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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  May 16, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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change, i wanted to say that well , how good it would be for them to serve together, and then i thought, and for mom, think about it, two, well, in general, let’s hope that everything will be fine, but in these last year and a half i can clearly see the guys , how they have changed, now i’ve talked to them, yes, of course, i have questions, but returning to the beginning of our program on the chinese theme, i also visited the guys, they need copters to perform tasks, see the little white box in their hands? this is also china, my friends, this is also china. on the question of what the chinese theme, it is very important from the point of view of the work of our guys, from the point of view of what tasks we carry out, i hope that the chinese comrades, for their part, also understand the importance of these tasks that we carry out, well, in general, we will win together, and the ax is ours , and the ax is ours, and the ax is ours, well , actually our ax is their mavik, time will tell when we all...
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before victory to disperse. you know what the usa calls ukraine. money laundry is slang for money laundering. the main laundress for them nikolai zlocheevsky with his oil and gas production company burisma, the polish ex-president kwasniewski and the ex-tseroushnik black, their exes, as we know, do not exist, the american banker archer and, of course, hunter biden, the son of the us president, managed to make their mark there. how this laundering machine works, how money is funneled through burisma to organize terrorist attacks in russia. let's open it up and spread it on the floor.
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to the rosemon seneca company, this is a company that is affiliated and owned by biden’s son, where he received money, all these postings are at the disposal of congress, documented, irrefutable facts - a thick stack of compromising evidence on the biden family and further down the chain on the entire ukrainian top security forces and the leadership of gur, it was the security unit of the ukrainian intelligence, partly the sbu, that became the final recipients of zloshchevsky’s bribe of $6 million for closing the case.
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zlochevsky, under pressure from biden, appointed them to provide political lobbying after the 2014 coup in kiev, then the businessman became involved in several criminal cases, fled the country and somewhere abroad was thinking about how much he should pay poroshenko so that the pillbox would order the case to be closed. began to crumble one after another. the court money connections played their role and the charges refused to cancel the license for gas production of burismy. the case of illegal enrichment was reclassified as administrative rather than tax payment. other criminal proceedings were buried in... the usa, mentions of hunter
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biden also somehow faded away. over the years of doing business, zlochevsky has become accustomed to his own impunity. started in... first with trading of petroleum products in the company infox might have remained a mediocre entrepreneur if he had not been able to merge his business with political activities. since 2002, he combined the leadership of burisma directly and through figureheads with parliamentary membership, and since 2003, as chairman of the state committee for natural resources , he carried out the first reform of subsoil use in the history of ukraine with violations. the country switched to an auction system and zlochevsky made his campaign the main beneficiary. the abuse of power continued. and for many years after, in 2010, as the minister of ecology and natural resources, he issued a permit for the extraction of minerals, of course, to his company, and further according to the scheme. the burisma company, the burisma company, through a number of companies, transferred its profits to fictitious expenses, and thus evaded
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income tax. and, although the last case against him recently fell apart, zlochevsky is still afraid to return to ukraine. at first he transferred the company to his daughters, and recently legal information appeared. that the registration of burisma holdings in cyprus has been terminated, website stopped working, but its work is not over; burisma’s leadership is suspected of having connections with representatives of metobiota, which is collaborating with the pentagon contractor black & witch in the framework of research into deadly pathogens. the companies had to jointly implement a scientific biotechnical project in high-level biosecurity laboratories in ukraine. hunter biden again played an important role in the connections between these companies, taking a bribe to close the burisma company case. considered the source of financing for the bombing of the nord stream 2 gas pipeline, that money, those passing through burisma were used for terrorist purposes against russia, the investigative committee said, here again a shadow falls on the biden family, otherwise why did advisor joe jacob salevan need to convene a press conference so urgently to call
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it simply nonsense. as the american elections approach, passions are running high, well, we see several fateful decisions that were made in the united states, in particular on the allocation of a new package of military aid, suddenly the name appeared again zlochevsky, connected with burisma, with hunter biden, you know, it’s interesting, there are different versions in general, in fact, where he is, in 2023, for example, he is trying to leave for the united states, interestingly, unsuccessfully. let's get a look. according to emails, hunter biden and his business partners tried to obtain a us visa for burisma founder nikolai zlachevsky, shortly after the president's son became a member of the board of directors of the ukrainian energy company. archived emails hunter biden's abandoned laptop
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suggests a coordinated attempt to obtain a visa for zlochevsky while he was under investigation by ukrainian authorities for corruption. well, we’ll talk about corruption and the investigation later, for us now. that’s what’s interesting, but where, in fact, is zlochevsky, because the question again arises within the framework of the election campaign, well , yes, but here it is necessary to emphasize that this story with the visa was not in the twenty- third year, but in the twenty-third year we found out about it, it was there in the summer of twenty the third year there was a huge number of revelations about the biden family’s connections with the burizma company, and this was still the fifteenth or sixteenth year at the peak of all hunter biden’s activity in ukraine, when i remind you that he was on the board of directors of burizma, received 83 there, according to various estimates.
