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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  May 17, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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things with a child, this is very strange for me, i had this position when i was 18-20 years old, then i really wanted to get married, have a child, everything was prescribed, but as soon as i sort of realized that the world is different, it’s not just about children, this is about their realization, in this regard, i am surprised here by this moment, that she seems to have not yet left her parents, but is already ready to become a parent.
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it is impossible to deny the presence of pronounced nationalism in ukraine; the ukrainian version of nationalism is usually called integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is, but it sounds beautiful, like it’s not fascism, but the most striking thing about ukrainian fascism is the lack of understanding that for europe, even the latin hedger, as well as for all the world’s anglo-saxons, are ukrainians. have always been and
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will be second class, ukrainians live by other people's myths, ukrainian propaganda copied the tradition of another country, but copying the recipes of someone else's success is a sure way to failure. premiere, ordinary fascism 2. on monday, on the first. how can we? without our test today, you will sing now with mendelssohn, come on, i believe in you, let’s sing, especially since the program is nearing completion, it’s quite logical to sing the song “the performance is over.” everything is as usual, i start, you continue. the performance is over, my dear, and that's it. don’t stop
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the music, the play is over, happy ending, i wish you a happy ending today, bravo, please show me a surprise, there is such an african tradition before marriage, a wife and her family should be with a man. arrange a symbolic fight, oh, a symbolic battle, that is like all the battles before marriage, wow, it ’s interesting, arrange it, let’s go, you need a groom, yes, both, both, both, go ahead, take pillows, oh, i’m scared, it seems to me, on a grand scale, but not in the face , yes please,
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thank you. thank you, look, the girls are really fighting, well, yes, this is what we need, the glasses are trying, i want to go there, why are we all pouring in, let’s all close the program, we’re going, and you’re ready, ready to fight with pillows for the sake of these suitors with other brides, yes, i generally like to fight like that, i love it. oh, that's it, that's it, well done, good, now you need it, i think you'll have enough for this fight now for the rest of your life, go to your room, girls, thank you, alfreda, how are you,
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interesting, yes, very, well, young, uh god, i need you now, i don’t even know. looks like a easter cake, it was a lot of fun, yes, it was fun, you, you have a lot of feathers on your face, i just remembered my childhood, so to speak, well, guys, no, angelina is a very nice, young girl, but again the prospect of something serious, for now there remains a mystery, well, alejandra, you too while you are not directly planning to get married tomorrow, you can say that you can take angelina to grow up, try, try, by the way, philip, you can take her to grow up too. look, one bride is more beautiful than the other, all three are beauties, all three are different and very beautiful, i just
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see alejandra with anastasia, i see you right now, i see your children, somehow it seems to me that you suit each other, she. .. and you know, by the way, being cunning for a woman is good, of course, she will quickly change her mind, this is also good, philip, for you they are somehow very young, very young, it seems to me so, it seems so to me, although from venus you could try, because she likes older men, but she said, if you want to have such a toy, you have to dress me up, invest in me and you have to support me. and i didn’t really like any of the guys, i think that in general they won’t choose me because our priorities don’t match, and that’s good, dear mindelson, i offer to help so that our suitors can
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make the right decision, please generate photographs of children, future children from our brides, with pleasure. attention to the screen, oh, pretty, right someone she reminds me that everything, and this is from whom, it was from venus, this is already from anastasia, from anastasia, they will have it. oh my little butts, oh what wheels, right away the benchmarks, yes, in general, guys, it’s up to you, alfreda, and who do you recommend, and
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well, i think that how we agreed, yes, alehand anastasia, anastasia, you see how we we see everything with you. matches, yes, i also agree with you, they somehow fit together, this couple has potential, but for philippa, angelera or the last one, venus - this is the most, quite difficult, yes, but i would rather stay with this last one, with the last one, okay, but you listen to your heart, it will lead you where you need to, it definitely won’t deceive you, this fact, oh, that's it, girls, got what they came for, right? arranged for you, thank you, larisa approved, i can just breathe out, that’s it, yes, my fate is decided, now finally, now happiness awaits me, a handsome husband, wait, beautiful children, it’s larisa’s decision, alejandra, let’s go, some rustling sound
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venus will be collected now, don’t scare me, philip, come in, i think, i think, i’m small for them, i probably showed up, yes, i am. i’m still this tall, you still have your whole life ahead of you, yes, i invite everyone to come out and support philip and alejandra, we have two couples, philippa angelina, hello, hello, hello, you’re very cool, thank you very much, i like your style , thank you, from your sister, i was also very attracted, i really love this group. yes, i don't listen either. alejandra and anastasia. hello again.
