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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  May 15, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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please, yuri, come, have a seat, why did you call, you said that we should contact you with all questions, so they called, we found out who tried to kill your sister, so who, you, me, uh, your sister sent. you received a voice message from another number, so you found out that she had escaped from the hospital, that’s where you were when you tried to call her, sadovaya 16, yes, pay attention, the caller is temporarily unavailable, you easily entered the house, since you had the keys, in the dark you could navigate this house perfectly, because been there many times. in the house you saw
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your sister sleeping, covered with a blanket, then you caused chaos in the house, took the bag, went outside with it... most likely you immediately threw it away, without even looking at what was inside, because if you had looked , what's inside, you would immediately understand that the woman you killed is not your sister, where did you get the gun from, bought it, homemade, on a site on the darknet, alina had an acute phase, and dangerous friends, as you guessed, remember , when you came with your mother, you were sitting in... here in the same place, first
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the question you asked, how my sister was killed, you could not have known about this before coming here, no one told you that she was dead, tell me why you wanted to kill alina, i wanted to save my family from this monster, to protect the family by killing their daughter, my father almost died, my mother was constantly on medication, and alina, alina, she was loved and adored from childhood. well, of course, she’s a girl, a younger sister, adopted somehow, alina shouldn’t need for anything, but she took advantage of it, and now this monster will bring my father to the grave, and she no one to me, no one here you are mistaken, alina, your paternal half-sister, your parents did not let you in on this secret, the fact is that your father took his daughter from... his mistress, and
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your mother accepted her, so yuri, you wanted to kill your own sister, i just wanted to save my parents from this burden, of course, getting rid of time is much easier than carrying it. goodbye, alexandra ivanovna, goodbye, who would have thought, my brother, yes, and with good intentions to save my parents from a burden, and she told him so trusted, alexander, thank you very much, you will let him go, yes, he, of course, will have to be punished for concealing important information. i
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really hope this makes him think about his actions. thank you, aleginich, i’ll go for a walk. see you tomorrow, oleg, i’ll go, i’ll take you home. i thought you wouldn't shake hands with me anymore. you made a mistake, but you are mine. i’ll be by your side so that you don’t stumble again, yes, son, darling, i’m on my way home, do you want to buy you ice cream, two, okay, and grandmas, okay, don’t burst, okay, you can have three of these, that’s all, yes, i will now. yeah, thank you, thank you,
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alexander ivanov, ilya, good evening, why are you here, and i’m here for a walk? after training, uh-huh, i’m also taking a walk here, do you want, although no, no, oh, i forgot, you don’t eat anything pleasant, who said that ice cream is harmful, thank you, uh-huh, by the way, how’s your back, m , you know, amazing, apparently you clicked on some necessary point, you want me to help you with sports, but i have a good technique, i developed it myself, no, no, i can’t waste your precious time, i saw that you have morozov as a forensic expert? what is not, in general it’s surprising, but since i got into your team, i’m only interested in work, really, well, welcome to the club of anonymous workaholics, it means it’s decided, we’re working on it, it’s decided, we’re working on it, and that’s all the problems they will go away, no, but your
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attitude towards them will change, switching to physical action gives relief, the most unexpected solution comes to mind, i was just after such a training, uh-huh, i wonder what unusual solutions have come to your mind now? eat another ice cream, there’s a big game on the air, we’ll talk today about the very important visit of russian president vladimir putin to china, but i’d like to start with a rather extraordinary, from my point of view, quote from united states secretary of state antony blinken during his visit to kiev yesterday, where he explained to the whole world how to respectfully
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give in to ukraine, and of course to the united states. let's listen. if anyone wants to bet against ukraine, don't do it. this is a very bad idea, as we have in america is told that betting against the usa is not a good idea, the same applies to ukraine, betting against it is a very bad bet, we will do everything possible to help this country become free, prosperous, strong, independent, able to determine its own fate, like this, well, and then he promised to ensure the victory of ukraine, i want to ask you, andrei andreevichov, dean of the faculty of international relations... you know what diplomacy is, you know that diplomacy, like foreign policy in general, this is the art of the possible, that it seems that you need to carefully think through the consequences of your statements, your actions, that you do not want
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to create a coalition of hostile powers against yourself and against your clients, well, how can you explain this kind of statement, as if it were objective?
