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tv   Vremya  1TV  May 16, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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to restore justice, the most direct efforts will certainly end in our victory. maria butina, the doll of tute's heir, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. forward together, vladimir putin is on a state visit to china, both in terms of protocol and the scale of agreements and prospects. relationship.
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era, strategic partnership from energy to space and the opening of cultures, a special year in russian-chinese relations. shoot and conquer, assassination attempt on the prime minister slovakia, as robert fitz is now, what’s new in the investigation of who is planting the russian trail? surface group target. enemy drones were sunk in the black sea, iskander destroyed a large headquarters near kharkov, the enemy chooses to kill. the country's resource on the use of state property and partnerships with private business, a conversation between mikhail mishustin and the head of the russian property agency. take more, carry further more precisely, civilian cargo drones. what results did the best samples show at competitions in the moscow region? chief in sklif - sergey petrikov, director of the legendary institute of ambulance and jubilee. the doctor received us, of course, at work. so,
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the state visit of vladimir putin to china, the results of the first day, the program of which began on the main beijing tianyan we square, where the people's republic of china was proclaimed, which our country was the first to recognize. 75 years from this date in october, but it and its meanings were still on the agenda today. konstantin high-level meeting. from a square sacred to the chinese. soldier vladimir putin's aurus honor guard company arrives at the house of people's assembly. the first foreign visit since the re-election began. the status of his state welcoming ceremony is up to par. shizen pin met vladimir putin right next to the car. the two leaders greeted the delegations as they occupied a significant portion of the grand staircase of the gigantic great hall of the people, the world's largest parliament building. there were ministers and business captains here, but when it was time for the anthems to be played, they thundered in the square in honor of the arrival of the russian president. artillery volleys. well, by the way, for
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the meeting of vladimir putin, the chinese military orchestra prepared not only the mandatory protocol repertoire. that's not all. at one point, monolithic boxes of soldiers in full dress uniform seemed to march in front of the heads of state with a battle cry. finally, the chinese traditionally involve children in ceremonies for welcoming distinguished guests. in translation. in russian, schoolchildren shout warmly , together with the young chinese, the children from our embassy school, children of diplomats, who are here on long-term business trips and are forced to live away from their homeland for years, remember russia in general, of course , we remember, you forget it, you miss it, no, i miss your grandparents, well, today we saw vladimir putin, from chinese political observers, which every child here, as it turns out, knows from school,
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my re-election to the post of president of the russian federation. we have a good tradition of making our first foreign visits to each other. and it is. clear confirmation of that the importance that we, you, moscow and beijing attach to the course towards the consistent development of bilateral relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction. these are negotiations in the so -called narrow format. usually, in this format, delegations with heads of state can be counted on one hand; there are 10 people on each side. what can we say about the next extended format. the entire delegation is in one room, but there is time for interviews.
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we will also actively involve chinese partners. vladimir putin and sijin ping signed a joint statement on deepening relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction entering a new era in the context of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. now the chairman and i exchanged opinions when we walked into this room, indeed, chinese friends were able to create a friendly, warm atmosphere at the same time very... pragmatic, rich, rich in business, a constructive atmosphere that helps us work. i i assess this positively and warmly welcome president putin. mr. president and i have just held frank, friendly and
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meaningful negotiations. in a joint statement, moscow and beijing oppose steps leading to prolongation of the conflict in ukraine, demand that the united states curtail military-biological projects and condemn illegal sanctions. we are in constant contact and, in addition to regularly holding bilateral summits, we meet on the sidelines of multilateral events, communicate by phone, which allows us to discuss any, even the most difficult problems, to keep all pressing issues of the russian, chinese and international agenda under personal control. this partnership undoubtedly serves as a model for how ties between states and neighbors should be built. president putin and i managed to develop a new model of relations between large neighboring states precisely on the basis of mutual respect, equality, mutual decisive support for each other on key current issues. this is the core, the essence of the chinese-russian comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction
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in a new era. it follows from the leaders' statement that russia and china will provide each other with strong support in protecting vital interests, including issues of sovereignty, and will continue to strengthen cooperation in the military sphere. military-technical cooperation is always carried out with chinese partners on a planned basis, in fact they have not changed, everything, everything, as we have established and written down in the main program documents, everything is moving. a reason for the pride of two countries, development of economic relations beijing is moscow’s main trading partner; the annual russian-chinese trade turnover is already over $240 billion, which is more than twice the figure of ten years ago. the share of the ruble and yuan in russian-chinese commercial transactions already exceeds 90%. and this figure continues to grow. this means that we can say that mutual trade and investment are reliably protected from the influence of third countries and negative trends in
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global currency markets. in this context , we agreed that russia and china will and further strengthen contacts between credit and banking institutions.
