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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 26, 2024 3:05am-3:31am MSK

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a year before the start of rehearsals, you can already come up with an idea , the problem is that a year later you can come up with another performance, but it’s already commissioned, staged there, and in the sense of scenery, costumes, etc., and some kind of musical solution, all this has been done in advance, as in a musical, too, today there is a specific point on this stage, today this point, well, that is, a musical, an opera theater, to a greater extent, has signs of such an industry, right? probably yes, probably more systematic in terms of the work of the director and actor as well. here you go sasha, from the point of view of the industry, because if the musical is also a special industry, when you participated and worked in cabaret, this is an industrial flair, yes, when you need it like this, you need it like this, you need it at this time, you need it like this, that is there is no possibility, practically no possibility of any backlash, not in time, but our industry was only part of that. that we had a musical story,
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we had a dance story, we had a dramatic story, which you just needed everything when you were busy in chicago, and there was also the same, but there is a tougher story there, of course, because it is a licensed performance, so, but i know what i want to tell you, everything always happens the other way around, the more they make this corridor for you, the more your imagination begins anyway , even in this narrow corridor you begin to invent something for yourself and give birth. i don’t know, even in my life, the tougher my schedule the circumstances, the more i manage, for some reason, i don’t know why this happens, although it also happens in such a way that, for example, i’m already used to it in music theater in musicals, to the fact that everything is systematic, fast, i do a play in a month and a half, ian we started rehearsing zoya’s apartment, and i also planned everything, suddenly i asked myself the question, where am i going, why am i in a hurry, especially that some interesting process had begun, the artists began to bring a lot of sketches and proposals. i think, well, why
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must we release it in april, but why can’t we release it in may, there in june, and so on, and because i understood that this opportunity, of course, also provides repertoire theater, and the fact that you are the artistic director, and the fact that i am the artistic director, yes, and the fact that i am the artistic director, and this, of course , is also a big plus, because we not only strive for the premiere of something there, we also we live some kind of life, we live some kind of creative life of this performance, so for me this is also important, sometimes important. these frameworks, stick to them and, how to say, be mobilized in this sense, and sometimes linger a little and, if there is such an opportunity, simmer, as if in this, with fabulous ease a provincial resort has turned into the capital of world cinema, mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself, but i’m not repeating myself, my god, are there no doors, in this film i play a negative character, “i’m an avenger, i just
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left my rights. jane’s script is real literature. we can’t leave. thousands of journalists came to kan for the festival, it’s more for the cinema, please be careful, jack, i feel like i’m made of one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here matador on saturday. at the first, this is a festival where there are films for everyone, this is a kanlya, this is my fight, my fight, to the end and period, beloved, beloved, beloved, roads, roads, roads, we run away on different roads. we know for sure,
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the ice will melt, the quiet midnight will sing, it’s a long day, this long, so short, it’s a dusky heat for us, something fiery whispers, the ice melts and melts, you are a sailor, i am the sea, you are a fisherman. eh, go for a walk! april 30th on the first. about success, i would like to clarify, you are the director of the theater, naturally, in addition to creative success, which is certainly the main thing, there is still commercial success, without which it is generally quite difficult for the theater to live. when choosing a material, yes, where is this balance? yes, because we know very well that it is possible to build good quality. commercial
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repertoire, yes, but still there is material that is not guaranteed to give a bright financial result, but it is interesting for the director, it is interesting for the artists. it’s interesting to delve into this, it’s interesting to understand it, perhaps it will be such a boutique story, but nevertheless it is theater, this balance, here you are as an artistic director, you somehow feel it, you somehow build it somehow, of course, but how without this, of course, is another matter, that nothing can be the fact that this there will certainly be success, well, of course, or nothing can happen, but somewhere, somehow, so to speak, lay yourself down somewhere. it’s worth some straw, although it’s not, it’s not, if the performance doesn’t work out, then no star will save it, you know, here’s how to say, we released this season, a young director, igor teplov, made a wonderful play "cosmos", in general, why is it also wonderful,
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because it is based on a modern play, which was just written by alexei zhitkovsky, and of course, we always have performances based on modern plays in our branch of the pushkin theater . because it’s terribly dangerous, especially ours, especially the pro-russian hinterland, even if it’s comedic, but still problematic and so on, to let on the big stage, and i still - how to say, i convinced the director that this should be done on basic scene, that this should be done in a certain genre, uh, which, it seems to me, he masters and develops in this, but of course, i said, go persuade uh...
