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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 16, 2024 3:00am-3:06am MSK

3:00 am
this is how the music sounded before it was mixed with rhythms that came from africa through slavery in america and from the arabs, of course, today you can imagine...
3:01 am
in a sense, i’m even a little happy about this, because i’m free, well that is , there is no director above me, for example, or anyone else, that’s basically what i came up with, it’s like it’s there, but that’s okay, the record will be coming out again, and we’ll have a record coming out soon, i i think it’s worth saying, alesa, but you still think in terms of a record, in my opinion there are no disks anymore, a plate, one only solid, it’s called a plate, it doesn’t matter, it’s just a total of 10-12 there.
3:02 am
in fact, these are sheep, they are quite alive, they also get upset by moisture, light, heat, this is not very convenient, but they have this characteristic sound that i dearly love, like this with screpaco, well, not screpaco, with with some kind of specific overtone, uh, which is very alive, that is, not a varnished sound, yes, yes, yes, yes, and in general a viola. for such an instrument, he, on the one hand, is as if gentle, airy and transparent, on the other hand, it is, of course, well , in some sense, brutal, because, for example, well, the vialist composers of the 16th century are bright people with such characters and destinies, well, not to say that they are somehow smooth or in general, there was enough drama and i don’t know tragedy and some kind of crazy courage there and such and in the french spirit and or in the spirit for example.
3:03 am
should amaze us, but why is such a young, beautiful girl like alice ten immersed in the affairs of bygone days, what doesn’t she like, or maybe our stream in which we are we all swimming now, or does this alice still need time-tested, and therefore real, emotions, feelings, actions, yes, well, this is rather a source of strength, in general, i started singing, mm... because of indian music, that is,
3:04 am
this gave me support, but this is generally an endless source of inspiration, they have an amazing vocal school, there’s just a quarter tone there, well, there are amazing singers, they are just technically, absolutely, it seems to me, but besides this there is some kind of meaning that is contained here in ragas, in peni and ragas and in general in... in the sounds, in indian classical music, there’s a whole philosophy there, there’s a whole image of the mysoteric, it’s not for everyone, but now i was in india and it seems to me that even few people there remember it, it’s going away somewhere, in european music, since after all i live in the context of european music, it also happened, despite my roots, so... somehow life led me to
3:05 am
the baroque, also as a source of this information about european music already later, but it seems to me. it’s not always clear about singing, but it seems to me that it’s very possible interpreted differently when you play the violi, because simply how the music is written, because this instrument sounds, and it already has some kind of sound, that is, i can sing with different voices, this may be a controversial point, and the viola sounds in a certain way, it itself reveals the essence of the baroque, about alisa’s youth and this old age...


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