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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 25, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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and an important clarification: this does not apply to closed parking lots, they operate as usual. that's all for now, the broadcast is on the first, the program will continue, time will tell. the information channel first continues, time will tell the program, we are working live, telegram channels report that the situation is now particularly tense around the village of ocheretina, which is called a key point of defense. ukrainian forces north of avdiivka. the ukrainians are developing an offensive against nearby villages, creating a threat to their rear and flanks. and so what is known about this. unofficial ukrainian sources say the reason for the breakthrough was the withdrawal from positions without orders from one of the brigades. now they are trying to urgently close the formed brezh using reserves, but even if this succeeds, there is no guarantee that the situation will not repeat itself on another sector of the front. this is the real threat used by russia.
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the main blow, this happened on the flanks of avdeevka, which led to the loss of the city, this happened recently near chachovo yar, when the russians were able to quickly approach its outskirts and this is how it is now happened in vocheretino, naturally,
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the hill makes chasafyar a key strategic city for the advance of russian troops. they could use it as a springboard for an offensive deep into eastern ukraine. yara is known. they understand that beyond sentinel yar there is a large open space where, using large mechanized tank and armored columns, they can advance further and try to take most of our territory into a strategic encirclement. we are desperate for more artillery ammunition. this is the main message to the world from sentinel yar right now. don’t abandon ukraine, give us weapons, we’ll do the rest ourselves. and arti’s war correspondent vladislav andretsov gets in touch with us directly. vladislav, hello, how is the situation in chashovo yar now, how are the ukrainians solving the problem with ammunition, if this is a problem at all, and does this concern the problem of drones? yes, hello, it’s active, very active on... on the outskirts of the city of chasofyar - our
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troops are pressing, in particular the northern the ninety-eighth airborne division has advanced, our ivanovo paratroopers, together with the 200th brigade, are now marching in the deciduous forest, as you can see , the greenery has already dawned here, which of course allows us to camouflage the positions a little more, so for now there are battles in this deciduous forest forest in the north hours of yara, yara is working on artillery. artillery generally works perfectly in three directions, which is directly in the southern direction from krasny ivanovsky, in the eastern part, where the canal microdistrict is located, behind which there is a flood barrier, they are equipping new, new structures for defense, they don’t have time, because they are already in the line of sight of artillery, right in the place where they are trying to concrete something there, dig in, and how will you dig in now every day, when drones are constantly flying, they, here ruslan, you said about...
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the roads along which we were driving a few hours ago, in one direction everything is fine, beautiful, clean, you return back, there’s already three rubles, they throw off the babaeg, removes the darkness, needles that puncture tires, a lot of all sorts of such moments, and they are now directly trying to make their fortifications at the railway station, which is located to the north, after the forest clearing, the railway station, there they are trying to build, dig in new, new, new, new , but aviation and artillery are enough, so there is intense fighting constantly
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around the clock, what is the difficulty, what is the difficulty of the watch - this is the elevation, one way or another, no matter which way you look at it, our offensive comes from the bottom up, our troops are moving. in fact, just like that , up a hill, up a hill, this is of course difficult, but as soon as we occupy the dominant height on one of the sides, then the microdistricts of the city itself will then fall under fire control, according to the clock, you said according to in turn, too, you can hear me, yes you can hear, yes, yes ruslan, that’s it, though the ssu confirmed that the 115th brigade left its positions and... interesting, we were talking just a couple of hours ago, i was talking with the commander from that direction , they say that 40 the seventh brigade, which was in avdeevka, should have closed this gap, but since they lost quite a large number of forces, it is difficult to redeploy
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such a number of people to plug holes with them, holes appear on that section of the front one way or another, because in addition to ocheretin , on the left on krasnogorovka, also from the marinka side... pressure, pressure, pressure is already starting, here it turns out that they already have several of these on the front line, and accordingly , reserves are needed back and forth, and supply routes, groupings, for example, they are already gradually, gradually somewhat controlled by our astrelian fire, aviation, and so on and so on. thank you very much, war correspondent arti vladislav andritsa, he was in direct contact with us, serious passions flared up in the security council yesterday, russia opposed the prepared. the united states and japan draft a un resolution on the non-placement of nuclear weapons in outer space. the reason is that the amendment proposed by the russian side and beijing was not added, prohibiting the placement in space in general of any type of weapon, not just nuclear. china
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abstained from voting. after this , the us post-press prion linda thomas greenfield entered the arena and stated that she had recently returned from nagasaki, which actually survived the atom. bombing and accused russia of being manipulative lately, using exclusively nuclear rhetoric, and completely, as if out of place, citing the japanese city of nagasaki as an example. i just returned from a trip to japan, where i had the honor of visiting nagasaki, the last place ever to witness an atomic bomb, it was a reminder of our deep responsibility to prevent disaster.
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japan at the un, mitsu kana said that tokyo will not accept the russian nuclear threat. we would like to reaffirm japan's clear position regarding russia's repeated nuclear rhetoric; as the only country ever to suffer nuclear bombing during the war, japan will never accept a russian nuclear threat, let alone any use of nuclear weapons. and, of course,
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it’s worth saying here that having wiped out hundreds of thousands of japanese from the face of the earth, the americans did everything they could to erase from their memory those who were subject to the atomic bombings in the first place. well, now, what we see, the japanese stand firmly on their exclusively american feet, and they stand on american lies. in general, the americans’ statement is doubly strange to hear, for another reason. that quite recently they recognized russia as a threat to their national security, then they unfoundedly accused us that we were going to place nuclear weapons in space, exactly a month ago, the chairman of the select committee on intelligence of the house of representatives, mike turner, announced a certain plan that the americans have. let's listen. the threat is very serious, i am very glad that the biden administration has begun to take action. we met with the assistant to the president of the united states for national security. he began to develop a plan that would hopefully be a response to the threat
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to us national security from russia. nothing deceives the opinion of others in the west more than the opinion of americans. well let us remind you here that russia has repeatedly stated that we have no plans to place nuclear weapons in space or any weapons in space at all. just recently our president vladimir putin spoke about this. and he laid it out very clearly, especially for western opponents. you and i have already discussed the falsehoods that some figures in the west are making about our supposed plans to deploy nuclear weapons in space, i say allegedly because , as i already said, as we well know, we do not have such plans, but still a question space, the issue of neutralizing threats that may arise for us in the space sphere must constantly... be in the sphere of our attention, franz adamovich, as a military man, why is it that the united states and japan, and japan
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are primarily interested here, are embarrassed to talk about who bombed jeroshima and nagasaki, and most importantly, why the rest of the world is also embarrassed to remind them of this, well, except for us, well , because today we must recognize the dominance of the united states of america, primarily financially and military-technically. all the previous activities of the administration of the united states of america are very strong, it is connected with the fact that they placed their leaders all over the world, they trained them, they placed them, and we see this in almost every country, not one of them, not sunok, not macron, not scholz, independent people, they will never defend anything other than imitation. their national interests, they have been given a task, as for the war of weapons, they have
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such a narrative, they don’t take it into account at all, what happened yesterday doesn’t matter no meaning, for them what matters is what is now and what will be, the americans have always played for the long term, today what is the guile when we talk about the weapons of mass destruction that they presented... they, then today we need to draw some kind of historical analogy, which existed until recently, in the eighteenth year, i think, here, i once commented on a new tool, a universal unmanned aerial vehicle, which the americans launched into near space, it flew for 2 years, and after 2 years it returned, after 2 of the year returned on its own, which can carry various types of weapons. and ammunition, including those based on new physical principles, they tested, yes, of course, that
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was 6 years ago, they have already launched, and today a lot of things that are said in the public sphere, let’s say frankly, even our president, do not they speak thoroughly, we understand what is being said, and today we ensure our security, because the use of nuclear weapons in space due to its composition is meaningless and useless. and if we talk about application nuclear weapons from space to earth, then the means that we have are more effective, reliable, and it is impossible to intercept them today under these conditions, so the conversation about arming space with weapons based on new physical principles is what is driving today the united states, this is task number one, in this case this is the hypocrisy that we... emotionally, psychologically, morally are trying to convey to the whole world,
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it doesn’t matter to these people, they don’t consider us as people, they don’t consider it necessary reckon with us, they have long considered our territory to be theirs, and what will happen today, they are solving their financial issues, just like immediate assistance to ukraine, because the ammunition, which the correspondent told us, and the weapons that exist, have long been delivered. and there is something to fight with, the conversation is about something else, about replenishing ammunition, and the most important thing is that they are changing their weapons package, that is... old ammunition that has been used for 30-40 years, they are supplying to ukraine, and with this money it will be transformed; discussed issues a little more important than ukraine, they talked about weapons in space, when they accused us of trying to send nuclear weapons into space, we took the initiative to adopt a resolution banning any weapons in space, they told us: no, only nuclear weapons
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are not allowed, only you can’t, but does that mean that they already have weapons there,
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for which japan is still absolutely paying for it, and this is essentially a continuation of that very occupation, and what they are doing now from history is not only in japan , for the same reason they don’t say who released auschwitz, yes, for the same reason they don’t say
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who subjected the residential areas of leipzik, gaga, belgrade and a host of other european cities to barbaric, completely unnecessary carpet bombings, there’s no need to say this, but many people really have the impression that america has always brought only light , and the russians are barbarians who came, destroyed everything and so on, you see, when a mention of heroshima and nagasaki appears there, it does not fit into this narrative, so we’d better just not say who, and then, believe me, there will be and those who will say, yes, of course, soviet, yes, as already... many there, after one film , believe in europe that hitler was killed by the americans, yes, burned in a french cinema, then in general i will not be surprised if in the end in the end , let them be sure that this is the soviet union, of course, the evil soviet union threw atomic bombs, they generally rewrite history when they want to somehow influence geography,
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vladimir vladimirovich, in the case of the japanese, well, the united states, of course, thought they were planning . ahead of time, the occupier, that means the japanese islands, they understood, how they can influence other states, erasing certain historical events from their memory, this is the division now according to the geographical, so to speak, principle of the world map, as far as the united states is concerned, i think, first of all, there is, of course, a mental division world, and not geographical specifically.