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in the states, voices are constantly being heard about whether this is a true enough investment, our attention, our opportunities, our lost opportunities in other countries of the world are now inevitably connected with the success of this ukrainian operation, what if this is a bad investment, what if this is a bad bet, the very fate of the democratic presidential candidate's electoral campaign now largely depends on the image being broadcast from the ukrainian theater of operations, it is symptomatic that after the last bailout package was passed by congress, this topic has practically gone away from the speeches of the first person, he realizes that this topic for his electorate,
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for his voter, is becoming extremely complex, extremely toxic, i would interpret blinkin’s words as the circumstance that... so that the right side would win, as it seemed to them, to exert every effort and all resources for this, and now it turns out that this investment may be ineffective, and in order to smooth out ... some negative news blinken is regularly forced to visit kiev, perhaps outside of his plan , travel schedule,
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in general, this time he brought, brought these words to the ukrainian capital, but nothing more than these words. you know, andrey, what you said shows a big difference between the school of russian diplomacy, which you imagine, uh, a clear and precise quotation.
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why, if you ask more, more seriously, they will say, in order to maintain the status quo, that’s very interesting,
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now noah harari, an israeli intellectual, the same as a philosopher, the same as bernard levi, completely devoted to the western order, he says that if we do not win in ukraine, all the results of the last decades of western, western globalization will simply disappear, they will go.
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then he’ll go to kabakh there, play his music, he’s also a musician, a rocker, and that’s all
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in one breath, it really is, you are right, dmitry, this is a complete degradation of american realist diplomacy, that is , no one weighs the risks, everyone lives in the world of marvel in the world of some short-term threats, unfounded, by the way, by nothing, aggressive statements, misrepresentations - the white model, which generally corresponds, corresponds...
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based on this, reminders for conversations are made, some factual material is selected , and so on. from what blinkin says, there is absolutely no evidence of any serious, substantive preparation, visit, in addition to a certain greater or lesser degree of malice towards us, which, well, some different words are chosen, sometimes it’s lucky, sometimes it’s not at all, they’re saying something there, we need to think about it. that, what i don’t mean, the situation is also complicated by the fact that the level of diplomatic art is nowhere, by the way, many american diplomats, with whom we now support through this trust - the expert community, it seems that they sometimes it’s just
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inconvenient, that’s why - when we ask to comment on what blinken and some other responsible figures are saying, they...
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interests of each other, do not want to discuss the root causes, the origins of the current crisis on the planet, one of the dramatic manifestations of which was the situation around ukraine, why? because it was their policies in previous years and decades that led to the current global turmoil. instead, western elites are persistently trying to punish russia, isolate and weaken it, supply the kiev authorities with money, weapons, imposed almost 16 thousand unilateral illegitimate sanctions against our country, threatening to dismember our country, illegal. they are trying to appropriate our foreign assets, turning a blind eye to the revival of nazism, to ukraine carrying out terrorist acts on our territory. well, this position is very clearly stated.
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palace during the state visit of our two countries on the threshold of the kremlin chinese leader in moscow immediately after his election, and i will remind you how this meeting ended, addressing our president, the chinese leader said the phrase: we and you are contributing to changes that haven’t happened in 100 years. this phrase, as a metaphor, contains the common desire of russia and china to create a new international order, which... would be based on the principles of polycentricity, respect for sovereignty, non- interference in the internal affairs of states, equality, a very important point that is not
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on the agenda day of western elites, recognition of the fact that differences in value systems, differences in the social system, in the political system are not an obstacle for a constructive process of constructive dialogue and interaction between countries. ukraine is. one of the major geopolitical crises of our modern period, this is probably not the last major crisis that should gradually lead to the formation of this polycentric system; it will not arise organically on its own if there were conditions for this, if there was a broad consensus between us and the western countries, countries of the east arose, it would have arisen organically, much faster, but the west trying to preserve...