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once a day, the russian anthem is played in the center of beijing. vladimir putin laid a wreath at the monument to the people's heroes immediately after his meeting with the prime minister of the state council of the people's republic of china. the head of the chinese government is considered one of chairman xi’s confidants, under whom he worked back in the 2000s. over the past 7 and a half decades, russian-chinese relations have developed dynamically and reached an unprecedentedly high level. and in this regard, i would like to express my gratitude to you personally, dear, mister prime minister.
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the name of which in the chinese media is similar to the meaning of the word kremlin in russia, of course, affected global and regional crises separately, the ukrainian conflict. of course, for my part, i will inform the chairman of the people's republic of china about the situation that is developing around the ukrainian crisis. we are grateful to our chinese friends and colleagues for those initiatives. china and russia
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perceive a political settlement as the right way to resolve the ukrainian crisis. china's position on this issue consistent and clear, namely compliance with the norms and principles of the un charter. china hopes for the early restoration of peace and stability on the european continent and is ready to promote a constructive resolution to the conflict. informal negotiations lasted 4 hours, when dinner began at 10:00 pm local time. security council sergei shaigu and the new minister of defense andrei belousov, who today avoided communicating with the press, on the contrary, managed to discuss a number of issues with colleagues on the sidelines. close friends and many years in we interacted in different capacities, collaborated certainly in new capacities, and we will definitely find a solution for him and him. on all issues, tamich now faces very large, ambitious tasks, and we can
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only wish him every success in this matter, we will work closely to help our ministry of defense, the established personal relationship between vladimir putin and sidzenpin has already been dubbed leader diplomacy, a rare case in modern history, when political will promotes prosperity rather than confrontation. one of premiers, exactly 5 years ago vladimir putin. and xidzenping launched the construction of the first chinese automobile plant in russia. the presentation of the project took place right on the paving stones in the kremlin. the leaders signed the hood of a white suv, which was representatives of the concern.
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people's republic of china. the foreign
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press is animatedly commenting on vladimir putin's visit. everyone celebrates. the highest level of relations between russia and china in history. in this regard, the west is worried about its model of the world order, which agrees with which is getting smaller. putin and xi reaffirmed their shared vision of a multipolar world order in which countries led by china and russia can operate under a different set of rules than those established by the united states and other liberal democracies. us president joe biden announced tough new tariffs this week . chinese imports worth $18 billion to protect american industries from what washington called unfair trade practices by china. beijing criticized the us, saying they make baseless accusations regarding normal trade and economic exchanges between china and russia. however, according to observers, growing economic and diplomatic
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pressure from the united states and its allies could push china toward a rapprochement with russia. meeting. naisi is significant symbolically at the same time, as the leaders will certainly seek to strengthen their partnership in the face of western leaders' enormous fatigue with the conflict in ukraine and reluctance to support it. now slovakia this evening the doctors in whose hands, after the assassination attempt, prime minister robert fitze, scheduled a consultation on further treatment for monday. the shooter has been charged, the formula of which excludes his release from prison. against the backdrop of questions about
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filling stores with goods, this video is from 2016, then centula founded a movement against violence, filed a petition for registration, it was signed by eight people, how his radicalization proceeded is unclear, but slovakian. the media publishes footage of anti-government protests protests back in april, slogans in support of ukraine were chanted under eu flags. ukraine. ukraine. after the publication of these
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footage, speculation arose about some connections of the attacker with pro-russian organizations, which seems inappropriate, to say the least, since it is absolutely clear which country was his ideological inspiration. however, a frantic search for some kind of russian trace is hardly possible.
