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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 26, 2024 1:00am-1:51am MSK

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he took it in his hand, somehow it was already very uncomfortable, he is such a strong, large man, it was awkward to somehow slide this shoe back onto his heel, so his shoes remained in his hand when he entered the enemy, uh, he began to knock on the podium, it was a very noisy story, we still remember it, not in the best way uh... it
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affected the image of the country, not to mention the image of nikita sergeevich khrushchev himself, all this was observed directly by oleg danilovich kolugin, then an officer, senior lieutenant of the state security committee, who i repeat, i worked under the roof of journalists, this is a very common practice, because in general , god himself ordered intelligence officers to work under the guise of journalists, intelligence officers, because this is our profession, i... just on duty as a journalist, i can come practically to any place to ask any questions, well, because i’m working on this material, i’m interested in this person, this object, uh, this industry, that is , all this doesn’t seem to raise questions, why do i ask questions, because this is my profession, ask questions and prepare material, to collect material, and what is a scout, is a person who collects materials, so scouts from time immemorial have used this roof and recruited.
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during this perestroika , a lot of completely different people fell out. by the way, i think that nasedkin may have had something to do with the special services, i don’t know, because i met him at the rossiya hotel, where nasedkin lived in an apartment. ..
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how can i put it this way, maybe now it sounds somewhat banal, but at that time, in the late eighties, it was something, in general, taking into account the status and scale of this organization and, uh, the actual figure of kolugin himself was already known to me, because - this man organized a st. petersburg rock club, or rather the leningrad rock club, he - at one time headed something there in leningrad some kind. department, where he was
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sent into exile, and how he told me that well, i’m tired of the security officers running around all these communal apartments in st. petersburg, in the gateways, almost every single rock group or some kind of community, which was customary committee decision state security, just gather them all in one place, that is, organize a leningrad rock club, where they would all practice. in general, it would be possible to keep an eye on them compactly, so this legendary organization actually appeared, which gave us the best people, the rock movement, naturally they are none of the musicians, i just think it’s necessary to say this, i had no idea how this idea was born, actually like us working in the view program, i have never worked in the view program, i have never been invited, but had something to do with it, so that’s how we have it... with the release on the bbc of seva
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novgorod, because the state security committee wrote a note to the central committee of the party that advanced youth listens every friday to these hostile issues, they listen to music at the same time they are poisoned there wrong ideology, that it is necessary to create on soviet television at this time on friday evening such a television product that young people would watch, ignoring... seva novgorodtseva, kolugin told me about this too, but much later. so, at that moment when setkin, the owner of these apartments in the russia hotel, suggested that i do a story with a kgb general. of course, i happily
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grabbed onto this, we made a story, he was on the air of the program, and after that he lined up with kolugin... he was such a hero, but as it turned out
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much later, many years later, he was actually a traitor, i when this movement began, many, many years later, one of my friends... from the fsb asked why you immediately, well, i don’t know, well, not they told me that the man was generally a spy, or suspected of it, and they explained to me that since he was in very good close relations with alexander nikolaevich yakovlev, in 1959 they were together in america, perhaps they were recruited together, it was impossible to disclose this information , because alexander nikolaevich yakovlev was the second person in the state there after.
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who hasn't seen it, do you have a favorite movie ? no, no, no, you know what - what's your favorite movie? well i have a very old film, well, i already mentioned the musical part, i really love old american musicals, locked up, like rosemary, oklahoma, that means the king and i, or south pacific is a story, yeah. means the wars in the hawaii region, when the japanese attacked the united states, and from the films, oddly enough, one of the oldest is, therefore, casablanca, this is a film about intrigue, german and western spies in general - in
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north africa at the beginning world war, this is just one of those films that i really like they like it, but i’m not even talking about the fact that they have ever...
