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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 25, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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here is a big request to marina aleksandrovna, firstly, a big thank you to the guardianship authorities of the smolensk region, it’s really very rare when we don’t scold them, we can set them as an example, but pay attention to the two youngest children, angelina and elisha, because uh, i don’t know how seriously my mother is, she doesn’t give a damn about the four, for some reason she doesn’t give a damn about the two younger ones, so pay attention that everything is fine with them, and of course, the miracle of the gossip-friend, this is the youngest. the child also needs to be taken under control, thank you, this is yours friend, yes, do you realize who you are communicating with? yes, she is deprived of the rights to four children under a very serious article, and you are happily ready to give her two of yours, tell me who your friend is, and i will tell you who you are, this is your circle of friends, that’s enough, kindergarten is over, you have dolls instead there are already six
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children, six, and you are still playing with dolls, here we were pouring gasoline, i was standing here, and dad was holding the canister like this and pouring it into a bottle, there was an explosion in the gas boiler, my daughter was burning alive, her father, your husband , he's a moron, at the moment he's not even pays alimony, how many surgeries nastya has undergone, the transplant was a face, all the arms, my mother took off my tights, and my skin was also removed a little, and what suffered the most was the tummy, the entire legs, the right leg, the entire right leg to put it straight, she can’t walk, it’s true that these are 40 operations, well , 42 to be exact, all under anesthesia, i , roughly speaking, grew up in the hospital, we’ll call another woman here, she also suffered in a fire, and then decided to spit in spite of everything,
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let's listen, in spite of despite the unprecedented challenges we have faced in recent years, positive trends are strengthening in the domestic economy. at the end of last year, russia's gdp, as you know, increased by 3.6%. and statistics from the first months of this year show that it continues to demonstrate. good rates in
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january of this year 4.6% in annual terms in february 7.7% in annual terms, but in the first 2 months there was an average of 6% growth, industrial production grew by 6.6% in january-february. it's clear, we see everything difficulties facing the economy as a whole and you all. we have to face it, but in general the results are, i just talked about them, you yourself know about them, the results are there, despite any difficulties, we see the threats, we understand them perfectly and are aware of where they are arise and where the greatest difficulties arise today, we will work together with you, i am sure we will overcome all this, well, six percent growth.
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it is no coincidence that the highest rates of economic growth in the united states were observed as since the years of world war ii, when they sharply increased military production, but at
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the same time you really need to pay attention to what you said, we said from the first day of the special military operation that, among other things, in addition to military potentials. very complex tasks, special military operations, which are now actually being solved much more successfully than just recently, and i think now yuri ivanovich podalyaka will confirm this for us, yuri ivanovich, good evening, what news do we have, good evening, very good news, really
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they are now very much modern , namely, today’s offensive actions are different even from those that we carried out in the fall, that is, a serious improvement and high-quality interaction between the military branches, our industry is working very well now. they covered more shells, and more missiles, and, accordingly, reconnaissance means allow for more accurate strikes, which ultimately leads to results, and now there is such a strong feeling that the enemy’s front in the ocheretin area is literally falling apart, behind last week, i don’t remember a single moment when the enemy was able to repel a blow when we strike it, that is, we strike and achieve a result, so we took ocheretin completely under our control. today we have already completely cleared it and then went on to develop the offensive to the north to the west without stopping, we are going to the next lines of defense, it will also be quite serious, but we will get to it, but for now we are moving the flanks, and covering our offensive group, respectively, in the area novokalina, ceramics district, and
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we clear the area of ​​berdychi, semyonok and , accordingly, pulling up the langs, we will move further, obviously to the west to the north, creating a threat both for the enemy’s tarets grouping. and further for the enemy’s western donbass group, and the enemy sees this very well. today's second most important success is taking the ogneuupor plant in krasnogorovka under our full control, this is the key point of the enemy's defense in krasnogorovka, this is the key to the entire defense, accordingly, by taking it under our full control, we put the enemy faced with the choice of either abandoning the rest of the settlement or getting surrounded, it just so happens that the northern part of red consists of two. the western one is a one-story building, and the eastern one is multi-story buildings, but behind them there is essentially a swampy area, with ponds and streams, and if we take the refractory plant behind it and then knock the enemy out of the one-story building, then the enemy group in the high-rise buildings
