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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 16, 2024 12:00am-12:46am MSK

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the west does not hide what it is, but it says: these are my agents, these are my agents, don’t touch them, otherwise you will feel bad, otherwise you will receive pressure, sanctions, and here, i think, at this moment the solution must be ours, that is, we must say this, which means that we had conflicts with georgia, we probably mutually took certain, perhaps not very correct steps, but now let's save your independence, we, china, etc. .. and other poles of the multipolar world, which we must act as some protectors sovereignty, which foreign agents are constantly trying to encroach on, and it is interesting that in parallel in another south caucasus country, in armenia, there are also unrest, but completely different ones, there the protege of the western global system is basically in power, and is attacking him are no longer foreign agents, on the contrary, armenian... patriots
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who are outraged by his policies, let's listen to what james bryan, deputy secretary of state of the united states, just said while in georgia, if the bill that does not comply with eu standards will be accepted, given that in this case we are witnessing the undermining of democracy and the use of violence against peaceful demonstrators, restrictive measures will follow from the united states, these restrictions will be imposed on those responsible for these actions, as well as members of their families, they may relate to finances as well as movement. that is, you understand, in the midst of the maidan, he arrives, he begins to threaten, he worked, of course, for victoria nolland, whom you remember what she did, during the maidan, some people appear ambassadors from eastern european countries, naturally, from the baltic states, who also begin to wring their hands, then their ministers arrive, but this is absolutely a repetition.
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i don’t know, what would you recommend in this situation? i believe that georgia is an interesting example of how, from an instrument of western policy, it is really trying, as alexander gelch aptly noted, to regain its autonomy, sovereignty, to regain the potential for independent action in this difficult regional situation. georgia is one of those countries that have carried out all possible foreign policy experiments, domestic political ones, through civil war.
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realizing that this course is largely a dead end, especially after the episodes when georgia was offered to again play the role of an instrument as a second front against our country during the ukrainian crisis, to which the categorical response was...
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the essence is the only support for prosperity, for success, it is in the interests of our country to support this desire for sovereignty, no matter what georgia will choose the foreign policy vector for itself, andrei glevich, your word, i believe that in the period we are going through, military-political, i would say, we need to behave very wisely, and mainly decide the key...
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you said correctly that we may have some limitations, but ideologically we haven’t even started to really use our resources yet, that’s what we came out of this sitting on two chairs, we ourselves were, went through this path, and we have survived, and we are winning, this is a wonderful example for our fraternal, native orthodox georgia, we , with our ideological example of simply freedom to defend sovereignty at any cost and... openness to everyone who is on our side, we can do much more with this example than with any specific technical assistance. russia may agree or disagree with certain actions of the georgian leadership, but russia respects the sovereignty of georgia, if the georgian
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government is ready to resist, really resist, then i am sure that they will find understanding in moscow and support. and... if they can’t decide what they want where to go, then i think you’re right, then maybe restraint is the best option, restraint on the part of russia, it was a big game, we’ll see you on the air tomorrow. hello, this is a psychic podcast, and we continue to subjugate the flaws of our souls in search of
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balance, peace, or some correct strategies. our heroine today, olga, began to worry about the fact that maybe she is not... very few years old and whether she is losing to the younger ones, how to compete with young people, when you are at your very best, when you are already mature, but no longer young, hello olga, hello, today with us is psychologist pavel rashtov, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor and director of the institute of practical social psychology, will come to us in order to analyze our thoughts, what do you think, i think exactly what is needed, well, you know, today it’s like our heroine, she looks great. initially feels well, but it is noticeable that the slight self-doubt that she experiences is this state this, perhaps, you know, a foretaste of what new will happen today, and i would like to say that you know, olga, you look great, and really
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this is that your uncertainty is your subjective perception, well, we we don’t do miracles for you here, we can’t rewind 20 years, so maybe... we can try to make you feel more confident and effective in the age of your age, in the atmosphere of your experience, in that accumulated knowledge. ready, well, let's try, why are you are you afraid of young people? well, how can i explain it to you, but as it is, tell me the truth, i ’m a manager, i have several companies, we occupy leading positions in the market, i’m a public figure, but accordingly in my financial circle, i have banking experience, i have financial experience, i have experience in managing companies and leading teams now, that is, in terms of... i don’t have any questions about presenting my companies, but for
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some time the presentation of the company as an individual has come to the fore, here - you mean when the manager , right there myself with your face in the literal sense, yes, with your eyes, with your cheeks, wrinkles, posture, the mission of the company, olga, tell me, why do you think that you are a leader?
