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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  May 15, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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what a beauty i am, and the glasses! len, i think your mom would be delighted? yes, i think so. let's dedicate this transformation to her and promise ourselves to look this way from now on. smile, rejoice, enjoy, compliment yourself. it is very important. promise me to yourself. i promise that i will look exceptional from now on. it’s even better, over to you, len, how do you feel, how do you feel, there was a desire to dress up, you can’t imagine, when i saw my image for the first time, well, the first way out, i thought it wasn’t me, uh me i had a feeling that i should be like this now, don’t stop, i’m just delighted, i’m very grateful...
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to the stylists who dressed me and the fashion show itself, thank you very much, i will, i will always now like this, i promise this, evelina, over to you, i like these sandals, but this dress with you inside, i would put flat-soled snickers on some white, silver, dark blue, well, in general, any sneakers that you like, preferably low-cut sneakers, that's what concerns this dress, then it’s also sympathetic, so... the stylists, you know, they just have some kind of instinct, i don’t know if you talked to them about pharmaceuticals and your work in the pharmacy, but a pill bag, a pill bag , not even a tablet, made of mercury, and evelina, she is from mercury, absolutely, this uniform robe, which seems to hint, dear, in a robe you can not only work, but also relax, this is all that fits right in into the concept of your new wardrobe, and i... suggest you continue
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to play this game in the future, because in order to create, well, i’m not afraid of this word, a wardrobe capsule for a stranger, stylists need to rely on something, give me a fulcrum and i will turn the earth over, and for you they turned it upside down, in principle, your profession became the fulcrum, and for you, subsequently, the matrix that they have now given you will be... the very base, the very foundation on which you can build your new wardrobe, it will be easier for you to significantly navigate fashion news, thanks to these three sets of them components. the main thing is that here you received a dose of a fashionable vitamin, now you should have, you know, such a lightness throughout your body that will make you fly to the shops, like that one.
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fill out the form on the website of the first channel using the link that you see on the screen, or point the camera of your mobile device at the qr code, see you at the first, all the best, the first channel presents.
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you are hypertensive, your joints hurt, what pain pills do you need, because most pain pills will increase pressure will only ruin your life. the live healthy program has dealt with this and many other serious issues in detail. so.
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i take larisa on an ongoing basis and for cholesterol, razuvastatin, that is, i also take larista, this is lazortan, that’s right, razuvastatin for cholesterol is two tablets at once, and my joints hurt, that’s right, yes, i have a problem with
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my joints, and what do you buy at the pharmacy for joints? what knowledge do you rely on? find it, iboprofen. mm, i take paracetamol periodically, in general, what do you rely on? well, relieve pain, inflammatory process, based on the fact that the pain needs to be relieved, whatever one may say, german shaevich, i want you to start with the target organs, hypertension, what is the essence of hypertension, high blood pressure will drop in almost all parts of the body, because there are blood vessels everywhere , look, the first is a stroke - because the vessels of the brain are affected, the second is myocardial infarction and heart failure, the third - we can lose vision, the fourth - kidney failure can develop, because the kidneys are affected, and naturally, they can
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the vessels of the lower extremities can be affected, and this can lead to either intermittent claudication or even gangrene, now i want to draw attention to this model here. a wide vessel, so the basis for the damage to all organs is a simple thing: the vessels narrow, just like that, once they narrowed, this causes strokes, this causes heart attacks, this causes everything else, kidney failure, and so on and so forth, this is the mechanism of hypertension, constriction of blood vessels, which is what an entire class of pain medications called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs does means not in terms of. in order to reduce pain, you need to remove swelling, in order to remove swelling, you need to narrow the blood vessels, so these drugs lead to narrowing of blood vessels, increasing the risk
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of cardiovascular accidents and raising blood pressure, these are the most difficult patients, because they already have blood pressure, they take pills,
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one might even say that almost everyone can increase the risk of cardiovascular accidents, but each to a different extent, of course, is the task of doctors. was to highlight the most safe pain pills, i repeat this once again, there were large and serious studies, the doctors gave us a protocol, rules for prescribing pain pills for hypertension and heart patients, which of all the drugs in this group turned out to be the safest, scientifically speaking, we say the most good heart. vascular spectrum, who can guess, who can guess, i’m just wondering, because
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no one knows this medicine at all, although it is sold without a prescription, well, hypertension, paracetamol, no, then, who else is buprofen, and no buprofen, well, who else is the last attempt, maybe some kind of panthenol, panthenol in general is a drug for burns.