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the states of america, which worked very actively in ukraine, by the way, that’s what’s curious, but that’s how early they came to this very... biden, offers something like this in the fourteenth year immediately after the coup in ukraine, the biden family flies to kiev and jake salevan, now biden’s national security advisor and then he was just an adviser to the company, literally in march they were connected with the company burizma, that is , even then, immediately after the coup, this story arose, well, many assume that the bidens could also have a connection earlier, because as we know, this company burizma is registered in cyprus, but they had a representative office in the state. states of america since 2004, this same state was represented at that time by joe biden in the senate, so there could have been a connection back then, there were elections in 1919-20, then all this was discussed, well, in 23, additional documents appeared about how hunter biden was active there, here, of course, it’s also interesting,
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zlochevsky himself, well, in his audio transcripts presented by the fbi, he directly mentions the fact that hunter biden is such a stupid character, of course , that he... than his own dog, but he had to pay money, because these were the rules of the game, it’s interesting how yes, that is, zlochevsky such comments admits, i will remind the investigative committee. announced the involvement of the burisma company, a ukrainian company, in committing terrorist attacks on russian territory, how exactly this is expressed, well, at least in the public field, there are different versions, they actually financed a program for the acquisition of drones for organizing terrorist attacks on russian territory, but the burisma company are also associated with such terrible crimes as, for example, let’s look at the nord stream, terrorist attack. drone attacks, which occur regularly, apparently
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the burisma company has a different function, if so, what is it, what do they do, well, they, in retrospect, in fact, the relationship between burisma and the united states and the biden family is really much deeper than the fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth year to this day, in fact, hunter biden - this is authentic information, as if he appeared in ukraine back in the eleventh or twelfth year, when he came from the project.
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we have a president, we have created a biosphere reservoir, but today we don’t have
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one word here, transcordon, transcordon - this is the main thing for us, this is our first step towards european integration, this is our first step towards international green tourism, this is our first step towards ensuring that people from poland can come to us, admire our natural beauty, and we can calmly... hazardous waste, this is radioactive waste, this is waste from pesticides, in the european union
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the disposal of this waste costs a completely different amount of money, these are billions of dollars, and the former chernobyl zone, where in fact it was already secretly used as storage, and in order to transfer these waste, it was necessary legislatively implement the topic of transcordon, and what he says externally does not coincide with the internal part, that is, all nuclear waste, for example, the same pesticides.
