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tv   Vremya  1TV  April 23, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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thank you for your prayer for this magnificent moment of humor for not only our country, but the whole world, special dankai shoon, maria butina, tute’s heir doll, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. we have initiatives along the entire front line. sergei shaigo about the situation in the special operation zone and the losses of kiev. what else did ming’s colleagues talk about? defense a lot of pr, little
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use, a shot down german leopard, our specialists are studying. disadvantages of a tank that is so praised in the west. a true professional, a reliable comrade in moscow, we said goodbye to military commissar semyon eremin, who died in the slow zone during an attack by a ukrainian drone. tightening mobilization in action kapka regime. deceives ukrainians from abroad in order to send them to the front. the immortal regiment, a new format, how this year the action that unites the whole country will take place. not just a position, a mission, a farewell message from the president to the new chairman of the supreme court. vladimir putin met with irina podnosova in the kremlin. support large families, new national projects and a forecast for the development of the russian economy for 3 years. the main thing about the government meeting.
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the road through mountains, rivers and taiga, half a century since the beginning of construction of the baikal-amur mainline. gala evening in the kremlin. who has received state awards and what is your life today? transit rules. why are russians flying to latin america kicked off flights by turkish airlines at istanbul airport? let's figure out how not to ruin your vacation. almost half a million military personnel were lost by ukrainian formations during the special operation, the data was presented to the board of the ministry of defense by sergei shaigu. the minister emphasized: the russian army has the initiative along the entire front line, which is confirmed by the liberated villages of pervomaiskaya, bogdanovka and novomikhailovka almost in a row. the zone of control of our troops continues to expand, despite the direct involvement of nato countries in the conflict. alexey ivanov will continue the topic. statement by defense minister sergei shaigun. colleagues, the department
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is a signal to the western community, which is pumping ukraine up with weapons, and of course, this is the prospect of a significant increase in the capabilities of our troops in the near future, taking into account external threats and the expansion of the borders of northern alens. in his opening remarks, the head of the department began with current tasks in the special military operation zone. russian troops have the initiative along the entire front line and are pushing back ukrainian militants on the line they occupy, said sergei shaigu. and our progress continues confidently. despite western assistance. at the same time, the curators of the kiev regime cynically declare that their interests are ukrainians will continue to die in the fight against russia. in total, since the beginning of the special military operation, losses in the ukrainian armed forces amounted to almost half a million military personnel. the kiev regime was unable to achieve the set goals of the counter-offensives prepared by nato instructors. our military personnel have dispelled the myth of the superiority of western weapons.
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this is evidenced by the situation in the special military operation zone. in proportion to the threats posed by the united states and its allies, we will continue to improve the composition and structure of the armed forces, increase the production of the most popular types of weapons and military equipment, we will increase the intensity of attacks on logistics centers and storage bases of the western. discussed the development of air and missile defense systems, air defense systems proved themselves well during the special operation, thanks to angels in uniform, as the military personnel who accurately shoot down enemy missiles are called, many lives were saved, hundreds of civil and military infrastructure facilities were preserved. already this year our army will go on combat duty the first samples of the newest s500 anti-aircraft missile system, and long-range systems in two modifications at once. and
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missile defense systems, weapons that have no analogues in the world, can shoot down even hypersonic missiles, the troops will also receive new generation radar stations and armor systems, supplies. these air defense installations will be doubled. the meeting also discussed the progress of the formation of two new military districts, leningrad and moscow, they were formed on march 1 of this year. potential districts will allow you to quickly respond to all threats from nato. the entry of sweden into the north atlantic alliance in early march increased military-political tension in the western and northwestern strategic directions. today there is a grouping of troops, reinforcement.
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speaking about the advancement of our units in the donbass, sergei shaigu said that pervomaiskaya, bogdanovka and novomikhailovka, the flags of russia and the 155th brigade, in which the marines of the pacific fleet were installed the day before, have been liberated. the enemy is also retreating in berdychi and georgievka, these are settlements in the marinsky and ovgeevsky directions. there, in the pervomaisky area , fpv drone operators of the 9th brigade of the 1st army corps work; to see their work, you need to walk several kilometers, while...