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becomes narrower essentially surrounded, it’s impossible to get out, precisely for this reason, after we took this plant today, i i think that now the enemy will have such a serious dilemma, and it is possible that we will hear that ours... quite quickly liberated the rest of krasnogorovka, in the next couple of days we will see this, then we will clear this entire territory and throw the enemy back quite far from donetsk, which accordingly will immediately simplify the situation for donetsk, well , aviation is also working very powerfully at the chastoyarsk border, aviation, artillery, the guys there are powerful, they say amazing preparation, i’m also waiting for news tomorrow, the day after tomorrow from this sector, i hope they are as successful and good... as we now see at the cheretinsky site in the krasnogorovsky direction. thank you very much ivanovich podalyaka for very positive information about what is happening now, first of all in the cheretinsky direction, and in others, in chasovyarsky, we are really moving forward, now the names of
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certain settlements that our troops are liberating are literally heard by everyone a day, or even two, so the dynamics are good, and this is one of the main reasons why... on in the west, some kind of brutality is actually setting in, in my opinion, in relation to russia, in any case, they have already crossed all moral boundaries, and not only moral ones. over the past months , military exercises have been conducted near our western borders, and non-stop, that’s what’s interesting, for the first time in history they began to openly talk about the fact that these exercises are directed against russia, and the new york times writes about this, this spring about 9,000 military personnel nato was preparing for a great power war that many hoped would never happen. now a clash between russia and the west with potentially catastrophic consequences. the exercises are part of what is set
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to be a huge show of nato strength, the biggest of the cold war at first, that is designed to send a strong message to russian president vladimir putin that his ambitions must not extend beyond ukraine. general darryl williams, nato's chief of ground forces, said that in the past such exercises did not name the enemy and the enemy was simply fictitious. but this year everything is different. now this year we we are actually conducting exercises against the russians, he said. we are fighting our potential enemy. yes, just like that, the masks have been dropped, there are no longer any potential opponents, only russia, only against us. and then another package of american aid to ukraine was announced. let's look at it now, there are rszzo khaimars missiles, 155mm artillery ammunition, 105mm ammunition.
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and so on and so forth, a long list in which there are no ms attacks, these are the very famous missiles that hit 300 km. which the americans threatened to deliver, but why are they not on this list, do you know why? and because they have already been delivered, i’m talking about this jake salevan, national security adviser to the us president, let’s listen to him: we are also providing ukraine with new opportunities, i am authorized to confirm that in february of this year the president ordered his team to send significant number of attack missiles to use within.
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tactics and most importantly, we have discussed this more than once in this studio, this is an established a stereotype of behavior associated with circumventing any american laws. well, this is a ukrainian soldier - this is a consumable material that should be designated. infantry, conduct assault operations, everything related to serious fire support, intelligence data, command, obtaining the ability to move ammunition, weapons, equipment, nato specialists have been doing this for a long time, and they did not hesitate, in my opinion, 3 days ago, they showed control center that they created on the territory of ukraine, which tied up with avaks,
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they struck with a range of up to 160 km, after that they only indicated that we would supply them, today with a range of 300 km, they are standing there when we hear conversations of certain leaders, including, let’s say , scholz, we will not supply our fire weapons for now. while there is no talk about this, he is talking about it only to give a signal that until
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permission has been received for their use on the territory of ukraine, they have been there for a long time, tauros and are ready for use, including including weapons, but there is one more point, vyacheslav alekseevich, to which i would like to draw attention by opening this averton window and preparing public opinion. from the point of view of the supply of weapons and weapons, they are slowly introducing their regular units of the armed forces under various guise, and those exercises that...
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made such a wonderful statement yesterday, let's listen to him: i am not surprised that the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine accepted such solution: the ukrainian authorities are doing everything to provide the front with new soldiers, because the need for them is enormous. i think that many of our compatriots were indignant when they see young ukrainian men in cafes against the backdrop of how much effort we
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are making to help ukraine. i am also not surprised that those ukrainians who are at the front harbor resentment against their own.
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well, at the same time, they are very annoyed by these crowds of ukrainians, whom they forgot to consider, and of course, they also need to be given payments, you know, to deprive their taxpayers of possible benefits, so this is just a wonderful solution for them, i i think that it was probably even discussed unofficially, and we’ll see if they will catch it, well, what do these people want...