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the moment had to be done to create ukraine began to resist some kind of situation, under which, under the guise of european waste, a sufficiently large volume of american sewage could be brought. i absolutely agree that the exclusion zone of the chernobyl nuclear power plant, today, is another catastrophe of the future, because you have no idea what plans are there. and what there are burial grounds there, this is a problem, he doesn’t often give interviews, but sometimes he even goes to social events, a social event a few years ago, apparently he comes with his daughter. to the event and talks about his great achievements, as well as about those achievements that are even greater than those he has already accomplished, well, you understand my irony, yes, let's see, i understand that you celebrate maslenitsa like this a small family, my wife and eldest daughter were left at home, with me only the youngest and my
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father, even before you became minister of the environment, you were very worried about your own figure. do you often go on vacation? where have you been lately ? we were in jamaica together in the winter. exotic island. we were impressed by the fishing. we didn’t catch any fish, but we were caught in a terrible storm. you are one of the richest ukrainian ministers in the cabinet now. well, that's what they write. the way it is. well, it probably means that it is so if they write that he is almost the richest minister, because i really
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declare my income and can afford go on vacation. it’s not about pancakes for maslenitsa, the point is that... you can feast on the ukrainian people like, in fact, what zlochevsky was doing, but tatyana roman, i can’t see the picture, that is, on the one hand, we now see a person who he has been participating there since the nineties in the most complex schemes, on the other hand, he rather looks like, excuse me, an idiot in this video, what is this? well, this is not a complete idiot, of course, a person with well, as they say, has reached the bottom, as they say, already in his publicity. initially, many years ago in the 16th century , people were very plump, they were considered very rich, successful, and it was even expressed in the suit to show a full belly, he did not go far from this, but the person probably does not understand what is behind the back of his head, hypertension , diabetes mellitus, this is all nice,
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but not so long ago with my colleague, in my opinion.
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i'm old, i'm superstar, yes, i'm old, i'm not old, i'm superstar, further, pay attention, during his speech, he will talk well, but at the moment when he talks about declarations, oh that i declare my income, his eyes begin to dart left, right, left, right, before that he looked straight, spoke clearly, everything was fine, income, declaration, his eyes began to dart, what are his colleagues talking about, well, you even know , a person ignorant of subtle matters, of course, by the way, he’s a liar, a real liar, the real one, as for his education and other things, someone says that he’s stupid, i read that, someone says that he’s not stupid blah blah blah, i won’t say that the truth is in the middle, it’s a different story, i understand that somewhere, somewhere, someone noticed him, i guarantee this 100%, at his core, zlochevsky is not someone who is a strategic generator of thoughts and ideas, he is a very good
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tactician, he is a performer, an administrator, if you talk about him. it is the burisma company that is involved in russia, or rather, western puppeteers are directing this through it, we have come to another interesting relationship, it turns out, around. burisma has a whole network, perhaps even contract killings, but definitely deaths. stay with us. the essence
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of my technique is that this is my husband, ex, or rather, well, almost. so, gentlemen, please, what do we have? i think my sister was killed. why did you decide so? because i saw the killer. take this brick for examination. why didn’t you put the pressure on him on a brick, it’s throwing me off, you have some doubts, yes, there are doubts, the problem needs to be solved in another way, i can help, bloodhound, new series, watch after the program time, mancatcher whiskey product lar group, cnop gin, product of stellar group, cognac. monte chococa is a product of the stellar group. rom castro is a product of the stellar group. vodka
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veda, a product of the stellar group. hypertension is any pressure higher than 130 and 80. it turns out that hypertension occurs differently in women and men, how not to live to have a stroke, and many other important and interesting things. it’s great to live in the program, tomorrow on the first, a few years ago i came across a seven-string guitar from the 19th century, after a successful reconstruction we decided to try to make our own, you make it all, yes, it’s homemade, from small to large, also balalaikas, almost all of our instruments are made by hand, each master puts his soul into this tool, when we developed our coconut milk, we did more than... tests, you came to this field because your daughter was lactose intolerant, yes, it was very important for me to see the most pure composition, your portrait portrait of your colleague, from
