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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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general positions, then the revival of europe can begin, the revival of our dialogue with europe, because russia needs an independent europe, and not europe as a us colony, but for now, we are not there yet. now we give the floor to the news and the big game will return at 17:00, don't miss it. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. about military assistance to kiev, the cynicism of the american authorities and supposedly invulnerable western technology, sergei shaigun’s statement to the board of the ministry of defense, the minister spoke about the situation on the front line, about about what and how many weapons will be supplied to our troops. the road of great hopes, how
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was the bam created half a century ago and how is modernization going? the baikal-amur mainline became one of the main topics at the meeting of vladimir putin and ilham aliyev with the builders of the transport artery. he was preparing an explosion in a public place. an accomplice of ukrainian militants who planned to carry out a terrorist attack in bryansk was detained by fsb officers, what is known about the criminal.
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or the myth of the superiority of western weapons, enterprises of the russian military-industrial complex at times we have increased our capacities and significantly increased the combat capabilities of our armed forces. this is evidenced by the situation in the special military operation zone. in proportion to the threats posed by the united states and its allies, we will continue to improve the composition and structure of the armed forces, increase the production of the most popular weapons and military equipment, and increase the intensity. attacks on logistics centers and
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storage bases for western weapons. the russian armed forces will continue to solve assigned tasks until the goals are fully achieved special operations. they also talked about the development of air and missile defense systems. since the beginning of hostilities , more than 20,000 drones have been destroyed by about 6,000 missiles, including nato ones. already this year, russian troops will receive the first samples of the latest s500 system. and new generation radar stations. another topic of the meeting is the results of the work on the formation of the leningrad and moscow military districts. the ministry of defense will continue to increase their potential and respond to threats from the west, this in particular expansion of the north atlantic alliance at the expense of sweden, large-scale exercises attempting to increase activity in the arctic. a major terrorist attack was prevented in bryansk; a russian citizen, an accomplice of ukrainian militants, planned to speed up an explosion in a public place.
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footage from the fsb, now the attacker is going for a bomb left in the tonka, now he is already on the ground. as the intelligence service said, the suspect received the assignment from one of the groups banned in our country; he faces up to 20 years in prison. and an accomplice was detained in lugansk assassination attempt on former sbu officer vasily prozerov. let me remind you that his car was blown up in moscow on april 12, and he himself received leg injuries. during interrogation, the detainee admitted that he conducted video surveillance at prozorov’s residence address, and shortly before the assassination attempts. transferred money to the courier for the delivery of explosives, told him and from whom did he receive instructions? well, in twenty-one, i met a girl, yaroslava, who currently lives in poland, in the city of warsaw. in april of twenty-four , yaroslava asked me to transport 10,000 to the driver ivan, who was transporting a package from warsaw to moscow. later , i learned from the media that something happened at this address where i went.
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sea ​​route with indian oceans. many colleagues contact me so that we can use or provide them with the opportunity to transport their cargo along these highways. we invite all interested states to participate in this project. like bam, which
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became a truly all-union construction project, it was called upon to serve the interests of all the republics of the union. the north-south transport corridor should become an example of the broadest international cooperation. we are talking about the formation of new logistics routes for the purpose of accelerated economic and social development of the countries of eurasia and the global south. on the territory of azerbaijan, a railway connecting the azerbaijan-russian border with the border of azerbaijan and iran exists, but the needs of shippers dictate the need for us. construction of new sections of this road, so that we can increase its cargo, transportation along it, and thereby provide a unique transport route from
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north to the indian ocean. during the meeting , the presidents of the two countries also noted the contribution of the father of the current leader of azerbaijan to the construction of bam, namely heydar aliyev. supervised the project and, thanks to his talent and experience, brought it to completion. today, under pressure from the west, highways are opening up new opportunities for a turn to the east. and those who half a century ago paved the way through forests, mountains, rivers and the prospects of bama, yuri lepatov will tell. do you hear the time to buzz, in the vast expanses of the chest, it's a bell our hearts are young. of all the major infrastructure projects of the late ussr, bam was the most, as they say, romantically colored. komsomol volunteers, as part of labor landings, went to a grandiose construction site to perform a labor feat. in fact, this is how it was, in order to lay 4.00 km long tracks from
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taishet in the irkutsk region to sovetskaya harbor in the khabarovsk territory, it was necessary to go through the taiga, mountain ranges, stormy rivers, and build a road on permafrost. shift camps began to be built on the marshes. which when it rained, they found themselves surrounded by impassable mud. we had to rejoice at the onset of cold weather; in the frosts the earth hardened. it wasn't any easier in winter. the bama route goes through 11 large rivers, seven mountain ranges, in which 10 tunnels were drilled. severomuysky, the longest, more than 15 km, the most complex, four tectonic faults, increased seismic activity. there were accidents and deaths during its construction. heydar aliyev, in the eighties, he, as the first deputy chairman of the council of ministers of the ussr, supervised bam, personally came to a construction site. after that, engineering projects had to be changed at politburo meetings. construction work required complete dedication. then there were golden crutches,
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which were solemnly hammered into the joints of sections, and champagne was drunk from construction helmets and concerts of pop stars. on bama, where 70% of the builders were under 30 years old, with delight.