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why? we answered it, we want a ban on all weapons in space, and not just weapons of destruction. but you don't want that. i'll ask you the same question: why? my american colleague, by the way, told about her trip to japan and her visit to gosakija,
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about the horrific consequences of the nuclear bombing. may i ask? did not carry out the bombing, the only time it will enlighten us is who this nuclear history of mankind, or maybe our japanese colleague will talk about this, a country that has never in my memory named the country that bombed it, as if the nuclear bombs dropped on jeroshima nagasaki really came from outer space and came from nowhere, naturally the answers to their i didn’t receive any questions. of course, but russia and china presented a united front. another example of our combat coordination, which is from space to earth, it is strong because... it is mutually beneficial, it meets the national interests of our two countries, in the west in states, there is now a very big fear -
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that our interaction, strategic, partnership or combat coordination, that it can rise to a new level as a result of putin’s visit, we are expecting putin’s visit to beijing, i think the whole world is waiting for this really possible. will be an even higher level of our relations, if one can imagine a higher level of relations, but in the united states itself there is now an acute internal political crisis, more on that after the advertisement. chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the armed forces usa, general charles brown, on the key swamp thing. russia is an existential evil that must be destroyed for democracy. safe, this is a war general, he was involved in nuclear planning and the practical use of nuclear weapons, he is the author of a program to reduce the quota of white
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air force officers in the usa, they want to radicalize the army, he has shares in companies of the military-industrial complex that directly make him a beneficiary of certain orders. it is locket martin that promotes the concept of rapid global strike, they they understand that the alliance between russia and china is getting too tough for me. it’s easy to advise, as the chief military adviser, to use these nuclear weapons, he wants war in order to realize himself personally, i’m not playing for second place, i’m not playing to lose at any cost, including nuclear war, charles brown , black general, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, this is a fashionable verdict on the first channel, i’m with you, lilia rakh. girls, we’re wondering, evelina, fleeced leggings, how do we feel about this? yes, what is it? let's quickly get to know our heroine. yes, she's good. you have ended your
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relationship with your sum trainer. i usually talk to men very little. i really don't understand what this girl is doing here. no one ever told me that i am beautiful. let's try, start a new life. how can i go about with this? down the street, listen, why do you need such a friend, it seems that grandpa will get his sweatshirt back, can i hug you, of course, this all fixed all this bullshit, to be a man, when to be a girl, let's go on a date in this way, dear mother, well, it’s not me anymore, all together, beauty, beauty, kozhoro will have a fashionable verdict, a new season, tomorrow on... with fabulous ease, a provincial resort has turned into the capital of world cinema, mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself, but i’m not repeating myself,
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oh my god, are there no doors, in this film i play a negative character, i am an avenger, i just left my rights, the script is real literature, we can’t leave the piano. thousands of journalists came to kan for the festival, this is not a movie anymore, please be careful, jack. crap, it hurts, i feel like i'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matador on saturday, on the first. this is a festival where there are films for everyone. this is cannes. this is my fight, the line lives on, my fight, to the end , period, beloved, beloved, beloved, roads,
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roads, roads, we run away on different roads, don’t guess at love, if your eyes are happy, we know for sure, the ice will melt. the midnight oriole will sing quietly, it’s a long day, it’s long and so short, we’re in the heat of dubai, he whispers something, hugging him, the ice melts, flies, you are a sailor, i am a sailor, you are a fisherman, i am a fisherman, take a walk, april 30 on the first, lived, lived. oh, svetka, i can’t believe my eyes, stay with me, sidarenka, we’ll work together, it ’s okay, the military prosecutor’s office, everyone will stand. “we
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are investigating a criminal offense, we urgently need the files of these people, why did you take her with you, everyone is a fighter with us, she is not a fighter, she is your wife, grigory ivanovich, where are you going, there is someone unkind and evil with you just shilov, not angry, incredulous, where is he?” here, life without pain simply does not exist, all we can do is try not to hurt others, according to the laws of war, new episodes from may 1st on the first, do you think that i have no heart, or i don’t feel nothing. big game live.