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the founder, it turns out that you are responsible with your face for the quality of the product, the first reaction is often, wow, what a bright, what an unusual shape, a woman can see a bag and not say: i can’t sleep, i can’t eat, sell for any money, that's all hand painted, yes, yes, yes, by our artists, our. everything premieres on saturday on the first, we are in a unique place, clearly in the middle between the north pole and the equator, friends, we are in stavropolis, you squat a little, yeah, like in boxing, from the shoulder, from the shoulder, so, guys, kick, indian, natural homemade, please, i have the most delicious one, this is baked garlic duck. according to statistics, girls jump more than boys, but boys have more instinct, you have to push more, oh,
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your head starts to spin, the longer you stay if you stand, it’s even worse, you have to jump, i’m very scared, let’s go, the premiere is on saturday at the first, well-known favorite artists have gathered at our table, who will tell funny stories and oddities that happened to them, you’ll forgive me. i accidentally broke this new vase, don’t worry, it’s not like that, it’s already new, it’s only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, i need to play the queen, i think, but it will be some kind of piece dedicated to honey, i’m coming, that means the next day in the remains, wearing a makeup suit, one of the women brings me such a big velvet circle, he has two little things hanging from the sides,
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he grabbed his father, he quietly tells them: how much, now take a stick, and with all your might on the head, and now a tiger, on saturday on the first, permafrost, snow, we in salikhard, my name is ma, i am from the yamal region, my name is masnya, i am also from the yamal region.
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on the first, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first. maria butina is with you again, this is the doll of tute’s heir, we continue to dissect the burisma company and its leader
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nikolai zlochevsky. because this company involved not only in terrorist acts on russian territory, but also in a whole network of illegal actions. let's take a look and figure out what we're talking about. so, we have before us a graph of the crimes of zlochevsky and his company burisma. and here is the giving of a bribe, a number of official crimes, now we will look into each one, complicity in murder. well, where would we be without paying taxes? colleagues, help me figure out what is behind each one, as i understand it, there is a whole grid in each of these groups. once upon a time, in the offices of high law enforcement officers in ukraine live one story, very indicative. path,
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very specific deaths occurred next to him, his first senior partner, senior - igor pluzhnikov, yes, a large businessman, owner of a key tv channel, allegedly dies from toxic hepatitis in germany, while on vacation, burned out in literally 2 weeks, what ’s happening this, you know, when in 2005, burisma just launched, everything just launched, and then even on the official website of burisma for the sixth and seventh year , some kind of consolidation of assets occurs. that's all, but assets, these long chains turn out to be pluzhnikov’s assets, in fact, in many ways. let's move on, his key partner is very samoburism, lisin. nikolai also dies in a very strange accident, which was called a drunken accident on a sports car, there is toxic hepatitis, which then for some reason in the media was unexpectedly, purposefully and coordinatedly called alcoholism, although it was toxic, not alcoholic hepatitis, this is what a german clinic
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said. i said so. as a political strategist, although the events are different, it looks like information cover and, finally, the third, very important, his partner, who actually managed his business, who was temporarily acting during the time of yanukovych, and the state geological services of ukraine, that is, geology and ukrainian, who then managed zlochevsky’s oil and gas businesses in the eighteenth year, just before , what is called the boom of the nineteenth year, the change of power, everything else, dies in an accident, and then they begin to say that it was cocaine or something else, that is , also some kind. very similar to information cover and people in the know say that there is no smoke without fire, that is, something is unambiguous, well, it seems to be shown as a trend, i would believe in one by chance, but in two it is already doubtful, but in trinako four, four five, yuri lyakh , a bank, a ukrainian credit bank, in which a suicide was served with a knife, which
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he poked himself five times to cut paper. his character says he calls himself rhinoceros. the phrase goes like this: the rhinoceros has very poor eyesight, but this is not his problem. he always has a powerful roof that destroys all. i would continue about the murders, i would also add zhvania here, who criticized burisma very much, allegedly died in the gray zone, but according to my information, his death was different. therefore, if we add, then the sixth
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man and his victims. his, say, crimes, malfeasance, i would attribute this period to the time of his activity as a minister, when in fact he, as an official, issued licenses to himself without enterprises, this is the question that we discussed here with the transcordon, he refers to this period, because at that at the moment he has put together a number of large industrial recycling enterprises and has already set up an international agenda for waste and the legalization of money.