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period, drone operators for work try to find destroyed houses, hangars, and some buildings to make it easier raise drones to remain unnoticed, but now, as our troops advance, fighters are occupying former ukrainian armed forces positions, dugouts, and trenches in order to work as close to zero as possible. in that since the soldiers of the first army corps hit another stronghold of the militants, and our military delivers such precise strikes around the clock, so the troops of the southern group destroyed the manpower and equipment of two at once... from the brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. our military personnel from the center and east groups are actively advancing. among other things, they destroyed nato guns m101, caesar and the vaunted three sevens. the ssu also lost one of the twelve american mam-23 hock medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems. this is an old system,
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developed back in the middle of the last century, delivered to ukraine from spain. for the first time, our troops destroyed such a launcher, the name of which translates as “hawk”. russian military experts are now studying it. a thunderous, heavy and clumsy machine in itself is hardly capable of surprising our gunsmiths. practice has shown that the t-90m breakthrough is superior to the germans in many respects. another thing is the leopard's ammunition. by understanding what he shoots, we can improve the protection of our equipment. more details, alexey kruchinin. donbass cities and steppes are traditionally unlucky places for german armored vehicles with predatory names. 80 years ago, tigers were burning here in the black soil, today leopards are becoming prey for russian troops. this particular vehicle was blown up by an anti-tank mini in the avdeevsky direction. it was damaged, which means its
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chassis, that is , further movement of this vehicle was not possible, after which our units were used. pividrons to destroy the warhead of this tank, so the crew of the combat vehicle was urgently evacuated, that is, the vehicle was abandoned after the fact. next to our all that remained was to choose the right moment to get close to the trophy. for transportation, leopards were completely de- clawed. the second caterpillar was torn off by a directed explosion, freeing the rollers. the tank was towed to the brem-1 evacuation vehicle and safely transported to rimbat by the group center. well, you can see the difference in our approaches to tank building. the tower is much smaller, the leopard’s is wide, you can walk, in general, such a tower is much easier to get into from the air with the same fpv drone, which is what actually happened, but the most the main thing is that there is no protection from above; our tanks can no longer do without so-called barbecues. after the kamikaza drone strike , the insides of the tank were partially burned, but
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the surveillance control systems were generally preserved. red button, most likely the gunner aimed and most likely shot. the leopard is stuffed with electronics and equipped with a panoramic view. thermal imaging sight. specialists will be interested in fire guidance and gun stabilization systems. crew of four people, commander, operator-gunner, driver-loader. i'm on mechanic's place. leopard driver, steering, here is the steering wheel in front of me, i feel quite cramped, what can i say, there is a lot of iron around, due to this, probably, there is little space, much less than, for example, in our t-90m breakthrough. perhaps the most popular european tank , the leopard 2a6, is covered with multi-layer armor made of steel and composite materials. the barrel, which is longer than in previous generations , gives the 120mm projectile an even greater initial velocity. but all the formidable qualities turn out to be useless in battle when...