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i can’t bear to go there, that is, i have a fear of a public figure, that i am some famous person, a financier, who will suddenly start doing, well , relatively speaking, explaining on the monitor, secondly, that i cannot communicate with a video camera, that is, i have i get the feeling that this is somehow not real, everything is just for show, but to the point that literally 2 years ago i was... bring him into the audience, i couldn’t just
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go out, i put on a wig, i hid then i was able to congratulate him on a video camera, that is , i don’t have a page for my name, i still have a page for the company’s name, we promote the company’s services, but this is not now in demand. pavel, what's the problem? olga, tell me, how did you study at school? diploma with honors, that is, excellent. a very beloved child, i was the only daughter, yeah, but how to put it, what did they do? they just were, there is no need
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for some kind of super gift, beyond some, i don’t i know, shows and other things, it’s just that i had a strong, influential father, so he came with his presence, they say, a man with charisma, he came with his presence and the world changed around him, yeah, there are such people, they may not be like that a lot of. so for a woman to be in the shadow of this man, i think that this is so normal, and now i’m not the leader all the time, i come home and calmly go into the shadow. olga, tell me, if you received, say, a lower grade, how did your parents react, or also in no way, also in no way, that is, no matter how they scolded you, no, that is, they never scolded or praised you. that they have the best child, and if he suddenly brought a c, well , the child is not measured by grades, look,
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tell me, any girl always wants to be a good girl, yes, well, so ideal, that is, for you to be an ideal girl - which one is this? well, i would probably change my appearance, i would probably change just my appearance, because everything is fine inside me, that is, i could maybe lose 5 kg or something else. this, well, actually, that’s why i ask about parents, yes, parents, they confirm when we are little, who we are, that is, they give us feedback, they give us, strengthen our self-confidence. because it’s the parents who should say such phrases, i don’t know, you heard me, daughter, i love you, daughter, i ’m proud of you, daughter, you’re beautiful, it’s especially valuable when dad says, it was like that, it’s valuable in words , and dad was a man of few words, that is, look, what’s happening, you say, i’m not confident in myself, why, yes, because in
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childhood you did not receive confirmation of what you are like, and you don’t know what you really are, now you are in front of us, a beautiful woman who declares, but i’m not confident in myself, yes, that is, a person , who is a winner, the head of several companies, a successful leader, a financier, and says: i’m not confident in myself, can you imagine how other women must feel if you have not achieved your success, but nevertheless you are not confident in yourself, but where from? this? this is from childhood, oddly enough, this is childish the feeling we experienced when our parents didn’t give us something, our parents are not to blame. it’s just their life, because their parents didn’t teach them, it’s a tragedy, i just can’t imagine, you know, when our parents, yes, it’s hard for us to imagine something that didn’t exist, that’s the hardest thing when we have something... we had it, we lost it, we understand what we lost, but when we weren’t given something and we don’t know what it is, that is, we really don’t understand what is missing,
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but it seems to me that this is some kind of overlay on how i would say, a breakthrough forward, for example, if he had a king. children, it’s very difficult for me to imagine how the tsar would say, i love you, you are the best there to his daughter, they brought it to him, said hello, and took him away, in fact, that is, there are high-status men, that there were different tsars, and even the tsars from the romanovs were sensitive, who love their children, who are not shy about expressing their feelings, well , like this in public, it seems to me that this is - i ’m talking about what is said in a child, you see, i’m the father of two daughters, i have a son and two daughters, so i always tell my daughters: daughter, you’re smart, you’re beautiful, i admire him, they see it, you know, they treat themselves differently, that is, this is very important, this i don’t say it in public or anything, i
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say it when i see my daughter eye to eye, you know, i can hug her ... pavel, what is the connection between parents, experience, when parents speak to you they don’t say some things that help you feel confident, well, when you’re a child, something you beautiful, you are smart, you are the best, you are my princess, and when an adult, very
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experienced woman, who has all the objective evidence of her success, feels... not sure about something, but the fact is that as children, we are taught to react in a certain way, yes, that is , love is what our parents did to us, sometimes the lack of attention and love creates such, you know, such dissonance, that is, i want to receive love, attention, recognition, but i'm afraid to receive it in the form i didn't receive, it turns out to be ours the environment, it, we begin to change reality to suit ourselves. that is, in fact, we kind of force her to change, as we are used to, yes, that is, i’m afraid to speak in front of people, why am i afraid to be in public, because suddenly they will appreciate me, but i don’t know what i am, why, because dad, mom didn’t tell me what i was like, they didn’t tell me, i emphasize, that is, if we talk about love, there is a wonderful work, the five languages ​​of love, that is,
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which says that the language of love, in short, yes, what is it, that is, the first - this words, second: this colossal success that you have achieved in life, your appearance, nevertheless, inside you there still remains a small knotted child who doubts himself and therefore appears somewhere in one small place.