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for your hatred, he is now fighting for his life in the hospital. is this really josep's blooming european garden? barel. fitzu himself made a prophetic statement a month ago. state politicians are insulted on the streets. i'm just waiting, this disappointment will turn into the assassination of one of the state's leading politicians, and i'm not exaggerating one iota. the slovak news portal pravda reports that the prime minister is undergoing another operation on the hip joint, which may cause problems. blood thinners, apparently, which fitz needs to take. juraj tsintula was charged today with attempted murder the murder of the head of government, a man faces from 25 years in prison to life, which
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, given his advanced age, 71 years old, is actually the same thing. according to tv marquis, tsintula is proud of the gun he made, having owned it legally for the past 30 years. representatives of the opposition forces deny any connection with the attacker. security, why the attacker managed to fire as many as five shots, why there was no papa armor, there was no protection for robert fitts, experts are increasingly asking why the security guards themselves were without personal protection body armor, in this case they could have covered the politician’s chest, but they all moved chaotically in some kind of bustle, that is, no interaction algorithms had been worked out, the former head of the slovakian police also noted the confusion of the bodyguards, it became known today.
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from responsibility for approving the assassination attempt. we are moving slowly about the civil war because the comments on social media are so vicious today. please let's stop this immediately. on the eve of the assassination attempt in the european version of the publication politico published an article about sharp criticism in the council of europe of the slovak version of the law on foreign agents, allowing. label non-profit organizations that receive funding from abroad. the corresponding amendments to the legislation, as the publication notes, are being prepared for the second reading. against the backdrop of turbulent events in georgia, the tense situation in slovakia became noticeable only after the assassination attempt on robert fitz. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, dalia serzhidinova and yuli zagranichnogo alexander grannostaev. first channel. special operation personnel from the ministry of defense, destruction command post of the anti-aircraft missile brigade of the ukrainian armed forces together with fifty military personnel in the kharkov region. marked. in such facilities, service is primarily carried out by officers. air reconnaissance revealed the target, where iskander flew with surgical precision. a powerful explosion with a shock wave of fragments over hundreds of meters.
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seconds later the second one. from volchansk with a tricolor and a corrected name of the city on the sign, confirming the advance deeper into the militants’ defense. every house in the city is being cleaned. it didn’t take long to persuade three vsushniks, they themselves crawled out to surrender. and this is already widespread, with videos and photographs from different directions. prisoners talk about their commanders, who were the first to flee the battlefield, and how they managed to escape themselves. our position is the farthest, there are only three, we sat under fire for 3 days. they covered everything
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with cabs, helicopters and aviation, stood at a guard post, as if at a guard post, and saw that there was a bottle lying on the ground's breastplate with a note: soldier of the armed forces of ukraine, surrender if you want to live, we guarantee safety when you see ours drone, raise your hands and follow him, they decided to surrender themselves, well , in my opinion there were only up to 20 people there, they had already fled by that time. they treated us very well, i honestly didn’t expect it, they fed us normally, shaved, as they say, washed us, everything was humane, and also a video from the kharkov region, kupinsk region, the destruction of a ukrainian tank, which was moving at high speed, for lancet precision-guided ammunition - this is not a hindrance, our correspondent dmitry tolmachev met with those who manage their lancets...
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the fighters call the main assistant a fellow soldier, a reconnaissance drone of the hall, flies high, sees far, is easy to use, showed himself in combat in general just fine, the enemy is, well, just shocked by him, his most important advantage is that he does not need satellites , assembly and preparation for work takes no more than 5 minutes, readiness, ejection launch, its camera works in both day and night mode, almost immediately the operator... detects enemy mstab howitzers hidden in forest plantations. we fly into enemy territory, found 25. nemeshka, the soldiers open a second case with another uav. and now on the catapult is this handsome thing, an impact lancet, we won’t reveal the range, it’s several tens of kilometers, the charge is 3.5 kg in tratil equivalent, the main targets are guns, it is designed for counter-battery combat, as well as heavy equipment, including tanks, like
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would be a simple design, a camera.