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ascent or some kind of descent, the likelihood of slipping, well, as practice shows, this technique is effective only on dry ground only in good weather, this is one of about sixty leopard 2 tanks already delivered to... kiev, rain metal emblem and german symbols inside are adjacent to instructions in ukrainian. journalists from the american military resource military watch, after watching the video of the evacuation of the vehicle, again talk about the vulnerability of western armored vehicles on the battlefield. leopard-2 tanks suffered very serious losses since ukrainian troops launched massive offensives against russian positions in early june 2023, with leopard-2 a6s being among the first western-supplied vehicles to be... disabled and destroyed by russian troops. since then , there have been many images of the leopard 2 being destroyed
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by various types of weapons, from the carnet anti-tank mine to the new vikhar one missiles launched by russian attack helicopters. in january it was confirmed that the majority of leopard-2s in service with the ukrainian army were put out of action, more than a quarter completely destroyed, and the rest so damaged that the army was unable to repair them. there are also problems with the supply of shells for... tanks to the front line, this one, however, had ammunition. armor-piercing shells from the leopard's ammunition are perhaps the most interesting of them, on the edge. not only did the nationalist with the call sign kryazh leave a message here, apparently he was going to avenge mariupol, but the projectile itself, the so-called sub-caliber one, with a core made of a super-strong alloy. the hot tungsten rod should penetrate the armor like a nail through butter. our experts will analyze the composition of the projectile and its characteristics in order to come up with ways to protect it. overall, this... the trophy is an exceptional material for research, from the electronics to the mine plates under the bottom. meanwhile, rimbat military personnel
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are already restoring the chassis of the vehicle. our lubricant is already domestic and there have been no supplies yet. for the leopard, they will pick up the tracks and put them on shoes again in the language of the tank crews. replace damaged electrical equipment, the appliances will be repaired. perhaps this bulky predator will become one of the most striking exhibits in the museum of captured equipment. and new names of the heroes of the northern military district. major alexey skvartsov and his subordinates, under fire, evacuated from the battlefield to the shtank t-72, which had lost its speed. the car was taken to the repair department for restoration. the bmp crew under the command of guard sergeant alexey ostopchuk stormed a fortified enemy stronghold, destroyed a machine gun crew and seven militants. in moscow they said goodbye to their own people. soon semyon eremin, a reporter died in the northern military district zone as a result of a targeted attack by a ukrainian
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drone. a calm, confident professional who, despite his impressive track record, never sought adventure, but simply did his job. this is how semyon’s friends and colleagues will remember him. for dedication in the performance of his official duty, the president posthumously awarded the journalist the order of courage. semyon eremin was recently seen just like in the portrait in the funeral hall, in a business suit from an award for work in syria. often it work equipment, camouflage, body armor, helmet. he was on the front lines of the special military operation from the very beginning. nikolaevka, bugas, volnovakha, mariupol, milestones on the victorious path of our army became episodes of a journalistic biography. and here is the last point on the map for him - the shelter village in the zaporozhye region, where on april 19 semyon attacked the ukrainian kamikaze drone. it is absolutely impossible to believe that semyon is no more, everyone knows that we loved him very much, he was... the best of us, he was collected, very professional, never
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i was looking for adventure and just doing my job. a war correspondent in the northern military district zone is more than just a journalist; communicating with the soldiers directly, we know firsthand about the difficulties and problems, and semyon sincerely tried to help the guys in word and deed. during all this time, semyon never spoke about any difficulties of his work. about the complexity of the work of military correspondents, his friends and comrades, basically all his considerations concerned, first of all...