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bought some small publication, some small provincial newspaper, well, private, it was bought with a person who either worked for the kgb or was sleeping there himself agent, the necessary article appeared in this newspaper, a completely unknown provincial or city newspaper, if not even a rural newspaper and... tas, the telegraph agency of the soviet union, that is, the largest news agency
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in our country, with reference to western publications this information has already been replicated, already at the suggestion of slen taz, it could already become the property of the world community, relatively speaking, this has already been talked about overseas, in europe, that is, this is how it worked and in fact this is the mechanism that i told you about from ... the film green zone, he also told me this scheme that he worked, in particular , he, well, not himself personally, but some of his wards worked with the largest german publication spiegel, who were friends with one of the journalists , and the necessary agenda was pushed through, in particular, there was this idea: which, according to him, i was just listening to the recordings, there was this in the first chapter, in the first
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directorate, directorate a, by the way, i didn’t find any mention of control, there is directorate k, about control, not i found a memory, maybe he got something wrong, supposedly management a came up with a trick that he was sleeping, this immunodeficiency was developed by the central... that is, the world media didn’t pick it up, it didn’t work, that is, it was such a bad approach , and there were a lot of successful runs, in general talked a lot about his work, and it seemed to me that he was a man who had done a lot for soviet intelligence, there, in particular, according to him, he was still a future... senior lieutenant, working
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undercover as a journalist, recruited a man who talked about solid rocket fuel, and the soviet union received some unique information, it doesn’t seem possible to check this, well, well, in any case, i don’t know if anyone has been involved in checks of this kind, probably. but in any case in this case, he was in very good standing thanks to this so-called agent cook, and here are his first developments. career, it is possible that it was such a multi-step, that is , such a sacrifice was initially laid down in the form of some kind of information, not misinformation, but real information that allowed him to build the career that he built. i was very interested, because at that moment when he
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was talking about manipulation by intelligence officers and counterintelligence officers. journalists, how they manipulate, i didn’t project it at all myself in my communication with him, communicating with him, i believed that i and communicating with him, promoting him on newspaper pages on the screens of central television, i believed that i was doing an absolutely noble cause, bringing out people who simply exist in pure . people have a conscience, such intelligence officers, honored ones, who do not want to put up with the presence of a secret police in the country, uh, well, in fact, it turns out that i indirectly, how to accept this, you know, there is such a journalistic standard, poured water into the mill, poured water to the mill of an ideological opponent, then later
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for some time, when he went to america, he emigrated, that is, he did not emigrate, he left with... with some lectures, but he just realized that he would not return. i talked with the same one, with vitaly nasetkin, who headed one fund, then another fund, he headed the internet fund, that some funds that no one knows anything about, but the main thing is that he is in good health , all this time, did it even occur to him that kolugin had been recruited, and he told me that no, that this is all... slander, that this is competitive struggle, that this is where kryuchkov came up with everything, here, you know, there is an expression, for what he bought, for what he sold, i then tried to find him in america, especially since he was not hiding there, he was doing more than strange things, for me, it’s a matter for a former kgb general, he gave excursions in
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washington to spy places, well, what’s there - as i understand it, it was some kind of bus, where he was just there with a megaphone, to the people who bought a ticket for this excursion , said that such and such a person was detained here, there was a safe house here this person, that is, he just worked as a tour guide, i don’t know if everyone understands what a kgb general was in the soviet union, i don’t even mean in a material sense, meaning not an apartment there, some kind of car, a collection of records. all this, of course, all our academicians, generals, it was all in terms of property, but this is such a middle class, the american middle class, that is, there was nothing so stunning, outstanding, but the status of this person was very- very tall, he was just, well, the man was calculating in perspective, i once again i repeat, as he himself said, he expected to become the head of the state
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security committee, that is, to become one of the key players. in the system of the soviet nomenklatura, i, of course, would really like to ask him some questions now, and it would be interesting to understand what an idiot he saw me, that is, he saw such an enthusiastic red guard, that’s what a hunovin with a career called me igor svinorenko, a very famous journalist, you are already the best of all worlds, a very famous interviewer, i just somehow said to the conversation. with him - in a restaurant conversation, for some reason someone was filming this conversation, i don’t remember now, because it was many years ago, he called himself the red guards of perestroika, the red guards were such chinese youth groups, people who did the so-called cultural revolution, the cultural revolution is what is now
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called cancel culture in many countries, that is, they canceled everything and... the chinese leader simply used the enthusiasm of young people, there were red guards and black guards, red the red guards were what we call major, that is, they were children from the chinese party nomenklatura, that is , such children from families there, i don’t know generals, academicians and concelebrants of the chinese arts, so they were the black hong bens, these... . people from - simple classes there and from the villages of both - maldedon used later and i merged myself. i didn’t feel in the context of the plot with kolugin’s relationship with the security officers, in general i felt like just such a khunvyybin, that is
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, a person whose enthusiasm is such youth enthusiasm was used by people who understood the rules of the game, that is, me, many other journalists, the majority, i ’ll take it here to say that the majority of my colleagues did not understand at all. it was impossible to watch some films there, listen to some music, musicians were imprisoned there, well, some kind of completely unnecessary thing, this was a movement in which, by the way, they were
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involved as performers, very many people from the relevant department from the second of the fifth department of the committee state security, that is, there was an understanding that this needed to be changed, but we did not understand these rules of the game at all, they did not understand at all, we did not understand that - let’s say in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first, ready, very girl home ,
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completely under his control different styles, you seemed to laugh at yourself, but you were silent, this is the same case when a talented person, he takes on any job shows his level.