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they signed, in principle, a secret protocol stating that they have the right to undertake any kind of investigation against america, even journalistic investigations, so with japan, i think it’s exactly the same diplomatic, it cannot be that diplomats change. from time to time, but the same rhetoric remains, it must be recorded, we don’t remember you, you don’t remember us, but how long can this last, or is it already so rooted,
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strengthened that it is impossible to change it, this is the current situation, a new security architecture world, how is it capable of influencing the consciousness of those same japanese? if you take japanese nationalists, they know very well where the threat comes from, they believe that the country really needs de-occupy, nationalists in... are against the chinese, against the vietnamese, everyone who came to them in japan, but nevertheless they are also against the americans, this is not a subculture, this is a technology of development, and there are circles that consider themselves above the simple average a person, if he is japanese, it means they consider themselves so superior that they can manipulate his consciousness, this is transmitted through education, through a statement to the un, and yes, they don’t just say, they forgot who bombed, but no, according to a survey with...
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us approved aid to ukraine, european commission also transferred the next tranche of aid to kiev in the amount of 15 billion. their brothers, their french, also came to the aid of the ukrainians, in a new package, well, what brothers,
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masters, yes, the new package of military assistance to ukraine from paris should include aster-30 anti-aircraft guided missiles, which used for air defense systems. the ukrainian media themselves sell them on as the star of european air defense. the new package of military aid to ukraine from france should include aster-30 missiles, which are used for sampti air defense systems. an important quality of these missiles is their ability to destroy priority targets with a direct hit. sampti have been in service with france and italy since 2011. the main function of these anti-aircraft missile systems is to protect critical facilities. france uses them to cover its air bases, since they are capable of fighting both. it also
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became known that britain will transfer the latest pe4 bombs to isu, as reported by bbc correspondent jonathan bill, these are adjustable air bombs capable of hitting at a distance of more than 30 km in depending on the height of the release and here is laser guidance.
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our three-ton, one-and-a-half-ton bombs can plan to accurately hit a target at a distance of 60-70 km, but here there is laser guidance, yes, here it’s a little different, they interact when dropping this number of bombs, a large number, they interact with each other and hit different targets , without falling into one, well, the mass is 230 kg, and our factories are the smallest, well, there are 250, but 500 are usually used by the smallest one and a half.
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participate in this process, i am afraid that these teachings are close to the zone, natural conditions of the russian federation, is undergoing adaptation in order to slowly, by opening this verton window, gradually introduce people there, and i would like to add, speaking about these new ammunition, why, why are they being introduced, the americans have already opened
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a command center for a year, unique as... satellites, 301 of them are satellites for remote sensing of the earth from different ranges, radar, thermal imaging optical and other means of communication that allow during operation, large-scale serious operation of drones of various types. including artificial intelligence, evaluate actions, reformat the grouping of forces, make it possible to identify some weak points in our country, and of course, this is due to the fact that in these conditions ukraine holds this defense, our offensive has such a smooth, gradual intensity, because military-technical
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cooperation with... today, or rather, the military-technical confrontation is almost equal, that ukraine itself does not have such capabilities, there are no such specialists, and to wage such a war, as they say, they are not able to, we want to remind you that we are currently conducting a special military operation, but the ukrainians want even more weapons, naturally criticizes the west for delaying, the head of ukraine dmitry kuleba in an interview with the british newspaper the guardian said that the west. there is something wrong in the military-industrial complex, he is dissatisfied with the work of the western military-industrial complex, and while the situation at the front is not developing in the best way for ukraine, according to our ministry of defense, in just 24 hours the ssu lost 470 military personnel and 20 sega units. our troops continue to advance, in on the night of april 24, we launched a missile attack on a hostel in kharkov, where ukrainian terrorists were located. also at night
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, a building in the village was hit. boravai , near the city of izyum, kharkov region, the building was used by the ukrainian military for the rotation of their troops, up to 30 military personnel were located there, and in the courtyard there were six units of various equipment. well, apparently, in ukraine they were afraid of our retaliatory strikes and began to urgently transport their industrial enterprises from kharkov further to the west ukraine. and about the current situation in kharkov. we’ll find out from the head of the military-civil administration of the kharkov region, vitaly konstantinovich.
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so that they can already function - on the territory of the lviv, transcarpathian, in particular regions, and leave only in the city that production that will continue to repair military equipment, that is, what is needed near the contact line of ukroreif, that’s why in fact, this is not the first day such information has been received, and what about specific enterprises, this is not only the turboatom plant, other large enterprises are also already taking such actions. and what does it look like, that is, some kind of evacuation team arrives, they remove the machines, load them and take them out, and the people, what about the specialists who worked on these machines, well, people are no exception, people will also be specialists, naturally they will be taken there to the western ukraine
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in order for them to re-equip, re -install this equipment, of course, this is not every ordinary employee can, they need serious specialists, i think they will be brought in from... if there are not enough of them, but they will definitely do it, of course, and the evacuation of the civilian population from the kharkov region is now underway, is it forced or voluntary for now, well, in the kharkov region the regions are still those settlements that are located near the russian border, they have been announced for evacuation, this is the last of the list of the population there were 47 settlements along the northern border, but the city of kharkov itself has not yet been evacuated, yeah. forced mobilization, something that was also said earlier, so i think until they carry out this filtering of the male population, which needs to be driven to the front for slaughter, they will not announce evacuation until the last minute, there was also information in the media
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that medical institutions are being disbanded in kharkov, is this so and what is this for, most importantly? well, this is what i said, that is, in addition to serious strategic enterprises, other objects that... have an impact on the infrastructure and life of the region in general, including ukraine, they will of course be evacuated, because before the start of the northern military district kharkov had a very serious scientific and technical potential, including medical institutions, they were supplied with specialists from kharkov medical schools, the medical university, therefore all academic equipment, the potential that i ’m talking about now, of course, is
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in kharkov, it was mainly engaged in trade from china, from vietnam, so the population was greatly replenished at the expense of these republics, which is why at the beginning of the northern military district it was under 2 million, today the approximate figures are 1,200,300 people. thank you very much, vitaly konstantinovich ganchev, head of the military-civil administration of the kharkov region, was in direct contact with us. now a short advert and we'll be back. chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the us armed forces, general charles brown. nickname: swamp
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thing. russia is an existential evil that must be destroyed if america's glory democracies are to be safe. this is the general of war. he was involved in nuclear planning and practical use of nuclear weapons. the usa, they want to radicalize the army, he has shares in a company of the military-industrial complex, which directly make him a beneficiary of certain orders. namely, locket martin promotes the concept of a quick global strike, they understand that the alliance between russia and china is becoming too tough for them, he can easily advise how to use these nuclear weapons, as the chief military adviser, he wants war in order to be realized. i don't play for second place, i don't play to lose at any cost, including nuclear war. charles brown, the black general, tutti's heir dolls, is on the first today. show,
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fashion verdict on channel one, i’m with you, alexander rogov. over the past month, she ordered black leather shorts. boldly, boldly, red tracksuit. i don’t like the way my daughter dresses at all, especially lately, how she has gained weight, she’s a difficult mother, my mother really wants me to be a decent girl. this is what i call a spectacular appearance, meet me, well, a good, attractive girl, that’s all you can cheer up, look, we can change the color, it seems to me, this is something like that that can be performed in this image, you need something completely new, you are very beautiful, we will prove it to you today, exhale, inhale, image of your daughter. and i didn’t expect such a result at all, this is a different person, lena,
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you are super, a fashionable verdict, a new season, tomorrow on the first, for the centenary of danatas baniones, i’m going to dargate, you can explain to me what happened, hass, his trace again, so far everything is against us, there is no photograph, we need a person who could identify him, please, why exactly me...
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the work of an intelligence officer, i must tell you, requires a great sense of self-esteem and patience. april 28 at the first you are irresistible, like in the primo ballet, all the beauties of the world, i took the keys from my heart, grandfathers, hold, my hand, hold what you want, say, mom said, you are strong, without pushing, blue, unrequited. you didn’t expect such
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a cold wind at night, we will remember your paradise beyond the light, it was so painful for us, i know that if you leave, i will stay, let them not stop waiting for you, the russians are coming, golden gramophone people's prize ceremony, premiere. april 29 on the first. we continue our broadcast. the americans, of course, play the game in front of the europeans. they played the card with long-range atak ms missiles very well. that is, at first they pushed through a bill on providing multibillion-dollar aid to ukraine, in particular.
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will germany still supply ukraine with these missiles? the chancellor has always assured us that he is focused on the united states. the united states will now supply ukraine with atacoms long-range missiles. this is sufficient reason to act now on the taurus issue. we should be guided by the mistakes in germany’s past, and not be guided by the opinions of those who rely solely on their own opinions, meaning, of course, the united states of america. well, here it’s worth noting that... that yesterday before scholz’s meeting with sunak,
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the german opposition called on the british prime minister to put pressure on scholz, whoever put pressure on him, and sunak, they probably also think, will be able to on the issue of supplies tauras missiles to ukraine, these are the methods it is proposed to press ours. the new us package directly calls on biden to provide ukraine with a long-range attack. that's why sunok must also increase the pressure on scholz to finally pass. taurus: for ukraine in 2024, the material issue is critical. however, german chancellor olaf scholz is not falling for this yet. the chancellor said he would not change his decision. do not supply cruise missiles to ukraine. i would like to remind you that we provide a significant portion of ukraine's air defense, including our cheetah self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, including what we made possible with the airis system, which provides first-class air defense support to ukraine, including
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two patriot batteries. as of today, there will soon be three of them with all the missiles that come with them. we see our role in promoting precisely this path. regarding the taurus weapon system, my decision will not change. well, as practice and life experience show, scholz said scholz didn’t do it, but the americans will try to send the best specialists to eliminate the disturbance in scholz's decision-making system. vladim vladimevich, explain to us about scholz, he is unbendable or rubber bends, but does not break, then he bends and bends, but he somehow still manages to maintain the status quo, well, how can he, or maybe he just wants something? in germany, politicians often package their entire foreign policy into the interests of their own party, scholz’s party has been in such a mode of decline since scholz came to the chancellorship that, in principle, one can wish that they would fall further and ever fall out of government clips, you showed
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the zemerman kizweter strike, these are the two main artificially popularized arms lobbyists, warmongers, who are present at... it will be the same from germany, no one will announce that oh, we will deliver taurus tomorrow, they will also deliver taurus, or scholz will have to say goodbye to his chair in the chancellor's office, because the gun lobbyists who currently rule the media space are responsible for lobbying for guns in political spheres, in political spheres, manipulation in the media and
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public consciousness, for the sake of the interests of weapons manufacturers, so i think scholz also looks at his watch like that, every time they think, so damn, how much?