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hello. very nice. you are my choice today. thank you. if you are single, or you liked someone from the participants in today's program. write to the website of the first channel. and i, larisa guzeeva, wish that your loved one will definitely tell you. let's get married. did it to him in the apartment, but he told him that she has a disease that is sexually transmitted, i am aware, we are not sleeping yet, i’m
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generally on the floor, i rented an apartment, and he started living with me on the floor, yes, victor, who is he, this is nastya’s brother on his father’s side, why do you think he came to us, i don’t know, right now let's ask him, victor, go to the studio. good afternoon, i was getting out of a taxi the other day, and the driver said to me: just don’t forget to give me a rating, i think it’s convenient, you give a rating, then others. good, bad, if people, when leaving a relationship, would also rate each other,
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maybe there would be fewer bad relationships in the future, but you immediately see the rating is two, well, why try anything with him, the chinese way, it’s just that our hero today, if there was such a scale, would put one, that’s why? i’m even ready to tell. alexander ended his relationship with elena only four weeks ago, but immediately turned to our program for help. hello. hello. what happened to you? i turned to your program to deprive my former partner elena of parental rights. since she drinks heavily, she does not look after the child. do you have a child together? not mine, yeah, that is, when we started living, the child was 3 months old,
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so i started taking care of the child, that is, how to take care of her, well, accordingly, i worked, as if on a shift i traveled, lena received child benefits, received a pension for the child, and what kind of pension, a disability pension did she receive, and the child has health problems, she has problems with her kidney, yeah, how long did you live? yeah, we lived in my apartment for almost a year, well , in total, you were together, a year and four months, all this time while you lived together, she drank, well, almost all the time, why did you live with her, well, i first of all, with her in the orphanage in one time the universe, as if i felt sorry for the child, you lived with her because child, because of someone else, well, how would i take her, accept her with the child, i raised the child as my own, and where is the father, did the father die, when? nastya was 3 months old when he died, and why did you get along with her, with lena? well, it’s like, i wanted
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to start my own family with her, and you were in love with her, or something, with lena, yes, yes, well, you and she were brought up together in the same orphanage, what else were you from those times in love, yes, wow, tell me, did you have problems with her right away when she moved in with you, or then, no, not right away, two or three months later, and what are the problems? did you stay without drinking for 2 months? well, she drank like that sometimes, well, it happened that she even used drugs, how terrible? yes, well, i kind of tried to do it somehow. that is , now you are fighting for the child, you want the child from such a mother who uses drugs, drinks, to be confiscated, deprived of her parental rights, and where the child is, and the child is given to his stepbrother, that is, not to you, you are not ready, no, uh-huh, listen, well, if the girl has a disability, nastenka, this
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probably means that she is regularly i need to show it to the doctor, but that's it for now. she was with me, we regularly went to the hospital, that’s what i’ll say, only she goes somewhere to the left, well, for example, i went to moscow, my phone was constantly ringing off the hook, the doctors called me, where did lena go missing, and they need a child show the doctor all the time, yes, but you have to show the child all the time, wait a second, why did the doctors call you, you can’t figure it out, because i said that if any problems arise, i told all the doctors, call me, because before lena reach out, why aren't you ready? take the girl with you, okay? as if, let’s say, i live alone, and it doesn’t work for me to look closely at the girl, because he, who will be with the child, let’s see how you lived with lena, you told us, here we lived with lena and nastya for almost one and a half years year, this is my apartment, as if i received it from the state as an orphan, here we had a crib, i slept on this sofa and
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it was as if almost constantly every day nastya asked me because lena. either drunk or tired, she has no time child, in these bedside tables it turns out there were nastya’s things, well, either my friends or i gave it away, but the bulk of his money went to stale food, it was unbearable to live in general, she brought with her a silver cat and a cat, three more kittens were born, they trashed the whole house, so she cluttered up my balcony, nastya’s things are lying around there, she doesn’t take them away... what’s funny is that i think so, that she doesn’t need these things at all, lena broke my barrel, what’s wrong now the water is not filling up, it’s staggering, she says, i climbed in, she says, hang up things broke it, most likely she was drunk, she left me a month ago and i still have the strollers, but she doesn’t need these strollers at all, she doesn’t even walk with the child, when