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hryvnia, of which the income is, let’s say, 500 million, and the net profit is a loss, that is, taking into account the rent and the fact that it is all supported by budget funds, he does not even refuse to run it, yes, that is, we understand with you, that the company’s expenses are inflated in order to take profits into the shadows, that’s all, that is, profits are taken into the shadows, it shows the costs, the costs of transportation, for effective advertising, buys another plane, another castle, and the company.
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this is from what we know in the media system, this is the banking sector, when it took out a huge loan for an enterprise, but later did not pay it back, in fact, an enterprise that was taken there for an undervaluation, that is, a crime, let’s say, of general criminality character, this participation is acceptable and the same deputy journalist dubensky may have been involved in the imprisonment, participation in murder and chewing and so on, separated by a comma...
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what is zlochevsky doing? tries from this matter to wash themselves off, then they get together and come up with a big bribe. but, really, this story became public, it’s very unpleasant. let's get a look. on june 12, nabu detectives documented the fact that former high-ranking officials of the previous government provided unlawful benefits to the nabu leadership and the head of the saps, nazar kholodnitsky, in the amount of $6 million. a bribe was given to close a case. regarding burisma of ex-minister of ecology nikolai zlachevsky, 5 million were provided directly for closing the case and 1 million us dollars for consulting services to a mediator, three were detained in this case. but nabu is under the control of the americans, and at the same time, they
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open a case and begin to pinch him, and then suddenly it turns out that, generally speaking, there is no need to imprison anyone, and zlochevsky just needs to pay money to the ukrainian armed forces. on the issue of terrorist attacks, on the issue. about how it happened that suddenly all the claims from the americans against him over the past few years were suddenly lifted, listen, these are some kind of miracles... a very important point all in the fact is that zlochevsky, after this bribe, zlochevsky and his companions, they paid almost 800 million hryvnia in fines, which went to the armed forces of ukraine, in particular, most of them went, ten and a fine, that is, this is not how the law works at all, let’s get started they’re sitting here, there’s another very important point here , that these funds, these fines were sent directly to the armed forces of ukraine, and special operations forces, and there was talk about gur, although according to the law this... money must first go to the treasury, to the country's budget, they, they
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they immediately left, immediately went to the armed forces of ukraine, i think that this was some kind of planned action in order to legalize, let’s say, burisma money, so that it would go to the armed forces of ukraine, well , there are already people there, some maybe even not only in the armed forces of ukraine, someone may have warmed their hands there and besides the armed forces of ukraine in this matter, there is a very deep geopolitical trace in this bribe, mind you on june 12, 2020, literally through... nikolai ilyashenko, a very close to ermak, they were interested in dirt on ermak, so kolya, as already an international mafia, played his role, compromising evidence on ermak.
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the clan will hide, their clan was called the white-blues, because it is a relatively
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ethnic clan, at the same time, two guys from influential kiev families, kolya alisin and kolya zlochevsky, enter straight from school the fourth faculty of the kiev higher military radio engineering school, this is impossible without serve in the army there, but three sons of valentin sgursky, all three sons of valentin sgursky study there after that.