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that is, now the weather is just right for you, that is, yes, now the work is just right for more precisely , the weather is right now for us to work, this separate division formed in the kuban 238th artillery brigade, there are many directions behind us, now kurakhovskaya near donetsk, where it’s hot. our task is to destroy, mainly , the enemy’s artillery and help our infantry, if we say someone is bothering someone somewhere in some direction, we directly fly to the area of ​​​​special attention , we are trying to find artillery there, hit it in the last 2 weeks, we hit it . the target is often enemy air defense systems, for which our halls seem invisible. there was a moment when the arrow they discovered that it was air defense based on the mtlb, they flew over it, but it didn’t even see us, and as a result
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they destroyed it and handed it over. coordinate successfully hit this target. thanks to advanced technologies, these reconnaissance uavs are very durable; this example has already flown at least 300 combat missions. another soft landing, in a new way. the order to rise again to the heights. dmitry tolmachev, igor kritskov, vladimir afanasyev, irina chuchuy. first channel donetsk. latest news from the dpr. a school and a bus stop in donetsk were shelled from ukrainian positions. four killed women and the little daughter of one of them was wounded. petrovsky district, where the farthest from the city center flew from 2014, is regularly hit. and in makeevka , the enemy used american guided missiles for the first time. two people were killed and three more were injured. the ammunition in question is an aerial bomb, scaled down and modified so that it can be fired from hymers launchers. the biden administration included such shells in the supply in february last year, and according to open sources, they will be produced
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they were supposed to be specifically for ukraine, since they are not in standard service with the pentagon. that is, it affects civilians in donbass, and america tested them. terrorist attack on...
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competencies to develop the ability to work in a team, practical work, internship and so on. the program, as i said , is serious, it will last 2 years, 1,600 hours, four 30- day modules and internships. on other topics: budget revenues from managing state assets amounted to about 400 billion rubles. mikhail mishustin, head of the federal property management,
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2 months we have been here, as you can see, we have built the road infrastructure, and installed electricity, water, gas, large-scale construction will soon begin in adegey, the all-season resort of laganaki should appear there, 36 km of ski slopes, cable cars, the laganaki plateau - this after all, it is also a unesco heritage, so the resort itself is promised to be carefully built, preserving the unique treasures of nature. almost 35 billion investments will be invested in the complex, and more is expected. there will be about half a million tourists a year, and that’s only some examples of successful management of state property, which the head of the relevant federal agency reported to the prime minister today. we work a lot with moscow, comprehensive development of territories, we
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transferred 18 hectares for the construction of the mgsu campus. as part of supporting agricultural production, for example, a beet sugar complex in the altai territory, we transferred 6,000 hectares of agricultural complex. in the moscow region we transferred 600 hectares; at the last meeting we spoke in detail about such a mechanism for supporting the activity of companies and enterprises, such as more active use state ownership in public-private partnerships, the involvement in economic circulation of those types of assets that are not effectively used. there are many such examples throughout the country. in particular, i remember we talked about the industrial park in magadan. port in the port in kolyma mishustin was in 2020, things were like this: what a beauty all around, and well, does it really look like a port, it looks like a ship graveyard, there was no repair base here to service the ships, the fishermen had to ferry them to vladivostok, and to
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to restore the repair docks, first it was necessary to remove about three dozen sunken ships from the water area. remember, they talked to the fishermen when they came to the pier, and it was an object owned by the national resource agency, nothing. the quality of use of these assets directly
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affects budget revenues, which is important for fulfilling all the state’s obligations , primarily in the social sphere and in medicine. last year we sold three large blocks of shares, three large sales - this is port bronka, the kuchuk-sulfate enterprise and the first exemplary printing house. in total, last year, according to yakovenko, the federal property management agency provided about 400 billion to the federal budget. of course, the majority are dividends paid by state-owned companies, this is about 3,309 billion. it helps us a lot in our work, in our activities, of course same, digitalization of processes, from effective management to an appropriate and correctly structured rental policy, and sales of what is expedient, what makes economic sense, these are all such elements, including including a large state one.