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states, from germany, from finland, and it is interesting that washington not only wants to take advantage of all sorts of european storage facilities for western equipment, but also wants to use european soldiers,
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because america feeds on the meat of foreign soldiers, if the ukrainians run out, then the united states will be on the battlefield the states are ready to let in. europeans. moscow regularly has launched aggressive rhetoric against nato members, but so far it has been all bark and no bite, avoiding contact with nato forces and focusing on neighboring countries outside the alliance, such as georgia and ukraine. the real question is, will russia actually use nuclear weapons if european troops enter ukraine? at some point , european leaders must ignore putin's saber-rattling, which is just that. propaganda. european leaders do not need to follow dictates more and more unreliable united states regarding how the fight in ukraine should be conducted. they can and should decide for themselves how best to ensure freedom. it is also necessary to remember that just recently at the end of february, french president emmael macron
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made a statement that alarmed the whole of europe, he then proposed sending nato troops to ukraine, then he said that he was misunderstood, then it turns out that they misunderstood him, but here it is important there are other points that i also remind, i will do this regularly, that macron made this statement while being a protege of the rothschilds; the rothschild family, as we remember, is a european dynasty. there is now a growing bloc of countries open to direct european intervention in the war in ukraine. this proposal has the warm support
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of glen grant, a former british military attache to the baltics and a former adviser to the ukrainian ministry of defence. if kiev starts losing the war, we will still have to send our troops to ukraine, he says. this leads to the main question: what will happen when body bags start coming home to europe. european troops stationed in significant numbers on the... ukrainian battlefield will be an obvious target for russian missiles, the soldiers will not fall under the protection of article 5 of the nato charter, because the countries sending them will be acting on behalf of europe, not the alliance. mr grant says any european government providing aid to kiev will have to accept the possibility of its citizens dying. well, so that the americans can bask quietly in the sun, europeans, apparently, must fall to the ground. franceda, as far as i understand, they are, of course, rare scum from...
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we understand that nato will go anyway, in this case a statement on europe, well, all european countries are practically in
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a nato state, and to separate a european country, france, germany, great britain from nato to say that these are europeans, well, this is deceit, it will not work in any way, but since they have the media, they do this, why? they are still afraid of using nuclear weapons weapons. you understand, they are afraid , they understand that little by little, by escalating this situation, they do not want to provoke russia, because if they openly say that nato has gone, and those 90 thousand people, nato troops who are conducting exercises in poland today, have gone border, we certainly, taking into account our doctrine, constitution, we will use modern ammunition, this... it’s clear that they understand this matter very well, yes, but at the same time, i wonder if they understand, well, what
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can happen, what the consequences are , if they having brought it out, it means to bite, and you know, now everyone is bluffing, creating certain, as they say, strategic uncertainties, yes, this is a common thing, everyone is bluffing everything from all sides, but still, in particular regarding the f-16, which, we understand, are about to appear in ukraine, it would be necessary to immediately explain, without any hint of bluff, what if
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they are carried out from the airports of european or nato countries.
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there will be a state, russia will no longer exist, even at this moment it won’t press the button, so we can afford it, they can afford it, they are trying to explain this at any media level, at any level, at the political level, and i also drew attention to the barks, but they really barks, only this is an attempt to somehow humiliate russia, in fact , russia has positioned itself very clearly, which means you have come up with a cunning form, russia must be weakened
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along the russian border, at least along the western border. such a number of troops who constantly train, enter leningrad to bomb it, the leningrad region, st. petersburg, practice dropping nuclear bombs, you have such a number of american troops in romania that they can also enter right there, in 12 hours they will be somewhere on the line of contact, this whole form boils down to the fact that when russia weakens, they are ready to enter , let’s, if there are no nuclear weapons, let’s look at this situation, then nato will enter, then nato will enter, it will really be near moscow, this is a fact, but the only deterrent factor is woof-woof, how they try to humiliate, this is such an outstretched arm, on which says nuclear weapons, if you don’t understand the fact that russia has super sound, if you do not understand that something will fly from the stratosphere, but this is your problem, if there are ashes instead of the ephel tower, this is your problem, if there are no more brandenburg gates, in this regard, within the european union often under pressure there from americans, not americans, there is this well, inner feeling, military specialists perfectly
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understand the capabilities of russia and... those weapons, the fear that they will be used in europe, they are announced, those weapons that were simply demonstrated are not used , artificially, on the one hand, it is not inflated, on the other hand, when necessary, oh, russia threatens us, no, it does not threaten us, it states the fact of the use of threats in cases of outposts, it seems to me that both the french and the germans miss russia, or rather russian attacks tough, short advertisement, we'll be back.
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they wanted to either destroy our wounded, or help their own, or both. in any case, the group worked. and if he is a traitor, i will shoot him. according to the laws of war, the story continues. watch after program time. from the command forest, ask for whatever you want, and you know what i want, i would like to send some news to vanya. this is a fashionable verdict on channel one. and i am with you, lilia rakh. girls, let's guess. evelina, lacing with fleece. how do we feel about this? let's quickly get acquainted with our heroine, yes, she's good, you ended your relationship with the sumo coach, i usually
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talk to men very little, in general i don't understand what this girl is doing here, no one told me that i'm beautiful and never, we’re trying, starting a new life, how can i walk down the street with this, listen, why do you need such a friend, it seems that grandpa will get his jersey back? can i hug you, of course, it’s all fixable, it’s all bullshit, being a husband, children, when to be a girl, going on a date in this way, darling, well, it ’s not me, all together, beauty, beauty, the khazhors will have a fashionable one verdict, new season, tomorrow on the first, voice, finale!
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we can't leave, in kan for the festival, thousands of journalists came, this is not a movie anymore, please be careful, jack, damn, it hurts, i feel like i 'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe, thank you for gathering here, matodore on saturday on the first. this is a festival where there are films for everyone. this is cannes. there is an opinion that everyone can judge intelligence quite professionally. this misconception is based on deep study
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of detective novels. to understand the essence of the matter, we need to know only the following. first, in the city of dargate, under the sign of a pharmaceutical center, the german war criminal, dr. hass, finishes his work over new psychochemical weapons, gas and rр. second. our intelligence officer ladeinikov is looking into the hass case. by danatas banionis. dead season. april 28. on the first. there is still an opportunity to make a choice. i have already chosen everything for myself. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today. ah, yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear. you rented a room for a visit. i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re lying, why are you lumping everything together, but we’ll get used to living separately,
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we’ll break up anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but there come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, want to be together with my wife, elena mikhailovna nichaeva. life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first. the americans and british
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are in every possible way pushing the europeans into an open conflict with russia so that their european troops enter ukraine, but the europeans themselves are not very keen on this. they make loud statements, here is a vivid example poland, where defense minister vladislav kasenyak-kamysh said that his country is ready to help ukraine, and then the most interesting thing is to return the conscripted men. i think that many poles are indignant when they see young ukrainian guys in hotels and cafes and hear how much effort we have to make to help ukraine. i am not surprised that ukrainians at the front justify their grievances against their peers scattered around the world, and we are ready to help ukraine return the men of military age who left, but the form of our assistance depends more on ukrainian side. in the past, poland has already...
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offered ukraine assistance in ensuring that those liable for military service return to their country to fulfill their civic duty. and according to media reports, as of january of this year , 4,3000 ukrainians live in the countries of the european union, of which almost 1 million are adult men. meanwhile, ukrainians have been storming the passport offices in warsaw en masse for several days now, local residents, because of the chaos that is going on there, and they themselves...
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talked, threw up their hands and that’s it, went to standing on the side, unable to do anything. kiev realizes that it has less and less time left, more and more people are fleeing the country, so the verkhovna rada made this decision to increase the number of border guards by 15 thousand people. the people's deputy reports that the total number of the state border service during martial law, although there is no martial law in ukraine, nevertheless they are actively using this... formulation and a year after the end of this mythical situation will be up to 75 thousand people, including up to 67 thousand military personnel. well, perhaps the authorities are preparing to strengthen the ranks of border guards before the summer, when with the warming weather, the completion of the deadline for the new law on mobilization may increase the number of people wishing to escape abroad, using the mountains or the tisza river, while in the meantime, the military registration and enlistment office employees are giving nightmares to...
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ukrainian men by taking them to front of all public places, many of them risk their own lives, go to any lengths just to avoid getting to the front line, a new video has appeared in the media of how a ukrainian tried to escape from mobilization to moldova on an air mattress. uklanist paid 4,000 euros for consultation on this method of transportation; if he had contacted us, we would have worked cheaper. it is reported that the man failed to reach the neighboring country. halfway there he was intercepted by border guards, that’s what they call it, they jumped, they swam, no, they jumped, and at the same time the speaker of the state border service andrei demchenko reported that more than 20 people died trying to illegally cross the border. we see quite often people who try to cross the border illegally, they they get fake documents, but our border guards manage to stop such attempts. some escapees continue.
