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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 24, 2024 3:05am-3:41am MSK

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it actually reached more than 10 billion last year and i’m afraid, or about 10 billion in general, there is a fear that this year , with such dynamics, we carried out such an extrapolation there, it could reach 18 billion if further growth continues at this rate, in including a very large leak of personal data, it is generally some kind of potential, well, this is the twenty-third year. twenty-second , according to one of the organizations, i won’t piss off now, increased 2.3 times from the leak, but compared to supposedly twenty-first year, a little isn’t it 57 times, that figure worries me a little, because the lost personal data already amounts to hundreds of millions, there are 170 million records, you mentioned artificial intelligence that with its help... you can make so-called
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deep fakes and deep the level of elaboration of the copy and voices, copies of behavioral models, and something else, how to deal with this, when quite recently there was a case in one of the asian countries, a representative of the english, but well, not just some kind, but a large financial company for deepfakes conversations according to several conversations, the remote person transferred about 70 million via video link... in several payments, thinking that this was his superiors from london, yes, and copies were made, but deepfakes are a deep copying of a voice, personality, that is, directly to him they displayed a video with the image of the boss, some phrases, orders were sent, and the person corrected the money in several payments, how to deal with this? well , by the way, this has begun to be used very often recently, because over the past few months there on behalf of various types of leaders.
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there will probably be a lot of garbage there, because people will call, maybe with not entirely adequate questions, but the fixation must be in some way, including artificial intelligence must be used not only by scammers, but also by law enforcement officers, yes, that means we need to build a system in which it would be possible to accumulate, structure, systematize all this and quickly identify the channels from where the main flow comes from.
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increased vigilance, if it's red then is blocked until it is clarified whether it is indeed a legitimate payment or not, that is , red - this does not mean that it will never go through, but it is simply suspended for , if i am not mistaken, 2-3 days, and after that it turns out because even if we are, i think half an hour is enough psychologically, no, you have to find out there, the point is that you need a longer time, the only thing is that you can’t overdo it, because if... in fact the payment is authorized, and you will for 3 days it block, then later there will be claims from the client, what the hell did i do ? well, i’m talking about, banks are working, girls or boys are finding out, that is, if you are of sound mind, if you speak calmly,
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if you provide a call from the bank there is adequate information about the passport, registration and so on, some questions, then the operation will be unblocked in 5-10 minutes, that is, they say that if the operation. no, in some cases, yes, in others, when i say that traffic light, which is within regulatory policy, supervisory policy, is being implemented, it implies that when the light is red, these accounts, which are already raising questions, can be blocked for some time, but the most important thing is, yes, but the most important thing is that there are still different forms of counteraction here, when. ..
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to an incomprehensible user, we do not fall for this in any way, moreover, the degree of this crime will depend on what this money was then used for, you did not just become one of the accomplices or contributed to a fraudulent operation write-off or appropriate
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distribution of this money for cashing, and you turned out to be a participant in the financing of terrorism completely, that is , you actually signed a blank sheet, that is... by giving your bank card and account details, you are actually signing a blank sheet on which you can write whatever you want, well, this is an image and this, then you with your signature below, and the card is yours, you opened this bank account, then, as they say, you will have to worry about proving that you are not you, the card is not yours, and you where have you been and who used it, should you be afraid of the digital ruble, because these conversations are starting that we will be watched every step, every payment, once again, we are already being watched, in this sense, again, any phenomenon has two sides, like any coin, there is a positive side, that when we can all monitor everyone, and cameras hang everywhere, and accordingly, the traffic is transparent,
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you can track children there using a locator, this gives everything certain pleasant opportunities.