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and what you can now see on my chest is his big contribution, too, made to this is when risk is part of the profession, you try not to think that every trip to the front line could be your last. they say semyon, friends, did not step into the breach, but did not give in in the face of danger, because through the eyes of military officers, tv viewers see what is happening on the front line. semyon was such a person that you couldn’t just be with him. a colleague, that is, you just talk to him a little, and he becomes a close person, he enters your life forever. semyon, his comrades in the journalistic workshop say, considered working in his zone as his duty, when the situation demanded it, he put down the microphone and picked up the camera to help wounded civilians. another terrible loss is the loss of a person who, risking his life, risked, quite
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consciously, fulfilled his journalistic duty, intelligent, charming. courageous, courage to family and bright memory. at the farewell ceremony, journalists from various tv channels, print publications, news agencies, those who work in the northern military district zone, in fact, for a long time, one big journalistic fraternity, match the combat, and everyone knows who is worth what. we have lost a friend, we have lost a very honest person, very honest towards us, towards the homeland, towards the work that... journalists in the northern military district zone were engaged in long ago, they changed their blue bulletproof vests with the inscription press to a regular khaki color, so as not to stand out as ukrainians the militants no longer hide the fact that military correspondents are a priority target for them. the inscription press on the body armor, once upon a time in yugoslavia it helped us a lot in other places, now, unfortunately, it’s just a target for a sniper, a target for an operator
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ftp drones. by presidential decree, semyon eremin was awarded the order of courage posthumously. he was buried. a terrorist attack in a crowded place was neutralized in bryansk, fsb operatives caught the attacker at the moment when he was going to pick up explosives from a cache. the terrorist received instructions from one of the groups banned in our country, now he faces up to 20 years in prison in lugansk in the case of attempts on the life of a former officer. sbu vasily prozorov detained another person involved, he admitted that he conducted video surveillance of prozorov at his place residence and paid the courier who delivered the explosives. meanwhile , the collective west continues to pump arms into kiev, although the lion's share of the so-called aid remains with the military-industrial complex of the united states. following washington
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, london announced a new package for ukraine, but again there are big questions about the weapons themselves and possible supplies. what there is no doubt about is the readiness of the zelensky regime to drive more and more ukrainians to slaughter. pavel krasnov will continue the topic. to declare the normalization of the new ukraine shipment of weapons, british prime minister sunok went to the east, but for some reason did not reach kiev. perhaps he did not want, as is customary among western politicians, to ostentatiously climb into the bunker, supposedly to escape from russian missiles, or he was simply too lazy to waste time on the road, so he announced plans to add firewood to the fire in warsaw.
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has done more than great britain in terms of providing assistance to the ukrainian armed forces, the ukrainian people, and the ukrainian government. the new military supply plan includes 1,500 missiles, 400 armored cars and 4 million rounds of ammunition. it sounds impressive, but only if the british have these weapons; britain itself is not sure about this, so the story may turn out to be similar to plans to purchase artillery shells for kiev. they found money in the west, all that remained was to find shells. the problem is that there aren't that many of these weapons. you can't pop into the supermarket and just restock. you need the industry to move from cars to tank production. russia is already doing this.
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develop only after 3 years, and even if promises will be fulfilled, kiev will not receive the main thing it needs to continue the war of people, but here, too, a way out seems to have been found, ukrainians to replenish the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine too... to be taken in the west. rumors that the comfortable life of ukrainians who went abroad would soon end turned out to be true. a letter from the ukrainian foreign ministry has leaked onto the internet. from this day on, kiev will stop providing consular services to men of military age; for example, they will no longer be able to change their expired passport. staying abroad is not releases a citizen from responsibilities to his homeland. that is why yesterday i instructed to take measures to restore fair treatment of men of military age in ukraine abroad. it will be. honestly , these people could definitely argue about honesty; the ukrainian consulates were crowded the other day, to make it before the introduction of new rules, everyone who was not attracted to the role
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of a recruit tried their best. this is what the passport service looks like in prague. well done guys just blocked the booths. those who didn't make it today storms the consulate, demanding the release of already issued passports. this is warsaw, but most people don’t care anymore; they will have to go home for new documents, where military commissars are waiting for them.
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helping people, you see that there are gaps
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in the legislation, of course, it is very important, as a foundation that directly provides assistance, that you make suggestions to us and identify those problems that require solutions, of course, we will do everything to ensure that we have legislation. .. from the state, it is precisely the need for a person to socialized.