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such a new motivation, purely ukrainian, as i understand it, is actively spreading on social networks; now a photograph taken in one of the kiev military registration and enlistment offices is luring ukrainians to update their data. the military commissar has a prize drawing, which means that as prizes, you see, they offer rolls, gifts, subscriptions to the movie service, and as the main prize they offer an electric scooter, on which, apparently, it will be possible to successfully go to europe later, mikhail, you gave them an idea, honestly admit, they have to think of it, for a count, frankly speaking, it’s too little to suggest a motorcycle, you know , a high-speed one. listen, in fact,
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this is too much for a uhilyant, i, as an uhilyant myself , yes, in a sense too, yes i agree with you, this is nonsense about 20 people, in fact , the number of dead is radically greater, radically, orders of magnitude greater, and the number of those trying to escape precisely alone, again, it increased by an order of magnitude literally in weeks, this is such an insight, yes, because everyone was stopped, well, let’s not call it that... tukhaev, excuse me, border guards, they will only be whitewashed by delays, that is, in fact, they will continue to earn money, but no one will be able to leave the country when they will want, they will simply stop the process altogether, send whoever they can, but in fact, i said and am saying whoever they can - this is too little to have success at the front or in the economy.
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nikita, how can you explain to the hecklers that neither scooters, nor inflatable mattresses, nor queues at embassies, consulates in european countries. in principle, they will not be helped, now everything is going to the point that, using the example of poland, these scammers will begin to be expelled, the only question now is legal support, or maybe they will not begin to remember that in europe the laws prohibit the expulsion of refugees to a combat zone, or rather to a country where fighting is going on, the germans said categorically, no, we will not expel, i just remember how at one time the germans categorically said that we would not supply multiple launch rocket systems fire, we will not supply tanks, we will not supply many things, for now the shols is kept in the context of the taurus, yes, but the fact that the german position is very flexible, every time it becomes more and more flexible as soon as, apparently, the call is somewhere- something from washington, yes,
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it comes to scholz, in this sense i am deeply convinced that that new law on burial in ukraine and really new tools for catching. cannon fodder to send them into this meat grinder, they are directly related to the aid package allocated by the west, everything here is very it’s just that we, when the americans accepted this package, it is very important to look at its structure, they do not send, firstly, 61 billion, they send a maximum of 14 billion, but even this part is sent in portions, it will really only be sent if ukraine will be able to show and zelensky will be able to show that conditionally those... ammunition, and those equipment, supplies and so on, will be used, well, frankly, by new force, manpower, in this sense, as soon as we see a statement about new assistance from the outside west, this automatically means that zelensky has once again agreed
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to simply send several hundred thousand more ukrainians to slaughter, so i am deeply convinced that zelensky, despite the fact that people do not leave their houses, many are trying to leave, in fact... the territory ukraine, someone really, as correctly as a respected colleague said, the last thing he has is simply giving away to corruption components, but even then it doesn’t save him, but despite this, at the official level, let’s say, zelensky will be able to by their curators will report. as for ordinary people, well, i am deeply convinced that poland is indeed probably the country that can create a precedent, according to which not all of these relaxants, the west is extremely interested in ensuring that the genocide of the ukrainian people continues, in this sense, that living force , which exists on the territory of ukraine within these borders, it is already, forgive me for such
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a term, it is of low quality, that is, this is what representatives of the armed forces of ukraine, various structures, including the in the west, that... even despite the number that can be recruited, the quality and training of these people is so low that they will have to recruit, no one will naturally fight for ukraine, neither the french, nor the poles, nor, especially, the germans-americans, therefore, everyone who left, 1 million, well, out of 1 million , 100,000 you can easily get yourself, the poles will create this precedent, i’m sure they will, i’m sure you know, i have a little bit of polish blood in me, i always say, everything that there is something bad in me, it’s only from the poles, that means zelensky clearly complies with agreements with the united states... he gives the united states blood, the united states gives him iron, only on this principle, as i understand it, are the states ready to cooperate with ukraine further. zelensky passes this scandalous bill on mobilization, the united states immediately allocates money to ukraine, the process is underway, but it is
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interesting that the bill could not be passed for a long time due to the position of the speaker of the house of representatives of the united states congress, johnson, mike johnson. his name is, he was initially categorically against it, but then abruptly changed his position, but journalists from the financial times managed to find out how pressure was put on johnson. in the last week of february , a large billboard appeared in front of mike johnson's home church in benton, louisiana, for such a time as this, a bible verse read next to a picture of the damaged berdyansk baptist church on the billboard . us funding to defend ukraine paid off last week when johnson shocked
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washington and us allies by unlocking providing $95 billion for ukraine, israel and taiwan. but not only virtue prompted the americans to pass the bill to help kiev; as always, everything comes down to money. in march, ukrainian telegram channels wrote that lobbyists demanded 50 million dollars from zelensky in order to... collect the required number of votes to approve the bill in congress, and now it is reported that kiev is already planning to make the next contribution, listen. our source in the president's office said that the main the actor in the republican party through whom they lobbied for the adoption of aid to ukraine is considered to be mitch mcconnell, who holds the post of party leader in the senate. he is the long-time leader of the republicans in the us congress and continues to work with the office of the president. is set to spend $100 million on us lobbyists this year to secure aid for 2025.
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igor aleksandrovich, well, we completely forgot that lobbying is legal in the usa, this is a completely normal reaction, very convenient, i paid 50 million to lobbyists so that they would give me 61 billion. where can i participate? well, this is a joke, of course, in fact, this is generally a normal phenomenon, well, i think that... in fact, in principle, there is no uniqueness here, yes, because in principle the american political system, the economic system, it works already according to established rules, strictly speaking, of course, this influence of the arms lobby and the military-industrial complex, it never disappeared, in fact, in general, the only question is how to push it all, yes, that is.. .
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events around ukraine provide an opportunity for speculation, an opportunity for bargaining, an opportunity to receive money first of all, because the american political system serves the economic system, it is no coincidence that in political science there is the concept of the dominant class of the power class, this is not... one thing and the same thing, yes, the ruling class, of course, serves the dominant class, of course, therefore, of course, politicians serve, first of all, the economic interests of influential groups of the same military-industrial complex, well, that’s what i want to say, uh, the strategic goal does not change, yes, this means waging war until the last ukrainian, that means, in order to restrain russia, in order to weaken russia, this is the strategic goal, yes, and not help kiev as such. and periodically in kiev, of course, expresses his dissatisfaction, constantly tries to draw
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attention to himself, yes, that we need help, but the americans already know this, but the problem is that they do not provide assistance to kiev in the first place, but promote their own their own agenda and do not particularly look at the interests of kiev, yes, they, so to speak, listen, but do not listen, yes, in most cases, in this sense, everything is logical, and i would not make everything personal. initially, johnson took the position that there is no money, we assumed that perhaps this was an element of some kind of bargaining, then we realized that since he is trump’s man, this is also trump’s position, now he has been pushed through when many are talking about , which means this may be... the last allocation package assistance to ukraine, but the question immediately arises: well , okay, if we assume, yes, that trump
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again becomes the president of the united states, what is his position again, will he change? that trump, as far as we understand, supported johnson in terms of allocating this money, he gave him the go-ahead, that’s it, the project was accepted, the money went, the help went, whether to expect the next one or not, well, let’s start with the fact that johnson was never against this, they, he had been saying since december that don’t worry, everything will pass, there was a trade inside , in theory, on the southern border, it was all a game, a selective game, and if ukraine held on to the battlefield, it would still be going on. the fact that there will be money, i said from the first day, there will be money, there is no need to worry, no one is completing the ukraine project, it’s all ours who wanted to think and believe in it, no one there has changed their policy and their strategic objectives, all this is being worked out , johnson, if they noticed, and there was no word on the southern border at all, forget about it, 70% of the republican party is against it, don’t care what they want,
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people don’t care, this is democracy, so johnson, just like trump too... trump is there i changed the law a little, the fact that we don’t give money, we give a loan, well, it makes no difference, that no one will pay the loan back, it doesn’t matter, they know it perfectly well, of course, 40 billion goes where, it goes to their donors, who will give it back their money is in kickbacks, well , it’s a bad word even for americans, but that’s how it all works, because johnson, and johnson regarding his christianity, is a person who is not my place to judge a person’s faith, but i judge by his actions, a person. who tells everyone what a believer he is a christian fully funded transgender clinics on the state side, abortion clinics are completely like the speaker of the house of representatives , we don’t touch the problem in ukraine, but the war is a wasteland that destroys children and women and the church is somehow an exemplary
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family man and a christian who goes to church every saturday and says: “lord, forgive us sinners.” that they forgive all the behind-the-scenes intrigues taking place in congress , unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, we will not know, but the fact remains: ukraine received help, and now on nezalezhnaya television they are discussing with all their might how these 60 billion dollars can be spent, look. the us president signed a bill to help ukraine. israel and taiwan. the day before, the document was supported by the us senate, with 79 senators in favor. today president biden, today president biden signed the support package passed by congress. support, in particular the ukrainian one, covered a six-month journey. no matter what anyone says, we get the support we need. we now have a real chance to unite the world
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the majority to force russia to recognize international law, to force russia to peace. the world has this power. throw more weapons at ukraine, and i see that the rhetoric in washington has changed, that is , before, as you know, they always said: we need to defend ukraine or help ukraine defend itself, now this is no longer the case, what they are talking about more is: how can we make sure ukraine wins? help received tripod. us assistance will give ukraine a chance to win, although many experts, including foreign ones, say that this assistance
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enough for effective defense, but offensive actions require a more powerful impulse, including the use of the latest. weapons that we don’t have yet, are the usa and european countries still ready to share with us modern technology, something that can really give a new impetus to development at the front, the point is, it’s a matter of time, sooner or later europe and the usa will come to this conclusion, including assistance to ukraine in the form of appropriate military units, this will also be accepted, and in order to overcome this path, it is necessary to a closer dialogue is possible, which would give the european elite an opportunity. the establishment of the american elite, to really understand what is happening and how the processes will take place in the future. look, nikita, how interesting it turns out, but ukraine is sure, well, okay, there is help, which means now in the form of money and weapons, why they probably have little understanding of how this help is allocated to them and what they will have to give,
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generations will pay the price, if of course they still remain, because zelensky is depriving ukraine altogether every chance, but... what’s really interesting here is, look how this help in their eyes should help them, but if it doesn’t help, then they will help themselves directly. europeans, americans, who should enter ukraine, they in ukraine understand how much this help will be enough for them when europeans should enter their land, in their opinion, well, i think that those who profited from american aid, who resold weapons, who, as we know, all kinds of government orders were increased there by 5-6 times in order to in the same europe, buy cars there for your relatives. the united states
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of america is aimed at victory, that after this help, this is the most interesting thing, sooner or later they will come to the idea that they need to send directly manpower, not just instructors and so on, this is of course an attempt, well, actually such a good mine if the game is bad, everything is absolutely fine. understand that this assistance will not change in any way, firstly, the course of hostilities, by the way, western analysts themselves say this, the second very important point is that indeed, ukraine will be supported until the moment it can inflict certain, indeed very sensitive blows on russia, but even the nature of the assistance that we will see in the near future, if after all, this assistance will indeed be quickly transferred, because even great britain, for example, is one of ukraine’s main allies. the fund hasn’t been able to master it normally and transfer it for six months, but that’s already history, they were just waiting for this go-ahead from washington, there was a go-ahead and that’s it now okay, the question is how long this assistance will be enough,
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it won’t be enough for anything, really, for what, but nevertheless, they supply weapons from the point of view of meeting the needs of the front, well , probably for some 3-4-5 months they prolonged it a little, the only thing i would say is that all the characters are familiar, by the way, this is roma the immortal.