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russian banks, but also academician ras with such a sound, logical position at
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the head of the organization, which monitors the very balance so that there are no distortions in either direction, well, further development in any case should keep pace with progress , but do not forget not only the opportunities, but also the risks that lie behind this and keep your ears open, and your brains sane and sober in memory. thank you very much, gorigi notovich, for coming, for telling us in detail, this is the easy money podcast, and we talked today together with the president of the association of russian banks gorigin tusunyan about what new and old types of fraud are present on the market, how banks are fighting it and how we can resist scammers, ordinary citizens, you came from america, from the same russia, and there oh my god, it’s just one beauty after another, everything went very quickly, our
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son was born, jealousy begins, we sinned a little, i was delegated the function of buying a modeling agency, and then for some reason she came into your network, she’s all this prints it out, throws it straight on my table, tell serge, and then we often went to the store to pick up new girls, everything was perfect, she was with you, she stayed in brazil, i did everything i could, she was in a sect - for some reason, the brazilian, a qualified nanny, could not touch your child, this was a misunderstanding, it turned into aggression,
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she agreed, well, for the eighth time, my name is alina, it’s fun with me, i think you ’ll like it. alina, 29 years old, journalist, works at the narodny production center front, lives in the city of volvsk, is proud of his volunteer work. victory in one of the all-russian competitions for journalists, dreams of playing at least a minor role in the series, warns that he plans to work solely for pleasure. alina assumed that her lover was afraid of responsibility when he began to avoid talking about marriage, but after his escape to kazakhstan, she realized how much she was mistaken in her choice, she is sure that sergei is not one of the timid ten. hello
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girls, nice to see you. hello, hello, yes, interesting, blonde, as stated, yes, a real russian, you know, the main thing is the soul, sometimes there is such a spark, who proposed to whom, is it logical to you or not, well, it so happened that we have already lived, and a year, and i think, well , there must be something further, some kind of development of events, i just asked him directly, are we going to get married or not? he replied that no, then i asked him, is it you who don’t want to marry me or in general, he said, no, i don’t want to marry at all, i don’t need it, well, they say, we live and live, why change something, then i kind of realized that, well, what next, what are the prospects, conflicts began, and even then i began to think
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in general about the status of who i am, who i am for him, that is , for me it was... well, strange, i think, here we live, well, how normal is it for you, yes to him, yes to him, he didn’t want to, he told her that, he said openly, i don’t want to you on no one, as if i have nothing for it, it’s her choice, of course, but everything comes, i told you, that’s why they were naturally conflicts. then mobilization happened and he completely ran away, we were in a fight then, i didn’t even know about it for a while, then i realized what it meant that he could easily leave the family in silence, as if giving birth to such people, how to marry someone like that, then i realized that yes, this is really not my man, it’s good that he
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refused me then, that’s the whole story. yes, everything is simple to the point of banality, this is of course a surprise, a surprise, it’s normal, you know, well, that’s good, so he left, she didn’t need him, she didn’t need him, yes, the garbage took out itself, five-year-old in general, listen, with on the other hand, what kind of relationship was this, where he didn’t consider it necessary to warn her , the relationship was there anyway, he was just scared, she didn’t just want this patriotic girl, here you go, you’re working. in the popular front, yes, i have a question, do you collect humanitarian aid yourself, take it to the fighters, or do it somehow remotely, in general how it’s done, and well, we... announce collections, you collect it and deliver it yourself, you 're leaving on the front line, but specifically, i'm still on the front line i haven’t been, but everything is ahead of me, everything is ahead of me, of course, that is, you
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will go to the front line, i will go, i will go with pleasure, i really want to personally help the soldiers, give something, because well, they also sometimes want some things there - well, simple things, i don’t know, a cake for a holiday, a birthday, they themselves are always happy to see guests, they welcome you well. guests, that is, well , it’s strange for me too, how can you not help your own people, these are our guys, these are someone’s loved ones, relatives, and of course, this is very good, patriotism, in general, what you do, this, this is very necessary now, it simply delights you, thank you, thank you, i listen, again his values ​​come across, that she is from the popular front, a journalist, she really is. it’s clear that she has something to say, she’s very lively, a woman of the people, in a word, she, she has something to say, she’ll say it, tosha is a patriot, well done, now let’s talk about your conviction,
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which means you’re saying that you cook well, but you won’t do it, well, it’s not that i won’t, in fact, everything depends on my mood, i i just don’t like to cook, that’s the truth, but to my husband nachiro, no one likes to cook now, but what about a child, a child, that’s also a good question, actually,
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the approach is suitable, and the approach is suitable, in fact, i’ll still work, because well , i love what i do, i’m passionate about it and i just can’t sit at home like this and tell me, doesn’t the 14 year age difference bother you, well, again, yes, if i were there, i don’t know, 18 years old maybe i was embarrassed, but i’m already 29, so it’s normal, that is, you understand everything, are children for sale? by the way, here i have a question for you, how often do you contact your children, see each other, you would like, of course, for the father to take part not only financially, but what is your business,
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excuse me, well, relationships, for example, sergei with his children and the past in general because , accordingly, i will understand when i have children, there is no connection at all, absolutely none, and maybe you won’t have children, he has two, do you want more children? no, sergei wants it, they all want it, of course, they all want it, i want it, who, who doesn’t want this, rarely does any of them, when he sees a beautiful woman, say what he really thinks, it should not bother you anymore, children don’t bother you, and you reason quite soberly, this is for me i like her, she’s a very hardworking girl and gives the impression that she can take herself out, and relationships, and blonde hair, as it seems to me, this is so now...
