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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  April 23, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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why, why? give me a machine gun? i will beat the nazis to the last drop of blood. give me a machine gun, give me a machine gun, well, according to the laws of war, for treason, capital punishment, stand up, she will always be with me, she will always be with me, will always be with me. she, she will always be with me, will always be with me, will always be with me, always!
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"the messenger brought an order, tomorrow we will liberate rostov. november 28, 1941, a week after the occupation of rostov by the nazis, soviet troops under the command marshal timoshenko, they recaptured the city. the liberation of rostov became the first significant victory of the red army in the great patriotic war. there's a big game on the air. tomorrow , us secretary of state antony blinken travels to china. in washington they say that this is a very important visit aimed at normalizing chinese-american relations, relations that are truly difficult to call normal. and, on the eve of the visit in
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washington, interesting steps were taken and interesting statements were made. let's start with the steps. on saturday, the us house of representatives is known to have passed a military aid package reaching $91 billion. in moscow, for obvious reasons, they say that they are allocating almost 61 billion to ukraine, but large allocations are also planned for taiwan. let's see, taiwan allocates 8 million dollars for such a small country, which is not even a country in the full sense, this is , frankly, quite a decent figure.
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relations, they will probably say that yes, taiwan is, on the one hand, an integral part china, on the other hand, china must respect the status quo, no attacks on taiwan, and if china does not attack taiwan, then in general, say, this is help, it is not aggressive, you can have different opinions on this matter, i think that beijing's position in this case will be very different from washington's position, but here...
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you were ambassador to china for 10 years, you know the chinese mentality well, you were recently in beijing again, how do you think this combination of packages will be perceived in china .
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impression, that is, just recently, really sorry for such card terms, but washington came with a lady, i mean the visit of janet yellin, but the lady turned out to be not enough, now they decided to come with the king, if blinken is considered one, and, here we are talking about
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chinese diplomatic political culture, there is a culture diplomatic american, which is more like lack of culture, that is, they always... not for themselves, as they say, not for america, he spoke there for europe, that is, it turns out that blinken also decides for europe, what is in its interests, but that doesn't answer that's why. that there will be a reaction, irritated but restrained, that’s what i would call it, it’s completely obvious, predictable, it can’t be any other way, that’s what will follow, that’s certainly an interesting question, because for china, well, not so that the moment of truth is
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just another stage on the path of escalation of pressure on china, undertaken not only with the goals of stopping... somehow introducing dissonance into our relations with china, uh, in the context of ukraine. after all, americans, without even expressing it in other words, they protect first of all their interests, and these interests are aimed at containing china. and in this case, all these verbal escapades, formally, with reference to ukrainian stories, are another instrument of american pressure on china. that's what it is. and lastly, all this is being done against a background that is extremely unfavorable for this kind of talk, because the americans have taken a number of steps, and not just voting in congress to allocate funds to taiwan. this includes various types of nailing exercises.
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some structures in the region surrounding china, the philippines, japan, meetings and various kinds of agreements have recently taken place. having an openly military character, these are military maneuvers with the participation of the americans, in a word, they have thickened the atmosphere, well, simply to the extreme, and i, frankly, for myself, am just waiting for, well, when in the end the irritation of the chinese side will break through and become more obvious, or after all, in china they will prefer to restrain themselves once again, to once again try to resolve this issue on some kind of... restrained rails, let's see, at least it seems to me, i must admit that i know very little about china, but it seems to me that the biden administration, in addition to rudeness, is taking
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quite serious steps, as you said, against interests in china, let's start with geopolitics, weapons in taiwan. this is, of course, unacceptable for china, but perhaps even more unacceptable is washington’s decision to arm the philippines, and to arm it for... confrontation with china in territorial waters in territories that china considers its own. now let's listen to what wall writes street journal about american pressure on chinese banks. the united states is developing sanctions that threaten a number of chinese banks to remain cut off from the global financial system. this will provide the head of the state department with diplomatic leverage to stop economic support for the russian military-industrial complex from china, reports. knowledgeable persons. officials are counting on the threat of losing access to the dollar and the risk of worsening trade
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relations with europe forcing beijing to change course. according to washington officials, sanctions against chinese banks are one option for escalation if diplomacy fails to convince beijing to limit its exports. if chinese banks are deprived of access to the dollar, the currency in which much of the world's trading is carried out, this would have far more serious consequences than the usual sanctions on individuals and companies. well, it seems to me that since the opium wars, which would have happened more than 100 years ago, no one has humiliated china like this, with china like this no one spoke in a tone, in general , china still treats russia well, but trade, it is built on mutual interest, that is, in general, it is trying to deny china the right to do what they consider important for their economy. what do you think?