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just the other day, the american state department released a report on the state of affairs with human rights in different countries of the world, of course, meaning our country too, but i must say that ukraine suffered the most, in my opinion, even more than russia for rights person, oddly enough. well, the answer from our mid. became our report on the state of human rights in the united states of america. and here is a summary of this report. in the united states, there is a manifestation of racial, national, and religious intolerance. everyone agreed. there is discrimination there, including racial discrimination. excessive use of police force has been seen many times. violation of the rights of russian citizens and compatriots in the united states
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is being violated. this is the only way to violate the rights of russian citizens in penitentiary us institutions, why only russian, in fact all citizens, the situation of migrants, we see that with migrants, violation of the rights of minors in prisons, well, yes, they violate, indiscriminate use of force in zones of armed conflicts, they kill, really bomb, whatever they saw this in iraq and afghanistan.
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we didn’t talk about such particulars as some policeman beating someone somewhere, that is, we took such systemic inappropriate things today, in particular the fact that there, for example, mentally ill people can be treated put in prison and so on, when we were finishing our speech, not on this topic, suddenly pelosi comes in with a wonderful smile to greet the russians, which means her colleagues from russia come up to me, she’s so elegant
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, it’s not for nothing, she’s italian, huh. .. she hugs me, and i hand it to her, which means it’s her, oh, thank you very much, i press her to my chest, she leaves, i imagine that after reading it, she felt there, well, depending on who was the president then, if a republican, then i think she could use it in her election struggle, but uh, this list does not yet include support for nazi regimes in various countries of the world, and above all , the nazi regime in ukraine, whose support biden is now simply delighted with, he came out with i signed a law on a package of assistance in the field of national security, approved by the house of representatives by the senate, it will make america and the whole world safer, it will also promote american leadership in the world, everyone knows this, it will provide vital support to america's partners so that they can to defend against threats to his sovereignty, putin’s friends provide him with everything he needs, iran sends him drones,
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north korea. so ballistic missiles and artillery shells, china is providing components and innovation to bolster russian defense production, with all this support russia has increased the number of airstrikes against the ukrainian... let's hear from senator j.d. vance of agai. perhaps we should ask ourselves how an entire continent, an entire world and a whole series of leaders, allowed themselves to become mired in international conflict. is there a possibility
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of a diplomatic solution to the conflict in ukraine? yes, i believe there is, as many people have pointed out, including critics of vladimir putin and supporters of ukraine, about 18 months ago there was a peace deal discussed, and what happened to it? administration.
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don’t twitch, you do what they tell you, everything will be fine, but i don’t know, i don’t want to be rude on the air, but they demand the almost impossible from us, not taking into account the natural state of that historical experience connected with the fact that the end has been put on our country, they cannot complete it in any way, having used the afghan experience and betrayals in their time...
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just a week ago, in my opinion, in this studio they said that they, of course, would make money, because having sent all the weapons they have to the west in nato countries, which are in abundance today on
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the territory of ukraine, they cannot understand why russia is conducting this active defense , constantly advancing the front, leveling it, moving forward, moving everything away from its borders more more. where england and other nato countries are located, it can lead to irreversible processes, and most importantly, they do not believe in our strength and our determination, well, all the more so we must demonstrate this determination on the battlefield, in
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the united states of america, of course, expect protests against aid to ukraine are not allowed, but protests against aid to israel, which is really... committing genocide on the land of the gaza strip in palestine, are causing more and more protests. now we are showing protests that are spreading one after another. the largest american campus, and it came from the most elite educational institutions in the key league and is now spreading throughout america. well, there are large rallies in defense of palestine in texas - in osteni in the state capital, and there the police are quite harshly detaining all the protesters and arresting them, including even arresting fox news cameramen.