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this clan quickly found loved ones relationship with kravchuk, it is clear that they financed kravchuk’s company right away , that’s why kuchma didn’t like them, through gubsky they returned to kuchma’s orbit, and the surkis brothers pushed zlochevsky, a torpedo man who was like the engine of tactics, they pushed ilisin and flew around 2 the guys paid millions of dollars and became deputies of the verkhovna rada, another 88 speaking about the deputies of the verkhovna rada. chevsky participated in a very
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famous, unfortunately, to the whole world, brawl in the rada, watch the man who opens the doors, this is actually there is zlochevsky, let's see. in connection with this, there is such a terrible showdown, how does zlochevsky appear there, what is his role, why is he called one of the most, by the way, novel, aggressive people in this brawl, aggression, this is his third hypostasis,
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he is a performer, the sphere of execution is not only economic, it also has, let’s say, a specific character, in the duma to fight, i understand that he was already toxic then, but zlochevsky is needed because, i repeat once again, he is a good performer, you paid attention to the doors through which he entered , these are the doors of the presidium, it is impossible for just deputies to get there, these are the doors that only the leadership of parliament enters, here are three people, he opens these doors, you have to get there through state security colonels,
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knowing the hierarchy at that time in the party of regions, authoritative deputies of the party of regions never did not participate in fights, which is why, yes, here it is probably worth considering the issue that zlochevsk still had the role of a performer, and the tactics of the moment, some higher forces were always putting pressure on him, and these were the special services, and intelligence services of foreign states, in the eleventh year during the presidency of viktor yanukovych, i know for certain this information about zlochevsky’s structures, in particular about burisma, all the regulatory authorities, yes, with which they frightened everyone there then, yes, in ukraine, they said that the structures zlochevsky did not...
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it gave communication, doors opened, you are a member of the rada, a member of the national security and defense council, and you can go anywhere, in fact, this gave him a pass to enter to resolve his commercial issues. in my opinion, it the main mistake for today that he made in his business, i think that this will be the beginning of the end, is that he transferred the business to his daughters, i don’t understand what tera is, show photos of two daughters, please,
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two beautiful daughters, zlochevsky now are the owner of the business, well, generally speaking, sorry, this is a setup.
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the money wasn’t that big, a few hundred thousand dollars, he also pays, there was an attempt to buy this place for himself, but as we see, it didn’t work out in the end, in fact, yes, given the tarnished reputation of this organization and zlochevsky himself, it’s probably logical that he’s trying to get out, puts his children there, sets them up, of course, well, he himself disappears somewhere, so, but in the end i’m more than sure that really, that’s how long the rope didn’t meander, yes, there will be a definite end, and it’s not for nothing that naburism is now yes... that he was involved, yes, this is roman chervinsky, he also disappeared somewhere in kiev, yes, no one knows where he disappeared, perhaps also following nikolai zlochevsky, in general for him
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this story will end, as for his family, in my opinion, very sadly, he will be made extreme, after all, he managed to inherit not only in those issues that we have already covered for you, but also in many others, we will continue immediately after the advertisement, we have gathered with thoughts about... sergei ilyin's film the passion of matveev, i just look like a dead man here, it's okay, let him immediately know what you look like in the post, they're already sending you hearts, the most unexpected thing was that i really liked the film, but there was some kind of prejudice, and i suddenly realized that orthodoxy is it’s stylish, i think that if you sincerely don’t believe, then it’s better than believing somehow falsely, according to statistics, 65% of russians consider themselves orthodox, excuse me, please, and it’s not sunday yet, you know, such a discovery was for me, that on easter anyone can... ring the bell, and you really went to learn how to ring a bell, it’s absolutely true, what do you think you are, but there is duty,
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family and traditions, there is love, and there are rules, but they contradict each other, depending on what kind of love, depending on what rules, what rules, well, in my situation it contradicts, you mean life, yes, but this is my problem, as if i think that this should not happen, podcast lab, tomorrow on the first. oldbar cognac is a product of steller group. stirsman bourbon. product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. gin сnop. product of steller group. cognac monte shock. product of steller group. well hello. it happened? plane nikin sergeevich, american reconnaissance aircraft over our territory. congratulations, valen. great photos, very
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valuable information. do you understand what this is shame, such a day is may 1st and you have to admit your own helplessness. i even envy you a little, guy, will you go down in history as the first one to fly over the soviets from south to north, an air defense system, powerless against some spy? learn to shoot down immediately. flights must be suspended, the situation cannot be escalated, the likelihood that the plane will be shot down is negligible, a ram at such a height is certain death, if you were in the pilot’s place, what would you do? i'm half a hundred and two, ready to ram, harry powers's interrupted flight on saturday. on the first, how is the mood, class, mood, mine, mariupol, wing,
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here their uniform was thrown, that is, mostly to the surface, they went out of shape, the guys will work on the positions of the militants, what glory, boys, you will be given more than once, you will not be broken , you will be
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missed this is absolutely impossible, television from the inside, premiere, on sunday, on the first. it will be hot. what where when. summer series of games. on sunday on the first. with you again.