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it’s precisely because i’ve been abroad and in more than one country that i appreciate our russia, the fact that i know how it is there, i generally give advice and love, i would already take you somewhere to coffee, it’s close, i’ve also traveled to a lot of countries, a lot, where i lived for a long time and that’s why i really appreciate what’s here. i hope you love to dance, white dance. do you like to dance? yes, oh,
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great, dance, he speaks in my words, i say it all the time, that nowhere is there what is in russia, it’s me who says it all the time. oh, i can’t, let me come to you, huh, and then from you, well, by the way, it’s still very good, but where are we hanging out, he’s so big, next to her he’s tall, it’s like in some movie, dear, you don’t need to do anything, i’ll do everything myself, he’s shy. but she, yes, she
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took everything into her own hands, disarmed, yes, women have this amazing trait, to really disarm, yeah, the main thing is not to give up, until the last, it’s very good when a man leads, alin, let the man lead, he must. listen to him, he himself will show you what to do, finally, everything, okay, good, thank you, thank you, girls, come on in, laris , by the way, i know how to earn extra money, let’s get married, i’ll open master classes on how to
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dance slowly uh, they talk about their country, they help, but as a bride with traditional values, she is rowing somewhere in the wrong direction, in my opinion, she doesn’t even understand what kind of values ​​these are, they should read the domostroy, i think so, because you clean, why are you laughing, by the way, domostroy is the most correct book now, otherwise they are like kittens now, in fact, you understand, this is how she told everything about herself with this surprise, so she came up with such a dance, not knowing how dance, not knowing
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what she will do with these steps that she she fantasized about it, like this with this whole story, you know, so she came up with the idea of ​​living like this, well, it’s already good, thank god, then she doesn’t understand or know, so she needs an adult, like sergei, who will take her hand he’ll say, he’s a good guy, who’ll say, he’s a good guy, we’ll go with you, little guy, whoever he saw first, then he’ll go, no, he won’t, he won’t follow whoever, whoever he saw first, but sergei, it seems to me, is the one landmark, she is the girl with whom you could move together, i think so my instincts tell me, i liked it, you know, i think that he has a feeling that it would be a thrill, how it looks from the outside, who will others think, it doesn’t matter, no, well, it was so cute when he picked you up and
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twirled you like that such a day. strong men are visible, meet the bride, come, thank you, hello, hello, sergey, it’s very nice, anya, anya, anya, anya,
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she will live like in a fairy tale, hello girls, well, at least this way, now rose and i will touch you with hollywood stars, oh, what, listen, what we are all really like different, sergei was very lucky in taste and color, i think, such complete opposites, well, with this girl, such a vamp woman, yes, yes, yes, what kind of actor was he, do we know him? and if i say his name, you don’t know him, he participated, starred in some fairly big films, and we have my brochure, it’s called mendelssohn, mendel, please tell me, can you quickly find a photograph of
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a hollywood actor there, oh, don’t , please, please, please, okay, so pretty , just so pretty, so cute boy, the cutie is so straightforward. how many events a person has had, how many things, i thought she was older, yes, well, to be honest, she looks a little older than her age, yes, no, she looks very good, but older than she said, and you were with daughter, and already by that moment and how he treated her, but he didn’t want to be a dad at all, and didn’t want children, even well, he protected himself from having children, yes, he had an asoctomy, but his dad served in vietnam and there they sprayed some kind of poison that gives such an effect that after a generation you may be born unhealthy, or maybe not, on
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him, but he was born healthy, he was born healthy, but there is such a feature that this is passed on through generations, and he did not want to risk it, but it could and it won’t be passed on, did you know about this, were you okay with it? but i already have a child, it suited me, that is , for you it’s the other way around, even yes, yes, there were other nuances, which you can share, 2020 raised various psychological problems in people, it had a genetic, a psychological problem that began to emerge, and we struggled with it, went to psychologists, and i also had all sorts of different things creeping in there. and there i had chronic migraines, but in the end we went to hawaii and he behaved so unworthily that i could no longer continue, but what did he do? and after a quarrel, he pushed me in the back, and well, then
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when, that is, when the line was crossed, that is, he is not an aggressive person, but he, well, we, we had a wonderful relationship, but at that time this disease psychological... she crossed the line, well, she’s a psychologist, she should probably be able to read everyone, she takes them apart, i see, he poked her in the back, she hit him, well, what can i say, anything can happen, but so what? psychological illness, buried in the back, listen, oh my wonderful times of my youth, when we fought to the death, when we waited for each other’s entrance, when we sorted things out, we drove each other into the attic, and then love, and then beautiful ones were born, beautiful children, and no one ran and i didn’t say if it was some kind of psychological problem of mine, that my classmate, who stole something from me, and i just gave her such a hard time that she returned both hers and someone else’s, you know, what is
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this, am i right? i behaved, we lived not just according to concepts, but according to the way we were raised, there was some kind of concept of justice, we all lived, well, not just by feelings, i absolutely agree with you. what ’s happening to you now, what’s wrong, he poked me in the back, mom, and what, i’m telling you a single episode, there was a series of episodes, but not such, this was the only one where the line of physical contact was crossed, but with him, his grandfather shot his grandmother, out of jealousy, when the picture began to take shape for me, because i... at the beginning, well, when he told this , i thought, well, you know, when the red flags were like, okay, well, why did you suddenly project onto him that he could do this to you, because she’s transformative, no, that’s me later i became a transformational coach, but
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what are you doing to transform the psyche?


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