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more opportunities to earn money and self-realization. with the redirection of key transport routes to the east, the highway is being modernized at an accelerated pace. transip and bam became the base for the so-called eastern range. which is a network of railways that will help trade in the far east and develop a huge region. actually, the very first project for mastering the development of siberia with the help of railways was developed at the end of the 19th century, back in the russian empire. the bam was built during the soviet union, then was little used in the nineties, but now there is every opportunity to turn the highway into one of the main transport arteries of the country. yuri lepatov, natalya litovka, sergey klishin, first. now to the topic of flooding, in the tyumen region there is an emergency evacuation in the obatsky
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district. the water in the ishim river rose rapidly, almost a meter in a day, flooding the roads. several settlements can only be reached by boat. rescuers are working non-stop to build a temporary dam to block the path for high water. as for other regions, the kurgan region, the water is slowly draining, just like in the orenbur region. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, is working there again today in orsk, together with
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it was more adapted to the solution of those tasks you are involved in, this will improve the effectiveness of your care. in moscow today they said goodbye to the izvestia military correspondent semyon eremin. he died in a special operation zone as a result of an ammunition drop from a ukrainian drone. for his dedication in the performance of his duty, vladimir putin posthumously awarded eremin the order of courage. the decree was published on the legal information portal. for the funeral ceremony. today his fellow correspondents came and spoke of him as a true professional. it is absolutely
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impossible to believe that semyon is bigger no, everyone knows that we loved him very much, he was the best of us, he was collected, very professional, never looking for adventure, but simply doing his job. semyon never once in... all this time spoke about any difficulties of his work, about the complexity of the work of military correspondents, his friends and comrades. basically, all his considerations concerned, first of all, the fighters, the army, he always talked about some things that could help, semyon spoke about the same at the meetings that he had with the president of russia. and these, you know, these were not just considerations, these were conscious, well-thought-out proposals, and a whole series of them
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were put into practice, for sure, probably saved someone’s life, saved the lives of the soldiers there on the battlefield, there on the battlefield semyon died, doing his next, truthful, honest. about the fight for the country. semyon eremin was buried at the troikurovsky cemetery. and at the end of the issue about the immortal regiment event, which this year will be held in the format of a memory gallery. photos of participants in the great patriotic war will appear in parks from may 1 to may 12 squares, as well as on transport. the traditional procession was canceled for security reasons, this was discussed at a public press conference. and let’s continue, one of probably the most favorite formats is a portrait of a hero on
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clothes, and this can be done by anyone, and entire families last year made such t-shirts, for example, and went for walks, another of the favorite formats is the immortal regiment on personal transport, i want as many people as possible to take part in these formats, and just for this this time range has been expanded. on victory day, there will be an online broadcast on the movement’s website in various formats; the immortal regiment will travel to more than hundreds of countries, 60 of them plan to hold the event in person. moreover, russian. schools were recommended to organize ceremonial assemblies on may 9, and on monday, may 6, this holiday will become the topic of conversation about important things. and this concludes our episode, stay with us and stay updated on the event, right now on the first channel the program “let’s get married.”


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