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left the ranks of the armed forces, contentedly, yes, he says, they fought for several days, left, that is, or left there longer, that is , in fact, the situation is catastrophic, it is constantly going on, the wave of those who refuses to carry out orders, it is constantly possible for this reason, including us secretary of state antony blinken, who arrived in china yesterday, because china, although unofficially, although why unofficially, unofficially supports us, including, and through various, well, economic methods, let’s say, there in the us the assumption is that support goes beyond the exclusive. economic relations, but these are their problems, in fact, they met blinkin, well , let’s say, also without a carpet, they didn’t lay out, draw your own conclusions, but the most
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it’s interesting why this whole thing is happening precisely against the backdrop of the fact that president biden, just as soon as blinken landed in shanghai, signed a bill allocating financial assistance to taiwan, let’s say, not in order to be friends with china, here how they reacted to the arrival on social networks in china, or more precisely in america, how they reacted. an interesting detail: it seems that the united states decided to declare war on chinese social networks, the fact is that at the time of blinken’s visit , joseph biden just had to sign a bill on forced sale,
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forced sale, but in a country where it means freedom to do business and so on, or close the chinese network tiktok, it’s just purely ultimatums that are being conducted in the united states, that’s what they say about it in the american news. president biden signed the bill, which... may ban tiktok in the us, the legal issue could take years to resolve, and even president biden will continue to use the platform for his election campaign. security representatives. in washington they fear that the chinese the government could use tiktok for propaganda aimed at interfering in the us election or to spy on some of the 170 million americans who use the app. the law gives the chinese company from 9 to 12 months to sell the social network, which will have to be based in the united states or the application will be blocked. the show's ceo zi wrote a response on social media. let's get a look. a powerful way to be
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seen and heard, that's why so many people have made tiktok a part of their daily lives, we're not going anywhere, we we are confident in ourselves and will continue to fight for your rights in the courts, the facts and the constitution are on our side, we expect to win, well, it’s worth noting that china , of course, responded to this ultimatum behavior of the united states, they said that this is just the real robbery, it really reminds you, you know, of how bandits take you to the high road and in fairy tales. in the states, how do they generally perceive this intention of the americans to overcome the simply impudent tiktok method, well, that is, yes, or you work, but you work only under ours management, or get out altogether.
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and this is the news that was, well, when congress approved the aid package, the people are very indignant, very angry, and also this is a ban somehow, but how is it against our values, but where is our freedom, free america, where is our free freedom words, well , we understand that this is no longer there, we understand that there is absolutely nothing, this is a different america, just like biden came to power, the country has absolutely turned into something
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that we no longer understand. will not comply with the principles the democratic party or the fact that the data of american tiktok users may end up in the hands of the chinese government, well, as you know, all the major technology companies, including facebook, instagram, linkedin, they are all under the control of the democratic party, tiktak is the only one left, i'm sorry, but twitter, twitter and tiktok are not under the control of our party, the party
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in power. they want to correct this situation, well , yes, this is really one reason, but the second reason is the fight of our elite against in china, in their worldview, the third world war is already underway, it is against your country, against iran and against china, but for now it is a hybrid war, now hot, now there is a sanction, diplomatic, diplomacy on the front, information front, this is an attack on tiktak - this is also part of this hybrid war against china.
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china, it means that he first arrived in shanghai, now he is in beijing, why did he fly, what ultimatum did he prepare for the chinese, because well, to say that he will conduct some kind of diplomatic dialogue, but in light of what the united states is doing, it’s not even necessary, yes, well , there are not at all the main questions, there’s like a ban on technology, our technology, supposedly our technology is better than chinese, i don’t know, it’s our people who say: well there there are many other questions, but the most important question is how to disrupt this friendship between china and russia, so that china stops being friends and bargaining and leading. friendship with your country is blinkin’s main task, because as we know, our elite and this is their most important the strategic goal is to really destroy your country, but we know this, we have seen this for many years, and this will
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continue, they will very, very deliberately work in this direction to disrupt relations between china and russia and threatens, therefore damn he really threatens, but he threatens the white house.
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the future world may be tripolar, these are the usa, russia and china, it was not in vain that he said this, and so, of course, of course, the strategic goal of the americans is to ensure maximum isolation of russia, in the conditions of the emerging multipolar world, of course, the complication of relations between russia and china and india, with china, the americans, in my expert opinion, are turning out worse than with india, this is my personal opinion, so, of course, this landing force that periodically lands in china, let me remind you , that just recently there was a visit by the secretary of the treasury, usa, yes, janet yelin,
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just to china, yeah, here, as if this is an objective reality, it plays into our hands, that is, it is in the interests of russia, because this is an objective reality, it's just cannot be changed, and china... will not continue to listen to the advice of the americans, especially to the american dictate, and so the americans are now actively forming positions of request, and in diplomacy there is such a concept that later, if something goes away, they can change it for something, that is, this is a subject for diplomatic bargaining, what are the risks? , from now on you take note of everyone with whom he is meets, in case of danger you do not show yourself, we are investigating a criminal
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offense, we urgently need the files of these people. grigory ivanovich, where are you going, with you? where is he? here, egor? he was always there, never went anywhere, didn’t try to talk to anyone so you wouldn’t see it, you suspect yegor of something, according to the laws of war, a story with a continuation, look after the program for the time, 52 steps to happiness, one step to week, today we will learn to take steps up the stairs. down how radically your life will change after we’ll talk about this, about many other things in the program live healthy, tomorrow on the first, voice, finale, live broadcast on saturday on
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the first, with fabulous ease a provincial resort has turned into the capital of world cinema, mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself? and i ’m not repeating myself, my god, are there no doors, in this film i play a negative hero, i’m an avenger, i just left my rights, jane’s script is real literature, we can’t leave the piano, in kan at the festival, thousands came journalists, this no more movies, please be careful, jack. damn, it hurts! i feel like i'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matodor. on saturday at the first, this is
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a festival where there are films for everyone, this is cannes, you are irresistible, like in the primo ballet, all the beauties of the world, from my heart, i took the keys, hold, hold, my hand, hold what you want, say , mom said, you are strong. if you leave, i will stay, let me not stop waiting for you, the russians are going through the ceremony. presentation of the people's prize golden gramophone,
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premiere on april 29 at the first. today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, and see the light, come here, and you will catch it, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re lying, why are you lumping everything together , but we get used to living separately, they will still separate. well, understand, we don’t decide, but come up with something. so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses, known to you, that after death they want be together. i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, want to live in the next world together with my wife, elena mikhailovna nichaeva. well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, i’ll tell you right now, lenka, that i’m leaving her? in the end, she won’t be the first to cry and calm down. where's the champagne? “i tired him out with my hysterics, horoscopes,
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suspicions, but i think that he only loves his wife and doesn’t want to part with her, hello, len, a frivolous conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, on that you are ready for anything, life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first one! usa to china, let the banks put pressure, stanislav mikhailovich, will the americans put pressure on china? absolutely not, the chinese love this triangle, russia, china and america , and they are not going to stand alone with america. they understand that if we are destroyed, china
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will be surrounded, and those fragments that remain from russia will also be on the american side, american tools against china, that’s what the americans want, you never know. , what they want, well, that’s another matter, we are not going to give up, of course, and the chinese also understand this, we are the rear for china, china is the rear for us, otherwise it will encircle china, china will now create a parallel financial system that will work with russia separately without any american influence. turnover with russia is growing, with america, it has been falling for a long time, b. the chinese cannot forget the chinese memory, the chinese are not japanese, they have not forgotten who harmed them, the century of decline of the chinese, the 19th century has not been forgotten, no one they didn’t forgive, and the chinese, chinese, actually slaves, built american railroads, they don’t really talk about this in america, they don’t think about it at all in europe, and the chinese haven’t forgotten about this city either. they haven’t forgotten anything, the chinese don’t forget, they don’t forgive anything, they will take revenge
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on america, this is unconditional, just as they want to take revenge on japan and others, that no, they will not move away from this, they understand where this is going, the americans only have one the task is to bring everyone to their knees, and they understand this, they understand perfectly well when many they say that they mean that we need to think about a new world order, no, the americans are right, mikhailovich, about something else, they don’t need a new world order. and they need a new one, even an old one, but in the american way, american disorder, a big game, will continue to air on the first. good afternoon, live broadcast, a big game, and i, vyacheslav nikonov, are waiting for putin’s speech at the congress of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs, the speech will start any minute, a big one has been announced.