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the people's front is making its contribution to helping our heroes, fighters and friends. by may 9, a nationwide collection for the victory has been announced; to take part in the common cause, just point your smartphone at the qr code on the screen. the purpose of the collection is to congratulate our military on the front line on victory day, and to give them new equipment, for example, cars that are much needed in the combat zone. we plan to support our guys with evacuation loaves, the ministry of industry is helping us with evacuation vehicles, and we are in turn, together with you, we are collecting electronic warfare equipment, night vision devices, as well as drone detectors, i invite all residents of our country to join the collection of the popular front to help our guys, help our doctors, who today are carrying out their difficult, complex work on the front line, in on the eve of our great holiday. this year the immortal regiment event will be held from may 1 to 12 in the format of a memory gallery. the departure in different cities was decided to be abandoned for security reasons, but the immortal
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the regiment will still assemble. the organizers explained how to take part today at a press conference in moscow. report by dmitry kochitkov. even though we won’t see the immortal regiment on the streets of cities this time, portraits of veterans can be posted on the internet, on the windows of every house or under the car window. i would like to announce to you the decision of the central headquarters. due to existing threats to public safety, the central headquarters of the immortal regiment. russia has decided not to hold marches of the immortal regiment in 2024 year in full-time format, millions of people of whom the country is proud will still be everywhere, in all schools in the country, after-hours conversations about important things will be dedicated to victory day from may 6th. in this lesson we will talk about the eightieth anniversary of the crimean offensive operation. niks who bravely
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defended our homeland, this is such an important, important event, and on may 9 we recommend holding assemblies, if possible, this is a voluntary participation of parents and students, but i am sure that many will respond. promotion immortal regiment in this the year will be held from may 1 to may 12, portraits of veterans of the great patriotic war, holders of the order of glory, heroes of the soviet union.
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they have also been remembered more than once and will be remembered again precisely on the eve of may 9 of those who, on the frontiers of modern battles, resisted nazism in the years of forty-one, forty-two, forty- three and '44. you can upload a photo of your hero to the immortal regiment website and share his story here; grandfathers and great-grandfathers will look at us from the screens. you can also take part in the annual event any user. social networks, everyone has the opportunity to change their avatar, for example, on a social network, as well as in various instant messengers that you use, in order to show that you really love and are proud of your hero, maybe someone has photos , some other family heirlooms associated with a veteran, or you know some story that a veteran, your grandfather, great-grandfather told, you can find information about a relative, participants in the great
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patriotic war, on the website. applications for processions will be held abroad, as well as for rallies to lay flowers at the monuments to the heroes who defended our country and the whole world from fascism. dmitry kochatkov, sergey mukhin and artyom pekhterev, channel one. what challenges does the russian judicial system face, and how can it be improved? this was discussed today at a meeting in the kremlin. vladimir putin received the new chairman of the supreme court, irina podnosova. over the years, she has gone through all stages of her judicial career. the topic will be continued by pavel pchulkin. the president invited irina podnosov for a conversation after the federation council unanimously approved her as chairman of the supreme court of russia on april 17. she was one of the deputy heads of
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the higher court of vyacheslav. video, who passed away in february. soon her candidacy was proposed. this is a very important position, even an important mission, because it is a separate, separate branch of power in the country, a very important component of the entire government structure. a lot for strengthening law and order and developing the judiciary systems, made by vyacheslav mikhailovich lebe. who headed the supreme court of the country for 35 years, i want to thank you for the trust placed in me in connection with my appointment to this position, and of course, taking up this post after such an outstanding lawyer, a leader, as vyacheslav mikhailovich lebedev, this is of course a very big responsibility , the staff of the supreme court, and the entire judiciary that operates today, it was formed precisely with the participation
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of vyacheslav mikhailovich. irina podnosova headed the highest court in the country according to the president’s proposal, she is in charge of civil, criminal, administrative cases, as well as the resolution of economic disputes. in the supreme court, she headed the judicial panel for economic disputes, which took over the functions of the supreme arbitration court. by profession, irina podnosova has completed all levels of her judicial career as a criminologist. you have been working in the judicial system for a long time; you have gone through almost all stages throughout your life. for several years now you have been deputy chairman of the supreme how much? well, it will soon be 4 years as vice-chairman. we worked through the criminal court proceedings, through the arbitration courts, everything is there to reliably carry out this function, with dignity and at a good
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professional level. the president recalled that the supreme court has to solve many problems, one of them, for example, is the workload of russian courts. the most difficult conditions today are in the areas of justices of the peace in arbitration courts. so, according to statistics, courts of first instance consider up to 35 million cases a year, and this figure is growing, judges according to experts, they are simply inundated with so -called indisputable cases that can be transferred, for example, to a notary, in this regard, you know, various proposals have been formulated , including by the supreme court, we need to sort this out properly, process a number of decisions proposed... by the court is now under consideration in parliament in the state duma, i ask you to also look into this, there are subtle issues related to the possibility of making non-judicial decisions, including on debt, control by the courts, of course, should still
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be. irina podnosova knows first-hand how local courts live. she worked as a judge in the luga city court for 13 years, and then headed it for another 10 years. the country's judiciary and the staff of the supreme court, according to her, will do everything to resolve it. alexander anonichev, channel one. now to the flood situation. emergency evacuation is underway in the abatsky district, tyumen region. the rise of water in the ishim river is rapid, 70 cm per day. the roads are flooded, several
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settlements can only be reached by boats. people are being taken out from several villages in the uporovsky district. peak polovodya is expected there on the weekend. meanwhile, in the kurgan region , the water level is declining, just like in the orenburg region. head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander worked in orsk today again.