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here’s a simple story, this concerns over-the-counter drugs, that is, without a doctor’s prescription you can go buy them at a pharmacy, as far as this is concerned.
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for this reason, and for what reason? bloodhound, new episodes, watch after the program time.
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i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them, and we spend common evenings playing board games. when i am near my sister, the main happiness is my family, and we convey hello everyone to our grandparents and sisters, brothers, many thanks to my parents for raising me, making me a real person, what makes me happy is the health of my loved ones, not only my loved ones, everyone around me, and this is very important, i i wish our country to be healthy, i love my country, i am proud of it and i wish everyone in it to find their own happiness, well, hello,
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did it happen, airplane? american reconnaissance aircraft over our territory. congratulations, valen. great photos. very valuable information. you understand that it is a shame to have such a day on may 1st and admit your own helplessness. i even envy you a little, guy. you will go down in history as the first to fly over the soviets from south to north. the air defense system is powerless against some spy. learn to shoot down immediately. flights must be suspended. you can’t escalate the situation, the likelihood that the plane will be shot down is negligible, ramming at such a height is certain death, if you were in the pilot’s place, what would you do, i’m fifty-two, ready to ram, interrupted flight of harry powers
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on saturday on the first. what are we doing, friends, michala yegorich and i are making hummus, vermanshech, we are trying for you, german shavic, what product is hummus made from, from nat, from a nut, it is not nat, but germanshech, but for germanshe nat, we have germanshech speaks with his own accent. and grew up in siberia, russia. so, our topic is food that lasts forever, so we always send professor pradeus to the egyptian pyramids to emphasize that chickpeas were found in the egyptian pyramids, and in such a state that they could be consumed, however, if we
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let's look into the pyramid, then we can really find these here - moreover, they found manuscripts there when some young egyptian, 1100 years before the new era, repeatedly wrote out this hieroglyph on many pages, and apparently studied in this way, it was complex hieroglyph, the oldest one that has been found is 6984 years old.
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ok, ok, we can add all sorts of different spices for you, in principle i must say that doctors love legumes, we love legumes, these are very healthy products, unfortunately they are not common in russia, although there were years before the revolution, when we ate legumes in large quantities, before potatoes, when
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there was nothing bad, because legumes are 100 times healthier. potatoes, let's talk about the benefits, let's go to our models, we'll stop specifically at this, look, please, this is the large intestine, and of course, i 'll tell you about my part germansha, look how unpleasant it can be when a cancerous tumor grows or polyps, especially in the large intestine, it turned out... that the buterates, which are inside, are there a lot, they reduce the risk of developing these tumors, this is a very, very important matter.
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are destroyed, then our retina is also destroyed, because the retina is the nervous tissue of the eye, if there is no normal retina, then we see poorly. diabetic angioretinopathy is the number one cause of vision impairment among all eye diseases, the fact is that it is inside. there is manganese, and manganese reduces the amount of sugar in the blood and accordingly reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
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in the meantime, comrades, i have prepared just a miracle of hummus, a miracle of germanshevich, i didn’t mix it into a paste, i’ll give it to you on such a cookie, wait, nati, try it, it’s incomparable, oh, can i not like it. you take already boiled, boiled these legumes, these noodles, these peas, add lemon juice, olive oil to taste, in fact, that’s all, what i left are grains, in general, in my opinion, it’s amazing, wow, a wonderful dish, if we compare it with our favorite peas, which were widespread in russia, then in general it overlaps in almost 2 seconds the amount of coarse fiber, that is, nud in the first place, peas, peas in the second in second. i added a lot of delicious pepper, it’s just a fairy tale, now we’ll treat you guys, look, nud is for sale, an affordable cheap
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product, three questions, how to choose, how to store and how to eat correctly, the first one, how to choose, well, you can choose by appearance, it it should be dense and smell fresh. how to properly store nud, and you need to store it correctly in a cool, dry place, in a canvas bag, even in this bag it it will be perfectly stored if it is not directly exposed to it; it is a product of eternal storage, if it is not soaked. you can eat,
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preferably on the same day, our cook, alexey kofby, also wants to tell you something, and i guys, right now i’ll give you this thing with a clean spoon and hand it over again , you’ll lose, but of course, and we have no competition and i’ll tell mikhail egorovich, just take the liver. not bad, but with pepper, it’s better with pepper, my dish was dedicated to dr. gandelman, in my life i’ve been feeding him since i was 18 years old, but without
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result, if love, then it’s on, it’s all about food, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, british foreign secretary david cameron declared ukraine’s right to strike with british weapons on russian territory, and then later... gave arguments under which trump could talking to trump, he changed tactics and said that he was a diplomatic and military genius who put an end to this war. he is a scammer, and this is his main quality. cameron goes on a whole tour of asian countries. new countries are needed. which one they would like exploit. cameron is now acting as a battering ram to further inflame the conflict. russia is the enemy. we confront the enemy to prevent his advance.