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freezing and confiscation of our gold and foreign exchange reserves, so today we are waiting for interesting news from the congress of the rsp, well, from the fronts of a special military operation, news now comes every day in large quantities, ours delivered serious, powerful blows to dnepropetrovsk, crimea rog, nikolaev, and progress on the ground here, especially in the ocheretin area, well, simply. unprecedented, i would say, in recent months. boris aleksandrovich rozhen is closely monitoring all this. boris alexandrovich, good afternoon, the floor is yours. oh, good afternoon, yes, indeed, on against the backdrop of intensive campaigns of attacks on a number of areas, on military infrastructure, on logistics, successful offensive actions of our troops continue, there are
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successes in many directions, if we go from south to north, then our troops managed to take several more enemy strongholds in the area. work, here our pressure is steadily affecting and the enemy is gradually losing positions on the vremya ledge today without much change, in the ugledar direction our troops continue to move towards the highway ugledar-konstantinovka, there are also battles on the outskirts of paroskovievka, in the maryainsky direction our troops are successfully advancing in krasnogorovka, the dominant stronghold in the city has been taken, this is a fireproof plant, russian flags have already been hung there. and there it was actually taken, practically all the large buildings that the party used as its largest defensive position were taken, accordingly, now our troops will advance to the private sector in the north of the city, the liberation of which is just around the corner, accordingly, take the positions of the opponents krasnogorovka foreshadows a decrease
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in the intensity of shelling of donetsk from this direction, our troops have also advanced in georgievka, and our army has had serious successes in avdeevsky. direction, after the liberation of ocheretin, our troops also liberated the village of novobakhmutovka to the south of ocheredin , they are now fighting for the liberation of the village of solovyovo, the enemy there also does not offer enough serious resistance when pressed, he retreats and accordingly one can expect that the area to the south is cheretina here to berdychi semyonovka will soon come under control of our troops. also, our troops are close to liberation. semyonovka is full, and there are also battles on the outskirts of nitailov and umansky, here the enemy cannot yet check out our offensive, our troops have also advanced to novo-kalinovo, soon we can expect the start of battles for ceramics, further, which means in the artyomovsk direction our troops have achieved certain tactical success on the flanks of the yar clock, here we are trying
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to pull up the flanks in order to attack the city from several directions at once, and our troops are also fighting directly on the edges chasyar, enemy positions on... with an intense airstrike, which means that on the northern ledge our troops continue to press in the veselov area in the direction of the extraction, there is slight progress, in belogorovka there are still no changes, in the krasnoliman direction the enemy attempted a counterattack in the terna area, it was repelled, the battles there are again of a positional nature, well, the svatovo kupyansk direction is still unchanged, in general the initiative is completely taken over, the most critical situation for the enemy is now developing in avdeevsky and...
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as it turns out, he came to ukraine, let's see what this package looks like, the first package for 1 billion of those 61 that they announced for ukraine has already been voted on, corseso hymer missile, 155mm ammunition, 105mm artillery ammunition, mortar rounds, air defense missiles rome-7 and am 9m, well, bmp bradly car.
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that in february of this year, the president ordered his team to send a significant number of tacoma missiles to ukraine for use within its sovereign territory. these deliveries began within the military aid package of march 12 has already arrived in ukraine. until recently, we were unable to transfer these missiles due to concerns about our own combat readiness. however, behind closed doors, our administration has worked tirelessly to allay these concerns. we now have a significant number of attack missiles. that come off the assembly line to replenish us supplies. as a result, we can transfer these missiles while maintaining combat
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readiness of the us military. an honest admission that we violated all laws because that in fact there were no laws on appropriation for ms attacks. illegal deliveries, well, america has been acting out of lawlessness for a long time inside the country outside its borders. well, they have already been used, used on the battlefield, many sources have already been used. asserts, to what extent, indeed, are american hopes obviously connected with the fact that they will be able to change something on the battlefield, how justified is this? well, they probably expect to at least stop our progress, in this regard, republicans and democrats are similar in opinion, it is important for democrats not to lose territory, not to fall on their face in front of the western world on the eve of the election campaign. the republicans, through the mouth of johnson , say that we need a strong...
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president who can send surplus from the warehouses of the us army to ukraine, in principle , he can do this as much as he likes, since there are no restrictions that are attributed to certain types of , which should remain in warehouses, more. part of the package that will now be assigned to ukraine will be used to replenish those transferred earlier, which were actually transferred under this program atak ms missiles, but salevan, of course, is disingenuous as always, salevan is the man who told us in the fall that he saw ukraine’s counteroffensive plans, they are ingenious and they were made jointly with us, and we will defeat the russians there. now he is no longer so optimistic about this program, but he is deceiving that they are releasing new atacoms missiles, they have already been withdrawn from service, they have launched a new... longer -range missile, called the prism precision strike missile, which can be launched from these highers settings, but if we reverse
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a little attention to the aid package, the emphasis, of course, on the plo complexes is the so-called frankenstein complex, when they take soviet installations, beech or something else, they put missiles that are being removed from service, air, air for launching the ground, that’s where most likely there will be a large number of these missiles of the type already indicated there, but they really hope, probably , that he... good afternoon, what is your news, hello, hello, we have good
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news, good news is coming from the fronts of a special military operation, the day before our fifteenth assault brigade and the special forces battalion arbat finally unloaded the russian flag on one of the houses in the village of ocheretina. we are moving further, further and further, taking up new positions, the marriage is progressing, and moreover, according to the latest reports from the front, we have already gone too far. neighboring solovyova, we are waiting for good news from our fighters from there. here's another good news about how the guys help each other. our soldiers show not only courage, but also dedication, as one of our officers friends who were brave during the assault, ocheretina pulled out our wounded man on himself and carried him to a safe position, saving his life, while he risked his life. these are our wonderful heroes. i want to remind you that our collection for rap is still ongoing, we... continue to collect, we continue to distribute our rap, which is already ready and which was made with the funds you collected, our dear
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viewers, thank you very much for this, i remind you that the means of electronic warfare now one of the most important positions at the front, because we help our guys drive up to the front line, take out the wounded, bring in food, bring in ammunition, all this helps us do rap, so thank you very much, join our gathering of the popular front, thank you, thank you, anastasia mikhailovsky, military correspondent of the russian spring, we are waiting for your reports, take care ourselves, and we call on tv viewers, using the qr code that you see on your screens. go help our fighters in acquiring electronic warfare equipment, they are really necessary on the front line. but for ukraine the problem is not only weapons, for ukraine the problem is also the personnel of the armed forces, which is melting, rapidly melting, especially the units under fire, which are naturally already ground up mainly on the line
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of combat contact. and now ukraine has not only adopted a law on... mobilization, but is also trying to catch all ukrainians who are abroad with a wide net, and we know that a resolution has already been adopted prohibiting the issuance of new passports abroad, and generally serving men who are at military age before they will register at the military registration and enlistment offices or come to ukraine in order to go into battle, but here, i think, for their dear soul, the polish people will want to help them first of all. authorities, the minister of defense of poland, who is also the deputy prime minister, made a wonderful statement, simply. i am not surprised that the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine made such a decision. the ukrainian authorities are doing everything to provide the front with new soldiers, because the need for them is enormous. i think that many of our compatriots were indignant when they see young ukrainian men in a cafe, against the backdrop of how much effort
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we are making to help ukraine. i’m also not surprised that those ukrainians who are at... the front harbor a grudge against their peers who have been scattered around the world. we have long suggested to the ukrainian side that we can help identify those who are subject to conscription and should go to ukraine, this is their civic duty. that is, the polish ministry of defense will help ukraine catch all ukrainians and send them to hell. alekseevich, i believe that what we talked about about a year ago, we had a very it's a big debate: will they give it away or won't they? extradite, and i remember we said that of course they would, and you then said that the poles would start, and you know, time passes and clearly it is the poles in all voivodeships who begin to identify all draft dodgers, consulates throughout europe are now performing the functions not consulates, this is exclusively the function of military registration and enlistment offices, in every consulate there are military people from ukraine trying to catch them in every possible way, and local authorities, especially
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democratic countries, they take note and ask... all those vigilant citizens, who see young ukrainians behaving especially badly, put them on a pencil and tell them where they live. by and large, europe has returned to its usual fold: knocking, surrendering and betraying. the era when europe wanted to feed someone and save someone is over. precisely, probably, now, which is why, speaking in sarbon, the french president begins to talk a lot about how the situation could be resolved later.
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the united states and japan introduced a draft resolution on non-deployment in space. the us permanent representative asked us the question is why, we answered it, we want a ban on all weapons in space, and not just weapons of mass destruction, but you don’t want that, i’ll ask you the same question, why my american colleague, by the way, talked about her trip to japan visit nagasaki, about the horrific consequences of nuclear
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bombing. "can i ask if she will enlighten us on who carried out this nuclear bombing, for the only time in the history of mankind, or maybe our japanese colleague will tell us about this, a country that has never in my memory named the country, which bombed her, as if the nuclear bombs dropped on jeroshimo nagasaki really came from outer space and came out of nowhere, like that. conversation, of course, representatives of the usa and japan did not answer anything to vasily nebendze, they simply don’t know who bombed the government buildings, and indeed, if we talk about tokyo’s policy, it... somehow, well, they are completely included in their conjuncture, so to speak , colleagues in the san-french treaty of the fifty-first year, they strictly observe their allied obligations in this regard, but what
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regarding the deployment of weapons in space, here you should first of all pay attention to the efforts of the us space forces and the space command of this country, which is now engaged in deployment in orbit as well as in low orbit. so on the average, the so-called distributed architecture of combat operations in space, which implies a large satellite constellation, which will allow, well , in fact, to place satellite detection equipment in orbit and thus contribute to the emergence of a single contour means of detecting weapons that will be controlled.
