first, how are you in the mood, great mood, oh, mariupol, like a seagull with a broken wing, their uniforms have been abandoned, that is, they mostly came to the surface out of shape.
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he looks for her in the crowd, and until the last moment she thinks about running away. the cat tries not to interfere with the dog, you can buy her a house for a million rubles, but her favorite will be a cow for 0 rubles. i went home, took a closer look, and said: “oh, i like everything here, i’m ready to live here, everyone calls him the caretaker, he loves us very much, the broom, the bucket, the animal is a conductor of meaning, in principle changes a person’s view of the world. children, what are you doing here, and does mom know? was this a staged video or not? i immediately said, i say, i will answer this question on channel one. did you see the video? watch with us!
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the premiere on sunday at the first 5 minutes ago i was feeding, we had to touch fingers with her, well, how can i, being in another room , touch fingers with a girl whom i can’t even see. is assessed as completely hopeless and close to disaster, the law is on the second groom, i’m warning you, i’m an x-ray, i see
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right through you, only sincerity has an effect on me, television from the inside, premiere, on sunday on the first, big. playing on the first, there is a true folk sign, if zelensky comes to some ukrainian city to hold a meeting there, then this city will soon fall, it happened in avdeevka, it happened in artyomovsk, yesterday he held a meeting in kharkov, vernyak, well, today journalists asked the president of russia in china what our plans are for kharkov, so what the president answered, it’s their fault for what’s happening, all today’s authorities in kiev,
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the source of their origin. that if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone, so we are doing this, and as for kharkov, there are no such plans today, and the region itself is , of course, a border region, of course, and vladimir vladimirovich, as the supreme commander,
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he clearly defines the task of our forces, what we are doing now. you know, the most important thing is that this is happening in china, that is, on the territory our main ally, in fact, where we clearly state what our tasks are, what we are solving at the moment, it is clear that this is a task, let’s say, not temporary, but of the current moment, this is not a task of solving strategic issues in the northern direction, of course not, and the north group was not created for this purpose. and the task will be solved further, now everyone understands that kharkov is a huge urban agglomeration, and in order to storm it, this will mean large losses among the civilian population, which is generally supported by both since we, why do we need this, we need to take the city, and over time this will happen in a ring, and this will happen, just now the supreme commander in chief said that we are coming from the north in order
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not just to do sanitary cordon. but we also simultaneously threaten the kupyan group and the group that is concentrated further, because it is obvious that we will cut off the communications of these forces. well, what did the president mean in kiev, i think we should guess what we can have today there may be another goal, not kharkov, or maybe kharkov will not be today, but tomorrow, but let them guess in kiev, in the meantime we are clearly noting the intensification of hostilities, ukraine, for its part... took the most powerful blow to ours first in a special military operation territory across the territory of crimea, novorossiysk, then opsse, including those with unmanned boats, it really was a powerful blow, the ministry of defense counted more than 100 uavs shot down, but we ourselves, of course,
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respond very powerfully with strikes today on odessa, by... yes, indeed, today we will definitely not take kharkov, i confirm this, maybe we won’t tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, but someday we will definitely liberate. in the meantime, the main events that are taking place in the northern sector are the volchansk direction, there are clearings of the central part of the city, in general, the enemy’s defense system here has been destroyed, there remains focal resistance, which our troops are crushing, and at the same time information that
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indirectly speaks of that we are preparing create a bridgehead on... on the banks of the volchie river, respectively, in order to further liberate the rest of volchansk, and then move further to the same white well and further to the rear of the enemy’s kupino group. the second important direction is liptsy, or liptsy. here, you know, our troops yesterday, the day before yesterday, launched powerful artillery air raids, after which yesterday evening they launched an attack late and gradually begin to go around the liptsy hill from the east, that is, they occupy the hill that is on which. the northern one was already occupied the day before, with from here we, in fact, adjust the fire, and now we go to the next more eastern, southeastern hill, which controls all supply lines not only of libtsy, but of neighboring, lower and more southern settlements below it, there is slobozhanskaya, then russian tishki , by the way, russian tishki, here, if we go up this hill to the end, then we will cut off the group, in fact , the enemy will just have to leave these two
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settlements and thus we will go even deeper. to the territory controlled by kiev after this the north-eastern outskirts of kharkov will be within the reach of our cannon artillery. by the way, something unfortunate happened today. we are trying to move to kalinovo, here we are accordingly going to the rear of the enemy’s toretsk grouping, it was in this direction that the new coalition of ground forces began to be deployed en masse for the first time, new howitzers that are already in operation, we’ll wait and see how this gives us results, but i i think it will, offensive actions are underway. there are already tactical successes, but it’s better to talk about them in monday, well, there are also attacking actions in the chasvyar direction, here our troops from the north are trying to get through to the canal, in the same way earlier they went to
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the south, now they are heading towards the canal, accordingly, when we finish leaving the north, we will prepare platforms for in order to begin a real decisive assault on the clock, well, i think that we will wait for this soon, these are the main directions that are now worth paying attention to, thank you very much, yuri ivanovich vatolyako. latest news from the special military fronts operations where we are progressing quite successfully, well, today is friday, we certainly cannot do without disasters on the railroads of the united states. in first place by a wide margin, of course, is gavelston, texas, where river transport has also joined the fight against american railroads, the laurels of the ukrainian captain who... destroyed a bridge near baltimore clearly give no one peace of mind, so the next captain crashed into the bridge, which also turned out to be a railway bridge, the railway
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bed itself has all fallen down and now leads to water, 2.0 gallons of oil spilled out at the same time, which naturally created a situation of environmental disaster there, well, in pittsburgh , pennsylvania. the cause was improper transportation of the central beam, tulare - south dakota, accident, trains with a semi-trailer, everything as often happens in america, west will city, utah, a light rail train derailed, it was there. 16 people, clout and florida, a train collided with a truck, well, everything is as usual in the united states of america. well, it's no coincidence that chris salceda, the tv personality, gave
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a devastating characterization of the american situation. as the campaign against trump collapses, the american people, and even democratic voters, are outraged at the catastrophic decline the united states is experiencing. those who love america have defected to trump. simply put, americans know that people in power are incompetent, stupid, selfish, and do not seem to work for americans. so, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. we pass the word to the news, all the best, goodbye, see you next week. hello, there are evenings on channel one news, andrey ukharev is with you. a large press conference following the state visit, the prospects for development, cooperation between
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russia and china are grandiose.


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