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the essence of my technique is that this is my husband, my ex, or rather, almost. so, gentlemen, please, what do we have? i think my sister was killed. why did you decide so? because i saw the killer. take this brick for examination. why didn't you put the finishing touches on him? they throw me onto a brick. you any doubts? yes, there are doubts. the problem must be solved in another way. i can help. bloodhound, new series. tomorrow after the program time. famous favorite artists gathered at our table, who will tell funny stories and oddities that happened to them, you will forgive me, i accidentally
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broke this new vase, don’t worry, it’s not like that, it’s new, it’s only 200 years old, i love you i invite you to the program, i need to play the uterus, i think, but it will be some kind of piece dedicated to honey, so i come for everything, make-up costume, one of... a long time ago the soviet circus tiger grabbed his father,
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he quietly tells them: how much, now take a stick and hit him on the head with all your might, and now the tiger on saturday, on the first. this is a podcast. we talk with olga, who is thinking about how to properly compete with young people. let's start with the fact that olga, please praise yourself, what are you like? i am a businesswoman, i am successful, i am interesting, i am beautiful, i am kind, i am sensitive, i have many epithets for myself. which of this could you tell in a video blog format? i just feel sorry for wasting time on this. i think this is it’s nonsense that it’s unpleasant for me to watch these other people’s little stories, so i understand that
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the person is doing nonsense, but common sense tells me that they have more sales, they have three times more and they are more popular and more successful, they are coming, it just feels like this is the next generation, for them this is a natural environment, but they grew up right away. carry themselves, yes, that is, look what i do now, look what i do later, look what i do then, and i it seems that this is so personal that if i was asked to speak now, i, like lyudmila prokofievna from the office novel, would again speak on the topic that we have good indicators, we are the first company, that is , i understand that i need to take a step and , as it were, conditionally internally lead this company, but the company is in itself, tell me, right now, when you talk about how you feel, if you take parents, an adult child, who do you feel like an adult or a parent, and what do you think?
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those who speak in these blogs, they they speak like someone, like children, like children, they turn to someone, also to children, to the childish beginning, look, it turns out that the problem that you are experiencing now is that you, as adults, want to communicate like adults, you want be salt.
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as serious people, everything will be fine, you and i are two leaders who will find a common language, but if you and i want to share something of interest, then it’s easier to do it in such a free mode, such communication, not like two business people who have been through for negotiations, but as two people, who are simply sharing something interesting, positive, you know, it should sound interesting, because a child has an interest in something, an adult is rational, that
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’s how you are, we’re so calm, you... the problem, you praised myself, well, somewhere that’s where i started, this is a problem from childhood, we talked for about a minute, yes, that is, they said about themselves, what you are like, that is, well, we have limited time, so we speak briefly like this, but this is normal within the framework of transactional analysis this is the task must be worked out. for 15 minutes, 15 minutes about your beloved self, and not as you said, i ’m good there, you need to show what you are like , you know, that is, that, let’s say, i’m a beautiful woman there who looks amazing, i’m charming, you know, now your eyes have gone downward, you doubt yourself about this, you understand, again, what is it from, this is paradoxical, but from inner adulthood, she considers herself too mature, you know, the most, most monstrous phrase with which
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an adult can wake up, do you know what? adults - this is us, that’s when you wake up with the thought that an adult is already you, mom is me, yes, mom is me, this is how it all was for me, yes, it’s not, well, you went through it naturally, but here the question is, you see, interest in social networks, if you just analyze it, you are right that people really behave like children, they are aimed at children, that is, this is what we weren’t there, what costumes we wore, we weren’t in positions there, there is still a child in each of us.