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of course, this is unacceptable, this is unacceptable for russia, this is unacceptable for china, this is unacceptable for all countries that strive for strategic autonomy, it is symptomatic that the visit of the russian president, the russian delegation to china coincided with a rather... inappropriate chronologically, with the introduction by the united states of tariff barriers against several sectors of chinese industry, it was impossible to come up with worse moments for their implementation, although the americans warned and announced for a long time them and the entire minister of finance went to beijing to discuss them, but this, like nothing else, shows the principle that the united states considers an organic, possible, accessible tool for... russia and like china, i am convinced that the leaders of our countries will substantively discuss how create such a fabric of international interaction between russia and china and
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other countries that will, over time, help ensure that this polycentric order is so strong that it can be done without american participation, so that american influence, it will remain, the united states is one of these constants on... working together with china to implement what andrei andreevich spoke about, to create a new fabric of international relations, it seems to me that together with china we can do everything, because the two largest -
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so far the most sensitive economic spheres - are precisely subject to these trade sanctions, that is, the impression is that the west has set the task of not just
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promoting the russian, chinese... historical alliance of the deepest serious level, but also to somehow get out of this multipolar model, because if, when we, or rather, not to mention when we achieve victory, we are in war, the chinese are in the economy, to which we are actually getting closer and closer, although this is not so simple, of course, at the moment when we truly establish this multipolar model, the west may lose its chance to fit in, even with such... on equal terms in this system, they will do this many crimes, they will make so many mistakes, they will offend, offend, attack, set up so many, they will attach, attack, support terrorist actions against us, that we simply will not take them into this multipolar world, this is what we can do from china, i also want to draw attention to the context of this visit, the chinese...
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very closely from the first day of the special military operation they monitor the location of our maps, our troops, each settlement is of great importance for them, and xizen ping in the internal politics of china said, i will be with the russians, of course, our attitude is a little different, because we we are fighting, not them, but he said, we are not with the americans, now this visit is taking place against the backdrop of our, so far, cautious, careful, we don’t even use the words...
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western hegemony, but if we exhibit, we will gain much more than preservation, that is, you think that russia may not be afraid to bet against the united states, they have already done everything so that we simply have no other choice, and we are still observing diplomatic forms, but something tells me the analysis of appointment, and events in our domestic politics that we decided. we decided that if america is like this, and it’s just different, that’s when we decided? oh, i think this process is very complex, it lasted, probably even from the late yelsinsk period there, when suddenly andrei spoke about this on one of our programs, at some point we began to become disillusioned with the western civilization and in this idea of ​​fitting into it at any cost , they became more and more disappointed, strengthened themselves, abandoned their sovereignty,
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but... it was limited sovereignty, just leave us alone, let us do something, don’t destroy us, and this was accomplished, then let us follow our national interests, now we have come to the point where now our power, our government, our president, our people , we are absolutely united in the fact that we are an independent civilization and that the west is a very dangerous tactically different in relation to us, aggressive, not interfering with terror, threatening how...
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talk to officials, experts and understand how they relate to what was happening, and i saw that the majority of politically significant people were ready to support the president and stand to the end, but i saw that many had some doubts, that they were ready to support the president, but if they were
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asked before the operation, they wouldn't necessarily all have supported it with much enthusiasm, but now it's completely different, and you know, from my point of view it's different, not just because people pulled together.
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can all this be objectively opposed? i wanted to ask you, andrey glebovich, about a question that interests me personally very much. well, it’s more or less clear about russian-chinese relations, as always
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there are difficulties, but in general the forward movement is very significant, it seems to me, absolutely obvious. we talked about the position of the west, it is becoming less and less reasonable and more and more hostile. new architecture, a multipolar world - this is what it is, such a positive movement from attempts to create a unipolar world, but this is not the ultimate dream, why? because with multipolarity there are certain roughnesses
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international life, each center on its own needs to be glued together in order for there to be some kind of coordination of position, synchronization , and so on, a certain starting point has... such a special position of the 40 western states that are connected in military-political terms, there is nato , there are some other military-political agreements, so we need to go further, precisely along the path of coordinating the position of individual such policies, china, india, the arab muslim world and so on, this is where the future lies, so that’s all with such interest looking closely at what it is, what it represents. brix itself is interesting in itself, but doubly interesting as the beginning of this trend of uniting the efforts of the majority of the earth, uniting the efforts of the collective south,
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collectives in the east, the russian federation, it is in these structures that the future seems to be even more stable, and well, more profitable for us, because we would like...