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gentlemen, you and i are fighting machine guns. we won't be in the trenches, so we're starting a tactical nuclear weapons exercise. david cameron, dear liar. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. it's going to be hot, what? where and when is the summer series of games? on sunday on the first. well, friends, we have such a sad object in our studio, this is a toilet with a cactus inside, this is, as they say, an art object. it's all cute funny if you don't care about any problems when you go to the toilet, when
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every trip becomes. adam, then it's not funny for you. this is a symbol of rectal disease. and right now we have a wonderful practical doctor working in our studio, who knows all the modern technologies for treating practical problems. mikhail yurievich cherepenin, and we called this program, this cycle, simply the problem behind. on the one hand, because this is really a problem from behind. in the anus, with on the other hand, mikhail yuryevich, i will ask you to tell me to free up your field of activity for your colleagues, i will distract you with the program, on the other hand, we want you to leave this problem behind, and you know, just yesterday or the day before yesterday i met a young man the person at the medical center who left you, can i invite you, because i have never heard someone so
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sincere. at the same time, a happy confession, come to us, please, we met by chance, that’s right, and ivan came up, but ivan came up to me in the corridor medical center said, oh, i want to tell you about my doctor, i had such a doctor, he just saved me, what happened, vanya, what tormented me, it’s no coincidence that one of the most important doctors of my life is here, i found myself in a very a serious... health situation, and it’s called parapraktitis, it was a severe inflammation in the anus, or, more simply, an abscess, there was pus, let’s come here to this model, it’s really an abscess, a hefty one, an abscess next to the anus , that's right, mikhail yuryevich, here we have all the models enlarged 100 times, we love that, that’s it, that’s right.
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what's the nightmare? the nightmare is that there is pus here, and it can go either outward or slightly into others, into the depths, this is probably the most optimal option for its treatment, there is pus inside, if we pierce it, we see how this pus, it comes out, that’s how it is, it comes out smoothly, sometimes they open it up on their own, why, because it’s such a zone, it’s a high temperature, it’s impossible to eat. lack of appetite, yeah, like this condition, i ended up in your medical center on the same day i had an operation using a laser, these eyes are just exhausted, i remembered him in the corridor, a week has passed since the operation, i’m still recovering, and how do i feel now that laser technologies in practical science mean quick recovery,
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right? yes, they are much simpler, because the laser allows it, it has a disinfection effect, these bacteria that are contained in this purulent cavity, it very actively removes them, according to scientific works tenfold, this microbial load, it drops, decreases, i now want to show how this happens, so, let's look at the human body, the problem is really behind or behind, this abscess, doctor, is essentially in it.. . introduces a laser and the laser kills microbes on the one hand, on the other hand it glues the walls, without a scalpel, without excision, without sutures. here is van, i specifically asked michal yurievich to bring the laser to us, here it is, uh-huh, here it is the laser, you see, the red light is blinking, look, let's imagine that here at the bottom, you see, there are microbes, not just microbes, that same abscess, hold it like this so that it is visible.
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this is the finale, right now, here i ’ll turn the laser on, so, wait, like this, mikhail, turn it on, now it’s on. energy is thermal energy, this is chicken protein, we took chicken protein, because it is very similar tissue to our body, you see that a white ball is formed there, now i ’ll get it, look, this is coagulated protein, exactly the same in body, of course, what if you boiled a chicken egg, boiled a chicken white, all the bacteria died there, that’s right, the same thing here, only it is dosed and... safe for the patient, on the one hand the substrate is removed, on the other hand, even if there were vessels, they they sealed it, there would be no bleeding, and they took out the mihai, and what is important, if you pay attention, the other protein was not harmed, you see, healthy tissue
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was not damaged, the protein remained liquid, you see, yes i understand, i felt it myself, because i was not cut with a scalpel and a week has passed, i'm staying here with you for transmission, how are you?