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this is a parent, so demanding, what are you you’re doing nonsense, you can’t do nonsense, go do your homework, go do something useful, that is, looking at all social networks is nonsense, yes, well, as if normal parents think it’s nonsense, i, as a parent, also think so, but inside myself , as a child, sometimes i can watch some interesting videos, something entertaining, some interesting filming, some event, yes, just bright, something that attracted me,
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performances , concerts, that is, you just need feel brighter, yes, that is, you just, if you want to express yourself, then we allow ourselves this, so you forbid yourself to be a child, your fear is that you are afraid of seeming frivolous, yeah, funny, that is you, you are a successful woman, you have achieved a lot, and you have put yourself at a certain peak, when you imagine that you will lead the block, you will behave like a child, no matter where we are and how we behave, or you say that social networks are not my thing, it’s just not mine, but i don’t go there, young people, but this is for those young, for the young, well, we are young then, yes, that is, but you, olga, are an adult, serious person, you are somewhere out there,
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there, that’s your right. and accordingly i had such thoughts, i hired, so to speak, a young employee to act as the face of the company, but what was happening, but it was not for real, that is, he... then yes, because yes, he behaves like a child, he and he portrayed some kind of attitude towards just explained, well, here’s your terminology, to what the company was doing, yes, the image did not suit growth, well, you want, you know, what kind of cognitive dissonance you have, i want it to be as effective as those who behave like children, but i want to remain serious, and you take the person you’re talking to, so i like this, how do they behave? do this, but so that it is serious, you know, but this is impossible, because either we play by the rules of social networks and do what is beautiful, attractive, interesting, simple, charming, or we do
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something serious, yes, they watch us, we sell we offer our products, but still there remains such an effect of such solidity, but the majority of people, the majority of people, that is, they... prefer to be children, and even despite the age there, maybe, that is, no matter how many years there are was and 80 years old behave like children completely calmly, like a grandmother going out into the yard, approaching her friends, says: girls, you know, she doesn’t say, it’s great there are old women, she says girls, she says girls, yes, she behaves like a girl , you understand why we are in the shower we still remain children, here is your child, he is so intimidated, you squeeze him so tight, your poor happy child, he is afraid to show himself, because you must be serious. i always remember the work of astrid lingen, when it was not a cartoon and a small book, she had such a big phallus there, here carlson, he had already mocked not only frekkenbock, but her own sister,
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and he once wrote her such a phrase on the wall when he stole i think she has another pancakes there, or what i don’t remember, donuts, wrote: “life is short, and you’re not serious enough,” this is your slogan, you know, that is, you are trying to be serious. and you allow yourself to be yourself, once you are at work, you are serious, yes, that is, you are there with the lady, and somewhere you can be a child, you understand, you play a lot with your children, yes, well you allow, if you play, you allow to be a child, it’s impossible not to be a child, you fight, of course, when the audience is small, nothing bothers me at all, that is, we dance on discos, and accordingly we all splash into the sea. can i ask a question: what if one of your potential clients or partners, well, it happened, but saw , saw you dancing, standing on your ears with your children, this is normal, this is not format time, but that is this is the permitted
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time, yes, but he would have seen you jumping upside down there, your skirt lifted, laughing, sticking out your tongue, well , accordingly, this is an informal time, but how will he react to this, what do you think he will think, this is a person, a relationship well...
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this is a psychic podcast, watch all episodes of our podcast on the website of the first channel, you speak well, that is, your speech is delivered, that is, you express it freely, everything is fine, that is, when you come to social networks, that’s what it’s about we talked today, but the main thing is that it’s interesting to talk, you talk. as if you live it, because you share it with what ’s interesting, what’s exciting, what inspires, and then you tell what you have, what an interesting product, how cool it is to use it, apply it there or something- then with do it, it’s so unique,
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because your team came up with it, your people are there, you, led by them, sat there, racked your brains and figured out how to do it, now we’ve come up with something, and it’s so cool, come and take it from me, because i am the best, because i am the best. and i did this, i achieved this, look what pavel just said so that i don’t know what product we are talking about, i already want to buy this product because it... interest and love for the product, i think that
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when we talk about these young successful social networks, then maybe we don’t recognize not only that they are somehow beautiful, that they are coolly dressed, that they have some kind of masterful plastic art or speech, no, actually in fact , this life comes out of them, this interest in what they talk about, you’re sure, i’m just convinced of this, seeing how systematic you are. thoughtfulness, you can talk about whatever you do, conveying this attitude, this is your experience about it product, but you can tell how a beautiful woman of mature years is, yes, because in your luggage, what is there, why i will believe you, you have experience, i see that you are an insightful woman, there is maturity, that is, you inspire trust me, but when you... talk about the reports, i will say, you know, woman, i respect you, but the reports