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her opinion on brix's prospects. let's go to advertising. nikolai zlacheevsky. how does this laundering work, how do they drive through burisma money to organize terrorist attacks in russia. partners of the biden family sponsored terrorism, evading responsibility for corruption and money laundering in ukraine. the amount of the bribe was 50 million. these funds were directly sent to the special operations forces. the most important motive was to displace russian natural gas from the european pipeline, he started out as a small kiev mafia of the nineties, that's right...
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and a friend of an american hunter. dolls of the heir tutti. tomorrow on the first. there's a big game on the air. andrey andreevich. already in the world there is a growing understanding that brix is ​​a very promising organization.
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it’s not yet completely clear what it represents, what it achieves, your opinion, this is one of the points of view on brix, which is told by some analysts and i... i don’t agree with it, large international multilateral organizations, especially those that are emerging eras, often have a common task that they solve: this was the fate of the european union, this was the fate of nato, this was the fate of the eurasian economic community. main question, the main debate that the brix countries are deciding is what stable, sustainable, predictable, based on principle will look like.
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bearing in mind that the main content of the processes within brick is now taking place at various regional forums, where our leading actors from the fields of finance, transport, industry meet in an official format and in... conversations over coffee, in the lobby, exports, trade in general, what is the key question they often ask each other, how can we avoid american sanctions on our economic interaction, what is the form of our interaction for the exchange of goods, trade in national currencies, how should we organize it? our way of cooperation, which
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could not be influenced by the americans, it is quite curious that the brix organization, which was born on paper from the pen of a western economist, simply as an acronym uniting several key non-western economies, suddenly turned into a club, the central issue, which is how we can avoid the negative impact of the united states on our commodity flows, our chinese friends are talking about this , indian representatives are talking about this... they are suffering greatly from the restrictions and threats that they hear from the united states, who rather imprudently, at the beginning of this acute phase of the ukrainian crisis, began to threaten indians , stop immediate interaction with russia, in the field of defense, in the field of trade, in the energy field, this of course caused a response, quite a sharp reaction, and i believe that this is a discussion that is now taking place on different platforms, this year russia, as a country that hosts itself...
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will give a very active impetus to these discussions, by the very fact of their existence they are already beginning to form this rather dense network of interaction, the next major stage, it is not very fast and very simple, will be the definition, where will these centers of gravity, the financial infrastructure of these brics countries be, will there emerge some kind of single currency that will unite them, this is a very distant prospect, or will it be... central to determining the nature of this
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future of the world, which is why the brix is ​​seen as a significant threat in key western institutions, in key financial systems. one of the presidential candidates speaks about this. usa, he talks about a potential dollar crisis, that non-western powers are discussing ways to avoid american influence and, in fact, american manipulation of their still dominant position in this system. the americans themselves stimulate this discussion, and some of them realize that this path is a dead end. i actually agree with you that brix still has also, well, if you want, initial. stage of development, but the direction looks very promising, of course, not everything can be clear in advance, even for those who are architects, let me remind you what happened with the common market, the beginning was much more modest, and it was assumed that the common market
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would mainly deal tariffs, but then it turned out that in addition to the tariffs , new trade rules were developed. new institutions, in general, now we have this monster called the european union. and i proceed from the fact that brix is ​​not a monster will become, but i have no doubt that he may have a very interesting future. but let's talk now about our present, our present is very alarming, at least when we talk about the middle east, about what is happening in gas, here sir...