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it actually reminds me of kiev maidan or shanyanmen square, yes, well, in california, the university of california is also actively seething now, and it’s also very tough there they disperse all these protests, and well, the degree of brutality of something by the authorities against students, i honestly don’t remember this, even from the events of 1968, when there were serious student unrest, but there were no such police atrocities, and... the arrests will
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continue until the crowd disperses, these protesters belong in jail in texas and will not tolerate anti-semitism, period. students participating in hateful anti-semitic protests at any public college or university of texas should be expelled from there. now anti-war protests - yes, this bogeyman is being used with might and main, but mike johnson, the hero of the allocation of funds to israel, went to columbia university to explain to the students that they were wrong, he was met there with simply obstruction, at first they just booed, and then they just started chanting, which we... this is what is
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really happening now in america, why is there such brutality in power? we need to see these protests in a broader context, in in the context of the american election campaign, the most important story that you showed is precisely those supplies of food and water that are already accumulating in american government cities. it is absolutely obvious that these protests are paid for from outside. moreover, even the american press mentions the name of soros, who sponsors and provokes these speeches, at least in new york. what caused this? from my point of view, there really is this, i would say, rocking of college campuses, student mass, which may be used in the future, during the election campaign. in order to direct this energy of young people to
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those, strictly speaking, objects or to those tasks that will be set before them by external forces, and here i want to say one very important thing, it is precisely connected with the fact that today there is one very important aspect, it is that if in the twentieth year the democrats relied on... african americans, now measurements show that they cannot count on them, it is falling biden's popularity is skyrocketing, the african-american, african-american diaspora is very disappointed in the administration, they are very afraid today that they will not find that very dynamic force that can greatly influence the outcome of the elections, which is why today they are flirting with student youth, the fact that here there are two points, here is a statement:
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they don’t expect, masters of technology, of course, it will be interesting, it will be interesting, but we are following student performances, but there is a lot of interesting things in the united states now, everything is going on in chaos there, and america... acts like such a raider, and already on a global scale, but if the confiscation of our assets is already in the order of things, then they have not yet openly confiscated chinese assets, but the story with tiktok, it just says that the united states is ready to encroach on the sacred, on property rights, here too, i have
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a feeling that the way the americans are presenting this, for china this may be almost the last signal at all , that... dealing with americans is extremely dangerous, but maybe it’s not necessary, so let’s listen to karine jeanpierre, the white house press secretary. we and the members of congress have been very clear, we do not want to ban tiktok, it's not about the ban, it's about buying licensing rights. this is about our national security, not what americans enjoy. the thing is that this application is owned and controlled by china, that's why. my members of congress and i supported this law; we want to buy the rights to this application, not ban it. we don't want to ban it, we we’ll just confiscate it, because it’s chinese, because it’s chinese, because it’s chinese, because hatred of the chinese is such a tradition in america, it’s
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a bipartisan tradition, it’s a tradition of the broad masses who lived in china at the end of the last century. chinatowns in california, which, and congress passed a law in 1892, the chinese exclusion act, which prohibited the entry of the chinese into america, prohibited the naturalization of those who had already entered, that is , strictly speaking, this is the exclusion of the chinese, it continues, they are now expelling tiktok, they are going to exclude chinese banks from swift, yeah.
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yes, but i think the matter is even deeper than just gaining points or experiencing anti-chinese sentiments, americans thereby really demonstrate that in general only americans can have large popular social networks, no one else on the planet should corrupt them at all, this is a tool of manipulation, this is a means of enrichment, one of the strongest, of course the largest, now the largest corporations in the world in terms of capital. these are just all the companies that actually are engaged in information technology, well, besides, this is a signal from the americans, to the rest of the world, that we are the masters of this planet, only serious things can belong to us, and you are unknown here, this is american swagger, it of course causes
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a terrible negative reaction, and before all, of course, in our country in china, where antony blinken went. chairman of the joint chiefs of staff in the united states, general charles brown , nicknamed swamp thing, spoke about this after the advertisement. russia is an existential evil that must be destroyed to keep america's democracies safe. this is a war general, he was involved in nuclear planning and the practical use of nuclear weapons. yes, they want to radicalize the army, he owns shares in companies of the military-industrial complex, which directly make him beneficiaries of certain orders. it is locket martin that promotes the concept of a rapid global strike, they understand that the alliance between russia and china is becoming too tough for me, they can easily advise
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how to use these nuclear weapons as the main military adviser, he wants war in order to achieve personal fulfillment. i'm not playing for second place, i'm not playing to lose, whatever. charles brown, the black general, tutti's heir dolls, is on the first today. liveliness and bustle. why, i don’t know, they become clear again. yes, i’m used to paying alone, i’m so used to paying alone. these are the finalists of the twelfth season of the voice project. among them, of course, there is a winner, a voice, a final, a live broadcast on saturday, on the first, with
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fabulous ease, a provincial resort turned into the capital of world cinema, mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself, and i’m not i repeat, my god, there are no doors, in this film i play a negative character, i am vindictive. i just left my license. jane's script is real literature. we can't leave the piano. thousands of journalists came to kan for the festival. this isn't a movie anymore, please be careful jack. damn, it hurts. i feel like i'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matodor. on saturday at the first, this is a festival where there are films for everyone, this
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kanda, for the centenary of donatatosanis, i’m going to dargate, can you explain to me what happened, hass, again his trace, so far everything is against us, there is no photograph, we need a person who could identify him, why me, why, well, glory god, and i'm ladenikov? how is he going to go out on the hass, the off season, he is an actor from god, there is a story behind him, how you lived all that time, did you love someone, i don’t know, he was handsome, elegant, impressive, such a foreigner, at the same time ours, no matter how many artists were in the frame, i wanted to look at him, thank you for liked my pun, creates his own heroes...