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well, what is written here, come on, let's get back to the topic of the program, come on, let's return to the topic of the program, and i want to say that the team that accompanied me, i felt like an honored guest in your center, thanks to mikhail yuryevich, that's all his merits, because the surgeon organizes all the work around himself, it is he who puts forward demands on nurses.
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28, he feels like an adult, sit down, my dear, and don’t get sick, please, thank you, mikhail e, thank you very much, new technologies, laser treatment of direct problems guts, this is a very serious thing, which, of course, eases the suffering of people, let's take a break for a while and then continue, a place where you are welcome, our family is very friendly, so... our most important tradition is that we do almost everything together , we are celebrating family day, how is the mood, class mood, my mariupol,
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their uniforms have been abandoned, that is , they mostly came to the surface out of uniform, the guys will work in the positions of the militants.
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what is it, and it sounds beautiful, it seems like it’s not fascism, but the most amazing thing about ukrainian fascism lack of understanding that for europe, even latin... as well as for all the world's anglo-saxons, ukrainians have always been and will be second class, ukrainians live on other people's myths, ukrainian propaganda has copied the tradition of another country, but copying the recipes of others' success is the right path to loss, premiere, ordinary fascism 2, on monday on... this program is to live healthy,
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dear friends, and you know, today is family day, and we invited a wonderful family to our program, dad is an artist, mom is a pharmacist, three boys in this family, come out to us, family of spendthrifts. this is such a wonderful family, katya, ilya, lev, seraphim and fyodor, that’s right, yes, well, on family day it’s always nice to see a good, big family, the guys who are in charge in the family, dad, mom, mom, opinions differ, it’s very ok, what are the traditions in your family? she has it, come on, lion, take a breath,
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well, there are traditions, this is the sculpting of tribes for mother’s day and that’s all, and in the spring we go to the spring, we go to the dacha and collect birch sap, so come on serafin, well, in the fall we collect mushrooms, mom and dad, what are the traditions in word to the family? mom, what can i say, i’ll say this, our family is very friendly, so, probably, the most important thing is our tradition, that we do almost everything together, starting from joint dinners, every evening we try to get together, discuss what happened, what will happen, what is needed, until the weekend, when our guys, they are like this, we don’t have a home team, we called it, as if we were a multifruit, they are slowly developing, performing, we rehearse together, we do what we can. help, we set them up, sometime we come up with material, well, we try them, how
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say, dress each composition in a designer style, if you noticed, but this is my mother’s opinion, now from my father’s point of view, what traditions do we have in the family, and in principle a lot of traditions have been said, but what other traditions do we have in principle, we have dinners together in the evening , we have already said, but i want to say, this is one of the greatest traditions. you need to understand very well, i adore traditions, by the way, this is in judaism, this is shabbat, when you should be in the family, here is a joint dinner, i really love this protestant the tradition when people holding hands begin an evening meal, these are all amazing traditions, but it is with this family that we will talk about family today, so i want to leave the children first, pass the button accordion to mom and dad, and the children come to me, and the parents. .. here we live in russia, russia,
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regardless of whether you are a believer or an unbeliever, is based on orthodox christian traditions, this is how you think in the russian tradition in the family, who is given leadership, primacy, the wife or the husband, and the wife to the wife? my wife understood this way, andrei petrovich, and i liked these guys, so, nevertheless, let’s say, because many people think that the basis of the russian orthodox tradition is that the wife should fear her husband, but no, what is the basis, after all, the basis is that it is written that the husband will love his wife, as god loved the church, that is, in general, it is precisely the basis that is based on love, moreover.