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some person, so to speak, who will make you listen about this problem, know about this problem, and so on. here comes a play that is received with a bang by critics and the professional community, yes, there is good press and so on, but the public does not perceive it at all, that is, life in these social networks, this play absolutely destroys it, and the professional community is alone compliments, that's where, where to move, continue to play persistently? for some time you need to continue to play, of course, but you need to understand exactly, and i talk with directors, for example, or with artists who are involved in such performances, or i, i also had such experiences, for example, i understand, all the time i say that this is a very important experience for us, this is a very important
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performance for us, but unfortunately, the life of this performance cannot be that long, and often the opposite happens, it seems that - you know, i came to the theater when i was just came to theater, the play the mousetrap was being produced, and it seemed to me that it was a play the mousetrap, well , some very average, some kind of detective story, some kind of classic english scenery and so on, it seemed to me that something needed somewhere, like... then, and i thought, oh well, season 2 will pass on its own, and this mousetrap is just going on here, well, it seems to me like in london it can go on, every day there is a mousetrap in london, it goes on and people watch and no need ...
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of course, well, actually, even the space performance, yes, it’s clear that there’s vika, who’s on it’s like everything is focused on her, but i was completely delighted with all the other roles, we have fantastic artists, and how powerfully they do it all, it’s just such a thrill,
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sasha, if you look through the eyes of an artist, well, in this case, through your eyes your colleagues, the play came out, and you see that it definitely did not receive... such audience success as we would like, but at the same time you feel, like the artists who are involved in this performance, yes, that this is a successful creative work and which she really brought you joy. then the critic is also a person, and the viewer is also a critic, if there is no one in the audience, something means
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something wrong with the performance, but what was the situation with turandot, yes, but it was so quite provocative, but it was not sluggish, it was not a situation , that there was a rotten hall, which - how to say, somehow didn’t go there or something, the hall was furious, that’s the hall, this was an option when the hall furiously did not accept. how to say it, and didn’t know how how, how to generally be in this situation, what to do in this
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situation, especially since konstantin and i stood together in the wings, which means all this we looked when this shame began, what a shame, there’s something else there, i turn to konstantin and tell him how terrible, and he turns and says, what a class, well, how can i say, he solved his problems, he certainly checked something for himself, then, in many ways, it seems to me, dot became some kind of starting point, where he did some, well, i won’t name the name, but i know a lot of famous directors who came on turandot and they were like, wow, wow, why are you smiling, and dad, why is he smiles,
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but it seems to me that it was just too new then, it was too much, it was just at the wrong time, in the wrong place, it happened because the theater also seemed to undergo some transformations, it also went on while the cossack was , we have also come a long way so that here you... who, in fact, owned everything in the theater, did everything in the theater, as
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a matter of fact, told me just go put on good performances - how can i say, don’t meddle in the whole life of the theater and so on, that is what kind of posters, what kind of marketing, how are they sold? tickets, who we invite, what kind are there, and so on and so on, and so i could only say horror and look at kostya, well, how can i say, well, nothing to decide, the director announced to me that we are playing the last two performances now, we are not playing anything else. well, in fact, the artists were also not ready for such a reaction, and viktor verzhbitskin, a wonderful artist who - then worked a lot with kostya and - how to say, produced many wonderful performances, he simply said: i won’t go on stage again, i'm not unprepared for such a reaction from the public, i'm not ready play, introduce anyone there and so on, well, he had such a first reaction too, my dears, i am very grateful to you that you came just the two of you, thank you, it was extremely important for me that... you came just the two of you, i think that this conversation, i hope, dispelled some non-existent, in my
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opinion, completely erroneous opinions that the director and the actor and the artist are an endless conflict, in any case, your example shows that this is the endless trust that gives rise to great creative result, i wish you good luck, thank you thank you very much, thank you very much, thank you, it was a theater podcast and i... hosted by anton getman, our guests were the artistic director of the moscow pushkin drama theater evgeny pisarev and the incredible actress of the pushkin theater, alexandra ursulyak. i, larisa buzeeva, let's get married, good afternoon, today the bride is olga, vera and natalya, and our groom is igor. igor, 56 years old, his wife’s betrayal deprived him of his friend, daughters, health and part of his property.
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igor, a chiropractor, was born and grew up in moscow, is proud of the fact that he put himself on his feet after. fracture of the spine and divorce, as well as the fact that he cared for his mother for the last 10 years of her life, he warns that he can flare up when he sees injustice. igor will not pay attention to the arrogant owner of large lips, voluminous eyelashes and long nails; he will marry a gentle, cozy woman who will treat him with respect and will not be jealous for excessive attention to her car. hello, ra!