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in the united states itself , in my opinion, a very acute political crisis is now unfolding, due to the fact that all the rules of the game, all the rules of man and all the agreements that exist between all parties, after
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advertising, are being violated there. chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the us armed forces, general charles brown, nicknamed swamp creature. russia is an existential evil that must be destroyed for democracy. words of america were safe, this is a war general, he was involved in nuclear planning and the practical use of nuclear weapons, he is the author of a program to reduce the quota of white air force officers in the united states. they want to radicalize the army. he owns shares in companies in the military-industrial complex, which directly make him a beneficiary of certain orders. namely, locket martin is promoting the concept of rapid global strike. they understand that the alliance between russia and china is becoming. can easily advise on his teeth, as the chief military adviser, to use nuclear weapons, he wants war in order to realize himself personally, i do not play for second place, i do not play in order to lose at any cost, including
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nuclear war, charles brown, the black general, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. cognac monte shococa, product of stellor group. liveliness and bustle. i don’t know why, the country is clear. yes, i’m used to paying alone, i’m so used to paying alone. these are the finalists of the twelfth season of the voice project, among them, of course, there is a winner, voice, final, live broadcast on
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saturday on the first, for the centenary of donatatos boniones, i’m going to dargate, can you explain to me what happened, hass, again his trace, so far everything is against us, there is no photograph, we need a person who could know, for mercy, why me, why? well , thank god, and i’m ladennikov, how is he going to go on show, it’s low season, he’s an actor from god, there’s a story behind him, how did you live all that time, did you love anyone? i don’t know, he was handsome, elegant, imposing, such a foreigner, but at the same time ours, no matter how much was in the frame. i wanted to look at him thank you for liking it, my pun, he doesn’t create his heroes so completely unique, behind whom there is a whole life, i’m more like that as a human being.
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played about his youth there, if wishes are not fulfilled, people will forget how to dream, he was from another world, in general, from another time period, the premiere of a documentary film, the work of an intelligence officer, i must tell you, requires a great sense of self-esteem, patience, april 28 on the first, you are irresistible, like the prima ballet, all the beauties of the world. from i took the keys of my heart, hold, hold, my hand, hold what you want, say, my mother said, you are strong, without him the sky is blue, unrequited, you waited at night for such a cold wind, we will remember our cherished paradise. he
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was the best for the two of us, so know, if you leave, i will stay, don’t let them stop waiting for you, the russians are coming, the golden gramophone people’s award ceremony, the premiere on april 29 at the first, this is my fight, the line burns through my fight, yes. ends exactly that beloved, beloved, beloved, roads, roads, roads, we run away different roads, don’t guess at love, i see in blind eyes, we know for sure, the ice will melt, the silence of midnight will sing loudly, a long day.
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this long, so short, the heat of dubai whispers something to us, hugging the ice melts, you are a sailor, i am a sailor, you are a fisherman, i am a fisherman, take a walk on april 30 on the first. game live. the other day, the us state department released an annual report on human rights violations in the world, including in the russian federation. well, the ministry of foreign affairs, it also immediately responded to america with a report on the state of human rights in united states of america. and we came to the conclusion that this state is simply going nowhere. there are marked manifestations of racial, national, and religious intolerance. do you agree? yes. discrimination. for various reasons,
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excessive use of police force, what we see, a violation of the rights of russian citizens and us compatriots, how? violation of the rights of russian citizens in us penitentiaries, why only russians, the situation of migrants in general is known to everyone, violation of the rights of minors in prisons is also known, indiscriminate use forces in zones of armed conflicts, they are already bombing, they are bombing, the prison in guantanama, as it was, so...
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this list can be continued, but what is most interesting in this list is all true, all true, the united states really violates all possible norms, well, i’m not talking about the fact that with their military assistance to ukraine, taiwan, israel, they are simply deepening all these problems very seriously, but joe biden is full of optimism, for his young, inextinguishable enthusiasm, that’s how he spoke about helping ukraine. i signed the law on national security aid package approved by the house and senate. this will make america and the world safer. it also promotes american leadership in the world, everyone knows that. this will provide vital support to america's partners so they can defend against threats to their sovereignty. putin's friends provide him with everything he needs. iran sends him a drone.
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that there are more shells and various weapons than are needed for the fronts, the russians are working on the warehouse, this suggests that our military-political leadership understands , among other things, the prospects for a major global confrontation, including against european armies, for a reason, they are accumulating reserves, constantly conducting exercises,
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including now on our russian finnish border, accumulating weapons and equipment on the belarusian border, where we have allied states, the west understands this, the west understands that... the consensus that was reached between republicans and democrats does not take into account internal american problems associated with a huge, therefore, situation with migrants, with a very strong obsolescence of the entire infrastructure, not only the railway, which we are discussing here, but the port, and the road, this is all that was done in the twenties, now it is simply worn out, in some then some americans have even lost the competence of technologies of such systems, and an important point is connected with drugs...
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these huge contracts are allocated, someone says that 60 billion, which the military-industrial complex will now master, will allocate of this money, the democrats receive money for biden's election campaign, well, the deep state, which is also skimming the cream in this situation, it is very predictable, it operates according to one principle: if they conduct some kind of offensive operation, military operations, they will conduct it the point is to invest fully until they break it... as has happened more than once, it happened in vietnam and afghanistan, where they simply fled later, but until this moment they will act exactly like this, how biden is acting now is to throw money into an absolutely hopeless cause, but with persistence, which will cost a lot of
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lives, first of all, for ukrainians, because if for the military-industrial complex these are military orders, then for ukrainians these are just extra graves and nothing else. and the united states is increasingly acting on the principle of a raider, on the principle of the mafia, they simply made robbery the basis of their policy. g7 leaders jointly stated that russian assets will remain frozen until they are used for recovery. ideally, the us and europe should act together, given the fact that most of these assets are located in europe. i can say that this issue will be one of the central topics at the g7 summit in june.
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well, that is, in june they announced a subpoena to us, the americans just passed this law on the confiscation of all our assets in the united states, which is simple. those assets that are seized in europe, they speak about this honestly and frankly, we do not
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want us to spend more than we can then steal, they speak honestly and frankly, but europeans understand perfectly well that a precedent was created by america, russian money was stolen, it turns out that now the united states of america wants to issue a license to a filibuster, a corsair, whatever you want to call him, but these are swindlers and pirates who will rob someone else’s property, and china will probably look at this very well. smile, and i will remind you that the trade turnover between the united states of america and the european union is a little more than 1.6 trillion dollars today, or the european union still accounts for the wine share. so do you think that china, which now holds quite a lot of money for this joint trade turnover in european banks, including belgian banks, will simply smile and watch as you take away and steal russian money? no, none of the brix countries from the global majority will look at this either. because the precedent that has now been created, which should become a reality in june of this year,
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means that a collapse in the financial system is guaranteed, well, you haven’t mentioned this yet, our possible retaliatory measures, our possible retaliatory measures, they will certainly surpass any steps from the west, since we have more funds frozen than our funds are frozen in the west, so they will definitely never be able to win this game, we will always freeze the pain. especially among the americans, because there in america, that’s what they froze, well, 5 billion, okay, we have about 100 of them, because once we freeze it, it’s not enough, it won’t seem either, then we’ll use this money for the needs of the ministry too defense, for the needs of the suffering people there palestine, for the restoration of the gas sector, you see, i will have to play this game alone, in addition to the fact that all other countries will simply take their money out of european and american assets. this means that they will have nothing to live on, because they themselves have not produced anything for a long time, this is a bubble economy, but
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now this is not enough for them, they decided to play this game with china, this is of course, in my opinion , such a serious turning point, maybe even a point of no return in relations between china and the united states the states of america, the story with tiktok, yes, but this is not the first time the americans have attacked - the chinese high-tech sector, the owner of huawei was already in prison in or under house arrest in canada, it was the case, now they have already passed a law, a law allowing the administration the united states should take away tiktok, well, in fact, the cynicism is amazing, but how else does it lend itself, this is double cynicism, let's listen, it's not about
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the ban, it's about buying licensing rights. this concerns our national security, and not what americans use. the thing is that this application is owned and controlled by china. that's why members of congress and i supported this legislation. we want to buy the rights to this.
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usa, then it continued in the european union. not long ago , it was prohibited to acquire or purchase any chinese-made equipment in the interests of both american government agencies and the interests of national security and now washington. goes directly to those things, to applications, to platforms through which they, so to speak, believe that the chinese can influence certain processes, both politically.