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according to available data, a state of emergency has already been introduced in eight regions, and it is possible that their number will increase further. previously, the total loss of crops in our country amounted to approximately 1%; about half a million more hectares were damaged, while the ministry of agriculture has available information.
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to lead a region with such a rich tradition, distinctive culture, great
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history and great people. the tula region will forever remain in my heart. speaker of the state duma vyacheslav volodin visited the saratov region on a working trip, this his constituency, in the village of sokolova, where military families live, a number of social facilities are being built as part of a deputy project. the chairman of the lower house of parliament spoke with residents and assessed the progress of work. trail rental, swimming pool, there is already a clinic, we are settling in. overpass, it will be a completely different village, but it
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has already been completely transformed, of course, it has the name sookol, heroic people live here, dynasties, yes, all those who work for the country protect it. russia is aimed at equal cooperation with islamic countries while respecting each other's interests. the prospects for the development of the partnership are being discussed in kazan, where the international economic forum is taking place, and its scale. the numbers of participants confirm a multipolar world order - not empty words. svetlana kostina with details. 57 states, 15% of the world's gdp and 2 billion inhabitants.
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these are a lot of guests, it is already clear that the attention to the economic forum in kazan is enormous, journalists from 16 countries, more than a hundred people, came here. the main theme of the conference russia-islamic world is multipolar world order. the other day they talked about how to live and develop based on their own interests, those of strangers, at a meeting of the valdai club in ufa. today this topic is being discussed in kazan. traditional norms, morals and high moral guidelines that underlie the sacred scriptures are being erased. for russia these processes. unacceptable. islam is the original faith for millions of russians. along with other traditional religions, it influenced the formation of a unique russian civilization, where people live in peace and harmony representatives of many nations and faiths. the head of the people's council of turkmenistan, ex-president gurbanguly berdumukhomedov is also on the presidium today. our countries
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have been reliable partners for many years. russia's relations with the islamic world are on the rise. the field is truly huge among the forum participants: representatives of chambers of commerce and industry, embassies, leading institutions and corporations. we must do everything to ensure that the development of our countries is embodied in the growth of the well-being of our citizens, in achieving true independence and the formation of a multipolar world order, not only in words, but primarily through
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active initiatives that both russia and the islamic world can put forward in order to strengthen our economic and political partnership. we see that russia is rapidly developing, increasing interaction with islamic countries, we understand that a new world order is being formed, this is happening on the basis of the principles of justice, i think that for those eastern countries that want to be truly independent, this is the only way out. the issues discussed at the forum these days will largely determine the agenda at the upcoming brix summit, which kazan will host in october. brix already unites 10 countries ; russia, china, india, south africa and brazil last year were joined by egypt, ethiopia, and iraq. saudi arabia and the arab emirate. the five states that joined are countries of the islamic world. that is, today, one might say, is a rehearsal of our work for how it will take place in the next part of this year, because we have events several hundred. it is very important for us that our new five states, our entrepreneurs, and business councils get involved in the work of these countries. russia and
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islamic countries continue to actively develop, dependence on western currencies is decreasing, and new transport corridors are opening. ignore what the world has changed. 15-20 years ago, but i think that soon they will understand that this is simply impossible. svetlana kostina, oleg matyushin, grigory emelyanov and anatoly mineev, channel one kazan. the parliament of moldova today appointed on 20 october presidential elections, as well as a referendum on joining the european union. this news is shaded by another from bucharest. romanian prime minister marcel
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ciolacu said: moldovans and the moldovan language do not exist, there are only romanians and the romanian language, and president maisan. run again. according to the survey cited by the riyavosti agency, only 8% of respondents would vote for a president who is in favor of the unification of moldova and romania. the opposition that opposes this. in april