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we will find a way out of this very pressure, nothing like that, this is actually not
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so, because what we are talking about now, according to official estimates, statements, according to statistics, up to 90% of settlements in our trade, and it is in the past year according to chinese statistics amounted to 240 billion dollars, according to our statistics, 228 billion dollars, the difference is due to purely technical reasons, calculation rules. border crossings, rules of origin of goods, and so on, these are technical things, in general the values ​​​​are approximately the same and 90% of the calculations for this trade, it is somewhere almost balanced, there is an advantage in our favor, not very large, but so or otherwise, these 90% in yuan, they don’t seem to solve the problem, why because if those banks are involved in trade settlements, which, in addition to yuan ones, or ruble ones.
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it is impossible to completely block the line, the damage will be done, the losses will be somewhere around 10
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, maybe 12% of overhead, let’s say, expenses, but this is quite a lot at this level of trade. anatoly gennadyevich aksakov, chairman of the duma committee on the financial market, a direction in which financial interaction is carried out is indeed naturally formed. countries banks that do not use the dollar for settlements, to service trade turnover with the same usa, they we settled down to work with russia calmly. are carried out, there are, of course, problems in mutual settlements, but at the same time this is not catastrophic, we have, by the way, a subsidiary bank, a branch of vtb bank, it works great, it is expanding, increasing the volume of operations, in this regard it also provides good service, well increasingly serves
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the turnover between china and russia, do you have a feeling that the chinese... management is firmly committed to continuing economic cooperation, i ask about this because for these small banks it is probably important political support of the leadership, do you think they can count on this under pressure from washington, if they did not feel the position of the political leadership of china, naturally they would not behave so boldly, in china even, well, let’s say, the system of work of financial institutions is more structured, than in our country, that is, they very sensitively sense the position of the political leadership, and act on this basis. thank you, another country that is, as they say, among the targets of the biden administration is, of course,
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iran. and, as i understand it, connected. the states to some extent support israeli strikes on iran in syria, but on the other hand, as they say, guys, don’t get carried away, we don’t want escalation, academician naumkin, scientific director of the institute of higher studies, explain to us how you understand the american position in regarding iran and the wider conflict around gas. well, it seems to me that the americans’ position remains unchanged. she would like to strangle iran, but she categorically does not want a big war with iran, she understands which deals with a large state, with a large military machine, with large resources with quite broad, although perhaps not comprehensive, but quite large support in the region, in the islamic world, and moreover, iran remains such a stronghold, as
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it is called the meaning of resistance, that is , of all those forces that. would like to resist western pressure, on the one hand iran is doing this, some things are working out very well, but if you look at the internal economic situation in the country, it is of course not important, unimportant, because to cope with all the challenges, to satisfy, to satisfy the entire huge almost ninety million population of the country, it is difficult in the conditions...
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this is an internal, internal discord, an internal contradiction between the fact that they do not want to destroy iran there or drive it into a corner so that it resorts to some terrible scenarios, which are written a lot in the american press, they don’t want this, they don’t need it, and iran’s neighbors and even israel don’t need it, which of course would like to poison iran’s life, but not so much that iran has resorted to...
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i think that's all, the powerful missiles that we have remain roughly the same, so i guess the americans are counting on iran to restrain itself, and that's basically what's happening, because if we look iran's reaction to the latest israeli strikes, it was really restrained and indeed iran does not want to risk creating conditions for a big war, but at the same time, it seems to me that it has sharply increased its activity within the country in terms of preparing for a more serious clash, iran is ready for this. and iran is ready to deepen cooperation with russia, and can russia afford this deepening of cooperation without fear of some very
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negative reaction from saudi arabia and other gulf states of hostile iran? it seems to me that i may have a slightly paradoxical view of things, it seems to me that the same saudis, they... and despite the fact that they really don’t like iran and the contradictions there are very serious, but at the same time the saudis are now much more profitable to direct the anger, so to speak, of the americans and their negative energy towards iran, to create a situation in which this enmity will smolder, tension will smolder, and iran will remain a source of threats for the united states.
