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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 27, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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the power of the american people is the most powerful instrument that arose after the war, and this instrument worked very successfully, for at least 25-30, even 40 years, until now it is already clear that america’s hegemony is ending, they do not understand this yet , but it was a real hegemon. full interview with andrei konchalovsky... watch on our channel in the next hour, well, now the news is on the first. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sherfuddinov and briefly about the main thing. supersonic speed operation. su-34 destroys an enemy supporter, and... a pilot
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disables a rare vehicle based on the abrams tank and a spirit that cannot be broken. footage from the front line: our fighter is fighting off an enemy drone, all the time. more than one and a half thousand houses unsuitable for living in the orenburg region, where more and more territory is being cleared of water, a special commission assessed the damage, but what about in other regions? attention to the tyumen region, where the water level has risen again. results of the moscow film festival. report from the closing ceremony and honoring the winners, the best film, the best actors and not only a thunderstorm , strong winds, a sharp deterioration in the weather in moscow, and what is the forecast for the holidays? russian troops hit militants' firing points in the zaporozhye region, footage was published by the ministry of defense, hit the grad crews, quickly took up positions and fired rockets. the accuracy of the hits is confirmed by operators. pilots, well, this is the work of our
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pilots, they destroyed the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces, the crews of the supersonic su-34 used aerial bombs with a planning and correction module, they allow them to hit the enemy precisely from safe distance. meanwhile, footage like this is being circulated on social networks. a ukrainian drone tried to attack our fighter, but he was not taken aback and shot down the drone with a bag. the device exploded and the military man was slightly injured. a russian drone disabled an american mine clearance vehicle based on an abrams tank. a unique trophy of our military, such vehicles were secretly transferred by the united states to ukraine; they are heavy, expensive and, as practice has shown, extremely vulnerable. now the militants are hastily evacuating abrams to the rear, which means our military will have more time to study all the weaknesses of this model. report by evgeny lyamin. this is a so-called barrage vehicle based on the american abrams tank, which is the only weapon it has.
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a machine gun, but the main task is different - mine clearance, there is a large anti-mine bomb in front, linear charges on the sides, its task is to move first and break through the road. this machine has a bulldozer blade with a mine plow, they are interchangeable depending on the task, both are made in the uk, optics, video surveillance systems, here are italian, american armor, dynamic protection, components and assemblies, all this is now being studied by our specialists. it also has a box in which the reactive charge is located.
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section, they shoot and stick into the ground, then along this corridor there are already infantry fighting vehicles, tanks, infantry, the transfer of these armored vehicles, as they said on ukrainian television last year, was a secret, in total the ssu probably received several of these, they were entrusted with, judging by all in all, high hopes. photos of a heavily armored barrage vehicle were then published by zelensky, the equipment is standing in as a decoration behind him during a speech last fall, after the failed so-called counter-offensive, it was important to show... some assault vehicles based on the abrams tank came from the usa, expensive and rich, it is very seriously protected, it can be used in afghanistan, the cost of this machine is 4 million dollars, but in fact it all ended after the first arrival of our fpv drone, costing only a few tens of thousands of rubles. the medical operator of the force grouping center blinded the crew with a precise blow, destroying italian optics. a precise hit on the optical instruments blinded the car. the crew
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of the vehicle, accordingly, was not trained to operate analog triplexes; the ukrainian mechanic took off the armored vehicle himself, due to their inexperience. page of this vehicle, the vehicle drove into a minefield and blew itself up, the explosion occurred in the rear left part, you can still see here, we have already replaced the rollers with ours, the crew abandoned the equipment and fled, the outcome could have been completely different, had it been at the top, inside the remote control missile launcher mining charge, if the drone pierced the box itself, the most weak point, there is 750 kg of tnt equivalent of c4 explosive, if our drone gets there, this machine will explode from above, is it armor or what? no, this is a rubber-woven material, kivlar, you can see, yeah, which can be penetrated by our usual light unmanned aerial vehicle. the machine was developed in the early 2000s and
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entered service with the us army in 2009. protection against filters is not provided, the top box cover is as lightweight as possible, possibly in order to reduce weight, and so on over 70 tons. for the desert, where the sand is like the asphalt is suitable, in the land of donbass it often gets stuck, not for this area, our officers say, it was pulled out by fighters, rimbat, groupings of troops-center, with two armored repair and recovery vehicles at once. thanks to the fact that this vehicle fell into our hands, we studied the features and weak points of this particular vehicle, as well as of all tanks of the abrams family in general. and this is an american brem based on the m-48 tank, it was before abrams, everything inside is in english.