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you survived this, but i torture everyone all the time, you are not the first who came traumatized, wounded by betrayal, how did you know? in general, i must say that i got married, i was 27 years old, and i married feelings on emotions, these last 2 years, especially i felt this intuitively, that well, how did she not show up at home, she refused intimacy, did not care, did not spit to the house, that's it. what i listed, yes, that’s right, she often came very late at night, and passed the bedroom to go to bed with my youngest daughter, what i like about him is that he has these lips, they are plump, he has a small nose, he has clear facial features, and a high forehead, the way you look, i
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think the man is handsome, the man is tall, the man is prominent, the eyes are kind, look at his hands,
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i tried to sneak into my daughter’s room for 2 years - nights , i got inflamed, there was a scandal, well, from that moment everything took off, yes, she rented an apartment, but she directly said, yes i love you, i’m leaving, i don’t love you, no, no, she - look, in 2 years she should have , and where was she until half past midnight, well... i can’t imagine joining the family, but one time stuck there, said corporate party, but the second time i said at the rose, yes, i stayed too long at the rose, you know, but if it’s been 2 years, the rose would have already, i would have already called, what, and what’s wrong with you there, what? she keeps eating and eating, well, she worked in a kindergarten with
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her friends, she said, she met with her friends, and the last time she told me that she was at a barbecue. what kind of story is this? it was already a couple of years after we had already divorced, exchanged apartments, i once again wanted to see her restore relations with her daughters with her own, drove up to the kindergarten where she works... at the same moment my friend vladimir’s wife called me and said that he had been hospitalized with a stroke, she found his phone number and correspondence, very frank. in principle, she immediately destroyed it, she asks me, you haven’t divorced her yet, i say, yes, you divorced a long time ago, that is, she also with a friend, and with a friend, and a friend
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sent her money there, well, in general, why money, she needed it, no, well, she worked and earned extra money, i think so, but apparently she needed it, oh, well, although i always provided for her my family, i worked, a good type of man, handsome, that’s it, i don’t know, maybe there’s something missing in the marriage? well, i’m tired, it’s not enough, well , go, tell me, i’m leaving, why, here, here, here, all these carousels, look, she gave birth to two children for you, children are not born without love, that’s right, you lived with her for quite a long time , why did she suddenly start going for walks, well , it’s all a lot, why didn’t they ask, i think that this is a manifestation of an illness, what kind of illness is she, is she mentally mentally, what is abnormal, based on addiction.
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well, i paid attention to this, the woman gets used to it, begins to play, begins to imitate, begins to pretend to show off to the man, but how can it be, maybe you are right, how can you still believe in marriage after this, when they did this to you, it’s terrible, amazing, that she, working in a kindergarten, still managed to lead a double life, of course, the woman is a mystery with a minus sign, they divorced - calmly, no, here because of. for the division of property because of the courts, 3 years, and what kind of property is this yours, a three-room one, what kind of property does it have? right, except for the children, well, she was registered with the children, i was the proponent, i was, and when
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we divorced, we were forced to live together, then she already filed a statement of claim in court, and there were numerous courts, and she took pestilence, but she took my daughters into service and... but listen, in order to brainwash your daughters so that one would call you a fool, and the other would call you the letter m, which is the most beloved daughter , yes, that’s how it should be, a weakling, how is that even , and they know the reason for the divorce, who arranged it all, no, when i’m with my mother he said, they heard, but mom said that she was a white woman, that dad was delusional, well, look, they will probably watch this program, well , not even if not...
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somehow, but the children have nothing to do with it, i agree, this some kind of dirty methods, generally behind-the-scenes intrigues, but it’s very shameful to do something like that against a loved one, tell me, is there some kind of feeling of guilt in front of them, you probably drank, but after the divorce, i consumed alcohol quite a lot , and in front of the girls, no, not in front of the girls, i came home drunk, it was like that, well, on the other hand, how did you cope with what you went through? did your mother die at that time? yes, i lost my family and my mother in one
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month, that is, i was left completely alone, that is , the whole meaning of life that i had been building all my life collapsed all these years, igor themselves never cheated, honestly, it was at first when we just got married, i had cases, she knew about it, what do you think? "she knew, yes, but after that, when i decided to change, i and the girls were born before she knew that are you walking or after? the first before, the second after, and you know that even when women forgive, well, just like men, however, they never forget anything, but there is no feeling that she took revenge, well, when we lived and got divorced, i say, i appealed to her, i say, okay, you went to the left, i once went to the left, let’s do it again, even when i was taken away, i suggested...


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