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things that i don’t see, and intellectually much stronger, it’s probably these people who are making a career in the intelligence services, there is still a huge question mark for me: when and how he was, why he was recruited, that is, what he fell for, i am afraid that we will never know, besides, it is no longer interesting , because with the end of times, the heroes of perestroika actually left, now in general no one remembers these people, they are actually uninteresting. no one will make a biographical film about a kgb general who turned out to be not even
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a translator there, but simply a traitor. i i remember such an episode when the so -called august pike happened in the ninety -first year, it so happened that i had just arrived on the night of this pike with my wife and had not yet gone to bed when... my friend francois called me from france moreau, such a prominent french journalist at that time, says: what kind of coup are you having there? i say, what are you even talking about , frenchwoman, what kind of coup? at this time i heard such a rumble, i went out onto the balcony and saw that there was a column, columns of equipment, then, strangely enough, he called me, the second panfilov, kostya, kostya, kostya kinchev asked what was going on, i said, kostya, i’m... you’re the second person i’m talking to about this topic, now i’ll tell you everything, and i’m the first one i called then, i called - naturally not on a mobile phone, because
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there were no mobile phones, i called home, uh... oleg danilovich kolugin, and i said, what’s going on, tell me, and at that moment i was perfectly aware to myself that, well, first that my phone is listened to, because well, i was a journalist who communicated with many people who were interested in the special services, and not only ours, that his phone was being tapped, as if i understood this, that this conversation was being listened to, and he very cheerfully said that these are the people, well, the state emergency committee, who committed this, these are criminals, we are them we will judge. he wasn’t talking to me, he wasn’t telling me, he was telling this to a comrade major who was listening, and hey, after listening to his whole very cheerful speech, i realized that nothing would work out for the gkchm, by the way, he was arrested a year and a half later hours after our telephone conversation, not because we talked to him, but because there were arrests in general, and another friend of mine was arrested,
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i communicated like any other journalist, i was recruited many times, if at all you are one of the venerable journalists of that era he says that he was not recruited, this means that he was recruited, because everyone was recruited, they were recruited many times, i was recruited openly, as far as i understand, in the dark, that is, people from ...
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slubyanka met with me there - who did not hide it, that they were slubyankas, they said that it was necessary here i wish we could just clarify some questions, here are the workers, we’re like, we’re such idiots, we don’t understand anything at all, like in your editorial offices, besides, as other security officers later told me, it might not have been at all partialists, it could not have been ours at all, i could have been recruited by western intelligence services for exactly the same purpose, to get something written, as if this were proof that i was collaborating, that i was joining some kind of organization. communication, nautilus pompilius at that time sang songs called striptis, the country was dying like an ancient lizard with a new virus in its cells, this meant the end of times, we just weren’t all aware of this, although i think that the people i talked about, that is, people from the intelligence services who worked with us or tried to work with us , they still saw
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the prospect. much broader than we were, it was a podcast, a chronicle of the end times, and i, evgeniy dodleyev, talked about how the special services tried to work with journalists and sometimes did it successfully. expensive. friends, the creative industry podcast is on air, today with you, just as always in this podcast elena kiper, producer and composer, and roman karmanov, ceo of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives. but the most important thing is that our guest today is yuri abramovich bashmet, the great, i was waiting for the great, finally i see him now in front of me, twice people’s
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artist, magnificent. conductor, brilliant artist, yuri abramovich, i found an old interview from twenty years ago, and you are with one pretty presenter in the frame, you tell her, ask me a question, please, how i achieved what i achieved, she asked you asks, how did yuri abramovich achieve it, and you say, i don’t know, that’s my question, 20 years later, do you have an answer to this question, now i can.