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here here what is behind the armor? behind the armor there is a battery compartment, after hit, a fire occurred, but as you can see, the soldiers of our unit have already restored this vehicle, now we will put it on track , we will try to launch it. due to the threat of defeat and will, together with the united states, try to develop new tactics. their use, our drones, lancet loitering ammunition, carnet anti-tank missile systems destroy american tanks, does not save armor, nor a multi-layered electronic warfare system. evgeny lyamin, dmitry kochurin, nikita sebastyanov, larisa nikitina, izgorberdiev, donbass channel one.
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a convoy of vehicles was sent to the soldiers who are now on the front line, as well as to residents of new regions, from the lenin state farm near moscow, this is already the 125th convoy organized by the party.
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already in may, a referendum on self-determination took place, followed by years of barbaric shelling in the armed forces of ukraine, the broken minsk agreements, but people did not give up, unity, which united us all, unity of thoughts, unity of goals helped us survive, in general, achieve our final goal. in october 2022, we returned to our homeland, we have already officially become a part. and today in the lugansk people's republic the infrastructure is being actively updated, roads are being repaired, production is reviving, the mining and metallurgical industries are being revived, medicine is developing, but there is still a lot of work ahead, some cities were badly damaged during the fighting. now
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there are floods: the water level in the ishim river near the village arbatskoye in the temensky region rose to 12 m, emergency evacuation was announced. there are still two dozen populated areas in the danger zone. areas where more than 2,500 people live. meanwhile, in the orenburg region , almost 3.00 houses have been freed from water, and a housing assessment commission is working on the same number of household plots. 1800 buildings were recognized. subject to demolition. rescuers continue to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. in addition, the military is helping residents. they deliver drinking water, treat roads, driveways and yards. in rio deaneiro this street fighting broke out at night. the police conducted an operation there to capture the leaders of the criminal group. she is called the most dangerous in the city. according to the security forces, the leaders were hiding in the favelas. neighborhoods were shrouded in smoke, and cars were on fire in densely populated streets. they took part in the cleanup.
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in the final black velvet shared with journalists that first of all i wanted to see films that will remain in my soul for
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the rest of my life, it turned out that festival cinema talks about some important issues that concern society, people, what hurts heart, in fact, many countries are talking about their internal problems, this year 10 films were presented in the main competition, the winners of the first awards became known even before the start. ceremony, the audience award was given to the iranian film breath of cold, about the difficult relationship between a son and his father, who was imprisoned for the murder of his wife. the jury could not leave the film on khid azizi sedik without attention and awarded her the silver saint george for the best director's work. i have a dream, i hope that the day will come when no artist, no one person art will not be punished for attempting to freely express their thoughts and opinions. the director from iran also took home best documentary film: the rook is a very personal story of the life of contemporary
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artist ali akbare sadeghi. in total , 250 films from 56 countries took part in the festival: russia, china, germany, turkey, japan, belgium, south korea, argentina and india. there were 15 films in the competition from spain at once, one of them took home a prize in the short film category. the partners feed tells about young spouses. which we finally decided to have dinner together, leaving the children at home, but everything does not go according to plan; the absolute triumph of the film festival was the mexican-convict film shame. directed by miguel salgada, it was she who was awarded the grand prix by the jury. the prize was also given to the leading male actor, juan ramon lopez. the awards of the show, figurines depicting st. george riding a silver horse and slaying a serpent with a spear, were traditionally made by the mercury jewelry company. the picture is about a very serious problem that we have been struggling with in mexico for many years, but unfortunately, it is still relevant:
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many young people are recruited by representatives of organized crime, and we show the viewer this terrifying reality without embellishment. the best actress was the german mariki baker, who played the photo of a provincial newspaper correspondent in the film shlimazal, who planned to make a sensational report about the former concentration camp guard. well, the closing ceremony ended with a celebration. moscow was hit by rain this morning,
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there was a thunderstorm in the city, strong winds, just in an hour and a half, a third of the monthly norm of precipitation fell, roads and sidewalks in some places disappeared under water, the ministry of emergency situations in such cases advises drivers to slow down, keep a distance, it is better not to leave the car near trees, tomorrow is forecast to be cloudy with clearings and +16, and during the may holidays it will be even warmer up to +22. and that ’s all for now, the program will continue to air on the first floor, time will tell. good day everyone, the information channel is on the first. continues its work, anatoly kuzichev is with you, we are working live, this is ours special project, time to remember, we have something to remember, there is something to talk about, i’ll start, and i introduced this part with what, from a message or from a new york times publication, and from which it follows that the west is raising the stakes, the pentagon allowed it, i repeat , follows from the publication of the new york times, allowed the ukrainian armed forces
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to launch missile attacks on crimea.


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