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she left me, she cut off the plug so that i i didn’t use the refrigerator , i was able to do it, and it got to the point that i called the police on her, she got ready to leave with nastya in the middle of the attack. i think that nastya and lena are to some extent dangerous, when lena gets drunk, she does not control her actions, that is, she is in charge of the child in general doesn’t follow, nastya only needs her for money, why didn’t they break up earlier, why did they continue to follow, we broke up with her five times, she came back. i’m not talking about her now, i’m talking about you, why, i feel sorry for the child, it’s just, but this is her only child, no, she has two more children, how many, two, and where are they, well, one of the nineteenth year, it turns out, she refused , the second of the twentieth year, she was deprived of her royal rights, that is, she
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completely abandoned the first one herself, and for the second she was deprived of parental rights, so it turns out that... she has been leading such a wild lifestyle for a long time, let’s say, that is , and the consequences of this wild lifestyle are the consequences of infectious diseases that are transmitted sexually, which i learned about after the third sexual intercourse, she did not warn you that she had there is a disease that is sexually transmitted, i even had it and you didn’t use protection, no, and the result is, well, i go to hospitals. so far everything seems to be fine, but what do you want? well, i want to know, well, i ’m infected, i’m not infected, yeah, it’s like that, eh if you become infected, what will you do? i ’ll sue her, well, in general, this is a crime, let’s call this terrible woman to the studio, now elena, they don’t
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say anything, your child has a diagnosis, a doubled left kidney and bad urine, and that ’s all, that’s all that you know about your child, but what do you do? i take the medicine that the doctor prescribes for you, which the doctor prescribes, and what else do you want to know, the doctors say that the kidney needs to be removed, well, well, i would like to save this kidney. listen, what's your situation? education? nine classes, and you decided that you are doctors, wait, what kind of education do doctors have? highest, you are probably here, why did you come? “your ex-roommate came here and said that you are sick with a disease that you don’t warn people who come in about, what kind
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of disease do you have, i won’t talk about it, don’t, please, it’s your right, but why don’t you talk about it told him when we went to bed with him, with whom, with him, i just lived with him, i didn’t sleep with him at all, not once, not once, we slept on different sofas, he was the one who lived as a wife." what kind of child are you, that is, you just lived on different sofas with him, fed him, gave him water, yes, you didn’t sleep, no, you didn’t sleep, well, i’m saying that you slept, yeah, that’s he was just offended because i left him, where, to the person i love, and you warned the person you love about what you have, he knows right away, he knows, yes, so , and if now it turns out that he has something to confirm?
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what is women’s happiness according to tatyana ovsienko? the premiere was sweet. on the first. doctors are preparing to give an injection into the joints. today. there are unique injections that allow you to restore cartilage , relieve pain, these and other important achievements of medicine, live
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healthy every day in the program, on monday, on the first, and your daughter only has kidneys or something else and something else that can i will not say the same thing that i have too, that you have. did you immediately take the child from the maternity hospital? no, only after 3 months, why? because the doctors said that i wouldn’t pull it off. and who are you? mother? well, where were you, mother? i mean where am i was? when your child was in the hospital for 3 months, where were you? where have i been? i was at home, but why weren’t you in the hospital with the child, because it was impossible, but what the heck? well, because it was impossible, they told me: go home, i came there every day, brought diapers, she was not in your incubator. not under any circumstances in the intensive care unit, just in the ward and you will tell us all that you were not allowed there, i say, i was not allowed there, you were not
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allowed there due to your illness, i probably don’t know, i don’t explained this it can’t be, well, that’s how they told me, just come, bring diapers, that’s all, when you and our hero got along, i got along, nastya was, first of all, i didn’t get along with him, she just lived. and why did he need this, well, you ask him why he needed this, there was nowhere to live, because it was inconvenient for me to live with my mother, now who are you living with, with a young man, let’s see how you are live, then we’ll continue, i poured you some juice, sit down. come on, don't want to, what a capricious girl she is like this, like this, it tastes better, probably, yes, my child always has fresh fruit, every
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day we go to... here the child has his own little corner, there is a swing, a crib, here she has jackets for going outside, here are like pants , here is underwear, and here is a dress for going out, half of my mother’s friends gave away things, i have to buy panties, tights, socks, panties. she has had bad kidneys since birth, so once every two weeks we donate urine, it’s like we’re constantly running around the hospital, constantly, we always have medicine on this table, we take it in the morning and in the evening, every day, she drinks them as if steadily, well, that’s all.