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trees were watered, cars were damaged. forecasters warn that showers, thunderstorms and hail are predicted in tatarstan tomorrow, similar weather will be in bashkiria and the kirov region, in the bryansk, oryol, lipetsk, tambov, voronezh and kursk regions overseas are expected this night. scripts, on which the russian economy can develop is today the key topic of the cabinet meeting. we talked about new national projects, the development of key industries, investments in the most advanced technologies, and programs that are opposed.
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individual entrepreneurs, employees of small medium-sized enterprises will also receive funds for industrial companies for reconstruction, modernization, acquisition of new capacities, and what is very important for preserving jobs. and today the cabinet of ministers considered a scenario in which the russian economy can develop, the key word here is to develop, many will continue to work. already existing support measures, in addition, five new national projects should appear in the country to support families, active longevity, the development of youth policy, and training for the digitalization of the economy. it is necessary to launch new national projects and ensure the country’s continued progress towards national goals. despite the increased pressure, the russian economy is confidently adapting. based on the results of the past year, gdp increased by 3.6%. in february, let me remind you, the growth of the domestic domestic product
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accelerated to 7.7%. minister of economic development reshetnikov has something to add. taking into account the current dynamics, we expect gdp growth in the twenty-fourth year to be 2.8%. the nominal volume of gdp is estimated at more than 191 trillion rubles. this is 11.5 rubles. more than we expected last september. key mining industries are developing at a high rate. and manufacturing industry, as well as construction, trade, transport, this is the result dynamics in federal budget indicators. at the end of the first quarter, revenues increased by more than 50% compared to the level of the corresponding period last year. last year, the country recorded an increase in investment of almost 10%, and this is a record for the last 12 years. according to minek's forecasts , this figure will continue to grow this year, and the population's income is also expected to grow.
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year to the target level of the bank of russia of 4%. risks from external conditions also remain, this is primarily the slowdown of the global economy as a whole and the economies of the main countries russia's trading partners, as well as continued sanctions pressure. in general, our economy has had to face an unprecedented number of challenges over the past 4 years. first, the coronavirus pandemic, then 19,000 western sanctions fell on russia, but the facts are as follows: we are among the five largest economies in the world, and as prime minister misha previously stated.
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russian deputy defense minister timur ivanov was detained on suspicion of taking a bribe. the news was already commented on by the presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, he said that the head of state was informed about detention. defense minister sergei shaigu was also informed in advance. on other topics, secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev held a meeting in the northern capital with the president of the republika srpska milorod dodik. we discussed the bilateral cooperation situation.