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there will be a congress in moscow, since it is dangerous for them in their homeland. now advertising, see below. civilian drones, heavyweight delivery competitions. doctor, director, anniversary. let's take a look at sergei petrikov's office. there will be much more, stay tuned. is that this is my husband, ex, or rather, well, almost, so, gentlemen, i ask you, what do we have, it seems to me that my sister was killed, why did you decide that, because i saw the killer, take this brick for an examination, why didn’t you put the pressure on him, on a brick, they will react to me, do you have any doubts, yes, there are doubts, problems need to be solved in a different way, i can help, iseyka new episodes, watch after the program time. rom kastro product of stellar group, veta vodka,
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product of stellar group, old barrel cognac, product of stellar group, bourbon stirsman, product of stellar group, whiskey mancacher, product of stellar group, gin s. nope, a product of the stellar group, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, we gathered our thoughts about sergei ilyin’s film passion according to matveev, i just look like a dead man here, it’s okay, let him immediately know what you look like in the post, here you are send hearts, most what was unexpected was that i really liked the film, but there was a prejudice, i suddenly realized that orthodoxy is stylish, i believe that if you sincerely do not believe, then it is better. than to believe is somehow false, according to statistics, 65% of russians consider themselves orthodox, excuse me, please, but you don’t know who has not risen yet, such a discovery for me
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was that on easter anyone can ring a bell, but you actually went to learn how to ring it specifically , it’s absolutely true what you think you are, but there is duty, family and traditions, there is love, and there are rules, yes they are they contradict each other, depending on what kind of love, depending on what rules, what rules, well, in my situation it contradicts, nothing happened, i declare you husband and listen, you are somehow strange today, your wife has anxiety, excuse me, i’ll be there for an hour, maximum one and a half, so what? " an intruder's plane has crossed the border, shoot it down at all costs, francis, i know you are not a coward, but you must
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know the whole truth, they can still get you, the target is captured, the target is in the launch zone, the book, you realize the moments , of course, the ring fell, bad omen, seryozha, fourth, answer third, something happened"? "i'm very sorry, harry powers's interrupted flight on saturday, on the first. since it is impossible to deny the presence of pronounced nationalism in ukraine, the ukrainian version of nationalism is usually called integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is, and it sounds nice, like it’s not fascism.” but the most striking thing about ukrainian fascism is the lack of understanding of what for europe , even latin, even german, as well as
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for all the world's anglo-saxons, ukrainians have always been and will be second class, ukrainians live other people's myths, ukrainian propaganda copied the tradition of another country, but copying the recipes of someone else's success is a sure way to failure. premiere, ordinary fascism 2. on monday, on the first. this is the program time and we continue. unmanned aircraft, which changes the idea of ​​mobility and accuracy of cargo delivery, no indexes, streets or buildings, a dot on the interactive map. a drone can work not only for you, the conditions of modern logistics, how the most reliable and high-torque carriers are chosen, oleg learned
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shishkin, clean, wash. let's polish, each team tries to make their car not only shine, but sparkle against the competition. these are heavy drones weighing more than 30 kg, which are called unmanned aerial vehicles. seven companies presented their developments to the panel of judges. here is one of the promising solutions: an aircraft-type drone, but with a vertical take-off, four propellers lift its air, then it begins horizontal flight, and for takeoffs and landings, such a drone needs small area, only 25 m2. at this... stage of the aerological logistics cargo drone competition, the drone must be able to deliver a cargo weighing 30 kg along a route 700 km long, the range of one non-stop flight must be at least 30 km, here, as in large aviation, the most difficult thing is takeoff and landing, the best way to test engines, propellers and airframe strength with maximum load. by the way, most teams submitted drones with a hybrid design to the competition; a combination of gasoline and
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electric engines is now considered the most optimal solution. these are the motors. to land at a given point, where exactly the drone operator does not know, this is one of the most important conditions of the competition, the team receives the coordinates of the finish line during the flight, the task is not taken out of thin air, but dictated by the requirements of unmanned logistics. we at the association regularly conduct analytics, analytics show that in 76% of cases, which means that customers are interested in relay routes, not out and back, but multi-link routes, flew to the point,