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we won’t butt anything else for now, yes, the child is also tired of the medications, it’s very, very scary when your child is sick, i try very hard for her so that she always has everything, so that she doesn’t need anything, just it’s this disease that’s preventing us from living, the doctors haven’t given us any specifics yet, i really want my child to be healthy, to always smile, listen, if you’re such a good mother, why? no, first i went to my mother, wait, well, you had nothing to be offended by, that there was nothing, no, but i wasn’t offended, here i was offended, he lived at my expense, at the expense of the child, i constantly bought groceries, repairs for him i did it in the apartment, why don’t you say this, where are your other children?
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they took one child, i had to leave one child, but what about you, what made you leave the child, because i got the second child when i was raped, i became pregnant, i left the child, your first child, who was born, was born after rape, no, where is this child, this child was taken from me, who took it, guardianship authorities, when did they take it, almost immediately, why? because i didn’t go anywhere and i had nowhere to live, so they took me away, but where were you and the child? i lived with a friend, my friend had two children of her own, and you lived with her, but they don’t take children for this, well, they took it and took it away, well, they don’t take the children away for that, if you and your friend were drinking heavily and your children were abandoned, they take it away for that, no, no, what kind of life did you lead, but a riotous way
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life, what kind of lifestyle are you? you know, so i ’m asking you, you answer me so that he doesn’t answer for you, what kind of life you led, you drank then, you didn’t drink, you drank, of course, that’s why they took the child, but what because of this, not because of this they took the child away, because i didn’t go to the clinic, because the child didn’t have a means of birth, i didn’t do anything, i was warned once, i didn’t do it, i was warned twice, i didn’t do it, i they took me away, but they did it right, not because i drank, i didn’t drink, that’s right done, what does your child owe? how to live with his birth certificate, how should he go to the doctor, how should he be vaccinated, did they do the right thing by taking it away? you came here and accused the doctors of not telling you what’s wrong with the child, they know thoroughly what’s wrong with the child, why don’t they promise me what can be done, and they also know perfectly well how to live with such a diagnosis , but you don’t live like that, let’s listen,
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just doctors from this girl’s clinic for a certain period, then she went to live with her roommate on the left bank, yeah, she’s not there she was completely observed, there the doctor writes everything, they didn’t do something, they didn’t do something else, she ran away to us from there again, rented an apartment, here she’s been observed again since january of this year, but when she had to go to the hospital, they were in the past year they were in bed in march, then they had to fly six months later, they were sent. from that clinic, why they didn’t go to bed, i can’t say in detail now, but they didn’t go to bed, she doesn’t understand, if the child is constantly raised by non-princesses, then chronic renal failure may occur, for a kidney problem, i operated on them, it’s easy to observe them in time to treat them, but we have all this, she doesn’t do it, well , at least not always, our hospital didn’t run, just lie down with the child, we’ll do it, everything is possible with us , for some reason she didn’t go to bed, she told me that the doctors refused her, as if
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doctors couldn’t refuse her 100%, she had to go to bed again, just check, you know, in the hospital, since the child had been operated on, she didn’t go to bed, i’m generally shocked, you know, this is said by specific people who know your child. don't go to the hospital when why didn't you go to the hospital? it’s very written there when they sent me, that’s where i lived, they sent me, remember when you took us back, uh-huh, don’t need all this, why didn’t you go to the hospital with the child, i went to this hospital with things, i they told me there, your urine is good, go back, he came for us and came back, the doctors are aware of the disease for which yes? also knows about this, let’s call him, ask him, dmitry, come to us, and about children, he’s talking about yours too knows, no, dmitry, that is