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bridges are gas-bearing rock, they are dense, durable, a large amount of liquid is pumped into them, well, water and an explosion is made fan-shaped, accordingly, a huge amount of water is wasted, the earth becomes for many kilometers just a martian desert, simply scorched, it is unsuitable for the further life of people there, among other things , the already meager supplies of drinking
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water are combined, the fact is that back in january 2013. betrayed their voters, betrayed their friends, neighbors, in general the entire population of donbass, there are 4.5 million of them there for a second, that is, 4.5 million people were forced to leave their homeland, their territories, their homes, because to live on this land, on which if these drillings had gone through, it would have been simply impossible. sergey, i have a question for you, tell me, shale technology, shale drilling is american history,
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what is the logic of the americans, and the logic is very simple, ukraine for america today . this is a testing ground where you test different types of weapons, you test different types of certain technologies that you need, the production of these shale gases, one is the so-called more humanitarian or humane one, which takes place in the united states states of america, where several lakes simply die, turn red, and citizens simply move in different directions, but this is an american idea, again this happens in the poorest states, in ukraine they begin to use the technology that is not allowed in america. that is why they decide to see what the effect will be, they pump in more aggressive chemicals, the essence is very simple, you definitely need water, you need a place where you will carry out this research, rupture of layers, the chemistry is different, the difference chemistry that was used in ukraine, about 11 times more powerful chemicals than those that are now used
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in the united states, the history of liquefied gas in ukraine. the bism of this story is directly related to our friend in quotes hunter biden, he appeared there in the eleventh or twelfth year with all this peaking precisely in the thirteenth year, secondly, indeed the south of the kharkov region and the northeast of the donetsk region beyond slavyansk, yes, this is exactly the territory where there are these gas-bearing layers, where the gases can only be extracted by fracking, that is, by this crushing, even then there were a lot of calculations from our, at that time, our ukrainian institutions about the risks associated... with this mining, especially since this is donbass, there is also a mining region, with fracking there are also small, so-called earthquakes, that is, movements in the seams, there are also coal mining enterprises nearby, which are constantly flooded, where the fastenings are, well, that is, they were going to do it there, not caring about all these safety measures, let’s say, and people actually wanted a complete stop or they called for some kind of people demanded to impose
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a moratorium on shale gas production and... return the solution to the issue to the legal mainstream, people demanded to announce a referendum so that the residents themselves could decide the fate of their region, yes, yes , but however, the authorities then now, of course, did not listen to the people of ukraine and donbass, and they did not care at all about the people, their aspirations, their hopes, their future, their children, their land, everything, they only cared about as we know, their own wallets and the wallets of their western curators, development was suspended in 14, but due to... the fact that the dpr and lpr declared independence, but this is not the end, the people who went to protest rallies remained outside the territory of the current dpr, lpr, yes, they are in in the twenty-first year, they reported that it had begun on the territory of slavyansk, and this is the very, very epicenter of the yuzovskoye field, on the territory of slavensk, an installation was still operational,
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which, as i was told, is capable of drilling to... a depth of up to 26 km , and gas production began there, it began to flow into the gas transportation system of ukraine, this gas, and what happened to the environment in general ? measurements over 5 days of operation of this very installation, the quality of the water deteriorated significantly and experts began to note that the level of ammonium exceeded all conceivable standards and, by the way, even in ukraine , treatment facilities were forced to operate in a mode much higher than the mode in which they worked before, that is, filter 10 times stronger, thank you very much for your fight, listen, that is, their territory is like one is needed only as a training ground, yes...