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faced with what we have been facing for several months now, yes, their asset is simply taken away from them, and the asset is, let’s say, not small, the americans are thereby saying, in this world only we, the americans, can own popular social networks, no one else , we are the masters of this planet, and you came here for a walk, that is, this message in this situation, in my opinion, is simply very clear, yes, that is, we don’t like that those who? chinese, it must be american, who are the chinese anyway, why would they own such a wonderful asset? no, in no case, and all this, of course , is against the backdrop of blinkin’s visit to beijing now, yes, that is, it is clear that the background there for the visit is far from the best, i think blinken will leave there with a very enchanted face, which he is increasingly showing after traveling abroad
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recently, there are powerful protests in america itself. was defeated, it is a leading university the united states in massachusetts and california is harshly dispersing the students of the university of california, they are also using very harsh means against the protesters, and they are actually being detained, well
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, the protesters are also well prepared, from the same month it shows that they already have food reserves there. water - they come from somewhere, that is, the maidan is actually in full force, but the number of these universities is growing, as is the severity of the reaction from the american authorities, here is the greek ebat, let's listen to the governor of the state of texas. arrests will continue until the crowd disperses, these protesters belong in jail, anti-semitism will not be tolerated in texas. dot. students participating in hateful, anti-semitic protests at any public college or university in texas should be expelled. that is, anti-war protests were reclassified as anti-israeli or even anti-zionist. well, michael johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives, went to
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columbia university, which was the first to seeth, and he was greeted there, as i i don't think they've seen him anywhere. let’s listen to this, they whistled at him, and then just started chanting, chanting, which i probably won’t repeat, but we translated it mike, you suck, mike, you suck, the masses chanted, in general, they didn’t give him much time to speak, which made him so angry american authorities in such protests? just six months ago, literally the united states of america was also overwhelmed by such unrest, students came out, came out in new york, came out in massachusetts, but these were such scattered actions, they came out very quickly suppressed and, first of all, by the forces of the heads
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of certain schools and deans of faculties, the deans issued certain orders with exceptions, and returned tuition fees. students were simply expelled, it didn’t matter whether you were a good student or a bad student, you were simply expelled for violating the institute’s regulations. today , this is becoming a completely mass phenomenon, thousands of students are already studying in osten, and if we look at the fairly conservative ones, boston once turned into the arena of a real battle. students, they are not afraid that they will not graduate from harvard, they they understand that now america is not just beginning to become angry, it is dying, that it is now or never, and the main slogan. americans don’t talk about him, they say that now, when we come out, we are not fighting for palestine, we are fighting for the america that our parents found, that’s what the students are talking about, and we want america to be what we are we have never... seen it, we want the america of the eighties, the seventies, finally, we want the america of the nineties, we do not want an america of arbitrariness, it is these political slogans, not those the accusations of anti-semitism that
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are stuck on them are the worst thing, the political slogans that current students come out with, yes, but i’m afraid of america, which its parents remember, which i also remember from the eighties, they definitely won’t see it anymore, because it there was once a decent country, now, and of course the policy... which is supported by the united states in the middle east, this policy simply does not stand up to any criticism, it is beyond good and evil, we talk about this after the advertisement. chairman joint chiefs of staff of the us armed forces, general charles brown. nicknamed swamp thing. russia is an existential evil that must be destroyed so that democracy and america's glory are safe. this is a war general, he was engaged.
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teaches her olympic jersey back, yes, can i hug you, of course, this is all fixable, it’s all bullshit, life with a husband, children, when to be a girl, we’re going on a date in this way, dear mom, well, it’s not me, all together, beautiful, beautiful , the hackers will have a fashionable verdict, a new season, tomorrow on the first, absolutely. it is clear that the closer the work is to completion , the greater the chances for other intelligence services to detect it. there is one west german intelligence officer and one russian in the city. for
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the centenary of danatos banionis, low season, april 28, on the first. the work of a scout , i must tell you, requires a great sense of self-esteem and patience. you are irresistible. in the ballet prima, all the beauties of the world, i took the keys from my heart, hold, hold, my hand, hold what you want, tell me, my mother said, you are strong, you can’t be happier without him, unrequited, you didn’t expect this at night cold wind. let's remember our forbidden paradise, it was for the two of us, i want you to know, if you leave, i will stay, let them not
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stop waiting for you, the russians are coming, the golden gramophone people's award ceremony, premiere on april 29 at the first. the grand opening took place today. i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you ’re lying, why are you lumping everything together, and we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll break up anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, received from non-tipping spouses known to you statement, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, want to live together in the next world with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, here right
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now. i’ll tell lenka that i’m leaving her. in the end, she won’t be the first to cry and calm down. where's the champagne? i tortured him with my hysterics, horoscopes, and suspicions. but i think that he only loves his wife and does not want to part with her. hello, len, not a serious conversation. are they sure that truly love each other. what are you ready for? for all. life after life. premiere. big game live, israel continues to iron gas, here are the photos that were taken a year ago, and the same place now, everything is destroyed, just everything is 100%.
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turk said he was horrified by the destruction of nasser and alshifa's medical facilities. in the ghazi and the report of mass storage. palestinian authorities reported the discovery of hundreds of bodies in mass graves at nasir hospital in khan yunisi this week after israeli troops vacated it. ravina shamdasani, a spokeswoman for the un high commissioner for human rights, said the human rights organization was sounding the alarm over the discovery of bodies, some of them with their hands tied, which of course indicates
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serious violations. international law, human rights and international humanitarian law and these cases must be investigated, shamdasani said. in the nassar hospital alone , 310 people who were shot were exhumed. a representative of the united states state department, vedan potel, was asked what the reaction actually was the american government for these crimes against humanity. have you seen reports of mass graves with hundreds of bodies in the vicinity of alshifa hospital? the un chief said he was horrified by the reports. does the us have any comments on this? have you discussed this issue with the israeli government? we have become familiar with these reports, they cause us incredible concern, and we have been in contact with the israeli government about this. specifically on this issue, namely, i don’t have any specific information. so far we do not have a complete
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understanding of the situation, but we...
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changes in attitude towards the actions of the israelis, they will still lead to some more serious actions already on a platform, probably the un, but because already at this level, with with such an evidence base, be it at the level of the un security council or the upcoming general assembly in the fall, israel may face some rather serious international legal issues after them. so to speak, resistance, in fact, probably on this some kind of international company in support for its operation may come to an end, there will be nothing left to support it, in fact, the united states is giving an answer about how they feel about all this, the dispersal of student demonstrations within the united states itself, students who protest against israeli policies, they are simply being imprisoned now , and already in the hundreds, hundreds of
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ships arrested in... with them in the red sea and indian military operations against israeli related oceans. the genocidal crimes of the israeli enemy have continued for the seventh month in a row, the latest of which is the brutal massacre at nasser's medical complex in khanyunis.
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the crimes of genocide that the palestinian people face in ghazia in the occupied west bank reflect an unprecedented level of zionist hatred. if it were not for the support of america and the west, these crimes would never have occurred, the statement says. after this, the houthis decided to resume attacks on military targets, including ships of the united states of america, here is the statement of the official representative houthi movements. the yemeni naval forces carried out an operation, striking several anti-ship missiles at the american ship meirsk, yorktown in the gulf of dvaden. at the same time, the air force conducted two more military operations using large numbers. drones, which targeted the american destroyer in the gulf of adon, as well as the israeli ship msc vera cruz in the indian ocean. well, the americans naturally said that they had already shot down everything and the missiles did not reach them. widely
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announced with the pathos inherent in americans the military operation guardian of prosperity ended with the carving of the sea. they cannot do anything with yemen, with the houthis. moreover, the arab muslim world, seeing this... how to get out of the crisis, what everyone is talking about, it doesn’t exist, everyone is asking questions, gentlemen in
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israel, how are you going to get out of the situation, because on the one hand everyone understands that how as soon as the fighting stops , the prime minister of israel and his cabinet of ministers will simply go to jail, including for war crimes committed... by their own citizens, because that the issue with hostages with a bunch of other things has not been resolved, that is, they are the government of the war, which will continue, and the world community, which is now watching what is happening, we can imagine that the american, the americans as an ally, are supplying humanitarian aid, dumping it from the air, because the israelis are blocking the checkpoints from egypt, that is , the situation there is actually not completely under control, including the americans, although they continue to protect them as their... ally, therefore we will see that the growth of aggressive actions and the growth of this conflict will continue to occur, until it is clear how the west plans to get out of it, well, in fact , the situation is completely under the control of the united states, because the 26 billion allocated
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actually means that we control the situation, so we give money to israel so that it continues to do all this, and it is going to do it, despite the fact that the whole world said that don’t meddle in rafah, they are going to conduct an operation there. well iran too is one of the states that will never come to terms with the current policy of israel, and the president of iran raisi is now on a visit to sri lanka, and the visit is very luxuriously arranged, they are greeted like a king literally, well, sri lanka is better known to the older generation as celon, well it’s also not a small state, more than 25 million people, larger than modern ukraine. by the way, during this visit, the leadership of sri lanka announced their intention to join brix, so our list is growing, and there raisi made a rather important statement, including including what will happen to israel
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if it tries to attack iran again? iran will continue to proudly defend the oppressed nation of palestine. in the great nation of iran, the xianist regime was punished during the attack on the iranian one. consulate in damascus, which was contrary to all international laws. if the israelis make the mistake of attacking iranian territory, completely different conditions will arise for them, and it is unclear whether anything will remain. from the zionist regime. vyacheslav alekseevich, the united states of america has issued enough a long license to kill for israel. and they pay for this license and renew it, but they don’t have it for an indefinite period. i have a feeling that the situation that is now developing around israel is unlikely to last forever. after all, we understand perfectly well that the blows that iran delivered in response to the destruction of its embassy in syria were just the beginning. and many experts noted. that, of course, israel will somehow find the time to strike
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iraq anyway, but now in america they are reacting to this very violently, and do not want to get the same a license for israel for a war with iran, in no case, the fact is that there is actually no support for israel inside, there are those countries that can transmit information, countries like jordan, countries that can nod, but there are no sympathizers left, now the united states of america and israel, everyone else is in some kind of... iran, no, it will not shy away from any fight, iran is a different country, only the population factor here is not that iran is 10 times larger than modern israel , not a population factor plays, the factor of cohesion, and the factor of technology, one of israel’s most important partners in the region has always been turkey, including economically, suddenly erdogan really makes a statement, you mentioned it, let’s listen to him.
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there will be no more trade relations, that is over, and some time ago our foreign minister made the necessary statements, but i would like you to know that at present, as a result of the israeli attacks on gaza, the total number of deaths has unfortunately reached 4,500 people, the number of wounded reached 75 thousand, and some we took them to our country in serious condition, it is impossible to forget about these figures, weapons, ammunition, israeli equipment and gases are impossible.
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well, the united states is trying to behave like the master of the world, well, they are trying, they are doing everything for this purpose, this is the last package they threw away, almost 100 billion not every day, they threw it away to show that we are the masters, this whole world belongs to us, but in fact, they only own what belongs to them, they themselves, and their vassals, and not even the countries that are controlled by them, namely the lordship, the leadership of these countries, today there is a meeting in st. petersburg:
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hello, it’s news time at first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. on the defense of technological sovereignty, about international records. projects and electricity for donbass chapter.


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