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, it was a surprise for you now that elena has more than one child, three, yes, this was the first time you heard about this, how you reacted, in a state of shock, why you are shocked, well, because i just i didn't know about it on television. as soon as we found out, i would like her to tell you herself, but she told you that she has a disease that is sexually transmitted, i know, everything is fine with this, well, it’s like we ’re not sleeping , calmly, we treat this, and you in general, we are not sleeping yet, bye, yes, with him lived, didn’t sleep, this is actually mine, my friend from the orphanage, like an acquaintance, why do you attribute him to me, we’re not your friend... dmitry, are you planning to sleep with her? no, not yet. listen, is it true that you were friends with him? with whom? no, he was friends with his deceased husband, a deceased friend, yes. that is, her
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husband, who died, the girl’s father, is your friend, yes, best friend, and while you were friends with him, how did you treat her? also make friends. well, like friends, like friends, but her daughter, she’s like a daughter to me, and what happened to your friend, to her husband, he died during construction sites, they showed it on television, but what happened, dismantling, what were they doing dismantling, a beam fell on them, three people were crushed, i don’t know the exact story. because i was here in moscow, at work, i found out that he was in a coma at the moment when she called me in moscow, you explain to me, a fool, you know everything about her, not quite
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everything, well, now that’s it, you live with her and don’t live with her, well, she doesn’t sleep, we just got together, she doesn’t sleep with men, is she going to sleep with you, or do you have some kind of romantic plans for this woman? well, for now, the place is as friends, well, do you kiss? well, we’re kissing, that’s right, dmitry, so you believe her? yes, i believe, even after what you learned today in this studio? you know, i can say this, how better to trust her than this person, what’s wrong with him? so, but he always lies, he says that he slept with her, and you believed such a person, he always lies, listen, what a fool he is to come to the first channel, tell something about her, that’s what, what
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from this, what kind of one does he have, can i tell you what kind, i explain again, he sat on my neck, yeah, he spent nastya’s money, then buy him a phone, then... give him some more money, he plays computers on his own, goes for money, why don’t you you say how you lost the tv, how you are a money mower, who nastya had to buy earrings, lost money, wait, tell me that you are silent, well-known favorite artists have gathered at our table, who will tell funny stories and the oddities that happened to them, forgive me, i accidentally broke this new one a vase, don’t worry, but it’s not like that, it ’s new, it’s only 200 years old, i invite you to
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the program, i need to play the uterus, i think, but it will be some kind of piece dedicated to honey, i come, it means the next day to the remains for everything makeup costume, one of the women brings me such a large velvet circle, it has two things hanging from the sides: and even though the uterus is unusual, these are ovaries, she died, how was this cry produced? and now tiger. tomorrow after the program time.
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believe me, you don't know what expensive real estate is until you come to hong kong. this is my entire apartment. there are less than 10 square meters here. welcome to the kitchen. now you see it all. you studied in order to be a fengshu master, or we don’t teach this at universities. this is ancient knowledge, you have probably noticed in chinese buildings there are simply large holes in the center, this is so that the house does not interfere with the dragon flying past. do you play for money or just for fun? what are you saying, the chinese never play for fun, it’s not interesting. the lives of others. premiere on sunday on the first. why would dima threaten sasha? did you threaten sasha?
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there was a moment when he didn’t want things , he really had already gotten them, yeah, i want to listen to this, then get a comment. great, sash, i’m telling you that i have a lot of friends, there are drug addicts, they will soon be at the entrance waiting for you, they will do anything for a dose, you just have to answer for your own market, sash, even if i get there myself and your legs. i’ll break it with my arms and just turn my head 90°, it will never hurt me, god didn’t help me in moscow when i performed miracles and tricks there, i won’t tell you what happened there, i won’t tell you what i did here, the district police officer still greets me, the district police officer greets you , it was just a joke, but what kind of miracles and tricks were you doing in moscow? i mean, i would on yours...