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i absolutely agree with you, we have excellent relations and there is a tendency for them to become even stronger, republika srpska is very grateful. for the love with which we are treated in russia, you personally are president putin and the russian state, we perceive this as strategic cooperation. of course, this is of key importance for our continued existence. also , the secretary of the russian security council , during the international meeting of high representatives in charge of security issues, talked with colleagues from vietnam, bangladesh, sri lanka, east timor, myanmar, congo, kuwait and palestine. particular attention to negotiations with a member of the politburo of the central committee of the prc party, chen gasoline. the main topic is strengthening cooperation between
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law enforcement agencies and intelligence services of russia and china. now to the events in moldova. the authorities met the oppositionists returning from moscow. you are looking at the time, now there is an advertisement, right after: 50 years since the start of construction of the baikal-amur mainline, a gala evening in the kremlin, the first volume of the new academic history of russia was presented in moscow and we are figuring out why at istanbul airport russians who fly to latin america with turkish airlines.
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stay with us on channel one. martial law. a story to be continued. you what do you think i have? there is no heart, or i don’t feel anything, look after the program time, fashion verdict, new season, i’m alexander rogov with you, tomorrow on the first rum, castra, stellar group product, veda vodka, stellar group product, old barrel cognac, stellor product group. product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. сnop gin is a product of stellar group. cognac monte shoca, product of stellor group. to
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the sixtieth anniversary of the taganki theater. not in a single letter, i’m not lying, i’m not lying. what is the secret of this popularity? theater, you can just lay out carpets somewhere in the yard and start playing, the whole world is on fire, god bless us, there is a restaurant nearby, and people come out of it, they are tipsy, they think what a holiday, maybe they missed one, they join such fun is coming to us, not only the spectators who will then come to the theater, but also just strangers on the street, these are my slogans, the creation of a stable government,
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this is all stupidity, this is the method of work of the great master. yuri lyubimov, man of the century. suddenly leonid ilich says, it’s a good theater, don’t touch him. today is the first one. once upon a time, these people set the trends in rock and pop music. and now they have left russia and divided the performers into their own and others. former music producer and now agent mikhail kozylev. there are arts that, as we call them.
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that ukraine can win on the battlefield, and i don’t see anything, unfortunately, irreplaceable , i’m trying to catch some glimmer of hope in people, no, goodbye, guys, you’re not relevant, the vavan and lexus show, tomorrow on the first, here and there. liveliness and bustle, i don’t know why, the country is crowded, but i’m used to it be born. these are the finalists of the twelfth
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season of the voice project, among them, of course , there is a winner, voice, final, live broadcast on saturday on the first. this is the program time and we continue. at a ceremony in the kremlin , vladimir putin presented state awards to the builders of the baikal-amur mainline. the event is timed to coincide with the half-century anniversary of the beginning of the creation of this important road. the president thanked all bam veterans and wished the current and future generations of railway builders success and great achievements. as the president noted, this a special event, the anniversary of such a grandiose object. people who have dedicated their entire lives to this business can observe the results of their work. vladimir putin also noted that this is the road of the future, which largely determines
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global logistics for the entire 21st century. at the turn of the century, you helped open the market of the asia-pacific region to the russian economy, and provided a reliable transit route for all of eurasia. this year we are launching another, already third stage. development of bama and transib, increasing throughput eastern railway range, we will pay special attention to improving the quality of life of people in settlements connected to the nabam, including, on the basis of well-developed master plans, the long-term development of the reference point, the capitals of bama, tynda and severobaikalsk, will be received. we have a lot of debt to the people here. and of course, the further development of bam will serve to increase russia’s export transit capabilities. as the most important link in the eurasian transport system. i am sure that we will definitely implement all our plans. let's do this for the benefit of russia
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and our people. so, the president highlighted bam's capacity. freight traffic is more than 36 million tons per year, 4,200 bridges in 13 tunnels. and this highway opens up a new vector of development - a turn to the east. and all this would now in many ways be impossible if...