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will never let you down, this is it, and so in the christian tradition, love for children is precisely that same selfless, universal, all-encompassing, which is also a fundamental principle, and the love of children for their parents, and love, love for parents is generally one of the commandments, of course, this is our tradition
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, culture, regardless of anything, because we live, grow and all our even atheistic... traditions are rooted in orthodox christianity, you are wonderful guys, we we wish each of you an excellent destiny, please sit down, and we will invite dad here, we are waiting for dad, i will pay tribute to the masculine valor of ilya, who raises the boys in such a way that love for mother is the decoration of their life, this is really very nice, nice, but ilya exactly the person who raises like a man, really, after all, guys, we wanted to ask you a scientific, medical question, what do you think, the life expectancy of a married and unmarried man, whose is longer, whose is shorter, the one who takes care of his children day and night and his wife , or someone who, in general, lives quietly and calmly for himself? well, i
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think this is a two-fold question, it seems to me that yes, but a married man lives longer. than an unmarried person, but married, because i think there is more joy in the family, and joy prolongs life, well happiness, women of russia, ovation imier, more joy for the family, herman shavich, science of the family, now the first thing is that you are right, thank you, in fact it has been shown that unmarried people die twice as often or unmarried than... married people, these are statistics general, in addition, it has been shown that people who live in marriage have a 40% lower chance of developing cardiovascular accidents, the same as that someone who is divorced or single has a 40% higher chance of getting
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a myocardial infarction, look here , this is the heart, this is the plaque from unkemptness when she closes, appears and... a fact, and these are not these vessels yet, these are the vessels of the married ilyusha, this clogged vessel of a divorced or unmarried person, this is how we formulate, dear ladies, correctly, in addition, it is shown that people outside the family and women, men die from cancer more often than their wives, that is, we can say that ilya is handsome, the father of these three... gorgeous boys, the immunity is different, andrei petrovich, shout, he has a toothy, toothy, but i want to add, an immune cell , which is supposed to eat cancer cells destroy, i want to upset women that divorced women die from cancer
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twice as often as divorced men, but divorced men die twice as often as married men, so it’s bad for everyone, andrei petrovich. take away the teeth from our toothy active lymphocyte of the immune cell, this is such a toothless extramarital macrophage, yes, that ’s clear, this is the second point. ilyush, when we got married, you could imagine that you would be the father of three boys, yes, yes, initially my mother and i already had a future wife mentally. somehow it turned out that we would have three, or children or boys, boys, can you imagine, when my husband declared his love to me, he didn’t tell me: i love you, marry me, he said: i want you to become the mother of my two sons, i thought he had there are children from the previous one, he left, the door to the subway closed, yes, i got on the subway, then
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we didn’t drive cars, the subway doors slammed shut, with this last sentence, i waited until the morning, there were no mobile phones, you don’t know, where we lived, we disappeared. when they said goodbye, and in the morning i came and said: i i agree to become the mother of your two sons, just say that he and his wife, it turned out, he was not married, we had two sons, well , that’s great, we are just happy for your family, please sit down, handsome knights, and of course, katya the beautiful one came to us today with another very good family tradition, katya, we are waiting for you, come to us, please, what is bread, salt, the main asset of the family, the main tradition of a strong family, come here, the whole family, help yourself.
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treat everyone absolutely, please take everyone, break a piece of loaf, dip it in salt, come here, here it is!
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no matter what happens in the family, when you look back, you always think only one thing: how good it is that we are together, that we have gone through a lot together, but we are together, and how important this is for children, no matter how big they are, with happy family day to you all, we had a good time with you, may you have a healthy life! hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, time will tell this program, in the studio of ruslan astashko and olesya losva. tomorrow vladimir putin will make his first state visit after the introduction. in russia
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, a memorial to red army soldiers was erected in the central square of the city, and the day before our president spoke with journalists from the xinhua news agency, one of the main topics was, of course, ukraine. western elites are persistently trying to punish russia. isolate and weaken it, supply the kiev authorities with money and weapons, have imposed almost 16,000 unilateral illegitimate sanctions against our country, threaten to dismember our country, illegally try to appropriate our foreign assets, close eyes on the revival of nazism on ukraine carrying out terrorist attacks on our territory. we want a comprehensive, sustainable , just settlement of this conflict through peaceful means and are open to dialogue on ukraine, but these must be negotiations that take into account. the interests of all countries involved in this conflict, including our interests. coupled with a serious conversation about global stability, about security guarantees both for
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the opposing country and, of course, for russia, and these must be reliable guarantees. and the main problem is precisely the reliability of any guarantees, since we are dealing with states whose ruling circles prefer a world order not based on international law, but an order based on rules that they constantly talk about, but which no one has seen - the interests of those who comes up with them. well, we remind you that just recently the leader of china toured europe for the first time in 5 years, he spoke with the leader of france in paris, emmanuel macron, and the head of the european commission, ursula fonderen, who tried to put pressure on beijing to influence russia in the issue of the conflict with ukraine, but the head of china was decisive, he said. then that his country has always stood for an equal peace and negotiations that will be recognized by both countries.


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