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uses - she used once, they knew
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she doesn’t use now, yeah, are you sure, it’s possible, can i address you as an adult who must answer, i test every 2 months blood would probably have been shown, but why do you need this, dmitry, just interesting, i want, no, now to address dmitriev as an adult, and then you will ask why he needs this, you understand that what we heard now is a threat to kill, i am aware, this is a criminal article, it is not clear, it's clear. now explain to me the fool, i really can’t understand, she has a disease that can somehow prevent contact with her if you don’t want to get it yourself, although i must say that i’m helping, listen, now you’ve taken the test test, but they don't even sleep, what? we are discussing this, wait, but you slept three times, yes, we didn’t sleep test, and test, what he said, well, so far everything is fine, he so far, so far everything is fine, if you are not with her... more see each other, so, so it will be, good,
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the main thing is, don’t drag another one to you, this disease manifests itself, it can manifest itself in six months, maybe listen to me, you don’t have it, the doctors told him so, let’s do it, you have negative results, so here you go now at least don’t put this on her, okay, yes, okay, okay, okay, now i still want to understand dmitry, well, i want to understand, i don’t i can’t do it, someone else’s child. with whom he does not sleep, is it all because of the nobility of the fact that you were very close friends with your husband, or what? well , first of all, i respected my friend well, well, in my family. at the moment there is no, why not help, and if a family appears, will you kick them out? no, what should you do then, well , i don’t want to start a family, why don’t you want to start a family, i’m tired of women’s hysterics, but in short, you need someone to live at home, just without hysterics, but for now you’re with her , well,
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not in a relationship, but just friends, she is for you hysterics are not suitable, that is, you can walk. it’s too late to come, women can write messages to you, yes, i’m not going out again, if i wanted to have a drink somewhere, i went, for example, sat at the dacha, drank, rested, alone, walked away, drank and came back, yes, well, no, i just see that you are such a serious person, women, well, for example, i’m tired after work, what women, excuse the expression, well, i don’t know, well, like all men work, if only they are after work with the woman. we would have died out already, well, it seems to me, in general, to be honest, when during work grandma or before work, and where do you work so that you get so tired, in production, in production, well, seriously, yes, well, i’m just tired after all at work, i don’t just see that to fall asleep, just to fall asleep, and you
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sleep in different beds, yes, and you on the sofa or on the bed, i generally sleep on the floor, you on the floor, right? but it’s more convenient for me to do it this way, this is your apartment, but no, i’m renting this apartment, you’re renting it, and how did you end up in her rented apartment, you say, i accepted her, i accepted her accepted, where, no, at first it was like i lived with my mother, i lived in the country, we just talked, then i rented an apartment, well, he started living with me on the floor, and he doesn’t sleep, no, no, i just want , and i want. wait, i also want to ask, if you grew up in an orphanage, you are entitled to an apartment, your own, you got it, no, why, i don’t know, you should have come to us with this, with what, with this, that it’s grandfather’s i haven’t received my apartment, it’s on the waiting list, they’re just
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constantly promoting it, i have no idea how old you are, 33, 33, well, that’s it, train left, between. however, i want to upset you or make you happy, dmitry, but you will still live up your sex life, because you sleep on the floor, this is funny, victor, who is this, this is nastin’s brother, on his father’s side, why he came to us, what do you think, i don’t know, now we’ll ask him, victor, go to the studio, dear viewers, let’s probably close the topic about her sex life. and let's get back to how disgusting this mother is, and i'm ready to take custody of my sister, what are you talking about, why did you come, and why did you come, and is it dangerous for nastya and her mother to live? well, yes, she ’s lucky, she leads an unhealthy lifestyle, and what kind of life, explain to us, everything seems to be decent, have you ever seen me drunk,
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oh, believe me, i see you all the time and have seen you, just tell me why you you want to take her, why? with her grandparents, that is, i am 100% sure that these people will give her everything, that is , they didn’t give it to you, but they will give it to her, what they didn’t give you, but they will give it to her? whom you just said, we’ll talk a little later, but for now let’s
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see where you want to take your sister, in my family lives in this house, i would really like that little sister to live with this family, exactly with mine, i know that my parents, they will give her everything, this small table will be for us now, it will go into the hall as always, the little plant will run around, there will be hooligans somewhere, we have a big house, there’s enough space for everything, there’s even a round dance here, even though there are toys over there, toys there, you can even drag them out here. she will sit and play, we have a family that doesn’t drink, she won’t run around with us here, over the bulls, over the bottles, over the glasses, grab something somewhere, let me sing there.