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i was with the guitar with all my heart, but who could have imagined that lenin vladimirich would help me out, as he does now, well , of course i didn’t know him as... as you understand, in general, when the beatles ceased to exist, it was the tragedy of a lifetime for us, well, where to go next and what, here is their latest record, well, i tried a lot, in these directions my older brother advised me to listen to this, this there was such a thing as jimi hendrix, who i didn’t like at all then, then of course i did years later.
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rarely, well, the voice of the blas, which means the lead singer has a voice similar to metal, i tried it, we immediately got a huge success, but of course, i understand that it was generally a pathetic copy, because the instruments were not the same, and the musicians without these traditions, and yet some money was even earned, as far as i understand, of course, of course. all school graduations, weddings, birthdays, the more famous you are in the city, the more you get such proposals, my mother allowed me to do all this, but she said, i just don’t want you to earn money with a guitar,
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so i had to deceive her, that is, i was staying at a classmate’s birthday party somewhere, or or with a girl, where are we going? - they went to the cinema there for the last showing, in fact... i stood there and making money with music at that moment was somehow not very right, well, she was a wise mother, she just didn’t want me to have it all like that it all came together, that is, i like it, and they pay me money and what do i mean, i’ll turn into this side, so that easily, by the way, well, of course, in general it turned out that they announced it in kiev. all-ukrainian competition for the centenary of lenin, i began to prepare, all special music schools participated, it’s like we have the central music school today as an example in moscow, that is, it combines
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general education subjects and music in the sense of a schedule, you don’t have to run to different schools, yes, if you are into music, i went to kiev for this competition, it’s funny. it turned out that i was one violist, there were many violinists, voronchelo players, pianists, we they decided, well, send me home, there is no competition, i had my teacher, nina leonidovna vishnevskaya, she created such a scandal that in general they are so, in order to get rid of her, let them play already, let them play, but how will he come out alone there will be 10 people on the jury and one participant will come out.
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in general, i was wearing a long coat, my instrument was hidden under my coat, nikita was making a speech, the opening of the film festival and... nicholson was sitting in the front row and - nikita says, but we have a surprise, a guest and alpa china also arrived to us, that means i’m going out, and it’s in russia, yes, and the whole hall roared, and nicholson was in the first row, so he became what, but he doesn’t know how to play the viola like yuri bashmet here, that i’m standing and you weren’t offered to perform in the cinema?
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write-offs, and i took with me, well, what kind
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of filming can there be, you see, i’m not in moscow for more than 200 days a year, seryozha takes out a piece of paper from his pocket and says: on such and such a date, you are playing in the large hall of the conservatory, and we're filming at night, there's an old riga train station, there's some spare tracks there, it's the first day of filming, that's it there, and then after three. in my schedule of my opportunity, and it was incredibly exciting, i for a long, long time, in general, missed these days, then, when it all passed, well, i can’t watch myself there, i watched this film, except for one frame when i ’m silent, and it’s already the operator’s fault, he somehow got lucky with me... for some moment there was enough
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about the schedule, i was once driving in moscow along a busy street, i noticed that on the left to the right of the road there were posters with different projects, but with your participation everything, well, the question is, how do you keep up with these secrets, but there are projects, well, in which you can absolutely understand that you love various experiments, there is this craving for experimentation, of course there is, in order to have a piggy bank that..