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i would draw attention to the fact that zlochevsky does not come to ukraine, and with all that he has in the emirates, as far as i know, in the emirates, yes, but he does business very active, he is expanding, scaling in ukraine, everything is fine with his money, so, but look, kolomoisky was also doing well with money, there is such a katsuba from ukraine, yes, who, as if by chance , came and went to prison there same. nasirov, the story is this: it seems that we have reached an agreement with the authorities, but not everything is so smooth, so i i think that based on the example of other wealthy people, most likely, maybe this will be a non-resonant story in the media, his
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assets will simply be frozen, they will be taken to the states, now they will try it on, aim at the amounts that they have, especially since he registers everything there, the offshore is open, it is understandable, if it is seen even in the media, then most likely it will be nationalization of the states and its property.
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i put myself on like this, now trump will come and they will crush the bourgeoisie, now they will raise hunter, what are you, i think not, definitely not, and malik also said, very accurately,
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sullivan came to podburizma in 1414, salevan is exactly the one who is the representative of deepstoit, this is my absolute confidence in this us department, the one who does important things, so burisma will still do his work, he will say my opinion, i also want to support, salevan for today. this is the only person in the biden administration who has a real future, he is not a merged person, he understands perfectly well who he will be in the future, who he is now, absolutely right, yes, when we are talking about zlochevsky now, why is he not in london, why is he not in cyprus, why finally is he not in monaco, when he has a relationship with himself, well, in fact, he is suddenly a prince, you know, if you are a friend prince, you can calmly open accounts, you can work inside, everything will be fine for you... well, you will be covered, but here, after they cleared him up about how much money he laundered through monaco, they showed how he paid for non-existent transportation, that is, you
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asked how he launders money, and one scheme, he also has one more scheme, he paid money, millions, tens, hundreds of millions, for logistics services, supposedly they transported something by ships, but the ships did not even leave, all this was only on paper, but there were reports, his toxicity for... now only in the emirates, but the emirates now, let me remind you, they are moving very closely in the direction of russia and brix, now think about whether it is beneficial for him to still be in the emirates now,
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it’s clear what ended up happening, well, i think that of course the administration has no protection for him biden will no longer be given, because for them the choice is either to be extreme themselves, or to really throw people like nikolai zlochevsky under the bus, and to be honest, i’m quite pessimistic about the statement that this will be a huge scandal in america at the level of the fact that iran was a contrast in the reagan era, that is, we see that the story of the attempt to impeach biden, it simply fizzled out, there most likely this will definitely not happen before the elections, and of course a criminal case has been opened about facts...
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trump is also very active about him , and this man, by the way, is close to mitt romney, these are the representatives of the republican establishment with whom trump is at war, so this man, like zlochevsky, can also be done to the extreme. here we are now considering the figure of zlochevsky, sometimes he is the director of burisama, sometimes not the director, but this is not so important, we started looking, dug deeper, saw a whole series of murders, discovered how the kiev clan stretches from the nineties, found out where and ...when the recruitment could have happened characters, mind you, today, despite a huge number of scandals, he gets away with everything, and they obviously save him for something, but as soon as the task is completed, well then , as we know, goodbye, and such a moment will definitely come, because good always defeats evil, and evil will always be punished, and russia is now making
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the most direct efforts to restore justice, this will certainly end in our victory. maria butina, the doll of tute’s heir, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. forward together, vladimir putin is on a state visit to china, both in terms of protocol and the scale of agreements and prospects. relationship.


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