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today we need to separate rhetoric from the actual intentions of the united states; in any case, we are talking about some, perhaps, or simply threats that will not be carried out, because we understand how closely the interests of the united states are intertwined with the interests of the israeli elite, in at the same time, the united states is very irritated by what israel is doing and... mainly by the fact that it simply does not give a damn about the advice that is given to it, including about not behaving worse than a bull in a china shop, just crumble,
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destroy the palestinians, destroy the last resources available there, create a generally scorched earth in palestine, and of course the americans don’t need this, because this is a complete dehumanization of what israel is doing today with the support of the actual west, the cruelty with which he acts against the palestinians and against everyone who is trying to act on their own today, i think this is of course annoying today, especially in the context of the american election struggle, but they cannot do something through empty threats, real sanctions are against israel , it seems to me simply impossible, how can it be. let's listen nitonyahu banned them, let's listen, that's right, of course, it's not surprising if someone thinks they can impose sanctions on units tsahal, i will fight this with all my might,
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just as our soldiers united to protect us on the battlefield, so we united to protect them in the political field, such a determined man, i don’t know who else, even zelensky, here so he does not allow himself to confidently speak connected. he creates the image of such a macho man who can spit on americans and generally threaten them, he threatens, but that means he feels the strength behind him, understands that he can afford it, well, i think he feels supported from behind his back, there’s not much strength left there anymore, i fantasize that maybe netanyahu likes this, this allows him to get into such a position, of course he likes it, but i think he not only likes it, but he really likes it.
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policy towards hamas and the brave statement that until they completely destroy all the hamasites, they will not sleep peacefully, i think that they understand that this bravado does not come to anything, it leads to nothing, but to admit defeat, that’s it this course is seriously bad for netanyahu, who so his reputation in the country hangs by a thread, this is what he achieves by showing himself... as that giant who is ready to put the americans down, so to speak, so i think that in this matter i know a lot of people in israel and those who left russia.
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what they would like to see their state like, is this kind of mood, and is it not a political factor in israel or is it falling short? it seems to me that they are, so i see what is especially important is that they practically forgot about the fate of those same hostages, and this factor seemed to be the main one on the issue of confrontation with hamas, but
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the main thing is to achieve liberation. iran and the iranian threat, but now we see that the situation is really serious.
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what happened? what happened in relations between israel and ukraine after october 7, after the terrorist attack, it seems to me, is that israel is certainly getting closer to ukraine today, getting closer to the ruling clique, the zelensky clique, and in any case they are trying to use it in order not to it’s simple - to show yourself as an independent player, and to use, in my opinion, ukrainian trump cards for sorting out relations with the americans, but it is necessary to sort things out, because there is complete agreement, despite the fact that we say all the time, yes, the united states supports israel, absolutely, that’s true, but at the same time there is no agreement there, of course there are strong contradictions, this israeli trump card, it sometimes works against the interests of israel, because when there were debates about who
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there probably won’t be a return to this, no, probably, it definitely can’t be, because it ’s quite serious even if we look to statements in the israeli press, in public debates about what the most serious politicians in the country are saying, many of them are saying that it is necessary to generally reduce the level of interaction with russia and not so, they are afraid of some aggravation, given. ..russia’s position on the palestinian issue, the issue in the arab-israeli conflict , and so on. i think that, unfortunately, you are right, and i don’t see what russia could do about this at this stage, because sometimes, well, you just have to make a choice in someone’s country, and although, it seems to me that russia has a very balanced position on this conflict, but i understand why it looks
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different in israel, and to me. it seems that this is one of those costs, senator, that unfortunately, in this situation you have to deal with, or you don’t agree, well, in general, chess is played on the entire board at once, so, of course, you have to take into account the threats like close and distant, everything is interconnected, i’m just in time for chess, well, many representatives of this nationality play chess well, world champions, and i communicate with them, i also love chess, i play, and i feel how worried they are, firstly, about the situation, in conversations with them, they are connected, among other things, by family ties with people from israel, i feel that this is all temporary, and the situation, the situation will change, and the relationship is temporary, for us, this is temporary for us, for them too, and
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the situation there will also change, there are many pro-russian people with roots in russia, they will do everything for restoring more such positive relations between our countries, i hope you right, now we...
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and how do you like it between the two husbands? well, they don’t look like murderers, they’re civilians, a jealous husband , an abandoned wife, that’s all pies, a common thing. you are afraid? but i don't feel comfortable. you should have figured it out, svetlana petrovna. which one of you is the commander here, otherwise i’ll get into trouble. you can never wait for it at all. well, look around, there is a war going on, people are dying. if you are lucky and alive, you have to live. it's stupid to hide from life. according to the laws. wartime, a story with a continuation, tomorrow after the program time, grigory ivanovich, maybe we’ll do a joint i’ll send a card to vanya, now i
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’ll organize it, and the cards are in your hands, what’s happening is...