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are not within my area of ​​interest, i can’t use them in any way, yes, i can’t buy yours reports, i cannot get joy or pleasure or benefit from your reports, tell me about the product, as if i were telling you, okay, but pavel just now told me that it is being presented inappropriately on his social networks, accordingly. himself in such a way as to be interesting for a certain circle of the audience, that is , let’s say, with an above-average status, and accordingly, these things are possible there, that is, he is pretending, you think, these are the fun things, they may be inappropriate, and that is, you need to look and evaluate and accordingly understand, is it possible to ask here, who are your clients? yes, you understand then there is a question, your clients are on social networks,
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if your clients are not on social networks, you don’t have goods that are widely consumed, then there is no point in wasting your time on social networks, you know, if your clients are just simple people, this is one conversation, if your clients are company executives, this is a different conversation, why? because company executives, when they don’t go on the internet, they go on like children, to look through something, look at something interesting, you know? that is, you must clearly understand it’s like you have this split again, yes, that is, on the one hand you are a parent, on the other hand you understand, you want to be a child, besides, you yourself noted that you are great at being a child, you can, but only you don’t allow yourself, here you are at home there in the family somewhere in the family circle you behave normally, but when you go out, you come out representative, serious, this is the image that only accepts you like this, this is your right, that is, this is yours right, the image you worked to create, you created. that is, you can say, no, i refuse this, that is, you
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generally question the need, well, the question really, as far as i don’t know, is to form some kind of image of yourself on social networks, somehow some kind of publicity to provide ourselves with, as well, one of the obligatory arguments, one of the obligatory conditions for competition with those who push us and push us, we can really do without it, you see, you’re already putting it this way. question, and i thought that really, how selling on social networks, this is not my audience, but when managers come home, take off their jacket, perhaps they will be interested in how the head of another company fries the same pancakes, so, that is, this is exactly some kind of alternative home image that is outside of work i can be like this, but naturally not at the disco. would you like to start a channel like this? well
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, we are talking about sales, i am forced to go in this direction, because your colleagues are forcing you to do this, because by analyzing competitors, i see that they they are doing, someone is jumping with a parachute, someone is going up the mountain, probably, well, someone needs to either with a parachute, or up the mountain, or with the same pancakes, somewhere you need to do something somewhere . well, yes, this is a disco - this is not the same level, this is splashing with children - this is also not the same level, look again, you are already clearly saying that you have criteria for how this is possible. communicate with managers, what managers are interested in, that is, here you are talking about the fact that you want to look like an interesting person, that is, in reality this difference between what i sell and i am an interesting person, it is different, that is, i, for example, also clearly understand that i am a weak salesman, it seems to me, you know, that’s what i’ll try to translate from russian into russian,
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what i tried i’ll tell you something urgently, pavel, probably about the fact that you’re drawn to charisma and strength. there is, there is experience, it’s true, yes, there are external data, but there is uncertainty about what is there in my big life, which is much more than reports and your boss’s door from the reception area, what is there something that will be interesting, curious for those people who are important to you personally and your company, i’m sure it exists. probably more than pancakes, although perhaps these are really some outstanding pancakes that can also captivate, charm and conquer those you and your company need. the only thing that seems to me is that olga is looking for a lot with her mind, this is also what
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pavel tried to tell you today, you have a lot from here, but it comes from your head, and the child lives here, the child lives like a fountain. rebalance yourself a little in favor of this hearts in favor of that unconscious , some kind of uncontrollable fountain and slightly reduce this controlling, intelligent, adult person, try, such capital has already been acquired, yes, when
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age really is expensive, it is expensive, if we speak in the images of paul, i am now on the verge of discovering my... inner beliefs of the limitations that we set, but the most interesting thing is that if we delve into our past, we will find these limitations in our childhood, why is this work with childhood? gives the highest effect and effectiveness, here is my practice, in 90% of cases all clients’ problems in adulthood, they lie in
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childhood, and there is always some moment that triggers this self-doubt, doubt that i am like this must be serious, right? that is, these are all from there, when we work, uh, we work with a person for some time, not one or two sessions, more, then the person begins to relate to himself differently, this is the task of psychologists, and if we go for a long consultation , works for a long time, then help a person to be a child, an adult, and much less often to be a parent, because our parent sits automatically, we clearly control, that is, you should be like this, you should, should, should. that is, our little child runs around, does things, but he does not remain happy, he does not enjoy life, here is the rationalizing adult who turns on you, who says: no, wait, that is, they are doing great, let’s try, here is a demanding parent such one says: no, you can’t behave like them, then yes, he says, yes, wait, let’s try, he says, yes, no, you can’t behave like that.


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