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mostly conversations except for one batch of bombs, like you do you understand american policy in relation to this conflict? i completely agree with you that the conversations that have recently become somewhat lively about the fact that americans influence
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on israel in the right direction, they are keeping from any unnecessary such harsh methods of relations between the population in gaza. that they will not limit their supplies and so on, but this is mainly working with certain segments of public opinion within the united states of america abroad; in principle, the position of the united states of america in terms of military-technical military cooperation with israel is a constant. how it is formalized verbally is another matter, but according to the palestinians, they proceed from that help is coming and... will come, go further, that this is, well , the united states of america also has some contacts with them, sometimes through someone, some kind of work is also going on with them, ideological, not americans are very trusted because they believe the real
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facts, and the real facts show that despite the growing condemnation, of course there are excesses in carrying out these power... operations, the israelis, the israelis do not really change their strategy, tactics, they change only depending from what's on the battlefield what’s happening on the spot, yes, but the americans , too, they’re not really trying to do, and maybe even you know, i’m somehow not entirely sure that they still have sufficient authoritative capabilities to limit political israel. because he said again that military support is the fulfillment of military obligations that were formulated and repeatedly confirmed a long time ago. in general , i assess the policy of the united states of america as truly conducive to the continuation of this colossal
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the humanitarian catastrophe that occurred, which is one of the biggest catastrophes of recent decades, we are talking about one and a half million people who were left without a means of subsistence and nowhere to live, now they are starting from north to south, they were expelled, now they are expelling them from the south again to the north and so on - it must be said that the israelis themselves, based on the materials that we have at our disposal, well, they also haven’t calculated a lot, they don’t succeed in a lot, now they are energetically trying to improve it in some way, including unscrupulously, using such, you know, good-sounding lies of providing humanitarian assistance, arab countries so that the arabs now clean up everything that they themselves have done, in particular, some of them have evidence that they are trying to attract some kind of arab intermediaries in order for them to perform some administrative
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roles, in rafahi, something like that, because what they do there is unhealthy, that is, the israelis are messing around, and i think that this only aggravates the general situation, they should, of course, analyze their mistakes, come to some kind of courageous conclusion about the fact that it was in vain that they started this whole thing, but... this is not visible, this is not visible, unfortunately, for the next period of time, i think that - this bloody tragedy, it will continue with the full connivance of the united states of america in bilateral relations, and they do not particularly hide, speaking at the united nations in the security council, this is very sad and indicates that the united states of america, well, if you think in big categories, its role how constantly... members of the security council are not fulfilled in terms of security. one reason why the united states is not
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fulfilling this role, from my point of view, one reason is very simple. washington thinks it can afford it, and the reason washington thinks it can afford it is how key arab countries are reacting to it. such as egypt, saudi arabia, the gulf state, which in no case naturally approve of what israel is doing, but i’m not sure that these countries are ready to take a decisive stance against the united states, you remember, in 73 because of american support for american weapons of israel during what in israel is called the yom kippur war. the arab states declared an oil embargo against the united states, which was very painful, so i don't see anything
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like that today, or am i missing something? well, you usually always notice everything that needs to be noticed. no, this really is not the case, the position, well, some might call it flexible, but in principle not very fundamental for the arab countries, it is difficult for them, it is difficult for them, because it was explained to them, very clearly, what the financial consequences would be, well , taking into account the fact that... the capital is located in a well-known country in the north of the american continent, this threat is very very serious, very far away coming, so of course the arabs are a little cautious, and you know, seeing this caution, the americans and the israelis are now trying to drag them further towards the implementation of the plan, but data has just leaked about a new plan that was developed in israel. this a most interesting document, i think that it corresponds to the truth, there is a three-stage period,
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and it is stretched out for almost 15 years, that is, what previously should have been done long ago in terms of granting autonomy and so on, has now been stretched out for another 15 years ahead, we have already analyzed this thesis today, they are trying to figure out what the israelis should do? they are trying to force rich arab states to pay out of their own pockets first for a humanitarian program, and then for all other programs related to the restoration of basic living conditions for the gas sector, thus the arabs and the monarchical countries of the palestinian gulf will be forced to pay for these expensive military exercises in gaza. that is, for the tragedy , as the americans and israelis would like, they will have to pay with arab money, well, of course, this is a rather cynical
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scheme, it says: that in principle, of course, the world community needs to take a more principled position on the this issue, ultimately it is beneficial even for the population itself israel, because by and large from what is happening there now, what do they get for themselves, that they have begun to live more prosperously, to live more peacefully, no, the population of israel is beginning to slowly spread out, leaving for other countries, that is.. i think that the group that has now strengthened its grip on power in israel is dangerous for the region and dangerous for the majority of the population of israel itself, because there is no positivity and no even any way out to the positive, we are still in this practice of tough exercises, exercises. with the weapons of israel we
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we don’t see, and it inevitably comes to mind that the creation of a new world majority is a process that cannot be left to chance, if you want the leadership of russia and china in this formation of a new community, as they say to me, it is irreplaceable, let’s go to advertising, we’ll come back literally in a few minutes we will talk first of all with alexander gilich about what is happening in neighboring georgia, and very... serious and i think, generally alarming things are happening there, we are going into advertising, like mood, class, mood, oh, mariopol, like a seagull with a broken wing, their uniforms were thrown, that is, mostly to the surface, they came out out of shape, the guys
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will work according to their position.