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favorable, growth rates are good, the only problem that needs to be solved faster is to re-equip production in order to replace the lack of labor with new ones. modern machines, and in this we are good, of course, we actively interact with china, with india with many latin american countries, i meet with many business representatives from these countries, of course they, well, let’s say, are careful, they have concerns by about sanctions from the west, but at the same time feeling... the positivity of the market, feeling
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the demand for the opportunity to make money on the demand for the machines that they supply here, they bring here not only their own equipment, but also european and american ones, that is, business takes its toll, despite any sanctions, it finds its way to our market, it is clear that everything is not simple, but problems are being solved, by the way, in order to solve issues... related to payments, we recently passed a law that allows the use for international payments, digital financial assets that do not go through the banking system, we will soon adopt a law according to which it will be possible to use cryptocurrencies for international payments, of course, not everyone will have access to use this tool, they will have to be included in a special register the central bank, those who... will work with this market, but at the same time a new
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opportunity appears, which is almost impossible to block from the west, to use these new tools for settlements with our foreign partners, naturally, in the current situation, defense spending has increased, this is inevitable, and i personally think that we should welcome it, but the pressure on the budget is undoubtedly how russia copes with this, our budget has grown, and it is balanced. for some goods they could grow, but for
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some they decreased, and thus we can say that the situation is under control, i even stated that, let’s say, in the second half of this year the central bank will begin to reduce the key rate, since inflation is under control , and correspondingly, it will be possible to reduce the key rate, thus making it possible for credit institutions to channel relatively cheap money in the form of loans, well...
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the majority of billionaires support the democrats, this is how the american tax system works, in russia, of course, taxes are much lower, incomparably lower , therefore , some not very significant increase in taxes on wealthy people, it seems to me, not only may be necessary in the current conditions, but it seems to me that everyone will accept it, according to at least from my point of view they should accept it, but... the question arises, what does insignificant mean, what can we talk about, what are
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the limits? well, you know, on your program i somehow carelessly said that such a decision will be made, until it is made 100%, the option is being discussed when that part of the population that receives, let’s say, more than 10 million rubles a year will pay more , than they pay now, but... now she pays very little, well, the bulk of our citizens, well, let's say, 90 - 8% pay 13% of their income, the next level is 15%, yes, the next 15%, yes, well, it could be considered for those who, for example, receive a million dollars a year, so that they pay not 15, but 18%, that is, these are my thoughts, but we are not talking about some kind of global increase, in general, it is possible that
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there will be no increase, because often it is necessary to calculate that this will bring the budget, perhaps there is no need to touch it, the game with ... does not build, is not worth it, that is, it is better to let them pay income tax, others pay income tax, let them pay value added tax, and that’s quite enough, i he said that our budget deficit is, in principle , very small, and accordingly we can service all the state’s obligations now without any increase in taxes, therefore , that is, there is no point in intimidating with a tax increase, at least correctly. this issue is not so acute in our country and is widely debated, topics are discussed in narrow circles among specialists, but to talk about a political decision, i would not say, because there is no such decision. as for the ruble exchange rate, what is happening? well the ruble is quite stable, in my opinion, it fully reflects the market situation, it
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is also beneficial for exporters, they make good money from selling foreign currency, and it is beneficial for importers, because well... the ruble is strong enough, and this way you can buy what is needed for delivery to our country. in general , russia is faced with an unprecedented challenge, it has to deal with 50 states, maybe even more than 50, that support ukraine, now someone will follow the example of the united states, will support ukraine, maybe even somewhat higher level.
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i know well, because i interact with the banking system, they use the most modern world technologies in their activities, the same thing penetrates into all other areas, and i can safely say that our it specialists are the best in the world in terms of preparedness, naturally, they actively
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interact with the chinese , with the indians, with their other colleagues, with the americans, with the europeans, by the way, in their own words , the it specialist...
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agree with me or not, tension on the international platform contributes to rising prices on it, of course, and but, but it is moderate, it is not so much as to blow up the market there have been some crises, and even more so here.
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we have countries with which there is trade in oil and oil and gas resources in general on different terms, firstly, then it is very important here, that’s how i literally flew in at night from kaliningrad, where the kant congress is being held, a very unusual event, where several hundred people gathered and where the first main session was dedicated to artificial intelligence, and there would be...
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the one with sparkling eyes, so i saw them there these guys with sparkling eyes, and what successes young people achieve, that’s true, despite all the contradictions that are associated with artificial intelligence and the many problems that arise, here we also have the impression that we are ahead. in general, most countries of the world, and it seems to me that in this area, which is comparable to what was said here, we have a chance to make great strides forward, now students from the higher school of economics went to the world competition, so to speak, they there are all the first places won four gold medals, showed that not a single youth, not a single country in the world, because i’m not talking about the americans, they are generally in third or fourth position.