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this is the room, she will like my room, nastya, it is spacious, bright, i drew this drawing myself, i draw well and i will teach her too, she will like it here, i am sure that nastya will be very happy here, they will not give her anything there , lena drinks, she leads an unhealthy lifestyle, it’s my duty to protect somehow and i want her to live with my parents. victor, please tell me, is your late father included in nastya’s birth certificate, no, no, she didn’t include him,
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why, i don’t know why she didn’t want to, that is, they weren’t scheduled, but how long they lived, well, somewhere around three, three years, probably, while she lived with him, she also drank and walked, no, no, no, when he was alive, that is, he at least somehow held her in some kind of mittens, well, that is, he did not let her... drink, she was constantly there, you can ask, but how do you know, i only recognized you for three, because i know, i was there, i came, i came, i saw, wait, i came, i saw, i saw, i saw you, how you behaved when he was alive, some kind of mistake, he naturally could have given her a candlestick there, that is, she obeyed him like, i don’t know, she was like a good girl there with him, and if victor, you want to resolve this issue with the child, again, from the point of view of legal assistance, we can help here, how to help with complaints, endless appeals to the authorities, if they do not respond to guardianship, to the prosecutor's office, the court will already determine
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whether it is really necessary to deprive her of parental rights , having assessed all the evidence to further determine us, we have the main evidence, you will agree with me, probably, yes, these are the testimony of doctors from the clinic, yes, we have them here, here in full, because even here they showed that leaving is in danger.
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we had to touch fingers with her, well, how can i, being in another room, touch fingers with a girl whom i can’t even see. here comes leonid arkadyevich, wait, here is the word behind this wall on purpose, this is the holy of holies, the room
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for the program path of miracles, next to the gong, not at the top, as many tv viewers think, but just nearby, through the wall, this is where i lead, well, here is some small part of our layouts, your jaw opens, you can’t imagine how many times a situation can be assessed as... completely hopeless and close to disaster. i warn you, i x-ray, i see right through you , only sincerity has an effect on me. television from the inside. premiere. on sunday on the first. fashionable verdict, new season. let's try, start a new life. let's stay on the first one. dim, can i ask this question? look, if the person was a drug user, and you admitted that she used to use it before,
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she even talked about it herself. i was imprisoned, but how long were you imprisoned? six months, and they stopped using drugs there, we have a narcologist in the studio, yes, who is using? well, here we are clearly seeing the problem when the girl talked about using drugs in the past, this problem, if it does not go away, can change. what we are seeing now, answering the question of where did that drug abuse go, now we see obvious alcohol consumption between a girl and a young man, they most likely got along on this basis, moreover, he on this basis, most likely he moved in with her, and moreover, we still don’t know what we are there we have a place in use at the moment, i suspect that alcohol is clearly interfering with drugs there now due to the fact that the girl is clearly not adequate,
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please tell me, why does leni need a girl, why does she cling to her so much, i’m not talking about ... this is how he asks this question, well, somehow the previous ones she didn’t really need two, she just latched onto this one, well, it’s probably clear to everyone why she needs it, why the money, what kind of income will she have without a child, the child has all the money, i think you’re a redhead, you only want her for the money her money, they don’t need it, how much, wait, in general, but how much pension you get, little, how much, it doesn’t matter, why the hell are you talking like that, because they told me, i’m here one by one, why do i even need this? where are you running away, and why are you running away from the truth? in general, calm down, as i understand, you have no experience, yes, fatherhood, you don’t have your own family, in fact, all this will fall on your parents, and this is really, naturally, i will also come and help, well, you understand, the fact is that this is a very big responsibility, a sick child, you understand, the parents have
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you, well, let’s put it this way, are not young, everything will fall on them. let's do this, if the court decides that this mother is no longer a mother, you have no priority, yes there will be no, listen, please call me, the city in which you live, the city of omsk, the city of omsk, omsk, omsk guardianship too, yes , yes, we applied for guardianship in the fd yes, we we also contacted the guardianship, let's listen, we first met this family in the twenty-second year from the regional children's clinical hospital, we received... one piece of information that they had a child there who was operated on in the first month of his life, but since the mother was not in the hospital with the child, they asked to check whether conditions were created for the child and whether the mother would pick up the child from the institution. we conducted an investigation into this fact, the mother explains that she had financial difficulties, and accordingly, it was very often difficult to come, and the mother only
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communicated with doctors via telephone and inquired about the child’s health. but since no violation of the child’s rights was identified, proper conditions were created at home, everything was prepared for the little child, the mother was registered at her place of residence, that is, in a medical institution, i mean, doctors observed the child, no more negative information there was, therefore, no reason, let’s say, about this family for any kind of accounting there was no information in the information resources of the guardianship department that the mother was once deprived or restricted in relation to children, no, we have information about one child that she is the mother of one child, today , the clinic where the mother is reporting, a children's clinic, characterizes the mother as properly fulfilling her parental responsibilities and the doctors have no complaints regarding this mother. the doctors say
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she's not fulfilling her obligations, wait, but it's not just like...


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