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left one load, picked up a new one, flew on, reprogram the route for... in the near future, how the new industry will function. the competition is aimed at - creating conditions, selecting, looking objectively, the best solutions, and for cargo logistics, to ensure delivery where this is either impossible using traditional methods, or it is very expensive, for example, in the far east there are many cases , when the only way to deliver something is a manned helicopter, it is very expensive, and
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naturally unmanned technologies can help very, very well here. final stage of the competition will take place at the end of summer, the organizers have prepared for the participants one of the most difficult tasks, which requires a truly revolutionary approach. an oncoming unmanned aircraft will fly out to meet the vehicle carrying the cargo, with which it will automatically, without the participation of an external pilot, need to avoid a potential collision. this is the most difficult task that the whole world is grappling with today, and we intend to overcome it this year. the prize fund of the competition is 418 million rubles. the main prize - 200 million will be received by the team that delivers the cargo. 50 kg at a distance of 1,200 km, but given the pace at which unmanned aircraft are developing, this does not seem to be the limit. oleg shishkin, renat goreev, pavel romanova, nikolai volkov, andrey mikhailov and konstantin dzhukovsky, channel one moscow region. sad news, people's artist sergei andreyaka, founder of the famous akvarili academy school, has died. vladimir
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putin sent a telegram of condolences to the master’s family. color dissolved in water, perfection. colors and shadows, unique technique, andriyaka’s work in private collections largest museums, they are presented in the first building of the kremlin, the painting in which vladimir putin stopped on the way to the inauguration ceremony belongs to the artist’s student. sergei nikolaevich andriyaka generously shared his gift with others and raised a new generation of painters, he was 65 years old, we continue vdnkh, the exhibition of russia, its thirteen millionth. visitor, this is tatyana yasyukovich from surgut, a gift for her, her daughter , and grandchildren of a trip to the kirov region, the capital of which kirov, in the past, vyatka celebrates 650 years this year, so the family a big interesting anniversary program awaits, and at the awards ceremony it turned out that tatyana is coming to the exhibition in russia for the third time. tatiana vitalnaya became the 13 millionth, it’s you, lord, thank you, as i
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understand it, this is not the first time you’ve been with us. thank you very much, for us it’s just in general, this is the biggest compliment, i live in surgut, i’ve been on a well-deserved rest for a long time and very often come to moscow, with help. good morning. skli has a morning round at 7:00, the pace is fast, the schedule is tight. more than 200 patients are each being assessed a team of specialists, led by director sergei petrikov. and by adopting them, we
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have already bypassed them. one, two, three, four, four resuscitations. so, every day, the information is brief but succinct. an experienced resuscitator notices the smallest details, like putting together a puzzle, the full picture of the disease. the patient fell on her head, there was a fracture of the temporal bone and a subdural bone. resuscitation saved lives, but did not start treatment immediately. i washed the floors, well, and
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did a lot of other things, in the general intensive care unit, there were all the patients, burns and trauma, and surgical, and through brain, much more. the most difficult patients were those with traumatic brain injuries and strokes; many remained bedridden at that time . petrikov proposed his own way of caring for patients in critical condition, fewer complications, more effective recovery, the result of which many were waiting for. my colleagues from other regions began to contact me, this petrikov works for you, sergei sergeevich, send him, we have a seriously ill patient in intensive care, our guys just can’t cope here, well, i i beg you very much, is it possible for him to come, and the neuroreanimation department, which he was in charge of, was the best in russia. he worked on all major terrorist attacks, catastrophes, accidents in moscow, he saw everything, multiple injuries, massive bleeding, burns and countless others who were brought back to life. in 2017, he headed the institute after 3 years of the newest
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threat - covid, and iskliff was one of the first to accept patients. most importantly, we as a whole institute have learned to quickly respond to changing and varied challenges, this is very difficult story, almost the entire institute, he managed very quickly. readjust, quickly start working in a completely different way, and well , as if this habit had not left us, the successful method of transfusion of plasma with antibodies was first performed here, the first to use boron chambers in the red zone, learned to deal with thrombosis, engaged in science after many hours of shifts, sometimes without sleep and rest, but even in moments of extreme tension, resuscitators joke, but they still fail to turn on completely, partly like these dolphins are sleeping, half of the brain is sleeping while... working, then the other half is resting. sergei petrikov consistently combines science and practice, attracts talented and young people.


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