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that to get a car, you know, at that time it was difficult to get a car, here, please, i saved up some money for 3 years, they deducted it from my salary, i received a check, go, get a car, now on bama there are even more opportunities to earn money and self-realization, with the redirection of key transport routes to the east, the highway is being modernized at an accelerated pace; transip and bam have become the base for the so-called eastern range, which is a network of railways . which will help trade in the far east and develop the huge region. actually, the very first project for the exploration and development of siberia with the help of railways was developed at the end of the 19th century, back in the russian empire. during the soviet union, the bumper was built, then in the nineties it was little used, but now everything is there the opportunity to turn the highway into one of the main transport arteries of the country. yuri
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lepatov, natalya litovka, sergey klishin, channel one. chairman of the russian historical society, director of the foreign intelligence service sergei naryshkin spoke today about attempts to rewrite history and that they are doomed to failure. a presentation of one of the twenty volumes of the academic publication history of russia took place in moscow; it covers an important period for the country from the 6th to the 12th centuries, precisely the time of the formation of the ancient russian state. and the fundamental arguments in this book shatter the pseudoscientific theory about the existence of the so-called ukraine-rus. and sergei naryshkin explained why the release of the book is so important. in the conditions of a full-scale hybrid aggression unleashed against our country by the western bloc, the past is forced to transform, forced by our opponents into the present field, under their blows even long-proven truths based on irrefutable facts
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about the role of the soviet soldier in the liberation are found... before we begin holiday season of passengers, who fly to latin american countries on turkish airlines, our diplomats warn that using the services of this company is becoming dangerous, which is why any russian who goes through turkey, for example, to venezuela, mexico, colombia, brazil or cuba, may simply not be... boarding a flight at istanbul airport, who is to blame and what to do, our correspondent, konstantin panyushkin, looked into it. the stories of the affected russian travelers are very similar: a complete package of documents, hotel reservations, tickets there and back. none of them encountered problems during check-in and departure with turkish airlines from russia. everyone successfully passed control on arrival for a connecting flight to turkey. all that remained was to board the plane to the final destination, that is, one of the countries
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of latin america. when boarding began, our boarding... at istanbul people's airport at the last moment before landing the plane across the atlantic , passengers were met by employees of the turkish private security company "gyosen security". on the website this company presents itself as follows: gozon company no. one in the field of aviation security was founded in 1996 to meet the most specific needs of international national airlines. from what the victims say, it is the chopovites who weed out russians from the general flow
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of travelers and deny boarding on a far-fetched basis. oh, russian passport, mexico is closed to you, mexico is not waiting for you. today we asked the mexican embassy directly whether mexico really has any complaints against russian tourists and promptly received an answer. the mexican government is pleased to host tourists from russia and any other countries , provided they comply with the requirements for legal entry into our country. if you have an electronic permit or an appropriate visa, if necessary, the required documents and proof of solvency, a paid hotel reservation, a return ticket or a ticket to a third country. a minimum of us$50 in cash for each day of stay in mexico and either a debit or credit card, as well as confirmation during an interview with a migration officer that the true purpose visit to our country is exclusively tourism. all the travelers with whom we talked had the necessary documents, but the fact is that at the transfer the turkish security guard did not even bother to study them, from what tourists had to hear as the reasons for refusals to board the flight, quote: we were not in such
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powerful countries like america, canada or england, those who... were informed that the visa was supposedly not up to date or the stamp in the passport was not enough, all this is of course illegal and has nothing to do with the rules flights, not to mention the way russians are treated, we are all separated like this... and this kind of thing has been happening, at least since march of this year. they are not allowed in even with a full set of documents. on average, from five to 30 people per flight are not allowed on board; according to various estimates, the number
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of people not allowed on board is now approaching a thousand. after the russians watch their plane. at the counters of turkish airlines , shocked travelers are informed that they themselves allegedly did not show up for the flight, tickets home at your own expense. i say, wait, what next? she says, well then you are free to go. acts under pressure from the united states and its immigration services, because after all, mexico is now the main channel of illegal migration and apparently an attempt to limit illegal migration from outside.
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don't lie down, you've woken up.


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