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repentant great powers, what is happening in beijing, what is being decided in moscow, what is being decided in washington, the war in ukraine is easy to overlook and underestimate, what is happening now in small states, but what is happening in small states, can sometimes have big consequences, i mean the maidan, which is now organized in georgia.
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his policies, his stakes, his ideologies this society expelled him from georgia, when he tried to return, with the full consent of the overwhelming majority of georgians, saakashvili was arrested, and bedin ivanishvili, through the georgian dream, through other tools, began to build a non-pro-russian, completely non-pro-russian position, policy, but it was .
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chairs, now these two but we were also in this position, so maybe we shouldn’t even criticize him too much for this, but he is in a critical situation, because as he tries strengthen... the sovereignty of georgia, just sovereignty, not against anyone, not against the west and not against russia, but just sovereignty, it is immediately subject to attacks, the first attempt was this, exactly the same, was a certain time ago, when again the georgian parliament was considering the law on foreign agents, foreign agents poured out under the flags of foreign agents in order to disrupt this, and began to behave, well, as foreign agents should, shaking... the sovereignty of georgia and the president of georgia, who does not have great powers, which may have been put in place for the same dumping of the couple, she said for the first time: “i will subject vetto”, gradually, and
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indeed this law on foreign agents was postponed, then ivaneshvili, the georgian dream prepared better, now it is clear that if they repeat the first the first step is to refuse... the adoption of this law, then a real color revolution will begin, a real maidan with terror, the media are already writing about the presence of ukrainian terrorists, ukrainian flags, flags of the european union, this in fact, today this is the authority, the organization that supports terrorism and , accordingly, this is already a threat, here ivanishvili has a very, now a very serious moment is approaching, or it remains. in strengthening the sovereignty of his country, or he saves georgia, because yes, the alternative is not just a change of power, it is not just the liberation of saakashvili, it is the end of georgia, it is a new stage of the civil war, which is
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an unfortunate, orthodox, beautiful country with a wonderful people been worried lately decades already, repeatedly, decades, so it seems to me that now ivanishvili, the georgian authorities simply have no choice but to bring this to an end. a job started to completion, but is he able to do it under such western pressure? well, you know, but he has no choice, it’s just that either he will do it, or there will be no georgia, this is very serious, because we are not talking about a change of power, the overwhelming minority of the population is for saakashvili, if these foreign agents will be able to destabilize the situation, the massacre will simply begin, because they are carriers of lgbt values ​​that we reject. conservative georgian society, they are completely radical in relation to their own people, they hate their own traditions, this is a real foreign agent, this is a rebellion of foreign agents, the west does not hide what it is, but it
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says: these are my agents, these are my agents, that you don’t touch them, otherwise you will feel bad, otherwise you will receive pressure, sanctions, and here i think that at this moment the solution should be ours, that is, we should say this: this means that we had conflicts with georgia, we probably mutually took certain, perhaps not very correct steps, but now let’s save your independence, we, china, and other poles of the multipolar world, which we must act as some protectors of sovereignty, which foreign agents are constantly trying to encroach on, and it is interesting that in parallel in another south caucasian country, in armenia, they are also going on...


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