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today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i’m clear, come here, and you ’ll catch it, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me , you’re lying all the time, why are you lumping everything into one pile, and we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll separate anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the non-tip spouses you know: after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, i want
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to live in the next world together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, then right now i’ll tell linka that i’m leaving, after all, she’s not the first, she’ll cry, she’ll calm down, where is she? champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, but i think that he loves only his wife and does not want to part with her, hello, len, if... conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other , what are you ready for, for anything, life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first one, a big game. live. antony blinken, the us secretary of state in beijing, is trying to improve relations with china at a time when america is doing everything to
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destroy these relations. this is what the foreign press writes. let's start with bloomberg. opening negotiations in china, us secretary of state anthony pancake expressed concern about unfair trade practices of the world's second economy, due to the fact that the threat of sanctions from china loomed during his visit. the us side towards... beijing for its support for russia. blinken stressed that u.s. firms need a level playing field in china, state department spokesman matthew miller said. he also touched upon the topic of non-market economic practices in this asian country. blintkin also intends to hold talks with american business leaders in shanghai, then he will travel to beijing, where he may have a personal meeting with president xidzenping. if he behaves well, that's what the financial times writes. secretary of state anthony blinken has begun his official visit to china, during which he is expected to issue an ultimatum over the war in
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ukraine. beijing has warned the us that it must choose between. that damn he brought another american warning to beijing, a serious one, remember, as a chinese, 125, but this, well, let’s say, the second after elen, yes, elen brought a very serious warning to chinese business, now he’s coming , now he’s arrived, blinkin has arrived, he’s
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actually he will repeat.
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they made an impression, exports decreased chinese machine products to russia, chinese banks have begun to work worse in our direction, and i think that the americans, sensing this weakness, will try, i’m almost sure that sidin pinto will certainly not succumb to any tricks from the outside, i am completely with you, it is sidin pin, he is the guarantor of this long-term,
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far-sighted policy. that they categorically oppose the us deployment of intermediate -range ballistic missiles in the asia-pacific region in the philippines, this was also stated today. of course, such a military-technical demonstration, it seems to me, is not accidental; in this case, these are signals that military-technical diplomatic circles can read, and the most important thing is that these weapons
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that is, well, naturally, today , you know, american diplomacy, if you look at it, perhaps, in retrospect over the past. trade, something else, however, there are also the problems of tiktok, that is, your influence on our media space, but i think that china also understands this very well, these games, i think maybe the americans are not quite up to
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the task or quite to their taste. well, another good answer from china alekseevna is the video that they have just launched about the chinese lunar program, about how they will now build with us. the lunar space station, and, you know, when it is finished, while we are watching this video, it is really very good, interesting, well made, in 1929 chinese and russian cosmonauts will already live on the moon in a space station, and then the same look at the plans for building cities, creating experimental modules there, and so on and so forth. well , how can you not want to stop this crazy run towards the destruction of our american dominance, and this seems to be on behalf of the united states, this is understandable, they generally
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fight all their lives not at all for, and not for their belly, as i say, not for them no one has ever landed at the border, but they are fighting only for interests, for dominance, that’s all. the states simply cannot see it, because china has become so detached from the united states that it is simply no longer theirs. will catch up with the word “never”, and this is irreversible, at the same time china understands perfectly well that if russia is under threat, then they will be next, this they
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know absolutely firmly, chinese policy will never be one hundred percent pro-russian, because it will always 100% pro-chinese, and pro-chinese policy now is really back-to-back resistance to the pressure that our countries... from the united states, who do not want to part with their place at the top of the food chain, so our business is right, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we pass the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don't miss it. hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. this is the main topic. about inflation rates, key rates, business support and more.


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