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things, but which seem to be distant from the war, at least at this stage, that in general china is very willing to cooperate with russia on a large scale? china has always cooperated with russia, and to a greater extent, expressing interest in our fundamental scientific achievements, we have always been strong here, our chinese partners did not hide the fact that, for example, all applied... the system, all the modeling of the same company huawei, is based on the calculations of our
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mathematicians, in general, they considered it, so to speak, natural, it was something like this for many years, i heard about it more than once, our trump card, chinese colleagues admitted that we are strong in applied research, and we are even stronger, and this is true, in the commercialization of scientific achievements, and with regard to mathematical software. fundamental sciences, here, of course, you have a certain advantage, i think that all this is evened out, although now a paradoxical situation has arisen , look, a lot of chinese students, graduate students, young scientists studied , interned, worked in the united states of america, many stayed there for some time after graduating from educational institutions, but again returned to china, where systematically and consistently these years and decades?
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to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the taganka theater in more than
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one letter. i'm not lying, i'm not lying, what is the secret of the popularity of this theater? you can just lay out a rug somewhere in the yard and start playing, the whole world is on fire, oh my god, bless us, there is a restaurant nearby and people come out of it having fun, they think what a holiday, maybe they missed one, they join us, there is such fun, not only for the spectators who will then come to the theater, but also just strangers on the street, these are my slogans! creating a stable government, at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet. and asking why you want to play the role of hamlet, simply because it’s a good role, he would probably be a wonderful king, premiere, vladimir vysotsky, i came out on stage, how vysotsky
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broke the chains, how... about the russian national debt and especially about the attempts in the united states in the european union to confiscate russian assets that they illegally seized? well, formally no one can, already now the fact that they were blocked is a violation of the law, the law, and even more so confiscation, but informally in practice,
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well, informally, they did it, they blocked it according to the latter. everything else is europe, and other satellites of the united states, that is the americans didn’t block that much, but we started withdrawing from there in time, it never occurred to anyone that europe would start blocking to its detriment, because in fact europe caused very serious damage to itself with such actions, so what to do? we also
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blocked, we blocked a comparable amount, i even saw the figure. much more than they blocked, respectively, in response to unfriendly actions, for example, if they direct these funds there to some, well, they say to ukraine, to some, to solving some issues, we are in we will use their assets blocked in russia in proportion to the same volume, action is equal to reaction, and that’s all, such opportunities, that is, russia has, we have the opportunity to respond, although it is clear... that the actions of an unfriendly country will be anti-legal, we simply the right appears only when they take such actions, but we hear voices, including from the united states, and from a high level, who say that under no circumstances should this money be privatized and used for some goals other than to give, to return to the rightful
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owner, the same thing, by the way, for... europe, therefore, assuming that neither america nor europe will perform any grasping actions. just now, azerbaijani president aliyev was in moscow. is it possible to say, vitaly, that some new rapprochement with azerbaijan is taking place, or is this, in general, a continuation of what has already happened? it seems to me that this is exactly what can and should be said, because behind this there is quite obviously a strategy for rapprochement with this country, even if you look at appeared, information about an infrastructure mega-project related to the development of the eastern route to the far east, through siberia, and so on, and as
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president aleev says: that we are talking about some absolutely gigantic investments, and azerbaijan has such opportunities, then, probably, this will be a very important turn in russian-azerbaijani relations. that's what concerns armenia, there are a lot of loud statements regarding russia, as a rule, not threats or announcements of any hostile plans, but more well some kind of not very friendly bravado, where are russian relations with armenia going? well, unfortunately, they are not in the best condition, but to say that things are moving towards...
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the economic, geographical and geostrategic of armenia dictates the need to maintain, in principle, those relations that exist, but here the same... oh that these relations are, perhaps, at a point that is not yet the bottom, of course, by no means, but is dangerous for the further development of relations
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between russia and armenia. thank you, let's look at the far east. now, when we talk about europe, they at least claim that what they are doing in relation to russia, they say. american hegemony, it seems to me that this is completely obvious here, on our part, in relation to both japan and south korea, exceptionally benevolent gestures were made,
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since soviet times in russian times we have emphasized our readiness for the broadest and closest cooperation, provided the right of access to to our resources, to our transport possibilities. i don’t know, i’ve been doing this for many years.


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