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you can disagree with this, i also call it intuition, on stage, when you have this piggy bank, that is, this feeds intuition, and then the courage of improvisation, and as for direct experiments, yes, well, i had those . cases where a computer composer, neural network, yes, we did such a premiere, well, yes, then we performed it several times in
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sochi at a festival in moscow, then light music, that’s all, i ’ve never heard anything about it, i’ve never seen it, i didn’t know, well, in yaroslavl on festival there was a premiere of this work, what is it, again, i’m not a professional in this, but each color has a range of other colors that we do not see. it turns out that the abertones in every musical sound are the same rays that are not heard, not visible, but, but without this this sound would not exist. there's the one there which we hear, we tried this, it’s very difficult, i don’t think this genre has a great future, mass appeal, such experiments are very unique things, exclusive, of course, and this is necessary, then it was funny, we are in order to perform this piece, it took half an hour before
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the concert, so that the instruments were tuned differently than usual. that is , in simple terms, they were upset, it was interesting, and then it was very funny, since there are such traditions, probably in all orchestras, so you swiped there, and they suddenly they started playing something completely different, and well, yes, it’s someone’s birthday, that is, without warning, it’s one of the musicians, today is a birthday, and the orchestra is playing tampi birds, and i’m also thinking... i’m worried, this is very complicated things that i haven’t encountered before, in this piece, i’m worried, this is how i showed the beginning, they suddenly started playing happizdy, wildly out of tune, because they had been detuning the orchestra for half an hour, but in this upset state there was
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a peculiar harmony, this it was funny, and it was at the closing of the festival, it’s usually there may 9th, here it comes. that is , this whole work is so incomprehensible in the closing program of the festival, well, usually i talk a little with the audience at the end of the festival, i say: well, but you witnessed today’s, it was a world premiere, for me it’s an experiment, and two women in one voice from the third row, we liked it, we continue our conversation on the first channel in the podcast: the creative industry and with you are still elena kiper, roman karmanov and our guest is yuri abramovich bashmet, if i can say a few words about artificial intelligence, now there is a big discussion about the future and what artificial intelligence will bring, maybe it will replace it altogether, until
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a human heart is inserted into this robot, the robot will not compose tchaikovsky’s music, this cannot be designed. and i think that the power of human sensations is precisely that if all this artificial intelligence develops like this, then the strength of a person is in his weakness, in comparison, if this intelligence grows to incredible heights and will be able to do everything, then he will still will lose to a person in music, if we are talking about... music, i think, in chess, probably the intellect still wins, such and after that there is such a version that if you download all the beatles songs, then as a result the artificial intelligence will produce another beatles song on basis, accordingly, it will give out a half-live song, what the artificial intelligence gives out,
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periodically they send songs of those artists with whom i worked, which are generated by artificial intelligence, and this is a dead voice. their victories, they were very important, there were less important and so on, but competitions are always a desire to win, well, of course, a desire to win, although i know some, there are such examples, one conductor, when he needed money, he went to the next
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conducting competition, no matter there the first, second prize is money, and he only went 10 times, just earning money. i also know one girl who is also participating, so she’s like this, i say, why did you play, then what, what does this competition give you? she says, but i wanted to go for 3 weeks to turkey on vacation, the motivation is such a practical approach, of course there is, basically they are preparing for the competition in order to win, of course they are very upset. yes, this is not the first prize, but the second. and you , as a mentor , musicians will come to you and learn from you, because everything you tell is the most valuable information. because you transmit like a master, you can even say, i think that the strength is that you yourself don’t know for sure,
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seriously, but you think that you just haven’t prepared yourself yet, haven’t grown up yet, but you you rush all the time, this is how i see myself, i can’t give a bad mark to some student, because i know for sure, but it turns out he doesn’t know, so i know, but he didn’t want to do it, and then go for it. .. which is already more than 10 years old, well, almost 11, and these are generational changes, we now have
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the smallest girl there, a gaba player, she is 9 years old, at 22 years old we need to make room for our rotation, this is not an orchestra, such an eternal brand, i read that you become very attached to the guys, then say goodbye to those who for 22 years and this is what, well... yes, well, yes, it is necessary that russia can, well , it turns out, well, we are not rubber either, but what’s interesting is that now we are touring the country, but what is not the city , there is one of our people sitting in the orchestra, who went through the youth orchestra, in the mariinsky theater, there is a drummer there, and a trumpeter, amazing, in moscow there are many, at spevakov’s in the state orchestra in...
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officially loudly announced that of course he is returning to russia, he has no questions here, i feel sorry when they don’t come back, but he he’s just returning, his dad is in novosibirsk, he plays the clarinet in the orchestra, and there, in general, he, he, he’s russian, this one, he’ll definitely come back, then that’s good, that’s it, everything’s fine, there’s such a stable expression, i don’t really like it, but nevertheless...
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evgei richtor svyatoslav teofilovich and i once asked him whether his interpretation of a work of some kind, which he plays throughout his life, changes , does his relationship change, in connection with his experience and concert experience, due to his age, well, when we were already close, we spent a lot of time together, i could already ask any questions. he said, no, just as i fell in love with this as a child, i still love it today, nothing...


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